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15-1108M Accepting God’s Provided Way At The End Time

Preliminary: This is the morning that Brother James Jackson was raised from the dead. More details are given in the evening serviceand on
Message: 63-0115
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« 1 † ` [Brother Carl Williams says, “How you doing, Brother Branham?”–Ed.] How are you, Brother Carl? Fine. Thank you. [Brother Williams speaks to the congregation, “You be seated, please.”] Push another chair back. All right. Is it mine? [“Yes.”] Hum! Here it is.
2 Well, it’s certainly nice to be back in the house of the Lord, tonight, and especially this one, because I had the privilege of dedicating this house of the Lord, some time ago, when our precious Brother Sharrit built this place. And we dedicated it to the Lord for His service. And it’s good to be in the house of God at any time. Isn’t it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] It’s a real nice place to be.
3 And down here in this frigid zone, that where it… I come down here to get away from the cold weather, and I got right into it. I said last night, “I hope I didn’t bring you all all this trouble.” Well, you know, they say summer takes its winter’s rest out here. And maybe the winter come to look in on it, see how it was getting along. But it’s good to–to be here any time.

« 4 † I’ve always had a–a feeling for Phoenix, since a little boy. I love Phoenix. And Phoenix was my first place to ever preach to people that wasn’t the white race of people. That was the Indians. I went up to the reservation. I guess there may be people here tonight remembers when I made God a promise on a platform: if He would heal an alcoholic and a woman with TB, I’d go to the reservations to–to minister to the Indians. And they reminded me of it. And both of them were healed. And I went up to the Apache Reservation, and there the Lord gave us great victory.
5 I can’t think of that lady’s name that was healed with cancer up there. It was an outstanding case. I believe she was a missionary up there, the Assemblies of God, the best I remember that. We went with her, Mitchell. And that’s right. Is there anybody here was along in that meeting up there at the reservation then, at that night? I thought… Yes. That’s right.

« 6 † I–I thought I was going to be up against it. I–I couldn’t make them understand what I was meaning. I’ll never forget that night. There was a… long after I had preached a while, and told them about Christ. I was standing on the steps of the mission hall. And they had the place full, then they were all on the outside. So I was talking to them. And one outstanding thing, that night, was the–the old Indian brother they had brought in on a board, and ‘long some time towards morning. And they–they were wet, where they had walked across the–the river. Forded it down there, somewhere, brought him in.
7 I asked the young fellow. I said, “Aren’t you afraid you’ll take pneumonia?”
He said, “Jesus Christ take care of me. I bring my daddy.”
“Good.” I said, “Do you believe he’ll be healed?”
8 He was shaking with palsy. The two young boys were packing him. I prayed for the old man.
9 After while I heard something screaming. Looked down; the old man had the board on his own back, going around, waving at everybody. Just simple faith to believe, it’s all it takes.

« 10 † I remember that night, a sweet old Indian woman, she had long braids of hair hanging down. And she was on crutches, and they were very home-constructed, they, like broom sticks with a piece of board over the top of them, like a two-by-four, and then wrapped rags around. And, really, the next one to come was… She was in line, coming from the inside the building. But there was a little, young Indian boy, very strong-looking little fellow. He was beat all the rest of them in, to get in the line. And the poor old thing was trying to get her sticks out. And she had seen two or three healings before she had got in the line.
11 And I thought, when she looked at me, and them great big, deep wrinkles, and tears cutting down through those ditches in her cheeks, I thought, “Somebody’s mother.” I never said one word to her, never prayed for her, anything. She just looked up at me. And as she did, she just handed me the crutches and walked on away, just that simple.

« 12 † My son is trying to gear me up here. Can you hear that better? I read a story today about a–a–a pig being taken to the sanctuary, and I guess you noticed. [Someone adjusts Brother Branham’s microphone–Ed.] Now, that feels better, anyhow. That’s the way life goes. Got a lot of knots in them anyhow, hasn’t it?
13 Now the people are standing, and–and we don’t–we don’t want to take any more time than we possibly can help. And you’re such nice people, till I–I would just like to talk a long time to you.
14 And we’re here now in visit with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship. And the original convention is being held over at the Ramada, beginning the last part of… Let’s see, what is the date? [Someone says, “Twenty-four.”–Ed.] Twenty-four. Twenty-fourth through the twenty-eighth, at the Ramada Inn. And there’s going to be some marvelous speakers over there, Brother Oral Roberts and many others. And I… We always have a good time. That, when the people come together like that, we have a great time at this Ramada Inn.

« 15 † It might be that Brother Oral and I might hold a healing service over there. You can’t tell. That would just be fine. Yeah. So–so we–we never have had one together. I don’t know what he’d think about having one, he and I together, but I’m willing. If he can stand me, why, we’ll try, and then pray for the sick people.
16 And we haven’t been holding healing services, if you’ve noticed. We haven’t been giving out prayer cards or nothing, because of the congestion of the small churches, you know. And the people, you can’t hardly get the people in and out. And then when you do, it causes a conglomeration of mixing around, and the fire marshal wouldn’t appreciate that. So we just kind of omitted the healing services so far in the meetings, and just been trying to bring a simple, little Gospel Message. To… And your presence, and cooperation with me, and your prayer for me, encourages me to be here. And I hope the little messages encourages you to continue on, being living for Christ.

« 17 † And I notice, many times, the people come from one church to the other. And that gets us all acquainted, and–and we just get as… real chummy with one another. I like that. We might as well set together here, in Heavenly places, ’cause we’re going to that kind of a place where we’ll be together in Heavenly place, in Heaven.
18 There was a little line of criticism I got the other day in the mail. It might pass it on while we’re kind of adjust your feeling. Any minister knows, you have to say something another, kind of adjust yourself to the audience, and the audience to you. There was a…

« 19 † A businessmen packed the article in their… the Business Men’s Voice, of–of a little… I think we’re just going to call it a vision. And it was a little different, usually, from visions I have. I was… had been taken from where I was at, up. Look, didn’t look to me much further than the roof of that building. And there I was in another place where I seen all those who had passed on. Many of you read the article, of course. And in there, after He had told me them was… who they were, and they all were young again. And they were real…
20 I always was afraid to die. Not afraid that I’d be lost, but I didn’t want to be a spirit. I only… I want to be a human, a man. Cause, I always understood as a man, shake people’s hands. I’d think, “What if I’d get there and I’d meet Brother Rose, and he’d be a little, white cloud or something? I know it was Brother Rose, by some other sense, but I couldn’t shake his hand. I couldn’t talk to him. Or…” I–I’d wonder, “Wouldn’t that be awful?” But, I thought, “Then when I returned back, course, I’ll have a resurrection.”
21 That Scripture had never occurred to me before, that, “If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting.”

« 22 † So that morning, I had gotten up. I was thinking, “Boy, you’re fifty years old. If you’re going to do anything for the Lord, you’d better hurry up. You’re going to be too old, after while.”
23 And all at once, I was caught up into this place, and could look back and see myself down here. Never had that experience. Many times I’ve had visions of seeing myself standing somewhere, and then… Oh, if you don’t understand it, you’d think you’d lost your mind. You, you are here, watching yourself there. And then you leave here, and you’re in yourself there. Uh-huh. It’s maybe way back, years ahead, and so forth. It’s hard to explain. You don’t. You can’t explain it.
24 You can’t explain God. You got to believe Him. See? If you can explain it, then it’s no more faith. You just have to believe it.

« 25 † And after He had told me, seeing all these people, and they were… They had bodies. They… There couldn’t be sin. The men and women… Those women were hugging me, and they were women. But there were no possibility of ever being sin again, because, see, the glands of our bodies will be changed there. We have… We’re different sex now, because that’s for reproducing the world, and our–and our marriage to bring children. But then there’ll be no more need of that. There’ll be no more children born. We won’t have sex glands in the new world, see, not at all. But, yet, the woman will be woman, in stature. And so will men be men. But there will be no more male and female among them, in that way. And them glands won’t be in, so there’ll be no way at all for Satan to ever play another trick on them. So, in that, I noticed.

« 26 † These women run up and throw their arms around me, and say, “Our precious brother, I am so happy that you are here.” Now, it was amazing. All of them, young, all the most prettiest women, long hair, dresses long, you know, like robes, white silk-like robes. And how pretty they looked!
27 Then here come brethren, just… And the most handsome men I ever seen, looked like all of them about twenty years old. And their eyes, sparkly. They, oh, they just every ounce of man. And I wondered. And they were picking me up and hugging me and saying, “Our precious brother.”

« 28 † I wondered how. I looked back down and could see myself down here, yet, laying down. Well, now, thought, “That’s strange.” And then I asked.
29 There’s a real lovely lady come up, threw her arms around me, said, “Oh, Brother Branham, we’re so happy you’re here, our precious brother.”
30 I looked at her, as she went away. And that Voice that was talking to me, said, “Don’t you recognize her?”
I said, “I–I do not.”
Said, “She was past ninety when you led her to Christ.”
31 And there she was, the most beautiful thing I had looked at, in the way of a woman. And I said, “No wonder she said ‘Precious brother.'” See? Now she can never change no more. She’s that way for Eternity.
I said, “I want to see Jesus.”
32 Said, “He’s higher than this. Someday He will come, and you’ll be judged by the Gospel that you preached, ’cause you was the leader.”
I said, “Well, will Paul have to be judged by his crowd?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “I preached the same Gospel he did. Just exactly the way he said It, that’s the way I said It.”
33 And them millions of voices screamed out, “We’re resting on That.”

« 34 † Then a strange thing happened. I used to have a little, saddle horse, and I–I called him Prince. And how I loved that little old horse. I used to ride him every morning, ‘fore school, run my traps. And I seen this little old horse come up to me, and lay his head across my shoulder, and nicker. And I patted him. I said, “Prince, I knew you’d be here.” And I felt something lick my hand. It was my old coon dog. He put me in school, furnished my clothes, hunting. I said, “Prince, or, Fritz, I knowed you’d be here too.”
Then I felt something happen. I was going back.

« 35 † That was wrote in the Christian Business Men’s Voice. And a minister wrote me the other day. He said, “I appreciated that vision, Brother Branham. It sounded all very good till you mentioned horses. Heaven is made for human beings. There’s no such a thing as horses in Heaven.”
36 Well, I said, I answered him back. I said, “Brother, I never said I was in Heaven. I was asking where Jesus was, and He was still beyond.” I said, “But if it might help you a little, the book of Revelation, it says, ‘When Jesus left the Heavens of heavens, He was riding a white horse.’ And all the host of Heaven was following Him, on white horses. See? So that was coming from Heaven of heavens.”

« 37 † And what made me feel so good, when I started to go back, He said, “All that you ever loved, and all that ever loved you, God has given to you.”
38 Some bright day, on the other side, it’ll be different. I just can’t… You just can’t afford, people, to miss that place. Don’t do it. Whatever you do, make… Don’t be afraid. There’s no need of being scared. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
39 Oh, when I thought to come back, it made me sad. “Will I have to go back again? Will I have to go back, to what I was afraid of being?” See? And then when we come to the resurrected body, then we will eat and drink. They didn’t eat and drink. They had no need of eating and drinking. They wasn’t going nowhere, and they wasn’t tired. It was just… There’s no word that I could use. It was perfect; that wouldn’t make it. It’s beyond what I call perfect. They–they had just arrived, that was it, at–at that place, and it was wonderful.

« 40 † So, oh, listen, friends. I–I think I’m in my right mind, and I–I–I know it sounds strange. But I’ve never been able, and never tried, to explain to people these things. Many things that’s… It’s beyond explaining. And you’d only confuse the people’s mind. But if I could, and felt to do so, it would be alarming.
41 But notice this. I say this. Don’t be afraid. Death is just a scarecrow, trying to keep you away from something. My, it’s so glorious! It’s beyond anything that you could think of. No wonder the Bible said, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered the hearts of men what God has for them in store that love Him.” Oh, just to look past the curtain of time! Then, I’ve tried harder than ever before in life, to try to win people to Christ, since then. You can’t afford to miss it. Don’t do it. Be sure that you’re right with God, and other things will be all right.

« 42 † Now, I just got a few notes wrote down here, I thought I would speak a little bit tonight from. And I think tomorrow night we’re way up in, about twenty miles from here, or more. Mesa, I believe it is. Mesa. Is that Mesa? Mesa. And then the next night at Tempe, Tempe. And I’ve got the schedule in my pocket here, out of the paper Brother Williams gave me. But, I been pretty busy, I just haven’t looked it over yet. Billy just comes and gets me, and said, “We’re going so-and-so and so-and-so, and here we go.” Then I get over here, and he tries to choke me. [Congregation laughs–Ed.]

« 43 † Now, is everybody feeling real religious? Say, “Amen,” if you are. [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Real good. That’s fine. Now, let us just bow our heads now.
44 As, we have just, our little senses of humor and of expressing. We’re children, and we rally and talk as children. And we… Even God has a sense of humor, you know.
45 So let us bow our heads now and speak to Him before we read His Word. While we have our heads bowed, is there those in here who does have a request for prayer? Let it be known by your lifted hand. God bless you. Let us bow our heads now.

« 46 † Our Heavenly Father, we are coming into Thy Presence now as we bow our heads and our hearts in humility. We are approaching by faith, beyond the moon and stars, to the Throne of God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, because we are sure that if we come in His Name that You’re going to hear us. We will be accepted in Your Presence through His Name. What a privilege that it is, to know that we are accepted in the Presence of God, through the Name of Jesus Christ.
47 And He told us, Father, that whatever we asked in His Name, that You, in Your abundance of mercy and grace, would pardon our sins and would give to us our desire. Father, we’re so happy for that. There’s not another thing that we could think of, that would be a higher privilege, than to have this privilege.
48 It would be a privilege for we American citizens to approach our president. And all we’d have to do, to go through, to get to approach the president for just a moment of time, to take up a moment of his busy schedule. We would have to go through offices, and–and every way, to get to come, and have to state our reasons, and–and would have to be examined before we’d have that privilege.

« 49 † But, to think of it: the God, Creator of heavens and earth, is waiting for us to approach. We, unworthy sinners, He is waiting for us to approach in the Name of the Lord Jesus, with the assurance that we will be granted what we ask for, if we can only believe that we will. Then, we’d watch our requests very close and know that we would not speak foolishly or ask foolishly. And if we would, we pray You pardon us, Lord.
50 And we’re asking tonight for mercy upon each one of these hands that was up. May their requests be granted to them, Lord. May they feel assurance in their heart right now, that while we’re in Your Presence. That, when we open our eyes and raise up our heads from the dust, from which You molded us, may we feel that anchored assurance that we have been granted that what we asked for.

« 51 † We would ask for those, Lord, perhaps in the building tonight, that has never come into Your Presence, by the way of prayer, to ask pardoning for sin. May this be the night that something will be said, or something done, or some acting of the Holy Spirit that would cause their hearts to quiver and ask that pardoning grace.
52 Heal the sick. Lord, we pray that You’ll grant to them, tonight, the assurance that the prayer of faith is now being prayed. “And it shall save the sick.” For we could say, and add this, that that’s THUS SAITH THE LORD, for it is written in the Word of the Lord.

« 53 † Now, Father, we pray that You’ll bless these little comments that’s been provided here today for Your Word. Pull from this reading a context to every heart. And if I should fail in any way, Lord, and miss the unction of the Holy Spirit, may He in Divine grace go with the Word and place it in the heart where it was supposed to be. And may we tonight see the hand of the Almighty stretch across this building, and do things that would be the exceeding abundant above all that we could do or think. When we leave tonight and go to our different homes, may we be able to say like those that came from Emmaus, “Did not our hearts burn within us, as He talked to us along the way?” For we ask it in His Name. Amen.

« 54 † Now, many people kind of write down, and the text that a minister uses. And I, if you wish to now, I’d like to read two places in the Holy Script. That is, in Genesis the 22nd chapter, we will go first and read. And then in Saint John 12:32, we’ll read for the second part of the Scripture. Now, in John… In Genesis 22, we begin with the 7th verse of the 22nd chapter.
And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for the burnt-offering?
And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for the burnt offering: so they went both of them together.
55 And now in Saint John 12:32, we read these Words from our Lord’s lips.
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
56 And now for a text that I would like to speak from, on this, is, “Accepting God’s provided way for the end time.” Let me quote that again, because, on the tapes. I believe they’re taping these Messages. And on the tapes that we have, some five hundred texts that I guess I’ve preached from, they’ve got something similar to that, but not exactly this. Accepting God’s Provided Way At The End Time.

« 57 † You know, there is many ways that–that people take, but really there’s only two ways that a man can go, that’s, the right way and the wrong way. And all of us here, tonight, we’re on one of those roads, the right one or the wrong one. There’s no middle ground. Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and mammon,” meaning, “the world.” We’re either right or wrong.
58 And now if we’ll just get away from our own way, is the only way we can get in God’s way. And God has made a provided way for everything. He has provided the way. And where we get in trouble, is not following that way, and–and injecting into It our own ways. And that makes a perversion. And anything that’s perverted is–is not dependable. So, God has a way. And let’s just look at some of His ways.

« 59 † Let’s take something in nature. Because, nature was my first Bible. I know God is a Creator, and He created nature. And He lives in His creation, in nature.
60 Let’s take, for instance, the tree. I just pulled up under one, a few moments ago out there, or Billy did, and the limbs on it. And I noticed the leaves falling. Now, we have never been able, and we never will be able, to find a better way for a tree to hide its life through the winter, than God’s provided way for it to hide its life.

« 61 † Now, what if we tried to manufacture some other way than the regular provided way for the tree? What if every August or September, in the land especially where I come from, the North, if we would have to go out to the apple orchard and get some kind of a–of a instrument and place it into the tree, along about August after the apples are ripened, and pull the life out of the tree and take it into a good warm place, and keep it through the winter, the life, sap life out of the tree, and place it in a good warm container and keep it till Spring, and then inject it back into the tree? You know, that would never work. It would never be so. And to try to do it would only kill the tree.
62 But God has a way to take care of that life through the winter. God made a way. Knowing that winter would come on the tree, He made a way for it. I was had the privilege of leading a seventy-five-year-old infidel to Christ, by that, not long ago.

« 63 † Mr. Wood, a neighbor of mine, and he was a Jehovah Witness by faith. And he had a boy that was crippled, had a leg drawn up under him. And his wife, I believe, belonged to the–the Anderson movement of the Church of God. And they come to Louisville, Kentucky, where they lived out in a little place called Crestwood, about thirty miles from Louisville.
64 And at the meeting there at the auditorium, they seen a girl that was had this here disease, that, she’s turning to chalk or stone. And she had, already paralyzed her, way above her hips, that she hadn’t moved for, oh, several months. And it come from her feet. She was prayed for, one night, and the next day she was running up-and-down steps, just as hard as she could go.

« 65 † And Mr. Wood brought his son. Course, he never got in the meeting. And immediately after that, I was taken overseas, went over for our Lord. And on the return I was having a meeting up at… in Ohio, and he brought the boy, named David. And he was setting way back, oh, almost a half a city block.
66 And the Holy Spirit came in and said, “There is a man here tonight. And he and his wife sets way back in the back.” Never saw him in life. And said, “The man, name is Wood. He is a contractor. He has a crippled boy that had polio, that drawed one limb up under him. But, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the boy is healed.”
67 Him not being used to such, the boy set there for a while. And after a bit, his mother said, “David, why don’t you try to stand up?” And when he stood up, the leg was as normal as the other.

« 68 † The man sold his business and moved over, next door neighbor. Oh, he’s such a lovely brother! The other morning when he knowed I was coming out here for extended time, he’s… About daylight, when I left home, there he was, standing out on the street, crying like that; hitchhiking, like he was going to go with me. And he hugged me and went on down the lane. Such a wonderful brother! He’s been a real chum to me.

« 69 † We were down in the state of Kentucky, squirrel hunting, about three years ago. And it got real dry. And now, if any of you eastern people know what a gray squirrel is, he… Houdini the escape artist is an amateur, to him, when he’s scared. So, I love to hunt them, so we hunt them with .22 rifle. And we had hunted. I was on my vacation about two weeks, and we been camping out. And it was very dry. And you could just walk through the woods and break a–a leaf, and that little fellow, oh, my, whew, you just can’t see him. He’s gone.

« 70 † So Brother Wood said, “Brother Branham, I know a–a place down here that’s got deep hollows.”
71 How many knows what a hollow is? Well, what part of Kentucky you from? And that’s what they call it down in Kentucky. Down here, I believe you call it a canyon or something, where the water goes down the branch. And you get in those deep places, and it’s still damp, and you can walk and not make noise.
72 He said, “But the old fellow is an infidel, and, oh, he hates preachers.” And I’d only been in the country once before, and that was in a meeting.
And I said, “All right. You, you know him?”
He said, “He knows my dad real well.”
73 I said, “Let’s go ask him, because we’re not doing any good here.”

« 74 † And we went over in his little truck, and up through the woods, and down over the hills. Oh, my! Finally we arrived at a little place. And there was two old men setting under an apple tree. It was about the 20th of August.
75 And so he got out of the truck, went over, and he said, “My name is Wood.” Said, “I am Banks Wood.” He said, “I wonder if it would be all right if we hunted on your place.”
He said, “Are you Jim Wood’s boy?”
76 Now, his daddy is a reader in the Jehovah Witness, or he was. And the whole family come to Christ, every one, by visions. Every one, tell them just what would happen, and it did just that way. Oh, how wish I could stop and tell you just that family story, how they come in. Every one of the children in the Kingdom of God now, baptized with the Holy Ghost.

« 77 † And so when Banks accepted it, his… all of his people excommunicated him. That was all. He was out.
78 But, one by one, each one of them passing by, to say “hello” to him, the Holy Spirit would catch them and tell them things, and then they’d come in. And then they’d go tell some other. Then he’d come, It’d tell him something, then he’d come. And that’s the way the whole family come into Christ. And so when we got the… out of the…

« 79 † He got out of the truck, and he said to the man. He said, “Are you Jim Woods’ son?”
He said, “Yes.”
80 Said, “Jim Woods is an honest man. Yes, sir. Help yourself. Hunt where you want to.”
81 He said, “Thank you.” Said, “I brought my pastor along with me.”
82 He said, “Woods, you don’t mean you’ve got low-down enough to have to carry a preacher with you wherever you go?”

« 83 † I thought it was about time for me to get out. So I got out of the truck, and I walked around. Oh, my! (You brethren hunt. My hunting partners, I know you’re in here.) And how bloody and dirty, and whiskers about that long, you know; hadn’t had a bath for two weeks, and, oh! So I got out of the truck and sidled over. And he looked me up-and-down, two or three times. I guess he thought, “Some preacher!”
I said, “How do you do?”
And he said, “How do you do?”
84 And so Mr. Wood started to introduce me as who I, my… his pastor. And he said…
85 ‘Fore he got a chance to do it, the old man said, “Well,” he said, “I tell you right now.” He said, “I’m–I’m supposed to be an infidel. I haven’t got much use for you guys, call yourself preachers.”
I said, “Yes, sir. All right.” I said, “That’s to opinion.”
And he said, “Well, you know, I’m an infidel.”
86 I said, “Don’t believe that’d be worth bragging about. Do you think so?”
He said, “Well, I reckon not.”
87 So I said, I thought in my heart, “Lord, if You ever help me, You do now.”
88 So the other old man setting there, he never said nothing. The old slouch hats, I don’t know what… You know what it is, sewed up with twine cord, you know. And so they set there a little bit.
89 And so he said, “You know what I got against you fellows? You’re barking up the wrong tree.”
90 How many knows what that means, “barking up the wrong tree”? That’s a lying dog, you know, that barks up the wrong tree. The game is done gone from there. There ain’t nothing up there. See?
91 So he said, “You fellows are barking up a tree. There’s nothing up there,” in other words. “You’re talking about God, and there is no such a thing as God.”
“Well,” I said, “of course, we believe that.”
He said, “Well, you might, but I don’t.”
I said, “Well, that’s all right.”

« 92 † And he said, “You see that old chimney up there on the hill?”
I said, “Yes, sir.”
93 Said, “I was born up there.” And said, “My dad built this place down here. We moved down when I was about sixteen years old. After the death of my father, I took the place. I’ve raised my family. I’ve been here seventy-six or seventy-eight, or something like that, years.” He said, “I’ve looked constantly, every day, through the skies. I’ve looked all over the woods. I’ve looked all over the ground. And I haven’t never seen anything that looks like a God.”
I said, “Well, that’s too bad.”
94 And he said, “That’s the reason I think that you fellows are barking up the wrong tree.”
95 I said, “Yes, sir.” And then something happened. I looked up to the tree. I looked down, and there was apples laying on the tree. I said, “You mind if I have one of them apples?”
96 He said, “Help yourself. The yellow jackets are eating them up.” You know what yellow jackets is, I’m sure.
97 So I–I got down, and got a hold of one of the apples, and rubbed it on my trouser leg, you know. And I took a bite. I said, “That’s a dandy apple.”
He said, “Yes, that’s a good one.”
I said, “How old is that tree?”
98 He said, “I planted it there. Let’s see, it’s forty-seven, forty-eight years old, something like that.” Said, “I planted a little bitty sprout.” Said, “I picked it up from somewhere, away somewhere else, and brought it over here.”
I said, “Yes, sir.” And I said, “Does it bear each year?”
99 “Every year she bears fine apples.” Said, “We can a lot of apples out of there.”
100 And I said, “Well, that’s wonderful. I’m glad to hear that.” And I said, “You know, here it is only the fifteenth of August.” I said, “It’s ninety in the shade nearly all the time.” I said, “It’s strange that all them leaves are falling off of that tree, and we haven’t had no frost.”
101 And he said, “Oh, that’s–that’s, the sap has gone back to the root.”
“Oh,” I said, “that what it is?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “Then goes back to the root, what for?”
102 He said, “Well, if it stayed up there, the winter would kill it.”
I said, “Kill what?”
103 He said, “The tree. The germ of life is in that sap, goes down and hides down in the roots.”
I said, “Oh.” I said, “Now, will that… What about…”
He said, “Well,” he said, “that’s nothing unusual.”
And I said, “No, no. That’s just an act of nature.”

« 104 † He said, “You know, I want to tell you something.” He said, “Before you go any further, I want to say this. That I did hear of a preacher one time, that I’d like to hear once. If he ever comes this country again, I want to hear him.”
I said, “Oh? That’s nice,” I said.
105 He said, “He was over here at Acton about two years ago in a campaign out on the–the Methodist fairgrounds out there, the Methodist campgrounds.”
106 And Banks looked. I turned to Banks, I… That’s, Brother Wood. I said…
107 And he said, “I forget what the man’s name was now.” Said, “You know, he had never been in this country before.” And said, “Old lady,” somebody, “lives up here about a mile, up on the hill.” Said, “She was dying with cancer. And they took her to Louisville, a hundred and twenty miles, and the doctors cut her open. And her whole stomach was wrapped, intestines and all, with cancer. And they could do nothing for her.” And said, “Then they brought… sewed her up and brought her back. And my wife and I had been going up every day. And they couldn’t raise her up no more; we just had to pull the draw sheet and change her bed.” And said, “We been going up there for several weeks.” He had been just looking any night for her to die, or any time. And said, “Her sister lives back over on another creek.” You know, that’s the way you name, down there. It’s not a road; it’s a creek. “Over on another creek.”

« 108 † I heard somebody laugh. It’s just full of Kentuckians in here. Over… Well, I was born on what they call Little Renox down there. My grandpa lived on Big Renox, that empties into Bumshell. Bumshell Creek comes right down to Little Renox, and runs out down by the Casey’s Fork, and runs right on into the Cumberland River. Now, that’s just across Greenbrier Ridge. That’s where my mother was born, up on Greenbrier Ridge.

« 109 † And he said, “This woman lived over on another place.” And said, “That’s about twenty miles from here. And she come that night, and was setting way back at the back of that campground.” And said, “This preacher, when he was up on there, he prays for the sick.” And said, “He was telling the people about who they were, and all about it.”
110 Said, “This woman got in late, and she didn’t get one of them cards that they were giving out.”
111 And said, “This preacher turned around to her, and told her, said, ‘You know, you, lady setting back there, you are So-and-so. And tonight when you left home, you put a little handkerchief in your pocketbook, with a blue figure in the corner of it.’ Said, ‘And you’ve got a sister named So-and-so.’ And said, ‘She is dying with cancer of the stomach.’ I’ve just saw it in a vision. Now, take that handkerchief, and go lay it on her. And, ‘THUS SAITH THE LORD, she’ll be made well.'”
112 He said, “And the lady… That night, we heard the awfullest noise, up on the hill. I thought they had the Salvation Army up there,” he said, “about midnight. And we thought the old lady died.”
113 And he said, “You know what? Me and my wife went up the next day, to see if we could offer comfort, early in the morning. And there she set at the table, with the coffee pot, just pouring coffee, and her and her husband was eating half-moon fried apple pies for breakfast.” I said…

« 114 † How many knows what the half-moon apple pies are? You know, I’m at home now. That was just… I love them, and I like sorghum molasses on them. And I’ve looked all over this place for sorghum molasses. And if I get back here again, I’m just going to bring me a bucket, ’cause I just can’t hardly get along without it. And you know, I–I use a lot of them, ’cause I’m kind of a Baptist, you know. I–I–I don’t believe in sprinkling them cakes. I just baptize them all over, real good. And I… So I pour the molasses on them, heavy.
So then he said, “She was eating that.” I said…
I thought, “This is it.”
I said, “Now, you don’t mean that.”
115 “Well,” he said, “go right up there and see for yourself.” Said, “That’s been two years ago.” And said, “She don’t only do her own work; she does the neighbor’s work.” Now, see, he was preaching to me then.
116 You know, my mama used to say, “Give the cow enough rope, it’ll hang itself.” So that’s about right. He got his own foot in his own mouth, that time, when he said–he said, “Go up there and look.”
117 I said, “Now, look, sir. You mean the doctors cut that woman open and found her with cancer?”
“That’s right.”
118 And I said, “And sewed her up? And then you mean to tell me that man over there, fifteen miles from here, saw that woman and told exactly what would happen when they laid the handkerchief on? And that woman got over that cancer?”
Said, “Go right up there. I’ll tell you how to get there.”
119 I said, “No, no. I’m taking your word.” I said, “I’m taking your word.” I said, “Yes, sir. Yeah.”

« 120 † I was eating this apple, you know, all the time, chewing it. I said, “That’s a fine apple.” I said, “I want to ask you a question. What made that sap leave the tree and go down into the roots?”
121 “Why,” he said, “it had to, to preserve its life for the winter.”
122 I said, “Then next spring it comes back, bringing you another bunch of apples?”
123 And I said, “Now I want to ask you something. What intelligence runs that sap, say, ‘Here, it’s fall. Go back down in the roots and hide. If you don’t, the winter will kill you. Go back down into the roots and stay there till spring. And then when it warms up and gets just right, now come back up and bring up some more apples for this fellow’? Now, you know that’s botany life. It has no intelligence of its own. Then, tell me what intelligence sends that life down into the root of that tree. It has no intelligence of its own.”
He said, “That’s just nature.”
124 I said, “Then take a bucket of water, and set it on that post out there, and see if nature will run it down in the fall of the year, and bring it back in the spring. See? No, sir. What is it?”

« 125 † Now, aside for a minute. It’s God’s provided way. It only operates the way God provides for it. A little voice says, “Get down to the roots,” and down it goes. Now, it does that without any intelligence. What ought we to do, by the same God speaking to us? We, but we got a right to refuse or to accept, and, mostly, we refuse. The tree can’t refuse. It only knows one routine, that’s, obey its master.
“Well,” he said, “I never had thought of that before.”
126 I said, “I tell you what. You think on it, a long time, while we go hunting. And when I come back, you tell me what it is… what tells that tree sap to go down into the roots, and stay for the winter, and come back again next spring. When you find out what intelligence that controls that–that tree life, and says, ‘Go down in the root, and come back,’ I’ll tell you it’s the same Intelligence that told me, ‘to go put that handkerchief on the woman, and she’d be made well.'”
He said, “Tell you?”
127 I said, “Yes, sir.” I said, “What was that man’s name? Do you remember?”
He said, “I can’t think of it.”
I said, “It wasn’t Branham?”
He said, “That’s it.”
I said, “I’m Brother Branham.”
128 There on that spot he raised up, took a hold of my hands. He said, “For once in my life, I see what you mean.” I led him to Christ.

« 129 † Last year I was down there. He’s passed on, went on. The mercies of God! There set his wife, under a tree, peeling apples, off the same tree. I walked up and I said, “May I go hunting?”
She said, “We don’t allow any hunting.”
130 I said, “I’m sorry.” I–I–I said, “I thought I had permission.”
She said, “Who’d you get permission from?”
I said, “Your husband.”
And she said, “My husband is dead.”
I said, “Just recently died, didn’t he?”
Said, “Yes. He never give people permission.”
131 I said, “Out under this apple tree… Last year, I was down here, and we were talking about this tree.”
She said, “Are you Brother Branham?”
I said, “Yes.”
132 She dropped the apple pan. She said, “Brother Branham, he died in the victory of Jesus Christ, his last testimony.”

« 133 † What is it? Just seeing, not trying to go through all the mathematics of how it happens, but just a simple little thing, watching God provide a way, and something keeping in the way. See, the same Intelligence that would say to a dumb tree, “Go down and hide for your life,” that same intelligence was the One Who showed a vision of the woman. And he caught it. And he could not deny it, either one. There stood the tree, and there was the woman. Amen. See? God’s provided way!

« 134 † Neither have they ever found a better way for a chicken to get out of a eggshell, than to peck his way out. They haven’t got any better way. Science has never been able to produce anything else. If you cracked the shell, to take him out, it would kill him. He’ll die. He must follow God’s provided way, in order to live. Amen. That works on human beings, too.
135 He is equipped. Did you ever notice a little chicken when he gets out of the shell? He’s got a extra, little beak upon his shell, a little white scratcher. And the little fellow in there, just as life begins to come, he begins to nod his little head. What does that do? That little scratcher scratches the shell, and makes it thin. As he gets a little more life, he begins to hammer with that little thing. And after he’s already out of the shell, he don’t need it anymore, so it just drops off.

« 136 † And the thing that does, it’s a protection for the end of his bill. If it wasn’t so, he’d have a deformed bill, and couldn’t pick up his grain. Oh, my! God’s provided way of survival! God fixes him up, just the way to get out of there. There’s no better way. Anything else would kill him. He must come God’s provided way. Now, if you try to manufacture some way or figure out some way, you’ll kill it.
137 That’s what’s the matter with the Christian church today. It’s tried to accept some manufactured way, in the stead of beating its way through, to the Kingdom of God. It’s tried some other way, and it won’t work. You kill your patient. You kill your–your–your baby, God’s baby, by trying to manufacture some way. “Oh, there’s no need of this here boo-hoo and crying. There’s no need of all this, all this.” Oh, yes, there is. “There’s no need of this dying.”

« 138 † Unless there’s death, there cannot be birth. Birth only comes by the substance of death. “Lest a corn of wheat falls in the ground and dies, it abides alone.” It must rot, and get into corruption, and then from that corruption springs forth life. No other way it will work. It must first corrupt, and be corrupted. And that’s the way we must be; die to ourselves and be born anew of the Holy Spirit.
139 No, they haven’t found any better way for a chicken to get out of a shell, than to peck his way through. That’s God’s provided way for him, and he’s equipped to do it. God wouldn’t provide a way without providing a instrument for it. So He provided the way, and provided the instrument for the chicken to free hisself. Amen.

« 140 † Now, neither have they ever found any better idea for ducks and geese to come south, from the north, than to swarm and then fly their way down. No other way. You see, before they fly down south, or fly from the south back north, they swarm, first. Before they leave their grounds or homes, to a new home, they swarm. Bees does the same thing. They swarm. That’s a nature. What is it? They have a revival. They all swarm and get together. You never heard such a noise in your life.
141 And before we can ever leave this habitation, to a new one, we got to swarm in a revival.
142 Oh, you get around a bunch of ducks and geese, you never heard so much jabber in all your life. What are they having? A revival. They’re fixing to take to the air. Amen.
143 That’s what we need today, is a swarming revival. No other way; not membership. God doesn’t count majorities. He counts sincerity in His provided way.

« 144 † Now, they have never found anything else to take its place. There could not be a better way. Now, for instance what if science would say, “Poor little duckies. We just don’t want them to swarm any more. And we’re going to throw a net over them, before they get ready to swarm. And we’re going to herd them right into a coop, and we’re going to carry them down south.”
145 That’s like, run them into some organization or something, you know, cooping him up somewhere. That’s on his way to a slaughter. He knows he’s going to a slaughterhouse when he gets in a coop. But when he’s going God’s provided way, he’s far away from that. So, maybe oughtn’t to have said that. I didn’t mean it in–in the way of being a slander against an organization. But you know what I mean. Maybe that’s all…
146 That ain’t the way to do it. You can’t run into an organization, and coop yourself up and say, “I’m Methodist, or Baptist,” or some more. That isn’t it. No, no.
147 You got to swarm. That’s right. You got to come to a place you can peck yourself through.
148 These, they get together, and they get into this coop. And–and when they… If they do that, they know they’re on the road to the slaughterhouse.

« 149 † But, now, what if you could put them all, herd them and put them into a cage, and pack them down south, turn them loose. Then, before they get ready to swarm, then throw a net over them. “We don’t believe in days of miracles.” See? “You little ducks, you can’t fly no more. That used to be for ducks of another age.” As long as God makes a duck, He makes them all the same. And if God makes a way for a duck to go, that’s the way all the ducks go.
150 And you know what it would do? It would finally kill that duck. He’d be so soft, his wings wouldn’t grow out right. He couldn’t fly no more. Just like his barnyard cousin, all belly and no duck. See? He ain’t got no wings to pick hisself up with. That’s right. See? He would become a softie like his barnyard cousin, his denominational brethern that don’t go nowhere. See? That’s right. See? That’s right. That’s all he would be, an old softie. He wouldn’t know nothing about flying free. Amen.

« 151 † That’s what’s the matter today. We try to coop them up, and tell them, “The days of miracles is past. And he couldn’t trust hisself, his feet off the ground. It would kill him. He wouldn’t live very long.”
152 But, you know, that little duck would say, if he could talk back, “No, thank you.”
153 “Oh, it’s easy. You haven’t got a thing to do. You can just act the way you want to.”
154 He’d say, “Thank you. I do act the way I want to, because there is something in me, moving. Amen. And I must act the way I want to.” And every man that’s born of the Spirit of God, there is something moving in him. He’s got to fly into the heavenlies, some emotion, something another that makes it real.
155 The little fellow would finally become like a chicken, a domesticated bird. He just couldn’t get his feet off the ground anymore. So if the chicken would always continue to fly in the air, why, he could go all right. He could go east, west, north, and south, and see things.

« 156 † And another thing, you see, he just wouldn’t make it. Because, on the road down from Canada, he picks up different kinds of materials, food that he wouldn’t get if you had him in a cage, just feeding him corn all the time. Can you read between the lines? You put him over there, so he just knows the Apostles’ Creed, so-called, and how to go to Sunday school, and that’s just about all there is to it; pay the preacher, and live the way he wants to.

« 157 † But, oh, when you’re in flight, amen, when you’re in flight, you pick up more than your denominational creed. You pick up the vitamins, the spiritual vitamin that builds a body that’s solid, full of muscles, with wing feathers that can lift you up off your feet and show you things that is to come. The Holy Spirit, “When He, the Holy Ghost is come, He will show these things to you, reveal these things to you that I’ve told you; and will show you things that is to come.” Yes. No, you couldn’t coop him up and take him. It wouldn’t work. No. If you coop him, he’s headed for the slaughter.

« 158 † Neither could man ever choose a better route than what he can. You might go and say, “Now, Mr. Duck, I’ll tell you something. You’re going the wrong route. You must go over here, reroute yourself. Go down the coast over here, it goes. It’s better than going the way you go.” It just won’t work. No. No. They think they know a better route than God’s provided route for them. But, they know.
159 Or, could you choose a better leader for them than the God-provided leader God has given them? And man will never be able to choose a bishop, or an organization, or anything else that’ll take the place of the leadership of the Holy Ghost to the Church. There’s not another thing could do it. God’s provided way! God provided a way for them, a Leader, an inspired Leader.
160 And that leader is inspired. Why, I’ve watched them a many time, when I take an early hunting trip, going for sheep or something when you have to go early, up in the mountains. Haven’t had even frost. Maybe, up there, that little snow will cap the mountain. That cold wind will sweep down across the mountain. There’s a natural born leader among them. He’ll run right out on that lake like that, and honk four or five times, and there the swarm comes. Yes, sir. They all know him. They know him by the way he honks. Oh, my!

« 161 † You know what I was speaking about last night, the Gospel trumpet, if it gives an uncertain sound. His sound don’t give an un-… He doesn’t give an uncertain sound. They’re real ducks. They know the sound of a duck. What if you just put an old guinea out there, or turkey? His honk wouldn’t sound right. They know the sound of a leader.
162 And the church ought to know it. “Having a form of godliness, deny the power thereof,” from such, don’t let them lead. “Heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent,” and despisers of those ducks that does fly. See? See what I mean? See?
163 They know that Gospel sound. “My sheep know My Voice.” [–Ed.] “A stranger they will not follow.” God always proves it right.

« 164 † Notice, now. And they cannot get a… You could not choose for them. What if you went out there, and you said, “Oh, wait a minute, little ducks. You’re certainly wrong. Here is a fine big drake. My, he looks kingly among you. And now you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to pour a little water upon top of his head, and I’m going to inaugurate him. I’m going to make him King Duck. And I’m going to put a crown upon him, and dress him a little different, so you all will all know him. Always follow this fellow here, because he’s cultured.” Turn him loose on the pond. He could honk as much as he wanted to. Every duck would turn his back on him, ’cause he gives an uncertain sound. Yeah.
165 But let that little duck that’s been chosen of God to be the leader, let him honk, and watch them all swarm to a revival. “Where the carcass is, the eagles will be gathered.” He knows all about it. See? So He–He has a provided way. And the ducks know the provided way. Too bad that man doesn’t. All right. But that’s the way it happens, now. All right.

« 166 † If he is the inspired leader-duck, he’ll bring them to God’s provided place for them. And if we would only listen to what the Leader says, the Holy Spirit, He will bring us right back to the Word again. That’s God’s provided way. Along the road we don’t need creeds and denomination, and wild weeds. There’s certain duck-grass and stuff that we have to eat, the ducks do, going down. And there’s food that the… Really, the–the flowers of God, heavenly-bound creatures eat along the road, and that is, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” See?
167 That duck, leader-duck, will lead them to God’s provided place, just as straight to Louisiana. Where, one of these others wouldn’t know where he was going, get up there and circle around.

« 168 † I was reading in Life magazine, about three or four years ago, where there was an old gander started with a bunch up there. And he claimed he was a leader. And the first thing you know, they wound up over in England, have never got back yet. That’s right. So they have to watch what kind of a duck or gander they’re following. So they say, over there in England… Them is Canadian honkers, too. And they get over there in England, and all around, swarm, but they don’t know which way back. Oh, my!
169 It’s too bad the church played a whole lot of that, too, followed off in a place, they don’t know how to get back. Say, “Well, we… I understand that grandma said, times grandma said that her grandma said, that they used to have healing services in the church. That days of miracles is past,” let somebody lead you off on the wrong track. Better follow God’s inspired way, the only way.

« 170 † Notice this little duck. No one has ever been able to route them any different. They know that little leader will lead them just exactly to God’s provided place. And how does he do it? By His God-provided instruments. He’s got his antennas out, all the time, like we ought to have, catching the Spirit, our spiritual antennas.
171 Now, we find out that he’ll go up in the air, way up in the air. He’s got his antennas out. He knows the kind of food that these little ducks has to live on, to make this flight. So when he picks up something way down on the ground, you’ll see him soar off, and down he comes. The whole group will come right down, just have a gastronomical jubilee. And he’ll honk, up in the air they’ll go again, straight on towards the south. That’s right. God’s leader, God’s leader for the ducks. That is right.

« 172 † I want to say something else. You know, they have never been able to scientifically get, find a better way for a baby to get what he wants besides crying for it. You know, they can’t educate him to grunt. And they can’t educate him to talk that quick. But you know how he gets it? He just takes God’s provided way for it. He cries for it, yells, and kicks, and screams till he gets it. See? That’s right. That’s the only way, is cry for it. They can’t find a better provided way than God’s provided way. That’s right. Just let it go. And those natural things…

« 173 † I stopped, here not long ago, in Germany, and was speaking to a large group of people. And I said, “What’s the matter with you Germans? You know, I was coming down the street, and a dog barked, and he barked in English.” I said, “A mother was trying to pacify her baby out there at the car, a while ago, and he was crying, and he was crying in English.” I said, “What do we get all scrupled up about? See? They are going God’s provided way. And we come from a tower of Babel, you see, got all scrupled up.” That’s right!

« 174 † Knows God’s provided way is the best way. They know no better way for the baby to get what he wants than to cry for it. As Dr. Bosworth used to say, “The baby that cries the loudest gets the best service.” That’s about the way it is.
175 That goes for God’s children. I could parallel that for you. A man get up, on, say, chew his chewing gum real well, “You know, Father, I’m here tonight. If You want to give me the Holy Ghost, all right. I’m here. But if You want to heal me, I’m setting here. But if You don’t, why, all right. It’s Your will, Lord.” He’s done wrote the will out, here in the Bible. “This is Your will.” All right. This is His will, right here. “And if You want me to have it, I’ll have it. But, nevertheless, if You don’t, why, it’s all right.” You’ll never get nowhere.

« 176 † But let that one get there and cry out, like Buddy Robinson. He stopped in the middle of the cornfield. He tied up his mule. He said, “Lord, if You don’t give me the Holy Ghost, when You come back you’ll find a pile of bones laying right here. I’m going to stay here till I get It.” That’s business.
177 God always recommends to His people, His believing children, to always go in His provided way. That’s God’s idea, to recommend to His children, His provided way. Cry for what you have need of. He wants you to cry out.

« 178 † When Peter started out, walking on the water, he thought he was getting along all right. “See how big I’m doing?” He started sinking. He didn’t say, “Well, I guess it failed,” on down to the bottom, a few bubbles come up, and that was all of it. See? No, no.
179 He cried out, “Lord, save me.” Amen. And that Eternal hand reached down and picked him up again. Why? He cried out.
180 That’s what’s the matter with the church. We don’t lay there long enough. We don’t cry out long enough. We don’t hold onto it. If a little baby wants something, he’ll kick and scream, turn red in the face. We’re afraid we’ll take the (what is it, you call it?) mascara out of our face, or whatever it is, that paint. You get–you get what you want from God, you’ll take it off, anyhow. So, you don’t have to worry about it. You’ll mess your hair up, but that don’t make any difference. No. No, sir.

« 181 † Now, God don’t expect us to come to Him with some intellectual speech. I remember I tried that when I tried to get saved. I was going to write Him a letter and put it in the woods, ’cause I knowed He’d come through the woods and tell me. Tell Him I’m ashamed of myself, and I–I didn’t want to do it. And I got down there to pray. I said, “Now, let’s see. I seen a picture one time, that they held their hands like this.” I said, “Mr. Jesus, I wish You would come here a minute. I want to talk to You just a minute. I’m listening.” Nobody. I said, “I did it wrong. All right. Mr. Jesus, maybe I’m supposed to do it like this.” I said, “Mr. Jesus, would You come help me? I’m a sinner. I want to talk to You a minute.” Nobody come. I folded my arms. I said, “Mr. Jesus, would You come here? I want… I hear people say, ‘God talked to me.'” I said, “Mr. Jesus, would You come here? I want to speak to You.”

« 182 † Course, then the Devil come on the scene. That’s the way he does. He might tell you, “Your knees are hurting. No need of asking, see. You wait, get it tomorrow night.” He’s always around when you’re not ready. And then he said to me… But always, what he says, take advantage of what he says. Take advantage of it.
183 He said to me, “You know what? You’re already nineteen years, or twenty years old.” Said, “You’re already twenty years old. You’ve waited too long.”
184 I said, “O God, I’ve waited too long. Lord, even You don’t hear me, I’m going to tell You, anyhow. I’ve always wanted to do this.” Oh, brother, that brought Him on the scene. See? What was it? Cried out, just simple. Cry out! “Lord Jesus, You promised it, Lord.” He come on the scene.
185 That’s the way to bring Him on the scene. You’re just a baby. Cry, cry out for it.
186 Don’t try to say, well, most something, another, and some great wrote-out prayer you practice on, for an hour or two. That don’t do any good.
187 Like they say, “Did you say a prayer?” No. It’s a sin to say one. You pray one. Don’t say one. Pray one. “Say a prayer for me.”
188 I said, “Don’t do that for me. You can pray for me, but don’t say no prayer.” No, sir. No. Just, pray for me when you pray. All right.

« 189 † Cry for your needs. That’s God’s provided way. Didn’t Jesus explain it when He said the unjust judge, to the woman that cried day and night? How much more will the Heavenly Father give them the Spirit who cry out for It, day and night? Seek, keep seeking. Knock, keep knocking. Just keep on till He opens. Stay out with it. Cry until the promised Word is vindicated, then you got it. You don’t have to worry no more. You see the Bible promised it, then stay right there and cry until you get it.
190 If a little baby sees a cookie and he wants it, he just cry, and cry, and cry, and stick, kick, and scream, and holler, and turn red in the face. His mommy get him a cookie, and it’s all over. See? He got what he saw, what he wanted. If he wants to lick off your ice cream cone, he’ll just keep raising a fuss till he gets it. See?

« 191 † Well, that’s the way we’re supposed to do. If I see a promise in the Bible that’s God’s Word, then I just stay there and cry out till God gives it to me. And He’d do that, get you off His hands; you see, that would be in the natural. But He’s wanting you to do it. He likes for you to ask. “Ask abundantly that your joys might be full.” Yeah. Yeah.
192 Cry until His Word is vindicated. Now, friend, let’s watch just a minute now. Cry until the Word is vindicated.
193 The trouble of it is, we get a cookie and think that’s all there is. There’s a whole table full. We get so we can speak in tongues, we say, “Oh, brother, that’s it.” Oh, no. That ain’t. That’s just some of it. That’s right. “Oh, I got happy enough to shout.” That’s some more of it. But there’s a whole lot more of it. Just keep on crying out, until…
194 That’s God’s provided way for His people. God’s provided way always is to take His Word and hold onto It until It’s vindicated to you. Now, do you follow me? God, a provided way, hold onto the promise until it’s made manifest to you.

« 195 † And, remember, I’m on record for this. That, any promise of God in the Bible, if… It’s on conditions now. Just because you believe it’s there, that don’t make it so it’ll happen.
196 Them Pharisees and Sadducees was just as religious with those sacraments as they could be. But God said, “They stink in My nose.” See? There was no sincerity. There was nothing to it that should be.
197 You’ve got to come upon basical promise, and then upon your mental attitude towards it.

« 198 † Look at those four hundred priests that day, or prophets, Ahab had out there. They said, “Ramoth-gilead belongs to us. Joshua, by the Holy Spirit, divided this. And the Syrians has got it.” And one prophet said, “Now, looky here, that’s fundamentally right.” Now, he was a real Baptist. And he said, “That’s exactly right. That’s the fundamental promise, promise. That land belongs to us.” So he made him two big horns, and said, “Go up there, and take these horns and push Syria plumb off. That belongs to Israel.” That’s right. Fundamentally, it was right.

« 199 † But what did little Micaiah say? He said, “I saw Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd.” See?
200 Ahab, that hypocrite down there, letting Jezebel run him around, doing everything. The real Word of God coming through the prophet, had cursed that thing. And how could God bless what the prophet had cursed in the Name of the Lord? See? Can’t be.
201 No matter how much religious nation we are, how much background we got, the thing is corrupted and corrupted. It’s gone.
202 No matter how great our organizational life is in church, we believe in it, it’s fine, all right, but the thing is corrupted. God has done laid them up on the shelf, and there they lay. And never a piece of history that any one ever rose again. So, it’s wrong. It’s finished, wrote off. It’s no good.

« 203 † His Word is always what He wants to see vindicated. It’ll only be vindicated upon certain conditions, that’s when you meet those conditions. You seen people that can take the Word of God and they just make it live for them. And others come right back with the same Word and can’t do nothing with it. It’s on conditions. That’s right.

« 204 † Look here. I’ll show you an example of that in the Bible. Israel was on the road up to the promised land. Here come Moab, which was the–was the same religion, exactly. That was Lot’s daughter’s child. And notice when Balaam come down, it was God talking to him. He put seven altars, just like Israel had seven altars. He put seven clean sacrifices, bullocks on the altar. That’s just exactly what Israel had. And another thing, he put seven rams, speaking of a coming Messiah. That’s exactly what Israel had. Fundamental, they were both right, fundamentally. But it was on conditions. Amen. He failed to see the real promise of God.
205 That’s the same thing it was in the coming of Christ. That’s the same thing it’s come back to today. It’s on condition. Right.

« 206 † Job. God (doing what?) making a provided way. Job, a prophet, needed a comforter.
Now, listen close now. My time has got away.
207 Job needed a comforter. And men tried to provide that thing for him, and they could not do it. They always got Job off the line. But Job come right back. He needed a comforter. God provided a comforter for him, when He give him a vision of Jesus Christ. And he cried, “I know my Redeemer liveth. My Redeemer,” there’s only One, “and at the last days He will stand upon the earth.” Now remember the vision.
You said, “‘My Redeemer.'”

« 208 † He showed him Christ. Christ is the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” And when Job, being a prophet…
209 Now listen. Job, being a prophet, the Word of the Lord comes to the (what?) prophet. Absolutely. That’s where the Word comes to. That’s how you know whether they’re prophets or not. They stay in the Word. The Word is revealed to the prophet. And Job was a prophet. He couldn’t see the end, but when he saw the Word, being a prophet, he said, “I know my Redeemer liveth,” after the church had failed, after everything else had failed.
210 Even his loving wife had failed him, and want him say… “Why don’t you just go on and curse God, and die the death, Job?”

« 211 † He said, “Thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave; the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.” And the thunders begin to roar, and the lightnings flash. The Spirit come upon the prophet, and he saw the Word. Then he said, “I know my Redeemer liveth. At the last days He will stand on the earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Amen. I shall see for myself. Mine eyes shall behold, and not another. We brought nothing into this world, and it’s certain we take nothing out. The Lord gave; the Lord taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.” What a Comforter! He asked for a church member; God give him a vision. He asked for the bishop to come give him comfort, the presbyter; God gave the prophet a vision. That’s what he needed.

« 212 † Israel needed a way out of Egypt. They needed some way, some military strength or something, to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians. God provided a prophet with the vindicated original Word. Moses! That right? They wanted a army to rise up and to take them out, and beat the Egyptians down. But God sent them the Word, the prophet with the vindicated Word that God had spoke before to Abraham, saying, “Thy seed shall sojourn in a strange land. But I’ll visit them with a mighty hand,” the Word that God had spoke. They was crying for a deliverer, and God sent them a prophet with the Word. God had a provided way to tell the difference between the believer and the unbeliever. And God…

« 213 † Now, some of them said, “Well, now, if the plague falls, we’ll just go in the hospital. If the plague–if the plague happens to fall, you know what we’ll do? We’ll go get Dr. Jones. He’ll know how to take care of it.” It didn’t work. Yet, they were smart. “Well, if the plague falls, we’ll just go down beneath the ground, in a cave, and shut the door down.” That won’t do it one bit of good. “We’ll stay in the house, and put a mask over our face, and–and put some disinfect on it.” Didn’t do a bit of good.
214 God made a provided way. Yes. And it was (what?) the blood. God provided it, as simple as it seemed, to take the blood of a lamb and sprinkle the door. Yet, God said that was His way, and He honored it. “All out from under the blood died, the firstborn.”

« 215 † When Noah needed a provided way, to saving of his household, God had him to construct an ark. They might have built mock boats. That’s what people think today. But, you see, this was a special boat. They probably had boats then, the same as they got now, but this was a special boat. It was a… Listen to me now. It was a God-constructed boat.

« 216 † And a church today is the same way. It’s got to be a Bible-constructed church. My experience is not to be the best member in the church, but an experience that’s constructed by the Word of God. “These signs shall follow them that believe.” God-constructed experience, the only thing is going to take me up. Is the only thing is going to take you up.
217 Anything is going to lift above that, I don’t care how many, “I come…” Say, “Look, I–I’m a good Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or a Pentecostal.” That won’t mean one thing to God.
218 It’s got to be God-instructed. And that’s the Holy Spirit, by the Word. And the Holy Spirit will never instruct anything but the Word, because It is the Holy Spirit. Men moved, oh, wrote the Bible by the Holy Ghost, God’s provided way.

« 219 † Now, Israel needed a–a provision. And God give it to them, and separated the believer from the unbeliever. The same thing is today, the believer and unbeliever, separated.
220 Moses. I’ve got to skip a lot of notes now. But, Moses, a faithful servant of God!
221 Now listen, old timers. Some of you like me, that’s getting way up in their years, listen.
222 Moses had served God faithfully. He had put up with all their chiding, and all the Dathans that raised up and said, “Say, there’s other men that’s prophets besides you. You’re not the only pebble on the beach.” And he knew he had God’s message for them. Impersonators raised up.
Moses just said, “God, what can I do?”
223 And He said, “Separate yourself. I’ll just swallow the thing up. Take your rods, and go in there and see which one buds. See? I’ll show you who is priest, who is prophet.”

« 224 † And Moses had served the office faithful. Then when he got old, a hundred and twenty years he had walked faithfully with God. All these forty years in the wilderness, stood all kinds of persecutions of nations and people, constantly. And then it come to a place to die. He needed a place to die. God provided him a place on the Rock.
225 O God, let me die there, too, upon the Rock. The Rock was Christ, you know. God provided a place for Moses to die. That’s where, only, I want to die. Let me die in Christ.
226 And then when he was dead, his body laying up there, he needed pallbearers. So God provided pallbearers, Angels. Why? They was the only One could take him where he was going to. Amen. God provided the pallbearers. That’s right.
227 I am depending upon the Holy Spirit, upon the Word, the promise. Not take you out for a nice big burial. They did the rich man that way, but he lift up his eyes in hell. See? Not about a fancy burial. It don’t make any difference. I want to take God’s provided way. “Them that are in Christ will God bring with Him when He comes.” That’s the provision. God made His faithful prophet a place to die.

« 228 † Enoch, after walking five hundred years with God, and God told him, “Enoch, you’re not going to have to die. You want to come up home? Are you homesick, Enoch?”
He said, “Yea, Lord. I’m homesick.”
229 Said, “Have you walked in the pesthouse down there long enough?”
He said, “Yes.”
Said, “All right, just start walking.”
230 Enoch needed a ladder. God give him a highway. That was God’s way for him. Provided him a highway, upward! He didn’t… He just went right up, like that. He didn’t have to strain, at all. Just run right up; and the Holy Spirit, behind him, lifted him right up. He went right up the highway of holiness, right into the Kingdom of God.

« 231 † Elijah, after he had condemned bobbed hair and painted faces, for all of his life, of that Jezebel, the first woman, her and the renowned president of that time, who put a poor example before the people and got them all carried off. And–and, actually, he thought he was the only one preaching that. He just carried the thing every way. And he done so much, till he was getting tired, and he wanted to go home. And he knowed God was from Above. He needed a rope to climb up, to come up to Heaven, but God sent him a chariot with two horses hitched to it. That’s God’s provided way to take him. Might have been looking for a rope, but God sent a chariot. That was His way. Joshua…
232 And at the end of the road, that was Elijah’s end. That was Noah. That was, all the time, the end.

« 233 † Now, Joshua, when he come to the end of the trail, through the wilderness, watch, he needed a bridge to cross over Jordan, into the promised land. God… He, he needed a bridge. But God’s provided way was a power, not a bridge. He sent a power, and He held the river back. And he walked across on dry land. That was God’s provided way, not a bridge. He had a better Engineer. So, He just sent him power, pushed the water back until he walked over on dry land.

« 234 † Daniel, for the cause of God, was throwed into a lions’ den. He needed a fence, but God sent him an Angel. What a different! That was God’s provided way. He needed a fence, but God give him an Angel. What a better fence it was! He always gives you better than you ask for, always. Yes. He needed a fence; God sent him an Angel.
235 The Hebrew children, they needed some water, to put out that fire. But God sent them the fourth Man. That’s all they needed. He untied their hands, and talked with them. They walked out without smell of fire on them. They needed water; He sent the fourth Man.

« 236 † The wise men up at Babylon, up in India, they knowed that something is fixing to happen. They knowed the King was born, and they needed a compass. God sent them a star to lead them to the King. See? They went God’s provided way. I can just imagine some of them saying, “Say, Balthazar, you know, you’re a great man. Did you bring your compass?”
He said, “No.”
“Well, how you going to get there?”
“I’m going God’s provided way.” That’s the way.
“How you going to get there?”
“God’s provided way.”
“What is it?”
237 “That Star, that’s it. That’s God’s provided way for us.” They needed a compass, and God give them a star.

« 238 † The world needed a Saviour one day, and God provided His Son. When He come, He was not recognized. He was not wanted. They said they wanted a Saviour. But when God sent it in His way… They asked for a king; God give them a Baby. They wanted a mighty man to stomp out Rome. God give them a little, crying Baby in a barn. See? But it was God’s provided way. We… But they didn’t want it the way God wanted to send it. They want it the way they wanted it. See? So, therefore, they went into chaos because they didn’t accept His way. There was some that did.

« 239 † This was the birthplace of the Church, was at Pentecost, after Jesus had commissioned them to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe.” He had told them what to do. Told them to go up, city of Jerusalem, and wait. They needed a charter. They needed a charter. They wanted to draw up a creed. God give them the Holy Ghost. Oh! They needed a denomination, but God give them a Spirit. What a difference, how God does do it! The Holy Ghost was God’s provided way to lead the Church, not a bishop. The Holy Ghost, that’s what, that was their charter. And from that day, to this, it’s been every true born-again child’s charter: the Holy Ghost.

« 240 † Now, after two thousand years, friends. We’re closing. Now, after two thousand years, man is determined to have his way. He made hisself a charter. He made hisself a man-made ethics. And what did he do? There has become, by it, a great falling away from the Truth. They got off on… The people don’t know what to do. Creeds, denominations, all kinds of isms, sensations, and everyone says, “The Bible says this.” They’ll take this part of It, but won’t take that part of It. They don’t follow the charter, therefore they lose the course. And after all these years, when we got nine hundred and something different organizations of Christianity, and each one condemning the other, and saying, “This is right, and they’re wrong; and this is right, and that’s wrong,” and so forth. And the poor people are so confused they don’t know what is right and wrong.

« 241 † What do we need? We need to get back on the course, get back to the charter. What do we need? We need a genuine, true Scriptural sign of the Truth. A vindicated Gospel Truth is what the Church needs for this end-time way. God promised to give them a sign for this last day.

« 242 † Do you remember when Jesus was speaking and said, “The queen of the south shall rise up in the last day, will rise up and condemn this generation”? She come from the utmost parts of the world, to hear the wisdom of Solomon. He had a spirit of discernment. How she come so far, to see that spirit of discernment! He said, “A greater than Solomon is here.”

« 243 † He said, also, “As in the… like the prophet Jonah. Jonah, as he was in the belly of the whale for three days and nights, so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth, three days and nights.” And He said, “A wicked and adulterous generation will seek after a sign.” If this ain’t that sign, or that generation, I don’t know where it’s at: a weak, wicked, church-going, adulterous generation. They would seek after a sign, and He said they would get it. “For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days, so would the Son of man be in the heart of the earth.” But there would be a resurrection, like Jonah come out of the belly of the whale.

« 244 † Malachi, the 4th chapter, promised us that in the last days, that, “There would come forth the Message that would turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the fathers, the original Faith of the fathers.” They promised it. Jesus promised it. Faith of the end-time believers will see the original Messiahic sign. Notice. If He is raised from the dead… And creeds has put Him out, all these years, and denied that Truth. Then the thing that we’ve got to look for, in the last days, is a turning back to the–the original Faith, back to the Faith of the early pentecostal fathers.

« 245 † And they seen His resurrection. And today we are seeing His resurrection, the sign of His resurrection. Jonah, three days and nights was in the belly of the whale, and on the third day he arose from the whale. Jesus raised from the dead, after being three days in its belly. Two thousand years He’s been absent from the church. But He promised, through Joel, “What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eaten. But I will restore, saith the Lord, all that the palmerworm, and the caterpillar, and the locust, and so forth, eat up. I will restore it in the last days.”
246 The prophet said, “It shall be Light in the evening time.” The same sun shines in the east shines in the west. It’s been a day, a dark day. They’ve joined, and put creeds and things. But in the evening time it shall be Light: the same sun, the same results, the same signs, the same wonders, the evening time.

« 247 † How did He prove Hisself to be Messiah? Now, the question is, after two thousand years of hammering against it, is He still Messiah? Well, what He was then, Hebrews 13:8 said, “He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.” What He was then, He has to be the same today. How did He prove Himself to be the Messiah? According to the Word of God. “For God had said,” through Moses, “the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet likened unto me.”
248 That’s the reason the woman at the well, when He told her her sins, “Why,” she said, “Sir, I perceive You’re a prophet. We know when Messiah cometh He will tell us these things.”
He said, “I’m He, that speaks to you.”
249 She run quickly and told the people in the city. “Come, see a Man Who told me what I done. Isn’t this the very Messiah?” And the people believed it, because they were looking for that Messiahic sign, four hundred years without a prophet.

« 250 † Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man,” when God revealed Himself in a body of flesh, eat the–the meat of a calf, drank the milk from the cow, and set there before them. God, Jehovah, Him manifested in the flesh, with His back turned to the tent, and told what Sarah was talking about in the tent.

« 251 † “It shall be Light in the evening time.” God’s vindicated Word is the sign of the day that we’re living in. It shall be Light. And He promised, through Malachi 4, through many places of the Bible, that the end-time people would see the same manifestation that they saw, ’cause He can’t change that sign. He’s promised it.

« 252 † Now, we heard Him speaking in tongues on Calvary. We seen Him doing all the things that He did do. We seen the apostolic Church back there at the beginning, how that apostolic Church, the moves that they made. We see it turning right back into the Church again here in the last days. What is it? It’s God, vindicating, just like He did to Moses, like He did through the ages. He has provided a way that we might not be deceived, that we would know. Jesus said, in John 14:12, “He that believeth on Me, the signs that I do, the works that I do, shall he do also.” That’ll be it. Now, if He died and He’s dead, then them works ceased. But if He lives again, then His works continue on as it was, for He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 253 † Listen. Let me say this. Jesus proved He was the Messiah, by the Bible signs of the Messiah. He proved it. He was. Now, may God let me prove now that He still is the same. You believe it? He proved it. He was. He proved He was. May I, by the grace of God, prove He is. He proved He was. Now let’s prove that He is. That’s exactly what He promised. That’s what He said. That’s the way He told it. “And these signs shall follow them that believe.”

« 254 † What is it? God’s provided way, the resurrection way. The thing that brings a man from his stupidity, into the Light of the Gospel; brings him from an intellectual brain, like some great regime of a machine, and humbles his heart before God.
255 “Well,” you say, “that man is so smart, Brother Branham. He had four degrees. He’s got a Bachelor of Art. He’s got all this.” I don’t care what he’s got. He’ll have to forget everything he learned, in order to know Christ. That’s right. He’ll have to humble himself and get away from anything the world did to him.

« 256 † And you learn Christ by humility, believing Him at the evening time. What did I say over here, at the beginning? What was it I spoke of here? Accepting God’s Provided Way At The End Time. Each one of these men, each time through the Bible, through nature, we see.
257 Now, God don’t take a tree today, and make it something another, and then tomorrow make it something else. No. He makes a day, today the sap goes down, tomorrow it comes back another way, and the next time He has them pull the sap out? No.
258 He stays right on course. And each one of these men we’ve talked about, through the Bible, God stayed right on His course with them, exactly by His Word. Not a one of them but what was exactly on His Word, all through the Bible, exactly on His Word.

« 259 † Then when you say, “Well, I’m exactly on His Word,” then He vindicates that to be the Truth.
260 Now He is still on course, tonight, if we’ll just believe it. Will you do it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]
261 Let’s bow our head. Now, just as reverent as you can be, for a moment.
262 God’s provided way, that He might bring the believers to a Rapturing Faith. God’s way, His provided way, to bring believers to Rapturing Faith.

« 263 † Before I make the altar call, I’d like to say this. I feel led to do this. Is there sick people in the house? Raise up your hand.
264 I’m going to ask you to please be just as quiet, set still, just a minute longer. Now, we’ll be out in five more minutes, if you just be real reverent.
265 Now, see, you, when you’re disturbing, you’re disturbing somebody.
266 I’ve got the whole thing under the control of the Holy Spirit. I must have it, in order to do this. God made the promise. It wasn’t me. It was Him that made the promise.

« 267 † Now, as far as I know, there is some people here that I know. There is some I do not know. I can actually see about, I suppose, about four people that I know. And one of them is Brother Williams here, and Brother Rose. I know them. And Mother Sharrit is setting over at the door. I, course, I know her. Here is Sister Williams setting here. I know her.
268 And this lady setting right here, about two rows in front of me here, she works at a dry goods store, and is a friend to the family. I don’t know her name, but I believe she’s a member of Brother Outlaw’s church up there. I think that’s right.
269 And then I see Brother Dauch and Sister Dauch, from Ohio, setting here. I heard Brother Sothmann, way back there somewhere, say “amen,” a while ago. I watch. That’s about all that I see and know in here.

« 270 † How many of you that’s sick, and knows that I do not know you, raise up your hands, that knows I know nothing about you, raise up your hand. All right. You just have faith now and believe.
271 Now, if I have told you the Truth, God is obligated to vindicate that Word to be the Truth. Is that right? It’s right. Now, that will be the provided way then, according to what I’ve said tonight. That’s God’s provided way to tell you, “This is the Truth.”

« 272 † Because, anybody knows that it’s totally impossible. It would be a miracle that science cannot explain. You can’t explain a miracle. It’s beyond explaining. And if God should speak in here, tonight, to one person that would know that I was a stranger to them, and tell them what they’d done, or what they ought not have done, or what they will do, or what they ought to do, or something, just like Jesus did when He was here on earth. He made Hisself known to the public that that was the Messiahic sign. How many knows that, say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Then, the church believes it. That’s the only way. The people, when He did that, they…
273 The woman touched the hem of His garment. He turned around, said, “Who touched Me?” Physically, He didn’t feel her, but it was her faith that did it.
274 Now, you can have that kind of faith if you will just pray and say, “Lord Jesus, take away every doubt from me. Take away my doubts, and let me believe this. I’m desperately in need. And I’m coming, tonight, for the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity.”

« 275 † Did you know, this sign, this miracle, has not been done in history since the death of the last apostle? That’s right. I’ve just come through the–the… all the history books that I know of, Hislop’s Babylons. I come through the Foxe’s Book of the Martyrs. I come through the pre-Nicene fathers, the Nicaea Council, and the post-Nicaea. I come through all those books. Not one place have I seen it, in the history of Martin Luther, John Wesley, the first revival, the Welsh revival. They been crying, shouting, praising God, finally dropped into speaking in tongues. And then this was supposed to be the last sign. That was the last thing that Sodom saw before she burned.
276 And remember, He didn’t reveal it to Sodom. He revealed it to Abraham, the chosen and elected. And the gift is not going to the worldly churches out here, if you notice. It’s going to the elected Church. That’s the ones that’s being benefited by it. They’re the ones that will receive it.

« 277 † If it would be done out there, they’d say the same thing they did when He performed it, “He is Beelzebub, a fortuneteller.” And anybody knows about fortuneteller, knows that’s–that’s a crazy thing to even say. They don’t know the first principle of telepathy or fortune-telling. That’s a work of the Devil, trying to copy the work of God.
278 God shows a prophet; the Devil has a medium. The two are pretty close together. Jesus said it would almost fool the Elected, if possible. It’s true. We got lots–lots of impersonation. He said, “As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men of corrupt mind, reprobates concerning the Truth. But their folly will be found out.”

« 279 † Now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I take this audience under my control, but for the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
280 I ask you, as believers, don’t you move. Set still. And you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that I’m here to make known His works and His ways.
281 I been very reluctant on these things, the fifteen, sixteen years I been on the field. But there’s an hour coming now when something is fixing to take place. The Message will go to another nation, another people. But while we are in the Presence of His Holy Being… The Church in America, I believe, is just about called out. She’s finished, She’s washed, She’s ready, the real Church. Hypocrisy still remains on. But the true Church was a true Church, to begin with, the born again, the predestinated to the call of God.

« 282 † If you believe with all your heart, I ask you to pray and say, “Lord Jesus,” in your heart, “let me touch Your garment. And how will I know that You’re still the same High Priest? Speak to me through the lips of Brother Branham. And if he has told me the Truth, which, I believe he has.”
283 Be sure to mention that in your prayer, ’cause He told me, “If you get the people to believe you.” That’s the only… you… He couldn’t do many mighty works, because they didn’t believe Him. Don’t believe me as Him, but believe that He sent me. And I’m here to manifest Him. He proved that He was. May God help me to prove that He is raised from the dead, the Messiah, same yesterday, today, and forever.

« 284 † Now just be in prayer. I’m watching and waiting. Just pray. And if the Lord will grant it, and will prove to you that this is the end-time sign, will you walk in the Light? Will you believe Him, have faith in Him? He is no respecter of person. Just have faith, all along, everywhere. Now, while you have your heads bowed, I’m thanking the Lord.
285 Here is that Light that you see in the picture. He is right here in this room now. And I see It right by the side of a woman who is setting to my right. She’s praying for a son that’s in trouble. Just don’t doubt. Have faith.

« 286 † To my left there is a woman, and she is scared. She’s afraid that she’s got cancer. She’s very much shook up about it. I hope she don’t miss it. The woman has tried, for a long time, to press her way in. She’s afraid. She isn’t from here. She comes from another city. And the city is a smaller city than this, though it lays south from here. It’s by the side of a mountain. It’s Tucson. The lady’s name is Mrs. Bach. You believe? Will you accept your healing? All right. Don’t be scared of it no more. Your faith makes you whole.
287 A lady by the name of Mrs. Hushey. Don’t forget. God can prove that son innocent, if you’ll believe with all your heart. Don’t doubt. Have faith. Believe.
288 A lady setting over here on the side to my right, she is suffering with a heart trouble. Her name is Mrs. Cloud. If you’ll believe with all your heart, accept your healing, the Almighty God will make you well. Will you believe it? All right. You believe with all your heart.
289 A lady way back here to my right, in the right-hand row, dark dress on. Mrs. Yates, believe with all your heart, and your back trouble will go from you. Oh, my!

« 290 † You love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] You believe Him? [“Amen.”] Is He the same yesterday, today, and forever? [“Amen.”] Now, if He proves that, and you see that it’s right, and those people will bear record I’ve never seen them in my life.
291 But, look, now, if you will take my word for what I’m saying, if you will believe with all your heart and lay your hands on one another, you’ll be healed if you’ll just believe it with all your heart. It’s a sign of the end time.
292 Now put your hands over on one another, you that’s going to pray for each other. If you’re a sinner, confess your sins. If you’re a backslider, confess that you’re wrong. If you’re sick, confess that you want to be healed, and say, “I believe You, God.”
293 Now, the Bible never said, “Just the prayers of William Branham will do this.” But He said, “These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover.” Do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 294 † Now, how many times, how long have I been with you, Phoenix? This is about seventeen years, I been coming here. Have you ever seen it proved wrong one time? Has it always been just exactly the way the Holy Spirit spoke it. [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Through the thousands times thousands, and through the multitudes of times; how many times around the world, of all nations, and kindreds, tongues, and people; it’s Jesus Christ, not your brother. And I’m quoting His Word to you. “These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover.”
295 Now lay your hands on somebody and pray for them. Don’t you… Don’t pray for yourself now, because they are praying for you. You pray for them. And now let’s bow our heads in the august Presence of Jesus Christ, Who proves Himself to be among us. Now, He’s your God, the same as He’s my God. Now you pray the way you do in your church. Pray for that person that’s got their hands on you. You pray back for them, and believe on God.

« 296 † Confess your sins, say, “I’m wrong, Lord. I been a doubter; I’ll be no more. I’m believing right now that You’re going to heal me.”
297 “Heal this person, Lord. Heal this woman. Heal this man. Heal this woman. Heal the baby. Heal the young girl, the young boy.”
298 O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, how can we sit here, Lord? This ought to bring a Rapturing Faith, a power of God that would sweep this whole audience, Lord, into higher heights, and of the glory of God.

« 299 † Let the Devil, that’s had these people bound, turn them loose; upon the–the promise of God that I believe in, upon the Bible that I teach, upon the God Who proves that it is the Bible, that proves that He is the God of the Bible. After two thousand years, He still lives among us tonight, resurrected from the dead, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Upon the basis of His shed Blood, and His living Being, Presence, after two thousand years, I challenge the Devil with all of his impotent spirit of sickness and diseases, turn these people loose, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Come out of them, that they might go free. Turn loose that sinner. Turn loose that backslider. Turn loose of that sick man or woman. I claim their healing, their salvation, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Leave them, thou foul, evil, unclean spirit of unbelief and doubt. Depart from this church, from this bunch of people, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

« 300 † I believe. I believe that the prayer of faith has been prayed. I want you to do something now. Right where you’re at, drive down a post in your mind, “Right here on this seat, this night, when I stood and heard the Word, saw God vindicate His Word, prove that It’s right, the prayer of faith has been prayed for me. If the Devil will ever try to tell me again I’m sick, or anything wrong, I’m going to bring him right back to this post. Right now the prayer of faith has been prayed for me, and I’m saved from my sickness. I’m saved from my sins. I’m a child of God, and I’ll not cater to the Devil’s lies anymore. I am God’s free servant.” Amen. Will you do it? Say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Raise your hand and say, “I believe it.” [“I believe it.”] Amen. Amen.

« 301 † To me, that settles it. The work is done. It’s all over. God said so, and that proves it. How can He do anything else but vindicate His Word? If He will vindicate it to me, He can vindicate it for you. You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] All right.
302 Let’s stand on our feet and praise Him, then, give Him all praise and glory. Amen. All right. Glory to God!
303 Thank You, Lord Jesus. We love You. We praise You. We accept these things. We believe that You do it for us now. Thou art our Saviour. Thou art our Healer, and we love You for it. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, forevermore. Receive these people, Lord, and let them be Thy servants from now on, through Jesus’ Name.
God bless you. — Rev. William Marrion Branham

15-1104 El-Shaddai

Message: 59-0416 El-Shaddai
Songs: 152, 106, 146, 156, 108, 169, 52, 185, 142, 1, 424, 221

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« E-1 † Our heads for prayer… Almighty God, it is with the grateful hearts that we bow before Thee tonight, to offer to Thee the very adoration of our heart for ever sending Jesus to the earth, that we might be redeemed and have the privilege someday of looking upon Him Who saved us. We are here tonight; we have gathered in His Name, for He has promised that wherever two or more would gather in His Name, He would be in our midst, and then, if we would agree upon anything that it would be granted. Lord, we are perfectly in agreement tonight: that if there be any in this building that is not saved, may they be saved tonight, or any listening in in radio-land, may they be saved tonight. Heal all that’s sick and afflicted, and get glory to Thy Name; for we are Thy servants, and we are here to serve Thee to the best of our knowledge. Now, we commit ourselves and our spirits, our thinking, and all that we are, we commit into Thy hands for Thy service. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, we ask it. Amen.
You may be seated.

« E-2 † I’ve been sitting in the car, enjoying the–the band that played. And Mrs. Piper, always how we enjoy her message in songs, and then to hear Brother David speak, which is always an inspiration to me, to hear that warrior of the Lord speak what he thinks about the Lord Jesus. Now, he’s having services here every morning at, I believe, around ten o’clock.
And I was talking to the tape boys, and they’re taking tapes on it. And they said that they would save every one of them for me that I could hear them all, after we get to a place where I can have the opportunity of hearing them. And I’m sure he will do you good.

« E-3 † Brother duPlessis, I have knowed him now for some years. He’s known me longer than I have known him, for he would be in the meetings and I–I wouldn’t know it. But I know his family, and they’re all fine Christians.
When I was in South Africa, his brother was my interpreter, a fine Christian gentleman. And I like David’s spirit. Now, he’s gone, so he don’t hear me. But I like his spirit, that gentle, right straight to the point, compromising for nothing; but yet, gentle with it. I like that.
You know, Jesus wasn’t a sissy by no means. He wasn’t just a feminish type person; He was man. But yet, He could speak right straight to the point, but yet, with gentleness. And I see a person can do that, I just think of the Spirit of Christ being in them.

« E-4 † So Brother duPlessis is preaching again tomorrow. And I think tomorrow night, he was telling me, that he has to leave. I was sorry I didn’t get to talk some with his wife; she’s one of the nicest ladies. We met her at the breakfast the other morning; and such a nice lady she was, real typical Afrikaans woman.
The Lord willing, I hope to be in South Africa this year with Brother David in another big campaign, where I think that the queen campaign, that I ever held for the Lord was there, where thirty thousand raw heathens accepted Jesus Christ as personal Saviour one afternoon. One… Thirty thousand, tagged raw heathens, blanket natives, and never had heard the Name of Jesus before, as far as I know. And with… Now, they wasn’t all natives. Some of them was… They claimed about ten thousand Mohammedans (See?), was in that group.

« E-5 † Now, talking to a missionary years ago, and he was talking about that one precious jewel. He’d been in the mission fields for so many years and had won one Mohammedan. They’re the hardest there is to win, ’cause they’re from the old Medes of Persian that alter not. And their religion is tops, and they say it’s the best. And you just can’t change them. So…
But when… You see, where I think we’ve made our mistake, we haven’t did as Jesus commanded us to do. See? See, we’ve went and made churches, and had denominations, and had schools, and that’s all right. But Jesus never exactly commissioned His Church to do that. Was to preach the Gospel (See?), heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, that’s the commission. See? And we’ve done other things besides that. And that’s the reason the Gospel hasn’t got out the way it has. Back to the general orders, brethren. That’s right. Back to the order.

« E-6 † “When I…” Jesus said, “If I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto Me.” See? And that’s why I go through America here, is trying, without taking an offering, just the free will people, whenever they want to give me something, till I get enough money together to take off over there to win a few thousand souls to Christ. Then at the day of the judgment, you’ll be credited for it, ’cause the Lord commissioned me to go, and you’re helping me to go. So that’s–that’ll make us all in with it on that day.
Won’t you be glad to know that that day, when it comes, and it’s all over, and what a great time it’ll be then to set down…

« E-7 † I can start anywhere and get off of a plane, and there’ll be people there at the airport. “Brother Branham, you remember me? You prayed for me so-and-so.” Get on a train; somebody walk through, say, “Are you Brother Branham? Why I was healed in your meeting of cancer ten years ago.”
And I just think what it’ll be when we set down on the banks of the river on the other side. And here we’re just safe. “Yes, I–I remember that meeting, the Lord bless you. Good bye.”
But there, we’ll just… I want a date with each one of you people when we get over there. I want to set down with you for a thousand years of peace (See?), ’cause we ain’t going to have no time when we get there. See? So we’ll just… Be a just a little few minutes chat, just a thousand years of peace with you, and we’ll talk it all over then. Be wonderful.

« E-8 † Now, speaking of tapes and so forth, some people has been asking me, “Where can we get the messages?” Now, these messages here hasn’t been very much, because it’s hoarse, and–and I’ve been tired, and lots ahead of me, and things that the world knows nothing about. But we have got some messages where I’ve had in my Tabernacle, and things, where that we were rested.
I think we got five hundred different sermons all–yeah–all in tape. And the boys has that at the table with… so forth. And they just sell them for just a l–little over the cost of the tape. They let them have just for the handling charge, about. And you’re more than welcome to get them at the desk. It’s… I been getting little notes, “Where can we get the messages?” So that’s where you get them, at the book table at the concession.

« E-9 † Now, we was having a glorious time last night, or I was, anyhow. I was just… Puts me in a mind last night when we… I was–just remember going out and seeing the church standing, screaming, and praising the Lord.
I was just thinking about one time I’d… I love to fish so well. And most all preachers like to fish, you know; that’s where they… Peter seen the Lord, one time, and the Apostles when they were fishing. I think that’s the reason preachers like to fish. I don’t know about eating the chicken now; they all like about that crowing of the rooster.

« E-10 † But I was way up in northern New Hampshire, and I was fishing for those little brook trout in the native home of the white-tailed deer. And I was three days back in the mountains with a pack on my back, and I’d put me up a little tent, and had a stove in there where I could keep warm a little at night. It was early spring.
And so I’d been fishing up along the stream, a catching plenty of fish. And I… That morning when I left early, befo–way before sunup, I took my fly line and went up. And I took a hatchet so I could cut some of (a little hand axe), so I could cut some of the willows away. I couldn’t… A big hole down there where I knowed some trout was laying, and I couldn’t whip that fly into it just right.

« E-11 † So I’d caught a nice mess of fish, enough for breakfast, and I was on the road back, and–and I heard a noise. I–I looked around the little bushes I was coming around, and my little tent was torn all the way to the ground, a little pup tent. And there were… An old she bear, an old sow, and two cubs had got in there. And they had rim-wrecked that tent till it was just torn to pieces. It isn’t what they eat; it’s what they destroy. And I had an old stovepipe in there, and the old mother bear would just hit that to hear it rattle, you know, just… And I noticed they’d just tore up everything.

« E-12 † And she heard me when I come around the corner; the ground had a little frost in it yet. And she looked up, and she cooed to her cubs, and she run off. Well, one little cub took off with her, just little fellow, you know, just a little bitty guy, cute. And so he run off. And she… Because the other cub didn’t come, why, she kindy stopped, and she went to calling to that cub, cooing to it, kinda sounded like a bird making a noise. And she… And this other little cub set. He had his back to me all humped up like that. And he was doing something; I thought, “Well, he must have found something; he’s tearing into it.” So she cooed again and act like she was coming back towards me.

« E-13 † Now, you know, you go to fooling around their cubs and sometimes they’ll scratch you. So I had a hand axe in my hand, an old rusty pistol laying in the tent, but it was tore up. And they… I didn’t want to kill the old mother; it would leave two orphans in the woods. And I didn’t never want to be guilty of that. Well, I looked for a tree to see how I could get up that tree right quick, you know, if she come.
So I thought, “I’m going to see what’s the matter with that little fellow.” And he was just so interested, doing something; and he had his back to me so I couldn’t see him. I kept my eye on her, ’cause she kept cooing. So I walked around sideways till I got to where I could see the little fellow. He had my bucket of molasses open. And so I…

« E-14 † I love pancakes. I know I got a lot of brethren and sisters out there that love them too. And I–I had me a bucket of molasses, and… You know, I don’t believe in sprinkling; I baptize them. I’m a Baptist. I really pour it on, a plenty of molasses, you know.
And this little fellow had opened up that bucket. They love something sweet anyhow. He had his little paw in it. And he’d sock his little foot down like that, and lick like that as he brought his paw up just over his face. And he’d sopped that bucket out as clean as it could be. He was molasses from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. And I hollered, “Get out of there!” like that. And he turned around and looked at me, and the molasses was in his eyes; he couldn’t see. That was one of the cutest sights I ever seen–no camera, of course, at that time.

« E-15 † And the old mother kept cooing to him. And I thought, “That’s right. See, there’s no condemnation to him. Why, he had his hand in the molasses bucket plumb up to his elbow.”
That’s about the way we did last night. We wasn’t pay any attention to what anybody else was saying; we just had our hand in the molasses bucket, just molasses all over.
And the strange thing was, when that little fellow got over to his mother and his little brother, well, they begin to lick him, ’cause licking some of the molasses off.
I hope you got enough on you last night, till they’ve licked all day long on the testimonies that we had last night.
Oh, there’s great things if we’ll just watch God in nature, how He works. So amazing. Climb to the top of the mountains, and set there, and take time off, and just–just worship the Lord. It–it’s really good.

« E-16 † Now, the Lord willing, Sunday afternoon, I–I promised to try to tell my Life Story, Sunday afternoon. It’ll be the first time for years and years. And Saturday morning, is the businessman’s breakfast at the–at the Clifton’s cafeteria. If you can’t come… It’s always packed out in there. If you can’t come, tune in on the radio, ’cause they really have a great time.
And then Sunday afternoon and Sunday night, back here again. And of course, if you’re strangers and going to be in this city, why, come around the Temple if you haven’t got anyplace to go. We’d be glad to have you here for the Sunday school services. I’m sure you’d have your soul fed.

« E-17 † Now, we are going to open the Word of God. And I wish to read just one verse, found where we was reading this… Last night, we finished up on the 20th verse of the 4th chapter of Romans, of reading. Tonight, I want to read the 21st verse. And then last evening, we started at the 11th chapter of Genesis and come over to the 16th chapter of Genesis, and just hitting the high places of the life of Abraham. Now, we read here:
And being fully persuaded that… he was able to keep that which he had promised.
If God has made a promise, God will keep that promise. “Being fully persuaded that that what He promised, He was able to perform.” God keeps His promise. And Abraham was fully persuaded. No matter how ridiculous it looked to the carnal mind or anyone else, it looked all right to Abraham, because Abraham never looked at so much at what the promise was, or how ridiculous it was, he looked at Who gave the promise. It depends on what you’re looking at.

« E-18 † And now, we’ll background just a little bit to get to the spot where we wish to tonight. And then tomorrow night, we aim to climax this studying of Abraham, the Lord willing.
Now, I’m a long ways from being a theologian or a teacher. But what I know about Him, I like to tell others, because it means so much to me. And I hope that’ll mean as much to you to hear it as it does to me to speak it. And then we’ll all be blessed.
Now, we found out last night, that Abraham was just an ordinary man. He was a man that God looked at and seen his heart. Now, that’s the way God looks upon man; He looks upon the heart of man. Man looks at the outward appearance; God looks on the heart. So no matter how poor you are, how unqualified you seem to be, how uneducated you are, how literate you are, that has nothing to do with it. God looks at your heart. Always remember that. It’s in the heart God deals with.

« E-19 † A few nights before, we took the subject. In the garden of Eden, the devil chose the man’s head by intellectual. God chose his heart by faith. And if you walk by faith, you have to believe things that you cannot see or even reason with your mind. We cast down reasons. When God says anything, we don’t look at it no more intellectually; we let it soak right down into our heart and call anything contrary to it, as though it wasn’t. We look at what God said, Who gave the promise.
That’s where the world’s so tangled today. It’s at too much intellectual preaching. Instead of Spirit filled churches worshipping in the Spirit, they’re listening to intellectual messages. And you can’t reason this out. There’s no way at all to do it.

« E-20 † I was thinking… Wished I had another week here in the Temple, I’d like to get into something of a subject that I have in my heart of the lay–restoring of the true church of God–how what the palmerworm eat, and the caterpillar eaten, and all these different bugs. It’s the same bug; it’s different forms of its life. And it eat all away. And what they have eaten and made up all these man-made things, God will never restore by them. He’s going to grow it right out of the stump. “I will restore, saith the Lord.” It won’t come out of any creed. It’ll come out of God: “I will restore.”
These palmerworms, and cankerworms, and so forth, that’s eat on God’s heritage, has eat it down to a stump. But it will not come through these, or neither will He use them. He will come right from the stump, right up with it. “I will restore, saith the Lord.” And He’s going to restore a faith in the people.

« E-21 † The last book before Revelations, in the little book of Jude, said, “I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, and it was needful for me to write unto you, and to exhort you, that you should earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints.” They’d fallen away from it. And if they’d fell away then, thirty-three years after the death of Christ, how much more have they fallen away tonight?
But God will restore that Church to its former condition. I believe it. “I will restore.”

« E-22 † And then, we’ve got to get back. And that’s why I was teaching on Abraham, to let you know… The greatest thing I find in the church tonight, amongst the people, all the churches… When I say church, I mean all of them. I find two different classes of people. I find fundamental people, who positionally know their position in Christ, but they haven’t got any faith for it. Then I find the Pentecostals, who’s got a lot of faith and don’t know who they are. So then, it’s just like a man that–that’s got a lot of money in the bank and can’t write a check; and the other one can write a check and hasn’t got no money in the bank. If you can get them two together… If you could get the faith that’s in the Pentecostal in the fundamental people, or get the–the Holy Ghost, I mean to say, that’s in the Pentecostal people in the fundamental believers, or get their position, let them… the Pentecostals know their position, just as the fundamental knows it, there’d be something happen.

« E-23 † But the trouble with the people today, those who have the Holy Spirit, they just… They don’t know what to do with It. They blow It all out in steam, instead of making It work for the Lord. They–they shout It out, and praise It out. That’s all right, but let’s put It to work. Let’s make It work for the Lord.
Like Benjamin Franklin, when he caught electricity, he begin to scream, “I got it. I got it.” But just to say he had it, could… ’cause he felt it. He had it, but it’ll never do no good till he puts it to work. Now look what it does.
And the Holy Spirit will light up the world with the Gospel just like electricity did, if we can put It to work. But you’ve got to let the Holy Spirit work. People today are… People are entertained.

« E-24 † If you’ll notice on the platform in different places, everywhere–not only here, anywhere–the people come by, they expect… They’ve had too much of this here high pressured, latter day, Divine healing campaigns. It’s exactly right. People saying, “I got it in the hand. Whew. Feel it? Feel it? You feel it?” No, you don’t feel it. You might feeled your hand, but that’s all you feeled. That’s right.
Jesus never did say, “Did you feeled it?” He said, “Did you believe it?” See? Not did you feeled it? do you believe it? Faith is not feeling; faith is something that you don’t feel; you have no senses will declare it, only that sixth sense, that faith that knows it. You don’t feel, taste, smell, or hear it; but you know it. Because Jesus said so; that settles it.

« E-25 † And if I could ever get a message sometime that would shake the people away from all this here Hollywood evangelism and get them down to the Bible to THUS SAITH THE LORD, then something will happen. And that’s what I’ve longed to see. We’ve had a stir here in the Temple. But I’d like to see a–a revival in the Temple.
Now, a revival is not bringing in new members, a revival is reviving what you’ve already got. That’s what we need, is a revival.
Did you ever see the sea have a revival? Sure. When it goes to leaping and jumping, and the waves a beating, there’s not one drop of water more in it than it was when it was perfectly quiet. But it’s got a revival, throws all the trash up on the shore. That’s what it does.
And that’s what the church needs tonight, is a revival to throw all the nonsense out of it, and throw it out on the shore, so they can get back to Gospel solid foundation.

« E-26 † That’s what the–the Bible said, “Come and buy of Me, gold–pure gold, tried in a fire.” The old beaters used to take the gold when they beat it, and they would beat that gold, and turn it over, and beat it, beating the dross out of it, until the reflection of the beater, he could see it in it. Then he knowed he had the dross out of it.
And that’s the way God takes the Holy Spirit, and takes the Christian and the Church, and beats it with the Gospel, and back and forth, and back and forth, until it reflects Jesus in it. The Holy Spirit can see the works of Jesus going on in the Church, then things begin to go fine.
But there’s too much dross in the Church today. Too much. Now, they’re fine people, the–the best in the world, the cream of the crop. But the Church needs to make Itself ready. Get ready. The Bible said, “And she… The Bride had made Herself ready,” as I preached on it at Pisgah the other day.

« E-27 † Now, Abraham was a man that God gave the promise to, made the covenant, absolutely unconditionally with Abraham and his seed. And if you’re Abraham’s seed, you’re absolutely heirs of the promise just like Abraham was. See? And it… Abraham’s faith… If you’re Abraham’s seed…
Now, it doesn’t mean physical seeds, ’cause them are Jews. But as Paul said, that which is a Jew outwardly is not Jew. It’s a spiritual Jew inside. A Jew, a real spiritual Jew is a man who believes God’s Word just like Abraham believed it, and calling anything contrary to it as though it was not.

« E-28 † Now, that’s the kind of a church… If we could get that type of church… If we could get this group, right here tonight, under them kind of a conditions, there’d be a revival break in this place here that, why, twelve o’clock, one o’clock in the morning, five o’clock in the morning, they’d be walking these floors in this building all night long praising the Lord. They’d be a revival break out here that all… The newspaper men would be standing in the door in the morning. He’d scatter across the world, everywhere, “A revival broke out in Angelus Temple. There’s something like the day of Pentecost going on.” God wants that. He wants it, but He can’t wake His children up. He can’t get them to the–realize that.

« E-29 † Now, we left Abraham, last night, at the confirmation of the covenant, and how He would do it, how that He would–God would take His own Son and make Him a Sacrifice, like He showed Abraham. Nothing that Abraham could do to do it, just keep on believing. God had already promised a son. Now, He didn’t say, “Now, Abraham, if you’ll do a certain thing, I will send my Son,” He said, “I will do it. It’s already done.”
Jesus was the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. And did you ever think this? Your names was not put in the Lamb’s Book of Life the night you give your heart to Christ. Did you know that? The Bible said, “Your name was put in the Lamb’s Book of Life from the foundation of the world,” God’s foreknowledge.

« E-30 † What are you scared about? What’s you so scared? You’re–you’re afraid. Seem like that you just can’t step out there and toe the line with the enemy, or call anything the devil says is a lie. Let God’s Word be true. See?
You were chosen of God. You didn’t choose yourself; God chose you. When did He choose you? Before the foundation of the world when the Lamb was slain. Now, the Bible says that. The Bible said in Revelations the 20th chapter, I believe it is, that the antichrist in the last days, deceived all that dwelled upon the earth whose names were not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life from the foundation of the world. How long? Since the foundation of the world, when God, with His foreknowledge seen you and put your name on the Book; when the Lamb was slain, you were slain with the Lamb. Hallelujah! My!

« E-31 † People are scared. “Oh, if I can just… I–I–I’m afraid I–I–I might make a mistake. I…” Make a mistake? You can’t do no worse than just set and do nothing about it. Get up and be going. Get the job done. Make some kind of an effort. You’ve got to move. When the Holy Spirit begins to move on a person, he ought to walk with his shoulders back and his head up praising God. Sure, ’cause it’s God that spoke the Word. It’s God that give the promise. But we just look over the Word and we say, “Well…”
It’s just like an old fisherman, one time, was coming from the sea, and there was a man going down to the sea. And the man wanted to… He’d heard about the sea; he’d never seen it. He’d read about it; he thought it was wonderful. So he said, “You know, I believe I’ll take a rest and go down to see its great briny waves, how they flash, and–and the deep waters reflect the blue skies, and the gulls, and smell the salt air.” He said, “It will be wonderful.”
And while he was going, he met an old salt, sailor, coming from the sea. And he said, “Where goest thou, my good man?”
He said, “I go down to the sea.” And he begin to tell him how wonderful it must be.
Said, “Aw, there’s nothing to it.” Said, “I don’t see nothing so thrilling about it. I was borned on the sea sixty years ago, and I been on it ever since. I don’t see no thrill about it.”

« E-32 † You see, he had been in it so much until it lost its thrill. And that’s the way with you people. You’ve seen the working of the Holy Spirit so much, till it’s lost its victory, or you’ve lost your victory over it. It becomes a common thing. God begins to show things, and move things, and the Spirit hits you and–and the Word comes forth. Say, “Yep, that’s pretty good. I sure believe that’s the Word of God.” Oh, my! It should thrill us. Should be fresh every day (Yes, sir!), just new to us all the time, just thrills us to feed and feast on the Word of God.

« E-33 † And God promised Abraham there just what He was going to do. So we took the covenant, how they made it. Tore the contract in two–one person made–took one part of the contract, the other person took the other part of the contract.
Now, when this contract was finished, they had to come together. And boths pieces of the contract had to dovetail. You see? You write a contract out and tear it, and then try to duplicate it one time. You’ll never do it. See, because it’s just the tearing of the paper and everything. It has to fit perfectly.
And when God made His contract with Abraham’s seed, He took His Son, Christ Jesus, to the cross. Do you believe that? Then He took Him there, and tore Him apart as a sacrifice, lifted up His body from the grave, and set it on His own right hand, on His throne in glory, and sent back the other part of the contract, the Spirit, to the Church to fill the Church.

« E-34 † No wonder Jesus said, “The works that I do, you do also.” His works were continued. How long? “Go ye into all the world. He that–and preach the Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned, and (conjunction) these signs shall follow them that believe.” How far? To all the world. How many? To every creature. How could the Apostles do it? It hasn’t been done yet. So the commission still stands the same.
“A little while, and the world won’t see Me no more.” That Greek word “kosmos” means “world order.” “The world won’t see Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me (‘Ye,’ that’s the Church), for I (personal pronoun) be with you, even in you, to the end of the world (Not the end of the Apostles, but the end of the world.); and the works that I do shall you do also.”

« E-35 † “Ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you…” Now, “abide” means to “stay there.” If you take God’s promise in your heart, “I’m the Lord that healeth thee,” get it in your heart, let it stay there. Don’t never take it out. Let it stay there. Act on it. “If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.” Oh, my! That’s the real truth. If ye abide in Me (the Holy Spirit, Christ), and My Words (My promises, all) abide in you (stay there), just ask what you will, and it’ll be done to you, ’cause It’s got to do it.

« E-36 † Then we find Abraham believed God. And then, when he was about ninety and nine years old… That’s lacking one year, in being a hundred. Little Isaac hadn’t come yet. He’s still praising God for it, for he knew God made the promise. God has to keep that promise. God has to keep His promise in order to be God. Oh, if I could… If that could soak down on the left side below the fifth rib and then hang there. See? When God makes a promise, God is duty bound to keep that promise. He can’t alter it. He can’t change it.
We–we’re finite. We can say, “Well, I’ll be there.” We should say, “If the Lord is willing.” But see, we’re finite. We can say things and make mistakes. But He’s infinite, and He cannot make a mistake. And the…

« E-37 † Any time that He does anything, it’s done perfectly. It can never be any better. And the way He ever act is perfect. If a sinner, the first sinner come to Him and repented, and God accepted him–his repentance, if the second sinner come, He’s got to act the same way He did the first time. If a man come to Him for healing, and God healed him upon the basis of his faith, the next time a sick person comes, He’s got to do the same thing, or He did wrong when He healed the first man. He made a mistake; God will have to stand, say, “I made a mistake by healing the people back in the days of the Apostles, ’cause I don’t heal people now.” Could you imagine God Almighty saying something like that? Never! It’s not God; it’s us! Nothing wrong with God, it’s us, our faith: if you can believe it.

« E-38 † Every preparation’s made. Healing is already atoned for. Sins are already atoned for. All things are ready, come. That’s right. The wedding supper’s set. Excuses are made. But He said, “Go into the…” The last call was go get the sick and the halt, a campaign of healing just before the wedding supper. Now you see where we’re at. “I’ll… Go get the lame, the halt, the blind out of the streets, and highways, and hedges, and bring them in. Heal them, and let Me show My mercy to them, then they’ll believe Me.” That’s right. That’s God’s last call, supper call is healing, the last call.

« E-39 † Now, after Abraham, when he was ninety and nine, we come now to 17th chapter, the next chapter of Genesis. And God appeared to him again. And when He appeared to him this time, He appeared to him in the Name of Almighty God. The Hebrew word there is El Shaddai, which means… “El” means “God, the strong One” from Genesis 3, “the strong One.” “El”, “God, the Life Giver.” “Shad, S-h-a-d,” means, “breast, like the woman.” “Shaddai” means, “breasted,” plural. And God appeared to Abraham in the Name of God, the strong breasted One.”
What a thing to appear to an old man a hundred years old, and his body as good as dead, after He had made him a promise that he was going to have a baby by his wife Sarah, and her ninety. Think of it.

« E-40 † Now, what a promise. “Abraham, you are old. You–your strength is gone. And for the last twenty-five years you’ve trusted Me. But now I want to tell you what my Name is. My Name is the breasted One, the strong One. I–I’m the breasted God.”
Now, watch. Not “a breast God,” but “breasted” both for spirit and body: Wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed. The breasted One, the strong One, the strength Giver…

« E-41 † You take a little baby, when it’s weak, and run down, and dying. The mother takes the little baby in her arms, lays it up to her breast. The little fellow’s fretting and crying. But just as soon as it begins to nurse on the mother, what’s it doing? It’s pulling the mother’s strength into its own body. It quits crying, starts laughing. It’s satisfied.
And God, when a believer can take a hold of God’s promise, God, through Christ, pours His strength into the believer’s body. And while he’s recuperating, he’s satisfied. Hallelujah! The believer, nursing from the Word, the breasted One, the New Testament and the Old Testament, nursing from God’s promise. As he takes God’s promise of healing, salvation, whatever it is, he’s laying on the bosoms of God just as satisfied as he can be. Nobody can shake him away from there. He’s holding on for dear life and nursing God’s strength into his body. Hallelujah!

« E-42 † If you’ve been the wickedest woman in this country, your name is not fit for the dogs to bark with, let me tell you something. If you take a hold of God’s promise, and lay a hold of that and live, and God will pour His strength into you, till you’ll be so sainted, till everybody will know you’re a Christian. Yes, sir! If you been a bootlegger, gambler, whatever you might be, that doesn’t matter if you’ll take a hold of that breasted God. And all the time you’re nursing, your little old feet’s a moving, your hands are moving. What is it? You got growing pains. You’re coming out of it. The–the breasted One, the strength Giver, the all-sufficient One.

« E-43 † “Abraham, you’re old. You’re just like a little baby. Why, you have no life in your body, and you’re just… Your body’s as good as dead. But I am the breasted One. Just take a hold of My promise and just keep nursing.”
He nursed for twenty-five years. We can’t nurse ten minutes, and then call ourself Abraham’s seed. “Hallelujah, I’m Abraham’s seed.” Take a hold of God’s promise and stay with it. Just stay there, nurse the Satisfier.

« E-44 † When a man hears (faith cometh by hearing)–hears that Christ died for his sins, and he’s accepted, because God’s knocked at his heart. He’s got an invitation to the wedding supper. Then he just takes a hold with all that’s in him and nurses, and nurses, until his spirit begins to grow. He’s filled with the Holy Spirit. He becomes a real borned again Christian.
A man that’s sick hears that he… Faith cometh by hearing; God is the Healer. You just take right to the other breast and just lay right onto God’s goodness, drawing His promise, pulling it from the Bible, every day, reading It, believing It, taking God, praising Him, satisfied that you’re going to be perfectly well…

« E-45 † There’s a little woman was here last night in a wheelchair. I don’t know whether… I don’t see her here now. I went down to pray for her last night, a couple nights ago. She got up out of the wheelchair and went walking down through there. And some man wanted to help her, said, “Get away from me.” She went walking on. Last night when I went down to pray for the wheelchairs, I thought I’d pray for her. She said, “Brother Branham, the Lord’s already healed me.” She said, “I’m just setting here resting, going to be up in a few minutes.” Said, “I’ve walked four or five times today. I’m getting better all the time.” She’s probably setting out in the audience somewhere tonight, or some… She’s not here in a wheelchair anyhow. Why? She took a hold of that breast of God, and she’s nursing back her strength. Certainly.

« E-46 † Oh, I’m so glad to know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. He feeds His little ones, pours His strength into His believers through His Word. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Then when the believer comes, he comes up to El Shaddai, and he leans upon His bosom, and he just draws His–he draws God’s strength right into his own body by believing His Word. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

« E-47 † Now, He said, “Abraham, though you’re old, your age is past, and you’re–you’re so old. You’re a hundred years old. You believed the promise, but I’m the breasted God. I’m pour–going to pour My strength right into you. (We’re going to find out tomorrow night if He did it or not.) I’m going to nurse you right back to strength again. You just keep believing that promise.”
“Lord, I’ve had it for twenty-five years.” Just hold on. Stay with it.
And Abraham believed God. He believed that it was the truth. And he knew that Sarah, now nearly a hundred years old, yet he was going to have that baby by her, that God promised twenty-five years before, and not one sign of baby yet, no signs of–of anything natural could happen–be happening to the woman, so she could be. She was many years past menopause: ninety years old, she goes in menopause at forty. There you are. And sometimes forty-five, she’s over. And here she is ninety. Oh, my! And then we’re Abraham’s children. Uh-huh. Abraham’s children…
Then what happened? Now, this is not fiction. This is the Bible. It’s God’s truth, His promise. I’ve tried It and tested It, and I–and I know you can take God’s Word, and He will make It right with you. He will bring it to pass.

« E-48 † Now, here she is. And the first thing you know, Lot got down in Sodom and got all mixed up again. And after God had made that promise to Abraham that He was El Shaddai, the strong One, then he pitched his tent out into the plains under an oak tree.
And one day… It was right in the heat of the day, about three or four o’clock in the afternoon, I suppose, when the Western sun was shining down hot there in Canaan. And the direct rays of that heat can raise blisters quickly. And he was setting out there in the tent door with his head down, perhaps studying, or thinking about God. And he raised up his eyes, and he seen three Men coming. And somehow, Abraham wanted to be friendly. So he thought them Fellows walked kinda strange, yet dusty from the road, and ordinarily dressed, and they come walking up. And Abraham went out and invited Them.

« E-49 † In other wise, something like this. “Sirs, You’re tired. Your feet must be weary. Now, I have a nice shade tree here. Won’t You come in and set down here under the shade tree, and–and I’ll fetch a little water, and I’ll wash your feet for you. It’ll refresh you. Get you a good cold drink, then you can go on your journey.”
They said, “Go ahead, Abraham. Go ahead, sir. Whatever you’ve said, why, let it be that way.”

« E-50 † I can imagine seeing Abraham run down through the little tents, you know, like that, and got to the big tent. He said, “Sarah, pour out three buckets of meal right quick, knead it, get all the lumps out of it, and get–make some cakes on the fire. Somebody’s out there. There’s just something about them Fellows that seems strange to me. They’re not ordinary preachers.”
So he run out to the back of the tent, and there’s a little corral out there where they had the calves, and he felt till he got the fattest one, and give it to his servants, said, “Go, dress it right quick.” And he went back out, and Sarah baked the cakes and give them to Abraham. And he come out and give Them the cakes, and they set down to eat.

« E-51 † Now, think of it. They were eating veal chops, drinking milk, and having corn cakes and butter: pretty good diet. So he had them all out there eating. And I can imagine Abraham getting a fly bush (I don’t guess you all ever know what a fly bush was.) and shoo the flies off, you know.
How many knows what a fly bush is? Well, look at the Kentuckians here. We never had a screen door till just a few years ago. We always had an old fly bush. And I guess, it was my time there on Sunday dinner to stand and fly–and shoo the flies. A little old log cabin, no–no windows in it, and just door you pushed together. And the flies would come in, so you’d have to keep them shooed out all the time.

« E-52 † So, I can see Abraham standing there with a fly bush, a shooing. He kept looking down to Them, he said, “Now, these are strange Fellows. They’re dusty, traveled far.” And after while, when They got through eating, why…
Strange that them Men were eating; They were dressed in ordinary clothes, dust on Their clothes, eating meat, drinking milk, and One of them was God Himself. That’s what the Scripture says. Abraham called Him LORD, capital L-O-R-D, Elohim, the great Jehovah God.

« E-53 † I know a many of the writers try to say that was a theophany, so forth like that. But that wasn’t so. He was eating meat, and drinking milk, and eating corn bread. That’s right. He was absolutely a Man, setting in human flesh.
Someone said to me not long ago, said, “Billy, you don’t mean to tell me you believe That was a man.”
I said, “Absolutely. It was God in flesh.”
He said, “Where did He get that flesh?”
I said, “The great Creator of heavens and earth, two Angels with Him… The Bible said they were two Angels and God Himself.”
“Why,” he said, “where did He get that body?”
I said, “What are we made up of? Sixteen elements: petroleum, and calcium, potash, and cosmic light. Well, God just said, ‘Come here, Gabriel. Come here, Michael. We’re going to take a little trip down and see father Abraham.’ Reached over there and got a handful of calcium, and a little potash, and cosmic light, and “pfft,” breathed it together like that, and stepped into it, and talked to him.” Hallelujah! That’s our God. That’s the reason I believe Him in the resurrection.

« E-54 † My wife said to me not long ago; I was combing these two or three hairs I got left; she said, “Billy, you’re almost bald-headed.”
I said, “I haven’t lost a one of them.”
She said, “Pray, tell me where they’re at?”
And I said, “All right. You tell me where they was before I got them; I’ll tell you where they are waiting for me.” Amen. Right.
Brother, I’m telling you; I believe in the resurrection. God will speak one of these days, and we’ll come forth in His image and in His likeness, men and women, not angels, but men and women. God made Angels; we’ll never be Angels. We wasn’t made for Angels. Men are made men. God made man. He intends him to be man. It’s God’s pattern.

« E-55 † And He made this body and He stepped into it, and eat, and disappeared right before Abraham: God Himself, Elohim. And there He was, talking to Abraham.
And He said, “Now, Abraham, where is Sarah, thy wife?” A stranger, how did He know he was married? How’d He know he had a wife, and how’d He know her name was Sarah? You see the same Holy Spirit in the building here at night, saying the same thing. A stranger, dust on His clothes, in human flesh, said, “Abraham, where is Sarah, thy wife?”
“Oh,” he said, “she’s in the tent.” And the Bible said the tent was behind Him.
And He said, “Abraham, you think I could keep anything from you, seeing that you’ve believed God all this time?” Said, “I’m going to visit you next month just according to the time of life by Sarah.”
And Sarah, in the tent… She never laughed out loud, but he said, inside of her, inwardly she smiled to herself.
And the Angel with His, the Man in human flesh, eating cakes, eating bread, and meat, with His back turned to the tent, said, “Why did Sarah laugh?” He’d never seen her. He knowed who she was, knowed he had a wife, and know what she was doing in the tent. Hallelujah! If that ain’t our God, I don’t know why. “Why did she laugh when she was in the tent?”

« E-56 † Notice. That was just a few hours… One more message was preached down in Sodom, and that was to make ready to get out, and then the fire from heaven fell. Is that right?
Now, see, that’s the way God acted. When Jesus came at the end of the Jewish dispensation, He said–done the very same thing. Is that right? When He went to the Samaritans, He did the same thing. Now, that we’re at the end of the Gentile age, He’s got to do the same thing. He never did it till right at the last of the age, at the closing.

« E-57 † Now listen what Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Sodom…” Oh, let it sink in. “As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of God.” The Spirit of God in human flesh, in His Church, revealing and making manifest the sign of the Messiah as He did in that day, as He did in the days of Christ, as He is at the end of the Gentile dispensation, just a few hours before the bombs fall, before the world will be destroyed…
Great men, scientists, generals, and so forth, are saying that the next war will only last about three minutes. Russia’s got them timed right for Hollywood and Vine. He’s got them timed for Lakeside Drive in Chicago, and for New York City, and for everywhere. Them bombs are setting ready. We got it timed right on Moscow and different places. It just takes one person to make a mistake to pull one of them off sometime. And what happens? The Bible’s fulfilled then. That’s the only thing that’s left.
Can’t you see what God is doing, friends? Can’t you pinch your… not your hands, but pinch your spirit with the Word of God and believe it.

« E-58 † God promised that before the Christ would come, that the Spirit of God would be made manifest just like it was in Abraham’s time. Why? Now remember, He never did that down in Sodom. He did that to Abraham. That’s why the message don’t get the right of way like it should have; It’s only to the elect, the Church world, Abraham’s seed.
Oh, you children of Abraham, surely you’re not that blind. Don’t think I’m speaking of myself. That’s a lie. I would say if that would be me, that I–I’d be a liar. I’m speaking of the Spirit of God in our midst, doing the same thing, the Angel of the Lord.

« E-59 † You’ve got the picture of It here. Science has took Its picture–the scientific mechanical eye of the camera. George J. Lacy examined that picture from Houston that night; he said, “Brother Branham, I have said sometimes that you were–it was psychology, so they told me, that you’re–that you could read the minds of people, that you was a great mind reader.” Said, “I know better than to say that.” He said, “I thought it was psychology.” But said, “The mechanical eye of this camera won’t take psychology.” Said, “The Light struck the lens; the Light’s there.”
What is it? The same Pillar of Fire that followed the children of Israel. It’s the same thing here today, the same Christ. Any Bible student knows that the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness was the Angel of the covenant, Christ, the Logos that went out of God in the beginning. And when It was made flesh and dwelt in a human body here on earth named Jesus, look what It did then. Look what It did when It come down in some flesh and talked to Abraham. Look what It did when It was here on earth, that walked in Galilee, what It did. Well, here It is back again tonight, dwelling in all of us, the universal Church, doing the same thing: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and for ever. Now, to clear your minds; I feel it: “Christ is not a Light.” Christ is a Light.

« E-60 † Christ, when He was on earth said, “I came from God.” Is that right? What was He then? The Pillar of Fire. “I go to God.” Did He say that? After His death, burial, and resurrection, Paul was on his road down to Damascus, and all of a sudden, a great Light struck him to the ground that blinded his eyes. The others didn’t see It. Paul saw It. And He… They heard the voice. And He said, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?”
He said, “Who are You, Lord?”
He said, “I’m Jesus.” What? The Pillar of Fire again to fulfill His promise. “I come from the Spirit world; I go back to the Spirit world.” The flesh was only brought here for a sacrifice to redeem us sinners, that we might be worthy by His grace to enter in, because we’re invited to come in.

« E-61 † Seeds of Abraham, can’t you see this is your hour? Can’t you tell this is the time that–that God is calling you? We ought to repent!
What the Church needs tonight is not new members. Why, the United States is combed over and over and over by so many evangelists, until it’s just burnt territory. That’s the truth. America has absolutely sinned away its day of grace. You mark it down on a book. You’ll never have a universal revival in America. It passed that about three years ago. It’ll never be a revival. Some of you young people, mark my word down for that. There’ll never be a nationwide revival, no more, like the Billy Sunday days and so forth. You’ll have little spurt ups, like that, till Jesus comes, but it’ll never be.
God has turned from it and gone to the foreign nations. There’s where the people come. One sign from the Lord done; thousands will run to the altar of heathens. And it can be done over and over to this bunch of Americans, that’s been taught this way, that way, and all confused, and never stop to look in their Bible.

« E-62 † You know, you… The Bible is–is the Word of God. It’s given to the people to feed on.
Why, you got so many ways drawed up. “It’s got to be this way; it’s got to be the way my church says. It’s got to be the way my church says.” When Jesus come the first time, it was all together different from what their churches was saying. And it’ll be altogether different from what they’re saying today when He comes again.
Because, He said, “I’ve hid this from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and will reveal it to babes such as will learn.” If you’re willing to learn, take the Bible and search the Scriptures. “For They are They that testify of Me,” said Jesus, “in them you think you have Eternal Life. And they testify of Me.”

« E-63 † You know when–when He come, His ministry was so supernatural till it blinded the eyes of the preachers of that day. They couldn’t see It. They said, “Aw, Him telling them people what’s wrong with them, and telling them their names and things, that’s a devil spirit in Him; it’s Beelzebub.”
Jesus said, “I will forgive you for that. But someday, the Ho… [–Ed.]… is coming to do the same thing. One word against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come.” Watch Sodom.

« E-64 † Now, He said, “As it was in the days of Noah,” blasphemers and so forth, and “as it was in the days of–of Sodom…” Sodom is when the fire fell. Fire’s going to fall this time, not water, fire. The fire will fall from heavens, the Bible said so. Those volcanic gasses that’s up there… Some of these days, they’re going to push one of them missiles through there; it’s going to set a chain around like that, perhaps. And that’s the way it’ll come.
It’s–it’s at hand. We know it can’t be much longer. Science says three minutes longer before midnight. The clock will strike one of these hours. And it’ll be gone within just a few minutes. The world will be on fire. But before that happens, the Church is going to glory. Then if the end of time is that close, the coming of the Lord is closer.
So what are we doing? We’re setting watching these things. We go home, say, “Wasn’t that amazing?” That’s not the way to do it. Grab up the Scriptures and start through It with prayer on your heart: “Lord God, is it that close? Help me, oh, Lord, to know Thy Word.” And search It, and lean over It, and stay with It, and miss a few meals, and pray to God, and you’ll come back to the church so charged with the power of God, things will going to taking place around here. We’ve got to have It.

« E-65 † We see the marking. Abraham… See how that was given to Abraham? Abraham seen that sign before the fire fell in Sodom. And Abraham’s seed will see the same sign before the fire falls in the modern Sodom of today.
God help you people. I love you. I don’t mean to be rude. I don’t mean to be scolding, you people, in radio-land, and you people here. I’m not trying to scold you. But I–I want to wake you up. It’s going to be past before you know it. The day of visitation, and you knew it. Did not Jesus set and look over Jerusalem, and His Spirit… He wept and said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, if you’d have only knowed your day. If you’d have only knowed it. But you–you… it–it’s past now.” And sometimes down in my heart, I feel the Holy Spirit just weeping for the people.

« E-66 † Oh, I feel It. I’m tired; I’m weary; I’m wore out. Wife said, “You can’t go another time, Honey, you’re–you’re about to fall. You’ve ministered all day; you’ve been week after week. You look awful. You’re so nervous, you can’t sit at the table. You–you’re on the middle of the floor at night with a pillow in your arms, praying for the–for it.” Said, “You’re so nervous, stay home, honey, before you die.”
I said, “But, sweetheart, them precious souls out there to which Christ died for, I must do it.” And that’s why I’m here. I love you. God, reveal that to the people is my prayer. I–I’m not here to be seen; I’m here because I love you and I’m trying to shake you with the Gospel out of that formal, modey condition that the people are in.
Get back to God: all night prayer meeting, revival in your home, revival in your soul. Get back to believing God, acting on His Word, taking His Word and believing It. You’re the seed of Abraham. God’s give you the promise. God showed you the sign. Watch that Spirit.

« E-67 † Not me, I’m a man, just flesh that He picked up back yonder in the gutters of sin. But if He was going to get somebody righteous, who would He get? There’s none of us righteous. One can’t pray for the other one. One can’t tell–call the other one this, that, or the other, because we’ve all sinned and come short of the glory. But God made a promise that He would do it. He’s going to use somebody. You can just depend on that, because He spoke It, and His Word has to be fulfilled.
He knowed it before the foundation of the world what He would do. Certainly He did. He knowed just the hour, and what He would do, and how the Message would go through, and how they would turn their backs to it, how they would slothfully daydream and walk away, how some would receive It and burn in their hearts with It. Because that those things are done, people try to think back and say, “Aw, that’s just a man. That’s just a telepathy or something.” They said the same thing in His day. “If they called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call them that’s His disciples?” How could they call it Beelzebub, ‘less they be doing the same thing that they called Beelzebub.

« E-68 † Here you are. You’re in the last days. You’re in the last hours, not only last days, but last hours. Think of it, friends, while we pray. Bow your heads. Radio-land, God bless you out there.
This is a serious moment. It’s a time of decision. It’s a time when you have to m–do something for God. I’m not speaking; I’m… ‘Course I’m speaking to the sinners, but I’m speaking, primarily tonight, to the church, to the church. This has been year after year that this thing has moved through the nation. The end is at hand. The signs have been done.

« E-69 † He said, “Watch the fig tree when it puts forth its buds.” Said, “Consider it.” And how that the fig tree puts forth its buds; “When you see it, the fig tree and all the other trees putting forth its buds, you know that summer’s nigh.” Now looky here. The Jewish nation’s having a revival. The Catholic church is having a revival. The Baptist under Billy Graham, the Methodist under Jack Shuler, the Pentecostal under Oral Roberts. All the trees are putting forth their buds. The time is at hand. No certain person we can say in Israel, because God deals with Israel as a nation. The Gentile worlds is individuals.

« E-70 † Let’s pray now. Seek God. The thing that God said would take place, and He give the example to Abraham, your father. And we… If we’re not Abraham’s seed, you’re lost, ’cause the promise was made to Abraham and his seed. The promise was given absolutely without condition. Now, wake up, and let us pray.
Now, you in radio-land, you the seed of Abraham out there, you that’s sick and needy, you there at the barroom, pool room, wherever you may be, riding in the automobile, find you a little place now just for a minute. Let’s pray. If you’re setting at the table, eating, and the message is coming into the–to the room, just bow your head a few minutes. Lay your hand on the table and say, “God, be merciful to me. I don’t want to be lost. Something’s speaking to my heart right now.” I say, “And Lord, let it be me.” And if you’re in the restaurant, then make God the promise now while we pray, and then slip out somewhere, get out of the pool room, wherever you’re at; pull your car off the side of the road somewhere and park it safely, then get down on your knees. Slip over home right quick, get down in the bedroom, say, “Lord, I want to talk it over with You.” Oh, it’s later than we think. Let’s be ready.

« E-71 † And you here at the church, you Christians, oh, you Abraham’s seed, you stars of the morning, you who come from the dust of the ruts of sin, that God’s made you shining stars to shine by the side of the Bright and Morning Star, shake yourself, rise up, get the dust off of you. Let’s believe and know that God is here while we pray.
Eternal God, that brought again Jesus from the dead, and has presented Him to us as a Sacrifice sufficient to take away all sin… We pray, Lord, for those out there in radio-land who are bowing at this time, and ask that Your mercy, O God, will save them, that let them know that that little strange feeling that they have in their heart, it’s You talking to them, for You said, “No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that will come to Me, I’ll give them Eternal Life and will raise them up at the last day.” You promised that.
Oh, the great Seed of Abraham, through Who we are blessed, the Lord Jesus Christ, grant tonight, Lord, that if there be any there, which I believe there is, may they make that great surrender to Thee just now. As we have been reading of Thy Word and seeing Your promise, and hearing the Words of the Lord Jesus say, “As it was in the days of Sodom,” God manifesting Himself through mankind, showing signs of supernatural move… And then years later, the great Moses promised that when that One’d come, that He’d be a God-prophet; and when the Israelites, the true in heart, saw Him, they knowed He was the Messiah.

« E-72 † When the woman at the well was told of her sins, she said, “You must be a prophet. We know when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things.”
And Jesus said, “I am He that speaks to you.”
Then she could run into the city and say, “Come, see a Man who told me the things that I’ve done. Isn’t this the sign of the Messiah?” And You promised that same thing would visit the Gentiles just before the world would be destroyed by fire like Sodom was. And here are the seeds of Abraham seeing that same thing happen.

« E-73 † Lord God, be merciful. And quickly, Lord, shake them. Let them not look at flesh, that same flesh that God dwelt in disappeared in a little bit after that. It vanished, because God only used it. So will the flesh that He’s using now, will vanish one of these days. It’ll go back to the dust of the earth if Jesus tarries. But the Spirit of God will live on forever. Lord, let people see this. Heal the sick and the afflicted. Be merciful, God, and save the lost. Bring back that wandering boy or girl, man or woman tonight; bring them safely to the fold of God. Grant it, Lord.
And in this visible audience, may the Holy Spirit get a hold of hearts here and wake them up, and make great faith be accumulated in this building, that the people of God might see the works of God, and believe on God, for it’s this purpose that these things are wrought, through the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

« E-74 † I want to see Jesus someday, don’t you?
When I reach that strand on the far off land,
I want to see Jesus, don’t you?
How many knows the old song? “I Want To See Jesus, Don’t You?” It’s a beautiful old song.
I remember one morning, waking up, and going in to my little old stove, and trying to make a fire. And the thing wouldn’t burn, and I was setting there. Oh, I was cold, and frost all over the floor, and little old cabin, and–and I was trying to get the fire to burn, and the wind was down the chimney, and it wouldn’t do it. Sister Cadle come in from Indianapolis, saying–singing it, “I Want To See Jesus, Don’t You?” I sit down there on that cold frosty floor, raised up my hands to God. I said, “Lord, let it be now that I will see Him. I–I–I’m sick and tired of it. I’m homesick now. I want to get out of it.”
Sometimes people get feeling that way. Sometimes that God permits that to happen just to make us lonesome, make us want to see Him, hungering and thirsting to see Him.

« E-75 † Setting right back down this row here on the left hand side, There’s a person setting there, a lady, praying. She’s got cancer. If you’ll believe, lady, that God will heal you… That Light’s over you, setting right back here. She’s sitting right behind my daughter-in-law there, Loyce. If she’ll just believe with all of her heart, right back there towards the end, you can be healed, if you believe it.
Right down here. Lady looking right at me, right here. She’s suffering with high blood pressure, setting right out there at the end of the row. If you’ll believe… Yes, you put your hand over on her.
And because you did that, you yourself back there, you have varicose veins, setting next to her. That’s right. Raise up your hands, so that they’ll see that who I’m tal… All right. Now, you’re healed too. You can go home and be well. Amen.

« E-76 † Can you believe? Look. Way back there, a man. There’s that Light. I’m looking right straight at It. The man has something wrong with his hands, and something wrong with his knees. He’s got epilepsy also. Just come from a hospital. If you believe, back there behind that man, you can be healed if you’ll just accept the Lord Jesus. All right.
You believe the Lord Jesus Christ is here? You believe He could reveal things, like He did the Angel of the Lord when He was in that man of flesh. If I’d turn my back and you’d pray, you believe that He could do the same thing? You believe It? You would accept It’s the same Christ then, the same Holy Spirit that was in that human flesh that talked to Abraham? You believe that? Some of you women, then, pray.

« E-77 † Let it be, Lord, for Your glory. Let it be. Let someone pray, Lord, someone that I know not. Let it be tonight, that these people will see that this message is truly the truth. Let it be, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
There’s a woman, right directly behind me. She’s suffering with a female trouble, and she’s up for an operation. She’s a young woman. And she’s just recently become a Christian, ’cause It looks real bright around her, setting right back over here in the aisle. You believe with all your heart, with your head down there? Stand up on your feet now. I do not know you, do I, lady. We’re totally strangers, is that right? You and I? Everything was said is the truth?

« E-78 † The same Angel that was on that man that had His back turned to the tent that knowed about Sarah, knowed about her. The same God is here tonight, Abraham’s God, speaking the same thing to Abraham’s children. Do you now believe with all your heart?
Now, I tell you, is there a sinner here that doesn’t know God, but feels strange in your heart, would you want to come down here now without any persuading? Are you convinced? Come down here just a minute. Come here, sinner friend. Let us pray. A sinner that doesn’t know God, will you come?
Is there a backslider that would like to come back to God? Come down here just a minute.
Now, I’m going to use, in that next few nights, just altogether on healing, but I–I want a revival. I–I’m not satisfied. I want to see the Spirit of God moving.
Children, look, how many believes I love you? Raise up your hands. You know I’m not scolding you. But you’ve got too much Hollywood around here. You’ve got too much fashions of the world. You got too much care. Break out of that. We need a revival. Amen. My, my! You need God, people, you need to wake up. We’re at the end of the road; judgment is here. Amen.

« E-79 † Oh, I wished I… Brother Duffield, you’re one of the nicest men I ever met. Brother duPlessis… I–I wish there was some way I could let the people see what I’m talking about. We’ve got to have a wakening right quick or you’re going to miss the rapture, friends. It could happen at any time.
How many would like to make a consecration to God, raise up your hands. Stand up on your feet. Consecrate yourself newly to God. How many feels you need a consecration, raise up your hands.
How can I do it? How can I, friends? I can’t do it. You say, “Brother Branham, would you see some more visions?” If you won’t believe that, you wouldn’t believe it anyhow. That’s exactly right.
Them visions make me weak. I’m trying to build up enough strength to finish up this week through Saturday and Sunday, the biggest healing services we’ve ever had. That’s why I’m holding my strength back for, for them nights to put everything I’ve got right into it.

« E-80 † Here’s people that’s coming up now, to giving their life to Christ. Some of the personal workers walk with them. You come. Somebody else that needs Christ, walk down here at the altar.
I tell you, friends, as I said the other night: You’ve heard so much mighty rushing winds, and so many earthquakes, and so many shaking things, till you’re failing to hear that last one. What was that last? A still small Voice. See? That’s something in your heart that says, “Oh, yes. Yes. There It is, I see It.”
Oh, if we could wake up to that. That’s what we need. Who could pray a prayer that would dedicate these people over. I don’t believe there’s a minister in the world can do it. You have to do it yourself. It’s you have to do it.

« E-81 † How many now will lay your hand over on somebody else, and pray for them that they’ll be consecrated to God? Don’t pray for yourself, pray for the next fellow. The person standing next to you, pray for their consecration. That’s it. Now, that’s the way. Pray for somebody else. Do something for somebody else. That’s the way to do it. Say, “Lord, consecrate my brother, consecrate my sister. Pour down Your Spirit upon them.” That’s it. You pray now. That’s the way to do it. Consecrate yourself to God. And if you feel the power of God in your life, raise up your hands and say, “Thank You, Lord. I’m making my promise now to You.”

« E-82 † O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, send Thy Holy Spirit upon this group, and fill this place by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Grant it, Lord. Pour out Your Spirit. Condemn the people of unbelief, and send down faith, power, joy, peace, satisfaction. May they come to El Shaddai, take a hold of His breasts, and draw the strength and power of God, through prayer, back into their souls and in their bodies. Grant it, Lord. Hear the prayer of Your servant. Grant it as they’re praying and believing, and acting, and believing this is the seed of Abraham, knowing that the Holy Ghost is present. (Wait a minute, just a minute.)

« E-83 † “I Will Praise Him.” Oh, wonderful.
It doesn’t take too much prayer; it just takes some believing. You prayed a whole lot; start believing, laying aside every weight and the sin, the unbelief that does easily upsets you. How many borned again Christians are here, raise up your hands. Just look. Oh, that’s wonderful. Let’s sing now. Close your eyes. Raise your hands. How many feels better right now, feel like you got some faith down in you, feel like you could blow the lid off and go on, feel that you’re Abraham’s seed?

« E-84 † The little organist is giving us the tune, “I Will Praise Him.” Let’s lift it up high, and raise our hand to God, and sing,
I will praise Him, I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain.
Give Him glory, all you people,
For His blood has washed away each stain.
All together. you Methodists, you Baptist, Pentecostals, all together now, come on.
I will praise Him, I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain;
Give Him glory all ye people,
For His blood has wash away each stain.
Now, while we sing it again, I want you to turn around and shake hands with somebody in front of you, behind you, your side, saying, “Praise God, Christian. Praise God, Christian.” Say, “I feel better. I feel like traveling on now.” Say it while we sing. Now, come on.
I will… (Up in the balcony, now come on. Get the starch away now.) I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinner slain,
Give Him glory all ye people,
For His blood has washed away each stain.

« E-85 † Now, while preaching hard, and having to shove the Word out there just as hard as I knowed how to do it, you don’t think I was angry with you, do you? You know it was just trying to build up your faith. Is that right? Raise up your hand if you believe that. God bless you. I’ll sing it with you now with our hands up.
I will praise Him, (Hallelujah!) I will praise Him,
Praise the Lamb for sinner slain,
Give Him glory all ye people,
For His blood has washed away each stain.

« E-86 † All that believe every Word of God, all that feels that you can lay upon the bosom of El Shaddai and draw any promise from God that you desire, say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Say it real loud, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] That’s right. “Amen” means “so be it.” We can do it. God bless your little royal hearts. All right. Let’s bow our heads now for prayer. All right, Brother Duffield.

Rev. William Marrion Branham

15-1028 Remembering the Lord

15-1028 Remembering the Lord
Message 63-0122

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« 1 † ` Thank you. Lord bless you, brother. Happy to be in, tonight, in the Southside Assemblies of God, to worship with you people, enjoying this fine fellowship that you are no doubt constantly enjoying.
2 Just being a little tired. We was down last night at–at Tucson, for the banquet down there, and we certainly had a–a wonderful time. The Lord blessed us. And I been living on the good part of it, all day long.
3 So, now, I met, heard someone last night. I never knew Brother Carl Williams’ son. I was, today, just bragging on that certain young man that got up and was talking about the–the young people’s rally. And I told my daughter. I said, “Now, you want to make it your business to get in there.”
She said, “I don’t know nobody in there.”
4 I said, “You’ll know somebody, or everybody will know you. Just go on in, anyhow.”
5 And I’m praying that she receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost during this rally up there.
6 I said, “That fine young man standing there, and his face shining with the glory of God!” And I was repeating it to Billy.
7 He just stood and looked at me, said, “Daddy, don’t you know who that was?” Said, “That was Brother Carl Williams’ son.”
8 Well, that, I–I know you have come from good stock. If you… See?
So glad to be in Phoenix tonight.

« 9 † Well, if there ain’t Brother Pat Tyler. Where in the world did you come from, brother? I suppose hitchhiked, from New York here. That’s just about the way it goes.
10 Remember seeing Brother Gene, Brother Leo, here tonight, Brother Ed Daulton, many of my friends around here, and Brother Ed Hooper. And, my, up here tonight I got a good view of everybody, and can look around, fine.

« 11 † Well, I’m getting a little bit tired. I been going quite hard, and so we are–are long hours. And I… My wife said, “Say, I notice you begin to talk in your second voice.”
I said, “I had to call on it this time.”
12 Sometimes when I talk, I go down, talk deep in my throat, then that part gets sore and wore out. I come up, the top part, and talk from there out, like that. We just have to learn all kind of things when just working for the Lord, don’t we, when we wear out?
13 And, my, I hope all these are ministers back here. If it is, my, we’re right in good keeping tonight, such a fine bunch of men setting together. Well, that reminds me of the promise, that, “We’re setting together in Heavenly places, Christ Jesus,” where His Blood cleanses us from all sin.

« 14 † Now I’m going to try, truly, to let you out early tonight. Remembering now that, tomorrow night, we’re over to Brother Shores. Is that his name? [A brother says, “That’s right.”–Ed.] Brother Shores, at Eleventh and Garfield. That’s another Assembly of God out there. Yeah. Assembly of God there, and the First Assembly of God.
15 And then I’m just going to listen to these other guys for a while now, until next Sunday morning, I suppose, over to the convention. I’m… We’re going to have a wonderful time. I just feel that we are going to have a good time.

« 16 † And my purpose of being here is kind of, oh, kind of pinch-hitting, you know, going around helping every place, and little fellowship with the brethren, and have a night here and there, to let get acquainted. And–and maybe a little revival spirit begin to strike the people, and then make that lead up, what we can, into there, and then the great climax. And I think, Brother Oral Roberts is the person this time to bring the climax at the banquet next Monday night. And I know we’re expecting a great time, and all through the rest of the week.
17 So you pray for us now, and go out in the streets, in the hedges and highways. And “ask” them? No. “Compel.” Compel them, compel them to come in. For this would be a wonderful time for Phoenix to get its great visitation that you… And I know that God is willing when we are ready, yes, sir, when we are ready. Let’s… That’s why we… these revivals are, is to try to meet conditions, and get prayed up, and get ready for this thing to happen.

« 18 † Now, just before we approach the Word, let’s speak to the Author, as we bow our heads in prayer. Now with our heads and hearts bowed to God, I’m sure, in a audience of this size, there is bound to be many requests. And if you have one, and like to be remembered to God, just raise up your hand, and in behind that, say, “Lord, remember me.”

« 19 † Our Heavenly Father, You know what is behind each of these hands. You know what flashed on their mind, and Thou art more than able to answer each request. And we pray that You will grant it, Lord. We ask that Your favor will smile upon us, tonight, in the way of the pouring out of the Holy Ghost upon us.
20 And remembering, Lord, that, tomorrow night in the–the First Assembly of God, that You’ll pour out Your blessings again upon us. And then over at the Ramada, the finishing up of the week, O God, may there be literally hundreds saved. Grant it, Lord. May there be such a–such a pouring out of the Spirit till the newspapers cannot hold their peace any longer, but they’ll have to publish to the public what is being done. Grant it, Lord.
21 Just make Yourself known to Your people, Lord. May their humble hearts reach out by faith and believe that we will receive these things that we’re asking for.

« 22 † Then we would pray, Lord, for the ones who would like to be here tonight and cannot get here. They’re sick and afflicted, and–and in such conditions that they couldn’t get here. We pray for them, Lord. May the Holy Spirit visit each and every one.
23 Bless these brethren who has come for such a long ways across the icy fields. And many still on the road, coming. Protect them, Lord. Bring them in safely.
24 Now, bless this Assembly, this fine pastor, his congregation, his trustees, deacons, and all that they stand for, Lord. We pray that You’ll be with them and help them. Now we pray that You’ll give us thy Word. We can only read It, Lord, and read the text. Thou has to furnish the context, and we’re looking to Thee. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

« 25 † In the–the book of First Corinthians, the 11th chapter. If someone… You know, you usually like to read, or mark down a place, say, “I…” Maybe someone would find something behind it that they could maybe improve on what’s been said. Or, ministers, and sometimes the laity, takes it, and–and reads it over, and listens to what’s been said. Many times I do that, mark down a text. So if you wish to read behind us tonight, turn to First Corinthians, the 11th chapter, and we’ll begin reading at the 23rd verse.
For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night… which he was betrayed took bread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
After the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped, saying, This is the cup of the new testament in my blood: this do you, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
26 And now for a text, I’d like to take from there: Remembering The Lord.
27 Now, of course, any, we all know, in–in our church, we read this at the communion service each night. And it is a–a–a great text to read, or a great Scripture at that time, and it applies there. But I just wanted those words, “In remembrance of me.”

« 28 † Now, communion has many times been the great dispute down through the ages, between Protestant and Catholic. They say the Catholic takes this communion, and they take it in hopes that they have did something to merit some good thing, that their sins will be forgiven by doing it. The Protestant takes it as in remembrance that Christ has already forgive them, and they take it in rejoicing that they’re already forgiven.
29 Paul goes on to say in here, that–that, how to come to the Lord’s table. If there’s anything wrong, make it right before we get there. “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.” And now we are very, very much to be in prayer when we take communion.

« 30 † But I’ve wondered many times if, that word, we use it just right, communion. Now, commune means “to talk to,” see, “to commune with.” And I wonder if really, when we meet together like this in Heavenly places, if that isn’t communion, that we are communing with God, talking to Him.
31 And, then, if we just set still and let Him answer us back! Many things, and the one of the horrible things that I do, I try to do all the talking, and–and not set still long enough for Him to answer me back. We do that so many times in prayer. I think if we would get off of our heart what’s in it, and express ourself to the Lord Jesus, and then just kneel, and just be still a while and–and just see what He would say back to us. See?
32 And sometimes I’ve did that, and my whole opinion was changed, you see. I’d go ask Him something, “Now, Lord, these people, really, they got something. I–I believe they want me over there.” And I’d just start praying, and first thing you know, I–I’m just satisfied that that’s the Lord’s will; but, after I pray, if I just–just linger a little while, see, then it’s changed, altogether, sometimes, sent somewhere else. Just commune with the Lord. Oh, what glorious fellowship, just to get down and talk, and commune, and wait for Him to talk back.

« 33 † And to think of what a great Person that is you’re talking to, the Creator Himself, and communing with Him Who put your life in this volcanic ash that you’re living in. And then someday you’ll have to leave there, and then it’s in His hands where it goes from there on. And you have the privilege now to make your choice which way that soul goes when it leaves.
34 And what a wonderful thing to commune with Him upon the basis of His promises, then hear Him commune back to you, and say, “It’s all well.” My, that–that really expresses it right. We don’t have to look to any creed. We don’t have to look to–to any dogmas. Only thing we have to do is just know that He witnesses back His Word, that it’s settled, and that’s all of it. Then the burden rolls away.
35 I’ve thought of coming to this table, that we call it tonight, now that I’ve got it expressed that it’s just as much communion here as it would be taking what we call the Lord’s supper.

« 36 † You know, them eastern people back there has got that thing all mixed up, and–and I can’t get them straightened out on it. And all up in the north, they take me to when I go to supper, and they say it’s dinner. I–I… They say it’s breakfast, and lunch, and–and–and–and dinner. Now, where does my supper come in at? I’m trying to find out. See? And they say, “Oh, that’s all.”
37 I said, “But it wasn’t, we didn’t take the Lord’s dinner. He called it the supper, the Lord’s supper.” And I feel like I’ve missed a meal, if you call it, start calling it that way.
38 But now when we come together in this way, there God comes down. And the–the communion table is, actually, break, broken, bodies of the Body of the Lord that we separate among us. Now, that is the literal Body, of the–the bread that we break, representing the Body of Christ.

« 39 † Did you notice on the Day of Pentecost, what a great thing we have there? That, God, Who led the children of Israel through the wilderness, He, that great Pillar of Fire. And on the Day of Pentecost, this great Fire fell, and then divided Itself among His people. Oh, to think how that He wants us to sit together in Heavenly places, then, each one enjoying that warmth of the Fire of the Holy Spirit. “Cloven tongues set upon them like Fire, licks of Fire,” God dividing Hisself amongst the Church. Oh, wouldn’t that, though, just set our hearts burning. That’s when we can come together in Heavenly places.

« 40 † Now, we know that His table, where the people set together and commune with Him, is like an oasis in a desert. And an oasis, in the desert, where there’s a great spring, where weary travelers come and set around this oasis in the desert, and–and refresh themselves, and then remembering how it got there.
41 And that’s the way it is in the Church, that, this table of communion where all the blessings of God, the full Gospel, everything that God has for His Church, is brought out, laid out among us. And it’s like an–an oasis in this hot, burning, sinful desert that we’re traveling through. And then when we come in, and talk of, read the menu, and then we see that He turns back around, and He’s not fresh out of this, or fresh out of that, or this struck off, but He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. He’s got everything on the menu, ready to give it out. That’s the good part. Then we can just look over the menu and just take the whole thing. I just like to… I like the complete course. Don’t you? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] I just like to take it.

« 42 † And while we are enjoying these blessings, each one feeling His Presence, and saying, “Amen. Praise God! Hallelujah!” so forth, in that we can remember the One that brought it to us and made it possible, the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Remember Him. I think that’s what, many times, that maybe we enjoy so many blessings, that we forget just where they come from.
43 One time I was amazed. Went with a bunch of Christians of a certain church, and they set down to eat, and never returned thanks to God, for their food. Well, I thought it was kind of strange. And I went to another house, and they, still, they just went ahead and eat. And I–I questioned it. And they said, “Oh, well. That’s just… God just provides that, anyhow. See?”
44 I said, “It reminds me of a hog under a apple tree, you know. The apples will fall off, and beat him on the head all day long; he’ll never look up, see where they’re coming from.”
45 And that, you know, we, I think it pays us to stop and look up, see where these things are coming from. Oh, how glorious it is to remember our Lord, remember what all He did for us, and remember that there was no one else could make this possible. There is nothing could make it possible but our Lord. And He so freely did it, when there was no worthy person; there was no prophet, there was no sage, no potentate, no monarch, no king. No one could do it but the Lord Jesus, Himself, and He so willingly did it for us. Let’s just remember. He’s done it for His children down through the age.

« 46 † Now let’s just talk a few moments on something that somebody would have to remember. I’d imagine, way over in Glory tonight, there’s a man by the name of Noah, and he certainly has a lot to remember the Lord for. For in the time that when God was going to destroy all the wickedness off of the face the earth, God remembered Noah. And Noah remembers how he escaped the wrath of God, by God’s mercy. How that the–the great waters started flowing down the streets, and the winds howled, and the rocks moved from the mountains! And what a terrible storm! Houses blew away, and the fountains broke up, and God had Noah inside the ark. Now, if that ain’t a wonderful place to remember Him by, yeah, yes, to be inside the ark, safely secured in the Presence of God, to live with Him!

« 47 † Then we could call another group of people, or at least I’d say three, and they were called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. How that they had took their stand for God, remembering that He keeps His promise! And how that, in this great hour, because of their stand, even their own brethren, many of them, had turned off into the world. But they were going to stand, regardless, and they took a stand for God. And when the furnace was het seven times hotter than it ever was het before, and they was pushed into this furnace.
48 And they can certainly remember that fourth Man that was in there with them, that kept all the–the heat and the death away from them. There is something about that fourth Man. Might talk about Him a while, yes, sir, how that He was the only One could make that possible. There was no other person could do it but that fourth Man. And He was the One that provided life, in the jaws of death. Amen. And He–He kept the fire blazes back, and preserved them. And, oh, as long as there can be a memory, and it’ll never fade out, so they can remember that great day down in Babylon.

« 49 † There was another man down at Babylon, can remember also, and that was Daniel, when he had purposed in his heart that he wasn’t going to defile himself with the things of the world.
50 That’s a good stand to take. That’s where we people ought to take, kind of buckle up the armor a little tighter. That’s it. We’re not going to defile ourself with the things of the world, no matter what the other church does. Ourselves, we’re going to buckle it on. We’re going to stay right with that Word.
51 No matter what comes or goes, we’re not defiling ourself. If the rest of them want to do it, go ahead and do it. If them women want to cut their hair, let them cut it. We’re not. That’s right. If they want to wear manicure, let them go. Ever what that stuff is, paint, let them go ahead and do it. We’re not going to do it. If the rest of them says they can smoke cigarettes and get by, well, let them go ahead. But we’re not going to do it. That’s all. Uh-huh. The rest of them can go home, dismiss Sunday–Sunday school early, for a television program, or Wednesday night, omit the whole service for a certain program. No matter what they do, we’re going to serve the Lord.

« 52 † We’re going to take the place like Joshua, “For me and my house, we’re going to serve the Lord.” We remember what He did to bring this blessing to us, and we cherish it so much that we cannot defile it in any way. It’s a treasure of Eternal Life that we have, and we by no means want to defile ourselves with the things of the world, not at all.
53 And Daniel purposed in his heart the same thing, though he become a citizen there; but not by his choice, because he was an alien. And every born-again Christian is an alien just as soon as he’s born again, because he’s Heavenly bound. His–his possession lays in Heaven.

« 54 † And here some time ago, the wife and I, about two years ago, was… Brother Mercier and them would get a little kick out of this, as to say. We was over to the shopping center. And in our city, it’s… Oh, there’s many religious people, so-called. But we seen a–a woman that had on a skirt, and it was the strangest thing, ’cause none of the rest of them seemed to have on one. And–and so we know many of them that sing in choirs and everything. And the… and so we… My wife said to me, she said, “Well, why?”
55 And I said, “Well, you see, they’re not–they’re not of our citizenship.”
She said, “What?”
I said, “No, they’re not of our…”
Said, “They’re Americans, aren’t they?”
56 I said, “Sure. They’re Americans. That may be true enough.”
57 I find in traveling, in missions, in missionary and around the world, I go in to–to Germany, there is a national spirit, called, it’s a German spirit. It’s the spirit of the nation. I go up in Switzerland, I find out, just brothers, almost speaking the same language, but there’s another spirit. See? And it’s a different spirit in Switzerland. Then I come over to Finland, it’s altogether a different spirit. Then I come to America, there’s a spirit of America. That’s right.
58 “Well, you say, aren’t we…” She said, “Aren’t we American citizens? Why is it that our people, so-and-so?”
59 And I said, “Well, you see, honey, you see, each nation lives off, on the spirit of the nation. That’s the national spirit.”
60 She said, “Well, then, wouldn’t we be living on the American spirit?”
61 I said, “Oh, no.” I said, “We are born again. We live on a Heavenly Spirit, where holiness, righteousness.”
62 And we, we’re not Americans, as far as that goes, because America is just a earthly nation. But when a man of Germany, of Switzerland, or wherever he may be, when he becomes born of Heaven, he takes on a Heavenly Spirit. And his nature and his makeup look for things above, where Christ sets at the right hand of God. Amen. Oh, how we ought to remember that, that He died that we might be able to be fortified from this thing, inoculated. That’s right.

« 63 † A good healthy plant don’t… You don’t need to spray a good healthy plant. The bugs won’t get on it, anyhow. That’s right. No bugs will bother a healthy plant. It’s that hothouse type that has to be sprayed all the time, some kind of a hybrid affair. And that’s the way it is today. We have to spray and baby the church too much. It ought to be a rugged individual of Christ, washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and born of the Spirit of God. And all the worldly bugs scatter. They don’t even fool around, anyhow. That’s awful rude, but I hope it took hold. It’s kind of a rude expression, but you know what I’m talking about.

« 64 † Oh, how Daniel, and purposing that in his heart, he can well remember the payoff. And someday we’ll remember the payoff, too. So when he come to remember that, in the hour of distress, God sent an Angel in the lions’ den, and closed the mouth of the lions, that they could not bother him. What a memory to think about! He, throwed into a lions’ den, because he had purposed in his heart to serve God, and he could remember that. How did it go? Something like this, “God has sent His Angel. He seen the innocence of my heart.” Oh, there you are, the innocence of your heart. God could see that in Daniel, and his purpose to do what was right, and He sent His Angel and had kept the lions from bothering him at all. What a memory! We could go on and on, with that.

« 65 † Let’s just remember another person right away here, or group of people, that’s Israel. When Israel had put their place, or theirselves in position, to take the stand for God. And there was coming a death angel one night, that was going to take the firstborn of every house. And how that Israel was even commanded to remember that the blood was on the doorpost. That was the thing that held back the wrath of God, and kept there, them alive, was the blood on the door. It was a memorial. And it, always, it’s still a memorial, the blood on the doorpost and on the lintel. What a memorial night that was! And it was to be rehearsed down through the–the ages that was to come, that God, at that night, made a difference between the righteous and the unrighteous.

« 66 † Oh, I don’t know whether it’d be night or not, but there’s coming a day when God is going to show the difference between the righteous and the unrighteous. And it’ll be a memorial to us, to know that the Blood is certainly upon the lintel and the doorpost. And wherever you look, or your understanding; you look with your eyes, and see with your heart. That’s right. You’ll remember you’re looking through the Blood of the Lord Jesus, the way He would look through it. What a time! They were…

« 67 † Israel had another thing they could always remember, that when they took their step upon what they heard Moses say, that great vindicated prophet with the Word of God, and when they took their stand to march. Because, they seen God vindicate that the message that he was bringing was the truth, and it was according to the Scriptures, and God was with him. And he had met this One Who had no name, called the I AM. He had really met Him, because they had seen Him working with Moses.
68 And then they had another great memorial, that when they started on the march, there went a Pillar of Fire before them, to lead the way. What a memory they could think of, a memorial thing, that they didn’t need no compass. Amen. What did I say? They didn’t need no compass. They had the Light of God to lead them.
69 What a memorial it was to the wise men, how they needed no compass, and a Star led them.

« 70 † What a memorial it is to us today, to have a Holy Ghost to lead us; not some creed, or some fashion, or something to lead us, or some man-made something. But the Holy Spirit comes in with the tie-post of the Word, and confirms His Word, and proves that it is–is the truth. What a memorial to our hearts, to know that the living God still lives. Oh!
71 Remembering Him, what He did, led them all the way to the promised land, by this way.

« 72 † Elijah had a great thing to remember God by, when he had done his duty, exactly what God told him to do, to command the rain, not even dew to fall until he’d call for it. Went up and set down by the brook Cherith, in there. He stayed there for all this time. How he could remember that! How was he going to get food, through these years? But God served him with the ravens. A God of Heaven! No question, “Where did the ravens get the food?” We don’t know, can’t tell. The only thing, that he just knowed, he just committed hisself to God’s Word, what He promised him. And God took care of the rest of it.
73 That’s all we have to do. Brethren, that’s all we need. It just takes Him at His word. How is He going to do it? I don’t know. But, you see, we try to inject our own ideas, and there is where we mess up.
74 What if he’d said, “This other brook down the hill would be just as good, ’cause it’s got more water in it”? Huh-uh. No.

« 75 † What if Abraham would have thought that he ought to take Sodom? It never would have happened right. But Abraham took the way the Lord led him, his one promise he had to hold to.
76 Elijah could remember when he had done all he could do. He–he had rebuked all the–the women of that day, that tried to fashion after the first lady, the president’s wife, and–and all those things that he–he had rebuked. And–and they called him an old, I guess, just an old, simple sort of a fellow. And he went, but done exactly what God told him to do. And then it come to a showdown, where he said, “Let’s see which, these things, are right. Now, you call the prophets of–of Baalim up here, and–and you call his prophets. And let me call on the Lord.” Oh, what a showdown, when he knowed His Word had promised it.

« 77 † What could we say today as Christians, in the front of Buddhism, Mohammedanism, or anything else? “Let’s see who is God.” Amen.
78 Some time ago, down there in India, where we was at–at the meeting, and there there had been many people, but four or five come to the platform. And there was no way of estimating how many people were there. And I prayed for a little leper. He had no arms, and his ears was eat off, and little stubs. And he was trying to hug me, and I hugged him, and prayed with him. The Lord told me what was wrong with him, and–and about his life.
79 And–and I could see the Rajahs and those setting out there. They said, “That’s telepathy, you see.” You could–you could tell it, the way they was thinking, what they were–what they were going to put back to me.
80 That day, I’d been entertained in the temple of the Jains, where there was about seventeen different religions in there, and every one of them against Christianity, and, “There was nothing to Christianity.”
81 But, that night, God changed the program. We got to reading off the menu, by His spring. So the Holy Spirit begin revealing. And after a bit, an Indian came by, and he was blind. I said, “The man is blind. We can all see that. But he’s a married man. He has two sons.” I said, “I’ll spell their name. I–I can’t pronounce it.” And that was just exactly right. I–I could.

« 82 † Them what they call holy men, and all of them out there, and them Mohammedan priests, and sitting out there. And so they–they knew then, they thought I was reading their mind, a telepathy.
83 And so I happened to look back, and this blind man, just a vision above, was standing there looking at me. Oh, my! You know, God’s servant, the Holy Spirit, had already brought the… what the menu wrote, you know. I know it was ready to be served.
84 I said, “Now, they was telling me today that the Mohammedan religion is the greatest in the world, and the Buddhas, and all.” I said, “Now, I want some of you priests out there, the Buddha priests, the Mohammedan priests, come give this man his sight, sure, now, if he–he is so great. This man is a worshipper of the sun. And we all know, we who believe that he was wrong, he worshipped the creation instead of the Creator.” I said, “He was wrong, and we know that. But,” I said, “surely the God that’s the Creator; and the man is willing to come and serve that Creator; surely He’s ready to manifest Hisself.”

« 85 † Now, I want to say something. I wouldn’t have said that by no means if I hadn’t have seen that vision. I knowed better than that. You see, that’s what we don’t want, to go presuming. Presume means “you’re advancing without authority.” That’s why we want to watch when you say it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD, not just an impression, but something you know definitely, positive, the Lord has said it. And I felt very consoled with seeing the vision, knowed it had never failed.
86 And I said, “Now, the–the… If this man is wrong… Now, the Mohammedans say he was wrong, and then you making a–a–a Mohammedan. Then, Buddha would say he was wrong. And the Sikhs, and the Jains, and whatmore, they’d all say he’s wrong. But surely there’s a Right somewhere.” Oh, my! Oh, what a glorious thing! Then I said, “Now, the One that will give him his sight, he promised he would serve that God.”
87 He went blind, from looking at the sun, ’cause it was the sun god. See? And he thought that paid his way in Heaven. Now, we could remember Christ, that He–He suffered not to put our eyes out, but to give us sight. See? So then, and if…

« 88 † I said, “Now, the One that will come and produce this, I’ll follow that clan.” I said, “I’ll serve the One that gives him back his sight.” And that was the quietest group I ever heard. Nobody said. Then I said, “Well, there is the Mohammedan priest out there now, why don’t you come give him his sight?” I said, “Why? Is because you can’t. And neither can I. But the God of Heaven has raised up His Son, Jesus Christ, Who has showed me a vision just now, that the man is going to receive his sight. If it isn’t so, then I’m a false witness of this Christ. And if he does, then I’m a true witness of Him. And you have to re-… You should repent, or you must, if you… or you’ll perish in the clans that you’re in now.” What a time! And I said, “Now, if that’s false, then you should put me on a plane and send me back to the United States, and never let me in here again.”

« 89 † Oh, but when our God came on the scene! The man, as soon as I prayed for him, he could see as good as I could. He run and grabbed the mayor of the city around the neck and begin to hug him. And, why, we was about four hours. I didn’t have shoes, no pockets in my coat, and the militia couldn’t hold them back, and it was a stampede. And you should see what…
90 But what was it? The same God, the same God that could call fire, bring fire down, to take away His sacrifice; can bring His Holy Spirit, to confirm His Word, that It’s the Truth, as long as you are sure that is the Truth.

« 91 † Now, Elijah was positive that was the truth. He had heard the Voice of God. There’s no question to him.
92 And there’s no question in your heart tonight, that God still gives the Holy Ghost like He did on the Day of Pentecost, it’ll happen. If there’s no question that He keeps His Word and heals the sick, it’s got to happen. But you got to be positive of it. You’ve got to really see it by the real eyes of faith, then accept it and stand right there.
93 And he had a lot to remember God for, when he was… Now he has a lot to remember, what He did in them days.

« 94 † The immoral woman that Jesus found up at Sychar up there, that she was a Samaritan, which was rather an offcast people that really believed God. They was about half Jew and half Gentile, and they were a–a race. They believed in God. And this little, immoral woman in her condition, very marred by sin, and one day perhaps had got discouraged with all their traditions of the elders, of pots and kettles, and washings, and so forth.
95 She went out one day to the same old Jacob’s well up there, and she was going to let down her–her bucket, to get some water. And she changed springs. Oh, how she can remember that there was One setting there that said, “In Him was living Water.” What a thrill it was to her, when that living Well revealed her sins, and told her where she was wrong, and described what she had did to her. And it put a message in her heart, that set her on fire with the glory of God; and into the city, and to the men.

« 96 † Now, you know, that really isn’t legal in that country, for a woman to go through the streets, and especially a woman marked with immorality. But I’m telling you, when she got cleansed and a drink of that fresh Water, you try to stop her! It was like trying–trying to put a–a fire out, or a house on fire, and it real dry, and a high wind in dry weather, that was really blowing that blaze.
97 And you couldn’t stop her, because she had found something that was real. Her sins was revealed. And when her sins and wrong was revealed, she can remember tonight, in Glory. She can remember that there was a Spring for her. There was a place where, all the creeds and–and the churches had turned her down, but yet she found a oasis. She found a place where there is Somebody Who cared. What a rejoicing!
98 And how we can rejoice with her, we who was bound down with creeds that pulled us away from God, and we found a Fountain filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. There we lost all of our starchy condition. And–and we drank from the Fountain and refreshed. And we remember the One who paid the price, that we could have His Spirit upon us, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What a memory to remember by!

« 99 † I imagine tonight that Hagar could have something to think about, too, when she had been put out, misunderstood. Now there’s many of us here can think about Hagar, as she, her being misunderstood.
100 Who walks the right life with God, who takes the straight, narrow way, but what knows what to be misunderstood means? I’m misunderstood. Every person, all you brethren that try to live right, and you sisters, you’re misunderstood.
101 Your neighbors think you’re some old model, and they try to throw off on you. “Why don’t you attend these societies? And why don’t you have these card parties, when things?” And you shun those things. You’re misunderstood.

« 102 † So was Hagar misunderstood. And she had her child, little Ishmael, that was the fruit of her womb, from a legal marriage to her husband Abraham. And she was–she was a slave girl. And she had been given by her mistress, Sarah, to Abraham, to wife; which, polygamy was legal in them days. And she lawfully had married the man, because she had been given to him. She had bore the child, just what their hopes was. There’s nothing the woman had done out of the way. And, yet, misunderstood by her mistress, and put her out into the wilderness to die. What a place to be!
103 And the water was spent from the bottle. Little Ishmael’s throat was beginning to dry. He was crying for water. It got worse. And only a mother’s heart could hear that baby cry of a little, parched lips in–in the desert somewhere, of her only child, and feeling his little body drying out, and he’s dying. No water, just rocks and sand, as you would look out here in the deserts of Phoenix. Not a place. Misunderstood! What a time!

« 104 † There she was, a slave girl, to begin with, and had tried to act in the right way that she was supposed to act. And here she’s got the baby in her arms, and it dying. And she was so sad. She laid it under a little bush. And went about a bow-shot, and she knelt down to pray. And there appeared a well, oh, my, “The well of Him that liveth and seeth me.” Still stands today. It was put there, some way. That well still stands as a memorial.
105 I haven’t got education enough to pronounce it. But I–I tried it, a while ago, when I was writing some little notes. And I–I tried to pronounce it. I couldn’t do it. But you know what it is. I–I call it one thing, another. I said, “I better not say that. It’ll just show my ignorance worse.”

« 106 † But one thing I want to say. I know where there is another Well that was put down on the Day of Pentecost. It’s just as open tonight as it was the time when it was opened back there, and the waters is just as fresh to every man or woman that wants to take the right road with God’s Word, and walk with Him.
107 I come to this well, remembering Jesus Who made it possible that me, an alien, a drunkard’s son, could come up to that Well and be pardoned of my sins, and drink of Eternal Life.
108 Oh, how Hagar must have felt when she seen that well! It saved the life of her and her child. She sure can remember that oasis, all the days of her life, and all–all through time that she can remember it.

« 109 † We could go on and on, with characters. But, let’s just think this, don’t miss seeing your well now. Don’t miss seeing the spot of refreshment that brings Life.
110 Jesus was sent from Herod to… from Pilate to Herod, for mockery. What he missed! What, what was the matter with Pilate?
111 And then when Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, and then how foolish Herod was. When, he heard of Him, and he had heard of His ministry. And Pilate being a Jew… Or, Herod, I believe it was, Herod was a Jew. And standing there before Him! And there he was, standing in the Presence of all the prophets had prophesied about, from Eden out. Standing in the Presence, and he never asked pardoning of his sin. He never–he never–he never… Wonder if he even thought, he took a second thought, of what, Who he was standing before? He never probably knew Whose–Whose Presence he was standing in.
112 Oh, you say, “That was–that was a horror! That was the most foolish thing.” It was. It was the most foolish thing that the man ever done. Well, we think of–of how bad off he was.

« 113 † But wait a minute. We have men today do the same thing, stand by the same Fountain, and still make the same mistake that he did.
114 All the prophets, for four thousand years had pointed to Him. But because He didn’t come in the way of their creeds, said He would come, they cast him out.
115 There, exactly right. It’s exactly right. Yes, sir. Still cast Him out. They don’t want nothing to do with it, ‘less it comes according to their book, you know, the way that their textbook reads it, you see. It has to come that way.
116 Oh, all the prophets through four thousand years had spoke of Him, and here He stood before him, and he never said a thing about, ask for pardoning. There he is in the Presence, and the–the fulfillment of all of the words of the Hebrew prophets, standing right before him, and he never asked for pardon. He just stood there. Oh, that was a terrible thing!

« 117 † But we do the same today. Only, we stand by Him, after six thousand years. We make a greater mistake than Herod, and Pilate, and–and Caiaphas, and the priests of that day, because we got two thousand more years of record added. And we still make that same mistake. Just, I just…
118 I suppose that–that Herod never even give it a serious thought.
119 Now, I just wonder how serious we think about This. How serious do you try to consider this Word? What does that Word mean to you? Do you know that is God in print form? But we ride right over it, for some sort of a creed, and say, “Days of miracles is past. Dr. Jones said so-and-so, so that settles it.” And, yet, this Bible laying in every book store, pretty near, Bible stand, churches. And ministers, and so forth, standing there, and read over the top of it, and ignore it, because of creed, try to place it back in some other age.

« 120 † As I’ve made the remark, two or three times since being in Phoenix, it struck me so. Men are that way. They always praise God for what He has done, and looking forward what He will do, and ignoring what He’s doing right now. They do it. They fail to see it.
121 Now, perhaps Herod could have praised God for what He brought the children out of the wilderness, so forth. And they said, “Someday He will send a Messiah. Glory to God! We’ll see Him then.” And here He was, standing right before them, and they never knew Him.
122 “He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. But as many as did receive Him, to him… gave them the power to become sons of God.” I like that. Yes, sir.

« 123 † There in His Presence, I suppose he never took a serious thought about it.
124 And many today do the same thing, don’t take it seriously. They don’t take a serious thought. They think, “Now here, I go to church, and I’m just as good as you are.”
125 Now, you just don’t want to take that attitude. You could be as good as me, and be no good at all. See? But you want to not make any man your example. You want to make God your Example, Jesus Christ, and you want to take His Word. And if you don’t…

« 126 † Now, remember, the Bible said, over in the book of Revelations. This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. “Whoever takes one Word out of It, or puts one word to It, his part will be taken out of the Book of Life.” So That is the Revelation.
127 “God in sundry times and divers manners,” Hebrews 1, “spoke to the fathers through the prophets, but this last days through His Son, Christ Jesus.” And, Christ, revealing Himself, making Himself known, taking His Word and just making It grow.

« 128 † Standing the other day, talking, I believe, with Brother Carl Williams, there was a palm tree. I believe it was Brother Carl, or someone. And I said, “Isn’t that a beautiful tree?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “What is it? Volcanic ash.”
129 That’s all it is, dust of the earth, with a life in it. And that life was a certain kind of life, made it a palm tree. Over here stands another, it’s a different kind of a tree. It’s a fig tree. What is it? Volcanic ash from the earth, with the fig tree life in it.
130 Well, look at us. What are we? The same as that tree, volcanic ash, but with a human life in it. And that human life is of the earth, and must go back to the earth.
131 But there is a Life that comes from Above, that, a man, he lives by that Life. It’s Eternal Life.
How foolish! Could not we seriously consider that, friends?

« 132 † Now, it isn’t an emotion. It isn’t keeping a lot of creeds. It’s an experience. It’s a Birth. First, you have to experience a death before you can witness a Birth. Like, line that right: experience death, and then witness a Birth. Any seed has to do the same thing. And this Seed is God. And when It’s placed into your heart, it brings forth the Birth of a son of God.
133 And that’s the way Jesus was when He was on earth. He said, “Who can condemn Me of sin? Who can accuse Me, rather, of sin?” Sin is “unbelief.” “If–if you can’t believe Me, believe the works.” “Search the Scriptures. In Them you think you have Eternal Life. They are the Ones that testify of Me. They’re the Ones tells Who I am. And if I don’t meet that qualification, just exactly what the Scripture said, the Father said I would be, when I come; if I don’t meet that, then I’ve done wrong.”

« 134 † Oh, if we Christians, if we ministers, if we men, women, Pentecostals, and the rest of us, if we can’t take what God said His Church should be, if we can’t measure up to the stature that He said, then we can be condemned of sin, of unbelief. We try to say that the days of miracles is past, and all these other things, that, and so-and-so, and so-and-so, then we can be accused of unbelief. For, there’s only one sin, and that’s unbelief. “He that believeth not is condemned already.” See? You don’t even get to first base if you don’t believe. “He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.” So what if a church…
135 That’s what God wants. That’s what God will have, a bunch of people that can say, “What has Jesus Christ promised? What has been promised in this last days that hasn’t been manifested through us?” Amen. Then we can set down, remember Him, remembering Him when we come together.

« 136 † If there’s anything we’re lacking, let’s do it. If there’s anything lacking with us, let’s get back to that. Let’s remember what He required, not what we think we ought to have, but what He said we got to have. See? We got to have it that way, the way that He said it. But wonder if we just…
We say, “Well, I–I–I belong to this.”
137 I wonder if you give it a serious thought, to know that that don’t mean a thing to God. That don’t mean nothing. Herod probably–probably said, “Well, now wait just a minute here. You know who I am?” See? He never thought seriously. And we ought to think seriously.
138 You know what he did? When Christ was placed before him, for the first time, that all the prophets, sages, and down through the ages, that spoke of this One coming. And there He stood right before him. You know, his… the… On the occasion, that God placed Christ before Herod, he only asked for entertainment.

« 139 † I wonder, brethren. Let’s think seriously now. We Pentecostal people, I wonder if we receive the Holy Ghost just for entertainment? But there’s more than that goes with It. There’s a life got to be lived. I wonder if that’s the hindrance of our churches today, brethren. I wonder if that’s the reason that we’re still back here in the wilderness, wandering around, instead of over in the promised Land, possessing all things? I wonder if there isn’t something we haven’t thought seriously enough about it. See? You must think seriously.
140 If Pilate would have did that, he would have released Him. If–if Herod would have did that, he would have released Him. But he didn’t think seriously, his first occasion.
And then what did he do? He asked for some tricks.
141 Oh, they, that’s what it is today. They want to make Christianity a trick, some little gimmick that you got in your hand. And, listen, Pentecostal people, be deeply sincere in these things. When you speak with tongues, and give the interpretation, you be sure that that’s interpretation. See? Don’t have a gimmick. Why do you want a gimmick, when God has got the real thing for you? See? Why accept a substitute, when the skies are full of the real. See? See? We must be sincere. You mustn’t try to just kind of ignore it and pass it over. We mustn’t do that. We mustn’t ask for tricks.

« 142 † We must ask for service. Amen. “Lord, if I’m to be the doormat, make me the best doormat You ever had. Whatever I am to be, let me be.” Not, “Make me… If I can’t be a Billy Graham, or an Oral Roberts, why, I ain’t going to be at all.” See? Why, you’re just as much thought of as Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, if–if you got a… if you’re the doormat, if you are God’s. God needs a doormat; He–He wants a good doormat. That’s all. See? It doesn’t matter.
But we go along, presuming that we’re supposed to be this or that. Don’t do that.
143 Just ask for service, whatever it is. See? Whatever it is, let God choose your service. See? And then when He gives you service, remember that it is Jesus that directed you here. You were born for that purpose. Be a–a good servant to Him, wherever it is. Yes.

« 144 † Jesus said, “Why do you call Me ‘Lord,’ and do not the things that I tell you to do?” We ought to study the Scripture. We ought to find out what God’s program and plan is. He said, “You call Me ‘Lord.'” Said, “But why do you call Me ‘Lord,’ when you don’t do the things that–that I command you to do?” See? Yes.
145 Lord is “ownership.” The landlord owns the–the land. And the people, today, they’ll gladly accept Jesus for a Saviour. They–they don’t want to go to hell. They’ll–they’ll accept Him as a Saviour. But when it comes to “Lord,” oh, no. Huh-uh. See?
146 Lord, is, you to be His property. If He wants a floor mat, He makes you a floor mat. And you’re just as happy, a floor mat, as you would be a, morning star. See? See? See? You–you–you want… We–we want…
147 We don’t want to have him “Lord.” We want a Saviour, but we don’t want “Lord.” Then He comes “Lord,” and He speaks to you about certain things of the Word. “Well, I now, I–I don’t know about That now, see. Well, just… I just can’t imagine me doing That,” you ladies here.
You say, I’ll get tired after while. No. I won’t.

« 148 † I’ll be like the fellow said one time, he went to preach a revival. He said he preached on repentance; the third night, repentance; fourth night, repentance. He preached a full week on repentance.
149 And the pastor of the church and some of them, got back and told him, said, “Brother, we–we really admire your sermon. But haven’t you got another one?”
150 Said, “Oh, yes, sir.” Said, “I got another one. But let them all repent, then I’ll preach on something else.” So, yes, sir.
151 Let the church get started on its ABC’s. Then we’ll go to algebra then, how–how to be prophets, and get gifts, and so forth like that. But let’s first learn this first step, first. Learn to walk before you can run, you know. So, and if you’re weary with the footman, what are you going to do? All right.

« 152 † But we–we want to remember our Lord. That’s what you got to remember, that it’s Him you’re serving. You don’t get these gifts just to have a lot of fun out of them. That’s right. After all, there’s many that talk about gifts, that I’m sure, from the way they act, they don’t know what it is. See? See?
153 The gift, gifts of God, and things, are not something that’s just played with. The gifts of God are gracious, and they’re weary. They’re wearisome. Didn’t Ja-… In the Presence of God, is not shouting. The Presence, that’s just God’s blessings He pours upon you. See? But the Presence of God is a troublesome thing.
154 I don’t want you to forget to get that tape, if you can, Sirs, What Time Is It? And remember that.

« 155 † Jacob, when he laid on that pillow, rock, one night. And the Lord appeared to him in a vision, and he saw Angels descending and ascending. When he got up, he said, “This is a dreadful place, none other than the house of God.” Dreadful place!
156 When Isaiah the prophet had prophesied for many years, under Uzziah. And when Uzziah was taken away from him, because he tried to usurp the part of a priest, and he was stricken with leprosy and died. And Isaiah probably had been forty years old, fifty. And he had been a prophet, oh, ever since a baby, because prophets are born. “Their gifts and callings are without repentance.” And there he was, a–a prophet of the Lord, down in there, praying, one day, and confessing his sins down at the altar.
157 And all of a sudden, he came into the Presence of God, and seen God setting in the Heaven, and His train. He saw Seraphims with Their holy faces shaded with wings, and Their feet covered with wings, and flying with wings, crying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.” Yeah.
158 And Isaiah remembered then that his little journey wasn’t very much. What did he cry? He knowed, his–his gift, he hadn’t acted right with it. He was far away. He said, “Lord, I’m a man of unclean lips, and I–I–I dwell among people with unclean lips.” And then the Angel… See, it’s a dreadful thing. He said, “Woe is me.”

« 159 † It’s not the thing of blessing, and shouting, and screaming. That’s good. Now, remember, I’m not condemning that. But, I’m telling you, that’s not what I’m talking about.
160 It’s the power and the Presence of God, which brings such a holy fear, until you’re paralyzed in His Presence. You’ll always remember. You remember it.
161 And Isaiah remembered, as long as he lived. I imagine, when the saws was cutting through his body, he still remembered those Angels crying, “Holy, holy, Lord God!” Certainly.
162 Jacob, in his last hours, could remember those Angels ascending and descending, and it was such a dreadful thing to him.
163 It’s not what people think it is. It’s something different. What we need to do is come into His Presence, remembering Him, that He brought us here not for frolic, but for service, brought us in here to–to work for Him.
He had something to remember.

« 164 † What about Judas Iscariot? He’s got something to remember, too. Judas has got something he’s remembering tonight. Certainly is. And he’ll always remember it. Certainly. Why? He sold the Lord Jesus for personal gain.
165 I wonder, tonight, if there isn’t many doing that same thing today, selling your birthrights for personal gain, when you should be on fire for Christ. When you should be doing something for Him, working for Him, or something, you go join somewhere where you can live any way you want to and still claim to be a Christian. That’s what the world is looking for tonight. The world, I said, not the believer.
166 The believer is looking for every straight road he can walk in, to get right.
167 But the unbeliever is wanting somewhere where he can go and just maintain his profession of a Christian, and then just live anyway he wants to. That’s what this nation wanted for a president, and that’s what they got. Exactly. That’s what the–that’s what the church wants, that’s what they got. Yes, sir. That’s what you get.

« 168 † But the believer wants to get everything shaved off of him. “He wants to lay aside every sin, and the weight that so easily beset him; he might run with patience the race that’s set before him, looking to the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus Christ.” Yeah. Remembering Him, as we lay aside every weight. Women letting their hair grow. Men quit being Ricky, and come on into church and do what’s right, and all this other kind of stuff. And pastors with deacons on their board, married three or four times; and all these things, compromising, because they pay heavy on the plate and all; have to knuck down to some organization because they tell you this is It, and the Bible says something different. “Lay aside every weight.”
Remember Jesus. He become very unpopular.

« 169 † The young Rabbi was One of the greatest Men in the world, in the day when He was healing the sick and doing everything well, making people healed, and giving the sight to the blind, showing the people, and manifesting God through them, by the thought of their own mind. He could speak to them. He was a great Rabbi.
170 But one day He set down and begin to tell them the Gospel Truth. He wasn’t popular from then on. No, He never. The first thing you know, and all the group walked away. And then the seventy said, “This is a hard saying. Who can understand it?” And they walked away.
Then He stood and asked the disciples, “Will you go also?”
171 They said, “Where would we go, Lord? You, alone. We’ve sold out. We’re ready, no matter what it is. We’re ready to go.” Let’s remember Him like that.
172 Remember, He was our Example. He done everything, condemned every Pharisee, condemned everything of the world, went through the world without a spot on Him. He was a Lamb examined by God. He said, “This is my beloved Son. I’m well pleased in Him.” He lived such a life.
173 And then He took all the sin of the world, my sin and your sin, and laid it upon Him. And then even the perspiration coming from His sacred brow, like drops of Blood, spatting on there. Not because that He was guilty, but was my guilt doing that, and your guilt.
174 And if He can do that for you and I, how could we stand up under some dogmas and nonsense of the world, and the things of this modern day? We ought to remember our Lord, remember what He paid for this price of salvation. Never be ashamed of it. “Be ready to give any man account for the hope that rests within you.” We should do that, brethren.

« 175 † We’re getting in the last hours now. The sun is setting. Civilization has come from the East. Now it’s on the West Coast. It can go no further. The barrier is there, and all the sin of the world is heaping up, and rolling up in shameful waves of Hollywood. It’s bounced plumb back into the church. And what a time it is! We ought to remember that, brethren.
176 Remember our Lord. What would He do if He stood here today? He would hold to that Word. In the midst of every temptation, He’d stay that Word. He did it. He was your Example.
177 When Satan come to Him and said, “Turn these stones into bread,” He said, “It’s written…” See, constantly with the Father’s Word. We must remember and do the same thing. He was our Example. Yes, sir.

« 178 † Those priests of that day will have a lot to remember, too. They’re remembering it tonight in the world of the lost.
179 You say, “Brother Branham, would you call those priests…? Holy priests, that, they were godly men.”
180 Now, wait a minute. They made themselves godly. They had a false holiness, a false piety that wasn’t really belonged of God. Jesus plainly told them, “You are of your father the Devil, and his works you’ll do.” And He told them what they were. And they have a lot to remember, too. Because, when they seen that genuine manifestation of the Messiah, proving that He was Messiah, they deliberately turned It down and said It was a evil spirit doing that. Said, “It was Beelzebub.”
181 And Jesus pronounced that that was blasphemy. “Whosoever would speak a word against the Holy Spirit would never be forgiven.” They got a lot to remember. Let’s not take their place, brethren. Let our lot not be like theirs.
182 But if I have to be, let me be like Nathanael, saying, “Thou art the Son of God. You are the King of Israel.” Let me stand as one of those. Let me stand.
183 Let you women stand as the woman at the well, how she stands tonight. She’s got a lot to remember, as we spoke of. She found a fountain.

« 184 † And now, those priests, they’ll have… Why did they do it? Because of pure green jealousy. That’s the only way. They was zealous of their creed. They were. They were zealous of their traditions. Their elders had set up a tradition which was contrary to the Word, and they were zealous of that tradition.
185 Brethren, let’s you and I not have to answer for that, zealous of any tradition. Let’s remember Jesus, what He was. Stay with what He said. By just pure green jealousy, they did these things. Oh, what a thing! Yes, sir. They…
186 The rich man has got a lot to remember, too. He was presented with the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ, but he loved the praises of men more than the praises of God. And, remember, the Bible plainly says that he remembered it after he was dead and in hell, and the message come back to him, “Remember, in your lifetime, you had the opportunity.”
187 And Phoenix, you’ve got the opportunity. The world has got the opportunity. Don’t let it cross your path and you fail to see it, like Herod and–and–and many of them did.

« 188 † Now, they show that those priests actually knew Who He was, ’cause Nicodemus expressed it when he come. He was one of the chief of the Pharisees. He said, “Rabbi, we know that You’re a teacher comes from God, ’cause no man could do those things except God was with him.” See, they knew it. But, see, they got to remember that. They knew better, but didn’t do it.
189 Let your creed hold you down, from the baptism of the Holy Spirit, because they tell you there’s no such a thing.

« 190 † Here a few months ago, I was out at the hospital to pray for a woman, in our city in Indiana. And there was a little lady laying there, wanted to get right with God. She had been… She was a backslider. She once come to my church. She went back out. And, course, seven devils entered, worse than they ever was. And there she lay, in a hospital, dying.
She said, “Brother Branham, I don’t want to die like this.”
191 And I said, “All right, sister. You don’t have to, if you still got a desire in your heart to serve God. He’s never left you. You left Him, but He never left you. Now you can, if you can.”
She said, “I–I want to, Brother Branham.”
I said, “All right, we’ll pray.”
192 There was another lady laying there, with her lips down, looked at me with a… like she could run through me, and her and her son. She was lying on the bed; going to an operation, the day before. And I said… And I seen her go, looking at her son, looking over at me.
193 And–and I said, “Do you mind if we have a word of prayer?”
She said, “Pull that curtain.”
I said, “Well, I… Are you a believer?”
She said, “I said, ‘Pull that curtain.'”
I said, “I just asked you.”
She said, “I’ll give you to understand, we are Methodist.”
I said, “Well, that certainly expresses it then, see.” See?
194 What was it? She didn’t want to see some other person, that poor, backslidden woman come back to God. Now, she had been a Methodist, it’d been different, you see. Didn’t remember Jesus there, you see. She just remembered her creed.
195 Just remember. All right. Oh, what a horrible thing it’ll be in that Day of the Judgment.

« 196 † Few weeks ago I was riding on an elevator in Louisville. I was going up for an examination, a physical examination, to a doctor friend of mine, to get a–a–a pass, so if I want to go overseas with Brother Rowe and them right away. And so I thought I’d take my physical while I had a chance, and I went up.
197 There–there was some men with us, going up on the floor. We went way up, about eight floors, in Louisville, and at a building, and, so, the Heyburn building. And when I was up just about as high as we could get, to stop, these… One of these fellows was drinking a little, I think. He looked around, said, “Well, boys, I guess this is as high as we’ll ever get.” Said, “We better get off.” I never said nothing. He didn’t know I was a preacher. So, I just waited to get off.
198 I said, “Just a minute. That remark you made.” I said, “If we’re trusting in our own merits, this is as high as we’ll ever get, but,” I said, “if we’ll trust in Jesus! Remember Him.” Amen.
199 We can go higher, when we pass, as the Brother Outlaw singers said the other night, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Mars, the Milky White Way, and go on, and on, and on. There’s no difference. Beyond every solar system, into the heavens of Heaven! I’m glad for that.
200 Just remember that He went on and above such things as that. Yes. If we’re trusting in our merits, we’re certainly lost. But if we trust in His merits, we’re saved.

« 201 † Oh, we can remember Jesus in His grace, that He lifted us up and promised it, that, even now, right now, we don’t have to be earthbound. See? We’re not earthbound now. We’re Heaven bound. “We’re already dead. Our lives are hid in Him, through Christ.” And we’re raised with Him; not, we’re not–we’re not dead with Him. “We are raised with Him, and we’re setting in Heavenly places.”
202 Remembering Him, setting in Heavenly places! “When, Brother Branham?” Right now. Yes. We won’t be raised with Him. We’re already raised with Him. This is the Firstfruits of our resurrection: passed from death unto Life, and alive forevermore; setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, already raised with Him from the dead. Yes. What a glorious thing it is to be setting in Heavenly places with–with Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Yes, sir. We can remember Him now, and all of His promises that He made us, while we’re setting right here now.

« 203 † I was looking at that clock back there, and I thought “My, I’m doing real well. I’m getting done here now, seven o’clock.” I had about three more pages of notes, and I pushed them back under there. When I looked down at my watch, and seen it wasn’t seven o’clock. So I thought, “I’m doing real well.” Where have I been? Have I been lost all this time? I knowed I–I felt awful good, but I didn’t know I felt that good. And–and I’d… I kept looking at that clock, and I thought there is something wrong, somewhere.
204 Well, that’s what’s going to happen, one of these days, friends. Time is going to stop. And we’re going to take our sky-ride into Eternity, where there’s no more time. Won’t it be wonderful?

« 205 † But while we’re setting here now, where time means nothing to us, we’re already lifted up into Heavenly places. What can we remember? We can remember every promise that He made us. “If ye abide in Me, and My Word is in you, you can ask what you will.” Is that right?
206 I can remember Saint John 5:24, “He that heareth My Words, and believeth,” not make-believeth, now, but, “believeth on Him that sent Me, hath,” that’s present tense, “everlasting Life, and shall not come into the condemnation of Judgment, but has passed from death unto Life.” And we’re living right now in Christ Jesus, setting in the Heavenly. That’s what He promised. We can remember.
207 We can remember how He told, made Himself known as the Messiah amongst the people. The believers saw it. And we remember, in Saint John 14:12, that He said, “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also.” We can remember He promised that.
208 We can remember He promised in the last days that the Holy Spirit would be manifested in human flesh, just exactly like He did at Sodom before it was burned. We remember Jesus made that promise. I remember it. He said so. Jesus said so. I believe it just as much, if I was setting right there and He told me about it, ’cause it’s right Here, and that’s the way I believe that Word. I remember He said so. That’s all.
“The works that I do shall he do also.”

« 209 † I remember, I was reading in the Scripture, other night, where Jesus said, when, “I have many things to reveal to you, tell you. But, you, I can’t do it now. But when the Holy Ghost is come, you see, He will bring these things back to your remembrance, and then He will show you things that’s going to come.”
210 I remember that the Holy Spirit spoke and said, “The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to asunder the marrow of the bone, and is a Discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart.”

« 211 † I remember that Jesus passed through a crowd one day, and a little woman touched His garment. And went out there and set down, and out in there, stood up, or wherever she was. And Jesus turned and said, “Who touched Me?”
212 When, Peter thought He’d went out of His mind. He said, well, rebuked Him and said, “Well, everybody is touching You.”
213 He said, “But I perceive. I gotten weak. Virtue has gone.” He looked all around. He found the little woman, told her, “Her blood issue. Her faith had saved her.”
214 I remember that the Bible teaches, in Hebrews, that He is now a High Priest, oh, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity. That’s right.
215 I remember the Bible said, in Hebrews 13:8. I’m remembering Jesus. He made… In Hebrews 13:8, He said, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Oh, how we can remember Him! Yes, sir. Oh, how we…
216 “Yet a little while and the world sees Me no more; yet ye shall see Me,” the Church, the believer, “for I’ll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world.” That’s right. “I will never leave you.” Oh, it’s not just something that happens today and gone tomorrow. It’s Eternal. “I’ll never leave you. I’ll never forsake you.” Oh, my! That would make us scream, shout, cry.

« 217 † We want to consider this seriously. Remember Jesus, not just in a haphazard way. He promised this. And if that isn’t no good, then the Bible is no good. And then what are we setting here for? What are we even living for? What are you trying for? What’s your efforts for? What are you sweating it out for? If it’s any right, at all, it’s either every bit right or none of it right. Remember, it wasn’t you or I, or your pastors, that made the promise. It was Jesus made these promises. I remember He said it.

« 218 † I remember He said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” How far? “All the world.” Yeah. Two-thirds of it don’t know nothing about Christ yet. “All the world, to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe.” I remember He said that. If I can remember that, how can I accept something, then, that says that that day is gone? I remember He said, “To all the world, every creature. And these signs shall follow them that believe.”
219 How can I put myself with a group of people that deny that Word, when God was watching over His Word, to vindicate It? How can I hook myself up with unbelievers?

« 220 † O God, let me remember Jesus. Let me remember the stand that He took. Let me remember that He is my Saviour. Let me remember that I am dead. I’m no more. I been dead thirty-three years. This is Christ that lives within me.
221 And if I look out and see him doing things uncommonly, unseemingly, then I know that I never died; William Branham is still alive; you’re still alive. As long as you’re disobeying His commandments, then you’re still alive. But when you’re obeying His commandment, “If you love Me, keep My saying.”

« 222 † How wonderful, to think that He promised this! “Yet a little while, and the world won’t see Me no more. The world won’t see Me, but yet you’ll see Me.” Oh! “Wherever two or three are assembled together, I’ll be in their midst.” I remember that. You remember that, brother? [The brethren say, “Amen.”–Ed.]
223 “And the works that I do, they’ll do it also.” What kind of works did He do? There you are. See?
224 “Oh, well, course, now, Brother Branham, that was for another day. It’s–it’s not that.”
225 I remember that’s what He said. I don’t remember what you said. That’s all gone, see, but I remember what He said. See? “He that will come after Me will deny himself,” deny his own thoughts, deny his own thinking. You could deny your father, your mother, your wife, your children; but there is something so real that you can’t deny That. It keeps you. And He’s here.
226 Now let’s just remember every promise that He made, as we bow our heads.

« 227 † Our Heavenly Father, there was many requests just a few moments ago. Uplifted hands come up from all over the building. But, Father, Thou art the living God. And I pray Thee, Lord Jesus, to bless these people. May Your Holy Spirit dwell upon them, give to them Eternal Life, give to them what they have need of.
228 Let us remember, You made the promise. You are the one that’s responsible for this promise. Let us remember, no matter what any one else says, You are the One. You are the One that we’re looking to, to fulfill Your promise. You’re the One said, that, “He that believeth in Me, though he were dead yet shall he live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” I remember You said that, Lord.
229 And then You said, those who did believe in You… Now, You said, if we believe, we had Eternal Life. And You said, those that did believe in You, the works that You did they would do also.
230 Now, Father, we know that you are God, and we know that there is none other but You. And we believe You, and we are trusting You now, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now, with your heads bowed.

« 231 † How many in this building that knows that you’re not remembering your Lord in the way that you should remember Him? And at the end of this little, chopped-up Message, you’re willing to raise your hands and say, “God, make Yourself so real to me till I remember You upon my… Your commandments will be on my bedpost? ‘I put the Lord always before me,’ as David said. Lord, give me more of You, that I can remember You.” Put up your hand, say, “Pray for me, brother.” That’s almost unanimously everywhere. “Lord Jesus, be merciful to me.”

« 232 † Now, is there those here tonight who has never confessed Him as your Lord? And now you might stand before Him… And we’ve told you, just a few moments ago, that He promised, that, “Where two or three are assembled, I’ll be in their midst.” Now, He promised that. Then, He’s got to be here. And you’ve never accepted Him as your Lord?
233 Will you do that rashal thing that Herod did? Will you give that commitment that Pilate did, to brush Him off on somebody else? “My mother, she was a Christian. My daddy got enough religion for all of us.” Would you do that? “My wife is a religious woman.”

« 234 † What about you? Will you raise your hands and say, “God, remember me. I’m a sinner, and I want to be right with You. I’ll raise my hand”? How many hands in here that’s that way? Is there… You mean there’s not a sinner in the building? God bless you, lady. God bless you, lady, here. There you are. I thought there was something pulling wrong here. I…
235 You understand, that, Jesus said He was here. And He knows your thoughts, you see, in your heart. Thank you for your sincerity. Really, there is more that should raise their hand.

« 236 † But would you raise your hand then? Say, “Re-… Brother Branham, I–I’m just playing the part of hypocrisy. I go to church. But when it really comes to being born again, I just join church. I really don’t know Christ. I still love the world as much as I ever did. I–I just… Oh, I enjoy going, listen at a message or something. But when it really comes to taking time and loving to go out, and spend them hours in prayer with Him, and commune with Him, remembering Him, I–I don’t do that. I don’t even have the desire to do it. I know then, Brother Branham, I can’t be right and have that kind of a feeling. So, I’m raising my hand to God, ‘Be merciful to me.'” Raise your hand. Be honest with it. That’s right. God bless you. That’s right. Yes, sir. Lord bless you. Amen.

« 237 † I’m just waiting, see if the Holy Spirit would reveal something else. God bless you sir. God bless you. Sure. I just want Him to search your heart. That’s what He’s here for. All right. God bless you, little lady. That’s very fine.
Just as you think of it, take it seriously now.
238 “Oh, Brother Branham, I–I got to hurry home.” Listen. You’re going to hurry out of this life, one day, too. See? Think of it now. This is the hour. This is the time.
239 Say, “Well, I tell you. Our pastor, he’s a–he’s a brilliant man, very educated. I’d rather hear it from…”
240 It don’t make any difference who brings the Message. It’s–it’s not the messenger. It’s the Message you hear. See? No matter what type of a man would walk in the door there and–and give you a message that–that you–you inherited a million dollars, you’d accept the–the money. Accept your pardon.
241 With your heads bowed now, and your eyes closed, I’m going to ask you something real sincerely. And I want you to tell me the truth.
242 Women, you wearing short hair, how many really feel that you should have long hair? Raise your hand and say… God bless you. That’s good. I know you did. I–I… There’s hopes for you. But when you’re so seared, that you can’t do it, you don’t even feel condemned, see, then there is something happened to you. Because, the Word said you should.

« 243 † How many, you women, wear shorts and them clothes, or smoke cigarettes; and–and you men, too, that know that you’re doing wrong? And say, “I don’t want to do that, Brother Branham. I really love God, but that–that thing just holds onto me. And I know it’s an evil thing. I’m going to raise my hand. In–in raising my hand, I’m asking God to move it from me.” Raise your hand. Be honest. God bless you. That’s right. Yeah. That’s right.
244 That’s sincerity. That’s honest. God will give us a healing meeting in a minute, on that sincerity. We can believe that. Have faith in God.

« 245 † Heavenly Father, You seen the hands. You know the conditions of the people. You know what’s all is in their hearts, Lord. I pray that You give forgiveness to every one of them. And, now, give to them the desire of their heart. Move their heartaches. Do that, Lord, which they have need of knowing. I pray that You’ll grant it to them, through the Name of Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus. We ask it for God’s glory. I commit them to Thee, Father, God, that You will perform Your work in them, through Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.

« 246 † Now, as you raise your head. How many feel lots difference about it, just raise your hand, say, “I feel lots different.” Now, how many knows that He promised that He–He’s “the Lord heals all of our diseases”? Do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Would you?
247 How many of you believe that He promised this, that, “A little while and the world won’t see Me no more, yet you’ll see Me”? You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Do you believe it’s possible then, if Hebrews 13:8 here said, “Jesus Christ, same yesterday and forever,” you believe it’s possible that we could see God? [“Amen.”] How would we see Him? In the manifestation of His Spirit, His living Being. Would you believe that? [“Amen.”]
248 I’m going to ask my brethren not to pray on this, back there. Only, pray for me. Let the audience, this time. We’re coming on to the meeting in a few days, and we’ll maybe catch that.

« 249 † I want this audience in one control. I want to take these spirits under my control, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for His glory, that His Spirit might operate and prove to you that He still lives.
250 I take His Word here. It said that, Saint John, Saint John the 14th chapter and 12th verse, said, “He that believeth in Me, the works that I do shall he also.” Do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]
251 Then, every one of you people out there, that’s sick or needy, or have need of something, you pray. Just touch, remember, the hem of His garment. “He’s the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.”
252 Does the Bible say that, brethren? [The brethren say, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 253 † And then how would He act, if He was the High Priest? The same way He did when He was here, ’cause He’s the same High Priest. How would He do it? When His body is the Sacrifice on the Throne of God, how could He do it? He sent His Spirit back, the Holy Ghost. “And He will take the things that’s Mine, and show them to you.” Now, if you want to see if God…

« 254 † The reason I base this upon this, knowing this, I know that the Message that I preach to the people is the Truth. I–I–I believe that with all my heart. Though, It cuts off here, a little bit that way; not to be mean, not to be different, but to be honest. And, therefore, I know He said that. If He would take the things that was of God… And this ought to make you to know it. If He take the things that is of Christ, and will show it to you, and show you things to come, and do the very works that He did, that’s the Holy Spirit. It’s got to be.
255 Pray now, and you touch His garment. I’ll yield myself to Him, and see what He will say to you. Just pray.
256 Is there some here that’s never been in the meeting before? Would you raise your hand? Yes, there’s plenty.
257 Remember, Jesus Christ never at one time ever claimed to heal people. He said, “It’s not Me that doeth the works. It’s My Father,” and in Saint John, the 5th chapter and the 19th verse.
258 When He passed through the pool of Bethesda, and there laid great multitudes, of numbers of people, maybe thousands laying there, lame, blind, halt, twisted, He went to a man that had maybe a prostate trouble, or might he had tubercular. It was retarded. He’d had it for thirty-eight years. And He told him, “Take up your bed and go into the house.”
259 The man could walk. He said, “When I’m coming down, somebody else…” And there was men there way worse than he was.

« 260 † But Jesus knew that he was there, and knew he was in that condition. When He was questioned, He said, “Verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself. But what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise.”
261 That’s His same position today. No prophet, no one has ever been able to do anything outside of the sovereignty of God’s will, that’s right, what God will.
262 I don’t know. I want, if… That’s the reason. I know bunch of these ministers setting here. There’s not too many out there that I know. If I should see Him over someone, I would try to, if being willing, I tell the people that I knew them.
263 You pray, and see if He is still the High Priest that can be touched. That would put Him right here before us, and you’d see that He’s here. Is that right? Say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] It’d certainly make Him here. Just have faith.

« 264 † Here is a little lady setting right here with her head up in the air, praying just as hard as she can. She wearing a green coat, setting right there. She is praying for a condition that’s in her head. That she… That bothers her. Is that right, lady? Raise up your hand if that’s so. If I’m a stranger to you, wave your hand back and forth. It’s left you now.
265 Say, will you do me a favor while you’re there? That Light switched right over on the lady setting next to you there. She is praying also. I want to ask you something. You said, “Remember me, Lord.” All right, He has. You suffer with a sinus condition. If that’s right, raise up your hand, and wave your hand. All right. There you are. See?

« 266 † You believe? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Now, “A little while and the world won’t see Me no more.” Ask those women. You see them. Ask them if I know them.
267 Here, here sets a young man setting here, praying for his father. I never knowed you. Don’t know who you are. No. Know nothing about you. But you’re praying for your father. He’s not here. He’s across a great water somewhere. He is suffering with stomach trouble. He’s in Puerto Rico. That’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. That’s right. See? Believe.
See what I mean?
268 Here is a lady setting here, look interested, the red hat. Mrs. Aldridge, Aldridge. Uh-huh. Yeah. She is suffering with heart trouble. You believe that God will heal you? All right.
269 You do me a favor? There’s a lady setting next there, by the name, Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Cook has got trouble with her legs. That’s right. Mrs. Cook, raise up your hand. If I’m a total stranger, raise up your hand. All right. Have faith in God.
270 Lay your hand on the woman next to her. She is Miss Russell. She is suffering with lung trouble. Raise up your hand, Miss Russell, and believe it with all your heart, if I’m a stranger to you.

« 271 † What about the next? Yeah. Only thing you have to have is faith.
272 The lady next to her is suffering with stomach trouble, too, and her name is Mrs. Dillman. If you’ll believe with all your heart, you can be.
273 Mrs. Harmon, setting next to her, just come from the hospital. She’s had a–a operation for a–a rectal trouble. You believe, Mrs. Harmon? If you do believe with all your heart, you can go home, be made well.
274 How many believes now? [Congregation says, “Amen.” ]
275 “A little while and the world will see Me no more.” And then what am I trying to say? Remember, Jesus promised. Jesus said, “I’ll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world. The works that I do shall you also.” Remembering Jesus promised these things, Jesus brings them to pass.

« 276 † Now, also, remember that Jesus promised, that, “He that believeth on Me has everlasting Life.” You that raised your hand, a while ago, after this healing service will you come up here now and stand here for prayer? He promised to give Eternal Life the same as He promised healing.
277 Now, did you know He promised this also? “These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay hands on the sick they shall recover.” Do you believe that? Now lay your hands on one another then. See, He’s here. I can’t heal you. He’s already done it. Now put your hands on somebody, and pray for somebody, right next to you there. Amen.

« 278 † Now bow your heads and pray just like you do in your church. Pray, “Lord God, heal this person. This person is praying for me.” And just ask God to heal and make well. Believe it with all your heart. “Lord, I believe Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.” His Word can’t fail.
279 Remember, He promised, “A little while and the world won’t see Me.” They don’t see Him at the dog race tonight. They don’t see Him in the picture show. They don’t see Him in these formal churches. But you see Him. He’s here. Remember, He promised it, and He’s here to answer your prayer and give you the desire of your heart.
Lay your hands on one another and pray.
280 Lord Jesus, I come, remembering that You said, “In My Name they shall cast out devils.” And I cast every spirit of unbelief away from this audience, away from these people, for the glory of God.” `

15-1025E United Under One Head

15-1025E United Under One Head
Message 58-0326

15-1025M Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness

15-1025M Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness
Message 61-1119 Stream from VGR

15-1021 Perseverance

15-1021 Perseverance
Message 63-0113e

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« 1 † ` Greetings to this fine audience here tonight, Sister Webster and Brother Green, and all the audience, the members of this assembly. It’s always a privilege for me to come to the house of the Lord, and then, tonight, to be back again in one of the Foursquare churches of His.

« 2 † I remember, years ago, when I first came to Los Angeles. I had heard of Sister McPherson, but she had done climbed the golden stairs before I become in the way. And when I went to Los Angeles the first time, I went up to Forest Lawn. I heard she was buried up there, and I went up and stood by her grave, and bowed my head and gave thanks to God for a noble life. Since then, I have seen the Foursquare sign in nearly every nation I’ve missionaried in. I’ve had the privilege of being in the temple, waiting in her waiting room. Before she would go to the pulpit, she had a room there. And I’ve set there, many night, while speaking at the temple, and think of the hours that she might have meditated before entering the pulpit, the sacredness of opening up the Word of God. To be here, tonight, with some of the followers that’s trying to keep that message alive: God be with you, bless you.

« 3 † And then to be back with Brother Green, a precious, dear friend, Brother and Sister Green. And when I was out there, a while ago, and met him, I–I told him how much I enjoyed that message in song, the other day, that up there at the businessmen, about, The Name Of Jesus, or something, he called it. They don’t have it recorded yet. I told him, “Let me be the first customer,” it was so, such a beautiful song.
4 And I thought they might sing for me tonight when I got down, and–and my wife and children are back there to listen at it. And I’m sure they enjoyed it too. And his voice is not… It’s really familiar around our place. I’ve got many of his recordings. When I get feeling real bad, I go in, I have one of those record players, and I put on a whole bunch of his records, and just set back and listen to them. I want to say to the wife back there, I just got some more of them. I certainly enjoy them. They’re… They are a haven of rest, just to hear them Gospel songs, to know that they are sang not from some mechanical trained voice, but coming from the heart of a real Christian.
5 He told me he had some out there yet tonight. I want my wife, them, look it over, to see if there’s any he’s got out there, we haven’t got, and be sure to pick them up. I think they have them out in the vestibule. And they’re…

« 6 † You know, the main thing, as what I think about singing, I like these. I like trained voices, but I don’t like an overtrained voice. Then you just see how long you hold your breath, till you get blue in the face, and you’re not saying nothing anyhow. But I like good old pentecostal singing, where you just open up and sing. I–I like that. And Brother Green has that, he and Sister Green. And so we know that that’s backed up by these choirs, and so forth. And it’s very fine to know that, these things, we can get a hold of them.

« 7 † Now, Brother–Brother Green and I first met, I believe, that I can think of, I believe it was in Kansas City, when we used to have the conventions out there. How I used to set out… They said, “Well, it ain’t time to come on yet.” But I’d wait out in my car, and I wanted to be sure to hear that singing, when he–he and sister were singing.
8 So I told him out there, I said, “I trust, that, some of these days when I cross over the river…”
9 I love singing, so well! And I–I just can’t sing. That’s all. I’ve always wanted to sing, and I–I just can’t do it. And I used to try to sing a song at the church, “Old-fashioned meeting in an old-fashioned place.” I’d mess it all up. I’d just take my wife’s hand when I got home, I say, “Honey, I’ll never try it again, so help me.” I just get the… everybody else all messed up.

« 10 † But one of these days I’m going to sing. And I’ve always thought, maybe over on the hillside, where the–the river of Life runs down along by the Throne; when that great choir of all the redeemed, those great voices will be on that hillside, singing. I hope there’s a little shade tree over on the other side. You want to see me, just come around there. I’ll be setting there, listening at them.
11 But then when you get over in your palace, some morning, and walk out on the porch of your palace; and way down somewhere, down there in the woods, there’s a little shack built somewhere. I’ll… Walk out on your porch and hear somebody singing, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.” You say, “Oh, Brother Branham made it, ’cause there he is. He–he finally got there.” So I’ll be able to sing then. Until then I just have to make a joyful noise to the Lord.

« 12 † Aren’t we happy? We haven’t got a thing to worry about, not a thing. We’ve anchored in Christ, setting in Heavenly places, caught up in Rapturing grace right now, setting in His Presence in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Death itself can’t touch us. Anchored away, nothing can bother us, just simply secured and waiting for His Coming. And we’re grateful for this.

« 13 † Now, I got about a hundred and fifty miles to drive tonight, and after the service. And with a fine crowd like this, and it takes me a long time to get started, and then twice that long to get stopped. And so I’ll try to get right in to say what I plan on saying, as quick as possible. I want to thank the pastor, associates and all, for this opportunity to come here, to give my testimony of His grace tonight, in this fine congregation.
14 I climbed, some time ago, up on South Mountain, looked down over the valley. I thought of about thirty-five years ago when I first entered this valley. How this city has growed, just got just spread out all over the Maricopa Valley here. Just far as you can see, is city. I was setting there with my wife, and I said, “You know, honey, perhaps about three hundred years ago, there wasn’t nothing raced through here but coyotes and javelina hogs, and so forth, around through the country. And then man came in and begin to build. Then civilization begin to spread. Then sin and violence set in.”

« 15 † I thought, “Wouldn’t this be a wonderful place?” I’ve always thought someday I’d like to live in Phoenix. And then I… looking upon the valley, I could almost, in my heart, feel like weeping, that what a beautiful place it would be if it was here without sin.
16 How they’ve taken just the desert and has converted it into a–a living quarters! Today we were riding up around on the head of the Camelback, lovely homes up there, almost like you’re entering paradise. And then it would be beautiful, but sin is here everywhere: whiskey joints, immorality, just everything that’s wrong, all kind of devices, and traps of the enemy, to trap human souls.
My wife said, “Then why are you here, Billy?”
17 I said, “Honey, it’s black. But, you know, there is, all through that darkness down there, there’s little spots of Light. That’s God’s chosen. And I’m here to put my shoulder with theirs, put my heart with theirs, my voice with theirs, and cry out against the darkness.”

« 18 † That’s why I’m here in Phoenix again. May God of Heaven help us. And after the night is over, and our little meeting that’s passing through the city, from church to church, amongst all the denominations of the full Gospel. And they ended up with the businessmen’s convention over at the Ramada. I trust that we’ll leave a mark across here, that will mean that in the little Light that’s been scattered, that many souls will find Christ, many sick people of the faith will be healed. We already begin to see, showing results.
19 And I trust, tonight, if there’s any would come in here tonight, under this care of–of the shelter of this place, that something will be said in the song, testimony, or the reading of the Word, or something, that’ll cause you to go out the door a different person than you come in. Help us all to do it.

« 20 † And now before we approach the Word, let’s approach the Author by the way of prayer. Let us bow our heads just a moment. With our heads and hearts bowed before God, would there be a request among the people tonight, that you have something special that you’d like to ask the Lord to help you in? Just raise your hand. And way down in your heart, say, “Lord, You know what it is.” Thank you. God bless you.

« 21 † Our Heavenly Father, we are coming now in that all-sufficient Name, the Lord Jesus, knowing this that He promised, “If you ask the Father anything in My Name, it’ll be granted.” We come, first, to confess that we have erred. We have did wrong. And there’s none of us good, not one. And we’re coming to confess our sins, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We’re asking for pardon.
22 And Thou did see the hands of the people, that was raised up tonight, and You know what was beneath that hand, what they had need of. And I’m offering my prayer with theirs, laying it upon Thy altar, and asking for mercy, that You, Lord, will give mercy, and will answer each and every request.
23 We want to thank You for this church, for its pastors, and for all the laity, and all the deacons and the trustees, and all that comes. Bless them, Lord. And we know that our meetings and coming together would altogether be in vain, if You didn’t meet with us.

« 24 † So we pray, Heavenly Father, that we have the assurance now that You are with us. Continue, O Lord, to be with us through the night. Help us. If there, by chance, would be those who have come in from the street, or the hedges and byways of the world, that’s been, in their life, indifferent toward You, may this be the night that they’ll say that all-sufficient “yes” to God, and surrender, give themselves over to Jesus Christ.
25 If there be sick among us, Lord, Thou art the great Physician Who has never lost a case.
26 We think of the day that we’re living in, when sickness and gross darkness is covering the earth. But we think again that when You were leading Your people, Moses brought them out of–of Egypt, taking them to the promised land, and all down along the journey for forty years. And when they entered the promised land there wasn’t a feeble one among them.

« 27 † How many physicians tonight would like to look in upon the prescription that Moses had, that kept all those people healthy for forty long years. And, yet, You have not hid it. You’ve made it known to us all, and it’s written here on the pages, so simple. “I’m the Lord that heals all of thy diseases.” May we realize that tonight, Lord, the sick and needy, and know that there’s not a disease but what You are the remedy, the double-cure.
28 Bless the reading of Thy Word. And may our hearts now come down to the seriousness of the meeting. From our hearts being filled with joy over the singing of the Gospel, and testimonies, and so forth, we’re just so grateful. Now may we hear Thy Word. And speak to us, Father, and bless these few notes that’s been prepared for the evening, for we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

« 29 † There’s many people who, coming to the service, likes to always mark down what a minister has to say, or read from the Scripture. And if you do that, I want you to turn with me tonight for just a little reading found over in the Book of Saint Matthew’s Gospel, the 15th chapter, the 21st to the 28th verse. I would read this.
Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre of Sidon–Sidon.
And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him,… Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.
But he answered and said, I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
But he answered and said, It is not meet for me to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.
… she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat… the crumbs which fall from the masters’ table.
Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

« 30 † If I would call this a text, I would like to speak just a moment, or for a few minutes, rather, upon the subject of: Perseverance.
31 I thought, being that Mrs. McPherson and the church has always stood so gallantly for Divine healing, and we cannot preach the full Gospel without preaching Divine healing, because it is part of the Gospel.

« 32 † I remember, as a little boy, reading an article in one of the magazines, Life or Look, or some of those magazines. I was just a young lad. Of them making light of Mrs. McPherson, of preaching Divine healing, and they said that she had a–a trick that she did. Said, “Women that had goiters; she put a pin under her finger, and the women put a balloon under her garment. Then Mrs. McPherson would lay hands on the woman, would stick the pin into the–the balloon, and would deflate the balloon.
33 I was a sinner, but I had better sense than that, to think such a thing. If the pin stuck the balloon, it would burst. So I said, “No doubt but what that woman is suffering persecution.” And then, since I have become a worker in the vineyard, I realize what she had to stand. Standing for truths, you’re always hated of the enemy.

« 34 † The word perseverant means to be, I think, according to Webster, “persistent.” To be perseverant, “persistent in making a goal.” And every person on earth, or that’s ever been on earth, that ever achieved anything, had… that amounted to anything, had to be perseverant. You’ve got to be sure, first, what you got your faith anchored in.
35 Now, faith is just not a thing that so easily floated around, and some kind of a… we would call it, in a street expression, a hocus-pocus. Faith can only have its–its right position when it’s placed upon something that’s steadfast.
36 If I told you to go out and put your hand on that tree and be healed, you could doubt that. So, why? We have no background to anything. You’d only have my word. And if I told you that washing in a certain water out here in the–in the valley would bring healing to you, it would depend on how much confidence you had in me.
37 “And faith cometh by hearing.” Hearing what? “The Word of God.”
38 Therefore, if This be the Word of God, and It is, what It teaches we can rest upon It. God cannot change. God must forever remain God. His Word must be just as true in this age as it ever was in any age.

« 39 † Now, we are finite. We can say something this year, and maybe even tomorrow have to alter it. Because, we’re not too sure, because we’re finite. We’re just presuming. And presume means “to adventure without authority.”
40 But when God says anything, it’s perfect. He don’t have to alter it. “Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong, giving praise to God, because he knowed that He was able to perform, or to keep, or to do that what He had promised.” Then, if God is ever called on the scene for a decision, and the decision that God makes, first, it has to forever remain the same. It can never change. It cannot be altered, because He’s infinite. And anything that’s infinite never had a beginning or an end. So He cannot take it back next year, and say, “I was wrong.”
41 And then if that was His decision, then every man that makes that same, comes to that same decision that God made for one man upon the basis of his faith, to believe it, He’s got to meet that same thing every time a man believes it. God has got to act, every time, the way He acted the first time, or He acted wrong the first time. And who can accuse God of acting wrong? God has got to ever remain with His decision.

« 42 † “If thou canst believe!” Now, to achieve anything, you’ve got to set a goal and say, “This I believe,” and tie yourself to it, and keep drawing, moving up closer to it, knowing that you’ve… it’s there, knowing that there is something there that you’re coming to.
43 Like it was said, the little boy with the kite, holding the string in his hand. He said, the man said, “What are you holding, son?”
He said, “My kite.”
He said, “I don’t see nothing but a string.”
He said, “But there’s a kite on the end of it.”
The man looked up, said, “I don’t see the kite.”
The little boy said, “Neither do I.”
He said, “Well, how do you know you got a kite?”
He said, “I can feel it tugging at the end.”
44 Well, that’s the way faith is. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” As long as you set your faith on it, and then anchor to it, you’re coming to it. No matter if you can’t see it, or not, you know it’s there anyhow. You’re tugging at it, and it’s pulling you. And any man that’s ever done anything worthwhile, has set a goal, and then been persistent, perseverant, to make that: great men.

« 45 † George Washington, “the father of our nation,” is called, when he come to Valley Forge. After all night in prayer, until he was wet with the snow, up above his hips, kneeling in the snow, the next morning he crossed Delaware, full of ice. Why? He was perseverant. He had the answer. Nothing is going to stand in his way. Although three or four busket… musket bullets went through his coat, but it never hurt him. He try… He wanted to achieve something, and he had prayed through on it, and he was perseverant. Nothing stood in his way.

« 46 † Could you imagine Noah in his days, how perseverant Noah was? Now, he was just a farmer.
47 And they lived in a greater day of scientific research, perhaps, than we have today, because in those days they built pyramids. And if any of you have had the privilege of being at the big Egyptian pyramid and seeing the Sphinx and so forth, why, it’s amazing to see. How they ever did get those boulders up there in the air, almost a city block high, they weighed thousands of tons! Today we could not reproduce it. We don’t understand. They had something.
48 They had a dye. They had something they could embalm a body with, that would make it look quite natural for thousands of years. We don’t have those arts, colorings, and so forth, that they had; a great scientific age.

« 49 † But one day, while Noah was out in the–the field, maybe fixing his crop, God appeared to him and told him, “Make ready for the saving of your household, and build an ark. And it’s going to rain.”
50 Now, we all know that, the antediluvian world, it had not rained. And now, that didn’t cope with the scientific thinkers of that day. His message was contrary. No doubt that smart scientists could have come to him and said, “Now, looky here, Mr. Noah. Now we got instruments that we can shoot the moon, and we can do all these scientific researches. And there is no water up there. And how is there going to come any water down from there, when there’s no water up there to come down? You’re foolish. You’re doing something that there’s nothing to. There’s no water up there.”
51 But Noah could say, “God said that it would rain, and that settles it. God said so.” A hundred and twenty years, he was persistent in the face of the scientific world of his day, still claiming his message was right because it come from God. He had a goal to make. He had a message to take care of, and he was persistent in doing so. No matter what the rest of the world said, Noah heard from God. That’s all that mattered to him. He had heard the Voice. He was sure it was God, and he was making ready something that seemed very silly to the world. But, yet, Noah knew that God would keep His Word.

« 52 † Should that not be a lesson for us today, the hour? As Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.” A message that’s silly, to the world. They don’t understand it. But yet those who contacted the Holy Spirit, knows that He will return again.
53 I can see the people as they pitied poor old Noah, about how much fun he was missing, and of the world and the things that’s going on. But Noah, still persistent, held right on.
54 One day God said to Noah, “All right, you’ve done your part now. Now come into the ark, you and your household.” And the… Noticed the–the birds begin to fly in, and–and the animals begin to go in, by two-by-two. Noah and his family went in.

« 55 † And there is always borderline believers, I call them; people that’ll come to church, they’ll enjoy a message maybe from the choir or from the singers, from the minister, or a testimony. They’ll enjoy it, but, to come in and be part of it, they just won’t do it. They like to listen, but they won’t be part of it. They do not want to be identified with them. They want to stay off to one side. That’s always been, and no doubt there was in that day.

« 56 † Then when the ark door was closed, many of those people said, “Well, let’s go up and stand around, now, if it comes to pass that, for instance, the old man was right. We all kind of thought that the old fellow was a little bit off, but I–I–I enjoyed listening at him preach, standing there in the door. And now we know that something closed that door. Now, he’s a good old man. And if it would happen to be, some water come down up there, why, why, he’d take us in.” You see, you don’t want to trust…
57 You don’t want to strain God’s goodness. You want to be sure that you just come in while you got a chance to come in.
58 Then, the first thing you know, the first day. Look how God puts a strain on His people, sometime. I’d imagine, the first day, Noah said to his family, “All right, now we’ll climb up into the upstairs. Now, in the morning, the skies are going to be dark. Never was dark before. We’ve never seen it. Rain is going to fall. Lightning will sweep across the skies.” And the next morning up comes the sun. No sign. All day long, Noah and his family looked. Well, things went on just exactly the way they did.
59 I imagine the borderline believers said, “Aw, the old fellow was wrong.” They went on back downtown, eating, drinking, and being merry.
60 I imagine, his family, what a strain it must have been on the man. But he didn’t give up and start knocking on the door, and saying, “People, pry the door open. I was wrong.” Why? He knew he had the truth, and he held on to it.
61 “If it didn’t rain today, it will tomorrow.” That’s it. All right.

« 62 † Then the second day come, and we notice the sun came up. It crossed over just like it did every day. No sign of rain. Still he was persistent. On to seven days, Noah was setting right there, said, “If it didn’t rain today, it will tomorrow.” See, he was anchored. He was persistent, perseverant, because he knowed that God said so, and it had to be that way.
63 Now, finally, on the seventh day, when he looked out the window, the skies were blackening. The wind was blowing across the hills. The trees were bending over. People were screaming, not knowing what to do. And after while, great big drops of rain begin to break down for the first time, striking upon the streets. The sewers filled up. All the springs broke up. The water began to rise. People got into their boats, and they sank. The winds were rough. And it got deeper, and deeper, and deeper. After while, it begin come up on the ship. He watched out the window.

« 64 † Finally, the people screaming, there’s no way for him to reach out and get them. He was way up in the upper story. They had sinned away their day of grace. There was no more left for them. It was too late then. Finally, what a feeling it must have been, to Noah, when he watched out on the street and seen all the little boats, whether they were God-constructed or not.
65 You see, people think that today. “They can construct their own ark. They can make their own salvation.” You can’t do it. God made the salvation for us, and we’ve got to accept it. Just a man-constructed ark will not stand. Anything that man can achieve, that’s contrary to the will and the Word of God, it will not stand.

« 66 † But how it must have been when Mrs. Noah and her daughter-in-laws, and–and son–sons, and so forth, when they seen this water coming up on the ark, and yet the ark was still setting flat. But after while they felt it cut loose. She was floating. Oh, Noah knew that all of his, what he had tried to achieve, what he had done, his message was paying off then. It was cut loose. He was leaving the earth.
67 Like it is when a man will stay, not come up and shake hands with the pastor, put his name on a book, but when he’ll stay there until he feels something cut loose inside of him, and he begins to float out yonder by faith, knowing that his sins are past, and he’s anchored his soul in Christ, and there is something raising him higher and higher; persistent, perseverant.

« 68 † Moses was very perseverant, after he had went down in Egypt and killed a man, and with all of his education and his training. And yet he done the thing wrong, he try, ’cause he trusted in what he could achieve by his education and by his own. We’re told that he was a military man. And what he had been trained to do, we find out that it failed. And when it failed, he wasn’t perseverant on that, he run to the wilderness for forty years.
69 But one time he met God in a burning bush, took off his shoes, he saw the glory of God. He seen a dry stick turn into a serpent, and go back to a stick again. He saw a leper hand be healed by the power of God. And he heard the Voice of God speak to him. Nothing is going to stop him then.

« 70 † I’ve often described him. I hope it’s not a sacrilegious way. An old man, eighty years old, with his wife setting straddled a mule, with a–a young’n on her hip. The next day… And the beard hanging down, the stick in his hand, going, his eyes set up, and–and towards the sky, and a white beard blowing.
And somebody say, “Where you going, Moses?”
71 “I’m going down to Egypt, to take over.” A one-man invasion, it looked kind of ridiculous. But God’s ways, to the carnal mind, is ridiculous. But it’s precious to those who is anchored in it. They know what they’re talking about. They press on. Oh, what a thing that must have been! Noah or…

« 72 † Moses, rather, going down to Egypt, a nation that had the world scared, about like Russia today. A one-man invasion, an old man, eighty years old, with his wife setting on a mule, and a crooked stick in his hand, going down to take over. The thing, strange about it, to the world, he did do it. He took over.
73 God only has to have one man, one person, somewhere, that’s tied to Him, someone who knows where they’re standing and is perseverant. The persecutions then, difference, doesn’t bother them, at all. Going down to take over, and he did it.

« 74 † It looked very ridiculous when there stood a man some fourteen-feet tall, or more. I believe, his fingers, fourteen-inches long; with a spear in his hand, like a weaver’s needle, probably half from here to the door out there; standing over, and challenging Israel. There was Saul on the other side, head and shoulders above his army, a trained man, all of them well-trained, and bluffed. That’s right.
75 And the Devil wanted to proposition with them. That’s the way the Devil does when he thinks he’s got the best side. “Come over. Let’s not have no bloodshed. Just two of us. If I whip your man, then we’ll… you’ll serve us. If he kills me, then there’ll only be one of us die instead of armies of us.” What a proposition he can make! Everybody was scared to death.

« 76 † And it looked ridiculous to see a little, stooped-shouldered kid come up with a little sheepskin wrapped around him, a slingshot tied on his side, with some raisin cakes in his hand, to see his brothers. And that devil made his boast in the front of a man of God, one time, and he called his hand on it. Why? He knowed Who God was. Said, “I’ll… You mean to tell me that you’ll let the armies of the living God let that uncircumcised Philistine defy the armies of the living God? I’ll go fight him.” Oh, my! Why? He was persistent.

« 77 † His brothers said, “Aw, we know you’re naughty. Go on back home with them sheep dad told you to watch. You just come up here to see the battle.” You can’t out-talk a man of God, when something has done happened to him.
78 So he goes up to Saul. Saul, I imagine, scratched his head and looked down. He said, “I admire your courage, son, but that man is a warrior. That man is a warrior, from his youth. And you’re nothing but a youth, and don’t know nothing about a sling or about a spear, or how to duel.”
79 Oh, but watch him introduce something. “Your servant kept the sheep for his father.” And he said, “One day a bear came in and he took one of my father’s lambs, and I went after him, and I slew him. And then a lion come in and got one and took him out, and I went after him, and I slew him. Now,” he said, “the God that give me the victory over the bear and over the lion, how much more will He give me the victory over that uncircumcised Philistine that’s defying the armies of the living God?”
80 Saul said, “But you’re just a kid.” He said, “You haven’t got nothing on, just a little sheepskin. Wait, I’ll–I’ll put my armor on you.”

« 81 † So he took him and put his armor on him. Could you imagine? The Bible said he was “ruddy,” a little bitty, maybe a hundred-and-ten-pound man, putting on a great big armor of a man would weigh about two-fifty, about seven-foot-and-something tall. He was all mashed down. Could you imagine that?
82 David looked around. The shoulders about that much too far out. And it looked like a skirt on him, hanging way down like that, his breastplate. He found out that the ecclesiastical vest didn’t fit a man of God. Uh-huh. Said, “Take the thing off of me. I don’t know nothing about it. But let me go with what I know is right.” There you are. He went in the power of the Spirit.

« 83 † I believe it was Hudson Taylor once said to a Chinese missionary. This Chinese boy said, “Mr. Taylor, I have felt my call in Christ.” He said, “Shall I go now and study to get my Bachelor of Art, and then for my Ph. D., and all I have to have, my doctor’s degree?”
84 Mr. Taylor said, “Go now, son. Go now. Don’t wait till that time comes. You’ll waste away too much of your life.”
85 I think that’s right. I agree with Mr. Taylor. Go now. I’m not trying to support my ignorance now by trying to say we don’t need education. That might have its place. But education without salvation has no anchor. It’s all sails and no anchor. Go when the candle is lit. Don’t wait till it’s half burnt up. Go when you light it. If you don’t know nothing no more than how it got lit, tell others how it got lit, maybe they’ll get lit too. See? [–Ed.] So just as soon as the candle is lit, go tell everybody how you got your candle lit, and maybe they’ll get lit off of you. See? Notice.
Certainly, David was persistent, because he knew.

« 86 † Samson was met on the field one day with a thousand Philistines around him. And looked all around the… He wasn’t a trained man that knew how to duel. But when he turned his head he felt that covenant, them locks strike his shoulders. That’s all he had to feel. He got the first thing in his hand, was a jawbone of a mule, and he beat down a thousand Philistines. Why? He was persistent because he knowed that God had made a covenant with him, of those seven locks. Long as they hung in their place, nothing was going to bother him.
87 Oh, brother, sister, how the Church of the living God ought to stand tonight, persistent. As long as we can feel the covenant of the Holy Spirit, the Blood of Jesus Christ cleansing us from all sin, we should never let nothing stand in our way. Persistent, certainly.

« 88 † John, the great prophet that was spoke of, to raise up; when he was in the wilderness, he was told by God. They was looking for a messiah, of course; four hundred years before they had had a prophet. But, God told him, in the wilderness. He said, “Now, they’ll try to tell you, ‘Dr. So-and-so is the guy ought to be the Messiah, if you’re to announce Him. Why, he’s the best person in our congregation.’ And they’re going to say, ‘Well, the–the high priest’s grandson up here, he’s–he’s the guy should have it,’ and so forth. But, look, John, this is a real job. You’ve got to be sure, so I’m going to give you a sign. Upon Whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining upon, that’ll be the One that’ll baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire.”

« 89 † John stood there, watched over the congregations as they come. And he… Everybody coming this, that, and the other. But he couldn’t see Him. One day, while standing, debating with the priest, saying, “You mean to tell me the time will come when the daily sacrifice will be taken away?”
He said, “There’ll come a Man.”
90 And he looked. There it was. Said, “Behold, there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”
91 He knew it because God had told him, “Upon Whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending.” He knew it. He was persistent.

« 92 † Back to this little woman. We just got many things we could say about different ones that was perseverant, persistent, holding on, to achieve.
93 I’ve got a little slogan, that I say it quite a bit. It might be good for you to take it. “A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins.” Just think of it. “A winner never quits, and a quitter can’t win.” You must hold on. And before you even start, be dead sure you’re right. And then be persistent, let nothing move you. Go on. I’ve had quite a bit of experience of that, and you know it. I know this one thing, when you’re dead sure that you’re in the will of God, when you’re dead sure you’re centered in Calvary, nothing is going to move you. You’re there.

« 94 † This little woman, she was a Greek, and a Syrophenician, and she had heard about the fame of Jesus. Now, how does faith come? By hearing, hearing of the Word. She had heard of Him. And you know, she might have had a lot of things to hinder her, by her being a Greek. “Faith cometh by hearing.” We know that. And she had a–a lot of things to hinder her, but faith finds a source no other knows anything about.
95 Faith finds this source that no one can explain it. It’s something that you know. Others can’t see it, but faith sees it. Faith sees that, where the natural eye doesn’t see it. But the inside eye sees that thing.
Now, she had a need of Jesus. She had.

« 96 † First thing you have to do, if you’re going to find Christ, you’ve got to know that you’ve got a need of Him. When you think that you just don’t need Him, then you’ll never find Him, ’cause you won’t search Him diligently.
97 Did you notice that Scripture where it says, “Seek and ye shall find, knock and it’ll be opened”? Actually, that’s just not knock, like [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit once–Ed.], and it’ll be opened. He that’s not just say, “Well, I went out, Lord. Here I am. You want me?” No, that’s not it. “He that seeketh, he that knocketh,” continuation. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times.] It has to compare with the rest of the Scriptures.
98 Like the unjust judge and the widow. She constantly knocked on his door. She was persistent. If he turned her away today, tomorrow she was on his hands again.

« 99 † That’s the way you want to get God. Be on His hands, every morning, every night, every day, all the time, constantly. Just keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking. Just don’t knock a little while, and get tired and go away. Just keep standing there, “Lord, I’m here, and I’m not going to leave. I’m on Your hands now. I’m going to stay right here. You getting tired listening? I’m having a great time knocking, ’cause I know You’re coming.” Amen. That’s when something happens. He has to get you off of His hand, see, so He comes out to answer you. Now, faith finds this.

« 100 † His Word is a Sword. The Bible says, in Hebrews 4:12, that, “the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword.”
101 Now, there’s only one thing can hold this Sword. That’s the hand of faith. The hand of faith is the only thing that can yield this sword of faith, sword of the Word. Now, you might have a weak arm, just enough to pick it up for justification, you’re so weak. Maybe that’s all you can cut through. But this sword of the Word will cut free every promise that God made in it, if they got a good strong arm of faith holding it there. “I believe God for my healing. I believe God for my baptism.” God made the promise, and faith holds this Sword, it’ll cut her out of the Rock yonder. Every promise of God can be cut free, by the Word of God, for it is a Sword.
She had many hindrances, but her faith didn’t have any.

« 102 † You might have a lot of hindrances. Every person that starts out to meet Christ will find you got a lot of hindrances, but your faith don’t have any. Faith don’t have no hindrance. Faith has hairs on his chest, great big muscles.
Reasons raise up and said, “You know, it’s reasonable.”
103 Faith pulls his muscles back and sticks out his big chest, and said, “Shut up. Set down.” And reason jumps over in a corner and takes his stool. Right. Faith has got muscles, and he–he means what he says.
104 That’s what we need tonight. That’s what the Foursquare church needs. That’s what the Pentecostal group needs. That’s what the whole world needs. That’s what I need. That’s what you need. And we ought to be ashamed to admit it, but we need a faith that will hold God’s Word and say It’s true. Meet the Devil and say, “THUS SAITH THE LORD.”

« 105 † I was reading the other day where a man said the Devil got before him. And said, “He was just a little bitty old devil, and he said, ‘Boo.'”
106 Said, “I jumped back.” And said, “He said, ‘Boo.’ I jumped back. Every time he’d holler, ‘Boo,’ and I’d jump back, he’d get bigger and I’d get littler.” And said, “He kept saying, ‘Boo.'” Said, “I’d get smaller each time when I jumped back, and he’d get bigger.”
107 Said, “I knowed I had to fight him, after while.” Said, “I looked around, thought, ‘What?’ I found the Word of God.” Said, “I rolled it in my hand. And the Devil said, ‘Boo.’ And I said, ‘Boo,’ back.” And said, “When I said, ‘Boo,’ back, every time I said, ‘Boo,’ he got smaller and I got bigger.” That’s it. You’ve got to fight him, sooner or later.
108 You know, the people don’t believe there’s a Devil. I run into him, all the time, uh-huh, head into him every day. Any other believer does. Yes, you got to fight him, sooner or later, so you might as well start right now. There’s only one thing he’s afraid of, is that Blood and that Word. Faith holds it. It’s strong, marches on.

« 109 † Now, we find out, this little Greek woman, as I said, she had many hindrances, but her faith didn’t have any. Faith don’t have any hindrances. They might have said to her, “Do you know you’re a Greek? You’re–you’re–you’re a Greek. You know, you don’t belong to His denomination. Don’t go down there to that bunch.”
110 Now, that’s one of the hindrances. See? But if you got faith, you’re going, anyhow. That don’t make any difference, what denomination He’s in, just so He’s there.
111 She had a need. She had a daughter that was dying with epilepsy. And she had to get to Him, ’cause the doctors couldn’t do nothing for her. Can’t do it yet. So she had to get to Jesus. She had heard that He had healed those kind of cases.
112 “Well,” they said, “He, He’s not–He’s not… He never come with His revival to your denominations.” That didn’t hinder her. That little woman had faith. She was persistent. She just passed that group. Her faith pulled her away from it.

« 113 † Oh, if they could just do that today! Somebody says, “There’s a meeting tonight down at the Foursquare church.”
114 “Well, it don’t belong to your denomination. You better stay away from down there.”
115 Just press right on through. Your faith takes you right on. See? Faith has no hindrance. It goes, anyhow. Nothing is going to stop it. As I said, it’s brawny, big muscles. It’s got the floor; rest of them is scared of it. Yes, sir. They’ll run from It, like smallpox. They just get plumb away. Haven’t got nothing to do with That, when big faith raises up, say, “I know who I believe. I’m persuaded.” That’s it.

« 116 † There might been another group that come along, say, “The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing as that. That’s a bunch of holy-rollers down there, them Jews. We are Greeks. We are smart. We’re intelligent group of people. We give the world art, music, and–and religion. And there’s no such a thing as That.”
117 But she was persistent. Days of miracles wasn’t past, for her, because something had done told her, down here, that it wasn’t. And Jesus had what she was looking for, and she was determined to get to Him. Regardless if her denomination sponsored it, or not, she was going, anyhow. She was going to get down there. She was persistent, still persistent. Days of miracles might be past for them, but it wasn’t, for her. That’s the way it is with every believer. Them people say the days of miracles…

« 118 † A man told me, some time ago, said, “I don’t care what you’d say, Mr. Branham.” Said, “I don’t believe there is such a thing as Divine healing.”
119 I said, “Certainly not, to you. It wasn’t for unbelievers. Just for those who believe. That’s right. Wasn’t sent to unbelievers. It was sent to believers. You can’t enjoy It, because you know nothing about It.”
120 He wanted to tell me, “There was no such a thing as the Holy Ghost.”
121 I said, “You’re just about thirty-three years too late, for that.” I said, “I know better. I’ve done received It.”
“Aw, nonsense!”
122 I said, “Might be, to you, but not to me. It’s real to me. It’s Life, something anchored.” He come too late to tell me that.

« 123 † They’ve come too late to tell us about Divine healing. We done been healed. We done been filled with the Holy Ghost. We done got Rapturing grace. Amen. It’s too late for any of those things. They might as well shut up. We done got it. Our faith can say, “Set down. I know what I’m talking about.”
“Well, doctors?”
124 I don’t care what Dr. So-and-so is saying. The Bible said it, and I’ve got faith in that Book in my hand. And my faith holds It out there, “Jesus is coming. I believe that I received the Holy Ghost, ’cause I see Him living in my life.” Amen. It’s according to the Word. Nothing… A manifested revelation, a perfect vindication of the Bible being right, and Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let them laugh that away. They can laugh all they want to. We’ll just be as persistent as they was when Noah was, Moses was, all the rest of the impersonators raising up.

« 125 † Jannes and Jambres threw their rod down, turned into a snake. There was those men, just as honorable as they could be, did exactly what God told them to do, and there come a bunch of impersonation up, throwed down their rods. The only thing they could do, just stand still and see the glory of God. Amen.
126 God will stand by it. If He sent you, and you’re sure of it, you’re going to achieve the work that God predestinated for you to do. You’ll stand there, and God will take every carnal impersonator away from you. Right. Stand there. You can be persistent, because you know Who you have believed, and what’s right. Examine your revelation with the Word. If it’s contrary to the Word, leave it alone. If it’s with the Word, God is bound, duty bound, to keep His Word now.

« 127 † Now, there might have been a bunch of ladies stand down on the corner, you know. And they said, “Here she comes. Now she’s got that kid up there, that’s got epilepsy. And–and Dr. So-and-so said that–that there’s no cure for epilepsy. And here she is, going down to that off-brand denomination down there, for that fanatic prophet to come up here and heal that child.” So they said, “We ought to stop Susie.” I hope there’s not a Susie here. “But we ought to stop Susie and tell her, because she’s been a good woman. There’s nothing against her life. But we ought to stop her, and only thing that I know to do. She’s passed by, everybody else, so she won’t break this barrier.
128 “You know what, Susie? Your husband will leave you. Because, he’s a trustee or a deacon on the board, and he’ll leave you, sure as the world, if you go down there.”
129 She was still persistent. She went right on. See? Faith don’t know no hindrance. It must get there.
130 Then she passed another group that say, “You know what? When you return back, defeated, and find out there’s nothing to it, everybody in the neighborhood will laugh at you.”
131 That didn’t even make her ears turn red. She was persistent. She went right on. I like that. I like that persistency.

« 132 † Then here stood one of the deacons, and said, “If you go down there, you know what they’re going to do? Put you out of your church, ’cause you’ve associated yourself to them holy-roller, or them people.” And said, “You know…” Excuse me. Ought maybe not said it. See? “You’re associating yourself with them. You’ll get put out of your church.”
133 She was still persistent. Faith knows no defeat. She had one thing to achieve, and that was, get to Jesus. She had a need, and He was the only One that had that need.

« 134 † I’m saying this tonight, brother and sister. I’m fifty-three years old. I’ve been serving Him since I was about twenty. He’s met everything that I had a need of. And when it comes to the hour of my death, I’m sure what I need right then, two wings to reach across the river, He will be there. Don’t you worry. I know He will be there. I’ll just stick the old sword back in the sheath, and take off the helmet, lay it down upon the river, when I… bank, when I hear the dashers. And I’ll scream “Send out the lifeboat. I’m coming home, this morning.” It’ll be there. Yes, sir. The Morning Star will come down and light up the way. Across the river we’ll go. Yes, sir. Amen.

« 135 † She was persistent. She had an achievement. She knew that she had to be perseverant in order to get to Jesus, so she had to pass by everything.
136 Finally, she arrived. Now, finally, got here. Everything is fine now, and then here come another hindrance. The very Man that she had professed to have confidence in, the Man she tried to get to, Jesus. He said, “I’m not sent to your race.” Oh, my! Would that not made us Pentecostals blowup? Hmm! Hmm! My! “I’m not sent to your race.” Whew! That was a shock.
But you know what? Faith knows no shock.

« 137 † And then, again, He turns around. After all these things she had passed through, and her faith holding, that she knew that Jesus could give her her desire. And she went through every one of these barriers. And when she got to Him, then turned down, flat, “I’m not even sent to your race.”
138 I can imagine her standing there, and her eyes gleaming. She, she was in front of Him then. That’s all she had to be. And said, “Besides that, your race ain’t nothing but a bunch of dogs.” Oh, my!
139 What if He’d said that to you? You’d said, “I’ll take my papers from this Foursquare and go over to somewhere else. I’ll never go back there again. I’ll take it from So-and-so.” Oh, yes. Yes, sir.
140 But still she held on. Oh! See? Faith knows no defeat. Ain’t nothing going to stop it. Though Jesus said to her, the very One she come to, said, “I’m not sent to your race, and they’re nothing but a bunch of dogs.” Whew! But what? She had a hold of real faith. Faith knows no defeat; I don’t care where it comes from. Knows no defeat, because she had faith. Still she held on. Oh! I love that. She was not a hotbed plant, a hybrid, like some of them today.

« 141 † These hybrid religions we got today, you know. They ain’t no good. Everything now is hybrid, hybrid. Even they got hybrid churches, hybrid Christians, took in by shaking of hands. Oh, they can dress better, maybe use better English, and so forth, like that. Ain’t got no life in it.
142 You take a big fine ear of corn, hybrid, maybe is twice as pretty as the other one. Plant it, it’ll die. Ain’t got no life in it. That’s right.
143 We don’t want nothing hybrid. We want the genuine thing. You haven’t got it, stay there till it comes. Why accept a substitute when the Pentecostal skies are full of the real? See? Nothing hybrid, it won’t stand.
You have to always spray a hybrid plant, keep the bugs off of it.
144 That’s the way with some of these hybrid Christians. You have to baby them and pet them, and promise them they’ll be deacon or something else, keep some of the worldly bugs from them, of unbelief. “They’d get out of the church.” Kick them out, anyhow. That’s right. They never was in.

« 145 † You can’t join a Church. You might join a lodge. You can join the Methodist lodge, Baptist lodge, or Pentecostal lodge. But if you ever come to Christ, you’ll be born into the Church, that’s right, the mystical Body of Christ. Others are lodges. That’s right. It’s all right, nothing against them. But you’re born into the Church of the living God, by the Spirit of God. You can’t join It, at all. And when you’re born in There, you got a Birth.
146 You’re not a hybrid no more, a hand-joiner or a hitchhiker. Uh-huh. You know, a hitchhiker is always thumbing. That’s the way. “Well, I know, but Dr. So-and-so…” No, no. That’s it. That’s it. That’s exactly.
She was persistent. She wasn’t a hybrid. You didn’t have to spray her over, with perfume, make her right. She stood there.

« 147 † Part of our crop today, too many of them is hybrids. Just something like David duPlessis, I believe, once said, “God has no grandchildren.”

« 148 † Trouble with our Pentecostal movement, we’re getting Pentecostal grandchildren. They come in because our fathers and mothers were Pentecostal. We taken them in on the cradle roll, and they come up without the experience. And there they say they’re Pentecostal, too. No, sir. God don’t have grandchildren. He ain’t grandpa; He’s Father. Right. If you ever get to Heaven, you’ll pay the price like your mother did, your daddy did. Amen. That might sound crude, but it’s Truth. It’s crude way of making a point, but you understand that kind of English, I’m sure. It isn’t very good English. It gets the point, what I’m trying to say. You just listen to It. Yes.
149 She wasn’t a hybrid. She didn’t have to be sprayed over, and babied now, “Well, now, sister dear, I–I tell you, well…” Oh, no. No, sir.
150 And no matter what knocked her down, she said, “It’s truth. We’re nothing but a bunch of dogs. It’s true that we’re not worthy of it.” Oh, my! She admitted that He was right.

« 151 † I’m going to say a great big mouthful. Get ready. Every time, genuine faith will admit the Word is right. And anytime, that if something says that the days of miracles is past, or something against the Bible, it’s not genuine faith. The faith will always admit truth. You must stay with the Word. No matter what anything else says, what anybody else says, it’s the Word is right. “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine true. Ever who will add to, or take away from, the same will be taken his part out of the Book of Life.”

« 152 † God is going to judge the world by a church? Which one? Catholic? Six hundred and sixty-some-odd different denominations? How is He going to do that?
153 God is going to judge the world by Jesus Christ. And Christ, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us.” God and the Word is the same. This is God on print.
154 You got the–you got the Holy Spirit? Plant that Seed in there. It brings it to Life, breaks that Life forth, and manifests and vindicate it. Jesus said, in Saint John 12, “He that believeth on Me…” Saint John 14:12, rather, “The works that I do shall he do also.” So it always admits to the Truth. Oh, my!

« 155 † But, you know, she said, “That’s true. We ain’t nothing but a bunch of dogs. And we’re not… You really wasn’t sent to us. But, Lord, I’m not looking for all the bread the children had. I’m only searching for crumbs.” Oh, my!
156 Now, did you notice? People, they want to get this, get healed, and get the Holy Spirit the way they think they ought to have it. “Now, I’ll come down, brother, if you’ll bring me up and take me into a room where nobody will see me, and you lay your hands upon me and bless me, and put the Holy Ghost in me. I’ll accept it.” Oh, no.

« 157 † Naaman wanted to accept his healing like that, one time. But Elijah told him to get out there in the old muddy Jordan and dip seven times. I can just see him get off his chariot. Oh, a great man, hold his nose. Here he comes, out in the water, tiptoeing like a cat in molasses, you know, coming out like this, you know, getting out like that, get down in the water. He said, “Oh, I hate to do this, hod-dod down.” Some people comes to the altar like it was a sickening affair for them. Yeah. “Oh, I don’t want to do that.”
He ducked one time, then, “And I still got leprosy.”
158 “The prophet said, ‘Seven times.'” Right. Until he obeyed the Word, completely! Until you obey It, completely! He had a good man standing on the bank, said, “The prophet said, ‘Seven times,’ father. See? Just keep on dipping.”
159 That’s it. You don’t get it the first night, just dip again the next night. Just keep on till you get–get it.

« 160 † Now remember. She was like Rahab the harlot, this little woman was. She had never seen a miracle. She had only heard about a miracle. What will she day in the… do in the Day of Judgment to us? She had never seen a miracle. She was a Gentile. She had never seen, but she had heard. And we both seen and heard, and still doubt. Oh, my!
161 She was like Rahab the harlot. When the spies come over, she didn’t have to say, “I’ll tell you. You bring Joshua over and let him hold a service for me, and I’ll see the way he grooms his hair, and the way he talks, and the etiquette he uses at the pulpit. And I’ll see whether I can accept him or not.” She said, “I have heard that the God of Heaven was with you, and the only thing I ask is to be spared.” There you are.
162 That little woman was really persistent. She held right on. “Just spare me. I’ll do anything that you want me to do.” Oh, there you are. That’s it.

« 163 † This little woman, no matter what the difficult was, she was persistent. Oh! She had the right approach to the gift of God. She had the right approach, humility. She fell down at His feet, and she had humility. She didn’t stand up, say, “Now, You wait just a minute. You know we people are Greeks. You say we were dogs. Just a minute here, Sir. Do You realize that we’re–we’re the masters of art, and we’re the masters of so-and-so and such-and-such?” She never thought of that, at all. She just admitted that He was right, and fell down at His feet, and said, “Help me, Lord. I’ll just eat the crumbs. If my daughter can’t have a whole slice of bread, will You just let her have the crumbs, if she’s a dog?” Oh, my! There you are.
164 Would we be satisfied with just the crumbs, if the Holy Spirit should reveal to somebody tonight, “You’re healed”? Would you be ready just to take the crumbs, or would you want God to walk over and raise you up and give you some kind of a feeling? If He’d just say in your heart, “My sickness is over. You haven’t got it no more. I believe that I’m going to be healed, from tonight on,” would you take the crumbs? Or, would you want everybody come up and lay hands on you, and pour oil, and go through the regular ritual like that, or are you just looking for crumbs? God will honor that.

« 165 † You know, many of the disciples had seen Him after His resurrection. Thomas said, “No, huh-uh, I won’t believe it. I–I got to put my hands in the prints, of His nails in His hands and in His side. Then I’ll believe it.”
166 He said, “Come here, Thomas.” Said, “Touch Me.” And he did.
He said, “My Lord, and my God.”
167 He said, “Thomas, because you have seen and felt, and everything, you believe.”
“Yes, Lord.”
168 He said, “How much greater is their reward, who has never seen and yet will believe Him!”

« 169 † Are we ready? Are we Gentiles like that Gentile woman? Was she an example to all of us, “Just give me the crumbs, Lord”? Just let me hear some man, “I’ve never read the Word, but tell me that You heal the sick. That crumb will be enough for me. I believe it. Let me hear somebody say, and read it from the Word, that the Holy Ghost…”
170 Peter said, on the Day of Pentecost, “Repent, every one of you, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that’s far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

« 171 † “Lord, I feel that that’s right.” That’s a crumb. Come on. That’s all you have to do. Come.
172 Are we ready to take the crumbs? Are we ready to humble ourselves? She was. She was ready to humble herself. Faith always admits the Word right. Faith is always humble. Faith humbles itself. Now, she was just looking for the crumbs.
173 Watch what Jesus said. “For this saying, for this saying, ‘I’m willing to take the crumbs, Lord.’ For this saying, thy child is whole. You have your request because you believe it.”
174 Faith admits that the Word of God is right. Faith admits all these things.
175 Martha, Mary; down through the Bible we could call many; the Shunammite woman. Many things and cases that we could call. We haven’t got time to. Of this, I got about five pages here, written of people, now, who approached for crumbs. But let’s bypass that just a minute. I feel the Holy Spirit close. I don’t think it’s necessary.

« 176 † Let me just give you one little experience. The Business Men wrote the little thing up in there, the little article not long ago, in their magazine. And remember, when you make a printed matter, you better be able to back it up. We have it, documented statement from the doctor. I notice, in the church tonight, quite a few Spanish people.
177 I was in Mexico City, and we were having a glorious meeting. I had been there about three nights. And there was a man that I call Mañana. He was supposed to get me at six o’clock, and would get me about nine. And I always, ’cause he was so slow, I said he was “tomorrow.” See? And when we got out to this big ring where I was preaching, they had to take me up on a ladder up here, then let me down on ropes, down on the platform.

« 178 † The night before, there had been a Mexican man that had come to the meeting. And the old fellow, raining, as it was, and he come to the platform, blind. And he came down. I looked. I had good shoes on, and a good suit. And the poor old man, he was barefooted, his trousers all ragged. And I tell you who my interpreter was, you people know him; Brother Espinosa, up here in Sacramento, California, Pentecostal brother. He was interpreting. We had had about, in the two nights, I think around about thirty or forty thousand converts from Catholicism, to Christianity and the Holy Spirit.

« 179 † And this old blind man come across the platform. And if you don’t feel for the people you’re praying for, there’s no need of praying for them. You got to feel yourself in their place. And I thought, “If my old daddy would have lived, he’d have been about the age of that old man. Here he is. He’s got no shoes.” And he had no shirt on. An old coat, ragged, dusty; an old hat in his hand, sewed up with cords. Probably the old fellow never had a decent meal in his life. And then how cruel fate had been to him, here he is staggering in blindness. His eyes was white.
180 I looked at the old fellow, and I–I just put my arms around him. And Brother Espinosa wouldn’t interpret the prayer. I–I said, “Heavenly Father, if I could give him my shoes, I’d slip out of them so nobody would see them, give him my coat, send him on the road. But he’s much larger than I. But, God, have mercy on him. Give him back his sight.”
181 He hollered, “Gloria a Dios.” I looked around. He could see as good as I could.
182 The next night there was a rack, or a rick, as far as this building is long, about this high, with nothing but just old shawls and old ragged clothes.
183 The economics of Mexico is poorly balanced. Maybe Pedro gets… he’s a brick mason, he might get sixteen pesos a day. But it’ll take four days’ work to buy him a pair of shoes. But he’ll have to save enough out of that to pay, several pesos, for a grease candle to burn on a million dollar gold altar for his sins. That’s what boils me.

« 184 † Seeing those precious people, they come there at nine o’clock at morning. No seats, to sit down. They leaned against one another, like sheep in a pasture. Raining! Them women, standing, their hair streaking down, soaking wet, wait all day in the hot sun or rain, just to hear the Word of God. Oh, what will they do when Phoenix rises in the Day of the Judgment with them, when, fine churches everywhere, and you can’t even herd them in?
There she stood, or he stood, rather, with his sight.
185 That night when I got in, it was raining hard. Brother Jack Moore, many of you know him, Brother Espinosa, several of the brethren, was on the platform. And Billy, my son, he usually gives out prayer cards. And he couldn’t speak Spanish to those people, so he had to let Mañana do it. But he just went around to see that Mañana didn’t sell a prayer card. So that’s where we have to watch, you know, on selling a prayer card. So he just watched him. And they’d walk up and watch and see that he just hand the prayer card to So-and-so, and like that. So he said…

« 186 † Come to me, I got to preaching. Great big pile of–of them clothes laying up there. How they ever knowed which belonged to who, I don’t know. So they were… I was just got to speaking, and Billy tapped me on the shoulder. He said, “Daddy, you’re going to have to do something, that little woman out there.” Said, “I’ve got almost three hundred ushers, and they can’t even hold her.” A little bitty Spanish girl, about so high, beautiful little thing, she had a dead baby in her hands, under a blanket. And he said, “Mañana give out every prayer card.” And said, “She has no prayer card. And there is the line, has been standing, for them there, for the last two hours, waiting for you, come.” And said, “She wants to bring that dead baby up here, and we can’t hold her.”

« 187 † Oh, well, she’d come right over top of them ushers, run right under their feet, or anything. She was persistent. She wanted to get there. She had seen that blind man healed, the night before. She was persistent.
188 I said, “Brother Moore, she don’t know who I am. She don’t know which is which. You just go down there and pray for the baby. That’ll settle it. She…”
He said, “All right, Brother Branham.”

« 189 † So Billy got him by the arm, like it’d be me, so went on down across the platform. I turned around. I said, “I am very happy to be here tonight.” And the meetings are not strange to you people here in Phoenix. Right before me I seen a little Mexican baby, no teeth, laughing, in a vision setting out here. I said, “Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Brother Espinosa. Get to the…”
“What’s–what’s the matter?”
190 I said, “Get to the microphone.” I said, “Tell her to come here.”
191 He said, “Daddy,” Billy said, “you can’t bring her over all them prayer cards.”
I said, “Get her here. I just saw a vision.”

« 192 † So, he called her. And they get back. Here she come, with a quilt in her hand, like this. And a little baby laying in there, been dead since early that morning, died with pneumonia, little bitty fellow about that long. And here she come, the tears running down her cheeks, her little black eyes, her hair hanging down, very charming little lady. She run to the platform and fell on her knees, and begin to cry, “Padre!”
I said, “Stand up, just a minute.”
193 I thought, “Lord, what if it ain’t that? What if that wasn’t that? I don’t know. I just seen a little Mexican baby, little, no teeth, his little gums. It was laughing at me, setting right out there.”

« 194 † And she was crying. And I put my hand upon the wet blanket, and it raining then. I said, “Heavenly Father, this little woman, no doubt in my mind but what You’re answering her.” I said, “I saw the vision, that You know to be truth, of a little baby. I’m only accepting it by faith that it’s this baby. I don’t know the woman nor the baby. But, something, You work on both ends of the line.” I lay my hands upon it. And when I did, it kicked and screamed just as loud as it could scream. The mother jerked the blanket off of it, and there it was, alive, in her arms.
195 I said, “Brother Espinosa, don’t mark that down, but send some good loyal person.” And she was telling it in Mexican, that the doctor pronounced her baby dead, with pneumonia, that morning about eight or nine o’clock. And here it was after ten, that night. And I said, “Send and get a written, documented statement from the doctor, that pronounced it dead.”
196 And the Mexican doctor wrote a statement and signed it, “I pronounced the baby dead, no respiration or nothing, in my office this morning at nine o’clock.”
197 And here it is, ten o’clock that night. And the next morning, the baby was in the doctor’s office to be examined, “Normally, again.” Why? Because the little woman was persistent.

« 198 † Faith knows no defeat. If there’s five thousand standing there in the place, nothing takes the place. Her church could turn her out, her neighbors could laugh. But a God that could open the blind eyes of a man, the night before, could raise her baby, because He’s the same God yesterday, today, and forever.
199 And if this group of people here tonight, crumb searchers, if you are; the very God that brought you here, that could lead you to a place like this, the God that saved you, the God that could fill you with the Holy Ghost; that same God can wipe away every bit of the sickness and sorrow, whatever it is, in your hearts tonight, if you believe that. Persistent, perseverant, reach and grab that little crumb of faith now, say, “Lord, thank You for it. Here I come.”
The neighbor will say tomorrow, “You’re not healed.”
200 Say, “Oh, but I am. I am. I found a crumb last night down at the Foursquare church. Something anchored within me. Nothing is going to stop me, anymore. I have it.”
Let us bow our heads just a minute.

« 201 † Are you needing a crumb tonight? Could you take the crumb and be persistent with it?
202 The little crumb of faith that come to a–a little, Gentile Greek woman, never seen a miracle in her life, a heathen idolater, but she heard that it’d been worked on someone else. She had never seen it, but she believed it. And all the disappointments she had, yet, upon the basis of something in her heart telling her that her child could be healed, you know, when she got home she found her daughter laying upon a bed. The spell had gone from her. Not only for herself, but for her daughter who wasn’t present.
203 Do you need a crumb tonight? If you do, would you just raise up your hand. And say, “Lord, just a crumb is all I ask.”

« 204 † O Heavenly Father, look at those crumb-seeking Gentiles. Times hasn’t changed yet, Lord. They’ve heard. They’ve heard that You heal the sick. They’ve heard that You fill with the Holy Spirit. You give rest to the weary. O God, grant that these there tonight is crying like that precious little lady of many days ago, “Lord, truly we’re not worthy to receive the blessings like thy people, Israel, but we only seek a crumb that falls from the Master’s table.”
205 And tonight we have showed the great Food that You’ve fed Your Church. And tonight we have not only crumbs, but we’re invited to the table. We don’t really have to take the crumbs, but we’re glad to get them. But we’re invited to the table, tonight. “Jesus has His table spread where all the saints of God are fed. He invites His chosen people to come and dine.” Grant, tonight, Father, that each one who has a need, that need will be met.

« 206 † And while we have our heads bowed, and our hearts in humility before God, I just wonder how many people in this building, tonight, that is not saved, that if Jesus should come and the world would meet its end tonight. And you’d… You’re willing to take the little crumb of faith that’s been placed in your heart, and come to the table tonight, presenting your little crumb of faith before God, and would like to do so, would you just stand up and come down here, and let us pray for you here at the altar.
207 Would you just come without any delaying? Just walk down. God bless you, my brother. Would someone else come? The Lord be with you, my sister. You just come here. Would there be someone else here that’s wanting a crumb, would just come down to the Lord’s table? Say, “Lord, I’m not worthy to come. I’m–I’m… I am a dog. I’m just… I’m not worthy no more than that woman was, but I’m coming just for a crumb?” Would you come, sinner friend? Come. Might be your last time.

« 208 † You see how the world is getting today? People don’t want to come anymore. You can’t hardly persuade them. The Gospel, look like, it going to the fields.
209 God bless you, my good brother. God bless you. That’s wonderful. Just stand right here just a moment.
210 Someone else take the–the side place here, and say, “I stand with this man.” Lord bless you, son. God bless you. That’s right. Come right down, say, “I want a crumb, Lord. A crumb is all right for me. Something touched my heart. Now I’m coming down.” God bless you, son. God bless you, my brother. Stand right here.
211 Someone else feel a little crumb in your heart, of faith, that would entice you to come to the table now. Would you come down with these four young men standing here, waiting? I preached about a woman tonight, and it’s men that’s coming. What about it, sister? Won’t you come, too, for the crumb? Have you got that little bit of faith that tells you that you’re wrong?
Say, “Well, I don’t know what a crumb is, Brother Branham.”
212 The crumb is that in your heart now, that tells you you’re wrong. You should repent. Come on, won’t you? Rise up and come sweetly, quickly, to the fountain filled with Blood. Won’t you move out? “I’m wrong, brother. Pray for me.” Come down. God bless you, brother. God bless you.
213 Someone else? “I want just a crumb, Lord. This little crumb in my heart, I’m coming now to present it.” Will you come?

« 214 † Now is there any here that’s backslidden, gone away, and you’d like to come, will you come now?
215 Some without the Holy Spirit, you have not received the Holy Ghost? Oh, friend, if this Light has been made so real to you, in the last day, won’t you come stand too? This might be the time that that great desire in your heart, something telling you, “I believe the Lord is going to give me the baptism of the Spirit tonight. I want to come, stand.” Come around the altar. Will you do it? Stand with us for prayer, you that feels a little crumb, that, “I need the Holy Ghost.” If a man can come all the way from Ohio, fly down here in a jet plane. God bless you, Brother Grant. A Presbyterian can fly from Ohio, down here, in a jet plane to stand at the altar, what about the people in Phoenix?
216 God bless you, my sister. Stand right here just a moment. Won’t you come?
Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins.

« 217 † Won’t you come where the Fountain is open tonight, just filled with good things of God? I wonder, while we’ll wait just a moment, surely there’s more than that in here, that’d be willing to take crumbs. Certainly there should be. Won’t you come? Just do as I’m asking you, once. Just take it sincerely in your heart, say, “I’m coming down. This is my time to come. I’m coming, anyhow.” God bless you, sisters. That is very good. We’re waiting now, patiently, for you to come.
218 Let’s bow our heads now while we’re waiting, sing this hymn of the church.
There is a fountain filled with Blood,
Drawn from Emmanuel.
219 Won’t you come now? Won’t you take your crumb and come?
… beneath that flood
If you want the Holy Spirit, won’t you come, come in now?
Lose all their guilty stain,
Lose all their guilty stain;
And sinners plunged be-…
Come, friend.
Lose all…
The dying thief… -joice to see
…?… right here at the altar. And you…?…
Though vile as he,
Wash all her sin.
God bless you, my brother. That’s the way to do it.

« 220 † I wonder if the ministers here now would come stand up here with us. Ministers in the building, come stand around here with us, a minute now, instructors who–who is interested in lost souls.
May I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sin away.
221 I wonder if there’s ministers here, instructors in the Word, that would like to come. Remember, Eternal destinations is being decided right now. Here is about seven or eight, ten people standing here. And you know what that means? One soul is worth ten thousand worlds. We mustn’t take this lightly.
222 Now, you that’s sick, and wants prayer of faith prayed for you, would you just stand right where you are, that’s sick and needy. That’s good.
223 Now, my minister brothers, just that’s right, lay your hands over on these people.

« 224 † Now, you sick people, stand kind of close enough together, that you can put your hands on each other. Now, the Bible said, to you sick, “These signs shall follow them that believe.” You have to be a believer, or you wouldn’t be standing. “If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover.” You know that’s right. That’s the Scriptures that can’t fail.
225 And to these penitent ones coming to the altar, my brothers and sisters who comes to the altar tonight, mortal beings that knows that you’ve got to face God sometime. The Bible said some men’s sins go before them, some follow. You’re confessing yours tonight, that your sins will go before you, and be forgiven through the Blood of the Lord Jesus.

« 226 † And you here seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost, God made the promise over in Acts 10. We read, “While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard it.” They were so hungry! Now, you’re hungry. You brought that little crumb up here. Now let’s take a real full meal of God’s blessings. All of it’s for you.
227 Now, you people who believe in prayer, let’s just bow our heads together and pray now and believe. Now, just forget who is around you. Know that there’s nobody around you but Jesus Christ. And each one pray the way you do, the way you’re used to praying. And, brethren, lay your hands on these people, and let’s believe now the Holy Ghost is going to come and perform these things that we’re asking for.

« 228 † Our Heavenly Father, we do not feel that we’re standing here in vain. We thank Thee for these souls. We know that You’re here now to save them. I pray that You’ll grant it, Lord. May their faith look beyond the shadow. May these seeking the Holy Ghost, that’s got believers’ hands laying on them, the sick and the afflicted, may the power of God move into this building, up-and-down these aisles, and through these people. And save every sinner, fill every believer with the Holy Ghost, and heal every sick person. Grant these things, Lord. I believe that You are here, and You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your promises cannot fail.

« 229 † We believe that You commissioned Your Church, and they went up to the city of Jerusalem. They went to the upper room, and were there, continually, praising and blessing God. “And all of a sudden there came from Heaven a sound of a rushing mighty Wind, and It filled all the house where they were assembled.” Thou art the same, and You’re able to do the same. Let the power, that come down on the day of Pentecost, baptize this group of people tonight, in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This prayer I offer in Jesus’ Name, for these people, for the glory of God.

« 230 † Raise up your hands now. The prayer of faith has been prayed, the prayer of faith of forgiveness. Raise up your hands and say, “Praise the Lord.” Just start praising Him and blessing Him for. Just confess your sins. Con-… Believe with all your heart. Raise your hands up to God, and say, “Thank You, Lord Jesus.” I believe, this minute, You give me the Spirit of the Lord, You baptize me with the Holy Ghost and give me the blessings.
All right, sister, come…?… `

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

15-1018e Convinced then Concerned

15-1018e Convinced then Concerned
Message 62-0610e