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16-0221 Adoption #1

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« 1 † …me feel good to hear that, that’s good. Well, it’s… always, as I’ve said before, “I was happy when they said unto me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord,'” I believe David made that statement once, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” I don’t know any better place to be, do you, than in the house of the Lord.
Now, tonight we are… We got some friends here that’s all the way from Georgia. And they’ll probably be driving down after–after the lunch tonight. And then we will… Some of them from way down, I hope you stay over. And what rooms we got is open to you.
And then Wednesday night we’ll continue on, on the study, and then, the Lord willing, next Sunday again.

« 4 † And then Chautauqua begins on the sixth. So all that’s got your vacations planned, we’re expecting a great wonderful time at the Chautauqua. There’s where we always have such a marvelous time. Not too big a crowds, we run sometimes… It’ll hold up to about… I suppose we could put ten thousand in it, easy. But, usually, last year I think we had around about seven thousand, something like that. Was a packed out place, but there’s plenty of room to stand, and seats that they can run all the way out. And so we are looking forward to that.

« 5 † And glad to see many of our minister brothers in. I can’t never think of his name here, the missionary, Brother Humes. And Sister Humes, is that you setting right here, and the little ones, we’re glad to have them, a missionary. Other ones, Brother Pat, Brother Daulton, and, oh, just so many, Brother Beeler. And seen Brother Collins just a few moments ago. And, oh, it’d be kind of hard to call them all. But we’re very happy to have you in the house of the Lord tonight.
This great precious Brother Neville setting behind me here to pray with me while we are going to teach the Word… Charlie, glad to see you and Sister Nellie here tonight, the little ones. This is… And Bible teaching is usually a very… Yes, Brother Welch, I just… was looking for you; I see you setting back there now. And…

« 6 † Bible teaching is usually a little treacherous, a little, you know, kind of walking out on the thin ice; we call it. But we just feel that maybe at this point and at this time, it might be good to kinda bring the–the church to what I think to a–a complete understanding, positionally, of what we are in Christ Jesus. And sometimes I think that preaching is a wonderful thing, but I believe sometimes, Brother Beeler, that teaching goes beyond that, it kindly… Especially to the church.
Now, preaching usually catches the sinner, brings him under condemnation by the Word. But teaching places a man positionally what he is. And we can never rightly be able to have faith until positionally we know what we are.

« 7 † Now, if the United States of this fair land here, sent me over to Russia as an ambassador of this nation, to Russia, then if they have officially sent me to Russia, all the power that the United States has is behind me. My word is just the same as the United States, if I have been recognized as an ambassador.
And then if God has sent us to be His ambassadors, all the power that’s in heaven, all that God is, all of His Angels and all of His power stands behind our words if we are correctly an ordained, sent messengers to the people. God has to honor the Word, for He has so solemnly written, that “Whatever you bind on earth, that will I bind in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth, that will I loose in heaven. And I give unto thee the keys to the Kingdom.” Oh, such great promises He’s given the church.

« 9 † And I am, after the other day, of many of you I suppose was here this morning to hear as I tried to in my humble, simple way, to explain the–the vision that I saw of heaven…
I would, by no means, ever try to doubt anything that anyone ever told me that God told them. I’d believe it; even if I didn’t see it in the Scripture I would still want to believe that brother’s word. I–I might just stay right along with the Bible, but still I would believe that maybe the brother just misunderstood it some way, that he might have just got it mixed up a little. And still I would believe he–he to be my brother.

« 11 † And if there’s anything that burns within my heart, and I hope it never leaves in my years to come, that I’ll never forget what happened last Sunday morning, as a week. It has done something to me that’s revolutionized my life. I–I do not fear. I–I have not one fear of death. Death has no fear at all. And it–it doesn’t for you if you just understood. Now, maybe if… You’d have to have the experience to know it, because there’s no way to explain it. You cannot find words, because it doesn’t lay in the English dictionary, or no other dictionary; because it’s in an eternity: no yesterday, no tomorrow, it’s all present tense. And it’s no, “I feel pretty good,” and a hour from now, “I don’t feel so well,” and another hour, “feel good again.” It’s present tense all the time (See?), never a cease, just that glorious peace and something.

« 12 † And there can be no sin; there could be no jealousy; there could be no sickness; there–there could be nothing ever reach that heavenly shore. And if I may have the privilege of saying this, which, maybe I do not… If I do not, then I pray God forgive me. But if I have the privilege, and it was that God let me be caught up to see something, I would refer to the first heavens. And then I believe, one in the Bible by the name, I believe it was Paul, that was caught up into the third heaven. And if it was this glorious in the first heavens, what does that third heavens hold? No wonder he couldn’t speak of it for fourteen years. He said he did not know whether he was in body or out of body. With that great apostle, not to share his–his–his office, or not to try to make ourselves anything like he was, but I can say with him: I don’t know whether I was in this body or out of the body. Only thing, it was just as real as I’m looking at you.

« 13 † And I’ve always wondered about if I’d pass by, I’d see a little cloud floating by, a spirit, and say, “There goes brother and sister; that’s Charlie and Nellie. That’s Brother and Sister Spencer going there.” That always puzzled me. If my eyes is in the grave, decaying, rottening, if my ears is not here to hear any more, and if my blood has all gone back and they’ve embalmed it, and it’s in the waters or in the ground, and my mental faculties, my brain cells are all gone, then how would I be any more than just a spirit floating around? And that wearied me. How would I like to say, “Hello, Brother Pat, oh, so glad to see you. Hello, Brother Neville, how I would like to see you.” But I thought, “Well, if I don’t have anything to see with, any mouth to speak with, it’s rotten, it’s dust, how would I be able to say, ‘Hello, Brother Pat,’ ‘Hello, Brother Neville,’ or so forth, ‘Hi, Charlie’?”

« 14 † But now I know that that’s wrong. For it is written in the Scriptures, which I say it’s not contrary, “For if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting,” another tabernacle that has eyes, ears, lips, mental faculties. If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, it has a body that can feel, can talk.
And now it comes to me, just now, that Moses had been dead and in a in–unmarked grave for eight hundred years, and Elijah had went to heaven five hundred years before, but on Mount Transfiguration they were found talking with Jesus.

« 16 † After Samuel had been dead for at least three to five years, and the witch of En-dor called him up, and she fell on her face, and she said, “You have deceived me, because you are Saul, yourself.” She said, “Because I see gods.” She was a heathen (You see?), “I see gods rising up.”
And Saul couldn’t see him yet, and he said, “What does he look like? Describe him to me.” Said, “He’s thin, and he has a mantle over his shoulder.”
Said, “That’s Samuel the prophet; bring him here before me.” I want you to notice that Samuel had not lost any of his personality. He was still a prophet; he told Saul exactly what would happen the next day.
So, you see, death does not completely diminish us as we weep and wail and lament at the grave. It only changes our dwelling place. It takes us from a place to… What is age? If I live one more hour, I’ll outlive a many sixteen-year-old person. I’ll outlive a many five-year-old person. Age is nothing. We’re just set here for a purpose, to do something.

« 20 † Well now, many of these little pretty-faced mothers setting here, some of them sixty or seventy years old, would say, “Well, what have I done, Brother Branham?” You’ve raised your children. You’ve done what you were supposed to do.
Maybe some old Dad setting here say, “Well, I’ve harrowed the fields; I’ve done this. I never preached.” But you did just what God sent for you to do. There’s a place for you.

« 22 † Speaking to an old doctor yesterday, one of my doctor friends, buddies, eighty-something years old… And his sister-in-law is here at the church tonight, and she’s been just a teeny-teeny bit worried about him. And I went to see him. And as soon as I begin to talk to him, he brightened up, told me about a hunting trip he taken many years ago up in Colorado, the very same country I hunt at. Just as brilliant and bright… And I said, “Doctor, how long you been practicing?”
He said, “When you were nursing.” And way down I said… “And many a time,” he said, “I’ve practiced taking my buggy; I put my saddle bags over my horse. I took the little satchel and I’ve walked.”
And I said, “Yes, down along the creek banks, two o’clock in the morning with your flashlight, trying to find a house where a little child had a tummy ache or a mother in labor pains.”
“That’s right.”

« 25 † And I said, “You know, doctor, I believe, across this dividing line here between mortal and immortality, God has a place for good old doctors that’s served like that.”
Great tears come in his eyes, and he started crying; he reached up his feeble hands and said, “Brother, I hope so.” Across the land, God judges a man’s soul, what he is.
Then I give him this satisfying Scripture. Many times, plowing through those dark muddy fields at night, trying to help somebody, maybe never get a penny for it, but it’s all right. I said, “Jesus said in the Scripture, ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'” And that is true.

« 28 † And tonight we want to set the church in these three lessons, if God permits, how and what to look to, what we are. We’re going to begin at the 1st chapter of the Book of Paul’s letter to Ephesus. And we’re going to take the three first chapters in our next three studies, trying to get a chapter a evening, if we can, tonight, Wednesday, and next Sunday morning. Ephesians, the 1st chapter…
Now, as we study together, I’d like to say this, that this Book of Ephesians perfectly parallels the Old Testament Joshua: Ephesians, the Book of Ephesians…

« 29 † Now, remember, if we happen to get just a little off to your teaching, just forgive us and bear with us awhile. Before we open It, let’s ask Him to help us, as we bow our heads.
Lord, we are approaching Thy holy and sacred Writ, which It is more secure than all the heavens and earth. For we read in this Word, called the Bible, that “Both heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.” Then upon this solemn hour that I come to this pulpit tonight before the purchase of Your Blood, these precious darling mortals that sets here tonight, grasping for every little hope that they can to hold on for that Life that is to come, may it be so sufficient tonight, that every believer here will see his position, and everyone who has not yet come into this great fellowship will press the Kingdom, Lord, and knock at the door until the Keeper opens the door. Grant it, Lord.

« 31 † We are reading in here where this Bible is of no private interpretation. God forbid that I Your servant or any other servant would ever try to put their own interpretation to the Word. Let us just read It and believe It the way It is written. And especially we shepherds of the flocks, we pastors who someday will gather yonder in that glorious land with the little flocks, and we’ll stand in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and we’ll see that generation come up, of Paul, and of Peter, and of Luke, and Mark, and Matthew, and all them, and see them judged there with their groups. God, grant that I can lay ten million trophies at Your feet while I humbly crawl up and lay my hands upon Your precious feet and say, “Lord, they are Yours.”

« 32 † O God, fill us freshly with Thy Spirit and with Thy love and Thy goodness. And may we, as the poet has expressed in the song many years ago, “Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood shall never lose its power, until all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more. And ever since, by faith, I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied; redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die. Then in a nobler, sweeter song,” he goes on to say, “I’ll sing Thy power to save; when this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.” Then the grave does not hold any death for Your children. It’s only our resting place, or our hiding place, where this corruption will put on incorruption.
And may we tonight see this, Lord, plainly, as it is given to us in the Word. Give us understanding. And place us, Lord, at our post of duty, that we might serve faithfully until You come. We ask this in Jesus’ Name, and for His sake. Amen.

« 34 † Now, the Book of Ephesians, as I was just saying, I–to my opinion, is one of the greatest Books of the New Testament. It leaves us on where Calvinism runs out on one limb, and Arminianism runs out on the other limb, but the Book of Ephesian draws it together and positionally places the church.
Now, I’ve typed it with Joshua. If you notice, Israel was brought up out of Egypt, and there’s three stages of their journey. One stage was leaving Egypt. The next stage was the wilderness. And the next stage was Canaan.

« 36 † Now, Canaan does not represent the age of the Millennium. It only represents the age of the overcomer, the dispensation of overcoming, because in Canaan they killed and burned and took cities. And there’ll be no death in the Millennium.
But another thing that it does, it brings up justification by faith, after they believed in Moses and left Egypt; sanctification through following under the Pillar of Fire and the atonement of the sacrificial lamb in the wilderness; and then entering into a land that had been promised.

« 38 † Now, what is the land promised to the New Testament believer? The promise is the Holy Spirit. “For it shall come to pass in the last days,” Joel 2:28, “that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. And upon My handsmaids and My maidservants will I pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy. I’ll show wonders in the heavens above. And in the earth, pillars of fire, and smoke, and vapor.” And Peter said, on the day of Pentecost, after taking his text and preaching, “Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission,” to remit, to forgive, to take away all back trespasses.

« 39 † Did you notice, Joshua? Before they crossed Jordan, Joshua said, “Go through the midst of the camp and clean your clothes and sanctify every one of you, and let no man come at his wife, for within three days you’ll see the glory of God.” See? It is a–it is a process of getting ready to inherit the promise.
Now, the promise to Israel was… God gave Abraham the promise of the land of Palestine, and it was to be their possession forever. And they was to always remain in this land.
Now, they come three stages, coming to this promised land. Now, watch; it’s perfectly typed in the New Testament.
Now, this, as I have said, disagrees with some of the thinking of yours. Some of you precious Nazarene people, Church of God, and so forth, don’t let it hurt, but just watch it close and watch the types. Watch and see if every place don’t hit just perfect.

« 42 † There was three stages of the journey, and there’s three stages of this journey. For we are justified by faith, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, forsaking the land of Egypt, come out, and then are sanctified through the offering of His Blood, washed from our sins, and become pilgrims and sojourners, claiming that we are seeking a land, a city that’s coming, or a promise.
So did Israel in the wilderness, sojourners, no place to rest, traveling night after night, following the Pillar of Fire, but finally come to the promised land where they settled down.

« 44 † That’s where the believer comes. He comes first to a recognition that he’s a sinner; then he is separated by the waters, the washing of the water, by the Blood, and–or the washing of the water by the Word, rather, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, being justified by faith, he becomes a partaker, and at peace with God through Christ, baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ to omit him into the journey. You get it? Into the journey. Then he becomes a sojourner and a pilgrim. He’s on his journey to what? A promise that God made.

« 45 † Israel had not yet received the promise, but they were on their journey. And without, raising… Please do understand. That’s where you, the Nazarene and Pilgrim Holiness, and so forth, fell. Because Israel, when they come to the spot of Kadesh-Barnea, when the spies went over and said, “The land is great.”
But some of them come back and said, “We can’t take it, because the cities are walled up, and so forth.”
But Joshua and Caleb stood out, and said, “We’re more than able to take it.” Because of their already signed-up documated statements, they believed in two works of grace, justification and sanctification, and could not move any farther. And listen, that whole generation perished in the wilderness but two that went over into the promised land and brought back the evidence that it was a goodly land, “and we were more than able to take it, because it was God’s promise.” Then instead of the people going on, receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking with tongues, receiving the power of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, signs, wonders, miracles, they felt that it would break down their tradition of doctrine. And what happened to it? Perished in the land. That’s right.

« 46 † But the believers, the Caleb and Joshua outfit, that was going on to the promise, they moved on over into the land, and took the land, and settled down in the land as a possession. And we never stop at justification, sanctification. Let’s go on to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let’s not stop at believing on the Lord Jesus, being baptized. Let’s not stop because He cleaned us up from a life of sin. But now we pressed on into a position, to a promise of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. For Peter said on the day of Pentecost, “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that’s far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

« 47 † So Ephesus here sets us like Joshua, positionally. You notice, Joshua, after crossing over the land and taking the land, then he divided the land. “Ephraim here, Manasseh’s here, and this one here, Gad here, Benjamin here.” He divided the land.
And notice. Oh, this just burns our hearts. Each one of those Hebrew mothers giving birth to those children, she spoke the very place in her labor pains, where they would be positioned in the promised land. Oh, it’s a great study. If we could only go into it in details, which would take hours after hours… Someday when we get our church fixed, I’d just like to come and take a solid month or two, just stay right in it. Watch when they, each one of those mothers, when she called out, “Ephraim,” when she was in labor, positionally placed him where his feet was setting in oil. Just exactly every one of them where they were at…
And Joshua, not knowing this, but by inspiration, led of the Holy Spirit, after being into the promised land, give each man his promise, exactly what the Holy Spirit promised through the birth back there.

« 50 † How that God has set some in the church, through the labor pains… Oh, they get tremendous sometime. When a church is groaning under the persecution of the outside world, believing on the Lord Jesus, that the promise of the Holy Ghost is just as real to us as it was to Pentecost, how they groan and cry under labor pains. But when they are born, and positionally born into the Kingdom of God, then the Holy Ghost has set in the church, some apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, some evangelists. Then He’s give into there, speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, knowledge, wisdom, gifts of healing, all kinds of miracles.

« 51 † Where the church is… Now, this is my purpose of doing this. The church is always trying to take somebody else’s corner. But don’t do that. You can never raise corn in Ephraim’s corner, if you’re Manasseh. You’ve got to take your place in Christ, positionally take it.
Oh, it gets deep and rich when we get in here, how that God puts one in the church to speak with tongues, another… Now, we have been taught many times, we all have to speak with tongues. That’s wrong. “We all got to do it.” No, we don’t. They all didn’t do one thing, each one was…

« 52 † Each… The land was provided and divvied up by inspiration. And each one… I could take the Scriptures and show it to you exactly, that he put them in the place where they was supposed to be, positionally, how that the two half tribes was to stay across the river, how that their mothers cried that in their birth, and how that each place was supposed to be.
And now after you are in, that don’t mean that you’re out free from war. You still have to fight for every inch of ground you stand on. So see, Canaan did not represent the great heaven, because it’s war and troubles and killings and fightings, and so forth. But it did represent this: that it must be a perfect walk.

« 54 † And there’s where the church is failing today: on that walk. Do you know that even your own behavior can knock somebody else out of getting healed? Your misbehavior of unconfessed sins of you believers, can cause this church to bitterly fail. And at the day of the judgment you’ll be responsible for every bit of it. Oh, you say, “Now, wait a minute, Brother Branham.” Well, that’s the truth. Think of it.
Joshua, after he crossed over into the land, God gave him the promise that… Just think, to fight an entire campaign without losing a man, without even getting a scratch, without having to have a nurse, or a first aid or a Band-Aid. God said, “The land’s yours; go fight.” Think of fighting a campaign, and there’s no Red Cross around at all; there’s nobody going to get hurt.

« 56 † And they slayed the Amorites and the Hittites, but there wasn’t one hurt among any of them until sin come in the camp. And when Achan took that Babylonian garment and that gold wedge, and hid it under his camp, then the next day they lost sixteen men. Joshua said, “Stop. Stop. Wait a minute; there’s something wrong. Something’s wrong here. We’re going to call seven days of fast. God made us a promise. There will be nothing hurt us. Our enemies will fall at our feet. And there’s something wrong here. Something went wrong somewhere, ’cause we got sixteen dead men laying here. They’re Israelite brothers, and they’re dead.”

« 57 † Why did they die, innocent men? Because one man stepped out of the line. You see the reason this needs to be taught? The church lining up, lining up with the Word of God, lining up with God and lining up with each other, walking perfectly upright, soberly, before all men, fearing God. Because one man stole a garment and done something that he should not done, took the life of sixteen men. I think it was sixteen, maybe more. I believe it was sixteen men that was dead.
Joshua called, said, “There’s something wrong. God made the promise, and something’s wrong.”
When we bring the sick up before us and they fail to be healed, we need to call a solemn fast, call an assembly. Something’s wrong somewhere. God made the promise. God’s got to stick to that promise, and He will do it.

« 60 † And he called a fast. And they found out, they cast the lots. And Achan confessed it. And they killed Achan’s family and all, and burnt their ashes, and left it there for a memorial. And Joshua went right on through the battles, taking everything without a scratch or a wound. There you are.

« 61 † One day he had–needed a little time, extra time. The sun was going down; the men couldn’t fight very good at nighttime. Joshua, that great warrior, anointed of God, positionally placed into the land, like Ephesians to the new church, possess–possessed in the–possessing the land, taking it over. He needed some time, so he said, “Sun, stand still.” And she stood still for about twelve hours until he took the land. See?

« 62 † Now, the Book of Ephesians placed us positionally in Christ, what they was in the holy land. We are placed not in the holy land, but in the Holy Ghost. Now, let us read just a Word, see how perfect the church is.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,…
Oh, I like that. God made him an apostle. No elders laid hands on him, no bishops sent him anywhere, but God called him and made him an apostle.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints… (sanctified ones)… which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Jesus Christ:
Watch how he addresses this. This is not to the unbelievers. This is to the church. It’s called to the called-out ones, the sanctified and called ones that are in Christ Jesus.

« 65 † Now, if you want to know how we get in Christ Jesus, if you’ll turn to I Corinthians 12, it said, “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body.” How? Baptized by what? The Holy Ghost. Not by water baptism, you church of Christ people, but by one capital S-p-i-r-i-t, by one Spirit. Not by one handshake, by one letter, not by one sprinkle, but by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, our possession, the land that God give us to live in, the Holy Ghost. Just as He give Canaan to the Jews, He’s give us the Holy Spirit. By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body. You get it?

« 66 † Now, he’s talking to the spiritual Canaanites, Israel, the spiritual Israel who has possessed the land. Oh, aren’t you glad you’ve come out of Egypt’s garlic? Aren’t you glad you’re out of the wilderness? And remember, they had to eat manna, Angel’s food out of heaven, until they crossed over into the land. And when they crossed over into the land, the manna ceased to fall. They were fully matured then, and they eat the old corn of the land. Now, now that you’re not babies any more, now that you’re not desiring the sincere milk of the Gospel, that you don’t have to be babied, and patted, and persuaded to come to church, now that you’re real fully matured Christians, you’re ready to eat strong meats now. You’re ready to come into something:, he said. You’re ready to understand something that’s deep and rich. Oh, we’ll get into it directly. And, oh, it’s been hidden since the foundation of the world.
He said, “Now, that you’ve come into this, I’m addressing this to you,” not to those who’ve just left Egypt, not to those who are still in the journey, but to those who are in the promised land, that has received the promise.

« 67 † How many’s received the promise of the Holy Ghost? Oh, aren’t you glad that you’re in the land? Over here now, eating the old corn, eating the strong things of God, and got a clear understanding; your–your spiritual mind is all unmuddled up. You know exactly Who He is. You know exactly What He is. You know exactly where you’re going. You know exactly all about It. You know in Whom you have believed and persuaded He’s able to keep that which you’ve committed to Him against the day. Oh, that’s the one; that’s who Paul’s talking to now. Listen close. Now, watch…
… the faithful in Christ Jesus:

« 68 † Now, let me have the church to repeat that. How do we get into Christ? By joining church? No. By putting our name on a book? No. By being baptized by immersing? No. How do we get into Christ? By one Holy Spirit are we all baptized into one promise, the Body, and are partakers of all that belongs into the land. Amen. Oh, I–I like that. If I wasn’t hoarse, I could shout. My, when I get in this land, it’s mine. I’m home now; I’m in Canaan. I’m subject to anything God wants to use me for. I’m walking on holy ground, a child of the King, all robed and ready. I’ve come out of Egypt, come up through the promised land, stood the trials, passed over Jordan into this blessed promise. Oh, how did I get it? By one Spirit, the same way Paul got It, acted on me the same way It did on him, same way It did on you. By one Spirit we are all baptized, not sprinkled, just a little sprinkle of it, feel pretty good, but immersed under: all made to be swim under in the Holy Ghost. That’s the promise.

« 69 † Our Ephesians, our Joshua, which is the Holy Spirit… “Joshua” means “Jesus, Saviour.” Joshua means the Holy Spirit representing it in the spiritual as that was in the natural, that He is our great Warrior. He’s our great Leader. As God was with Joshua, so is God in the Holy Spirit, moving us about. And when sin comes in the camp, the Holy Spirit demands a halt, “What’s wrong in this church? Something’s wrong.” Oh, can’t you see how we got too many sons of Kish now, too many Sauls coming from seminaries and theological schools and going out and teaching this perverse things, as the Bible said they would do, seemingly, not having the faith, separating themselves from you, having no fellowship with you, and so forth, having a form of godliness and denying the power thereof, from such turn away.” They don’t know where they come from; they can’t give any reason.

« 70 † I say this from Brother Booth-Clibborn, a friend of mine, if there’s anything that’s an ill–illegitimate un-god-created, anything in the world, is a mule. A mule is the lowest of all things. He is a… He–he don’t know what he is. He cannot produce himself no more. A mule cannot be bred to another mule and become a mule. He’s finished. He don’t know where his papa come from, neither does he know his mama; for he is a little–a little donkey and a mare horse. God never did that. Don’t you lay such as that onto God. God never done that. God said, “Everything shall bring forth of its kind.” Yes, sir. But a mule is a–a… His papa was a donkey and his mama was a mare horse, so he don’t know what he does belong to. He–he–he’s a horse trying to be a mule, or a mule… or he’s a horse trying to be a donkey, a donkey trying to be a horse; He don’t know where he does belong. And he is a hard-headedest thing there is in the world. You can never put a bit of trust to him.

« 71 † And that’s the way a lot of people are in church. They don’t know who their papa is; they don’t know who their mama is. Only thing they know: they’re either Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal, or something. They don’t know where they come from. And an old donkey, you can just holler at him as much as you want to holler at him, and he will stand there and stick them big ears out and look. You can preach to him all night long, and they don’t know a bit more when they left than what they did when they come in. Now, that’s just right. I don’t mean to be rude, but I want to tell you the truth.

« 72 † But there’s one thing they can do; they’re good workers. Oh, they just work, work, work, work. That puts me in the mind of a bunch of these Arminians that’s always trying to work their way into heaven (That’s right.), a mule. Oh, the Ladies Aid Society, and the chicken supper, for they pay the preacher, “And we got to have this dance, and this social.” It’s just work, work, work, work, work, work, work. And, they… What are they working for?
Ask them, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?”
They stick out their ears, and don’t know where they belong; “What do you mean? What about this? What do you mean, the Holy Ghost? I’ve never heard nothing about It. Oh, you must be some kind of fanatic.” See, they don’t know who papa was, or who mama was, either. And you have to beat them on everything you do, beat here and beat there, and beat here and beat there. That’s right, an old mule.

« 75 † But I tell you, you don’t have to do that by a real thoroughbreded horse. Just crack the whip over him one time, and brother, he’s gone. He knows what he’s doing. Oh, how fine it is to ride a thoroughbred. How nice. You just say, “Come on, boy.” Oh, man (See?); you better hold tight; he will leave the saddle in the air.

« 76 † That’s the way it is with real thoroughbreded Christians. Hallelujah. “Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.” Gone; just as quick as they can get to the water, they’re gone. They can’t rest day and night until they receive the Holy Ghost. Why? You know, a Christian knows who his Papa was. See, it takes two to make a birth (That’s right.): papa and mama. The mule don’t know which was papa, which was mama. But we know Who Papa and Mama was, for we were borned of the written Word of God, confirmed by the Spirit. Peter said on the day of Pentecost, “If you will repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

« 77 † And brother, a real borned again Christian (Oh, my.), his spirit… As soon as he gets the Word, he receives the Holy Ghost. Ask him something then. He knows where he’s standing. “Do you believe in Divine healing?”
“You believe in the Second coming?”
Ask a mule that. The mule religion, “Uh, I don’t know. Doctor Jones said one time…” Oh, there it… Go on after Saul. See? “Oh, they don’t know. Well, I tell you, my church is not sure of It.”
Oh, brother, but a borned again man and woman is just as sure of the coming of the Lord Jesus; they’re just as sure they got the Holy Ghost as there is a Holy Ghost to be given. My!

« 80 † Jesus said… The woman at the well, “We worship in this mountain, and the Jews worship at Jerusalem.”
He said, “Woman, hear My Words. The hour is coming, and now is, when the Father seeketh those that’ll worship Him in the Spirit and the Truth.”
“Thy Word is the Truth.” And every man that’ll read the Bible and believe every Word that Bible says, and follow Its instructions, and receive the same Holy Ghost that they received, the same way they received It, same results they received It, same power they got when they received It, he knows Who his Papa and Mama was. He knows he’s washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, borned of the Spirit, filled with God’s unction. He knows where he’s standing. Sure. He’s in Canaan. He knows where he come from. And that’s the way it is with a real Christian. Ask him, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?”
“Amen, brother.”

« 83 † Standing the other day by an old saint, ninety-two years old, talking to her eighty-year old pastor, I said, “Grandma?”
Just as bright as she could be, she said, “Yes, my son.”
I said, “How long has it been since you received the Holy Ghost?”
She said, “Glory to God. About sixty years ago I got It.”
Now, if she had been a mule, she’d said, “Now, wait a minute. I was confirmed and sprinkled when I was, well, certain… And they taken me into the church, and I took my letter over to so.” Oh, mercy me. They don’t even know where they belong.
But she knowed where her birthright come from. She was there when it happened. She was borned of the water and of the Spirit. She knowed, and the water through the washing of the water by the Word, takes the Word.

« 87 † Now, watch how this is addressed, “To those that are in Christ Jesus.” Paul, now remember… I’m taking a long time, but I ain’t going to get through this chapter. But I’ll hurry… You like it? Oh, It tells us where we are, but we can’t do it in just one night. We need a month or two of this, every night, just go right through It, Word by Word. Go back and bring it up in the histories and lay it right out Word by Word, and show you that It’s the Truth.
Now, let me read that verse quickly again.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God… (not the will of man),… to the saints which are in Ephesus, and… (conjunction)… to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

« 88 † Means they’ve been called out, separated, and now have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, and are in Christ Jesus. “I’m addressing this epistle to you, my beloved ones.” Oh, I think of Paul over there with them right now, oh, how happy. That little old apostle had his head chopped off down there. I stood by the place where they chopped his head off. But, oh, his head’s on in that new body, and can never be chopped off again. And he’s standing over there with them this very minute, the same apostle that wrote this. And said, “To you that are in Christ Jesus, by one Spirit we’re all baptized into this one Body.”
Now, watch.
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and… the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all… (Oh, do you hear that, Charlie?)… has blessed us with all spiritual blessing…

« 89 † Not just some to the apostles, and some to this, but He’s blessed us with all spiritual blessings. The same Holy Ghost that fell on the day of Pentecost is the same Holy Ghost here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that made Mary shout and speak with tongues, and have a wonderful time, and rejoice, and the things that she did, is the same Holy Ghost here tonight. The same Holy Ghost that let Paul on that old ship, where it looked like it was water-logged and was gone, fourteen days and nights, no moon or stars, he looked out there and every wave had a devil on it, glancing and gleaning his teeth, and said, “I’ll sink the old boy now. I got you now.”

« 90 † While Paul went down to have a little prayer, there stood an Angel, said, “Don’t you fear, Paul…?… This old ship’s going to be wrecked upon a certain island. Go ahead and eat your supper; it’s all right now.”
Here he come with them chains on his little old arms, dragging them on his feet, and said, “Be of a good courage, men, for the God, the Angel of God, Whose servant I am, stood by me and said, ‘Paul, don’t you fear.'” That same Holy Ghost is here tonight, same Spirit of God, ministering to us the same spiritual blessings.
… blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places…

« 92 † Oh, let’s stop just one more minute here. “In heavenly places.” Now, just not out anywhere, but in heavenly places. We are assembled in “heavenly,” it means that the position of the believer. That if I’m prayed up, you’re prayed up, or the church is prayed up, and we’re ready for the message, and we have assembled ourselves together as saints, called out, baptized with the Holy Ghost, filled with God’s blessings, called, elected, set together in heavenly places now, we are heavenlies in our souls. Our spirits has brought us into a heavenly atmosphere. Oh, brother. There you are: a heavenly atmosphere. Oh, what could happen tonight? What could happen tonight if we would be setting here in a heavenly atmosphere, and the Holy Spirit moving over every heart that’s been regenerated and become a new creature in Christ Jesus? All sins under the Blood, in perfect worship, with our hands up to God and our hearts lifted, setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, worshipping together in the heavenly places…
Did you ever set in one? Oh, I’ve set till I would weep for joy and say, “God, never let me leave here”: just heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

« 94 † Blessing us with what? Divine healing, foreknowledge, revelation, visions, powers, tongues, interpretations, wisdom, knowledge, all the heavenly blessings, and joy unspeakable and full of glory, every heart filled with the Spirit, walking together, setting together in heavenly places, not one evil thought among us, not one cigarette smoked, not one short dress, not one this, that, or the other, not one evil thought, nobody got anything against one another, everybody speaking in love and harmony, everybody with one accord in one place, “then suddenly there come from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind.” There you are, “Has blessed us with all spiritual blessings.”

« 95 † Then the Holy Spirit might fall upon somebody, and say, “THUS SAITH THE LORD. Go to a certain place and do a certain thing.” Watch it happen just like that. See? “THUS SAITH THE LORD. Do a certain thing in a certain place.” Watch it happen like that. Blessed us together in all heavenly blessings in heavenly places… Watch.
According as he has chosen us…
Did we choose Him, or He chose us? He chose us. When? The night that we accepted Him? Chosen…
According as he has chosen us in him before the foundations of the world, that we should be holy… without blame before him in… (denominations?)… in love:

« 98 † When did God choose us? When did God choose you that’s got the Holy Ghost? When did He choose you? Before the foundation of the world. By His foreknowledge, He foresaw you and knowed that you would love Him. And before there was a foundation of the world, He chose you, and sent Jesus that He might be the propitiation of your sins, to call you to reconciliation, to Himself, to love. Oh, wish we had just a few more minutes’ time.

« 99 † Let me, before we go any farther, go back, Genesis 1:26. I’ll pick it up Wednesday. When God made man… Before He made man, He called Himself “El,” E-l, El; E-l-h, “Elah,” “Elohim.” The word means, in the Hebrew, “the self-existence,” all by Himself. Nothing existed before Him. He was all the existence there ever was, self-existence One: “El, Elah, Elohim,” means the “all-sufficient, all-powerful, Almighty, self-existence One.” Oh.

« 100 † But in Genesis 2, when He made man, He said, “I am Y-a-h-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. What did it mean? “I am the all-existence One Who has created something off of Myself to be a son of Mine, or a temporary, or an amateur little one of Mine.” Oh, glory. Why? He gave man… “Jehovah” means that He gave man to be an amateur god. Because He is Father God, and He made a man an amateur god, so He isn’t self-existence any more; He exists with His family. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim… Now, now He is Jehovah, “Jehovah” meaning the “One Who exists with His family.”
Now, God made man to be the predominate over all the earth; he had dominion. And the earth was man’s dominion. Is that Scripture? Then if that’s his domain, he was god over the earth. He could speak, and it would be so. He could speak this, and it would be so. Oh. There He is, God, Jehovah, the One Who once existed in self-existence, but now exists with His family, and His little ones with Him… There you are.

« 101 † Now, read that. We’ll get into it Wednesday night, when we got more time. We just about fifteen more minutes and we’ll… I thought I’d get to a certain spot here, but I–we won’t, to where we’re sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. All right.

« 102 † Now, when was we called to be servants of God? When was Orman Neville called to be a servant of God? Oh, my. It staggers me. I’ll tell you; let’s get some Scriptures. I want you to get I Peter 1:20. And Pat, get Revelation 17:8. And I’ll get Revelations 13.
Now, we want to listen here. You want to know when God called you to be a Christian. Oh, I love this. This is… “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” All right, Brother Neville, you got I Peter 1:20? So read 1:19 and 1:20. Listen to this. Yes.
[Brother Neville reads I Peter 1:19-20:
But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you–Ed.]

« 103 † When was He foreordained? Before the foundation of the world. Brother Pat, read Revelations 17:8 for me. [Brother Pat reads Revelation 17:8:
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is–Ed.]
Who’s going to be deceived? Who’s going to be deceived by this religious person like Saul was? That was just so cunning and so perfect till it would deceive the what? Very E… [Congregation answers, “elect”–Ed.] if? if possible.
All right, Revelations 13:8, let me read it for you.
And all that dwell upon the earth shall… all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

« 105 † When was our names put in the Lamb’s Book of Life? When the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. When God was Jehovah, El, Elah, Elohim, the self-existence One. Just like one great big Diamond, and He could not be nothing else, but inside of this diamond His attributes was a Saviour. In this attributes on the inside of Him, was a Healer. Well, there was nothing to save and nothing to heal, but His attributes produced it. So then before the foundation of the world, when He knowed, that the great display in here of Him, that He would be a Saviour, that He would come and be made flesh and dwelled among us, and He knowed by His stripes we’d be healed, He slayed the Lamb on His Book before the foundation of the world, and wrote your name on that Book before the foundation of the world. Oh, my.

« 106 † Listen to this. Predestination looks back to foreknowledge–I mean election. Election looks back to foreknowledge, and predestination looks to destiny. Don’t forget that, that election looks back here, here it is, “I was a cocklebur. I was borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies, born amongst sinners. Father and mother and all my whole family, sinners. I was a cocklebur. But all of a sudden I become a wheat grain. How did it happen?” I–That, what is that? Election. God, before the foundation of the world, elected that the cocklebur was to become a grain of wheat. “Now, I know I’m a grain of wheat, because I’m saved. How do I do it?” Look back and see that He predestinated it, long time ago. By foreknowledge He seen that I would love Him, so He made a propitiation through His Own Son, that through Him I might become from a cocklebur to a grain of wheat. “Now, where am I at now?” I’m saved; I’m walking in the grace of God. “What does predestination look?” To destiny. “Where will He take me to, and where am I going?” That’s got you. There you are.

« 107 † Now, let’s read just a little farther, and then we’ll have to close pretty shortly.
According as he… chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy… without blame before him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption, predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
What did He do? He, by foreknowledge, foresaw us, knowing that He was a Saviour, self-existence. There was no Angels, no nothing; just God, Elah, Elohim, the self-existence One, nothing but Him alone. But in Him was a Saviour. Well, what’s He going to save? There’s nothing lost. Knowing that, that He knowed that this great attribute in Him would project something out yonder that He could save. Then when it did that, by foreknowledge He looked down and He saw everyone that would accept It. And then by doing so, He said, “To save that, the only way I can do it, will be come down Myself and be made flesh and take the sin of the man upon Him, and die for him, that I might be the One that’s worshipped,” because He is God, the object of worship.

« 109 † Then He came down and taken upon Himself. And while He did that, He did that that He might save you who wants to be saved. Do you see what I mean? By foreknowledge, the infinite God, Who knowed all things, saw the Lamb, and He slayed the Lamb before the foundation of the world, and He put your name on the Lamb’s Book of Life. And He seen the deceitfulness of Satan, what he would do. So He put your name on there. And He said that the antichrist would be so religious, so good, such a fine fellow, such a smart man, such a religious man, that he would deceive the very elected if it was possible. But it isn’t… impossible, because their names were foreordained before the foundation of the world. By election He chose them, and by predestination they knowed where they are going. There you are.

« 110 † Now, who could doubt that? That’s what Paul said. That’s Paul’s Scripture. That’s Paul’s writing. That’s what he taught his church. The church, positionally, before the foundation of the world, when God in His labor pain was bringing forth, bringing forth you, knowing what you would do, He positionally placed you into His Own Body, to be a housewife, to be a farmer, to be a preacher, to be a prophet, to be this, or to be that. He placed you positionally. Then when we have come from the garlic lands of Egypt, through sanctification and is baptized into the promised land… For the promise of God is the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 4:30, said, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.” Then God, having predestinated the church, He said, “And all the peoples, there will be millions times millions that’ll walk very religious and be deceived.” The only ones that will not be deceived will be those that have come over into the promised land, who before the foundation of the world had their names put on the Lamb’s Book of Life, and’s come over into the promised land, and enjoying it.

« 111 † Many people are afraid you’re going to act funny. Many people are afraid the Holy Ghost will make you do something you–you’ll be ashamed of people. Many people are afraid they’ll cry, and their sweetheart will see them crying, or mama, or your neighbor, or your boss will see you.
Let me tell you about a man one time, before closing. There was a man named David, and when the ark of God had been down in the Philistine land, and it come across, pulled by an ark, an old ox was a-pulling them, when David saw that ark coming, he had a little gown on him, he run out there, he kicked his feet in the air, and he’d jumped around, and screamed and jumped, and danced and jumped and danced, and him, the king of Israel. And his wife looked out of the window and saw him acting so strange, she despised him. Why, she must have said, “The idiot, look at him out there, the way he’s acting, throwing his feet up in the air, and jumping around and acting like that, why, he must be crazy.” And that night when he’s come in, she said, in words like this, “Why, you’ve embarrassed me. Why, you the king, my husband, out there doing like that, acting like that.”
David said, “Tomorrow I will do better than that. Yes, sir.” He said, “Don’t you know I was dancing unto the Lord?” He crossed over. He was in the land of the promise. He had lost all self-styles and muck of the world. He was so happy to know that the ark was coming into his own city.

« 114 † And, oh, I tell you, some people’s afraid to receive the Holy Ghost, afraid that they might speak with tongues. They’re afraid that somebody would say, “Now, he’s one of them tongues guys.” They’re afraid to come to the church to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, because they’re ashamed of It. Uh. Oh.
Somebody said I will have to recall my tapes, because I had preached of being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. I ain’t recalling them. I’m making more. That’s right. That’s… Making more… That is the Bible. If they don’t like what we did yesterday, just watch what we’re going to do tomorrow. That’s the thing to do (See?), just keep on going. There’s no end to it, because it is of the Lord. It’s God.

« 116 † You know what God did? God looked down out of the heaven; He said, “David, you’re a man after My Own heart.” David wasn’t ashamed. He was a servant of the Lord. He loved the Lord. And he was so happy, so overjoyed, till he didn’t think about human prestige.
You see, as I said in my sermon this morning, we are so much afraid, that we want a Saul to teach us. We want a Saul from some seminary to tell us how we must do our religion and how we must do it. That is on the other side of the–the Jordan. This side, the Holy Spirit leads. Over here you’re out of that muck. Over here you don’t care what they think. Over here you’re dead, and your life is hid in Christ through the–and sealed by the Holy Ghost. You don’t care. You’re living in Canaan. You can stand good corn. You’re a new creature in Christ Jesus. You’re bound for the promised land.

« 118 † I remember standing yonder, Brother Collins, some thirty years ago, when this church wasn’t built yet, was a little tent meeting setting here on the corner, my first meeting. I was preaching this same Gospel, same thing, the unsearchable riches of Christ, water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, believing every Word to be the truth, baptism of the Holy Ghost, Divine healing, the powers of God, just like I preach It now, never varied one inch from any of It. God’s revealed more of It to me, so as He reveals It, I just keep bringing It on. He never takes away from what has been; He just keeps adding more on to It.

« 119 † I stood down there when about five hundred people stood on the banks singing,
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,
And cast a wishful eye,
To Canaan’s fair and happy land,
Where my possessions lie.
When shall I reach that healthful shore
And be forever blest,
When shall I reach and be in my Father’s…
And forever rest…
When they begin to sing that, I was taking a boy out into the river to baptize him out there into the Name of the Lord Jesus. I said, “Heavenly Father, as I bring this boy to You upon his confession…” Just a boy, myself, got the pictures of it at home. I said, “When I baptize him with water, Lord, upon his confession, in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, You fill him with the Holy Ghost.” And about that time Something let out a whirl, and here It come whirling down, the Bright and Morning Star stood there. There stood that Light that you see right there on the picture. There It stood.

« 120 † It went around the world, way up in Canada and around. They said, “A mystic Light appears over a local Baptist minister while he’s baptizing.”
A few days ago when Doctor Lamsa come to me, and never knowed nothing about that, and brought me a picture, which brother’s got it there with him now… Have you got that picture? Have you got the Bible with you, laying there; it was in your book? All right. There was a picture of the old ancient Hebrew sign of God, just exactly that that existed in the days of Job, before the Bible was ever wrote. God in His three attributes, not three gods; one God in three attributes, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three offices that God worked into. Not three gods, three attributes. And there It was.

« 122 † When that great man, Doctor Lamsa, the translation of the Lamsa Bible, when he said that morning when I told him that, I said–I said, “What’s that sign?”
He said, “That’s God’s ancient sign in the Hebrew: God, one God in three attributes.”
I said, “Such as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?”
He stopped, and he set his cup of coffee down; he looked at me. Gene, believe you was there, Leo. Said, “You believe that?”
I said, “With all my heart.”
He said, “Last night, standing in your meeting, Brother Branham, I seen that discernment. I’ve never seen it before in America, or in my land.” He said, “These American people don’t even know the Bible. Only thing they know is their denomination. They don’t even know where they’re standing.” Said, “They don’t know nothing.” He said, “But when I stood there last night,” I said–I said… Now, Brother Gene, I just say this with reverence and love and such; He said, “I said, ‘That must be a prophet.’ But when I see that you believe that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost was no three gods, it was attributes, then I know that you are a prophet of God, or it wouldn’t be revealed to you like that.” He said, “That’s a perfect sign.” Said, “I’ve never…” Said, “You’re not Oneness?”

« 125 † I said, “No, sir. I am not the Oneness. I believe in God being the Almighty God, and the three attributes are only three offices that the one God lived in.”
He said, “Bless your heart.” He said, “Someday you’ll pour your blood upon the earth for that,” but said, “prophets always die for their cause.”
And I said, “So let it be, if it pleases my Lord.” The translation of the Lamsa Bible…

« 128 † Oh, it is so true. How many times did I say to this church, as Samuel said before they chose Saul, “Before you go out and join some denomination now, and get yourself all tied up in some kind of a religion, why don’t you let the Holy Spirit lead you?” Why don’t you take God for your Leader. Let Him bless you, and forget about your denomination. Now, I’m not saying don’t belong to any denomination of church; you belong to any one you want to. That’s up to you. But I’m telling you, as an individual, you let the Holy Spirit lead you. You read the Bible. And what the Bible says do, you do it. God bless you.

« 129 † And now, I’ve waited a long time. I wonder if there’s any here that wanted to come through the prayer line to be prayed for. If they are, would they raise their hands? Just one, two, three. All right. You all come right up here and stand here then if you wish to, at this time, and–and we’ll have prayer. And then we’re… I don’t want you to leave yet. I want to officially do something else here just before we–we close.

« 130 † How many likes the study of the Book of Galatians? Oh, I mean Ephesians? Now, Wednesday night we’re going to go into the Seal. And then on next Sunday morning we’re going into the positionally placing the church. Oh, if… We’ll probably get in on that on this coming Wednesday night, to you people here in Jeff: Positionally placing the church where they belong, each one, how we’re called by the adoption. God has adopted us unto the sons; we are sons by birth, adopted and positionally placed by the Holy Spirit. Look. They were every one Hebrews, when they crossed the river, but Joshua divided the land and give each one his land according to the utterance of his mother at the birth, where the Holy Spirit told her.

« 131 † And look at Jacob when he was dying, a prophet, blinded, pulled his feet up into the bed, said, “Come forth ye sons of Jacob and I’ll tell you where you’ll be at the last day.” Oh, oh, I know I may seem strange. The people may seem strange. But, oh, if you only knew the–the assurance, the–the burning in the heart. “Come forth and I’ll tell you where you’ll be in the last days.” And I can take that same Scripture, and take the map of where the Jews are setting today and prove to you they’re exactly on the same spot that Jacob said they’d be in the last day. And they never did; they haven’t been on that spot until they returned since May the seventh, 1946, the night the Angel of the Lord appeared to me up there and said for this mission. And I can show you that when they come back into the new land, they struck exactly the spot where Jacob said they would be setting. And there they are setting there today. Oh, oh, my, oh, my. We’re one day nearer home, is all.

« 132 † You dear people, you’re sick, or you wouldn’t be standing there just to be standing. I’m your brother. I have a commission from God to pray for the sick. Not as my–as I have power to heal, I do not. But I have power of prayer. As I said this morning, David didn’t have nothing but a little slingshot, but he said, “I know what it’ll do with the power of God on it.” See? I only have a little prayer to offer for you, and my hands to lay on you, but I know what faith in God will do. It’s done for others; it’ll do for you. You believe that now as you step right up… just a little closer to the place.

« 133 † Now, I wanted to make this so efficient, if I wouldn’t ask my brother to come here and anoint them with oil. Will you do that, Brother Neville? I’ll ask the church if you’ll bow in prayer.
Now, remember, last week when I was so sick with that old castor oil, I would just have give anything if somebody would’ve come by and laid hands on me. If I could’ve had somebody come by, that God had blessed and helped, I would so appreciate it. You all feel to now like I did then. You feel now you want me to do just like I wanted somebody to do for me then. God forbid I ever shirk the job. Let me always, whether I’m tired, where I’m weary, where I can hardly move one foot from the other, let me go, because I’m going to meet every one of you again over in that land over there.

« 135 † Then you old women, older men, broken down, hair gray and falling away, and falling to pieces like a rose that’s opened up its little bud, shed off its petals and dropping away, you’re just coming to pieces, aren’t you? That’s right. Just… And the only thing you want to stay together for is to shine for the glory of God. So when the enemy has grabbed you now and run out, I’m coming with the slingshot of God, with a faith, with a gift that God give me. Here’s what I said, so that you’ll understand it. I said, “If Peter would just come in, or some of them…” Don’t say that. You don’t have to pray for me. Just come in like this, and say, like to this woman, say, “Are you Sister So-and-so?” What’s your name? Sister Howard. Say, “You’re Sister Howard. You’re a believer, Sister Howard? You believe, you are a believer? Then, you see, you have rights to all the redemptive blessings.” Then I’d say, “Sister Howard, everything will be all right, and walk away.” Oh, how… I said, “I would scream; I’d shout.” I’d say, “Lord, it’s just got to be. It’s just got to be.”
And I thought, “Well, people think that same thing when I come pray for them.” So that’s what. You see what I mean?

« 137 † And I’ve stood, a lot of times, and took people, and say, “Oh, precious sister, will you believe it? Oh, will you believe it?” “Lord, O God, make them believe It. Have them to believe It.” “Oh, please, will you accept it now?” That’s not it. I passed from that…?… I passed away from that. I just say this, “Sister Howard, you a believer?”
“Yes, I am.”
“All right, Sister Howard, if you’re a believer, you’re a heir to everything that God has.” And just take her hand. See, I believe that. I contact Sister Howard by laying my hands upon her. Jesus never said, “Pray for them,” He said, “Just lay their hands on them.” That’s it, then she gets healed. She can say, “Everything will be all right,” Sister Howard. Then go home and be well. God bless you.

« 139 † You’re sister? Sister Hamdon, you are a believer, aren’t you? You’re an heir to everything that He has. God be with you, Sister Hamdon. You go home and be well now; Jesus Christ will heal you. Amen.
You’re sister? Slaugh. Brother Jack… You’re the woman we prayed for out at the hospital the other day. You’re a believer then, Sister Slaugh, a heir to all that we have. Sister Slaugh, may you receive what you’ve asked for and be well. God will grant it to you.
Brother Gene, you believe that God will heal you? And may the Lord God give to you, Gene, exactly what you ask for…?…
I know you now. All right. You are evangelist, sister. I know you. This is your husband there. He’s the one I prayed for over the phone that day. I’ll always remember that. Couldn’t go to the meeting in Tulsa. Come to the meeting, and the Lord healed him, and send him on to the meeting. In proxy you stand for someone else, what a Christian thing it is, sister. See, He was in proxy also that He stood for all of us. You’re a believer and have a right to everything that God promised. I’m His servant. And by the Name of Jesus Christ I give you what you ask for…?…

« 140 † Come, Brother Neil. God bless you. Been awfully good to you. You’re a believer; I know you are. I believe that God will give you everything you ask for, for you are a believer. And as His servant, to you, my brother, in the Name of Jesus Christ I give you the desire of your heart. Go now and receive it. God bless you.
Sister Bruce, I know you. The little nurse was at back me and you. She used to be down yonder the Motel J, J, Twin J, or something like that. You been standing for others. And what’s your desire when asking Father? For yourself tonight… Then the enemy has jerked you beyond the doctor’s reach; but I’m coming after you with a slingshot. And in the Name of Jesus Christ I direct the slingshot at the arrows–the rock that’s got into the kidneys and blocked condition, and bring you back to…?… (See?) now, and bless you, through Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.

« 141 † Are you the father of this man, sir. You a believer? That hurting in your side, low and on the left side… Do you believe that God will give it to you, sir? And it’s His servant. Lord, this hand perhaps has done a many hard day’s work, come here for a purpose, something to do. Give the desire of his heart, Father, as I pray in Jesus Name that You will. Amen.
Don’t doubt; that hurting will stop you from hurting down there, and you’ll be all right. God bless you, brother…?…
You are a believer, aren’t you? You’re a believer, and you’re a–you’re a heir to all these blessings. Thank you. Father, I bring this my sister into a line of…?… in the center of the target, and I bring her back to you from the enemy’s clutch, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. That’s just the way it will be.
You don’t want a operation. O Lord, as this young woman stands here, yet in the bloom of youth, I pray for her, and a lung that would have to be taken out, and she’d stoop the rest of her life. You’re our Father, and I aiming the fire of prayer right at her, Lord, right straight to that lung. I send this prayer in Name of Jesus Christ; may it be like that…?… in the Name of Jesus Christ…?… Amen.

« 141a † You’re sister…? Sister Dird…?… head is drawn from me. You are a believer and an heir to all God’s blessings, Sister Dird. Lord, I bring her to You with this little sling that You give me. As You give David a sling to watch his father’s sheep, and if the enemy come in after the sheep, he wasn’t afraid; he grabbed up that little sling and went right after lions and–and bears, and he brought the sheep back. This is a prayer of faith. You told me if I’d get the people to believe and be sincere… I bring Sister Dird back tonight. I snatch her from the hands of the enemy. She’s Your sheep. I bring her back to the Father’s fold, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sister Lowe, high blood pressure… And you’re a believer, are you, Sister Lowe, a heir to all the blessings? Then, Father God, I aim this prayer tonight as from the sling of God for Sister Lowe’s high blood pressures. May the next time the physicians takes the blood pressure, may he look at her and say, “It’s normal now.” She’ll know what did it. In the Name of Jesus Christ I give it to her. Amen.

« 142 † Yes… I wished I had my daddy here tonight that I could offer prayer for him right now. I will for yours too. I understand.
Heavenly Father, the man that sired this boy, that he’s here on earth tonight because of him. And his own son desires that his father will be brought back, way out yonder in the world of sin, alcoholic. O Lord, I’m sending this prayer with faith and strength, and with all that I can throw it, this–this little pebble in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I sling it at that devil that’s put that…?… on there…?… and may he come safely to the fold in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Amen.
You have a desire too? You want to come into the land where all the promises is. Now, Lord, this boy is just across the river, camped on the other side and Jordan is swelling. And there’s no way for him to cross except You make a way like You did for Joshua and for Israel. And, Father, I am asking You as Your servant; let our precious brother, O God, let him enter into this promised land, this promise that on the other side as I was carried the other night… May I have the privilege of grabbing and throwing my arms around him in that other land, saying, “My precious brothers.” Grant it, Lord. May he receive the promise of God, the Holy Ghost. Amen.

« 143 † O Lord, this is my gracious brother. This hand has been kind to me, has been standing for me at untold hours. He believes and has faith. And now, an enemy tries to grab, this my friend. Sugar… And he thinks that it–he can grab this boy; but I come after him. I’m coming to bring back Your own, Lord, slinging this rock with a zerod faith in the Name of Jesus Christ I fight that sugar diabetes he’s…?…, bring back Your own sheep to the fold, Father, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
A gland… O Lord, our sister knows that this overweight is, so the doctor says, is a thing that kills. Each pound overweight takes a year off, according to the insurance chart. And she wants to live to the honor and praise of God. And there’s no doctor can do this, Father God; it’s just in–in Your hand. And Sister Bell’s been very faithful, and she’s been kind and considerate…?… She’s went through many deep trials; I come for her tonight, Lord. I come to meet that enemy yonder. And I aim with all the accuracy that I can aim with; in the Name of Jesus Christ I hurl that stone of faith at this enemy that’s got her. May it scatter him, and run him away from her, and she be able to be restored back to shady green pastures and to still waters, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
It shall be, Sister Bell. Just don’t doubt.

« 144 † Sister Spencer? [A sister testifies–Ed.]…?… I certainly do sister…?… God bless you. Amen…?… loved one’s saved…?… Yes, sir, I know all about it. We all claim it, Sister Spencer, and know that how her and Brother Jesse are going through the…?… whether to come down to the church here. When I cross over the other side, they won’t be toddling along like this; they’ll be young, oh, Brother Jesse…?… all of that. You all know how just–just across the little…?… yonder, you go back to that lovely young girl again, and Brother Jesse to the young boy. God promised you.
Now, look. I want to give you just a little teeny bit of teaching, being that you’re the last one here. I want get… ‘Cause I know this is your little boy, Charlie. You want it to be prayed for…?…

« 145 † I want to say this one thing. Did you ever read in the Scripture where the Bible said this? Paul told the Roman Centurion (Can you hear me all right?), told the Roman when he pulled his sword to kill hisself up at Philippi when he was in jail. And a–the earthquake shook the jail down. He said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy and thy house shall be saved.” Did you ever hear that? “Thy and thy house…”
Now, look. If you had faith enough for salvation for yourself, can’t you also have faith enough for your child? God will some way…?… And Lord, I pray for Sister Spencer and Brother Spencer tonight, that every child–them and their children will all be in that glorious happy land there where there’ll be no sickness or no old age, no sorrow or disappointment, and all this little life here will fade into a nightmare that’s passed by. May they receive this, and may all of her children, and her husband, all of her loved ones, and all that love her, and all that she loves, may they be there with her, in Jesus’ Name. God bless you, sister. Eighty-two years old. You’re getting down…?… Just like the world is falling apart, Sister Spencer.

« 146 † Well, you’re just ready to go to rest, you see…?… all the time…?… just–just keep your faith right in Him…?… you’ll cross over…?… And just as sure as I stand here at this…?… tonight, Sister Spencer, by His grace I’ll see you and Jesse across the border yonder, young and free. You’ll all be running, hollering, “My brother, my brother.” I’ll see you.
It’s her nerves. Father God, this girl would have a breakdown, and she’s got to reach…?… as only…?… what hinders. But I come for her tonight. I come to You, Father. I come asking You to direct the shot that I shall fire. May it be exactly zeroed, the crosshairs right on his…?… May this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ strike that nervousness and tear it to pieces, bring back this sheep of God’s pasture. Amen. It just has to be now, honey…?…
God of heaven, grant that her six children that she desires to be saved… She’s heard that testimony of Brother Daulton, his lovely daughters. She desires her six children, Father. May she have them. May they meet her in that land where there is no night, safely protected and sheltered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. May you have it, sister, is my prayer.

« 147 † I believe… There’s nothing hardly can help it: they give them a little stuff that looked like a–oh, something like an acetomin; it’s a… Cortisone, they call it, and that–that kills you though, tear’s your blood up so…?… But the… See that the arthritis is like the lion who grabs the sheep and runs way away. Now, what will a slingshot do? Oooh, my, there’s a big roaring lion with a lamb. And he loves the lamb, so he’s run off with the lamb; but David took the slingshot and went after him. See, now watch. He had five rocks: f-a-i-t-h, himself, i-n. His sling was in this hand: J-e-s-u-s. He’s a dead shot. Something has to happen; let’s go after that arthritis tonight by this prayer, may God give it to you.
She wants to be baptized in the Name… You want her to be baptized…?… Thank you, sister. Not because that that’s the way…?… It isn’t because… Now, if that was in the Bible for Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I–I’d believe in that and stay right with it you see. I–I wouldn’t want to be any different. I–I–I’d want that…?… I wouldn’t want… I–I’m going to be responsible for that. You see? And I’ve got to say it just the way that that say it, not to be different, but to be honest.

« 148 † Now, Father, we come for her loved ones. She’s got arthritis and here she wants her to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus, for that is the entrance; that’s the open gate. That’s where Joshua opened up one path that crossed over into the promised land. There was no two or three places opened up; there was just one.
Peter, on the day of Pentecost, when the was church first inaugurated, opened up a path, said, “Repent every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.” Never did they vary from that same path; each one crossed into the promised land. Some of them were trying to get across way down at another ford, and Paul said to him, “Unto what was you baptized? Where are you trying to cross at?”
And they said, “Down here where John looked.”
He said, “Well, John only pointed to the time and the place.” And then when they heard this, they were baptized at the right ford, and they went across into…?… Spirit life.
Grant it to our sister and her loved ones, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

« 149 † Brother Lyle… Oh… Yes…?… That and vision He give…?… It’s over now though. God bless you. You’re on the road to the promised land now, brother…?…
How many here remembers of just before this ministry was confirmed to me and me being fishing with a man one day, down to a river, a lake? And I was catching little fishes, and the Holy Spirit came upon me. There was a… This man is a Jehovah Witness, was. His brother’s here somewhere, Banks Wood. He’s in here somewhere, which is my neighbor. This is Lyle. And these people were Jehovah Witness. And they said one day when we was fishing down there after this boy got converted, I told him that it was something in his life, and all what taken place, and all about it, which he’s just now told me, and he’s just now got it out of his life. That’s right. Praise the Lord. It’s exactly right. His father was the one that was a–a reader. Is…?… in the building? And he and his wife both was baptized to bear witnesses in the Name of Jesus Christ here in the pool. And this man was setting by him, my brethren.

« 150 † Banks, where are you? Is he inside? Back in the corner. Yes. And we were fishing. And brother, my little boy had killed… I thought he’d killed a kitten a few days before that. A little old mother cat had a bunch of little kittens and he’d picked it up and dropped it. And I thought… And I said, “The Lord is going to raise a little life as–up, the day before. Is that right, Lyle? Standing out there in the cold. And I said, “That’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.”
And we fished all night and caught nothing. The next morning, we were fishing back in a little cove for some bluegill; that’s small fish. And Brother Lyle had a big a pole, and he let a little bluegill swallow the big hook he had, till when he pulled it out, the little strand was all the way down, the big hook in the little bluegill’s belly. And when he pulled it out, he just had to pull the entrails and everything else out of the little bluegill to get it and just pulled it all out, ’cause the big hook had got caught down in the fish’s belly. And when he did, he threw it down on the water, and he just quivered four or five times, and that was it; because his entrails and gills was hanging out of his mouth. And he floated around there for about a half hour, floated back up into the bushes.

« 151 † And I was setting there fishing, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit come, said, “Speak to that fish.”
I said, “Little fishy, Jesus Christ gives you your life again,” and that little fish, laying dead on the water, turned over on his side and went rrrrrrttt, out into the water as fast as it could go.
Brother Lyle, Brother Wood is setting present. Brother Lyle said, “Brother Branham, that was for me because I said to the little…?… said, “I–I ain’t…?…” He said, when he pulled the entrails out of him and throwed him out there, said, “You shot your last wad, little fellow,” just like that. Throwed it out, he said, “It–it meant me.”
And I said, “No, Brother Lyle, that wasn’t it.”
Brother Banks back there said, “How many people in this world, how many thousands, would love to be standing where we’re standing right now to see the power of God come down and perform of something like that?” In other words, he’s like… I believe we all felt like Peter did, “It’s good to be here. Let’s build three tabernacles.” That’s right.

« 152 † Now, Brother Lyle, you’re anointed of the Holy Spirit now. You’ve left Egypt; the garlic pots and the filth of the world is left behind. You’re standing down on the Jordan bank now, just across yonder. May God take you over.
Almighty God, here’s Your trophy. He sure would’ve been in awful fix, Lord, but my heart went for him. Our prayers just struck the very chilling blow yonder, for the very thing that held him is gone from him. It’s been smashed, and now he’s walking down into the Jordan. Take him to the promised land, Lord, and seal him among the people, that on that glorious day when we shall meet yonder, may I feel the warmth of his arms screaming, “My precious brother.” And I know…?… Bring Banks along with him, Lord, will You? Papa, mama, and all of them, sister, and all that great family. May we all meet yonder, Lord, and every one of them be filled with the Holy Ghost. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
You will receive It, brother. God bless you, brother. Yes, Brother…?…

« 153 † There’s someone dying on a long distance call; I’ll turn the service to Brother Neville while…?…
[Brother Neville speaks and leads the congregation in dismissal prayer. Brother Branham returns and speaks–Ed.]
A young preacher dropped dead in the pulpit…?… So we sent the rock of faith…?… Grant tonight…?… he was a wonderful man, for I send prayer after him, in the Name of Jesus Christ…?… is the hour that his pulse…?… went from him…?… his pulse…?… eyes set in his head…?… dropped in the pulpit…?…
This is still open? Can I have your attention?…?… a young evangelist, a preacher up here in Indiana was preaching, dropped dead in the pulpit just about a hour ago, while he was preaching fell forward, and died in the pulpit, a noted evangelist, a preaching up here at Indiana. The pastor just come and has was called me. He died right while preaching under the anointing of the Spirit, fell forward, his eyes set, his respiration left him. He’s pronounced dead, been laying dead for an hour. And something told them to call the church and have me to pray. So I sent prayer to bring him back in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
May you join with me by faith, that it won’t miss the target, but…?… and bring him back. Thank you. God be with [–Ed.] you till I see you Wednesday night. And you people from Georgia and around, bye-bye. God be with you. Brother pastor…
[Brother Branham speaks and prays for others–Ed.]… and I offer this…?… in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen…?… [The words are not very intelligible–Ed.] Is this all of you together?…?… [Brother Branham greets the people–Ed.] Thanks for the card. Happy to meet you all could be here…?… So nice to see you…?… Oh, is that right? [The words are not very intelligible–Ed.]…?… So nice to see you. How do you do? How are you brother? Yes, I… What say? That’s fine. Wonderful. Now, they got a special place…?… Was you here this morning?…?… Good. I’m so glad. That’s really good sister…?… God bless you and your husband and little children. Good bye honey. God bless you honey. Thank you sir, thank you. I’m so glad you were here. Enjoyed being with you and worshipping with you too…?…

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

16-0210 Will The Church Go Before The Tribulation?

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« E-1 † Let us bow our heads just a moment now, for a word of prayer.
Most holy and righteous God, we want to thank Thee for Thy loving kindness, for it is better to us than life. And we pray that You will meet with us tonight in a very special way and give us of Thy blessings. May we see the great outstretched hand of our loving Saviour, to minister to the sick and to the afflicted, and to give a welcome hand to those who are weary in the road of sin tonight, to invite them to the Father’s house where they are expected to be.
We would ask You to remember those who’ve strayed from the straight and narrow way that they too might come back to the fellowship of the Father again. And we pray tonight, Lord, that You will open the ears of the people to hear the Gospel and that You will circumcise the lips of the speaker. And let us just be used for Thy glory. And at the end of this service, when we go to our different places, may that we say like those who came from Emmaus, “Did not our hearts burn within us, as He talked to us along the way,” for we ask it in the Name of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

« E-2 † I wish to read some out of the Scriptures tonight, the 17th chapter of Saint Luke, and beginning with the–the 26th verse.
And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered in the ark, and the floods came, and destroyed them all.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drink, they bought, they sold, they planted, they build;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom… fire and brimstone rained from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
And for a text, I wish to take from Genesis, the 19th chapter and the–the 22nd verse.
Hasten thee, and come hither; for I can do nothing till thou hast come thither…

« E-3 † This morning I was speaking of the oncoming judgments. And tonight I wish to continue. We can feel the hot winds of the nearing judgment of the Almighty God. As we begin to feel these things, it behooves us to kindly watch where we’re living in the hour that we’re passing through.
And some time ago, it was my privilege to visit India. And just before I come to India, they had the great earthquake. And I was reading in the newspapers in India, that how that about two days before the earthquake come, they seemed to know that something was wrong. All the little birds that live in the crevasses in the big buildings and lived along the great stone walls… Much of India has stone walls. And all the little birds that had their nest in those crevasses, left the walls. And all of the cattle that usually stood around the big buildings in the afternoon in the shade and around the great stone walls, for about two days before the earthquake, all these animals and little birds went out in the middle of the field to stand.
You see, there was something about it that God was taking care of His little birds and His animals.

« E-4 † You know the same God that directed them in the ark in the early days when they was destroyed by water at the preaching of Noah, that same God still lives and reigns today, and He has His control of His beings.
And I was thinking, if God was so mindful of His little birds, and His cattle, and sheep, to take them away from destruction before it struck, how much more mindful of His children, who has been borned of His Spirit and washed in His Blood. He is mindful for them. And as He warned the little birds to go from their dwelling places, I truly believe that He’s warning His people today. As we see the great signs of His coming at hand, I believe that God is warning His people to come together. And a great calling out in this last day…

« E-5 † My subject tonight is, “Will The Church Go Before The–The Tribulation?” Now, it’s later than you think. It’s so late, until I believe it’s almost too late in America. We’re just at the end of the road.
And this morning, while I was preaching on Babylon and its conditions, I thought it would be very good tonight, to bring in some of the Bible to show how close we were to the coming of the Lord. And we can see we–with our natural eye, that something is fixing to take place. There is such a–a disturbance among the people; it’s just hard to try to have a revival. The churches are so different and at each other’s throats because of denominational barriers. And the Christians are so nervous, seems like, and upset. But you know, it’s strange, but our Lord said when these things begin to take place, to look up, that our redemption was drawing nigh.
And as we see His great mercy, as it’s being projected to us, seeing His hands of great signs and wonders, which our eyes will be opened in a few minutes to watch. And then it gives us this most solemn consolation to know, that the God of the Bible still lives today. And He loves His children. And He’s giving them warning. And those who are spiritual minded, come out.

« E-6 † And we notice in the days that Jesus was speaking of, He said, “As it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot…” Now, at each junction of time, God has always gave a call of mercy before a call of judgment.
Now, if you’re historians… And I have been studying history this week and last two or three weeks, the Ante-Nicene Fathers of the ancient history of the church just before the Nicene Council, and them was forming the Catholic church in the fifteen hundred years of dark ages… And I see that in that Nicene writings of the Pre-Nicene Council, that they were having just the same as we are today. Oh, how it does repeat itself. And to see the condition of the church, and the condition of the people, and the signs of the times, they’re wrote everywhere.

« E-7 † Now, before God ever does anything, at each junction of time, He always sends mercy, a angel, a prophet, a message. And as every time yet, it’s all been spurned. The church don’t want to receive it.
Noah… He spoke of Noah here. And he preached a hundred and twenty years. And though his message was mercy, the people failed to heed his teaching. It was something that was to save them, and yet, they would not listen. And if that isn’t a very beautiful picture of the times of today.
Now, you might say to me, “Brother Branham, how can you say, ‘beautiful,’ and painting the picture to us that you are painting?” It’s beautiful, because the Lord Jesus is coming soon for His church, and it’s the most beautiful thought that any creature of God’s could ever think of, to get out of this chaos and get into His blessed glory, where the old will be young and the sick will be healed forever; there’ll be no more sorrows or heartaches. If that ain’t the most beautiful thing I can think of… And how blessed it is for those who wait for that gathering time.

« E-8 † Now, we find out, as Jesus referred back in the days of Noah… Let’s just go back, because He said, “Take an example of that day…”
Now, when Cain and Abel… When Cain had slew Abel, and then Seth took his place, we find that Satan was trying to destroy that Seed that should come, that God had promised “that the Seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent’s seed.” And Satan was trying to destroy that royal Seed. And he thought he did it when he destroyed Abel. But God raised Seth up in his place: a very beautiful picture of the death and resurrection of Christ in the royal Seed coming.

« E-9 † Then it’s remarkable to notice, that how on the side of Cain they become very religious. And they were church going people. And so was Cain a church going person. He worshipped the Lord. He built an altar. He belonged to church. He paid his debts. He was in every respect, as a man could look at him, of being a real believer.
But there’s only three classes of people. That’s believers, unbelievers, and make-believers. And the world’s still full of them tonight.
And Cain was just making believe. And out of his lineage come a great group of church going people, very religious. Now, this is most unusual, but did you notice that out of his side come the cultured, educated race? The Bible plainly states it. He said they were building and they were doing great things. Science came out of the lineage of Cain. And the great scientific, and the doctors, and the great men come out of the lineage of Cain, where the other side was a–a poor, peasant type of people, but they were people who believed their God to be real. Oh, God, number me with them!

« E-10 † And just before the end time come, there was a great confusion. And the great church side, looked like, had won out, just as it is today. For the science…
And another great thing, he said they were building. There has never been a time in history that building has been so great as it is now. It’s one of the signs of the end time. Never have we had a time of building.
And now, even in our little city here, I can’t find enough room to go rabbit hunting any more. It’s all housing projects. Just building and planting… And if we’d open our eyes, it’s one of God’s signposts, that the end is at hand.

« E-11 † And we were preaching this morning on the sputniks, and the missiles, how they can stand in Moscow and direct a missile to the middle of Fourth Street in Louisville and never leave Moscow. And it’ll blow a hole in the ground a hundred and seventy-five feet deep, for a hundred and fifty miles around it. That’s how big the hole would be. Three of them would destroy the entire world, shake it from it’s orbit. Science, you see what side it’s on? It’s on the wicked side.
God expects His children to trust Him for everything that they have. But we want to trust the hand of man. I’d rather have my hopes built in Christ, taking my solemn stand upon His grace and mercy, than any educated group of people who would form an organization, say, “This is the way.”
Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. And no man cometh to the Father except he comes by Me.”

« E-12 † Therefore, you can see it’s a great day of education. It’s a great day of world strife. And right in the midst of that, they must have had a greater scientific world than we have now. They built the pyramids. We haven’t got one thing that would build the pyramid. If you’re ever near it… I’ve been at it, in Egypt, and the ones in Mexico, and way, city-blocks high, would be boulders that would weigh up to hundreds of tons, built up there in the top of that great mammoth building. And it’s so perfectly hewed out, until there’s not even room for a razor blade. It was so masterly cut out. Oh, what a day of science. And also, it sets so perfect in the center of the earth, that no matter where the sun is, there’s never a shadow around it. I doubt whether we could equal it today in our modern science.
But Jesus said, “As it was in that day… so will it be in the coming of the Son of God.”

« E-13 † Now, and Noah preached a hundred and twenty years. And notice, he was laughed at. Now, Jesus also said that as it was in the days of Lot, that it would be… In the days of Lot they were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting, building, selling, buying.
Oh, there never was a day that’s so much commercial as today. Just used car lots and everything, so much till you can buy a refrigerator this year and pay about four or five hundred dollars for it, and next year nobody wants it. It’s out of style. Don’t you see where the commercial world has your nose to the grind wheel.
You can buy a car this year, and next year it’s probably as good as the one you could buy then, but it’ll depreciate a thousand dollars, because they change the radiator cap, or they done some little silly something to it. It’s only a sales talk to fulfill the Bible. “As it was in the days of Noah… and in the days of Lot…”

« E-14 † Although each time, angels appeared, prophets rose, and their message has always been grace, mercy, and deliverance. God’s message has always been deliverance, just before the end time. Check it through the Scriptures, how Noah preached deliverance, and they laughed at him, and made fun of him, and were scoffed at. And as it was in them days, so is it today. And when you go forth with a message that Christ has raised from the dead, as He promised He would show Hisself forth, and they do today to that message, just like they did to the message in the other day…
Lot went out into Sodom and tried his best to get his kindred to listen to the Angel’s message, but they mocked at him, and said that he was making fun. Oh, what a picture of this day. When you bring to them the message of God’s deliverance, they say, “You’re making fun of religion. You’re trying to impersonate something.” Same type of a group. What a hour we’re living in. Why, they think that they’re the only ones that’s going to be saved. They think they’re the only ones that’s preaching the Gospel. Jesus said, “These signs shall follow them that believe.” It isn’t my word; it’s His Word.

« E-15 † And notice, I want you to notice quickly, the type of message it was. Oh, this just thrills my heart. When I think of Sodom and Gomorrah had got so polluted, morally, until perverts was everywhere. But just before the final great destruction, God sent a prophet down there. And I’m thinking of also, He sent an Angel down there. And I want you to notice the Angel’s message.
Abraham, who had took his way with the Lord’s despised few, he set out in the–the desert where the grounds were poor. And Lot went down and become the mayor of the city. And he was a great man among sin. I’d rather not be so popular and be right with God. But Lot was very popular. And he set in the streets in the city gate. He was a judge of what could come in and what could not come in. And there he was, giving his life into fornications, and knowing that in his city such things went on.

« E-16 † If that isn’t a picture of today and our nation: uncensored programs, all kinds of folly, meanness, deviceties. Oh, they could break it up if they wanted to, but they don’t want to. And they can’t do it, because God said it would be this way. If they could only open their eyes and could understand…
And notice, just before the great crucial hour come, Abraham and Sarah, who set out under the oak tree… One day while they were out there, Sarah saw some Men coming and she took off towards the tent.
What a difference to the women of this day and how different it would been down in Sodom. Come time for the men to come home, they all get on their little short clothes, and go out, and get the lawn mow. What a difference.

« E-17 † But Sarah went to the tent. And when she did, these Men came up and Abraham looked at Them. They seemed to be rather strange looking Men. And One of Them seemed to be the Spokesman. And when He set down and begin to talk with Abraham, Abraham said, “Be seated here, and I’ll go fetch a little water, and I’ll wash Your feet. And I’ll knead a little bread, and we’ll get ready, and You can eat a morsel of meat. And then You can go on.”
And when he run out into the herd and found a fatted calf and killed it, told Sarah to knead a little bread and to make some cakes, and he talked to the Man. I believe that somehow or other Abraham knew Who that was. And the Man that was the Speaker, had His back turned to the tent. He was the Messenger of that day. And He said, “Abraham, I’m going to visit you, according to the promise. Twenty-five years before I made you a promise, and I’m going to stay with it.” Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

« E-18 † God made a promise, in the last days He’d pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and He will stay with it. Jesus made a promise and said, “The things that I do, shall you do also” and He will stay with it, for He’s just.
And Abraham looked at Him. And He said, “Just about this time next month, according to life, that was with Sarah, I’m going to visit you, and Sarah’s going to bring a baby that I’ve promised.”

« E-19 † Now, Abraham was a hundred years old and Sarah was ninety. And Sarah, behind the Angel, inside the tent, went [Brother Branham demonstrates–Ed.], laughed. And the Angel with His back turned, said, “Why did Sarah laugh?” That was the Messenger. Oh, do you know what I’m speaking about? What kind of a mental telepathy was that? With His back turned to the tent, and her inside, and she smiled, and He said, “Why did she laugh?” He knew it. And that was the last message before Sodom and Gomorrah burned. Brother, if you hear it tonight, it’s now the last message before this world will burn.
See the nature of the Angel? Who was that Angel? It was God. Remember, Abraham called Him, “Lord.” And the translation there is Elohim, the great mighty Jehovah. It was Jesus Christ reincarnated.

« E-20 † Someone said, “Do you mean to say that was… How’d He get that body?” Why He just called them two Angels and breathed a little breath like that, and the atoms, and calcium, and potash come together, and Gabriel stepped in one and another Angel in the other. And He made one for Himself. Blessed be His Holy Name. I am so glad tonight, to know that that same Almighty God, Who could make Himself a body to live in, my trust is in Him that someday He will raise this one up, as He has promised to do.
And He’s in our midst of doing the very same thing that He done there (Oh, praise His glorious Name.), giving us warning, speaking to us, telling us to make ready. Of course, He said, “A little while and the world will see Me no more. Yet ye shall see Me, for I’ll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world.” What a hour that we’re living in.

« E-21 † Notice, the Angel that brought fire, was the One Who performed that miracle. And we all know that the world’s going to be destroyed the next time by fire. And the Angel that was sent to Sodom and Gomorrah… Look what Jesus said. Oh, it just thrills my soul to get to that. “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man.” What did that Angel do? He had the Spirit of discernment, and He said, “As is was then, so will it be when the Son of man is being revealed from heaven.” Do you see it?
Just think, that in our midst now, stands that same Angel of God, which is none other but the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Ghost. It’s in our midst. And that day… And He was God, and that was His Message, just before the destruction came.

« E-22 † Now, we would notice that it was a message of deliverance. He went down and tried to deliver the people, and they refused to hear Him. And today, it’s the same thing in our nation, among our people. I’ve had the privilege of seeing our Lord Jesus in the meetings, do signs, and wonders, and great things. And the people will actually stand at the platform and know beyond a shadow of doubt, that the–that the great, immortal, infinite God, is present and performing the same kind of a miracle, and they’ll stand there and chew chewing gum, and walk off the platform, unconcerned; they don’t care.

« E-23 † It looks to me like if a man had any kind of a spirituality about him, or the Spirit of God in him, and when he seen the Lord Jesus do just what He said He would do, it would thrill his heart in such a way, that he couldn’t hold his peace any longer. He would set the nation afire with the message.
“As it was in them days,” He said, “so will it be.” That message went forth, and they merely laughed at it, and mocked at it, as someone who was telling some kind of a idle tale. But it was of mercy, and it was of grace, and it was of deliverance. Oh, my. And the Angel said, that morning, to Lot, after He’d give the message, He said, “Hasten, come hither, for I can do nothing till thou hast come hither.”

« E-24 † I want you to notice this now, ’cause we have to cut short here on account of the prayer line. Did you notice what the Angel said, “I can’t do nothing till you come hither.” What was it? Was a message of deliverance. And before one speck of fire could fall from heaven, Lot had to get out of Sodom. And before one drop of rain fell from heaven, Noah went into the ark. And before the atom bomb can strike this nation, the church will go in the rapture to meet the Lord Jesus. And if the sputniks, and the missiles are set, and the hammers are pulled back, the Angels are all standing in order. Hallelujah. The great corridors of heaven is crowded full. The harps are all in tune. The great bands are already practiced up. There’s a homecoming time pretty soon, for the church of the living God, who’s been waiting His coming.
Everything’s in order. I’m so glad. I’m getting so tired. Oh, for that great hour. And to think that we’ve had a part in this junction time. Remember, “So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed from heaven.” Now, remember, before the rain fell, Noah was in the ark. Before the fire fell, Lot was out of Sodom, for the Angel said, “I can’t do nothing until you come hither. I’ve got the lever in my hand to pull and make the fires fall from heaven.” And I think that’s exactly: the Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs, until the church comes together as one great body of Christ. “I can’t do nothing till you come hither.” Oh, if that isn’t a blessed assurance. And if we see everything set in order, the going home of the church is in order. Here’s the Angel of God with the same message, performing the same signs, the same wonders; everything’s set in order.

« E-25 † Branham Tabernacle, twenty-five years ago, nearly, I spoke over this same pulpit and told you these things are–be happening one of these days. Here it is. We’re at the end time; the junction is here. It’s near home-going time for the church.
The critics, making fun, mock and scoffing, and as it was with king Nebuchadnezzar, and Belteshazzar, so was he in the days of Noah. So was it in the days of Lot, and they’re doing the same today.
“I can do nothing until you come hither.” I want you to notice, Lot came out of something that would destroy him. And Noah went into something that would save him. And that’s a type of the church. We come out of the world and away from this Elvis Presley and Arthur Godfrey age that we’re living in. Come out of the world and go into Christ. Come out of the world. They that are of the world, will perish with the world. Those that are in Christ will go home with Christ, “for those that sleep in Christ will God bring with Him when He comes.” We come out of the world to go into Christ for the safety.

« E-26 † Oh, “but I can do nothing till thou hast come hither.” I like that. Hurry, escape. The message is urgent: “Hurry, hurry, escape.” Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Jesus promised this Gospel to be preached. It’s been going on now for years and years. And here it is at the end time, the last great sign, just before the Angels hollered, “Hurry,” He turned and said, “Why did Sarah laugh?” The Angel of destruction, He said, “I’ve heard about their sins, and I’ve come down to see if it was the truth or not.” And He found that it was the truth. And the message was grace, and mercy, and deliverance, but, “Hurry, hurry.”
Oh, children, don’t set stooped and wondering; hurry, hurry quick, the time is at hand. Run where? Out like the little birds did; get away from these big modern walls of Babylon, these big old denominations, that says there’s no difference in the time, these big old unbelieving churches that says, “There’s no such a thing as Divine healing; there’s no miracles.” Get away from them walls, for they’re going to crumble. They’re going down in destruction and defeat, ’cause my God said so. Run out in the middle of Calvary, yonder. If the birds went to the trees, you go to the tree too, that tree where Christ was crucified, there hang in the middle of His mercy and cry to God until the storm is past. “Hurry, escape, get hither, for I can’t do nothing till you come out.” He’s waiting on you.

« E-27 † Get away from these old modern things. Get away from that television when them kind of a plays come on. Get… Turn that radio off when this rock-and-roll starts. Act like a lady; dress like a lady. Act like a man; dress like a man. Talk like a Christian; live like a Christian. Get all the bridges burnt. Hurry, get out. Destruction is at hand. God’s sick and tired. Oh, it is later than you think. The hour is at hand.
The Angel’s mercy… The Angel of mercy Who sent His Message is right here tonight. Do you believe it? Does the church have to go before the tribulation period?
Look, Israel went into Goshen, and Egypt went into darkness. Egypt got into Goshen, was taken to the promised land. Egypt went into darkness and was buried in the Dead Sea.

« E-28 † Hurry, hurry and escape. That may be your last opportunity. And remember, we see the missiles setting. We hear of them. We look at in the paper. The whole world’s a trembling. Everything that God said’s coming to pass. Then what about it? “In the day that the Son of man shall reveal Himself from heaven…” What is the Son of man being revealed? “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Look here at the 21st verse or the 30th verse, it is.
Even thus shall it be in the days when the Son of man is revealed from heaven.

« E-29 † What is it? These message at… This thing has never happened since Jesus was on earth. And here it is at the end of the Gentile age. Let’s look at it just a moment and think hard.
When Jesus was here on earth, He did not claim to be a healer. He said, “It’s not Me that doeth the works, it’s My Father. But I only do what the Father shows Me to do.” Saint John 5:19, He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing”.
If you notice Philip, when he first got converted, the way He first started his ministry, the Lord Jesus, what happened? Let’s see how the Son of Man’s going to reveal Himself. If He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, He will have to reveal Himself like He did yesterday. If He reveals the same, He’d have to reveal the same message. Quietly and watch…

« E-30 † When Peter come to Him after His ministry (Saint John 1), Peter walked up to Him. He wasn’t called Peter then. He was called another name. And when he walked up to Him, He said, “Thou art Simon and your father is Jonas.”
That old fisherman thought, “How did He know me?” And then Philip, from Bethesda also… He goes over around the mountain and he finds a friend, Nathanael, under a tree, praying. He said, “Come, see Who we found, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph.” Watch now, how He revealed Himself.
And he said, “Now, could there be any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
He said, “Come and see.” That’s the best answer any man can give another one. Don’t criticize it; come find out for yourself. Oh, if we could only be that sincere today.
And on his road around, he begin to instruct him. Why, he said, “Peter, yesterday a man, Cephas, you know the old fisherman?”
“He walked up before this Man, and He told him who he was and who his daddy was.”
“Aw,” said Nathanael, “I don’t know about that.”

« E-31 † And when he walked up to where Jesus was, into the line where He was praying for the sick, Jesus pierced those eyes at him, and He said, “Behold, an Israelite, in whom there is no guile.” How did He know he was an Israelite? The Greeks and all dressed alike and looked alike. How did He know he was an Israelite? He was God manifested in flesh. What did He do? He looked and He seen.
He said, “When did You know me, Rabbi?”
He said, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you.”
He said, “That settles it. You are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel.”
Jesus said, “Because I told you this, do you believe?” Said, “Then you can see greater things than this.”
But the unbelieving church member stood by. Oh, just as reverent and staunch as they could be, certainly. They were standing there with great educations, great theological seminary experiences. They said, “This man is a fortune-teller. He’s Beelzebub.”
Jesus said, “You say that to Me, I’ll forgive you, but when the Holy Ghost is come and does the same thing, one word against It will never be forgiven in this world and neither in the world to come.”

« E-32 † There was a little woman who had an issue of blood. And she come through the crowd, and she touched His garment, for she said within herself, “If I can touch the Man, I’ll be made well.” She touched Him. She run off in the crowd and set down or whatever she did, and Jesus turned about and said, “Who touched Me?”
Peter rebuked Him. He said, “Look, the whole crowd’s a touching You. Why do You say, ‘Who touched Me?'”
He said, “But I got weak.” Virtue or strength went from Him. And He looked around with those eyes until He found her. How did He do it? That we don’t know, but He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. And He revealed Himself to the Jewish nation in that manner.

« E-33 † When He come to the Samaritans, the woman was at the well, a lovely Samaritan woman. You remember there is only three nations of people, that’s Jew, Gentile, and Samaritan: Ham, Shem, and Japheth’s people. And the Samaritan was half Jew and half Gentile. (And you remember when it started, when they married their women and so forth.)
And this young woman come up there, which we believe in our country to be a woman of ill fame, but she wasn’t. This boy from India could tell you that. This is an Eastern Book and you’re trying to read it with a Western education.

« E-34 † When I went to India and got off of the–of the airship, at Bombay, there was a bishop of the Methodist church. And all of them standing there said, “Don’t you tell us you’re a missionary, Mr. Branham. We know more about the Bible than you Yankees will ever know.” And that’s true. He said, “We had the Bible two thousand years before you was a nation.” That’s right: Saint Thomas Church is still there, where Saint Thomas went down and preached. But he said, “We understand that God has visit you, to make this Bible live again.” Said, “That’s what we want to know.” That’s it. The world’s hungry for the Living Bread.

« E-35 † This Samaritan woman, as she stood at the well, Jesus said to her, “Woman, bring Me a drink.”
“Well,” she said… They had segregation. But He let her know that there was no difference. God made of one blood all peoples. And He said, “If you knew Who you were talking to, you’d ask Me for a drink.” And the conversation went on till He caught her spirit. Then He found out what her trouble was. He said, “Go get your husband and come here.”
What happened when the Jew was told that? The Jew said, “You’re the Son of God.” That’s right. What happened to the Samaritan when she was told that? Said, “Go get your husband and come here.”
She said, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Now, we know that when the Messiah, which is called Christ, when He comes, He will tell us these things, but Who are You?”
He said, “I’m He that speaks to you.”
She ran into the city and she said, “Come, see a Man that told me the things that I’ve done. Isn’t this the Messiah?”

« E-36 † And He never did that one time to a Gentile. Why? He left it to this day. That’s what He said here, “In the days when the Son of man shall reveal Himself from heaven…” He’s revealing Himself now to the church for mercy. The next time He reveals Hisself is in destruction to those who’s rejected the Message. God be merciful for–to us, while we pray, just a moment. (“Softly and tenderly,” Sister Gertie, if you will.)

« E-37 † I just wonder tonight, feeling sorry for you standing around the wall, I can feel your anticipations. I just wonder, oh, if you’d be honest with yourself and with God just a moment. Do you really want to hurry and get out of this? There’s a Man in the presence tonight, called the Lord Jesus. He has the ticket for you. And all you have to do is just give Him your heart; He will wash it in His own Blood and cleanse you from all sin and doubt and will take you to His heaven when He comes, and it might come before morning.
The sputniks… There’s not one thing, the science says, you hear it every day on the radio when they’re–on the television, when they’re interviewing these science. They say there’s not a thing to hinder this world from being blowed up at any minute. It just takes a good drink of vodka, and they’ll pull a lever, and that’s it. Hurry. The message is urgent. Hurry, escape. Run for your life. Get out of it. Come out from this modern Babylon. Get away from the walls. Can’t you feel something tugging at your heart? If you’re real spiritual and God’s speaking to you… Surely if He spoke to those little birds, He can speak to you.

« E-38 † Would you raise your hand to Him. We haven’t got room to put the people around the altar, but if you just raise your hand and say, “God, be merciful to me.” God bless you, brother. God bless you, oh, my, all over the building. I don’t know how many hands there is. “Be merciful to me, oh, God. This is my hand. I want to escape, Lord. Before morning I might hear a scream.” I looked out, and the rainbows would be floating through the skies, the Son of man would be coming. What a terrible day, that you missed your opportunity. You stood right around your church didn’t you?
Oh, you said, “Mama belonged to this.” That’s all right, brother. That’s all right, sister. But Mama’s salvation will never take you in. Mama lived in one day and you’re living in another. Hear the message of the Lord. And hear the warning of the Spirit.

« E-39 † What kind of a Spirit was it, that One Who discerned the–how Sarah was laughing on the inside of a tent, the Angel of the Lord? Now, with your heads bowed, I want to pray for each one of you. What did you do when you put your hands up? You say, “Did that mean anything, Brother Branham?” Sure did. If you really meant that, it meant the difference between death and life. The message is urgent. Won’t you put your hand up right now? “Be merciful, God, to me.” God bless the little girl. God bless the lady. God bless you, you, sonny, you, you, young man. Little children all along these altars has got their little hands up. Well, bless their little hearts.
You say, “They don’t mean that.” Oh, yes they do. Jesus said, “Suffer little children to come to Me; forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of God.” They may never live to be in maturity. But they will be… they’ll never… They’ll escape maybe all the great things that we’ve had to go through with.

« E-40 † God be merciful. When you raise your hands, it shows that there’s something in you has made a decision. Your body would be dead, if there wasn’t something in you that said, “Raise your hands.” That was the Spirit. Then you raised your hand. God witnessed it. The Spirit made you raise your hand. God bless you. And all the little children back there. There’s little colored children too, along there. God bless your little hearts, honey. God loves you. Sure.
We’re going out of here one of these days. I don’t know when it will be but it–it’s coming. Hurry right quick. Get into the Kingdom.

« E-41 † You say, “Well, I’ve heard that before.” You might hear it your last time too. Let this be the time. God bless you, back there, young lady. Get away from all this old modern stuff, these old walls. They’ll all fall down. All this rock-and-roll and all this stuff will perish with the world. Don’t you be included in the world. You get out of there. God’s a coming for His church. And He’s chose you. That’s the reason He’s speaking to you. The message is urgent, come quickly. Now, while we pray, be sincere now, and ask God to be merciful to you.

« E-42 † Blessed Lord, there might be people here who has never seen the working of the powers of God before, but something down in their heart has said, “Raise your hand. It’s Me.” And they see that there is a urgent call. They–they’re intelligent enough to look around and to see that there’s something fixing to happen. Little children, many of them, put their little hands up. God, be merciful to them. Many of the old and the middle aged, they put their hands up; the teen-agers put their hands up: they’re wanting mercy, God. And I’m so glad to know that the first revelation of Christ is mercy. The second revelation is judgment. O God, thank You for these who has taken mercy tonight, mercy’s road. “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness; they shall be filled.”

« E-43 † Light their lights tonight, Lord. May they be candles that’s set on a hill that cannot be hid, but give light unto the schools and the places where they’ll be connected from here after. Grant it, Lord. May they be lights that’ll shine for the glory of God. Bless them, and then someday in a better world, Lord, may we all meet around that great table of God at that wedding supper. Keep Thy Spirit upon us, Lord.
Bless those standing around the walls, and out in the vestibule, and around, that raising their hands and so forth. Be with them, Lord. They’ve stood, and cramping limbs tonight, but be merciful. Grant these things.

« E-44 † They are the fruits of this little hurried up message tonight. I pray that the Angels of God will make it so real to their hearts, that they won’t–they won’t miss any of it. And they’re the fruits. And I present them to You. And You give them to Jesus, because they are Your love gifts to Him. No man can pluck them from the hand, ’cause no one is greater than God. And I pray that You’ll keep them securely safe, until Jesus comes for them. May the rest of them hurry, Lord, and hurry for the message is urgent. We must get out quickly before destruction come.
And now, Lord God, I pray that You’ll send Your Angel, that same One that set with Abraham (Grant it, Lord.), and could tell what Sarah was doing, back in the tent. And that was the Angel of the covenant. That was the Angel that brought mercy before fire fell. Most any time, fire could fall now, the atoms that would break the whole world in two. May He come tonight and give mercy to us, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« E-45 † Oh, there’s something about the blessed old Gospel that seems to scour you out. I love it. Let’s just sing that, one time, “Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling.” Everybody, let’s just raise our hands to Him, will you do it?
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon,
Pardon for you and for me.
Come home, come home, (Just shut in with Christ now.)
Ye who are weary, come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
Calling, O sinner, come home!

« E-46 † [–Ed.]… never been in one of our healing services before, let’s see your hands, never been in the services… That’s good, I’m so glad to have you here. Now, I don’t claim to be a healer. I claim that Jesus is not dead, but He’s alive. I’m not a healer. There’s no healers. Christ has already healed you. “By His stripes you were healed.” But I want to ask you newcomers something. Now, you perhaps go to a church, many of you raised your hand, just then, was raise your hand for prayer awhile ago. If you have no church of choice, we welcome you to the Branham Tabernacle here, where our dear Brother Orman Neville, a godly man, that teaches nothing but the truth out of the Bible, you’re welcome to our fellowship. We’re just not a denomination. We’re just a church, here, a fellowship. We’re Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Lutheran; we’re all. We are Christians who love you. And we pray that you’ll find you… If you can’t come here, get you a good church home, somewhere, where they really preach the Gospel and so that you can be fed by the Spirit of God.

« E-47 † All around through the building tonight, if the Lord Jesus has risen from the dead, and I’ve told you the truth, then God’s obligated to His Word to make it so. See? Oh, don’t be afraid to trust it. That’s either the Bible, it’s the truth, or it is not the truth. If it isn’t the truth, it’s the biggest deceiver that’s ever been written, for it’s got millions deceived.
I’ve stood many time, with the Koran in one hand and the Bible in the other, before the Mohammedans and say one’s right and the other one’s wrong. Let the God that’s real God speak. Don’t be afraid. He will never forsake. He will never leave.

« E-48 † Now, the Lord Jesus, when He was here on earth, the works that He did, which we’ve just quoted, He promised that He would come again before the end of time and would do the same things. He said He would do it through His church. Now, He said, “I am the Vine. Ye are the branches.” Now, the–the vine doesn’t bear fruit. The branches bears fruit.
Now, if it’s a pumpkin vine, it’ll bear pumpkins. If it’s a watermelon vine, it’ll bear watermelons. If it’s a cantaloupe vine, it’ll bear cantaloupes. If it’s a grapevine, it’ll bear grapes. If it’s a Christian vine, it’ll bear Christ, the life of Christ, the works of Christ. See? Then our spirits has to be energized by something. I’m so glad to be in Him, tonight.

« E-49 † You don’t know, little flock, how it makes me feel, know here, I’m forty-eight years old, an old man. And I’ve preached now for twenty-seven years. My shoulders are stooping. And oh, I realize I’m not that little boy that used to play marbles out here on the street. But there’s one thing I do know; I–I’m His servant. I’d rather have that, than all that I know, for what good would anything else do?

« E-50 † I’ve tried to be honest with you people. I’ve tried to do everything that I could to be honest, and just, and true in your presence, and in the presence of God, because I know He watches us all the time. Now, if I could–I’ll tell you now, this little message tonight, I tried to quit early, but I’m praying that God will take the rest of it to your heart. Hurry, hurry, hurry… Get out of Babylon just as quick as you can. Don’t stay in the world. Get–get away from that nonsense. Get out; get out here, free with Christ. Get away from those things, for you don’t know what hour that there may not be nothing, just powder left on this earth, just gasses, and the old world blowed to pieces. It can happen before this service closes, and it wouldn’t contradict Scriptures at all. It would just fulfill Scriptures. The Gospel’s been preached. Here comes the last message.

« E-51 † Now, don’t look for great things in the future. America has done sinned away her day of grace. That’s exactly right. You mark it in your Bibles and find out whether I’m right or wrong. She’s been on the downgrade now, for two years.
Billy Graham said at his breakfast, not long ago. He held the Bible up, he said, “Here’s the standard. Paul went into a city and had a convert, come back the next year, and there was thirty.” Said, “I go into the city and have a revival of twenty thousand converts, and come back in six months and can’t find maybe twenty.” What’s the matter? There’s just so many fish in the pond. There’s just so many that God knew before the foundation of the world and is predestinated to Eternal Life. When that last one comes in, that settles it.
There was just so many birds went into the ark. Just so many different animals went in that ark, and the door was closed by God. And it left the rest of them out. Though they tried to get in.

« E-52 † And my dear friend, if you’re not in, you get in right now while God’s a calling, ’cause the doors of mercy might close to the Gentile at any time. Now, and now what I do now will have–while I–I speak now, I’ve spoke and my words… If I’d preach for hours, it wouldn’t mean half as much as one word from our lovely Christ. Now, but what I’ve preached, I’ve either told the truth or a lie. If I’ve told a lie, God will have nothing to do with it. If I’ve told the truth, God will stand behind His Word. (How many did you say? give out fifty cards?)

« E-53 † I’ll show you why we have to give out cards when you have a meeting of discernment. I don’t say that He will do it; He might not. But I want you to be honest with me, how many in here would like to come into the line now? Raise your hands, all over the building, wherever you are. Everybody in the building that wants to come into the line, raise your hands. Now, how would, who would be first? See? You couldn’t do it. We have to give out the cards in order to keep a–a line.
Now, he’s give out fifty cards. And let’s just call from all around through that bunch of cards. And that’ll give everybody a chance to get on… Now, it isn’t what happens here; it’s what happens here. See? It isn’t touch me; it’s touch Him.

« E-54 † How many knows that the New Testament, the book of Hebrews, said that right now, that Christ is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. Well, how would you know you touched Him? By He speaks right back, just like He did. If He’s the same, yesterday, and ever, He has to manifest Himself just the same as He did yesterday and forever. So you see, the last message to the Jews and them, how He did it?
Now, this is the last… If He manifests Hisself any other way, through a denomination, He would be unjust. He never manifested Hisself in a denomination, because there was no denomination in His days. He manifested Himself through the supernatural as we said this morning, like the handwriting on the wall, the interpretation. He’s the same, yesterday, today, and forever. God be with you now.

« E-55 † He said, “One to fifty.” All right, who has prayer card number 1, would you just raise up your hand? Look at your cards. Somebody on the cots or wherever and can’t get up, everybody look at each other’s card. It’s just a little card. I don’t think these have my picture on them, even. It’s just a plain little card. Number 1, wherever you are? All right, would you just stand where you are, sir. Number 2, would you raise your hand. The lady right here. Number 3, would you raise your hand?

« E-56 † [–Ed.] We are strangers. This is our first time of meeting then in life, I suppose. Then the Lord God knows both of us. He knows all about you, and He knows all about me. But if He in His kindness would be able… If I’d say to you, “Oh, sir, you’re sick. And I’m–you’re going to get well.” You’d have a right to doubt that. That audience would have a right to be stumped on that. Certainly, you’ve only got my word. But if the Holy Spirit will come and tell him something that he has done, something that I know nothing about that has been, he will know whether that’s the truth or not. Then if He knows what was, surely if that’s right, He can tell you what will be, and it’ll be right.
You should believe that, Miss Cox, shouldn’t you. Mrs. Cox, setting there, I just happened to notice her, from Kentucky, over here. That’s Mrs. Wood here somewhere in the church, her mother. Cancer done eat her face off in here. And I was coming down from up in the north woods; my wife called me, said, “I never seen anybody so tore up in my life as–as Mrs. Wood. And Mrs. and Mr. Woods are my bosom friends. And I went over to the lady, come back out with THUS SAITH THE LORD; the cancer died. There’s the woman setting there, and you can hardly tell what… Would you just raise up, Mrs. Cox, so the people could see. The whole side of her nose and all, eat down with a cancer plumb into her eye. Turn around so the audience can see you back there. Cancer… He’s always right. He’s never wrong.

« E-57 † Now, if the Lord our God will reveal to this brother, let him be the judge. If the Lord our God will reveal to him what he’s here for, or something like He did the woman at–or like he would say–like He did to Philip when Nathanael found him, or Nathan–or Philip found Nathanael, and will reveal it, would you all believe? All you people believe that… If the man knows I don’t know nothing about him… And I’ve got my hands up; I don’t know nothing about him. He put his hands up that I didn’t know him or he don’t know me. Then if the Lord will reveal it, you all will accept it, will you? How many, raise up your hand, so I can just see. Now, the Lord bless you.

« E-58 † Now, sir, I’m just standing here waiting to see what He will tell me. So you be the judge. And if anyone can look, the man’s got his eyes closed, so you see it couldn’t be a telepathy. Just remain with your eyes closed. If our Lord Jesus, if He will reveal it, we’ll be grateful to Him.
But the man who stands before me, what he’s here for it’s a spiritual affair that he wants prayer for. That is true. If that is right, raise your hand, so the people can see. Now, do you believe? Never seen him in my life, but here it was. Something bothering his mind. Now, more I would talk to him, more would be said. Now, be reverent. What did the Angel do? He had His back turned. And He said, “Why did Sarah laugh?”
She said, “I never laughed.”
Said, “Oh, yes, you did.” ‘Cause she was scared.

« E-59 † Now, if the audience can still hear my voice over the speakers, the man seems to be going from me. I see a woman standing. That’s the main thing the man’s here for; it’s for his wife. And she is not here with him. And she’s got a female trouble, a lady’s trouble, and she’s got trouble with her back. That’s the truth. You’re not from this city. You’re from another city that’s called Marysville. That’s correct. Now, go home and find it the way you’ve believed it. It’ll be that way, in the Name of the Lord. God bless you. That handkerchief, you won’t need it to go on her. You had it in your pocket for her, but you won’t need it.

« E-60 † I do know you. I don’t know your name, but you’re a woman that was standing there at the back door one day, that the Angel of the Lord come to me when you’re–first times here at the Tabernacle and revealed something was a perfect secret, and you were healed with a cancer. That’s right. But I have no idea what’s the matter with you now. I don’t know. You know that. I have no idea what’s wrong with you. But the Lord will reveal it, you will accept it? I… You’re not here for yourself. You’re here for a–a child. And that child is afflicted. And the affliction is in the spine, like can’t stand up or something like that. And I see the parents of that child with a rosary. They’re Catholic and a older couple. It’s her grandparents are Catholic too, and you’re standing for the child. Take your handkerchief and put it on it. Don’t doubt. You can have what you ask for. Now, believe with all your heart. You a believing?

« E-61 † I suppose this lady is a stranger to me. We’re strangers to each other, but the Lord Jesus knows both of us. Now, here’s a perfect picture. Here’s a picture of Saint John 4: a colored woman, a white man. In that day it was a Samaritan and a Jew, two races of people. Jesus let her know quickly that there was no difference; we’re all God’s creatures. The country we live in, changing our color, has nothing to do. God wanted His people that way. He made man white, black, brown, yellow, red. He made them that way. That’s His business, and He loves us all.
But here’s a perfect picture. Two people that’s never met before and our first time, two different races. Now, I perceive that you are a believer. You’re a Christian, because your spirit is welcome and that great Angel of God would not welcome nothing that was wrong. Certainly not. You see that picture up there, that Angel a–on that picture there, that Light up above where I’m standing? That’s what’s making you feel the way you’re feeling now, just coming all down over you. (Just a moment, Sister Gertie. It seems to be something. I can’t catch the lady just right.)

« E-62 † Yes, the woman is suffering with a nervous condition. She gets nervous; she drops things. That’s right. And then you got a spiritual problem, that you’re trying to solve out, because you’ve been praying over for some time. That is true. You got arthritis. I see you trying to get from your bed, slow, especially of a morning. You got something wrong in your spine, too, a spinal trouble. That’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. You believe me to be God’s prophet? You believe the same God that knowed Simon, would know you? If God will reveal that, will it make you a strong believer, that you get what you get? They call you Nanny, and your last name’s Johnson, and you live in New Albany. Return home and be well, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

« E-63 † Just believe. Are we strangers to each other, lady? We are. Just so–just so the people will see, would you just raise your hand and say we’re strangers just…? Now, the Lord God knows us both. And if He will grant this request, you will be happy for it?
Now, some of you has begin to believe. Now, it keep being a white man up here before this woman here. It’s a man setting right there. You’ve got… That’s all right, just stay where you’re at. You got kidney trouble. You got back trouble. And you got stomach trouble. That’s right. Now, go believing, and it won’t bother you any more. You just believe. I challenge your faith to believe it. How many does believe it with all your heart? All right, then, look and live.

« E-64 † If the Lord our God, will reveal to this woman, who’s a total stranger to me, and there’s our hand’s up that we’ve never met before, knowingly, and if the Lord our God will reveal to this woman and do the same thing that He did like the woman at the–Samaritan woman, will you all believe with all your heart then, that’ll settle it forever with you?
See, I’ve got a meeting coming up. I got to leave tomorrow. And I got to go to Virginia and a great meeting coming. I don’t want to get too weak standing here. All right, I shall take time just a moment with the woman. You believe? Ever who the woman is, she’s got a horrible looking darkness following her. Oh, it’s–it’s sorrow. You’ve just had some trouble. You lost a child, a baby. That’s right. And another thing, you’re bothered with a female trouble, a lady’s trouble, and a back trouble. And you also have some kind of a something that happens to you like fainting… Oh, epilepsy. That’s right. You’re not from this city either. You crossed the river to get here. You’re from Louisville. You live at a number called seventeen fifty-four West Oak Street. Your name is Margaret Quinn. All right.

« E-65 † Lord God, Creator of heaven’s and earth, give to this woman that what she desires, for I ask this enemy to leave her in Jesus’ Name. Amen. God bless you, lady. Don’t doubt no more. Go and receive, now, what you’ve ask for. You believe with all your heart?
How do you do, sir. This is our first time meeting, I suppose. Do you believe the Lord our God is here to perform and give to you the things you desire? I admire your courage. And you’re here for a legitimate thing: you want to get rid of drinking and smoking. Well, it’s gone from you now. Go, and God’s peace be with you and make you healthy. God be with you. “If thou canst believe, all things are possible.”

« E-66 † You want to get rid of that back trouble? Go down there, praise Him, and you’ll get rid of it. Just go believing it with all your heart. “If thou canst believe” the Bible said. Be reverent. Believe what God is doing to be the truth.
I know you. I’m just going to pray for you; I know your trouble. Lord, God, be merciful to the woman and grant this request for I ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen. I don’t remember… Is your name Baker? That’s right, I–I remember now. God bless you, go right ahead now, and believe Him with all your heart. All right.

« E-67 † I don’t know you, lady. We’re strangers. That’s right. You want to eat your supper, get rid of that stomach trouble, that ulcer you had all these time? Go, eat then. And Jesus Christ make you well.
I do know you. And I know what your trouble is. You don’t know–you don’t know that I know it, but I–I do know it. So being that you’re–come here at the Tabernacle, I won’t say it, but the arthritis and–will leave you, if you’ll just believe it. You go ahead. God bless you. Let’s say, “Thanks be to God.”

« E-68 † You’re nervous too. Got a stomach trouble bothering you. You believe that the Lord Jesus will make you well. Then go, and God’s peace rest upon you. Just want to lay hands on you, and to believe with all of our heart that God will do it.
I’m a stranger to you, I suppose, lady. You know me? You come here at the church? You do? I’ve never seen you. ‘Course, so many people comes in. All right, you go believing and that female trouble will leave you, the lady’s trouble you have. You believe? All right, then go, and God will be with you and help you, I’m sure.

« E-69 † Do you believe, sir? Do you believe the Lord will take that stiffness away from you and make you well, that arthritis? Go right on back through there, thanking Him and praising Him for it and you’ll get all right.
You’re bothered with nervous trouble aren’t you, lady? That’s a mental nervousness. You get real weak, suffer with spells, especially late in the afternoon. Even Satan’s told you you was going to lose your mind. That’s right. But it’s a lie. You’re going to be well. It’s nothing but just the time of life that you’re coming into; it’s menopause. Every woman has to come to that, but you’re going to be all right, now. You believe my word? Then go thank God, and sing songs, and rejoice and be made well.

« E-70 † All right, lady. I’m a stranger to you too. The funny thing, when I said that to her, it left you the same time, ’cause that’s exactly what your trouble was, nervousness. Now, you go on your road and believe with all your heart and you’ll get well. Amen. Go and believe with all your heart.
I know you, lady. I know your face, but I don’t… Do you believe God will heal you? I know who you are now; you’re a lady, comes here at the Tabernacle. You believe God will heal you? Let me just pray for you. Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, make the woman well, I pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen. Don’t doubt. I can’t think the woman’s name, but I know who she…

« E-71 † How about you people out here in the audience? Are you believing? Now, set real quiet. Be real reverent.
In this direction here, somebody, I challenge your faith, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to believe this. A colored lady has her hands up there. Do you believe, lady, me, to be God’s servant? If God will reveal to me what your trouble, will you accept it? You want prayer for yourself and that little girl, for your eyes, setting there. That’s right. Put your hand over on the child, and believe with all your heart. And Lord God, I pray that they will receive it, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« E-72 † You believe? There is the Angel of the Lord stand by this black-headed fellow. I–I believe he comes to church here, though, I’m not sure. Sir, if I know you, I don’t know what’s wrong with you, unless God would reveal it. But it… some in His mercy is standing here… And you got a–an ulcer on the foot, the left foot. That’s right. Your–your faith touched something.
What about you, over in this section? Do you believe? Have faith then; don’t doubt.

« E-73 † Here, the lady set here with the black hat on, with glasses on. You got a prayer card, lady? Right behind that little boy there, at the end of the row. You! You have a prayer card? You don’t have a prayer card? Do you believe me to be God’s prophet? If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you accept it then? You have heart trouble. That’s your husband setting next to you, and he’s got gland trouble. Now, go and believe.
Who believes Him? What about this colored man setting here? Do you believe, sir? You believe me to be His servant? You’re wanting prayer aren’t you? If God will reveal to me, from me to you, do you believe He–that you could accept it? You got sinus trouble. And you got a rupture. That’s right. How about any of you in there, do you believe?

« E-74 † There’s another colored woman right behind this lady back here. You got your hand up, sister. You want something from the Lord? You believe me to be His servant? It’s a voice trouble you’re suffering with. That’s right. You believe He healed you?
Right out from you, there, looking around the side, right out from you there, at the end of the row, about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 people back there. You got thyroid trouble. You believe that God will make you well?
What about right back here, the man on the end of the seat, right back in a row here? You got ulcerated colitis. That’s right, sir. You believe God heals you? Then stand up and accept it in the Name of the Lord Jesus. God bless you. I’ve never seen you; you’re a stranger to me. But God knows you. You believe it, every one of you?

« E-75 † Do you believe the same Angel of God that come to Abraham in mercy, Who knowed the secrets of the thoughts of Sarah, the same One that stood on the earth and knowed the secrets of the thoughts of the mind, don’t you believe that He’s here now? The same God, just before the world burns again in a destruction? Don’t you believe He’s here? Then let’s accept Him. Let’s believe Him. Let’s take Him as our Healer, right now. How many of you will believe that? How many of you really believe, put your hands up. Now, lay your–put your hands down.
The Bible said this: These signs shall follow them that believe. Put your hands on one another then, if you’re believers. You pray for the person next to you, and the one next to you pray for you that’s being prayed for. Each one of you pray one for another now. Anywhere in the building, I challenge this faith.

« E-76 † The lady there with TB, forget about it; you’re healed.
You with prostate trouble setting there, sir, getting up at nights. Forget it; you won’t have to do it no more. God bless you.
I challenge you to make a act of believing. Do you do it? Then pray, each one of you in your own way. Lay your hands on somebody and pray for somebody next to you, while I pray for all of you.
Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, Giver of every good gift, send Thy Spirit just now upon this people.
I condemn the works of the devil, because the devil is exposed. Satan, you can’t hold them any longer. Their faith is mounting up. And they got their hands on each other. And I challenge you, that you have lost the battle, and judgment is at hand. Come out of them in the Name of Jesus Christ. Go from them in Jesus’ Name.
Do you believe Him? Raise your hands and give Him praise for your healing. If you’re a cripple stand up on your feet, Christ makes you well. If you’re lame, got your hands crippled, raise them up. It’s all over. Here’s a crippled woman here, standing up. Praise the Lord. Let’s say, “Praise the Lord,” everybody. Amen. Brother Neville.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
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16-0207E Questions And Answers On Hebrews #3

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« 553 † … to be here tonight again at the Tabernacle to anticipate in this wonderful fellowship and worship around the Word of God which is given to us freely. And we are–love to be partakers of this blessing.
And I only trust that God will bless us tonight like He did this morning, with the message of the morning. And I was just talking to my neighbor, Mrs. Wood, awhile ago, and we were discussing it, and Mr. Wood and them. And I believe that was Brother Neville’s best sermon. Out of all the fine ones he’s preached, that was the one that was better to me than any one he’s ever preached yet. I certainly did admire and appreciate that wonderful sermon. And it give me courage, and it trimmed me down. So I–I like to admit the truth, you know. So about the courageous parts, you know, to be courageous, and how to…
David was there, and how that he… When in that great trial, instead of saying, “Well, I’ll go do this, Lord, You just help me,” he waited, went and asked the Lord what to do. He brought down the ephod, you know, and said, “Now, let’s stand and ask God what must we do in this crisis?” Oh, that was really rich. That had more vitamins than all the drug stores that was got in the country. Yes, sir, that really do you good.

« 555 † Now, tonight we–we don’t aim to stay not no longer than midnight, if we can, on these questions. So we are–we are going to get right into them right away. It’s the finishing up of these questions. And every time I start to finish them up… (Now, Sister Hattie, I didn’t mean that; you know that. I was just saying that. See? And… All right.) But I got some real stiff ones here from a minister, and they’re really hard to answer. You know, them preachers, they twist it around through the Bible and try to find their own answer before they’ll ask you. You see? And then… And this is being tape recorded, going down to Georgia to a minister friend of mine who’s got eight outstanding Bible questions here which are very, very steep.

« 556 † And now, this coming week, don’t forget and pray for us. And my wife is way better; she’s up now, and she helped cook today. Our dear friends from Canada, Brother, Sister Sothmann, are here visiting with us, and we surely do appreciate their visit. And my wife, knowing that they were coming, why, she was going to be up so she could have some of the entertainment and the fellowship of these dear Christian people. We’re glad to have Brother Freddie with us tonight, and she stayed with… She was here this morning, but I believe she stayed with… No, that’s right; she’s with Meda to kind of be with her while we come down; ’cause I know it’ll be a little late tonight. It’s communion and feet washing. So we’re happy to have them and the visitors with us.

« 558 † Now, before we start to try to undertake to answer questions… And just remember that I can be wrong. You see? I–I don’t claim to be right on everything that I do. I–I try to be right, but maybe I’m–I’m wrong. And–and if I am wrong, then you just forgive me; and I pray God will too, because I don’t mean to be wrong. I don’t try to answer them just to–or the way that I just for prejudice; I answer them the very best of my knowledge. See? And if I have to alter my ideas on a Bible question, I think that’s just the thing to do. We should alter any time when God’s Word speaks, because it’s God’s Word.
And now, I think we’re going to pray for the sick again tonight, as usual. And sometimes you just wonder; you take like a small group like this, that less than, oh, the little Tabernacle here, and sometimes you don’t see the results that you would like to see. But the thing, what you’re doing, you’re just drawing from about two hundred people. And one of the big meetings, maybe you’re drawing anywhere from three to ten thousand (You see?) and–and maybe more. So that’s the way you get to see a more massive. But tonight I have just been answering… ‘Course our phone rings just every few minutes through day and part of the night.

« 560 † Is this Mrs. Reisert setting here, I’m looking at? Your Bible, sister, Sister Wood has it back there. I brought it this morning for you, and I–I didn’t get to give it to you. And I–I didn’t see you this morning, and Mrs. Wood has it.
So to answering the phone and finding the–the great things that’s been done. A lady called me and she said, “Brother Branham, I was at a certain-certain meeting, and I’d been suffering with certain-certain trouble so long. And, you know, you just spoke back there, and just…” Said, “I almost fainted when It just brought up the back life.” And said, “And I’ve never suffered since.”

« 562 † And a lady come in and said. I believe she’s here tonight, or she was going to drive from Bedford, I believe, or somewhere up in there. Their son was in here, I believe, that had heart trouble, in such a bad shape. And he was setting here in the meeting, and–and the Lord moved around and touched, said to the boy about his trouble, and he couldn’t hardly raise his arm, and a heart attack, and his arm all cramped, and his heart like this. And immediately he got right in the car and drove home, never been bothered with it since. Is that lady get here from Bedford? Are you here? They–there she is, in the back. Yes, she just called me awhile ago.
Then there’s a lady called me from down in Evansville. And she couldn’t get here, ’cause she’s too far away, didn’t know we was going to have service tonight of healing. And she said, “Brother Branham, I was setting in the Evansville meeting,” and said, “you looked back over the crowd,” and said, “told me who I was, and what I had done, and what I’d suffered with, and so forth like that.” And she said, “I’ve had that asthmatic condition, and just had to burn Asthmador and everything in the room since I was a little girl.” Said, “That’s been two years ago, and I’ve never had one spot of it since.” See?

« 564 † And just for those who are here tonight, wasn’t here this morning to enjoy the testimony; I was over to the ten cent store, buying a doll yesterday. Now, that wasn’t for myself. See? That was for my little girl Rebekah there. And–and Sarah was going to something another today. Some of her little schoolmates was having some kind of a little get-together, of a birthday, or something, and she taken her a little present; and I was buying a little baby doll about so long. And there was a lady walked up there, said, “You remember me?”
And I said, “I don’t believe I do.”
And it come to find out, it was a relative of Brother Neville’s here, that about… When I was on my road to Sweden, they… She come in here, had a little boy in a wheelchair, just like little Edith there, and the little fellow had cancer, malignant growth on the brain. And his little head drawed down, and he… And the doctors had give him just three weeks to live. They’d taken it out and diagnosed it, and seen it was–what it was, and just give him three weeks to live. And they had to wheel him around in a chair, and then put him on a stretcher when he went to the room and examine him, then bring him back down. Went and prayed for that little boy, and asked the Lord to heal him, and the very next day, when they took him over there, said, “I don’t want that wheelchair.”
Got in the car and rode over there, and the doctor rolled out the stretcher, said, “I don’t want that stretcher.”
Run up there and set down, the doctor examined him, said, “Well,” said, “instead of three weeks, I’m going to give you a hundred and eight years.” He’s going to live.
And yesterday the mother met me. And she may be here for all I know tonight. And the little boy was out playing football, a young man now: malignant, cancer on the brain, and it just goes to show…
Oh, the thousands of things… See? God cannot fail. He–He just can’t fail.
Brother John, is your eye better, brother? He had an accident, and was driving a nail, and it struck him in the eye. And we were all praying for Brother John O’bannon, our brother from Louisville that’d had the accident with the nail that struck him in the eye.

« 572 † Now, these questions are the–the deepness of somebody’s heart; that they read through the Scripture and find these things, and they don’t–maybe can’t satisfy themselves, so they hand them in here for us to try to answer. And you see what a predicament it puts us in; because what you’d say, they’d lay on to it. So you must be sure you’re right, and I’m… As sure as you can be… So then, the thing to be sure that we’re right, let’s just ask the Holy Spirit now to interpret this for us, while we bow our head.
Now, heavenly Father, oh, what a privilege it is to say “Father” to the great Creator of heavens and earth. And we just ask that You will take these questions into Your own care now. They were handed in here with the deepest of sincerity. And, God, let that come from our hearts, the deepest of sincerity, to answer them in the best that we know how; grant it.
And may Thy mercies rest upon each one. And may something be said here tonight that’ll just help everyone that’s here. And when we leave, after the prayer for the sick and taking the communion and so forth, may we say like those who came from Emmaus, “Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?” For we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 575 † Now, as I have said many times, that these–these here are–are the best of my opinion of them, and then sometimes it raises a little discussion. The first one here, I see it’s something that I’ve said before, that it’s handed back again. I won’t–want to read it now, if you will.
65. When Adam and Eve had their children in Eden, was there other people on earth at this time? In Genesis the 5th chapter and the 16th verse, Cain dwelt in the land of Nod and knew his wife.
Now, that’s a–a wonderful question. Now, we are taught in the Bible… And many times these… Sometimes we have carelessly… I used to put on a little slip of paper and say, “Ask… Answer any Bible question.”
And someone said, “Well, who was Cain’s wife?”
Oh, I’d little joke with it or something, I’d say, “Oh, that was his mother-in-law’s daughter,” something like that, you know, or–or, “She was Mrs. Cain.” But that don’t answer the question. There’s…
There Cain had a wife, because the Bible said he did. And if Cain had a wife, he had to get her somewhere. And this would line right into it here.
Was there other people on the earth when Adam and Eve had their children in the garden of Eden?

« 580 † Now, if you notice, in the Bible it’s very seldom ever recorded about a woman being born. It’s always the man child is the one that they record in the Bible, not the woman. Seldom is it ever mentioned about the birth of a girl baby in the Bible. Or, frankly, I don’t know as I can recall one right straight off now in mind, where it ever recorded the birth of a baby; said, “They begot sons and daughters.”
Now, the Bible only gives record of three children being born to Adam and Eve, and that was Cain, Abel, and Seth. Now, if all three of those being men, if there wasn’t any females borned, and then when the only female, Eve, died, the human race would’ve ceased to exist right then, because there’d been no way for them to–to have any–the human race to have furthered, because there would’ve been no females left. Eve would’ve been the only one. But you see, they don’t record the–the births of girl babies in the Bible; so therefore, they had to have girls the same as boys.

« 582 † Now, the old writer, one of the most ancient writers we got, Josephus, claims they had seventy children, and Adam and Eve; one of the oldest writers: seventy children, and they were both sons and daughters.
Now, if… And then if Cain went to the land of Nod… Now, if you notice, the writer was very, very brilliant writing here. Did you notice how he quoted it?
In Eden, when they had their children in Eden… Now, not in the garden of Eden, the writer knew that. Ever who wrote the note here, said: When Adam and Eve had their children in Eden, not in the garden of Eden, because they’d been driven out of the garden of Eden. But they were still in Eden, and the garden of Eden laid east in Eden. But Eden was like a county or–or what–or a state, and then Nod was another state or county next to it.

« 585 † Now, the only person that Cain could’ve had, or married, would had to be his own sister. He had to. Because there’s only one male and female that they could’ve come from (See?), and he had to marry his own sister. Now, that was legal in those days.
And Isaac married his own first blood cousin, Rebekah, ordained of God. Sarah was Abraham’s sister, his blood sister, not by his mother, by his father. See, a blood sister that–that Abraham married, a different mother, but same father…
So you see, to marry in relation then, before the–the stream of blood was weakened in the human race, it was legal and all right. Now, it isn’t. If you’d marry your sister today, and have children, they’d probably be… Well, they’d just be deformed and everything. Even down to a first and second cousin should never be married (See?), because the blood stream becoming low and running low.

« 588 † But the only thing then that Cain could’ve done, would been marry his own sister. And that’s where the children was that… He got his wife, went to the land of Nod and knew her, and from there come the–the children. See, the…
And if you notice, out of the line of Cain come the smart men. Out of the line of Seth come the religious men, I mean, the–the vine of righteousness. Right there, those two brought forth the very line that we’re living in today.
If you’ll notice today now (just in finishing this question), that lineage of Cain still exists, and the lineage of Seth still exists. They both come down just the same. Cain’s children is here in Jeffersonville tonight, and Seth’s children’s here in Jeffersonville tonight. As the blood stream weakens and goes out, but that lineage still hangs on.

« 591 † Now, watch. Cain’s children were always… And before the antediluvian destruction, they were the smart people, the scientists, the educators, and very religious, but was the condemned bunch. See? Now, watch. They were just like their father Cain. Cain, he was a religious man. He built a beautiful altar, and made a beautiful church, and tried to make it look prettier than that little mission that Seth had down there. Did you know that? He sure… He decorated the altar with flowers, and fixed it beautiful, and made it pretty, and made a great, big, swell church, because he thought that he could find favor with God by doing so.
And Abel went over and got a little lamb, and started pulling it over to the altar, and laid it on a rock, and killed it.

« 593 † And now, if God being just, if all He required was worship, Cain worshipped God with just as much sincerity as Abel did. Both of them were sincere. Both of them was trying to find grace with God. They were neither one of them infidels. They were both absolutely believers in Jehovah. Now, there, that gives us something to think of.
Some here tonight I’ve never seen, people, I’ve never seen you before. But you must realize this, and keep this in your mind. See? No matter how religious you are, that don’t have one thing to do with it. You might live in church; you might be ever so sincere; and you’re still lost. See?
And you say, “Well,” you say, “our pastors are the smartest; they come through the seminaries and get the best education. They’re theologians; they know all–all the theology and so forth. And they’re smart, trained, the very, the elected best that we know of.” And they could still be lost. See?

« 596 † Now, Cain on his line, they were every one very religious, a very famous people; and they were scientists, and doctors, and builders, and workers, and smart men. But all that lineage was rejected from Cain all the way down.
And on Abel’s side they wasn’t builders, nor educators, or smart men; they were a more or less humble, sort of sheep raisers, and peasants that just walked by the Spirit.
Now, the Bible said, “There’s no condemnation to them that’s in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.” The spiritual man has a spiritual soul that can never die. And the carnal man has a religious atmosphere around him, and wants to worship and so forth, but is carnal, not an unbeliever, but a carnal believer; and it’s the kind was rejected.

« 599 † Now, from there Cain went and married his wife in the land of Nod. Now, it doesn’t say who Seth married or who others married. And the very beautiful thing of that is to know that–that Cain marrying, we have the answer to it. ‘Cause he had to marry his sister, or he–or there’d been a… There was no more women on the earth, but just had to come from Eve. She was the mother of all living. That’s all the people that was living, she was the mother of it. That’s the reason that she… The word “Eve” means “the mother of the living.” So she came and brought this child. And Cain married his own sister, would be the only way that I could see out of it. So there was people living in that day, truly. See? Well, and…
When Adam and Eve had their children in Eden… Now, watch, that’s the question: When they had their children in Eden, was there other people on earth at this time? No. Then in Genesis 5:16 (You see?) Cain dwelt in the land of Nod and knew his wife. Sure. See?

« 601 † That’s Genesis 1, where He created man in His own image, which was in the theophany. And in Genesis 2, He made man out of the dust of the earth, which was the human man that we have now. And then in 3 was the fall and was kicked from the garden of Eden; and then the children begat children. And Cain took his wife and lived with her in the land of Nod, outside, because God had separated him from the fellowship with his own brother, because of the death of–of Abel. And that’s who he had, his own sister, and married her; is the only way that I could, myself, can see how that–that he married.

« 602 † Now, it’s been said… And I hope that my colored friends that’s in here will excuse this remark, because it’s absolutely not right. The first time I ever met anyone in my life, after I’d been converted… I was–met Brother George DeArk and them down there. And I was walked, and the Lord led me to a little place. And they was discussing where the colored man came from. And they were trying to say that the colored man, that Cain married an animal like an ape, and through there come forth the colored race. Now, that’s wrong. Absolutely, that’s wrong. And don’t never stand for that. ‘Cause there was no colored or white, or any other different; it was just one race of people unto the flood. Then after the flood and the tower of Babel, when they begin to scatter out, that’s when they taken their colors and so forth. They’re all come from the same tree. That’s exactly right. Adam and Eve was the father and mother, earthly, of every living creature of human beings that’s ever been on the earth. That’s right. Black, white, pale, brown, and yellow, whatever color you might be, that’s absolutely the place that you live in, and the way that–that the… Just like I think…

« 603 † I might express this while I’m on it. The people here now in these segregations and laws and things they’re passing, I think it’s ridiculous. I really do. Listen. Just let those people alone; they know what they want. God made a man a colored man, and he’s happy about it. Absolutely. If God made me a colored man, I’d be happy about it; if He made me a brown man, I’d be happy; if He made me a white man, I’m happy; if He made me a yellow man, I’d be happy. God made us in our colors, and He made us the way He wanted us, and we’re all His children. Absolutely. And they oughtn’t to fuss and carry on like that. That’s wrong to do that. They shouldn’t do it. God made us… The way we wanted… And the colored man, he don’t want to get out there and break up his–his generation or his color, and mix it in with a… the white and everything like that. I don’t blame him. I don’t. The colored man has things that the white man don’t even possess. Absolutely. That’s exactly right. And God never intended them to be that way.

« 605 † Well, look. The colored man is… He’s–he’s a… He’s got a–he’s got a disposition about him that the white man never does have. He’s got a happy-go-lucky, a “trust God, and just let the rest of it go.” Whether he’s got it or whether he hasn’t, he’s happy anyhow. I’d like to have a whole lot of that tonight; I sure would. Well, he’s got it, and that’s his possession. He don’t want to mix it up with some other race and break it out either. That’s exactly right.
I think the lady down there at Shreveport made one of the best–best comments I ever heard in my life. She made a comment, and they put it in the paper. She walked up; she said, “The way these things are going in here in this segregation, I don’t want my children going to school over at that white school.” Said, “They won’t get the attention they’d have if they had a colored teacher.” That woman’s a smart woman. She knowed what she was talking about; they get a better education. That’s exactly right. So I think the people do wrong by doing that.
And then they say, “Cain and Abel…” and so forth like that. No, sir. The color had nothing to do with it. It’s the spirit inside of there that has something to do with it. That’s exactly right.

« 608 † So Cain knew his wife, and that was his sister. And they… He took her to the land of Nod, and there come forth the great tribes of the earth: the religionists and worshippers.
And just think today, friend, just stop and think just for a moment, that there are tens of thousands times tens of thousands and thousands of thousands of absolutely church going people, just as sincere and consecrated to that church they can be, that’s just as far lost as Cain was. See? It’s God Who chooses. It’s God Who elects (See?), God Who gives mercy. The clay can’t say to the potter; it’s the potter over the clay. That’s right.

« 610 † Now, here’s a beautiful one, the next one here.
In II Peter 2:4–2:4…
Somebody got a Bible, want to turn to these Scriptures right quick while I’m reading them, if you want to, and kind of help me along here, while we get this question.
Now, on this Cain and–and so forth, if that don’t satisfy it now, you just let us have it. We’ll be glad…

« 613 † Now, II Peter 2:4. All right, sir, here we are.
66. II Peter 2:4, For if God has… For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down into hell, then why did Christ preach to the spirits in prison in I Peter 3:19?
Now, we got Peter 2:4, first. All right.
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down–down to hell, and–and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto the judgment;
Now, now, let’s find out in I Peter (that’s II Peter), I Peter 3:19, listen at this. Here we are right here. These just come in, the reason I didn’t have them wrote out.
… which also… went and preached to the spirits in prison;
Oh, yes, here we are. Let’s begin a little before that, the 18th verse.
For Christ also… once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
Which sometime were disobedient,… (My dear friend, if you’d just read the next verse, it’d explained it. See?)… Which were sometimes disobedient, which once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark being prepared, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. See?
Now, if you’ll notice in here, I think this preacher’s got another one on the–something on the same line, will be answered a little later.

« 619 † I Peter 4, or 2:4, if you notice, “for if God spared not the angels,” how is that “angel” spelt? Little “a.” See? Now, over here, “the spirits that were in prison that repented not in the long-suffering of the days of Noah,” same angels. It was men: messengers, preachers: “spared not the angels.” Did you know that a–the word “angel” comes from the word “a messenger”? How many knows that “angel” is “messenger”? Absolutely, angel is a messenger, “and He spared not the angels.” See?
And over here in the Hebrews, you remember we went through it a few weeks ago: “the angels”?
And over in He–in the Revelation, “To the angel of the church of Sardis write these things… To the angel of the church of Ephesus write these things… To the angel of the church…” Remember that? And we run the “angel” word back, and from the dictionary, and find out that means “a messenger.” It could be “a messenger on earth, a supernatural messenger,” the word “angel.”

« 622 † So in this state, if we’d take the Lexicon and run it back, you’ll find out it starts from “messengers, the first messengers.” See? “If the–if he spared not… For if God spared not the angels that sinned (See?), and the supernatural beings (See?), after the waiting…” Now, watch, he said.
…if… spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be preserved unto judgment;
Then look over in I Peter here again, 3:19; watch how this reads now.
For by which also he went and preached to the spirits in prison;
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah,… (See, it was the messengers of that day: messengers.)… while the ark was being prepared, wherein… that is, eight souls were saved by water.

« 624 † Now, if you’ll notice when those beings were in heaven… Now, over in Revelations 11–or the 7th chapter, I believe–or no, no, it’s the 12th chapter, He gives a picture of the woman standing, the moon at her head and the sun–or, the sun at her head and the moon under her feet. And the red dragon stood to devour the child as soon as it was born; and he took his tail and pulled a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. Did you notice that? Now, that doesn’t mean that Satan has a–a long tail that he hooked around people, but the tale that he told, and pulled a third part of those stars. Those stars were Abraham’s seed.
Abraham said, “Oh…”
God told Abraham, “Look up to the heavens and number the stars if you can.”
He said, “I can’t do it.”
He said, “Neither will you be able to number your seed,” the stars.

« 629 † Who is the Bright and Morning Star? Jesus of Nazareth, the brightest that ever lived in human flesh. He is the Bright and Morning Star. And He is the Seed of Abraham, coming through Isaac. And we, being dead in Christ, take on Abraham’s Seed and are heirs according to the promise.
So the stars of the heaven represented the spirits of men here. And when the red dragon (Rome, under its persecution) hugged in two thirds of the–or a third of the stars, and cast them down, that was at the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus when they rejected Him and He was–and cast Him out and had nothing to do with Him; there was that third part of the angelic stars, the angelic beings.

« 631 † See, in your body, inside of you (We got another question on that, directly, that’ll answer it better.)… So when… Inside of you is a spirit, another man. The outside of you is a–one man; the inside of you is another man. So the inside of you is the supernatural; the outside of you is the physical. See? And this being, if you are Spirit-led by God, you became a messenger of God or an angel. God’s messenger, God’s angel is the very same word; can’t separate it: God’s messenger or God’s angel.
And which has the greatest authority, an angel from heaven or an angel at the pulpit? Which has it? The angel at the pulpit. Paul said, “If an angel from heaven comes and preach any other Gospel to you than this which I’ve already preached, let him be accursed.” So the angel anointed with the Holy Spirit and with the Word stands next to God (That’s right.) in the heaven, his authority…

« 633 † “All powers in heaven and earth is given into My hand. Go, and I’ll go with you. Whatever you bind on earth, I’ll bind in heaven. What you loose on earth, I’ll loose in heaven.”
Oh, if the great holy Church only realized its power to do these things. But there’s so much doubt and fear and trembling, wondering if it will, “Could it happen?” As long as that exists, the Church can never stand upright. And when every talk of fear is vanished and the Holy Spirit is completely in control of the Church, then all fears are gone, and that Church has the power. See? Why, they have everything that heaven owns behind them. They’re ambassadors of the throne. Absolutely. An ambassador of Christ has the authority, and everything that Christ owns belongs to that ambassador. And He said, “Go ye into all the world; you are My witnesses after the Holy Ghost is come on you.” And what is a witness? Is an ambassador, is to come and witness something. The whole powers of heavens is right in your hands. Oh, why do we set, and the church is barren, and we set dormant? Is because that we don’t recognize these things.

« 635 † Now, the souls that were in prison that repented not, were not Angelic beings that had–had been brought down in the form of Angels, but it was the spirits of those angelic beings that fell before the foundation of the world, back there when the war went on in heaven. And Satan and–and the dragon fought, and then… Or Michael and–and the–the dragon fought and Lucifer. And Lucifer was cast out with all of his children, all of the angels that he had deceived, and those angels come to the earth and was subject then to become human. And when they did, that’s when the sons of God saw the daughters of men was fair, and took unto them wives.
They are sons of God. Every man that’s born in this earth is a son of God. Regardless of whether he’s sinner or what he is, he’s a son of God, created in the image of God for the praises of God; he’s created that way. But God in the beginning knew who would receive Him and who would not receive Him. Therefore He could predestinate, or not predestinate, but by foreknowledge He could tell who would be saved and who wouldn’t be saved, for He knew which person would take up which spirit.

« 637 † And those spirits that come from the throne of God, and stands before the throne of God, and lived–and billions and billions and aeons of time before the world ever begin in the Presence of God, you think they don’t know something about worship? And they come down and get right into men, and they worship God. Absolutely, they worship God; and they have a knowledge of God, and they’re smart, and shrewd, and educated, always. But God rejected them from the beginning.
So therefore, friends, membership of a church, or–or knowledge of some theology or something, doesn’t have one thing to do with it. It’s got to be the Blood of Jesus Christ and a new birth that joins you to Him as one person. There you are.

« 639 † God, in the beginning when He knowed that… Man and women was made one, not two; they were made one. They were separated, one put in flesh and one in a theophany. He knew that. So in order to prove that to you, when God made the woman, He never took some dust and made her like He did the man; He took a rib out of the side of Adam, and she become a by-product of a man, because she’s part of him. You get it now? See? There you are.
There the angels… And God and the spirit that’s joined with God is one Spirit. That’s right. Now, the Spirit of God that dwells in the Church, is the Spirit that come from heaven, that God knew before the foundation of the world, that rejected the devil’s lie. And that spirit had to take a body of flesh to be–to take his testings. He had to come flesh like these others did, and all of them put on the equal yoke. And God, by the beginning, knowed the spirits that would and which would not. There you are. That devil is so wise he has–deceive the very elect, if possible.

« 641 † So these spirits, these angels that preached, was in prison… Angels, if you’ll notice it here, it’s a little “a” which means “men”: angels, messenger’s here on the earth. They sinned, and the only way that they could sin would be disbelieve. And the way… They had their own religions, and they did not believe the message of Noah. They did not believe the message of Enoch. And they rejected their message and was condemned; the Bible said they were.
Enoch prophesied to them, said, “The Lord’s a-coming with ten thousands of His saints.”
And they prophesied. And Noah built an ark, and they said, “He’s a holy-roller. He’s a fanatic. There is no such a thing as the rain coming.” And a hundred and twenty years went on, and he had a religion that had salvation in it; there was a way of escape made, but they were satisfied in their condition.

« 644 † That’s the way it is today, that men are satisfied in their condition. But there is a way of escape, and that way is through Jesus Christ. Amen. There you are: the same tribe, the same spirits.
And they were absolutely religious men, very religious, but they missed the covenant vow.
So is it today. Men go to church, and join big churches, and try to be the most popular person in the city. If they want to join a church, they get the biggest in the city, the best and well-thought-of in the city. How far they miss the calling. How far they miss it.
The only way you’ll ever know Jesus Christ is by spiritual revelation, not by theology and how much you study the Bible. Whether you be Christian Science, Methodist, Jehovah Witness, or whatever you are; no matter what you are, you’ll never know It by the Word; it’s the Spirit of God that reveals Him to you. It’s a spiritual revelation.

« 648 † When Adam in the garden of Eden, and Eve… When those children was cast out, here come Cain with good theology. He said, “God should know that we are doing this from the best–best of my heart. I’ll build a beautiful altar; I put flowers on it; I put fruits on it; I make it pretty. Surely I can appease God with this and let Him know that I’m sincere in my heart.” He was right as far as the Word went; God wanted worship; he went to worship. He made a beautiful place to worship in, great, fine cathedral as we’d call it today. And he made it right; he built it right; he put an altar in it; he wasn’t an infidel.
But Abel, upon the Word of God… There was no Bible wrote then, but God revealed to him that it wasn’t fruit that brought us out of the garden of Eden. It wasn’t apples that Adam and Eve ate; it was absolutely sexual things that had separated them and divided them, and knowing that they become mortal, and through the blood of Adam, and through the blood of the serpent that had started this… Abel by Divine revelation went and got a lamb and offered it, and God said, “That’s it.” Sure.

« 650 † When they come down off of Mount Transfiguration, Jesus said, “Who does man say I the Son of man am?”
“Some say You’re Moses, and some say You’re Elias, and some say You’re Jeremiah, and some say You’re that prophet.”
He said, “But Who do you say I am?”
Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
He said, “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. (Watch.) Not no more through the letter, not no more through the school; you never learned it in a seminary; neither did somebody tell you. Flesh and blood hath not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed it to you. And upon this rock I’ll build My Church, and the gates of hell can’t prevail against it.” There you are. There’s the church of the living God. That’s it. Upon that church… Upon that revelation, this church is built. It’s a Divine revelation that God has revealed, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and you accept Him as your personal Saviour, you’ve passed from death unto Life.

« 655 † And the Holy Spirit’s a-moving and working in the members of this body. There’s the church. No matter if it’s poor, and in a mission, and you stand out under a pine tree somewhere, or wherever it is, if it’s in somebody’s house in a private meeting, no matter where it would be… Beauty and things doesn’t enchant God. It’s the sincerity of the heart by a revelation that Jesus Christ has been presented as the Son of God, a personal Saviour. Amen.
My, we can never get these, go through like that, will we?

« 657 † There’s the ones that–over there that He went… The angels, the messengers, them preachers, them the intellectuals, them messengers that believed not when Noah went to preach to them and told them, “Why, come into this ark.”
They said, “Listen to that holy-roller. Listen to that fanatic. Why, there’s no rain. Whoever heard of such a thing? Why, my, don’t we have churches? Aren’t we religious?” Why, they were religious.
Jesus said it would be a generation that passed just then, would be–that generation would repeat again just before His coming, “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man. For they were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage.” They had a Reno, Nevada, then somewhere. They had all kinds of nonsense that they got today, rallying, and frolicking, and making fun, scoffers, and so forth: having a form of godliness, but denying the real truth: the covenant, the Message of grace. God making this way and giving the people His–His covenant, how they could escape; It had salvation in it. Salvation was a place to escape.

« 660 † “What do we need with salvation?” Today people say, “Aren’t we living under a good democratic form of government? What do we need?”
I don’t care how much democratic form of government we live; we need the Blood of Jesus Christ. Right. We need Christ. I appreciate a democratic form of government; that has nothing to do with the salvation of the soul. Absolutely. Those governments will pass, and every nation will pass. And I’ve stood by the–where the pharaohs stood, and you have to dig twenty feet under the ground to find their thrones where they set. All the pharaohs and his kingdoms of this earth, and all of its faltery things will fail and go away, but Jehovah will reign forever, for He’s the immortal God. Solidly upon the rock Christ Jesus we stand, for all other grounds is sinking sands.
Care whether it’s… Kingdoms will arise and fail, but oh, there’s nothing… I don’t care whether it’s anything. There’s nothing present, nothing future, nothing, starvations, or perils or anything can ever separate us from that love of God that’s in Christ. When a man is borned of the Spirit of God, he’s a creature no longer of time, but he’s a creature of eternity. Amen. He’s passed from death unto Life. He’s passed from the… He’s passed from the time element into the eternity. He can never perish. And God swore that He’d raise him up in the last days.

« 663 † So they can have all your big churches, and all your big times, and all you wish to, and tell your dirty jokes, and have your bunco games, and soup suppers, and everything else that you want to, and have some educated preacher standing there. Maybe he can do a better job at it than some of these little old boys hardly knows their abc’s. But I’m telling you truth; I’d rather have a boy didn’t know his abc’s preaching to me, that knowed Christ, than all the great theologians there is with all you’re educations could be thought of. Absolutely.

« 664 † Down here in Kentucky not long ago, a little old boy that couldn’t even hardly read his own name, said the Lord called him to preach and he wanted a schoolhouse. Why, the authorities wouldn’t let him have it. Some great big preacher come by there with a handle on his name like that, some great doctor of divinity, why, they let him have the school. Sure. He held a two weeks revival, not one soul. And his father went back, said, “Now, if you let him have it, I’m a taxpayer; I got a right for my boy to have it. And my boy should have it also.”
So he went back to find out, and after… They said, “Well, we’ll let him have it at least two nights.” And they went on and let him have it two nights.
And that night that little old boy got up there and couldn’t even read the Bible, had somebody read his text. But when he walked to the platform, he was anointed with the Holy Ghost. And when he preached, about twenty come to the altar; and that self-styled preacher wept her way through to Calvary at the altar.
Sure, brother, it’s not–not what you know; it’s Who you know. That’s the idea; that’s what it takes. It takes to know Christ. To know Him is Life; to reject Him is death.

« 668 † Quickly to our other questions, the questions now that goes down to Georgia…
67. What do the stones in the–represent in Revelation 21:19 and 20?
If you wish to take the time to open your Bibles, which we haven’t too much time now, but I’ll try to answer them quickly. Revelation 20, I believe it’s 21:19 and 20. Yes.
All right, in there you’ll find out that he was talking of the stones that was in the building. And the stones were foundations. If you’ll notice… I do believe you have it there, Brother Neville. And each stone was a foundation. Not one stone a foundation, and the others… But each stone was a foundation. Each stone was a constant foundation. And there were twelve stones. And if you notice those twelve stones, give each… First starting out with jasper, and sardius, and so forth like that, representing each stone.

« 671 † In the Bible there you’ll find out it was called certain stones. Some of them a little difference, you never heard of it. If you look back in the dictionary you find out it’s the same stone, just a different name change.
But it starts out with–with jasper. Jasper was the stone of–of Benjamin–or the stone of, oh, the first son, Reuben. The first stone was Reuben, which was jasper. The last stone was Benjamin, the last stone on top.
Now, these twelve stones that the foundations was laid on, them–them twelve stones hung on the breastplate of Aaron. And they–he represent… He was the high priest of these–of these tribes. Each one of their birthstones in here, in this–this plate… And when the people saw this plate, they recognized that Aaron was the high priest of that entire tribe, when they seen the birthstone in this plate.

« 674 † Now, when we got this morning at Brother Neville’s message. And as many times they brought the Urim Thummim. You see it mentioned in the Bible as the way they knowed whether their message was truth or not. Those stones, when they’d go to telling what the man said, the prophet prophesied, and those stones all reflected together. It made a conglomeration of light that took sapphire, and jasper, and carbuncle, and all those other stones reflecting their light; it made one great big beautiful rainbow color that blended the whole thing together.
Now, now, the day when that Urim Thummim was taken away with that priesthood, now this Bible is God’s Urim Thummim today. And when a preacher preaches, it must not be just one little place here, and that’s all he puts his hopes upon; it must be the entire Bible reflecting the message that the man’s a-preaching. That is the thing. Not just one place, and say, “Well, the Bible says this.” Oh, sure, it says lots of things. But you must make it all be put together. And when the Spirit of God comes and gets into the–the Word, It places it all together and reflects one great big Light, and that Light is Jesus Christ. Amen.

« 676 † Now, these twelve stones was twelve foundations that was started out from Reuben, and Gad, and on down to Benjamin: twelve tribes, twelve stones. And those stones in the temple, in the new heavenly Jerusalem, each foundation will be laid upon one of the patriarchs.
Now, watch, you notice the stones. Now, you’re going to watch them patriarchs reflected right into something else, just in another question.

« 678 † 68. Explain–explain the fourth–the four beasts of Revelations 5.
Brother Neville, if you’ve got that right there close, or some of you, of Revelations 5, we’ll read this just for a minute. It’s a–it’s a beautiful picture here of the… Here, I have it myself, Revelations the 5th chapter.
And I saw in the right hand of him that set upon the–upon the throne a book written within and without and–and–and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
And I…
Now, that’s not the place. I’m wanting to get just a little further, the four beasts. Let’s see, the 14th verse. All right, sir. Now, here we go; that’s right. Now, let’s begin up here at the–at the 12th verse, no, I guess the…
And the four beasts said, Amen…
Now, there’s a little place behind that, Brother Neville.
Behold, I heard the voice…
Let’s see, just a minute, I was reading it awhile ago. Oh, here we are; let’s begin at the 6th verse, the 5th verse.
And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the… seals thereof.
And I beheld, and,… in the midst of the throne and… four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven heads and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits… sent forth from… unto the earth.

« 681 † I want you to hold that question, and if I don’t catch it down here in a minute, I want you to bring back again. I want to deal on that, “the seven Spirits of the seven eyes that was on the Lamb.” Oh, that’s a real beautiful thing. (Well, we want to get this brother’s question now.) All right, don’t forget that now.
And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that set upon the throne.
… when he had taken it, the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb,… every one of them having harps,…
Now, that’s the–the four–the four beasts here, if you’ll notice. Now, let’s go ahead and read just a little farther.
… golden harps,… full of vials and odours,… and prayers of saints,
And they sang a new song,… Thou art worthy… (and went ahead and made their–all their worship to the Lord)

« 683 † Now, these four beasts of Revelations, if you notice them, every place… (You Bible readers, and which the man is going to listen to this tape recording…) Those four beasts, they had four faces: one had a face like a man; the other one had a face like an ox; and the other face was like an eagle; and the other face was like a lion. And they never went backwards; they couldn’t go backwards.
How many remembers the old book of Revelations when they taught it years ago, when I took about two years here on the Book of Revelation? A lot of the oldtimers do.
Look, they could not go backwards, because every way they went they were going forward. If they went this a-way, they was going like a man; if they went this a-way, they was going like a lion; went this a-way, they was going like an eagle; if they went this a-way, they was going like an ox. See, they couldn’t go backwards; they were going forward all the time.

« 686 † Now, those four beasts… Now, to quickly get this, ’cause I don’t want to stay too long on this. But the four beasts… The “beast,” in Bible represents “power.” And you notice these beasts were not out yonder in the lake or in the sea somewhere coming up, but they were at the throne of God, and they were worshipping God. Those “four beasts” means “four powers” that come up out of the earth, and those four powers was the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; one don’t contradict the other one.
And one of them, the… As the Gospel goes forth as a lion, it’s stern, it’s bold; the Gospel is brave like a lion, and it’s a king like a lion. If it goes towards a man’s face, it’s cunning and shrewd like a man. If it goes the eagle, it’s got the swift wings and the high heights. It… See what I mean? If it goes like the ox, it’s the work horse that can pull, the work ox that pull the–the–the burden of the Gospel. The four beasts was the four powers, which were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the four Gospels that ring out in the Presence of God. That was…

« 688 † If you noticed, they had eyes in front and in the back. They–they… Everywhere it went, it reflected. They seen everywhere they were going. And that’s the power of the Gospels as it goes out; it can… It’s got the shrewdness of a man; it’s got the swiftness of an eagle; it’s got the–the–the–the power, the pulling power, the burden-bearer like an ox; it’s got the–the sternness and the boldness of a lion. See, it’s the four Gospels, which are the four powers of the Revelations the 4th chapter. All right, now the next…

« 689 † 69. Who are the twenty and four elders? All right, I believe that would be on the–the… Who are the twenty-four elders?
Now, that’s just simple; we could get to it. The twenty-four elders was setting before the throne. That’s in the ver… I believe it’s in verse 4, is where it’s found. “And there went out another…” I’ve got to… Let’s see, I’ve… 4:10.
All right, Revelations the 4th chapter and the 10th verse. That’s right. We’ll get to it.
And the four and twenty elders fell down before him that set on the throne, and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne saying,
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

« 691 † Now, the four and twenty elders, an elder is an overseer. Now, notice, they were twelve patriarchs and twelve apostles. And they were setting, twelve on one side and twelve on the other. There were the twenty and four elders, which were, the twelve patriarchs on one side, the Old Testament, the twelve apostles on the other side, of the New Testament. Didn’t Jesus say, “You’ll set on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel”?
And how the foundations looked… There’s even a tree in there. And the tree on either side bears twelve manners of fruit. And they yield their fruit once a month, which is twelve months in a year. They render twelve manners of fruit every year as it goes by. “Twelve,” is that “worship number.” You see? And there’s a twenty and four, would be twenty-four, twelve apostles and twelve patriarchs. They’re setting at the throne.

« 693 † All right, now the 4th verse–or the fourth question.
70. What did the scarlet thread in Genesis 38 represent?
The scarlet thread, if you’ll notice, it was Judah. And he had a–sons, and one of his sons married a Canaanite woman. And this Canaanite woman didn’t have any children, and his son died. Then the law then was to take… The next son had to take the brother’s wife and raise up seed to the dead. And the other man did not cooperate and do as he should do, and the Lord slayed him. Then he had one young son; so Judah said, “Wait till this son drives–grows up until the place where you can marry him.”
And when he grew up to a place that he was supposed to marry his two brothers’ former wife, well, he was supposed to take her then to raise seed up to his brethren that had been–that had died before him… Judah did not give the woman, the Canaanite woman, the son, the boy, and just let him go ahead. So she seen that she was doing wrong, so she goes out and wraps a veil over her face, and set in a public place as a harlot would set.

« 696 † Judah come by and took the woman as his wife, and she was a harlot, and lived with her. And said… She said, “Well, what would you bargain with me?” And he… She said…
He said, “A gift of a–a kid.” He said…
“Well, give me a sign that you’ll do it.” So she took his staff and his signet and so forth, and kept it.
And when they brought the kid, they couldn’t find the harlot, ’cause she wasn’t a harlot.
After while, she showed up that she was to be a mother. And when she showed up that she was to be a mother, they come told Judah, “Thy daughter-in-law has played the part of a harlot.” Said, “Because that she–she’s to be mother, and your both boys are dead.”
He said, “Well, she’ll be called forth and burned.”
And so she sent word to Judah, and she said, “The man that did this, owned this staff and this signet.” All right. That was her father-in-law.
And he said, “She’s more righteous than I am.”

« 703 † Now, when she…?… her children was to be delivered, there were twins. And when the twin… The first baby that was to be born, the old Jewish custom, the first child had the birthright, the first child to break forth. And that, remember, was her first child. None of the rest of the boys had had any children by her. She’d never had a child till this time.
And when her first child broke forth, it was just a hand. And the midwife put a scarlet streak around, because a scarlet streak spake of redemption that the first son of the virgin Mary would be–have the scarlet streak of redemption.
And when he drew his hand back, the other one come first. And when he did, said, “Why did you do this? The other one has the birthright.”
So that’s what Genesis 38 means. You see? That the first child still remained until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, that the first was under the redempting law.

« 707 † You–you know I said… The little mule, you know, I’ve told about, that his eyes was whatevermore, his ears broke down, but if he was born with a birthright, a innocent, perfect lamb died in his place. There it is.
So that was for the birthright. The first baby that broke forth from the mother, and they seen that hand (and knew that it might turn back again). And when he pushed forth his hand to show that he had it, he was the first one, the midwife bound the scarlet thread around it and he pulled his hand back. See? But absolutely, he was the first. That was the scarlet streak; the scarlet streak has always through the Bible, that means redemption; which was pointing forward to the first child coming.

« 709 † The first horse born, the first cow born, ever what it was, everything that was born first (that come forth) was under redemption, had to be redeemed; everything had to be redeemed. Hallelujah. Oh, that just thrills me. Do you get it? The first had to be redeemed. It was a law. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
And when Jesus Christ was born, He redeemed the whole world. Certainly, He did. He was the Redeemer of every creature that was ever created on the earth. He was the Redeemer. And at… All redemption lays in Him, and no other way at all can you ever come by good works, by joining church, or whatever it is; you must come by that scarlet streak, that Redeemer, that Kinsman Redeemer.

« 711 † All right, now the next is…
71. Where are the gifts… What are the gifts to be sent regarding the death of the two witnesses of Revelations 11?
Oh, Brother Palmer, if you can’t ask some questions.
Now, the redemption, these streaks here, this scarlet streak, we see it meant redemption.
Now, the next question is.
What is the gifts in Revelations 11?
There’s coming a time… Now, here’s going to answer a question that was answered the other night, that a preacher friend of mine wrote about the Jews, how it would be.
Now, these Jews has got three and a half years promised to them. How many knows that? Seventy of weeks was promised. Said, “Messiah will come and be cut off in the midst.” Three and a half years Christ preached, was killed in the–exactly three and a half years, three years and six months He preached. [–Ed.]
And then the abomination maketh desolation, the–the Moslem of Omar was set–put on the holy ground, as God said, twenty-five hundred years before it happened, it would be standing there. The prophet saw it, and seen it, and said, “They would… The Gentiles would be in possession there, until the Gentile dispensation would be finished.”

« 716 † Now, there’s yet three and a half years promised. If you notice, these witnesses of Revelations 11 prophesy a thousand, two hundred and three score days, exactly three and a half years. Now… And they were in sackcloth. Now, watch their ministry, what they are. Now, these two witnesses are killed.
Now, the… They returned to the Jews after the rapture of the Gentile church. The Gentile church goes home for the wedding supper, and as Rebekah was taken into Abraham’s place with Isaac and there was married… And Rebekah and Isaac come out with full possession of everything that Abraham had; it all went to Isaac. Absolutely. And it could not come to Isaac until first Isaac was married. Oh, hallelujah. There you are.

« 718 † And Christ becomes… God dwells in that perfect…?… marred body completely forever and through eternity. When the Lamb and the Bride is married in heaven, she walks out in full possession. Absolutely. Isaac and Rebekah came forth in full possession.
And while this ceremony is going on in heaven of the Bride, the Gentile Bride being married to the Prince, God’s Son, in glory… While they’re being married, there’s three and a half years that takes place while the–Moses and Elijah…
Which, Moses was never abso… No, his body was packed away. The Angels took him; he did not mortify; he did not corrupt. He was a perfect type of Christ. He died, and the Angels packed him away, and even the devil don’t even know where he’s buried, and tried to dispute with Michael the Archangel about his burial. That’s what the Bible said. God took him up in the rapture.

« 721 † And Elijah, when he was walking there, a prophet of God walked down to the Jordan, took off his mantle, and struck the waters, and she parted right and left. He walked up on the mountain. Elisha said… Said, “What are you following me for?”
He said, “I want a double portion of your Spirit.”
Said, “You’ve asked a hard thing, but if you see me when I go…” He kept his eyes on him.
And after while, down from the heaven come a chariot of fire, and Angels of fire, horses of fire, and Elijah stepped on and went up into glory. He never tasted death; he was translated. He’s got to die.
And if you’ll watch these two prophets of Revelations 11, they do the very same thing that Moses and Elijah done. You say, “Brother Branham, do you mean to tell me that Elijah and Moses is still alive?” Absolutely.

« 726 † Why, before Mount Transfiguration… At Mount Transfiguration, before Jesus went to Calvary, there stood both Moses and Elijah standing there talking to Him. Certainly, they did; they’re not dead. And they’ve never died; they’re mortals; they got to die. So they’re just in a glorified state waiting for that time.
And then when they come back and preach exactly three and a half years under the anointing of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, while the blessings are taken from the Gentiles, and the church is taken up, and the cold, formal church is hunted down like dogs by the communist and Roman parties… And when they’re hunted down and killed, they–they are killed… Then these prophets preach three and a half years, and the Bible said that they were killed in the great–in the street of called spiritually, Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified. That’s back in Jerusalem (See?), back in Jerusalem, spiritually called.

« 728 † And they laid on the street for three days and nights. And then at the end of the three and a half days, the spirit of life come into them and they rose up. They had to die like other mortals; they had to do it. And when they killed these two preachers…
They preached against wrong, and they brought fire out of heaven. Who did that? See? They brought plagues out of heaven, and smote the earth as quick as–any time they wanted to. And they brought fire out of heaven. And they stopped the heavens from raining, as long as they wanted to. Who was that? Exactly Moses and Elijah. And there’s them two witnesses.

« 730 † And when they tormented the church, or the world, by their preaching, and receiving back the Jews, and bringing them back to repentance, bringing them back to believe on… When they see Jesus coming for the Bride, they’ll say, “Lo, this is our God Who we waited on. That’s Him.” But He’s not coming for them; He come for His Bride. And His Bride…
When Joseph went into Egypt, he did not take his brethren with him, but he got his bride there. Absolutely. But when he made hisself known to his brothers, there was nobody present. That’s exactly right. And when He makes Hisself known to these Jews, they’ll be nobody there but the Jews. There’s them who killed Joseph, standing there; and he said, “Well, I’m Joseph, your brother.” And he wept.
And they said, “Now, we know we’re in for it, because we killed him.”

« 733 † The same thing, those Jews will have that great time of trouble just before the coming now, of that persecution running them back into the homeland… It’s shooing them like a bunch of sheep back to Mount Carmel yonder.
When the Lord Jesus shall come for his Bride, and they see Him, they’ll say, “That’s the One we’ve waited on; there He is.” He’ll rise with healing in His wings. That’s right.
And the church, the remnant of the Jews, when they finally kill these two prophets, and they lay in the street spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified, they send gifts one to another (the world does).

« 736 † Now, Brother Palmer, here you are. Look back into the Roman history, and you’ll find out there’s only one nation in all the world that ever sent gifts after a battle: that’s the Roman empire.
That’s the reason I say that the antichrist comes out of Rome, The beast comes out of Rome; it can’t come out of Moscow. It comes from Rome, the red dragon that stood at the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born, that devil… Where was that devil? Who was it? Caesar Augustus that sent forth and killed all the children from two year old down. The red dragon, the dragon, beast means “power.” The Roman power persecuted and tried to find that Christ Child.

« 738 † And that same thing… Every time that the Romans, the old pagan Rome used to have a great victory, they’d send white stones and everything to one another as gifts like that, as a memorial. So those stones that was… What it was, was little gifts sent between the Roman church. Absolutely, exactly. It’s got to be.
I stood right there in the Vatican City and verified it with the Bible. The pope wearing a triple crown, Vicarius Filii Dei, all those things which I’ve heard and so forth, it’s absolutely the truth. A religious group that governs every nation under the heavens, and it does. There it is; it’s those…

« 740 † Nothing against Catholic people (No, sir.); they’re just as good as anybody else, but their religion is wrong according to this Bible. If this Bible’s right, they’re wrong. They say they don’t… “It doesn’t matter what the Bible says; it’s what the church says.” We believe that the Bible speaks with the supreme authority. Absolutely, it’s God’s Word.
So you see there, these stones that were sent then, of Revelations here, is the–the stones that were gifts sent one to another. Which only goes to show… The Bible said, the Revelation here, said, “Let him that has wisdom count the numbers of the beast. Let him that has wisdom do so-and-so. Let he that has the spirit of certain gifts do so-and-so.” You see how short the church is?

« 742 † A young man asked me this morning about spiritual gifts, about speaking with tongues, a young fellow, very sincere. I believe he’s to be a minister some of these days. And about the church, I said, “There’s so much of it that’s flesh. We don’t want that, but we want the real thing. We long to have it.”
You can’t go to teaching in the church; the first thing you know, you get, one’s got a tongue, one’s got a psalm, then you have to battle the thing out. But when God has give a gift sovereignly, it’ll manifest itself. That’s right. See, that’s the gifts of God; that’s what He sends to the Church for overcoming.

« 744 † Now, the antichrist has something like pro and con; it has the–the–the perverted way of doing it. And that’s the Roman empire which sends gifts one to another, natural gifts. God sends spiritual gifts to overcomers; the Roman sends natural gifts to one another.
We believe the Holy Ghost is a Spirit; we receive It by a baptism that comes from on high.
The Catholic church teaches, “A holy eucharist which is the body of Christ, that when you receive this bread and kosher, it is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the holy eucharist.” See?
We believe it’s a piece of bread; we don’t believe it is the body of Christ. We’re fixing to take it in a few minutes. We believe it represents the body of Christ. But it isn’t…

« 748 † That’s the difference between Catholic and Protestant doctrine. See? The Catholic church says, “The body is… The bread is the literal body. The church has the power to transform this.” Did you ever see a Catholic passing a church, bow his head, make crosses? Is because that little light’s burning in the church there under that little tabernacle; it’s got a light in there; and that kosher bread lays in there. “And that’s the body of Christ. And when you take that, you’re absolutely taking the literal body of Christ on your first communion and your confessions and so forth: you’re taking, literally, the body of Christ.”

« 749 † We say that it represents the body of Christ (See?), that it’s nothing in the world but a piece of bread. And no matter if it wasn’t even bread, if it was anything else, it was to represent just the same, just–just exactly what it is…
Like these people that say, “I wouldn’t be baptized in a pool, I want to be baptized in the river.”
What difference does it make, as long as you’re baptized? If it’s in a pool, and… Why, Philip was baptized in a pool… when the eunuch was baptized… When Philip baptized the eunuch in the pool, the Holy Spirit raptured him so much that He caught Philip away; and he wasn’t seen for two hundred miles, caught Him in the Spirit, give him a–a chariot right out of heaven for two hundred miles. Amen. Wonderful.
Where will the saints be after the one thousand years’ reign? And what kind of a body will they have?
I’ll get back to that in a moment [Brother Branham answers this beginning at paragraph 820, as question 74–Ed.]. They’ll be with Jesus.

« 752 † All right, the–the seventh question.
72. How shall we judge angels?
That’s found in… How shall we judge angels? By being sons and daughters of God. Angels are servants; we are sons and daughters of God. And the Bible said that we’ll judge angels. That’s right.

« 754 † Now, now, if you… The 8th question…
73. Why hair because of angels of I Corinthians?
Now, somebody get me I Corinthians the–the 11th chapter, and we’ll see there, that you’ll find out that the–the… In I Corinthians the–the 11th, we find out that Paul is speaking. Let me get over to it just a minute, and then we’ll read it right quick, and then we’ll–we’ll have it down.
I got something to say on this other verse here, that I hope the Lord gives it to us the way we should have it. If somebody find it… I think that’s the 11th chapter. Yeah. All right. Now, listen close, real close now, so that you’ll understand. Now, take all your conscience and put it in your vest pocket till after I read this (You see?), comment on it. Listen real close, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Be ye followers of me, even as I… am of Christ. (Paul said, “You follow me, just as I follow Christ.”)
Now, I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things, and keeping of the ordinances, as I delivered… unto you.
But I would have you to know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
See how it is? God, Christ, man, woman. Now.
Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors Christ.
But every woman praying or prophesy with her head uncovered dishonors her head:…
Now, we get just a minute, and show you that the hair to the woman is her covering.
… for that… even all one as if she was shaven. (That means that if–if she’s going to cut her hair, then shave it off.)
For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: (“Shorn” means “shaven.” See?)… but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

« 758 † Now, we’re getting right down to the question you’re asking. See? All right. Now, it is wrong for a–a lady to cut her hair according to the Bible. Now, you listen right here and see if the Bible don’t give a man a legal right to put away his wife if she cuts her hair: see if this is right or not.
If a man… For a man indeed ought not to cover his head,… (That’s, have long hair.)… forsomuch as he is in the image and the glory of God: but the woman is in the glory of the man. (Did you ever think of that?)
I want to stop here, ’cause I want this to soak in real good. See? And now remember, I’ve seen tens of thousands of lovely women (know them right now, and plenty of them setting in this church) that has short hair, that’s Christians. And what I lay it onto, is not you; it’s the way you been taught. See? That’s it. Your preacher never told you this. But if any of the women around the Tabernacle like that, then they’re guilty (See?), ’cause we sure tell them about it.
Now, now watch this.
… a man… For… (7th verse)… For a man…

« 761 † Now, who’s speaking here? Now, sometime a lady say, “Oh, Paul was an old woman-hater.”
Well, now while we’re at that, let’s just turn over here to Galatians 1:8, and see what Paul says about this (See?) in Galatians 1:8. You’ll find out that Paul said here in Galatians 1:8…
…though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel than this you’ve already heard, let him be accursed.
Now, don’t blame me, you blame Him. See?
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forsomuch as he is in the glory and the image of God: but the woman is in the glory and the image of man.
Now, watch the next verse.
For the man is not of the woman; but the woman is of the man.
Neither was the man created for a woman; but the woman was created for a man.

« 765 † Now, I mean this now with real love and sweetness, and I hope you understand it the same way, I say this. But America… As a international traveler, America has some of the most lowdown, degraded rules for their women of any nation in the world. Paris, France, could be a sky-high scraper up the side of the way America lets their women do. It’s a disgrace.
Did you realize that the god of America is woman? I can prove that to you by this Bible. That’s right. Do you realize it has to come that way so the Catholic church can bring in their doctrine of the virgin Mary?
Now, if a woman was made not for a man, not… If a man was not made for a woman, but woman made for a man, then how you going to worship a woman? See? Now, what did it, it started in Paris and landed in Hollywood. Now, Paris has to come to Hollywood to get their models and get their fashions and things; it’s the degrading of our American women.

« 768 † What is it? Our nation has come so little until they’ve even taken the jobs away from the men, and put women out here in these places, till ninety percent of them, nearly, are prostitutes. And talk about man being gone, sure, it’s because they got women out there in their jobs. And they got so lowdown till they put women as peace officers on the street. That’s a disgrace to any nation. Yes, sir. What are you going to do about it?
“What do you do about it, Brother Branham?” I have to respect it; I’m an American citizen. I do what the big boss says do. If I ever… If a–if a family ever loses its respect for the family (the children lose the respect to the parents), that family’s tore to pieces. If a–if a church ever loses respect of its pastor, why it–it–it–that church is gone. And if a nation ever loses their respect of the Supreme Court and its decisions, that nation is gone to pieces. That’s exactly right. We’ve got to respect those things, because they’re the big boss. See? But it isn’t right in the beginning. Absolutely.

« 770 † Did you know that a man in the Bible of Genesis the 1st chapter, when God created woman and–and man, and made the men and women, and God told Eve that your husband will rule over you, be your ruler? Speak that in America and see where you’ll get. Boy, it’s not that, the woman rules over the man; they have to do that. The public places are set up…
I could bring women, if I had to, from my room there, by the dozens, of decent women… I don’t say all women shouldn’t sometime have to work; maybe they got a sick husband or something another, they have to work. But if they don’t have to, they shouldn’t do it. Their place is at home, their little castle; that’s exactly where they should be.

« 772 † And our American women’s been privileged to go and eat hog or die. Even in all animals and so forth, when that thing prevails, it takes place and it degrades the whole race of it.
There’s a little bird in Africa, and she’s a little pick bird. Now, usually, the female is always the ugliest of the two. The male’s always the most beautiful: the male deer, the male elk, the male pheasant, the–the male chicken, and always is the most… Because the female is the home bird. She sets on the nest; she raises her little ones. She’s disguised from the hawk, the snake, the coyote, whatevermore (See?) to raise her little ones.
But in the race where that the–or in the sex that–that–that woman, or the female prevails in beauty, it’s always a degrading type. In Africa, you take a bird… There’s a little bird there, and the only one on the continents that I know of, that the female is more prettier than the male. And when it does… That–that bird is a constant prostitute. She’ll run around and find a mate, and run out and lay the bunch of eggs after she’s mated with that one, and let the mate set on the eggs while she goes and hunts another mate. That’s exactly right. See? See what I mean?

« 776 † It… Now, look, in America today of our women… A young man from Kentucky told me a few days ago, that there was eight hundred women working at a certain plant here in Kentucky. And he said, “I could possibly feel safely in swearing that four hundred of them is absolutely street prostitutes, and married women with children.” One guy took his wife out there and worked her up with a board, and then he liked to killed her. And another one went on to shoot a man, and another one cutting and fighting. That shouldn’t be. That’s not right.
Put the woman back in the kitchen where she belongs, then everything will be all right. But you put her out there in public work, she’s gone. Abso… I don’t say that…
The American women snicker up their nose and say, “There’s nothing to that.” And, “You show me.” Certainly, you’ve got to do it, because the Bible predicted you’d do it. You have to do it.

« 779 † And here when… It used to be a long time ago in the Methodist church, if a woman cut her hair, she was put out of the church. Certainly, they did it. Yes, indeedy. Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, Pentecostals, all of them used to do it. What happened?
You know why? You got some sissies behind the pulpit. That’s exactly right. Somebody’s afraid their meal ticket, afraid you’d excommunicate them, run them out of the church. They didn’t have the very audacity to stand and stand on God’s Word whether It hurt or whether It didn’t. That’s exactly right.

« 781 † Listen here, the man is the ruler; don’t you think you can rule the house. You’re not the ruler of the house. You’re absolutely… You’re not a slave now, but you’re a helpmate. And Adam… The man has the rule over his wife, and he’s responsible solely for his wife. God makes the man answer for his wife. Now, read and see if God says that now.
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forsomuch as he is in the image and the glory of God:…
God is not a woman; God’s a man. You know when they make virgin Mary and all that, and interse–or intercessions and everything like that, and pray to the virgin Mary, you know what it reminds me of? The great goddess Diana, who Paul rebuked and run out. That’s right. He said, “Why, God ain’t no woman.”
A rock fell out in the field, and they said the goddess throwed down their image; that’s the reason woman at Corinth, and up into there, the–that worshipped Diana, they wanted to become preachers. They said, “Why, the spirit told us we could preach.”
He said, “What? Came the Word of God out of you, and came it from you only? If any man thinks himself to be spiritual or a prophet, let him acknowledge what I say is the commandments of the Lord: let a woman keep silent and be under subjections in the church, not to teach or to have any authority.” That’s exactly. That’s what the Scripture said. See? And God’s going to make a bunch of preachers answer for that at the day of judgment.
Well, listen. You say, “Well, I tell you, I was taught that.” You know better now. That’s right. If you or somebody start to take a dose of medicine, and somebody tells you it’s arsenic, and you–and you go ahead and take it anyhow, that’s your own fault after that. See?

« 787 † Now, listen to this.
For the man is not of the woman; but the woman is of the man. For this cause ought a woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
Any of you read it? I Corinthians the 11th chapter and the 10th verse. If you notice, “power, power of the angels,” I Corinthians, because the angels is the man, the messenger. Look, it’s a little “a” again. Where Angels are concerned, of heavenly Angels, it’s a big “A,” capital “A.” Where it’s a little “a,” it’s men, angels.
Nevertheless neither is there man… or woman,… neither is the woman without the man–the man, in the Lord.
For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman;… all things are of God.
Judge… yourself: is it comely for a woman to pray to God… (with short hair)… uncovered? (Think of it now.)
Now, watch.
Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair,…
Say, “What did it pertain to?” Hair. Don’t you see what Paul’s talking about? Hair, long hair. If… The woman ought to have long hair. 14th verse now.
Does not even nature itself teach you, that if a man have long hair, it’s a shame to him?

« 791 † You get it? It’s a shame for a man to have long hair, but a wom… That’s a woman’s place. God made a man different from a woman: sex and in looks, and in everything else. She oughtn’t to wear a garment… The Bible said that if a woman will put on a pair of slacks or any garment that pertains to a man, it’s an abominable and dirty and filthy sight in the front of God. And God will make her pay for it. Who you going to listen to? But this is the Bible.
And you run around and say, “Why, I think it’s nice for–see women wearing slacks.” But God made them different; He wants them dressed different.
And the Bible said, “If a woman will even put on a garment that pertains to a man, it’s an abomination.” You know what abomination is? It’s “something that’s filthy in the sight of God.” And the great Jehovah Who looks down upon you as being a filthy thing… And the Bible said…

« 794 † And you that said… Some of you ladies now, to your young girls around in teenage, eighteen, twenty years old, letting them run out here dressed like she is… And you too, mama… See? When you go out and wear those slacks and things and live, and get on the street, and–and have those old clothes that’s so naked nowadays, and make you look like something that you’re not… See? And you go out there on the street all sexually looking, you might be just as innocent and pure before your husband and everything, but if you go out on the street and a man looks upon you because you presented yourself like that, you’re guilty, and going to answer at the day of judgment for committing adultery with every man that looked at you like that. That’s what the Bible said.
The Bible said, “Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart already,” and you’re guilty and will…

« 797 † You come to the judgment and say, “Lord, You know my heart; I never committed adultery; I lived true to my husband.”
But here will be a man; here will be another one, here another one, another, another, fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty of them standing there saying, “Guilty of a adultery.” Why? Some man looked upon you.
“Well, I had nothing to do with it.” Well, why’d you present yourself like that for? When God told you not to put them on, it was an abomination to do it, and you go listen to “Who Loves Susie?” Or what’s that…
Did you find out what taken place with that “Who Loves Susie’s” husband? You all seen that here recently in the paper. When we was out in the Casper, Wyoming, it come out. And what’s his name? That guy that… on that “We Love Susie,” or what in the–what in the world was that? The… Oh, what you all stay at home Wednesday night and miss prayer meeting to see. What is that now? “We Love…” What is the name of that? [A sister says, “I Love Lucy.”–Ed.] “I Love Lucy,” her husband supposed beats around, has been caught out yonder at Reno, Nevada, with a colored girl, and been living with her for years. And that’s what you stay home to see instead of going, hearing the Gospel. The woman confessed it. Oh, mercy. There’s nothing clean outside of Jesus Christ.
Bless your heart, brother, I–I will tell you–you guy, some of the… You say, “Oh, my, look at the class.” Some of the–the very worst vultures we got and scavengers are pretty birds. You can’t judge a bird by its feathers. See? So just remember that. Oh, my.

« 802 † Now, watch.
Does not even nature… (That’s that 14th verse.)… teach you, that–it’s a shame for a man to have long hair? (That belongs to a woman.)
But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her:…
Now, what’s he talking about, a hat that you Catholic people wear in church? No indeedy. A little covering over top of your head, with a handkerchief? He’s talking about your hair.
Now. And if a woman cuts off her hair, she cuts off her glory, and is not permitted to the altar to pray. See, just what it said here, “Isn’t it a common thing for a woman to go pray with the head uncovered?” Says here, says, “Well, she got to cut her hair.” So let her be shaved off slick then. “And if she’s going to be shaved off slick,” said, “that’s a dishonor; it’s a shame for a woman to do that.” Then said, “She ought to be covered.” Now, I’m just–I’m just reading Paul’s letter. You all, it’s up to you. See?

« 805 † But if the woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given to her for a covering.
Did it say she’d be given a hat? You Catholic people or you Protestants, either one, that goes to church and wants to wear a hat, say, “Well, I’m going to church, ought to put on a hat.” No, you ought to let your hair grow. That’s the difference. See?
… for her hair is given to her for a covering. (And it’s a shame for her to come in church without covered, to go to the altar to pray.)
But if a man seem to be–to be… (I don’t believe I can pronounce that word, c-o-n-t-e…)… Contentious, contentious… (You know what contentious is.),… we have no such custom, neither the Church of God.
Now, if you want to argue about it, you argue with That. All right, you want to be contentious about it, “Oh, it don’t make any difference. Let’s let them go ahead. Why, I think it’s nothing. I… It’s not what the hair is anyhow, it’s what the heart is.” That’s true; if the heart’s right, the hair will be right. Uh-huh.

« 807 † Go ahead, you want to be contentious, Paul said, “We have no such custom, neither the Church of God.” So if you want to belong to Cain’s side, well, just go ahead. But this is what Paul was saying.
Oh, and I don’t mean to laugh, ’cause it’s not a laughing matter. But I tell you friends; it’s a shame to see the way that these things has been permitted to do, I…
Listen. To you, my dear sisters, I want you to look your best and be your best; that’s what you ought to be. That’s what you ought to be. And you ought to be as sweet and fresh and everything as you can when your husband comes, just the same as that was your sweetheart. And you ought to meet him at the door with a–with just with a kiss as sweet to him as it was the day you kissed him at the altar to be your husband. That’s right. I don’t blame you for looking your best and being your best. And I want you to be that way. God knows I do.

« 810 † Here some time ago, I was talking to Jack Shuler. Whoever heard of Jack Shuler? The most famous preacher the Methodist has got. He said, “A woman come, said–hair all dirty, and chewing chewing-gum, and her clothes half on her, said, ‘You know, my husband won’t even put up with me any more.'”
He said, “I don’t blame him.”
That’s right. Now, but what you’ve got to do, you’ve got to be in the right way. Don’t take your freshness and beauty out of Hollywood; take it out of the Bible. Before God, be a lady; act like a lady; dress like a lady; be clean. Act like a lady; don’t wear those…

« 813 † Any man that lets his wife get out and wear those little old things before men, and them little old things, get out on the lawn and mow the yard, and things like that… Mister, I’m telling you, brother, I don’t–I don’t mean to be mean, I–I… God knows that; that’s my heart. But I–I… I’m going to have to change a whole lot before I’d let mine do it. I’m going to be boss up on the hill up there as long as I can. You see? And when I can’t, I’m going to move off from there. That’s right.
Oh, brother, that’s a shame and a disgrace for women to do that. And I–I don’t mean, sister… I–I’m not degrading you; I’m just trying to say… Our church here has no members; people just come here. But this is a house of God, and we absolutely tell people not to wear those things, that it’s… They’re going to answer for it at the day of judgment. Now, watch here. And let your hair grow out (See?) and be a lady.

« 815 † Now.
Now, in this that is… I declare unto you I praise you not, for that you come together for… not for the better, but for the worse.
For first of all, when you come together in the church, I hear that there are divisions among you; and so forth,… (It goes on now to the communion table.)
Now, listen to that. That’s why that the angels…
Now, Brother Palmer, I ain’t telling you on this tape: you preach the same thing down there that I’m doing here. But you know good and well, and you being a preacher, you know that’s the truth, brother. All right.

« 818 † So the angels here are the men. If you notice it, Brother Palmer, it’s in the little letter, the angels. And the Bible goes ahead… He’s talking about the man and his wife (See?); that’s what the subject is.
That’s the way people get so confused in the Bible; they say, “Well, God says one thing here, and one…” No, you–you get off the subject. Stay right on the same subject; that’s all. He’s talking about man and wife.

« 820 † Now, one more thing I want to hit just before we close; it’ll take me about two minutes.
74. Where will the saints be after the one thousand years’ reign? And what kind of a body will they have?
I think that’s the sweetest question; I just love that. Now, let’s look right straight into it.
In the beginning God… We’ll go back to our Hebrew teaching just for a few minutes. God was this great big fountain of seven colors. How many knows that? See? And how many knows that God has seven Spirits? Absolutely, seven Spirits. And there was seven eyes in the lamb, and so forth, all that coming together now. See? Now, that was God.
Now, when He, the Logos went out of God, which was God coming from this one big fountain into a body in the form of a–of a man, and it made the Logos, which we call theophany…

« 824 † Now, if you take the theophany when you are looking at that, that’s a man. Now, that we… Now, that’s where we were in the beginning. Now, you do not understand it now, but you was back there in the beginning that way. When man made… When God made man in His image, He made him a theophany. And He only placed him in flesh… When God made man in His image, in His likeness, they were… In Genesis 2, there were… Or Genesis 1:28, I believe it is, “There was no man yet to till the soil,” and God had done made male and female. That’s right. “No man to till the soil…”
Then God brought man a little lower down and put him in animal life; that’s this body, just like the animals so that he could till the soil, could touch. That theophany doesn’t touch; it doesn’t see, taste, smell, hear, these senses that we have. So God put man down there in order to–to touch and to feel.

« 826 † And–and as he walked through the garden of Eden, first as a theophany (like the Holy Spirit is in here now walking in here), it led the animal life. It controlled everything, but it couldn’t till the soil. See? So God put him in flesh so that he could till the soil, give him his five senses to till the soil and fix up the–the vineyards and–and so forth, and then the man still looked lonesome. Oh, this is a beautiful picture.
Look, for when he was first made, he was made two people together. He was made both male and female; the man was. The Bible said he was. God made man both male and female, “created He him.” Notice. Now, when man was separated from the theophany and put in flesh, he was–he wasn’t just altogether there; part of his being was still a theophany, so it didn’t look right.
There went the male and female in the cow; there went the horse; and there went the ox; and there went everything else, pairs. But Adam, he… it was… See, there was something lacking. That very crave showed that there was a mate waiting for him. You get it? And the very thoughts that we have to die here, that we’re troubled and perplexed, and we long for a Life that has no death, it shows it’s waiting for us. See?

« 829 † And Adam was lonesome. And God, to show that they could not be separated… (Now, I’m going to get back into this same thing, just a second.) Look, He never went and got dirt and made a Eve, but He made from the original dirt: Adam. He took a rib from his side and made him a helpmate, and that was Eve. She was made for the man and part of the man. She was part of him in the beginning in the creation in the theophany. She was part of him down here in this creation. She could not be divided in another creation; she had to be made in the same creation.
That’s exactly why Christ and God had to be the very same Person; it could not be anything different. If He’d been a good man or a prophet, He wouldn’t have been a Redeemer; He had to be the Creator Himself. But He’s still a theophany now (You see?) and the way He was then.

« 832 † Now, a man come down here and he–he was wonderful; and God loved that; He said, “That’s beautiful; let them be on earth and live there forever. That’s all. For–for eternity, on and on and on, let it just grow, and every plant bring forth, and everything like that. And let the man live, and the beasts live, and everything else forever and ever. That’s all right.” See?
And then sin entered. And I want to make this statement. In the… So many people make such a terrible mistake on this one Scripture, and that is on the 23rd Psalm. They read It like this, “Yea, though I walk through the dark valley of the shadow of death.” Now, there is no such a thing. The Bible doesn’t say, that, “The dark shadow of the valley–or the dark valley of the shadows of death.”
Says, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” Now, before it could be a shadow, it has to have light to make the shadow. See? David being a prophet and under the anointing, he didn’t make a mistake; he just said the Truth: “Yea, though I (not walk through the dark valley) but through the valley of the shadows of death…”

« 835 † Then you have to have a certain percent of light to make a shadow. And that’s the way it is here. We are both natural and supernatural. This body is subject to death, and was brought forth by a woman, not by nothing but through, not by God, you’re a reproduction from Adam and Eve. Be black, white, or whatever you are, you are a production, an offspring from Adam and Eve. That makes your body borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. You’re damned and condemned at the beginning of your life, not even–without a chance.
Now, because the spirit that you have come to you by nature, and by nature coming from sexual intercourse, desire by man and woman produces a earthly child. And let that child alone, and don’t teach him nothing right, he’ll go wrong. Don’t teach him neither right nor wrong, he’ll take wrong. Because it’s his nature to do such.

« 837 † Watch a little old baby, not over higher than that, just get so mad, he’ll just… He–he’d wring his hands, and turn red in the face, and hold his breath. Sure. What is it? It’s his nature. He got it from his pappy or his mammy, one; she had enough temper to fight a buzz saw, or his daddy. If they didn’t, his grandfather or grandmother did. See, it’s offspring.
So that makes… You’re borned in the world. You come by a nature, and your whole being is black, and smutty, and damned, and cursed and going to hell. That’s right.
But when you’re borned again, then the Light of God shines down into that soul (Hallelujah); then it’s no more a dark valley, but it’s a valley with a shadow in it. You may be veiled here with the flesh, and with things known by faith, but there’s enough Light in there. And someday that Light and darkness has to separate. And when the light shines, darkness flees. And when we go to be with Christ in that body, darkness and death vanishes, and we burst out into perfect Light. Glory to God. There we are: no more sickness, no more dark mixed with it.

« 840 † Right now we have both sickness and joy, and have health and strength, and we have ins and outs, and ups and downs, and joy and sorrow, so forth. Well, it’s just a shadow. We got enough light to know that there’s Light there; and we’re still in the body, in flesh. But someday the day’s going to break. That’s when the death angel sets at the foot of the bed; that’s when the doctor says it’s all finished; and this natural comes away from the supernatural, and the light springs back to Light, and darkness goes back to darkness. Then this mortal puts on immortality. That’s when this corruption puts on incorruption. That’s when this mortal puts on immortality, and we become from a creature of time to a creature of eternity. You cannot go out there with total darkness; you’ve got to have light in the darkness. There you are. That’s that body you receive.

« 841 † What do we do? Well, my dear sainted brother, my dear sainted sister, before the foundation of the world, when God created you in His image, or created the–the man in His image, and created the woman in the image of the man for the glory of the man, He made you a theophany just like Hisself, when He said, “let us” to the creatures that He had made, “let us make man in our own image, in our likeness…” a theophany. God had never become flesh yet; He was in a theophany.
And Moses saw Him. Moses cried, “Lord, let me see You.”
He said, “Go yonder and hide in the rock, in the cleft. And Moses got back in that cleft; and when God passed by, the lightning and thunders… And as God passed by, He had His back turned like this. And Moses said It was the back of a Man. Hallelujah.
Who was It? The Melchisedec that come down, the King of Salem, with no father and mother, no beginning of days or ending of life. That’s Him. And He come down; that’s the One that talked to Abraham; that gathered Him up a little body of flesh like that, and [Brother Branham blows–Ed.] breathed into it, stepped into it, and come down and eat a calf, drank milk from a cow, and eat some butter and corn bread. And the two Angels…
And when He walked out there, and all of that stuff just [Brother Branham blows–Ed.] vanished and went away.

« 846 † I never thought of that. Here sometime ago, loading a rifle shell, I had a .22 rifle; it’s a .220 Swift. And you rifling brethren in here know. The little bullet, it’s a forty-eight grain bullet, just about that long, regular .22 bullet. It’s loaded almost on a chamber powder of .30-06. Now, I… The factory only loads that to about forty-four hundred feet per second. All right, but you can put enough… Load it yourself, and you can put it up to five thousand feet per second. And–and otherwise, if you was shooting… We was shooting the other day at two hundred yards, and the bullet would hit, and the dust would fly before the gun would ever echo. That’s how fast it is.

« 847 † Then you take a toothpick (you know, the flat part on a toothpick) and reach down in your powder and get that thing full of powder, just about four or five little grains, and lay it on top of there, and then put your bullet in there. Stand here, and you got a bullet in your hand in a second. And shoot it out there at the ground hog setting two hundred feet from you, and the ground hog never even moved. The bullet turns back to its original conditions, back to gases. Here’s a bullet that’s copper and lead mixed together, and one split second it’s back till you’d never find it again. It went back like it was a hundred billion years ago, back to gases. Those gases have to form and come back into copper and into lead, and so forth, like that. Those gases has to settle.

« 848 † Now, there you are. That’s the way we are here. We come from a higher being. In the beginning we were in the image of God. The veil and the darkness keeps us from knowing it now. But Jesus told His disciples He was with them before the foundation of the world. See? We were. You can’t know it now, but you was in the beginning. And if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting. Hallelujah. And then we move into this theophany, what we once lived, so we can eat and shake hands. And the souls under the altar cry, “How long, Lord?”

« 849 † There’s seven steps that goes to God, for the seven Spirits as–as It comes down. All right, as you go under the altar of God, they was crying, “Lord, how long? Can we go back?” They’re down here.
God said, “Just for a little season, until your fellow men suffer the same thing that you’ve suffered.” See?
And then the souls return back, and they become men and women again, and live forever when all the darkness and death and sickness and sorrow of the blackness has faded out; there’s no more shadow; it’s absolutely sunlight.

« 852 † Listen. Here’s what. Let it get as dark as it wants to get; it cannot get too dark until the sun will smash every bit of the darkness. Darkness and light cannot dwell long together. For the… Which is the most powerful? Is the light. And when the light shines, darkness flees. Amen. Aren’t you glad? Aren’t you happy that you know? No doubt, there’s not a shadow nowhere. But this blessed Light that’s in our hearts right now, something testifying back the Son of God, the power of God.
And we walk here; watch the power of the Holy Spirit come down and go out into a meeting, and say, “You was Mrs. So-and-so, that you did a certain thing at a certain place. You’ve been plagued with this so long, but THUS SAITH THE LORD, stand to your feet, you’re healed.” And a crippled and blind rise to their feet. And a shadow of a man, eaten up with cancer, rise to life and new health again.

« 854 † There’s no doubt, Jesus said, “These things that I do, shall you also.” And He said, “I do nothing till the Father showed Me.”
What is that? That’s the Light that’s come mixing into this darkness (You see?) to redeem us. Get what I mean?
Now, someday it goes right back to there, and then when the theophany becomes immortal flesh again like it was in the beginning, then Jesus comes, and God… When Christ will be one… Christ will set on the throne, and all the people will be human. Christ will be on the throne of David, a man, the Lord Jesus, never to die. Never will we die; never will we be sick, have no more sorrow, and we will live through the thousand years.

« 857 † And when the thousand years are expired on this earth, then the devil comes up; and the second resurrection comes, the resurrection of the unjust. They gather a great army like the sands of the sea, and they come up to compass the camp of the saints. And when it does, God rains fire and brimstone out of the heaven and destroys them.
And John said, “I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth was passed away, and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” There you are.

« 859 † There he said, “The wife… The Lamb and the Bride will be there forever.” There’ll be a new earth, millions and millions of square miles. Oh, my. The city, the Bible measures out the city of fifteen thousand square miles. It’s fifteen thousand miles long, fifteen thousand miles wide, and fifteen thousand miles high. That’s exactly the description the Bible gives of the City. No wonder there’s no more sea, there wasn’t no place for it.
Oh, there’ll be such beauty. And in there, there’s a fountain right at the throne of God, that flows before the throne. There’s a tree on either side of the tree–of the river of Life. And in this tree dwells prayer–twelve manner of fruit, and yields its fruit every month.

« 861 † There’s the twenty and four elders. There’s the Bride. There’s the forty and four thousand, the temple eunuchs. Oh, brother, we’re going somewhere. Things lay ahead for us. The four… The twenty and four elders, the hundred and forty-four thousand eunuchs, the Bride setting with Christ, my, you talk… My home, sweet home… Amen.
To think that I have the privilege of going there, and you have the privilege of going there. And why would you choose to walk in this darkness and see no Light, and die and go into chaos and become nothing? For when Light takes its supreme authority, there’s no place for darkness. Go, find where the darkness went when light comes. That’s the way it is when all things are turned back to God that had… Darkness had a beginning; darkness has an end. Light never had a beginning or it never has an end. God never had a beginning or never has an end. So someday the whole debauched world with all of its sin and its beauty, so-called, and all of its fantastics and sensations, and all of its glamour and everything will fade out into nothing, and it’ll be no more. It’ll be no more, no more thought of. It said, even it won’t even come into the remembrance any more.

« 863 † But the blessed of the Lord shall always be with Him. We’ll have a body like His own glorious body, and live with Him, and eat with Him, and set with Him, and dwell with Him forever and forever and for the aeons of time. And the eternal ages will roll on, with worlds without end.
And you have a choice tonight. If you’re not prepared to meet that place, no matter how much you go to church, how good a member you are, you’re lost until Christ has give you new Life in that darkness that you walk in. You may be religious. Religious? Listen friends; religion is intellectual. See? All the Cain’s children has always had religion. Those Jews had religion when Jesus come, but they rejected salvation.

« 865 † You may be very religious tonight. You may be Presbyterian, Methodist, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness. You may be just as religion, go to your church and testify; you may sing and shout and praise the Lord. You may bring your tithes to the church; you may treat your neighbor right. That doesn’t have one thing to do with your eternal destination. Cain did every bit of that. Absolutely.
The Bible said that the wheat and tares come together. The little old wheat’s said… It’s starving for rain, and the–the briers is too. When the rain come, the briers is just as happy to get the rain as the wheat is. “But by their fruits, you shall know them.”

« 867 † Now, let us pray while you examine your fruits. Now, Father, God, there’s been some stiff questions here tonight. I may not have done the right thing, but the best of my knowledge… You know my heart. I pray, God, that You’ll receive it. And now, maybe, in some of these questions, if I haven’t made them right, then You speak to the people’s heart, and You make them just where they should be. I feel that You told me. But if I could be wrong, then You forgive me.
And I pray, God, that each one of these will take these things in their heart, and may they ponder over them and think like this, “Yes, there is the church; there is these things. That’s what the Bible said.”

« 869 † Maybe the ladies, Lord, You know I didn’t mean anything personal by telling them. But, God, I–I love my sisters, and You know that, Father. You know how I think of them. But to stand and tell them something wrong, I’d be a–a deceiver to them. I do not wish to be a deceiver to my sisters; I want to tell them the truth. And, Father, I take It right from Your Word.
And now, I don’t condemn my brethren, but, Lord, I say that they been wrong when they permit these things. And if the lady knowed different and went and done it, then it’s up to her; the pastor’s not guilty, that…
But, Father, those things are Your Word, and they’re to You. Now, You speak to the hearts of the people. I commit them all to You. I’ll see what You’ve done, Father; You know. Speak to each heart. We ask in Christ’s Name.

« 872 † And with our heads bowed, I wonder if someone would raise their hand, say, “Brother Branham, just remember me, that I can be a complete overcomer, and at the last day wear the wedding garment and be with Christ.” Will you raise your hand, say, “Pray for me”?
Everybody keep your head down now, and just bow. God bless you; that’s fine. There, God bless you, my sisters, and my brothers too, raising your hands. That’s wonderful.
Now, Father, You see their hands. I know, sometime you think, “Well, just a little prayer like that?” God, I’m thinking about that mother, said yesterday, “Just a little prayer there in her house that day when that boy was dying, three weeks to live, that malignancy on the brain, and now the change came.”

« 875 † I think of Hezekiah, leaning his face towards the wall, and crying, “Lord, I beseech Thee, to be merciful to me. Consider me, for I’ve walked before You with a perfect heart.” It changed from death to life.
One scream from the Son of God, “Lazarus, come forth,” and a dead man came forth.
O God, You said, “Speak; ask, and it shall be given. When you say anything, believe that what you say comes to pass; you’ll have what you say.”
Now, Father, I pray that each that raised their hand will receive what they raised their hands for. And may they be blessed. And God, I pray that You’ll help our sisters, that they’ll be… Let them conduct themselves, that Satan through television and “True Story” magazines, and so forth, that’s been so loosely handled, and uncensored programs, how the dirt and vulgar on the televisions and so forth, which would–could be an instrument to win millions of souls to You, but how they’re not censored, and put out all these old dirty things that they… Oh, how pitiful. And to know that the spirit of the devil has got in and around our sisters, and are tried to make them fashion and dress like that…

« 879 † And we find out that in the–in our brothers also, Lord, that how they figure that they can smoke, and drink, and carry on like that, and still be Christians because they say they believe. Let them know that the devil believes also. And he is not saved; he believes and trembles.
And now, Father, we pray that You’ll be merciful to us all, and forgive us of our sins, and maybe some didn’t raise up their hands; O God, be merciful. May the next opportunity they have, may they raise their hands.
We’re fixing to take the communion, Lord. Forgive us of our trespasses and our bygones of life. And may we receive of Thy blessing, for we ask it in Christ’s Name. Amen.

« 882 † The Lord bless you. I’m sorry to keep you like this. I just wonder, just before communion, if there’s anyone come to be prayed for, would want to be prayed for, well, we’d be glad to do that just at this time, if there’s anybody to be prayed for.
All right, brother, you bring her right on up; that’ll be fine. And just a moment, and then we’re going to–we’re going to dismiss. And then when we dismiss, then those who wants to stay for the communion, can stay. But right now we’re going to offer prayer for the sick. What did the Bible say?
If the brother can’t raise up? That’s all right. Just let him set there; we’ll come to him. That’s all right, just let him set right there. And we’ll come down and pray for him. That’s okay. All right, sir, just let–let him set right there. It’s hard for him to stand here, why, we’ll be glad to come right to him.

« 885 † Now, I want to make this one little mention, my dear friends. See, I–I know that the Lord has proved this over and over so many times. See? I’m not much of a preacher; I have not education and so forth. I love the Lord Jesus. God knows that I love Him. But one thing I was called to do: pray for the sick. You believe that?…?… Even before I ever knowed about the gift, I used to go out here at the hospital; and I remember them nurses say, “Now, you’re going to get well.” See? And just something that God has been so gracious to honor my prayers for the people.
I imagine tonight, if it would be called, just a whole worldwide blast to everywhere in the world, and say, everybody that Brother Branham has prayed for, come here, I’d like for you to give an answer to the United States government with a letter. And that would be a worldwide broadcast, I guess, maybe four or five million people would answer that call if it was known. See?

« 887 † And them people, or some of them were already been dead, laid out by the doctor, and–and the undertaker. Some of them has been killed in accidents; some of them died natural death. Some of them are blind, halt, lame, twisted, afflicted, mentally, in hospitals, didn’t even know we was in the hospital to pray for them. Bring them in, have to take them. They’d fight their way through and cut theirself to pieces, not even know where he’s at. In a five minutes, be normal, sweet, loving people, and sane the rest of their days. See?
It’s… What is it? It’s not Brother Branham. It’s Jesus Christ; He sent me to pray for the sick. Now, here’s what it is. It’s not been too successful in Jeffersonville, because here’s why. Now, I want you to know I got some of my closest and best friends is right here in this city. Although the city itself, the state of the city, I do not like it. I do not like this situation and never did; when I was a little boy, setting, reading my history books, I said, “Someday I’ll leave here.” See?

« 889 † I don’t like Jeffersonville; it’s a swamp; it’s down in here. It’s just real swampy, and–and it’s very bad. Go up here on top of Spickert Knobs or somewhere, and look off down towards New Albany and Jeffersonville, if you want to see. Look here, the doctors are even saying now that the people of this valley is becoming anemia because of the condition.
A little lady up here, Mrs. Morgan, was healed of cancer took her dog out here to the clinic, thought it had mange. You know what it was? The settlings of Colgate’s and things on the weeds where it went through. It’s the most unhealthy place.

« 891 † A fellow was in the Army, went down here and got… He had asthma. Went down here in Florida and his eyes become real black, and he went over to the doctor, and he said, “Doctor…”
The doctor said, “Now, you been in a fight, haven’t you?”
He said, “No, sir, I haven’t.”
If you want to know who it is, his name is Herby… Now, if I can just think… It’s–it’s in Union National Bank in New Albany; he’s a teller. Just go there and see the one says “Herby,” ask him.
And he said… He went; he said, “Doctor,” he said, “I’ve got sinus.”
And he examined him, said, “That’s right.” He said, “I thought you had been in a fight.” Said, “Boy, where do you live?”
He said, “You might not know the place,” said, “I live in a little city across from Louisville, Kentucky, called New Albany, Indiana.”
Said, “You mean to tell me that you taken sinus trouble off this salt water here in Miami, from coming?” Said, “If you could live in Jeffersonville, Indiana, or New Albany, Indiana, you can live anywhere in the world the United States army would send you.” That’s all. See?
It’s the most unhealthy place there is in the world, that I know of, less it’d be in some malaria swamp. See? And I–I–I–I’ve got friends here.

« 900 † Looky here, I can just go to call them like this. Look at Dr. Sam Adair, my buddy. All right. There’s Mike Egan, setting there. Oh, my, how many could I name, just hundreds of real good buddies, my old chums, that I’ve chummed… No matter how many new friends I find, there’s nothing will take a place of an old buddy. You know that.
There’s my old mother setting back there, not many days for the earth; she’s in her sixties now. There’s my wife’s mother, seventy, going on seventy-one, setting back here somewhere, I think, tonight. And there, leave her… My daddy’s buried up here; the wife buried out here on the Walnut Ridge, my baby laying out there. See what I mean?

« 902 † I–I–I don’t like… I–I–I–I don’t want to stay here, and I believe that soon, right away, I’m going to have to leave (See), ’cause it’s been coming to me (I say this over the pulpit and my Bible.), constantly.
When I told my wife, when they give us the money to build that parsonage which I turned over to this church… This church owns that parsonage; go down here and find out if it isn’t. See, I wouldn’t take it myself.
Now, when I was going to build there, Meda said, “I want to stay here on account of my mother.”
I said, “Honey, just as sure as we do, we’ll be sorry of it. See, it just won’t work. God has said, ‘Separate,’ I’ve got to do it.”
And said, “Well, my mother…”
I said, “My mother too. ‘But he that won’t forsake his own, and follow after Me, is not worthy to be called Mine.’ And that’s true.”
Someday, shortly, I feel I’m going to have to move; that’s–or go away. But here’s the way, the meetings won’t work here. It won’t work like it does anywhere else. And anybody that’s ever been in the meeting knows that’s true, because it’s right here in my own hometown. That’s it.

« 909 † Jesus said the same thing when He come. They said, “Who is this guy? Isn’t that the carpenter’s boy out here? What school did he ever go to? Where’d he get this learning? Now, let me see you do… You said you did miracles over here, let me see you do the same thing here. What you done in Capernaum, let me see you do it here.”
Jesus said… “He marveled at their unbelief.” He turned and said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, a prophet’s not without reward unless he’s amongst his own people in his own county.” Is that right?
And we know… Look at… Take Finney, take Sankey, Moody; take John Wesley, never could make a go of it (See?) till he left his country. Look at–look at the–at–at Moody. When Moody, a Boston shoe cobbler, couldn’t go at all, he come to Chicago before he come famous. See? He had to get it from his own. You’ll always have to do it.

« 913 † But now, here, God will answer prayer if you’ll forget it’s William Branham (See?), if you’ll forget it’s William Branham has anything to do into it, only just one to stand and pray for you. It’s Jesus Christ that’s already did what you’ve asked to do, if you’ll just believe it. See? It isn’t anything to do… I have nothing to do with it, just to witness. But seeming like after raising here with you, and you know every weakness I have, and every fault I have… And you know what God has done, right in this city.
This city, at the day of judgment, will answer a great price someday, for there’s been hundreds and hundreds of outstanding healings right here (That’s right.), right here. Signs and wonders, and the appearing of the Angel down there, and the papers blasted forth and everything, and still people don’t… Why is it?

« 915 † Now, someday I’m going to leave here. I’m wondering, “What will be my end?” Is it over? Is it just about? I’m forty-eight years old. Is it just about over? I wonder this, if it is.
Look, why didn’t the world realize that picture there? Why didn’t they catch that right quick? Why don’t they catch these other things? Why don’t they catch these prophecies and things? You know, they can’t do it now, but one day I’m going to leave the world, and when I leave, then they’ll recognize It. Some of you young people will realize that after I’m gone. See? But God wouldn’t permit it to be done now…

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

16-0207M Questions and Answers on Hebrews #2

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« 303 † I want to first thank each one of you who’d got the message to pray for the wife. She’s been very, very sick. We didn’t know what it was, and don’t know what taken place; it just a severe vomiting, and she was practically unconscious, and fever of a hundred and five, and had to keep her wrapped in ice blankets. So… But she’s all right now. The fever’s all gone, and she’s okay. So she’s awfully weak, lost about ten pounds, I suppose. She hasn’t… Tonight she swallowed her first bite since Sunday. And so she’s been very sick, and we trusted the Lord for her, and He has brought her through. Now, we want to tell you to continue to pray she’ll gain her strength back.

« 304 † And now, this coming weekend, the Lord willing, I’ve got to go to Miami. My old friend, Brother Bosworth, is going home, and he’s nearly a hundred years old now. And he called me and said, “Brother Branham, come see me right at once; I want to tell you something before I go.” And he… Why, I think he wants to pray for me, and just lay his hands on me before he leaves, you know.
And I–I hope that I can end my days with a reputation like F. F. Bosworth. Of all the men I know in the world, every man I’ve ever met in the world, I’ve never met a man that I was so desirous to be like, like F. F. Bosworth, as–as a minister, what I mean. I have never heard one person worldwide, anywhere, ever make one statement about F. F. Bosworth but what was just exactly everything Christian, and everything a real brother.
Partings leave behind us footprints on the sands of time. He’s a wonderful brother, and he’s real old now, near a hundred. So he’s–he’s just going home; that’s all. And he told me. He knew he was going, and was just waiting. He said the sweetest time of his life is right now when he’s just waiting, but said he’d know that he was going.

« 307 † I said, “I’m supposed to go Michigan this week, Brother Bosworth.”
And he said, “Well, don’t make it too long, Brother Branham; I can’t last much longer. I’m getting weaker all the time.”
So he’s been too much of a friend to me, not to go down. Now, if I have to fly down, I’ll–I’ll fly back and maybe be back for at least for Sunday night; if not, well, then I’ll have to drive, and may take me a little longer.
And pray for Brother Bosworth. Just pray that God, and when He takes the old patriarch, that He’ll just send a chariot of fire and pick him up. See? I love him; he’s been like a daddy to me.

« 311 † Another old man, him and Brother Seward… I–I kinda partial to old people; I–I love them. Old Brother Seward, he went to sleep like that too. ‘Course, Brother Seward wasn’t quite as old, I don’t think, as Brother Bosworth.
And pray for Brother Bosworth. Everything’s not roses around the place, but it’s–it’s… He needs your prayers, but not so much for nothing but just his–that God will let him go in peace.

« 313 † Now… And then we want to remember also, that tomorrow, the Lord willing, we bury one of our friends from this church, Brother Sol Coates. He’s been here several times, worked in the post office for years. And he died over at the Veterans hospital the other night. Brother Cox and I went over to see him, and he’d–pretty low. And he’s gone on now, a Christian. And we’re to bury him from Coot–Coots’ funeral home tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock, Brother Neville and I. Neville trio will be singing; and we’ll be dividing up the services, Brother Neville and I. That is, I didn’t know when we made the arrangements just what, and on account of Meda. And so then his funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock at Coots’ funeral home.

« 314 † And then, at two o’clock, Friday, a Mr. Wheeler. We called him Pod Wheeler; he’s a… I forget really what his right–know who… I–I seen it in the paper and didn’t know who it was, until I found out. He was a neighbor of ours for years, and–and he’s just passed away. He was right here in front of the church the other night, and I was trying to get him to come in church. The other night, about three weeks ago, stood right there, and I just trying to persuade him to come into church. Because I don’t think he went to church or had any profession of any kind, yet he’s got a boy that’s a Baptist preacher. But he didn’t have any profession as far as I know of, and he’s gone on now to meet God. So that’ll be Friday afternoon at two o’clock at the Coots’ funeral home. And also, Brother Neville and them will be singing in that–that funeral there.
And so, if any of you that wants to attend the services, that’s tomorrow at two, or tomorrow at one. I think that’s right, isn’t it, brother? And two, the other one. Is that right? Two at the Coots’ funeral home.

« 316 † And now, Sunday morning… Saturday will be the broadcast. And Brother Neville will probably let you know by then, just what–if we can have a healing service for Sunday night, or what time we’ll be back if I fly down to–to Florida to see Brother Bosworth. I don’t know just how I’d get away from him; he such a dear old friend. And probably our last times to meet, if, Lord permits it, on this earth. And he’s… I don’t know whether I can get away from him right away or not; and I don’t want to get away from him, but, you know how it is, you got other things you got to do.

« 317 † Now, there’s one statement I’d like to say here while there not too many, and people who’s my friends…
I’m glad to see Sister Smith there. The first time I seen her in a long time. How are you, Sister Smith? A year, my, I believe the last time I seen you… [Sister Smith speaks–Ed.] At Benton Harbor, I hope to get up there sometime. That’s fine. I believe the last time I seen you was in a funeral service in Louisville. And I remember Sister Smith very well, how we… I used to come get her in a truck when we’d go down to church, old coal tar hanging out the back of it, and the fenders flopping up and down, and it cold, and me, one foot setting on the outside… Oh, my. Lot of water’s passed down the river since then, Sister Smith. Yes, sir. Well, we thank the Lord for those precious memories, and still love Him…?…

« 319 † One thing, someone might wonder, the other night… I was talking to Brother Fleeman out here on the street. And sometimes someone said, “As soon as service is over, what makes Brother Branham just take right off and go?”
Here’s what it is: my wife’s alone. See? And if I get to talking, I’ll talk half the night, and there she is, setting up there by herself most the time. And that’s the reason that I hurry out to get back to her (You see?) of a nighttime, ’cause I get to talking; I talk too long. I’ll talk to this one a half hour. I just can’t go by and say, “How are you tonight? How are you. How are you?” I don’t do that. I just stop and go to talking; and somebody go to talking about something, and then I’m there for a hour. See? And that’s why; she sets up and waits and so forth. And that’s why it is. I just didn’t want you to think it was because I didn’t want to meet my friends and shake their hands, and express our fellowship, and so forth, but it was just a case of that kind.
So now, everyone be in prayer for the sick and the afflicted.

« 322 † And Mrs. Harvey is… In all that trouble she’s getting all right. Yes, sir. And I don’t see… I… Now, there may be, as far as I know, someone, a doctor here. And if I’m wrong over this platform, God forgive me. But I believe God will hold them doctors responsible for what they done to the woman. I–I believe in surgery; I believe in our medicines. Certainly, I believe it. I think God sent them here to help us, just the same as He sent mechanics for cars and so forth. But that little woman, the doctor laid her back and said, “She was full of cancer; there’s nothing could be done,” the little mother of a bunch of children.

« 323 † I went down to her and tried to explain to her how that through prayer… And–and she’s just a young woman, about twenty-five. And how that God healed her little baby, it’s called “the miracle baby” over at children’s hospital now, of meningitis. And of such a horrible condition of the–the little fellow was, and the Lord healed it just right away. And they, the doctors couldn’t understand it. I went down to Mrs. Harvey, and I said, “Now, Mrs. Harvey, the doctors give you up?”
“Yes, sir. It’s…”
And her husband said, “Yes, there’s nothing can be done; she’s just completely filled with cancer.”
I said, “Well, now what we want to do, is to believe God, that God will–will heal the–heal you.” I said, “How it happens, the cancer might not leave immediately; but if we pray, then the life of the cancer will leave. You may be sick quite awhile yet,” and–and I said, “you may get relief right away.” And I said, “Then after a few days you may get sicker than ever.” But I said, “You got to put your faith against the cancer.” I said, “If the cancer lives, you die. If the cancer dies, you live.” And I said, “Now, we’ll pray.”

« 327 † And we prayed, and with every evidence that I seen, God touched the woman’s body. And immediately she got better; she went over to see my mother; she visited around the neighborhood (when she was just in such misery) didn’t have no pains. And then after about three days she started getting sick again.
And then come to find out that the city said that they would pay the doctor bill if the doctors would operate it.
And now, if I’m wrong, God forgive me. But they took that young mother, made a guinea pig out of her. They took her out there, and took even her bowels from her stomach and everything took both from the urinal and from the bowel action, and poked them out the sides. And was on the operating table nine hours and something. The nurse said, “It looked like a slaughter pen, where they throwed her insides from place to place, and put plastic ovaries and plastic tubes.” That’s plain, but that’s true. And plastic bowels and things like that, and left the woman laying in that fix, a little mother. I say, in my way of thinking it, them doctors is guilty of murder.

« 330 † She told them; she said, “Brother Branham prayed for me.” And said, “We’re going to believe that our cancer’s–that the cancer’s dead.”
Said, “I got some news for you, ‘Your cancer’s alive.'”
How could he tell it? It was on the inside; no x-ray can tell it. Cancer’s a… You can’t tell cancer by x-ray; it’s flesh itself; you can’t see it. There only one thing to do, they chopped into the woman and cut her to pieces. That’s all. I said, “Then a little mother, I’d just let her test her faith against God instead of making a guinea pig out of somebody like that.” Now, if I–if I’m wrong, if I–if I’ve got the wrong motive, I want God forgive me. You see? ‘Cause I don’t want you to think that I don’t believe in operations or don’t believe in doctors and things. That’s all right. But I think you ought to know what you’re doing before you dig into a person, not use them just for experiment like that. That’s right. And now, ‘course she can’t live. That’s all. If she lives, it’ll certainly be one of the greatest miracles that’s ever happened. When the woman looked down and seen that her bowels on one side, and her kidneys had to act on the other side, she just passed away like this, passed… Why, it wasn’t a thing… The poor little thing was gone. And just about a twenty-two or twenty-five year old mother with three or four little kiddies to raise. Most pitiful thing I ever heard in my life.
I said, “To my way of thinking it, the doctor’s guilty for…” If he taken that woman just for an experiment because the city was going to pay for it, then that’s wrong: shouldn’t be.

« 333 † [A man asks a question–Ed.] Well, I tell you, brother; it–it’s not impossible. And it’s–it’s not… It’s–it’s possible and also probable. Because I know a man that had an arm off in California (You all are keeping up with it yourself in the paper.), was prayed for, and this arm was off up here, has done growed down to the fingers was coming out on it now; through the elbow, through the wrist, through the hand, and parts of the knuckles was back on the fingers. You see? It’s in the, I believe, the “Herald Of Faith” each month. Even when he’s got his hands out like this, showed it on where his arm was off, where it’s growed out, each month how it’s come, for about a year.

« 334 † [The man speaks again–Ed.] Sure, that’s right. I believe… It–it–it’s a rare thing (See?); it’s a very rare thing. Once in a while I’ve heard of it. Now, with Brother Bosworth, he prayed for a woman one night. And I had one in my meeting. But Brother Bosworth’s was instantly; mine taken a quite a little bit for it to do it.
He prayed for a woman… Now, I read the woman’s testimony. Had cancer, with no nose, had eat her nose off. And the next morning the woman had a nose. Now, I know this… Now, that’s Brother Bosworth’s, in his book called the “Christ, The Healer,” I believe, or, “The Joy Bringer,” one. Now, it’s in the testimony of the woman, with her name and address. And she’s got neighbors and doctors and everything else to prove it, that it happened.

« 336 † Now, at Little Rock, Arkansas, one night in a room, I’d prayed there, not Little Rock, but Jonesboro. That I’d pray… I said, “I’m going to stay till I pray for the last person.” I was eight days and nights in the platform. See? And then… And along the room there was a woman come up, had her handkerchief up like this, and I thought she was weeping. And I said… Oh, I guess it was two or three o’clock in the morning; I said, “Don’t weep, sister, God’s the Healer.”
She said, “I’m not weeping, Brother Branham.” She moved it; she had no nose. See? The doctors had said… The cancer done eat down to the white bone in her–there was–was showing. And I had prayer for her, and asked the Lord to heal her.
And about four or five weeks from then, I was in Texarkana. And there was a nice dressed gentleman setting there; he said, “Could I have just a word, Brother Branham?”
Soon as he got up to the platform, one of the ushers tried to make him keep quiet. I said, “Well, let’s see.”
He said, “You recognize this young lady?”
I said, “No, I don’t.”
She said, “If you looked at this picture you’d recognize it.” And he was an exterminator at–at Texarkana, and that was his mother with a brand new nose growed on, just shaped just like the other.
Now, that goes to show that God… I have seen it done. Now, God could do that for the little Mrs. Harvey. And I pray that He does, for the poor little thing wants to live.

« 344 † Brother Tony, did you have something? [Brother Tony reports a healing–Ed.] Uh-huh. Amen. Amen. Amen. Yep, that’s good too. Yes, He’ll sure do it; He’s a Healer.
[Another man speaks–Ed.] Yes. Yes. Yes, brother. Amen. Sure. Yeah. I’d sure… Well I’d hope that God restores it to you, son; you can take it right back and show him. That’s just exactly. It’s for a testimony to the glory of God; pray that God will do it. Oh, He–He… If He’s Almighty God, He can do all things. If He can’t do all things, He’s not Almighty God.

« 346 † There’s something that made us what we are, in the way that we are, or we would’ve had a–a head like a bird, or something like that; if there wasn’t a Mastermind behind us to make each one of us with a feature, to make an oak tree, a poplar tree, a palm tree, and–and differentiate between them what–what they are. Make us not with… Some with fur, and some with feathers, and some with skins, that you… See, it’s–it’s a Mastermind behind that, that’s abou–that’s a governing that. ‘Course He holds all things in His hands. And I know He can do all things. And we’ll pray for it; we’ll pray.
[Another man speaks–Ed.] Correct. We got…
[Sister Snyder says, “Brother Billy, excuse me”–Ed.] Yes, ma’am, that’s all right, go ahead. [Sister Snyder reports being healed–Ed.] Amen. You know, I’ve tried to think, Sister Snyder, one time when I was standing here in that anointing, I thought… I told Brother Cox; I said, “I’m not even going to try any more of those discernment meetings down at the Tabernacle.” Oh, you don’t know how the devil bites me around some, sister. How–how he does it… You know, telling me about these discerning…

« 349 † And here, happened to find out that Mrs. Wood’s sister here… I’d never seen any of their people. A bunch of them was healed during that time, and everyone… Why, you know, it’s a great percent of those people that was healed. And after the… The strange thing now, her sister, I had eaten supper with her one night about two weeks before that… Oh, it’s way down in the mountains in Kentucky, and I–I just knowed she had a voice like Mrs. Wood, and it wasn’t too light at the room. And I never paid any attention to her anyhow; I talked more to her husband; she got separated. We went out and set down and eat; and come back in, I talked to her husband, got up and went on out. And God Who’s my solemn Judge knows (setting by this pulpit) I never recognized that woman.
And then after the healing service was over, I made the altar call for sinners to repent. And she had been very arrogant against it; and she repented and give her life to Christ, raised up her hand that she would surrender her life to Christ, and was weeping. After all the anointing had done gone, making my altar call, and so forth… And then I happened to turn, and here was a vision, and I seen her brother, which was a sister, this was his sister, and them together.

« 351 † And I thought it was Charlie’s wife, because I knew setting at the table the other day, down there at–at Charlie’s house… His little wife, little bitty thing, the Lord showed me a trouble that she’d had. And from that very hour, the Lord touched her body, setting there at her table now. Tony, where we were at, down there, went squirrel hunting… And the Lord touched her body and took this thing she had to wear all of… for the rest of her life, away from her, just sitting there. And the little woman always eat way up at the other end the table, but today, she comes right around, and moves her chair in, and eats right beside of me. She never knew what she was doing. Her husband setting like this, and Brother Banks setting there, and us talking… And she moved around, and got her chair, and set it over here by my side. And it was for a purpose; the Lord showed a vision right there. And I called her husband out, because it was a lady’s trouble; I begin to tell him about what happened. He said, “Brother Branham, that’s exactly the way it happened, exactly like that.” And there he told her, and the Lord healed her. All right.

« 352 † And then after the service was over the other night, and this other sister, I seen this young Charles and this woman together. I thought, “That must be his wife; but his wife’s a blond, and this is a black-headed woman. And I happened to notice the vision moved over in a corner over here. And she was setting there wiping her eyes, and the Lord showed a vision after she was–the altar call… After the prayer meeting was over, the healing of the sick, and the altar call had been made, and God waited till she repented and give her life to Him and then turned around and healed her. And she’s had a trouble that’s had her swelled up for years. And she’s went down so much, and everything, till even her feet’s wrinkled where all of it’s passed from her (the poisons) from her body: feels better than she’s ever felt in years. See? And how the Lord by His amazing grace does that. I think that’s about the story, isn’t it, Sister Wood? And how He does it… After… What say?
[Sister Wood says, “She lost seven pounds last week”–Ed.]
Seven pounds in a week. Oh, He’s God, isn’t He?

« 353 † Now, I’ll tell you, the reason I said to Brother Neville… I thought maybe he had a message for tonight. He said no, he didn’t. And I’ve got a few questions here that was left over. I felt morally obligated to get down here and answer these questions. Then I’ve got two or three more I probably won’t get tonight.
I want to show you some was just handed in from a preacher. Brother Neville just–or Beeler just brought them to me.
[Brother Branham answers the following eight questions in Part III, beginning at paragraph 668, as question numbers 67 through 74–Ed.].
What do the stones represent in Revelation 21:19 and 20?
Explain the four beasts of Revelations 5. (He means 6; it isn’t Revelation 5; it’s 6, I think.) And who are the twenty-four elders?
What did the scarlet thread of Genesis 38 mean?
Where are the gifts to be sent regarding the death of the two witnesses, Revelations 11?
Where will be the saints after the thousand years’ reign, and what kind of a body will they have?
How shall we judge angels?
What hair becomes of the angels of I Corinthians?

« 355 † Talk about some good ones, that’s some good ones. I probably won’t get to them tonight; but if the Lord willing, I’ll try to get them the next time we come in. So that…
I’ve got some pretty good ones in here tonight; so we’ll just pray now and ask the Lord to help us, and we go right into them for the next, oh, thirty-five, forty minutes.

« 357 † Now, blessed heavenly Father, we are grateful to Thee for all that Thou has done for us. And, oh, it’s so amazing how that Your grace reaches down to us. I’m thinking now, the other night, when that little companion of mine, oh, so sick, and You come on the scene. Her fever begin to break from that very hour, and’s got completely over now. I thank You. And the–the–just pray that You’ll be with each and every one that’s asked a request tonight. And little do we know, till it comes to our own home, what it means, a little prayer. O God, what–how–how real You become in that hour when a doctor will walk away, and say, “I don’t know; I never seen anything act like it,” then the Lord Jesus move in on the scene.
O God, You’re so real to us, and we’re so happy for it. We pray You forgive us of all of our slothful ways and our stupid ways. And, oh, just remember us, Lord, that we’re human flesh in a dark world, a world of darkness and sin and chaos. And we’re l–looking through a veil, as it was, over our face, and we only see and know as we do humanly here. But someday when that veil’s lifted, we’ll see You face to face and know as we’re known. That’s the day that we long for.
We pray, Father, now, that You’ll help us as we try to impart to the people the Word of God, according to their requests. Take all sickness from us. We need You, Lord. And we pray that You’ll grant it. Let Thy mercies be given to us, for we asked it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 360 † Now, in answering questions, I’m not the best in the country, you know. But I’m just answer the best of my knowledge.
Here was the one that I started with the other night, and I had to stop.
60. By one Spirit we are all baptized into the body of Christ. (You all remember that that was the question I was on. Now, that’s found, of course, in I Corinthians 12.) At the time we are–receive the new birth, this takes place. It’s this… Is this the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or is there a later baptism, or is it a filling?
Now, there is quite a question, and we could spend the rest of our time right on that one, and tonight and tomorrow night and so forth. It would cover… It would–it’d take and tie the entire Bible together. Every Scripture must properly tie together with every other Scripture in the Bible.

« 363 † But just trying to make it just a briefly, plain as I know how to make it… No, when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you then have the new birth. When you believe on the Lord, you receive a new thought, a new life, but it isn’t the baptism of the Holy Ghost. See? You’ve got the new birth when you believe; you’ve got Eternal Life. It’s a gift of God that’s give to you through sovereign grace by accepting the gift that God is giving to you. See? “He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, has Everlasting Life”; that’s the new birth. You’re converted; it means you’re turned around.
But the baptism of the Holy Spirit puts you into the body of Christ, subject to the gifts for service. It doesn’t make you any more of a Christian; it just puts you into the body of gifts. See? “Now, by one Spirit (I Corinthians 12) we’re all baptized into one body. Now,” says Paul, “there are different gifts, and in this body is nine spiritual gifts.” And in this body… You have to be baptized into the body to possess one of these gifts. They come with the body.

« 365 † But now, as far as having Eternal Life and being a Christian, you are a Christian the moment you believe. Now, that’s not make-believe; that’s truly believe on the Lord Jesus and accept Him as your personal Saviour, you’re borned again right there, and have Eternal Life. God comes into you.
Now, watch. Eternal Life… Jesus said, “He that heareth My Word and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, and shall not come into the judgment, but’s passed from death unto Life.” You’re a new creature right then.
Then Paul had met some of those people up in Acts 19. They had them a preacher up there which was a converted lawyer by the name of Apollos. And Apollos was a mighty man in the Scriptures, and he was proving by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. See?

« 367 † Now, watch. Apollos, through the Word, was proving by the Word. “Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word. He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life.” Get it? Apollos, by the Word, was proving… And these were Christians; they were followers, disciples. And Apollos was proving by the Word, that Jesus was the Christ. And they had great joy and received the Word, yet knowing only the baptism of John.
And when Paul passed through the upper coasts of Ephesus, he finds these disciples, and he said, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you have believed?” See?
Now, when you believe, Jesus said, “You have Eternal Life.” That’s the new birth. That’s your conversion, changing. But the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the power of God that you’re baptized into and are subject to these nine spiritual gifts to work through you; such as, preaching, evangelists, apostles, pastors, prophets… And all the gifts of the body come into this, when you’re baptized into this body. And that’s–doesn’t make you any more a Christian; it just sets you positionally in a place to be a ministering spirit in the church of the living God. Now, you get it? See?

« 370 † Now, the question is… Let’s answer it just one by one; there’s three questions.
By one Spirit we are all baptized into the body of Christ.
That’s correct, I Corinthians 12 would give the answer to that. All right.
At that time we receive the new birth, this takes place? Is that when?
That’s what they want to know. Yes. “By one Spirit…” No. No. By one Spirit we’re all baptized into one body. See, that isn’t when the new birth begins; the new birth begins when you believe on the Lord Jesus.
Now, see, there’s not a–there’s not one thing… Now, listen. What can you do besides believe? What more can you do? What can you do about it any more than just believe it? Tell me one thing you could do. There’s not one thing that you can do outside of believe it. Now, if anything comes outside of your believing, it isn’t an act of your own; it’s a act of God. Therefore…

« 373 † Now, if we’d say that when you–the… A lot of times I’ve seen, many times, people accepting “initial evidence of speaking in tongues” as the Holy Ghost, and sometimes shake the people, or beat them and pat them, saying, “Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it.” You know, repeat a word over and over, “Say it. Say it. Say it.” See, it’s something you’re doing yourself. And–and–and it don’t… It doesn’t… It–it’s nothing. You might get a confusion of tongues. You might get a–a lot of things and sensations. But if anything comes outside of your own personal faith, it has to be a Divine gift of God given to you. See?
“And by one Spirit we’re all baptized into one body.” That’s correct. See? The baptism of the Holy Ghost is a different act from the new birth. One is a birth; one is a baptism. One brings you Eternal Life; the other one gives you power. It gives power into Eternal Life (See?) to operate. Now, you got it? Okay, all right.

« 375 † Now, here is another, come second, the best that I had them at that night.
61. Where was Jesus’ spirit the three days His body was in the tomb? Where was His spirit?
Now, His Spirit, if you’ll follow the Scriptures… Well, we could just bring many places. But I want… Who’s got a Bible? Brother Stricker, you got a Bible? All right. Brother Neville, you got one? Get me Psalms 16:10. And who else? Sister Wood, you got a Bible there? Well, Brother Stricker (all right, either one), you get me Acts 2:27, Acts 2:27.
And now, the first place, when Jesus died… When you die, your body dies. The word “death” means “to separate,” just to be separated from your loved ones. But here (See?) He said this in St. John the 11th chapter, “He that heareth…” No, I beg your pardon; that’s in St. John 5:24, “He that heareth My Words has Eternal Life.”

« 378 † Jesus said to Martha, who come to meet Him… She said, “If Thou would’ve been here, my brother would not have died. But even now, whatsoever You ask God, God will give it to You.”
He said, “I am the Resurrection and Life.” See? “He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.”
Now–now, there’s a part of us that does not die. And as I’ve just come through the line of Scriptures, everything that has a beginning has an end. It’s the things which has not a beginning, that has no end. Therefore, when we accept Christ, God, we become sons and daughters of God, and our Life is just as endless as God’s Life is endless; we have eternal.

« 381 † Now, the word “forever,” we’ve been through it. The word “forever” is “a space of time,” forever and (conjunction) forever. And we found out here that it has–it has an end, just like all the sufferings, and all the sickness, and all the sorrow, and all the punishment, and hell itself has an end.
But Eternal Life has no end, ’cause it had no beginning. It never can die, because it never was born. It had no beginning of days. It has no ending of time. Now, the only way that we can live eternally is through receiving something that is eternal. And God was; before there was anything, it was God. God never had a beginning or an end.

« 383 † And God was this great Spirit. We pictured Him like a–the–the seven colors of the rainbow that covers… The bow would actually cover the earth if it didn’t strike the earth. It’s just a water in a circle of the curvature of the earth, what makes it. But now, as God is eternal, and He was the perfect: perfect love, perfect peace, perfect joy, perfect satisfaction… All those seven spirits (as we get in Revelations), they come out, was–made up God, was perfection. Everything else outside of that has been something that’s been perverted from that.
Now, the only way that we can come back to perfection, is to come back with that perfection, which is God. Then we come to perfection, then we have Eternal Life: without end, or without–without anything; it’s just forever, Eternal Life.

« 385 † Now, he’s speaking of the soul, the spirit. For we pack our bodies over the grave of the saintest of us, for this body. And the body… In the first place, when God, the Logos that went out of God…
Or, as I have went through it, the Catholic call It, “the eternal sonship of God.”… Which as I have said before, the word doesn’t even make sense. See, there cannot be an eternal son, because a son had to have a beginning. And so Jesus had a beginning; God had no beginning. See? But the Son was the… Not eternal sonship, but the Son that was with the Father in the beginning was the Logos that went out of God.
And it was the Theophany of God that went out, the human form that didn’t have eyes like you see: a better eye. It didn’t have ears like you hear, but a far more hearing. See? It was a Theophany, that all this rainbow condescended into a–a Theophany. Moses saw It when It passed through the rock like that. He saw the back parts, said, “It looked like a man.”

« 388 † Abraham saw Him when He stepped down into human flesh and eat a calf, drank some milk, eat the butter. Abraham saw Him as He just stepped in, and then vanished right away from it. We found out that our bodies are made of sixteen elements of the earth; they just come together. And God pulled them together, and put two Angels in these bodies, Angels that stood and talked. And Angels were men at one, and there at that time.
Now, notice, we find out that, Who was Melchisedec but God Himself. It couldn’t have been no one else, for He was the King of Salem which is Jerusalem. He had no father nor mother; couldn’t been Jesus, ’cause He had father and mother. He had no beginning of days, no ending of Life; there’s only One that has that; that’s God. It was God dwelling here in a Theophany. See? Notice, King of Salem…

« 390 † Now, God has lived through the age through His people. It was God that was in David, that made him set upon the mountain and–as a rejected king and weep. That same Spirit was manifested in Jesus the Son of David, Who was rejected in Jerusalem and wept.
Joseph, sold for thirty pieces of silver, hated of his brother, loved of his father, was seated at the right hand of Pharaoh, and no man could come except in ever–come by Joseph; and the trumpet sounded and every knee bowed to Joseph: perfect type of Christ. That was the Spirit of Christ living through those men. See?
Now, now, here when Jesus died, it was God manifested in flesh. God became Man. In the laws of redemption the only way that a man could redeem the lost estate of Israel, he had to be a kinsman. He had to be a close kinsman. The Book of Ruth beautifully explains it; and he had to be a kinsman. So God had to become kinfolks to man in order that man could become kinfolks to God. See?

« 393 † He has a spirit in him, a man does when he’s born, because it’s a spirit of nature. It’s a spirit of the world; it’s a spirit of the–the god of this world. He is merely an offspring of Adam.
A tree reproduces itself. Vegetation reproduces itself. Animals reproduce themselves. Humans reproduce themselves. They are the by-product of original creation. Get it?
Now, now, when a man is born, he’s born with a spirit in him of this world. That’s the reason he has to be borned again. For this spirit come from the conception by father and mother, which was the sexual conception, and absolutely could not live forever. So he’s got to be borned again. And before he could do that, God had to come down and make a way for him to be born again; because he had no way to redeem himself; he was without hope. He didn’t… He was without hope, without God, without Christ in the world lost and gone. He–he… There’s nothing he could do to save himself. He… every… No matter if he was a high priest, if he was a bishop, if he was a pope, whatever he was, he’s just as guilty as the next man.

« 396 † So it had to take One that was not guilty to do it. And the only One that wasn’t guilty was God Himself. And God had to come down and become man. And He came in the form of Christ to anchor the stinger of death, to take the sting of death out, to redeem us, that we, not by our works or by our goodness (we have none), but by His grace to be saved. Then we receive of His Life into this mortal body, and now we are sons and daughters of God, and have Eternal Life within us. We are sons and daughters of God. Therefore, Jesus, being alive…
And no man, no matter how wicked or how good, when he has to… When he leaves this earth, he’s not dead. He’s somewhere else. But he has a life that will perish after he’s punished in hell for his deeds. But yet that life has to cease. There’s only one type of Eternal life.

« 398 † Now, we’ve been through that. If a man can be a sinner and be punished forever… He can’t be punished forever ‘less he’s got Eternal Life. If he’s got Eternal Life, he’s saved. See? So there’s only one type of Eternal Life, and that’s the Zoe, the Life of God. And he can’t perish.
But the wicked are in a place of–of waiting in torment for their judgment, to be judged according to the deeds done in the body at the last day. Now, but we… Some men’s sins go before them, some follow after them.
Now, if we confess our sins, He’s just to forgive us; therefore, we’ll never have to stand the judgment of God. You get it? Look, Romans 8:1: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus (that are in Christ, that’s passed from death unto Life. See? We have no condemnation. And was in Christ Jesus), that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” See? “He that heareth My Words, believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life.”

« 401 † And if I’ve been accepted in Christ, and Christ took my judgment, and I accepted His propitiation for my sins, how can God judge me? He’s done judged me when He judged Christ. Then I’m free from judgment. “Then when I see the Blood, I’ll pass over you.” See?
But now, the wicked is not so. He goes into a place of torment. And we know that that’s true. The wicked is alive. He’s in a place of torment. He’s in a place where he don’t know… That’s how these spiritualists and mediums call up these spirits of the people that’s gone on, some kind of frolic and dirty jokes and things they crack, if you’ve ever seen any of it. All right. Why? They don’t…

« 403 † Look at this Mrs. Piper, before my article went of “The Miracle of Donny Morton.” How many read that article? Yes, many of you did, sure. And it’s in “Reader’s Digest.” Did you notice, just before that went forth Mrs. Piper, the greatest spiritualist the world has ever knowed: twelve pages given to her story. And for fifty years… They’ve had her all over the world, and scientific proof and everything, that she absolutely talks with the dead, and the people come up. What? God’s Name wasn’t mentioned one time, no repentance, no Divine healing, nothing about it. See?
Only thing it was, was those people mentioned, “John, don’t you know me? I’m George that was at a certain place, and I did so-and-so and so-and-so. You remember that place we went and done this?” See, that’s all they know. They’re gone, passed from… They’re–they’re nothing left but judgment.

« 405 † The way the tree leans, that’s the way it falls. And the state you die… That’s the reason I different with praying for the dead (See?), the intercession of prayers or–or communion of saints and so forth. It cannot be according to God’s Word. It does no good to pray for anybody after they’re gone. They’re finished. They’re–they’ve… They’ve passed the line between mercy and judgment. They either went to mercy, or went away from mercy. Jesus said so. In 16th chapter of St. Matthew He–He–He taught it; 16th chapter of Mark, I believe it is: the rich man and Lazarus. No man can cross over this gulf, and never will cross over it. There you are. See? So it settles it.

« 406 † Now, but when Christ died, everything had to witness that He was the Christ. Now, let’s go to your question. The first thing, the stars refused to shine; the sun went down; the moon wouldn’t give its light; the earth belched its rocks at His death. And He went and preached to the souls that were in prison, that repented not in the long-suffering of the days of Noah. He… They had to recognize… Look at that. And if there by chance be a sinner here tonight, think that over a minute. Someday this Gospel that you’re hearing preached right now, you’ll have to witness by. Somewhere you’ll bow your knee, regardless of who you are. It may be ten thousand years from today; it may not be until the–in the morning. Whenever it is, you’re going to bow somewhere, and you’re going to hear this same Gospel preached right back to you.

« 407 † For after those souls were in prison, that repented not when Enoch and when all of them preached, and Noah… And for the long-suffering of God, like it is now, waiting for that time to come… And Noah and Enoch and all of them preached, and those people laughed and made fun of them. And they were in the prison house, and Jesus went and preached to the souls that were in prison. He witnessed. The heavens witnessed He was. The earth witnessed He was. Hell witnessed He was.”
The Bible said that it… David, many years ago, in the Psalms… All right, Brother, you read the Psalms, if you will there, Psalms 16:10. [Brother Neville reads, “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see corruption.”–Ed.]

« 409 † Read the same thing, brother, in–at where Peter preached; on Acts the 2nd chapter and 27th verse: [Brother Stricker reads, “Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see corruption.”–Ed.]
Read two verses above it, brother, so you can get the context–context of it. [Brother Stricker reads, “For David speaketh concerning Him, I foresaw the Lord–Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved. Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope. Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see corruption.”–Ed.]
Read the next verse now. [Brother Stricker reads, “Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.”–Ed.]

« 412 † Yes, notice, Now, my Jehovah Witness friend, I’d like to ask you about that. See? If hell is a place… Hades, Sheol, whatever you wish to call it, if that ceases at the grave, then why did He say, “I’ll not leave My soul in hell, neither will I suffer Thy holy One to see corruption”? How about that? See?
Here His body was in the grave, and his soul was in hell, preaching, alive. What about that? He was in His Theophany again. His soul was down there with those people that were in…?… theophany also, and was witnessing to them that they repented not in the long-suffering.
He… In other words, He’d knocked at the door. And when the door swung open, and all those souls that repented, He said, “I’m the Seed of the woman. I’m the One that Enoch here…” Over in paradise, another place… Don’t never lose them three places, now: the place of the wicked, the place of the righteous, and hell itself (See?), just like a trinity of heaven: like Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Like the trinity of the beast: the false prophet, the beast, and the–and the mark of the beast… And all that, remember, it’s all in trinity. Trinity makes one, perfected. One is perfected. You’re perfected, one in three: soul, body, and spirit: water, blood, and nerves. See, whatever you was, you have to take three to make a perfected one.
Take a three cornered piece of glass and put the sun on it, you got a perfected rainbow. See, everything, you have to have three to make a perfect one.

« 416 † And now, remember that when He died, He went first and preached to the souls that was in prison–that was in prison, and witnessed that He was the Seed of the woman. He was the One that Enoch saw coming with ten thousands of His saints. He had to witness the Scriptures that had been preached by Noah, and by Enoch, and by the righteous, that He was that One. Everything had to recognize it.
Then He ascended into hell, and received the keys of death and hell from the devil, come back up into paradise; and brought Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the righteous, and raised (Matthew 27), and they come out of the grave and entered into the city, and appeared to the people along the street. Hallelujah. There you are.

« 419 † Now, but His body… While His soul was over here witnessing to the lost, down here taking the keys from the devil, and coming back and bringing Abraham and Isaac; His soul was laying in the… His soul was down there doing it, and His body was laying in the grave. That’s the reason Jesus said… People say, “Well, why does Jesus say, ‘Three days, I’ll raise it up. Three days I’ll raise.’? See, He died on Friday afternoon, raised up on Sunday morning.”
But watch, it was “within three days,” if you’d get the Lexicon. For He knew that David, under the anointing (of the anointing of the Holy Spirit), said, “I will not suffer my holy One to see corruption.” He knowed that pertained to Him. He knowed that meant Him. He was God’s holy One, and He knew that corruption sets in in seventy-two hours. Somewhere within them three days, He was coming out of there again, because the Scriptures cannot be broken.
And every promise in There pertains to me and pertains to you; it’s ours.

« 422 † Said, “You destroy this body, and I’ll raise it up in three days.”…?… For He said, “I’ll not leave My soul in hell, neither will I suffer My holy One to see corruption.” He knowed, in three days that body was coming out of there. He didn’t stay the full three days. No, sir, He certainly did not. He stayed just from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, not one cell of that body could be corrupted.
And He was dead, and embalmed, and was laying–or wrapped in cloth, and laid into a tomb. In that hot, boggy country, just take a few hours and He go to corrupting. You go to morti–mortifying, you know, his body, his nose dropping in and things, corruption sets in; that hot, damp country. And it would’ve went to corruption, because it was a body. But He knowed before that cell corrupted, that God said through David the prophet, “I’ll not suffer My holy One to see corruption.”

« 425 † How He took the Word of God and lived by It… Now, every one of them promises in there that pertained to Him, God fulfilled every one of them. And every promise that pertains to the believer, God will fulfill every promise of It. Amen. Just rest assure that It’s the Truth. Amen. So His soul…
Do you think it is… No, I’m sorry.
Where was Jesus’ spirit through the three days His body was in the tomb?
His Spirit was in hell, down in the lower regions; and He arose. And I might add a little–little statement here that would–might help you a whole lot. When He arose, His… When He arose from the dead, He absolutely wasn’t finished with the work of redemption yet. That’s right. He had to clean the whole thing out. The price had been paid, but that horror of hell, that horror of the grave… And here, when He–when He died, He went right on. He never ceased working when He died; He kept on preaching. Blessed… Excuse my immodest acting, I guess. But He never ceased.
You’re never to cease. Your body might rest for a while, but God will raise it up; He promised He would. But you can no more perish than God can perish. That’s right. Look, His… after He was dead, to what? Dead to the disciples. He was asleep, what He was. They put Him to sleep; like He said about Lazarus, “I’ll go wake him.” God had to wake Him.

« 428 † Look, He went right on down and continued preaching. And He preached to the souls here in prison. Went right on into hell, got the keys from the devil. Come right back up and preached again in paradise, and rose back up again on the third day. Visit with His apostles for forty days, and on the end of the fortieth day, He went right on up; because everything over us, the superstitions and everything else… He cut every superstition, every doubt, and made a prayer line from earth to glory in His ascension. Went up and set down at the right hand of His Majesty, Overcomer, the great Conqueror, absolutely. Death couldn’t hold Him. Hell couldn’t hold Him. Earth couldn’t hold Him.

« 429 † When He was here on earth, He was given the… He went to the lowest city and to the lowest people, and was give the lowest name. That’s what man done to Him. He went to Jericho, the lowest city. The smallest man had to climb up in a tree to look down at Him. That’s where man put Him. He was a foot-wash flunky, the worst job that could be given. He become the lowest. And He was called the lowest name that could be given, Beelzebub, “the prince of the devils.” Man give Him the lowest name, the lowest place, and sent Him to the lowest regions of the lowest hell.
God raised Him up and sent Him to the highest heavens, and a Name above every name. Hallelujah. Why, He would have to look over to see heaven. Thy throne is exalted above the heavens of heaven. And the greatest Name that ever named in heaven and earth has to be–is bound around Him. That’s what God did to Him. Man put Him the lowest, and God made Him the highest. There He was, from the lowest to the highest.

« 431 † He become the lowest, that He might bring us up to the highest. He become us, that we through His grace might become Him, sons of God. That’s where He went. Amen. Bless His Name. He made a way that we can come too someday, “Because I live, you live also.”
Oh, no wonder… When men catch that vision, there’s never been a man could explain it. They’ve even tried to explain it, losing their mind. This great song of “Oh love of God, how rich and pure; How fathomless and strong.” That last verse–I believe the first verse, it is: “If we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made…” You know where that was found? Written on the insane–wall in an insane institution. No man can never ever explain that love of God. Oh, it can never be told, what He did for us. My, how could you place one merit out there? It’s His grace from beginning to end. I was lost, undone, and helpless, no good, nothing about it, and He by His grace come and saved us. Oh, my. That’s His… That’s my Lord. That’s His love; that’s His goodness.

« 433 † Now, we got about seven minutes and about fifteen questions and…
62. Do you think it is right for women to do personal work outside the church?
Yes, That’s just a question, just a… not a Scriptural question, but… Certainly, I do. Yes, sir. We’re all workers together. Women have their places, and certainly they do. Yes, sir. Just do all the personal work you can do, and God will bless you for it. All right, now let’s see.

« 435 † 63. Please explain the Trinity. How can the Son set at the right hand of the Father, interceding for the–to the Father, if they are not two persons?
Well, beloved friend, that’s a… That’s–that’s a revelation. If Jesus said, “I and My Father are One,” then how can they be two? See? Now, they’re not two.
A woman once said to me, and I was explaining that, said, “You and your wife are–are two, yet you’re one.”
I said, “But God and the Son is different from that. See?” I said, You see me?”
“Do you see my wife?”
I said, “Then Father and Son’s different; Jesus said, ‘When you see Me, you’ve seen the Father.'” See?
The Father and the Son… The Father was Almighty Jehovah God dwelling in a Tabernacle called Jesus Christ, which was the anointed Son of God. Jesus was a Man; God is a Spirit. And no man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten of the Father has declared Him. He was… He… His Personality, His Being, His Deity, whatever He was, He was God. He was nothing less or nothing more than God. Yet, He was a man. He was a man, a house that God dwelt in. That’s right. He was God’s dwelling place.

« 440 † Now, if you want some Scriptures on that… Brother Neville, if you’d get me St. Mark 14:62. And Sister Wood, you get me Ephesians 1:20. Somebody else have a Bible? Well, raise up your hand. Sister Arnold, you got one back there? All right, you get me Acts 7:55. All right. Mark 14:62, Brother Neville; and Sister Wood is Ephesians 1:20; Acts 7:55, Sister Arnold.
All right, do you have it, Brother Neville? All right, read now: [Brother Neville reads, “And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.”–Ed.]
All right, now, watch the first phrase there. Jesus said, “I AM.” “I AM.” Who was the I AM? There has never been a man in all the world could interpret It. Even the–you who read the Lexicons and so forth, there has never been a man who could make out… It’s J-v-h-u. And even the Hebrew scholars could never pronounce it. That burning bush there, that day when He met with Moses, It was J-v-h-u. So they pronounced It “J-o-h, Jehovah,” but It isn’t “Jehovah.” J-v-h-u (See?) no one knows.
And you say, “Well, Moses couldn’t make It out.”
He said, “Who can I say?”
He said, “Say, ‘I AM’ sent you: I AM.”
Now, watch. I AM is a present tense, not “I was” or “I will be,” I AM. Now, He said, “This will be a memorial through all generations: I AM.”

« 448 † Now, look at Jesus standing here at the feast that day. They said, “We know now you’re crazy.” Right words, “You’re mad (‘mad’ is ‘crazy’). We know you’re crazy. You’re a Samaritan, you got a devil.” (St. John, the 6th chapter). And he said, “Now, you say that you’re seen Abraham, and you’re a man not over fifty years old?” He might’ve looked a little old for His age, but He was only thirty, but His work… Said, “You mean that you’re a man not over fifty years old, and say you seen Abraham? We know you’re crazy now.” See?
He said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”
“I AM,” He was the great I AM. Here He is telling these Jews again (See?), “I AM. And when you see Me coming at the right hand of the power…” Is that right? Read that again, brother.
[Brother Neville reads, “When you see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.”–Ed.]

« 451 † Read yours now, Sister Wood. [Sister Wood says, Ephesians 1: 20?–Ed.]
Yes, ma’am.
[Sister Wood reads, “Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places.”–Ed.]
All right, read yours, sister. See, It’s just the same.
[Sister Arnold reads, “But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.”–Ed.]
Now, see, God couldn’t have a big right hand (See?) and Jesus standing on His right hand. The “right hand” means “the authority.” See? Just for instance, if what if–if I was the full sway of the church here, I was a bishop of some sort, and Brother Neville took my place, he’d be my right hand. See, that means that he’s–he would be at my right hand.

« 454 † Now, Jesus is at the right hand of the power. Now, He says so, here in Ephesians, when he’s explaining it, “He’s at the right hand of the power.” All the powers of heavens and earth (He said after His resurrection.) is given unto My hands. I have all the power in heavens and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and Son, Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things which I have commanded you; lo, I’m with you always, to the end of the world.”
“All the power in heavens and earth…” Where is that… If there’s a god up there besides Him, he’s powerless. See, there could be no other God. All the powers of heavens and earth lays in His hand. So, you see, standing on the right hand (as the person asked the question), doesn’t mean…

« 456 † Now, look. The body… God is a Spirit. Yeah, how many understands that, say “Amen.” God is a Spirit; Jesus is a Man; and Jesus was God made flesh. Jesus was… We could never see God (See?); He’s a Spirit. You can’t see Spirit. “No man has seen God at any time.” No man couldn’t see God.
And let me say this, “You’ve never seen me.” You’ve never seen me in all your life, and you never will see me. That’s right. You see this body that declares this person that’s in here. Now, this body doesn’t have Eternal Life, but the spirit has Eternal Life. This body will go back, but it’ll come forth again in its likeness, just like a grain of wheat goes into the ground.
Christianity is based upon resurrection, not replacement, resurrection. The same Jesus went down; the same Jesus come back. If you go down red-headed, you come back red-headed; if you go down black-headed, you come up black-headed. See, it’s a resurrection.

« 458 † When you go to eating… I asked the doctor that, not long ago. I said, “Why is it when I was sixteen years old… Every time I eat, I renew my life?”
Said, “That’s right.”
You take in new–new cells every time you make… The–the flesh make… Or the food makes blood cells, and that blood cell makes you get stronger. That’s how you live. Then something has to die every time, for you to live. Every day something dies: if you eat meat, the cow died; or whatever you eat; and the fish died; or the–or the wheat died and made the bread; the potato died, that made the potato; and the… Every form of life, you can only live through dead substance.
And you can only live eternally because something died: Jesus, Not because you joined church, not because you were baptized, not because you professed Christianity; because you accepted the Life of Jesus Christ that was bled–the Blood that was shed for you, and you accept Him as your personal Saviour.

« 462 † Now, notice; I ask this. I want to ask you this. Look at this; it’s beautiful. Maybe I’ve taught on it before (I don’t know.) here; preaching everywhere, you forget what you said at one–certain places. But why is it then…
Now, I guess, Sister Smith… I don’t know whether I knew Brother Fleeman that far back or not. And Tryphena, I remember her when she was a little girl. You remember me when I used to be–was a little, short, heavyset, black, wavy hair. I used to box. Oh, I thought I was a stylish man in the world. “Oh,” I thought, “there’s nobody could whip me. No, sir.” But I–I got fooled on that. You see? But I… I–I just thought, “Oh, my.” I thought, “If you could put this thing on my back, I’d walk down the street with it.” Sure, nothing bothered me. And every time I eat, I got bigger and stronger all the time. Every time I’d put new life in… I eat cabbage, potatoes, and beans, and meat, just like I do today. And I got stronger and bigger all the time. And when I got to be about twenty-five…

« 464 † I–I eat better now than I did then; you all know me, know that. I can eat better now, all of us are. But why is it, Brother Egan, then, if I am still eating better food, more of it, better vitamins and everything… And the more I eat, I gradually dwindle away. And now, I’m coming an old stoop-shouldered man, baldheaded, and turning gray, and hands wrinkling, and face pitch in, shoulders going down, of a morning it’s hard to get up, and… Oh, my. Why is it? If I renew my life every time I eat, why is it then?
If I’m pouring water out of a jug into a glass, and it gets half full, and then starts going down all the time instead of coming up; and more I pour in, faster it goes down. There you are. And you couldn’t prove it scientifically if you had to. This Book’s the only thing to prove it; God has appointed; it’s an appointment. God seen us coming.

« 466 † You older men, and you older women, maybe some of your–your husbands and your wives maybe gone on. That doesn’t–that doesn’t bother anything. Hallelujah. They’re just across the curtain yonder, waiting: absolutely. And they’re longing to be with you again. That’s right. Certainly, they are. They’re longing to be together again. The Bible said they are, the souls under the altar crying, “Lord, how long?” See? They’re not in their right state.
God never made us Angels; He made us men and women. We’ll always be men and women, because we are a product of God’s own intelligence. We can always be men and women.

« 468 † But what does it? See, maybe you think that when you walked down to the altar, you and hubby, said that we take each other to be a lawful wedded wife and live together in a holy state of this matrimony, and the graces of God and so forth, and all your testimony you give, and your pledge you made… First thing you know, begin to notice, both of you. He was straight, and the hair shiny; and mama and her pretty, little brown eyes, or blue eyes, or whatever it was… Oh, how you looked at her. You walked out; you looked at dad, how, straight them shoulders back; and after while they begin to droop. Mama will get gray-headed, arthritis set in and so forth, and after while, gone she went, or away he went.
What was it? When God seen you standing there, He said, “That’s it; that’s the way I want you. All right, death, you come on, but you can’t take them till I let you.”

« 470 † Oh, I think of Job. Yes, God was looking down; Job knew that God loved him. (And notice. He cannot take you.) He said, “You got him at your hands, but you don’t take his life.”
And then the first thing you know, shoulders begin to stoop, and after while you were gone. What was it happened?
Now, in the resurrection there won’t be one thing that symbols death. There can’t be one thing that symbols this earth, of what… See, you were coming up by the will of God; you had life. Then death set in, take you down. Eating the same food and everything, drinking the same kind of water, everything, but death set in. But the picture’s already set. Hallelujah. In the resurrection you’ll be life again. And there’ll be no death, or no resemblance of death, or old age, or cripples, or anything. Immortal, we’ll stand in His likeness, perfected forever. Hallelujah. Oh, I… That’d make anybody shout, especially when you get my age.

« 473 † My age is, I guess, when you think of it more than ever. You’re just at that changing over type. You see the… You–you begin to wonder, “What’s it’s all about? What have I done?” I look back down here; I think, “My, goodness; well, where’s it gone to, Lord? Here I am forty-eight years old. Two more years I’ll be a half a hundred. Whew. I’ve only…”
Just look at the few souls I’ve won. I want to win millions and millions of more. God, help me. I get ashamed of myself even to come home on a vacation, to think, “Oh, the harvest is ripe, and laborers are few. Millions in sin and shame are dying every day; listen to their call.” I go to bed there at night and hear them poor little heathens a-screaming yonder in the land. How they come by the thousands, pulling after me, and–and standing out there at the airport where they had to have the militia out there to keep them back, just to hear the story of Jesus Christ.

« 475 † And here we can beg them, and advertise in the paper and everything else, and get the very finest places for them to set down, the best entertainment with fine singing, they’ll come and “Oh, well, I guess that was all right; don’t belong to my faith though.”
Then…?… My, though, how–how long can it last today? It isn’t right. And here we are raking off hundreds of billions of tons of food into the garbage can, and them people would gladly receive it. And they’re creatures of the earth the same as we are. My, we… Well, that can’t last like that too long.

« 477 † All right, now, Who’s the Father? The Father and the Son are One. Watch, in I John 5:7, It said, “There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word (which is the Son)… Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: these three are one.”
“There’s three that bear record in earth, which is water, blood, and Spirit.” That’s the three elements that came from the body of Christ. They pierced His side; water came out; Blood came out; “Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit.” There you are; that’s the three elements. These three are not one, but they agree in one.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I John 5:7, says, “These three are One.” Water, blood, and Spirit agree in one, not One, but agree in one. So the Father… And the only thing that the body could do, when God can see Hisself, that through the punishment this body went through, there’s the intercess–intercession right there. See? There’s when He sees that Blood standing between Him and the judgment. Here’s His Word, said, “The day you eat thereof, the day you die.” And here Jesus said, “I… But I took their place. See, I took their place.”
You remember my story the other night where I seen the vision of the woman real bad that was in the room there? And I was condemning her, said, “God, why don’t You blow the place up?” Then He showed me. See? And I walked up to her and told her what had happened.

« 482 † Now, this…?… last question.
64. Do you think, according to the Scriptures, that the Jews will be–will accept Christ just before the rapture of the church?
I–I–I really believe that the rapture of the church… This is my own opinion. See? And if we had time, we’d take it through, but it’s–it’s after nine now. Look, I do believe that the Jews will receive Christ at His second coming. Now, remember, so that the person would know this: our eyes were blinded… Or their eyes were blinded that we might receive our sight. Anyone knows, the Scriptures speaks of that. Is that right? Paul tells us that our–that we were blinded, that the Jews were blinded in order that we might receive Christ. See? And we’re the wild olive tree which is grafted in by adoption into the tree.
Now, here’s my opinion; I’m just going to give you… They ask me, “Do you think?” Now, here’s the way I think it’ll take place. I don’t know. Ever what it is, I’m sure that by God’s grace and His mercy, we’ll be there (See?), by His grace, whatever it is. I may not be able to figure it out, but here’s what I think.

« 484 † I believe we’re at the end time. I believe the Gentile’s age is finishing right now. I believe we’re at the close.
And now, the Jews… Here’s been two things that’s always wronged the Jews: They been blind; they couldn’t see it; and because that the Gentiles, for one thing, many time…
I talked to a Jew at Benton Harbor, Sister Smith, and you know what he said to me? (Over there at one of those Israel, places of Israel there…) It was questioned about a healing of a blind man. And he said, “You can’t cut Jews in… You can’t cut God in three pieces and give him to a Jew: make him Father, Son, Holy Ghost.” Said, “You can’t do that to a Jew; we’re not idolaters.” Said, “We believe in one God.” See?
And you go to making God three: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, you certainly blind a Jew right there, ’cause he knows better. He knows better than that. That’d make you an idolater just as certain as idolatry is; you got three gods. You got to make them the selfsame God. That’s not three gods; it’s three offices of the same God. See, God served in the fatherhood; He served in the sonship; and He serves now in the Holy Ghost dispensation. It’s the same-self God.

« 487 † That’s the reason that we was commissioned to baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost; because not in the name of a… In the Name, not names, not in the names, or in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Ghost,” but in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (See?), recognizing the selfsame God being Christ. See, that’s Who it is. It can’t be no other way. See? And the Scripture…
And–and then if our revelation is wrong, then Peter and the rest of the apostles taught the wrong thing; ’cause every person in the Bible was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not one person was ever baptized in “Father, Son, Holy Ghost.” It’s a Catholic doctrine. I can prove it to you by their own words, and their own Lexicons and everything. It’s a Catholic creed and not a–and not a Bible doctrine. And no man…

« 489 † Even the King of England was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. About six hundred years after the death of the last apostle, when it was not even called England, it’s called “Angel Land.” That’s where it come from, the name. He was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.
What converted him, was a little sparrow. When… If I can think… not Saint Angelo. What was his name now? Agadabus [Uncertain spelling–Ed.], Saint Agadabus, I believe it was. I won’t be sure of that name now. But anyhow, he went up there, and they got some of these…
They called them angels, because the people and the Assyrians and so forth were dark complected, and these English had long, white, curly hair, blond-headed, Anglo-Saxons, you know, blue-eyed. And they said, “They looked like Angels,” and so they called it “Angel Land.”

« 492 † And the–the servant of the Lord went up there and was preaching to their king, and they was setting at a great, open fireplace. I was reading the history of it not long ago. And a little bird flew into the light and went back out, and the king asked the question, “Where did he come from and where did he go?” See? “He came into the light, and we saw him, and he went back out in the darkness. Isn’t that the way a man goes?” he said.
“But what was he before he could come in here?” said the preacher. See? That got the king; and the next morning, him and his household was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. That’s right.
Then what? The first man that was ever sprinkled or ever baptized any way in the name of the “Father, Son, Holy Ghost,” was in the Catholic church. The first sprinkling ever took place was in the Catholic church. The first pouring ever took place was in the Catholic church. The Protestant church always baptized in the Bible, the apostles, by immersing in the Name of Jesus Christ, everywhere. Just find one place where they was anything else. See?

« 495 † Now, in this, this great time, the Jews cannot… I asked that rabbi; I said, “Rabbi, would it be hard for you to believe the prophets?”
He said, “I believe the prophets.”
I said, “In Isaiah 9:6, what did he mean, ‘Unto us a Son is born’? Who was he speaking of?”
He said, “He was speaking of the Messiah.”
I said, “Then will the Messiah be borned?”
“Yes, He’d be born.”
I said, “Then if He’s to be born, He has a–He’d have a mother.”
“Yes, He has to have a mother. And He has to have a father too,” he said.
I said, “Absolutely. And would it be hard for you to believe that that wouldn’t be–that God the Great Jehovah Who opened the Red Sea, could not give birth to this baby by immaculate birth?” See? There he was.
He said, “But you can’t make Him three gods.”
I said, “He isn’t three gods.” I said, “What relationship will Messiah be to God?”
He said, “He will be God.”
I said, “Now, you got it. Now, you got it; He is God.” That’s exactly.
Then he tried to tell me, said, “Well, this man was a thief, this Jesus of Nazareth. He was a thief.”
I said, “Rabbi, how was He a thief?”
“Well,” he said, “your own Scriptures said that He went into the cornfield on the Sabbath day and took the corn.”
I said, “Now, rabbi, you know better–more about the Scripture than that. Your own Scripture says that’s legal. It’s lawful for a man to go and eat as much corn as he wants to, but don’t put it in his sack and take it out. Your own law, the rabbi…”

« 512 † And he stood there a little bit; he–he–he believed it, ’cause he–he witnessed. He said, after while, he said, “Well, what–what caused John’s eyes…” Said, “How did you do it?”
I said, “In the Name of Jesus Christ…”
He–he didn’t know; said, “Well, you can’t cut God in three pieces.”
I said, “He was the Jehovah made manifest in flesh, rabbi. He… That’s what He was; He was Jehovah in flesh. His own human Name, that was the redemption Name, ’cause no other name is given under heaven that a man could be saved, only through that human redemption Name, the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s right. He was God; He is God; He’ll forever be God (That’s exactly right.), the Lord Jesus Christ.”

« 516 † Now, I believe that the Gentile church will soon… The completing of the body of the Gentile church… The doors between… Jesus said in Matthew 24 (I’ll take that one Scripture for a minute.); He said, “They will trod down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation be finished.”
Now, watch. It was given by our Lord Jesus in Matthew 24, that the Jews would be taken out of the picture. Daniel said, back over in the old prophets; he said that there would be seventy of weeks yet ‘lotted to the Jews. And the Messiah would come (the Prince) and would prophesy in the midst of the seventieth weeks, which was the seven years, He’d be cut off in the midst. Look how perfect it was. Jesus was exactly preached three and one-half years and was crucified. But there is three… That come right in on this other question here. There’s three and a half years yet allotted to them, to the Jew. It’s got to be.

« 518 † Now, if you’ll take Revelations the 7th chapter, John saw a hundred and forty and four thousand of the Jews all sealed of the twelve tribes of Israel. See what I mean? Yet previous to take place, of the coming forth…
Now, look how beautiful it is, before we close now. Watch how–how it moves around. Now, those Jews has been darkened.
Now, these Jews here, most of them here are just… You know how they are; they hold the wealth of the world. And they’re just–just money-people, and that’s all you can make out of it (See?), and very arrogant, and indifferent, and won’t listen. But that’s not the ones that He was talking about, if you’ll notice.

« 521 † Now, the Gentiles… Now, watch. There’s yet left three and a half years for these Jews. Now, Jesus said that the city of Jerusalem will be trod by the Gentiles until the Gentile dispensation (Now, you people that don’t believe in dispensations, what about that?)–till the Gentile dispensation would be finished. And when the Gentile dispensation is finished (the time of the Gentiles is finished), then the city would be given back to the Jews. And Jesus went ahead to say that the generation… Said, “When you go out and see the fig tree putting forth its buds, and all the other trees budding,” said, “you know that summer is nigh.” Said, “Likewise when you see these things come to pass, know the time is nigh, at the door; and verily I say unto you that this generation will not pass until these things be fulfilled.”

« 522 † Now, they watched for it in that generation, “That’s what He was talking about.” Not at all, listen. He said, “The generation that seen the fig tree putting forth its buds.” Now, watch, He said, “The fig tree, and all the other trees…” Now, in other words, there’d be a universal revival at the time. Now, watch this prophecy, how it works in and just blends in perfect.
Now, watch. “All the other trees putting forth their buds, reviving…” A tree, when it’s putting forth its buds, is reviving. Is that right? Now, anyone knows, a prophetic teacher, that the fig tree has always been the Jew. We know that. It’s the Jew. Now, the…

« 524 † And look at Joel, when he took it over; he said, “What the palmerworm left, the caterpillar eat; what the caterpillar left, the locust eat; and what the locust eat…” If you notice, that’s the very same insect, different stages: the palmerworm, the caterpillar, the locust. It’s all the same bug; it’s just different stages of its life. Now, watch, that same bug begin to eat on that Jewish tree back there, cut it down, and it begin to eat and eat and eat and eat till it took it to a stump; but then he said, “I will restore, saith the Lord, all the years that the caterpillar eat up. And I’ll make My people a joy.” See? Now, the tree has been eaten down. The Gentiles was grafted into it; that’s true. All right, we must bring fruit.

« 525 † Now, when the end time comes, when we’re getting down to the end (if I see it right), the Gospel is there’s supposed to be a great revival taking place.
Now, did you know that the Jewish flag is the oldest flag in the world? And it’s been laying dormant for two thousand years, more than, yeah, about twenty-five hundred years. The Jewish flag, that six-point star of David, never flowed for twenty-five hundred years, since the carrying away of–of Babylon. And now, because the Roman Empire took them over, and the Messiah come and they rejected It, and they was scattered to the four winds of the earth. But did you know, on May the 6th, 1946, that flag come back over Jerusalem again? Did you know on May the 7th, 1946, the Angel of the Lord appeared to me (the next day) up here, and sent me into all the world to bring forth a revival, the very next morning? When that flag raised in Jerusalem, as the going down of the sun that afternoon, the Angel of the Lord appeared here in the United States at the same time. “When you see the fig tree and the rest of the trees putting forth…”

« 527 † How many remembers the Star hanging down here at the Ohio River, many years ago, when He said… Here’s a picture of It here yet, when He come down. Said, “Your Message will go forth as a forerunner for the second coming, just like John went forth as a forerunner for the first coming.” And look, around the world has swept a revival. Tens of thousands times thousands and thousands, and a great revival…
All the legalists, and all the different ones around over the country, and the big churches said the Billy Sunday days are over. But when they seen the church begin to revive (the common people), they had to save their face. Charles Fuller would’ve took the place, but he was too old; so they went with Billy Graham. And God took Billy Graham, or the Baptist church did, and they all got around him. And Billy Graham’s not half the preacher that Brother Neville is, so as far as being a preacher, not at–no, by no means. But what is it? They had to do it; it’s organism, and everybody right around it, gathering around. Billy says the same thing. See, they had to do it. And it had to be done to fulfill the Word of God. They didn’t have the Spirit to rally around, so they had to take the Word to rally around; so they did. And Billy’s a Word preacher, and a dandy, and they rallied around; so that put all of the cold formals in their rally. And the supernatural Being, with Divine healing, and powers and workings and so forth, by the miracles of God, put this… the church, the raptured Bride that’s got the oil in her lamp, put her in a revival. See? And the cold formal church had its revival. And here’s Israel turning with their revival.

« 529 † I’ve got a film up there in my house right now, “Three Minutes Till Midnight.” And we got a picture of those Jews coming in. Coming in… You seen it in “Look” magazine. And the ships, loaded, coming from way down in Iran and down there, them Jews never did even know that Jesus was ever on the earth. They went down there in the carrying away of Babylon. That’s all they ever knowed. They plowed… You seen it in “Look” magazine or “Life” and them, where they’d plow with old wooden instruments. And when they seen those airplanes coming in, they thought, “This is it,” ’cause God told them they’d be down there, and would be carried back to Jerusalem on the wings of eagles. That’s right. There they are. And the Jew said, “This is it.” They stepped right on, and we got their pictures with their own voice, and interviewed them; coming from all over the world, some of them packing their old ones on their back, and them blind and crippled. And they getting off the ships from all different parts of the world, coming in…

« 530 † And they begin to pick up rocks in sacks, off the ground; and today they’ve found fountains of water; she’s the most greatest agricultural country in the world. The Dead Sea holds more riches than all the rest of the world put together. The Jews are returning back; it’s been hid from the Gentiles; but they’re blossoming like a rose.
They said to them–them Jews, they said, “Are you coming back to die in the homeland.”
Said, “We are coming back to see the Messiah. Where’s He at? He’s supposed to be here.”
Brother, when you see the fig tree putting forth its buds, He said, “This generation shall not pass until all be fulfilled.” Look at the revival with the formals. Look at the revival with the church. Look at the revival coming in with the Jews; they’re watching for the coming of Messiah. The church, the Spirit-filled church, the Bride with the… The virgins with the oil in their lamps will go into the wedding supper.

« 534 † The Jews will say, “This is that. There’s our God Who we’ve waited on.” There’s where your hundred and forty-four thousand, that Russellites got mixed up in. There’s those Jews standing there that will receive Him. They said, “There’s our God Who we’ve waited on.” They’ll see Him, say, “Where did You get them? Where’d You get them scars in Your hand?”
He said, “I got them in the house of My friends.” That’s right, “The house of My friends…”
What will He do? The Gentile church will be taken into glory and the Bride will be married to Christ.
How did Joseph make hisself known to his people? He dismissed every Gentile from his presence. He certainly did. What will happen to the remnant of the woman’s seed? The dragon spurted water out of his mouth to make war; Jesus said, “They’ll be cast into outer darkness, and there’ll be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.” The great hours of persecutions and trials will come to the Gentile church.

« 538 † What will take place then? When the martyrdom comes, when God has separated everything from them Jews yonder, Jesus will return as Joseph did. When they heard Joseph, when he dismissed all of his guards and everything else, and he seen little Benjamin and them standing there, and them repenting for killing Joseph… They thought they’d killed Joseph, and here he was standing before them; He said, “I’m Joseph. I’m your brother.”
Then they really trembled, “He’s Joseph. Now, we know him.”
When He will say, “I’m Jesus. I’m the Messiah.”
They will say, “Oh, my, now what we will receive.”
It was all done for the glory of God. It won’t be… Well, they could hear him weeping plumb over in Pharaoh’s palace, Joseph weeping for them.
Wait till Jesus sees those Jews that He had to smite blind to let us Gentiles have a chance to come in; that will be an hour; I’m telling you. He will take those Jews. Don’t you never worry; them Jews will be saved. Yes, sir, there’s got to be there. And that’s my idea of it; I can’t see it nowhere else in the Scripture. You got to keep them three together again.

« 544 † You got to keep the–the sleeping virgin, the–the church just normal, confessional. See? You got to get the church… That’s, the Jew first, the Jew first, which is just a blinded person waiting on the sideline. You got to get the next step up, which is the sleeping virgin, who was dilatory, and just went out and went to church, and joined the church, and pretty good fellow. Then you got to get the church spiritual, the rapture, the Bride. There she stands. Those three people, you can’t… They’re not mixed up, not a bit. They’re not all the same. Not Jehovah Witness saying that the hundred and forty-four thousand is the bride; that’s wrong. That’s the Jews. See? There’s a Bride, and the Jews, then the sleeping virgin. And you get them all, and say, “Well, they’re all three in different places.” They’re all, three different classes of people. Sure, they can.

« 545 † Then when Jesus returns to the earth… The Jews, what are they? The eunuchs of the temple. And when Jesus returns, He comes with the Bride. Jesus comes three times: He come the first time to redeem His church; He comes the second time to receive His church; He comes the third time with His church. See? It’s exactly. So it’s all one great perfect coming; it’s all one great perfect God; it’s all one great perfect Christ, one great perfect Church, one great perfect redemption, everything. It comes a trinity, but it’s all in one. See? It’s not three people, not three this; it’s just one Person, one Church, one Body, one Christ, one Lord in you all, through you all, and so forth like that: all one.

« 546 † The Lord bless you. I’ve held you pretty long. The Lord being willing now, if I get to come again on a few nights, or a Sunday night or something like that, if the pastor here doesn’t have something on his heart, I’ll try to answer these here. Oh, there’s some dandy’s here. How many’d like to hear them? Oh, I just love them. Let me go through them again, right real quick, before we turn the service to the pastor. Just listen to this.
[Brother Branham answers the following eight questions in Part III, beginning at paragraph 668, as question numbers 67 through 74–Ed.]
Where do the stones rep… What does those stones represent in Revelation 21?
That’s a good one.
Explain the four beasts of Revelation 5.
There’s another good one.
Who are the twenty-four elders?
There’s another good one. See?
What did the scarlet thread of Genesis 38 mean?
You remember; he went and took his own daughter-in-law and lived with her as a harlot; and made the price and come forth; and then when the child come forth, they put the scarlet thread around his hand (He pushed out and then he come back in.), the–the next one come before him. Oh, that’s a good one; it sure is.
What are the gifts to be sent regarding the death of the witnesses in Revelations 11?
That’s when Moses and Elijah returns back for the revival to these hundred and forty-four thousand.
What is the gifts?
Watch what them are; that’s dandy.
Where will the saints be after the one-thousand-years (There’s a good one, boy. Will…) reign? What kind of a body will they have?
How shall we judge angels?
Why hair becomes of the angels in I Corinthians? In the Book of I Corinthians.
That’s good ones, really good.

« 549 † The Lord bless you. I hope the Lord permits us to get together and discuss these things; it’s all for His glory. We might disagree upon the ideas of them. But I’ll say one thing; if you all get as much joy hearing them as I do talking about them, we’re having a wonderful time. Amen. Amen.
All right, the Lord be real good to you now. Don’t forget the services. Brother Neville’s broadcast now, that’s on WLRP, Saturday morning at nine o’clock: the Neville quartet, and I’m sure they’d do you good, turn and listen to them. And if I can, if I get back in time, or see I’m going to get back, I’ll call wife; if the Lord permits me to go see dear old Brother Bosworth. I… You all… And I’ll be back Sunday night.
The Lord be good to you now. And brother, pastor, come here just a minute; and let him take the service. And…
Don’t forget the family prayer,
Jesus wants to meet you there;
He will take your every care,
Oh, don’t forget the family prayer.
You like that? How many prays in your own home? Let’s see, all right. Oh, that’s wonderful; stay close to God. Be good, little children, God will bless you. All right, Brother Neville.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

16-0203 Questions And Answers On Hebrews #1

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« 1 † …?… How could she do it without God? That would be a real one, wouldn’t it? Could not be done without the Lord.
I’m not going to preach out of all them. But I thought I’d might get a hold of something kind of heavy, you know, so I’d better be prepared. But oh, it was very, very light. So maybe there’s not very many questions among the people then, that… Just very let–simple and light questions. But I’m glad to try to answer them the best that I can by the help of the Lord.

« 2 † And if Sister Arganbright is in tonight… Sister Ruth, are you here, Sister Ruth? Over here. I have the… Oh, yes, I have the address here. No, I don’t. Well, I’d get it right out here. I had it in my pocketbook, and I left my pocketbook at home. Now, if the police catches me going home, Brother Fleeman, you come to my rescue. Tell Billy I’m–left my pocketbook at home; I’m driving without a license tonight. And I thought I had it in my pocket; I just changed clothes. I’d run in this afternoon, was cutting some grass right quick and had to quit and hurry up and get in, change clothes, and run down here; and I–I brought the Lexicon, but you can get it right afterwards out of there.

« 3 † Don’t feel bad about that letter. If I never got no one worse than that, that’d be a fine letter. That was good. That was very, very nice. I told you I wouldn’t read it, but I slipped up on it, you know; I just couldn’t hold it any longer. I just wondered what she said. And it was very, very nice, wrote like a real school teacher ought to write. That was good, and I appreciate it. And it–it gives you…
See, I love letters of someone that would–would differen a little with you. See, if you go along all the time, nobody differens with you, you just get stale. You got to get a little differen so you can understand, dig down. And–and you just get in one rut if you don’t watch; then you–then you get into trouble when you do that. You got to just kind of keep moving on and get somebody to different with you and fluff up your feathers once in a while.

« 5 † Over in Africa I found two little lions, and they was little bitty fellows about like that, speckled, little, bitty lion: a little lion, little lioness. Now, they looked like kittens; they was so little like that, little… Prettiest little things, they’d just play. And I was going to bring them back to America; I had them in a bird cage. I was going to bring them back, but I couldn’t find any–anything to inoculate them, any toxin. And they wouldn’t let me bring them in the United States without them being inoculated first, and I couldn’t find it in all Africa. But if you wanted to know whether he was a lion or not, just cuff him back a little bit. He’d square off and let you know he was a lion, so–so that kinda lets you know where he was standing.
That’s the way you have to do once in a while, you know, kinda fluff the feathers backwards to find out. But now, we don’t get angry like the lion; we just–we just love that, to–people to ask questions. And questions like that, Sister Ruth, is very, very good to me. It’s a… I–I love that. See? It’s those real nasty kind that I hate to get. But them’s a… That was fine.

« 7 † Now, we got some good, stirring, just home questions. There’s a preacher back there in the back room just now, asked me, said, “The two prophets of Revelations 11, would they come in before the rapture, or just before the taking away of Israel? And what…” Now, that’s the kind of questions that–that–that ties you around. But these simple questions like this is all right. But now, before we start, let’s bow our heads for prayer.

« 8 † Father, it is noted that when You were twelve years old, You were found in the temple with the scribes and the sages, discussing with them the Scriptures. And they were–they were astonished at a… Men of old, and well trained in the Scriptures, and yet see a little boy of about twelve years old could just–just confound him in the explaining of the Scriptures. You was about Your Father’s business. You said to Your mother, “Knowest thou not that I must be about My Father’s business,” to explain the Scriptures with their spiritual meanings?
And now, we pray, Lord, that–that Thou knowing how weak and frail we are and how subject we are to mistakes, that You’ll just come with us tonight in the form of the Holy Spirit and will explain the Scriptures to us. I’m waiting and depending on You. And if I’d ever, at any time, try to put my own thoughts or interpretation or some selfish thing to try to make it sound like that the way I was explaining it would be right, close my mouth, Lord, like You would–You did the lions when they come after Daniel. Thou art still the same God.

« 10 † And let it be wholly… As we depend upon the Holy Spirit, may He just reveal these things to us. And then as He speaks them, make them so plain that the one who asked the question will be able to receive it. And if it answers contrary to what I’ve always believed, then let my heart rejoice also, Lord, to know that I have found something new and some good way of the Lord. For You said, “Search the Scriptures, for in Them ye think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me.”
Now, after this Scripture teaching, it certainly would arouse many thoughts and so forth. And I pray, God, now that all these questions seems to be so sweetly and gently and–asked, may the Holy Spirit gently and sweetly answer them. For we ask it in Jesus’ Name, and for the glory of God, and the upbuilding of His church. Amen.

« 12 † There is many times that selfish motives to anything just ruins the whole taste of it. And now, questions after this Scripture has been asked…
Now, if I hiss just a little bit tonight, I have a tooth out. And I put it in, and I can’t preach; I slow up when I’m preaching; I take it out, and I almost whistle.
Mrs. Billy Graham told a story on him, that the worst excited she ever seen him, he’s got a tooth out in front. And he lost it, and he had a television program right away, and–and he couldn’t… It was on a plate with some more back teeth on it. And when he goes to talk, he whistled “whew, whew” through his tooth. And she said he was down on his knees, praying and sweating, ten minutes before the television cast, and finally they found it where it dropped out of a pair of his trousers in the toe of his shoes. One of the bellhops found it, that false tooth. And Mrs. Graham told it on him, and over here. And so I got it, a little piece of paper, I think I got it right here in my Bible.
And so it is kinda… When we get a little old and decrepit, you know, and have to lose these, it makes it bad. And so I… While I was out with Brother Roberson back there and them, I was brushing on it one morning and broke a piece off of it, and I had to take it in to doctor to get it fixed. So the Lord add His blessings.

« 16 † Now, we’re going… Now, I’m going to try to get through every one of them, if I can. And, Brother Tony, by the grace of God, I got the interpretation to your dream, and it was wonderful. I’m so glad to see that. And it’s a good interpretation, that I guess I shouldn’t give it publicly here, so I’ll give it to you privately if you–if you don’t–if you want it in that way. He asked me the other night; He had a dream, and I couldn’t tell him just what it was till I went to the Lord and prayed over it. Then the Lord revealed it back to me and told me what the interpretation was. It’s wonderful and good news for you, Brother Tony.

« 17 † Now, in the first question… Now, I don’t know just where to start first, ’cause they’re all good ones. But now, we try not to take too long, and maybe we can finish them up Sunday, if we don’t get through them.
51. Explain what it means by everlasting punishment in Matthew 25:46, “But the…” That’s the question.

« 18 † 52. Then the second question: “But the children of the kingdom shall be cast into outer darkness,” is that about the same as casting them out of the mind of God?
Well, now, get your first question, which is found in St. Matthew the 20–the 25th chapter. Now, we’ll… Now, I’ve never studied these, just looked at them in the back there, and just tried my best to look them out the best that I–that I knew how. And my… You turn with me in your Bibles, as we study It. Now, I wanted to get this out of the Greek Lexicon also, so you get the–the original of it. And I–I like that. So then we’ll have it in both the–in both the–the Greek and the others. And now, this will be–will be kinda slow and studying, ’cause I have to reach out and grab the Scriptures just wherever I can find them, and get them into their place. All right.

« 19 † Now, anybody want a Bible to study by? If you do, raise up your hand. We… I think we got three or four back here. If you want to study by the Scripture, all right. Brother Cox, will you come and get these Bibles? And it–it’s good for you, if you can, to… (There’s one, and I guest… You just take them on down if you want to, that and…?…) And anybody that wants one, just hold up your hand; the boy will bring them right to you. See? And we want to study these together, and just…
Now, on this reading and the last chapters… The first seven chapters of the Book of Hebrews… After teaching, ‘course the boy who taken these down, these subjects, Brother Mercier and Brother Goad, has got them and now fixing to publish them in book form. And they got it. Now, and we have nothing like halfway combed; we just scratched the surface. And I think they’ve termined them, as taken the nuggets out of the–and just polishing the nuggets, just a few of the nuggets of the teaching of Hebrews. Brother Mercier will have them pretty soon in print, anybody wants them.

« 21 † Now, this in here, it brings in… You can’t go through just in evangelistic church, which this is an evangelistic church. You can’t go through a–a teaching without arousing the suspicions and the thoughts of many of the people. You’ve got to. Now, I’m far from being a teacher, not a Bible expositor at all. But I never try to–to say anything, or to even do anything, but first–first asking or finding out my best thing for it.
It was asked of me by a dear brother last night; he said, “Brother Branham, Brother Seward once said that you–you just can’t pin you down anywhere (See?), that you always got some way around to get out of it or get away from it.”
I said, “Well, the reason of that: I always try to think before I do anything. See? And then if the people ask me, then I can tell them what my thoughts was. See?” But if–if you think right, and before you do anything try to take the side that God would have you to take, then it really would be hard to be pinned down.

« 24 † You couldn’t imagine the time that–that Ahab tried to pin Elijah down. Could you imagine the time that the Pharisees tried to pin Jesus down? See, He had–He had the answer quickly, because everything He done, He did it by the will of God, and He… That’s the way He–He could get it. Now, that’s the way we want it by this.
Now, the question is asked; we’ll keep with the question.
Explain what it means by everlasting punishment in Matthew 25:46.
Now, listen real close. Everybody now, Matthew 25:46.
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment:…
Now, the question is, “What… Explain…” Now, the word “everlasting” comes from the word “from ever and forever,” and “forever” is “a space of time.” It only means “so much time,” as forever. Now, if you’ll just read… I don’t know who wrote the questions, ’cause no one put their name on them; it didn’t have to be; I don’t want them. See?
But these shall go away into everlasting punishment:… (Now, watch; that’s the wicked.)

« 27 † Now, dear–dear person that asked the question, just read the rest of It.
…but the righteous unto life eternal…
The wicked shall go into everlasting punishment, “a certain space of time,” but the righteous has Eternal Life. You’ll never find eternal punishment: couldn’t be. See, if they got eternal punishment, they got Eternal Life; they got Eternal Life, they’re saved. See, it can’t be. Now, if you’ll watch, the–the question asked itself–answers itself. See?
And these… (Now, watch, I’ll get before here:)… and they…
In the 20th–44th verse…
… and they also answered, said unto Him, Lord, when shall we be hungered, when with thirst, and–and a stranger, and naked,… and–and in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
Then shall–then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Insomuch as you did it… unto one of the least of these, you did it… unto me.
And these shall go away into everlasting… (everlasting)… punishment… (That’s the wicked.):… but the righteous into Eternal Life.

« 30 † See the difference? The wicked has everlasting punishment, but “everlasting” is “a space of time.” Now, if it would’ve been the same, it would’ve been written, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, the other shall go away into Everlasting Life.” See? Or, “They shall go away into eternal punishment, and the other one into Eternal Life.” See, if there’s an eternal punishment, to be punished forever and ever, then he’s an eternal–he’s got Eternal Life; and the only one Eternal Life, and that comes from God. Everything without a beginning has no end; everything with a beginning has an end. See what I mean?
Now, the Scripture Itself that the–the dear person answered… Now, if you’ll take it in the Lexicon, “And these shall go forth into ainion, cutting off, and into everla… into fire, the lake of fire.”
Now, the word “a-i-n-i-o-n” means “a space of punishment,” in the Greek Lexicon, right here, “space of punishment,” or, “time of punishment.” See? They shall go away into a time of punishment. The word is used, “a-i-n-i-o-n, ainion,” which means “times, a time, a limited time.” Then take it back into the–into the translation here, the English, “everlasting” is “a limited of time.” See? It comes from the Greek, “a limit of time.” The word “ainion,” or “a-i-n-i-o-n, ainion” means “a limited time of punishment.”

« 32 † But then read the other, “But these shall go into eternal (That’s a different. See?), Eternal Life. Eternal comes from the word of eternity, and eternity had neither beginning nor end. It’s forever and forever. Now, that should answer that (See?), because if you’ll just read the Scripture real close, you’ll see. “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous…” The wicked shall go into everlasting punishment, be punished for a space of time: maybe a billion years, I don’t know; but you’ll certainly be punished for your sins. But as certain as sin had a beginning, sin has an end. Punishment had a beginning, and punishment has an end. And hell was created for the devil and his angels. See? All right.
Now, I got another one down here to answer into that, just in a few minutes, which is a beautiful one, tie into it.

« 34 † Now, but these here: “But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into darkness,” is that about the same as casting them out of the mind of God?”
No, it wouldn’t be the same. Now, you’re referring here to the Wedding Supper. Now, “And the children of the kingdom,” as was asked here… The children of the kingdom are the Jews, and they were cast into outer darkness. And they–they have been cast into outer darkness, and they’ve went through the time of the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. They were cast into outer darkness, because it would give you and I a space to repent; but they were never cast out of the mind of God. He’ll never forget Israel. And Israel, as any reader of the Bible knows, is referred to “the children of the kingdom.” See, it’s the kingdom, the promise. In other words, God dealing with the nation, when He dealt with Israel, which is the children of the kingdom…

« 35 † Now, you remember, He said there, “And Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,” in one place, “would come and set into the kingdom at the end time.” See? And that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would be in the kingdom; they were; they were the kingdom’s blessing people. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.
Now, where the reference comes from here is the–is the Bridegroom. When the Bridegroom come, while they were… Five of the virgins went out to meet the Lord, and–and they didn’t take any oil in their lamp. And the–the other five took oil in their lamp. Now, if you’ll notice, it’s a beautiful picture, both with the Jew and the Gentile, as the rejected.
Keep in mind that there’s three classes of people all the time: the Jew, the Gentile (the formal); the Jew, Gentile, and the Church. And if you get those mixed up, you’ll sure run into trouble when you hit Revelations. For if you don’t…

« 37 † Like Mr. Bohanon said to me one time, said, “Billy, anybody would try to read the Revelations would have nightmares. Why,” he said, “here’s a Bride down here on earth, and the–and the dragon spurting water out of his mouth to make war with her.” And said, “Then the same time that the Bride is standing as the hundred and forty-four thousand (Jehovah Witness doctrine) on Mount Sinai. And at the same time the Bride’s in heaven.” No, no, you’re mistaken.
There’s three classes of people (See?): that is the rejected Jew, and there is the sleeping virgin that the waters… It’s not the woman’s seed; it’s the remnant of the woman’s seed that the dragon spurted water out of his mouth (Revelations 11). And then, actually the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews was absolutely not the Bride; they are the remnant of the Jewish church. And the Jehovah Witness doctrine which puts them as the Bride, I don’t see how you could do that, because it’s not the Bride.

« 39 † If you’ll notice over in Revelations there, It said, “And they are virgins, and they are eunuchs.” Now, what was a eunuch? They were… Eunuch was the temple guards that guarded the queen, because they were… be… They were men that were made sterile. They had… Did you notice, said, “They had not defiled themselves with women”? They were temple eunuchs. And it was a selected number that God had taken out of the elect of the Jew. Now, if you’ll notice… If we could just get that just a moment, so it’ll kinda settle it in your mind, where you can really…
Let’s get Revelations the 7th chapter, and we’ll find out in here now where–what It said. It’s a beautiful thing.
And after this… I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth,… (Now, this parallels Ezekiel 9, where he saw the destructions of the Jews. And here he sees the destructions of the Gentiles, Revelations the 7th chapter.)…
And… I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds… (“Winds” means “war and strife.”)… that the wind should not blow upon the earth, nor on the sea,… or any tree… (Now, that’s war, holding.).
Oh, if we had time to go into detail on this question. That happened… There’s where Russell got mixed up. Russell prophesied; seeing this coming, he prophesied it would be the coming of the Lord Jesus, not knowing that it was the–the sealing away of the church. See?

« 42 † And they wonder how the world war, first World War… Look, it stopped on November the eleventh, at the eleven o’clock of the day: the eleventh month, the eleventh day, and the eleventh hour. And immediately after that, the water baptism in Jesus’ Name was revealed and the baptism of the Holy Ghost to the church, exactly, immediately after that.
And if you take it on over in Revelations, how we tied it together, and between the Philadelphian age and the Laodicean… And the Methodists had the Philadelphian age, the brotherly love. And the last age, church age, was the Laodicean age, which is lukewarm age. And He said in there, “I have set a door (open door) before you,” an open door. And if you’ll refer those Scriptures back, it’ll tie the entire message right into one place there to show you it exactly…

« 44 † Watch. It, everything had been Father, Son, Holy Ghost in baptism (which we’re to get into it directly), which was absolutely a Catholic creed and never a Christian doctrine. No, sir, I… Just we got it right here tonight to come into it, with the Lexicon too (See? Yes, sir.), and with history also. Never was anybody ever baptized like that in the Bible, or not for the first six hundred years after the Bible. And I can prove it right here by the Catholic’s own doctrine, that they are the one who started it, and sprinkling and pouring.
It come out of there into the Wesleyan church, and to Methodist church; the Methodist brought it through to the Baptists; the Baptists brought it on through; and it’s still a false doctrine. And can come back in the Bible and prove to you that the Bible said that “you have a name that you live, but you’re dead.” That’s exactly right. And they had…

« 46 † I can prove that the Bible taught that they would use His Name in baptism until the dark age, according to the–the fourth age of the–the church age, the Pergamos church age. And He said… In during that fifteen hundred years of dark ages, everyone said, “You have a little light left, ’cause you’ve not denied My Name.”
When it come to that other age over there, the Catholic age, He said, “You have a name that you live, but you’re dead. And you’ve denied My Name.” There you are. See? It just all ties one big beautiful picture together, the entire Bible.

« 48 † Now, notice this.
… holding the four winds…
And I saw another angel ascending from heaven, having the seal of the living God:… (the Seal)
Now, what is the seal of the living God? Now, you Advent brethren are going to say, “Keep the sabbath day.” I want you to show me that in the Scripture. It’s not there. Not one place did it–is–is the seal…
If you’ll read Ephesians 4:30 right quick, you’ll find out what the Seal of the living God is. Ephesians 4:30 says, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you’re sealed until the day of your redemption,” not till the next revival, but’s got eternal security. “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.” See if Ephesians 4:30 doesn’t say that; then take your margin readings and run it all the rest the way through the Scriptures there and find out. Now, “… sealed until the day of your redemption.”
Having the seal of the living God:…

« 51 † Now, remember, the Holy Ghost was not taught as the baptism of the Holy Ghost until after World War I. We just celebrated our–our golden jubilee, forty years, or the fortieth year of the jubilee.
… and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth or the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, or any tree, until we have sealed the servants… (Now, you’re getting down to your question, “the children.” See?)… the servants of our God in their forehead.
Don’t hurt; don’t destroy the earth; don’t let an atomic bomb be bursted; don’t have a complete thing until the servants of our God is sealed.

« 52 † Now, if we could take that back yonder and run back there, how that–that even on “The Decline of the World’s War,” in the second volume, when General Allenby had fought in till he hit the lines of Jerusalem, and he wired back to the King of England, and said, “I don’t want to fire on the city, on the account of the sacredness of it.” He said, “What shall I do?”
He said, “Pray.”
And he flew over it again, and when they did, they said, “Allenby’s a-coming.” And there were Mohammedans in there, thought he said, “Allah’s a-coming.” And they hoisted the white flag and surrendered, and Allenby marched into Jerusalem and took it without firing a shot, according to the prophecy (That’s right.), and turned it back over to the Jews.
Then they raised up a Hitler to persecute the Jews, and all around over the world, and run them back in there.

« 56 † And the Bible said He would bring them back on the wings of an eagle. And when they begin to come back… The “Life” magazine and them packed it a few weeks ago, where they brought them back by the thousands into Jerusalem, and they went to packing those old ones off on their back. They were interviewed. I’ve got it all on reel and picture. And he said… There hung the four-star flag of David, hanging there, the oldest flag in the world, the first time it’s been flown for two thousand years.
Jesus said, “When the fig tree puts forth its bud, this generation shall not pass.”
And here they was bringing them old in, and said, “What? Are you coming back to die in your homeland?”
Said, “No, we’ve come to see the Messiah.”
And, brother, I tell you; we’re at the door. There’s the servants, them who’s way down yonder, not this bunch of Jews that would cheat you out of your false teeth if they could; that’s not the Jew He’s talking about. But it’s those down yonder who’s kept their–their laws and things, and never even knew there was a Messiah.

« 61 † And Brother… At Stockholm, Brother Pethrus, sent them down a million New Testaments, and when they got them they were reading them. They said, “Well, if this be the Messiah, let us see him do the sign of a prophet, and we’ll believe him.”
What a setup for my ministry. I was within two hours of the gate to Jerusalem, to go in; and I was at Cairo, Egypt. And I was walking along there, and the Holy Ghost said, “Don’t go now.”
I thought, “I was just imagination. My ticket’s done bought; I’m on my road. The man’s out there to meet me, the whole group, schools and so forth.”
I walked a little farther, and the Spirit said, “Don’t go. Don’t you go.”
I went back to the ticket agent; I said, “I cancel this ticket, I want to go up to Athens, Greece, to Mars Hill.
And he said, “Well, your ticket calls for Jerusalem, sir.”
I said, “I want to go to Athens instead of going to Jerusalem.” The Holy Spirit’s waiting; that hour hasn’t come just yet. It just isn’t just right.

« 68 † Watch.
… seal the servants of our God in their forehead,
Saying, Hurt not the earth,… till we… seal the servants of our God in their forehead. (Anyone knows that that’s the Seal of the Holy Spirit. Watch.)
And I heard the number of them that were sealed:… (Now, if they’re not Jews, watch this.)… and there were sealed a hundred and forty-four thousand all of the tribes of the children of Israel. (Not a Gentile in them, that’s at the end time. Watch)
… the tribe of Juda… twelve thousand… the tribe of Reuben… twelve thousand,… (and on down),… Gad… twelve thousand,
… Nepthalim,… (and–and–and all the way down to the)… Aser,… and–and Zabulon,…
And all these twelve tribes of Israel, and twelve times twelve is what? Hundred and forty-four thousand. There’s the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews: not Gentiles, Jews. Has not a thing to do with the Bride. So Jehovah Witness is wrong on their doctrine. The Bible plainly says that they are Jews and not Gentiles. They are the servants of God; and the Gentile never was considered a servant. We are sons and daughters, not servants.

« 70 † Now, read the rest of it. Like the man eating watermelon said, “That’s good, but let’s have some more of it.” All right. God’s got plenty of it here. Now, just notice. Now, now, we’re on the 8th verse.
And of the tribe of Zabulon… seal twelve thousand. All the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin was sealed twelve thousand.
See, John, being a Jew, recognized every one of them, seen the twelve tribes of Israel, twelve thousand out of each tribe, twelve times twelve, being a hundred and forty-four thousand. There they are, not the Church, the Jews. The Bible said here, they were all the children of Israel, every tribe named.
Now, watch, 9th verse.
After this… (Now, here comes the Bride.)… After this I beheld,… lo, a great multitude, which no man could number,…
There’s your te–temple eunuchs; they’re is just a hundred and forty-four thousand, just a little spot, just a little temple guards that’s going to be with the Bride, just Her–just Her escort. That’s the hundred and forty-four thousand is the escort to the Bride, the temple eunuchs.

« 74 † Watch. ‘Course, I know you go back over here to the 14th, and say, “Why, they’re with the Bride wherever they…” Absolutely. The eunuchs travel with the queen wherever she went. Truly. But what were they? They were nothing but escorts, and that’s just exactly what the Scripture declares it to be here.
And after this… and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations,… kindreds,… people, and tongue,… (There’s your Gentile Bride coming up. All right)… these stood… before the Lamb… (There’s their Saviour, the Lamb: not the law, the Lamb, grace.)… clothed with white robes,… (Watch, in a few minutes, see if the white robes ain’t the righteousness of the saints.)… and palms in their hands;
And they cried with a loud voice,… (If this ain’t a Pentecostal revival, I never heard one.)… saying, Salvation to our God which set upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
And all the angels stood around about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts,… fell upon the… before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
Saying, Amen: Blessing… glory… wisdom… thanksgiving,… honour,… might, power, be to our God for ever and ever. Amen.
That sounds like a camp meeting time, doesn’t it? It’s going to be. Who was that? The hundred and forty-four thousand? Not at all. This great number that no man… of all kindred, tongues, and nations… Can’t you see, my dear friend?

« 77 † Now, watch; just read It now.
And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these and… which are arrayed in white robes? and whence cometh they?
The elder said to John, which was a Jew that recognized the hundred and forty-four thousand, and said, “Now, you knew them; they’re all Jews. But who are these? Where’d they come from?” See what the elder said, “One of the elders answered (That’s the elders before the throne.)–answered me, saying, ‘What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence cometh they?’ Now, we all know the Jews and their covenant and so forth, but when did these come?” Now, watch.
And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest… (“I–I–I don’t.” John said, “It’s just past me. I don’t know.”)… And he said unto me, These are they that came out of great tribulations, (Through trials and many these dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. See?)… these come up out of great tribulations, and have washed their robe,… (in the church? Does that sound right?)… have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
… they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night… (Who serves me in my home? My wife, is that right?)… and in His temple:… (That’s who stays with me in my home and in my economy, is my wife. She’s the one who sets with me, and washes my clothes, and keeps things ready for me.)… and he that setteth upon the throne shall dwell among them. (Oh, my, listen.)
And they shall hunger no more,… (Looked like they had missed a few meals coming along.)… neither shall they thirst any more; nor shall the sun light on them and–no more, nor any heat.
For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of water: and God shall wipe… all tears from their eyes. (There She is; there’s your Bride.)

« 79 † There’s your hundred and forty-four thousand; there’s your servants. So “the children of the Kingdom” here, dear person who asked the question, it’s a–who asked this notable question… I think I might’ve left it back here in the–somewhere, but “when they shall be cast out,” doesn’t mean that they will be cast out of God’s mind. They are cast out of the spiritual benefits for a season (See?), just for a little season.
Because when the prophet saw Israel in this day that–that she was coming to, he said, “Well, will Israel be when the Sabbath will be taken away, and–and they sell on the Sabbath the same as any other day, and all these things.” He said, “Well, will You–will You ever… Will Israel be completely forgotten?”
He said, “How high is it to the heavens? How deep is the earth? Measure it with that stick laying before you.”
He said, “I can’t.”
He said, “Neither can I ever forget Israel.” Certainly not, Israel will never be forgotten.

« 83 † So, you see, everlasting and eternal is two different thing. Israel was cast out, but not out of God’s mind. And Paul speaks it over here, if I had a–had time to study, so I could quickly get to the Scripture that… I can refer to them to you (See?), that comes on my mind.
Paul speaking over there, said that for we Gentiles to take heed, the way we walked and what we done. See? ‘Cause if God spared not the first branch (See?), and we being just grafted in… See? And Israel, which was blinded for a season, he said… Just for a season, Israel was blinded. That’s right, but the veil will be lifted from their eyes. And that is when the last Gentile is borned into the Kingdom of God, then their veil’s lifted from Israel’s eyes. And they’ll say, “This is the Messiah Who we looked to see.” That’s right, but the Gentile door is closed (the ark is–is closed up); there’s no more–no more grace left for the Gentile at that time.
Now, I take a whole lot of time on one question. And somebody say, “Now, you don’t get to mine.” Well, we’ll hurry up and see if we can’t get to it.

« 86 † All right, here’s a–a long one. And every bit of it the woman asked or the man asked, or whoever it is, is right.
53. Is it not true that the Lord Jesus did not die for the whole world, meaning everyone in the world, but rather… (Now, I would explain that, but she–he or she, whoever it is… Looks like a woman’s writing.)… but rather for these–rather for these in every part of the world, whom the Father did give Him, these who before the foundation of the world, God did ordain to Eternal Life, having elected them according to His own good pleasure?
Absolutely, that’s right. That’s exactly right. Jesus died for not just to… He–His purpose…

« 88 † Let’s see, I believe the… I–I believe they read… a question comes in on this.
54. Scripture doubtless tells us that these are those who will not be–there are those who will not be saved. Therefore… That’s exactly right. The Scripture tells us that there is people who were foreordained of God to be condemned. Would you like to read that, so it’ll always be out of your mind? All right, let’s turn over now to the Book of–of Jude, Jude speaking here.
Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, the brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:
See who He addresses it to? Not the sinner, not only evangelistic service, but to the sanctified and called (See?), those who are already in the Kingdom.

« 92 † Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied,
Beloved,… I give all diligence to write unto you… the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and to exhort you that you do earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.
For there are certain men crept in unaware, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation,… (How?)… turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,…
Ordained of old… Not that God set back on the throne, and said, “I’ll save this man, and I’ll lose that man.” That wasn’t it. God died, and when Jesus died, the atonement covered the entire earth for every person. But God by foreknowledge… Not that He willed… He’s not willing that any should perish. He wanted everybody to be saved. That was His–that was His eternal purpose. But if He was God, He knew who would and who would not be saved. If He didn’t know, then He wasn’t the infinite God. So the Bible teaches that. That we could…

« 93 † If we had time to turn over here in Romans the 8th chapter and you could read it, Romans the 9th chapter, many other places in the Bible, Ephesians the 1st chapter, and you can see that the election of God, that it might stand sure, God gave the covenant unconditionally. He sent Jesus to die for those who He foreknew. See?
Not just to say, “Well, you say God don’t know whether she’ll be saved or not?” God knowed that you’d be saved, or whether you would or not, before the world ever begin, or He wasn’t God.
Do you know what the word “infinite” means? Look at–look in the dictionary and find out what the word “infinite” means. Why, He knowed every flea that would ever be on the earth, every fly, every gnat, every germ. He knew it before they ever come into existence, or He wasn’t God. Certainly, He knew. All right.
Then in there, God could not–not say, “I’ll take you, and send you to hell; and I’ll take you, and send you to heaven.” God wanted you both to go to heaven. But by foreknowledge He knew that one would be a shyster, and the other one would be a gentleman and a Christian. See? Therefore He had to send Jesus to die, to save that man that He foreknew that wanted to be saved. You get it?

« 97 † Now, look here.
55. Scriptures doubtly tell us that these are they who will not be saved. Therefore, if the atonement cover all the–all of Adam’s race, and some were lost because they did not avail themselves of the promise, or the provision, would not… must we… will he… will be a mightier force than eternal plans and purposes of Almighty God? Would it be… (the person now on this second question, is asking) Would not man’s free will be a mightier force than the eternal plans and purpose of an Almighty God?
No, my brother or sister, certainly not. There is nothing more powerful… Man’s will could never compare with the–the eternal purpose of God’s judgment. It couldn’t be. See?

« 98 † Now, your first question was correct. Your second question couldn’t be, friend. ‘Cause look, look at the way it’s written here. See? “Would not man’s free will be a mightier force than the eternal plans and purpose of Almighty God?” Why, certainly not. How could the will of man be a mightier force than the purpose of Almighty God? And man in his carnal condition to will what he wants to, more forceful than what an eternal, perfect God would be? Certainly not, it couldn’t be. See? The eternal God, Who’s purpose is perfect, how could you say that a–a carnal man down here, no matter how just and–he might be, his purposes would no wise compare with this: the–the purpose of the eternal and Almighty God.

« 99 † [A sister speaks from congregation–Ed.] Yes. [“I’m sorry. I just wanted to ask a question, and–and you misunderstand what I mean there.”]
Yeah, all right, sister.
[“I don’t believe that at all; I meant God’s eternal purpose is overriding man’s free will.”]
That’s right. Oh, well, I–I’ve read it wrong then. See? All right. Yes, you’re exactly right then, sister. I didn’t know it was your–your question. All right. But see, where I got it here… See? Now, let me see, “Cover all the Adam’s race, and some were lost because they did not avail themself–themselves of its provisions, would not man’s free will be a mightier force than the eternal plans and purpose of Almighty God?”
See, I–I’d misinterpret your thought there. Yes, the eternal purpose of Almighty God… Well, that settles it. I guess everybody understands that. If you do, raise up your hands. It–it’s the eternal purpose of the Almighty God would sure be far above–far above what man could do. Now…

« 102 † 56. I do not understand the light on water baptism in the 28th chapter of… 19th verse, of Matthew. What does this mean?
Well now, maybe it won’t take me but just a minute. And let’s have somebody turn with me, if you will, to Matthew the 28th chapter and the 19th verse. And we’ll find out just what the person is… twenty-five… Now, this will make you strong if you’ll just stay with it. It’s–it’s good. You see? It isn’t evangelistic, but it’s a…

« 103 † Now, we’re… Now, here’s where people try to say there’s a contradiction in the Bible. Now, I want somebody to turn to… We’re in Matthew 28:19. Or, no, I want somebody… Matthew 28:19. I want somebody to turn to Acts 2:38. You got your Bible there, Brother Neville?
And I want you to read for yourselves now. “And I’ll show you a strict contradiction in the Bible. And I–I… What the–the Bible… The people say the Bible doesn’t contradict Itself; I want you to take this into consideration.

« 105 † And this makes the professors get gray. But it–it’s simple. Now, I’ll read Matthew 28:19; you follow me. And some of you with Acts 2:38, have it ready. I’ll begin unto the 18th verse; this is the closing chapter of Matthew.
And Jesus came and spake unto his disci–or spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Where’s the Father’s power? If all the power in heaven and earth is give to Jesus, God got powerless then, didn’t He? Or did He just tell a story? Was He joking? He meant it. Don’t you believe He meant it? Well, if all power is given unto Him, where’s God’s power at then? He was God. That’s exact. That’s the only thing there is to it. That’s just all there was. See, He was God; or either there’s somebody set there, did have some power, don’t have it any more. See? So you can’t–you can’t confuse it. We’ll get that right in on this same thing here. All right.
All power in heaven and earth is… in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore,… teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:… lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

« 107 † Acts 2:38, now somebody read. Wait just a minute. Acts the 2nd chapter, the 38th verse, now, listen real close now, and just be patiently, and we’ll see now. Now, this is ten days later after Jesus told them now, Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Ghost.”
Now, Peter, ten days later… They never preached another sermon. They went up in the upper room at Jerusalem, and waited there for ten days, for the Holy Ghost to come. How many knows that? In this spot… Here’s Peter; Peter has the keys to the Kingdom. All right, we’ll see what he does. Matthew… or I mean Acts 2, let’s take the 36th verse.
Therefore let all the house of Israel know surely, that God has made this same Jesus, whom you… crucified, both Lord and Christ. (Both Lord and Christ, no wonder all power in heavens and earth was given unto Him.)
Now, when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and… the rest of the–the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Peter answered… Peter said unto them, Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

« 109 † Now, there’s a contradiction. Matthew said, baptize the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and Peter said in the Acts 2:38, ten days later, “Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.”
Then the next time repentance was spoke–spoke of–or baptism in the Bible, is Acts the–the 8th chapter, when Philip went down and preached to the–to–to the Samaritans. And they received the Holy Ghost, and they were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Next time it was spoke of, was when the Gentiles received It, Acts 10:49.
And while Peter… spake these words, behold, the Holy Ghost fell upon… them… and heard them.
For they heard them speak in tongues, and magnify God. Then said Peter,
Can a man forbid water, seeing that these… have received the Holy Ghost like we did at the beginning?
And he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

« 112 † Now, let me have something here, just show you a little something so you won’t forget it: going to make you a little illustration. I’m going to put… How many gener–nationalities of people are there in the world? There’s three: Ham, Shem, and Japheth’s people. How many knows that? We come from those three sons of Noah. Ham’s people, Shem’s people… Japheth’s people is the Anglo-Saxon; Shem’s people is the… The three generations, that’s Jew, Gentile, and half Jew and Gentile. Now, notice, when there… And this is Ham… Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

« 113 † Now, the first time baptism was ever spoke of, was spoke of by John the Baptist. How many knows that to be true? All right, I’m going to lay it over here, way over here: John the Baptist. And John baptized the people in the river of Jordan, commanding them that they should repent, and get right with God, and sell their goods, and feed the poor, and the soldiers be satisfied with their money, and to get right with God. How many know that? And he baptized them in the river of Jordan, not sprinkled them, not poured them, but immersed them. If you don’t believe it, here’s the Lexicon, find out if it isn’t “baptizo,” which is “baptize, immerse, put under, bury.” Now, the first time baptism was ever spoke of, was there.
The second time baptism was ever spoke of, Jesus commissioned it, Matthew 28:19. Next time baptism was spoke of was Acts 2:38. The next time baptism was spoke of was in the 8th chapter of Acts. The next time baptism was spoke of was in the–the 10th chapter of Acts.

« 115 † And then we come from the time where Jesus said here, “Go ye, therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, Holy Ghost.
Now, let’s straighten this Scripture out first. I’ve told you that there’s not one Scripture in the Bible that’ll contradict another. I want you to bring it to me. I’ve asked that for twenty-six years, and I haven’t found it yet. There’s no Scripture that contra… If it contradicts It, then its a man-written affair. No, sir, there’s no contradiction in the Bible.
Now, this you said, “What about that?”
Here stands Jesus saying, “Go ye, therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost.”
And Peter turns right back around, and said, “Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.”
There’s your contradiction: looks like it. Now, if you’re reading with a carnal mind and not a open heart, it’ll be a contradiction. But if you’ll read It open-minded, “The Holy Spirit has hid this from the eyes of the wise and prudent,” Jesus said so, and thanked God for it, “and has revealed It to babes such as would learn.” If you got a mind, and not a selfish mind, but a willing heart to learn, the Holy Ghost will teach you these things.

« 125 † Now, if it don’t compare… You said, “How do you know you’re right?” Well, it compares with the rest of the Scripture. If you don’t, you got a flat contradiction here.
Now, I want to ask you a question. This is the last chapter of Matthew. I’ll take it in a little form, so every one of you that’s–that’s children will understand it.
For instance, if you read a love story, and the back of it said, “And Mary and John lived happy ever after.” Well, you wonder who John and Mary was that lived happy ever after. Now, if you want to know who John and Mary is, you’d better go back to the first of the book and find out who John and Mary is. Then get back here and find out who Mary was, and what family she come from, and who John was, and what family he come from, and what his name was, and how they were married, and all about it. Is that right? Well, that’s the same thing as reading the Bible here. When…

« 128 † Look, Jesus never said, “Go, baptize the people in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Ghost,” the way Trinitarian people baptize. There’s no Scripture for that in the Bible. He never said, “In the names (n-a-m-e-s), names” of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; He said, “In the (n-a-m-e) name,” singular. Look at your Bible there and find out if that’s right, Matthew 28, “In the Name…” not “in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son…” that’s the way a triune preacher baptizes. “In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Ghost.” That’s not even in the Bible.
“Then in the name…” You said, “Well, then in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Then there’s a certain Name there.

« 132 † Well, is Father a name? How many knows that Father’s not a name. Father’s a title. Son’s not a name. How many knows Son’s not a name? How many fathers is in here, raise your hand. How many sons is in here, raise your hand. Well, which one of you’re named son? Which one of you’re named father? All right, Holy Ghost is not a name. Holy Ghost is what It is. How many humans is in here, raise your hand. See? There you are, the Holy Ghost is what It… Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, neither one of them are names; there’s no name to it.
Well, then, if He said, “Baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost,” we’d better go back and find out Who Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is. Let’s turn back to the 1st chapter of Matthew then, see Who this fellow was that was supposed to baptize in what name. And we start out now with Matthew the 1st chapter and the 18th verse. Read closely, all of you.

« 134 † Now, you that asked the question, I want to give a little illustration here. Now, I’m going to put three things here so that you’ll understand clearly (make the illustration): these Bibles and books to make illustrations.
All right, I want you to watch me closely, and each one follow me now. Now, this here is God the Father. This here is God the Son. This here is God the Holy Ghost. Now, how many understand? You say it after me. Who’s this down here? [Congregation says, “Holy Ghost”–Ed.] Holy Ghost. Who’s this over here? [Congregation says, “Father”–Ed.] Who’s this here? [Congregation says, “Son”–Ed.] Now, that’s the way the Trinitarian believes that. See, that makes us heathens, just as raw as it can be.

« 136 † The Jew… That’s the reason you can’t do nothing with a Jew. He said, “You can’t chop God in three pieces and give Him to a Jew.” Why, certainly not, you can’t me either. See? No, sir. He’s one God; that’s exactly, not three Gods. Now, notice how–how–how simple it is.
Now, we’re going to find out. Now, Who is… This is Who? Some speak out now. God the Son. Is that right? This is the Son. Well then, His father is God. Is that right? How many believes that His Father’s God, raise up your hand. How many believe that God is the Father of Jesus Christ? All right.
Now, the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:…

« 138 † Now, we’re going back to find out Who Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is, that Matthew said baptize in the Name of. See? The Name, not names now, ’cause it can’t be names, ’cause there’s no name there.
Now, the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:
When… his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with a child of… (God the Father. Does the Bible say that? What does the Bible say?)… she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost.
Then which one of these is His Father? Now, the Bible said that this is His Father, and Jesus said that this was His Father. Now, which One is His Father? Now, if He had two fathers, now what about it? If He had two fathers, He’s a illegitimate child.

« 140 † Now, let’s just read on a little further.
Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, was not willingly to make her a publick example, but was minded to put her away privately.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the… [Congregation says, “Holy Ghost”–Ed.]
The what? The Holy Ghost? Well, how can the Father be His Father, and the Holy Ghost be His Father at the same time? Now, He had two fathers then, if that be right. No, sir. The Holy Ghost is God. The Holy Ghost is God. So God and the Holy Ghost is the same-self Person, or He had two fathers.

« 142 † See, we find out who John and Mary is after while. All right, we find out whether Peter was–Matthew was trying to contradict one another or not, see if the Scripture contradicts Itself. It’s a lack of spiritual understanding. That’s right.
But while he thought on these…
I got that one, the 20th verse. Now, the 21st…
And she shall bring forth a son,… (This Person, which was of these? One Person, God.)… and thou shall call his name… (What?) [Congregation answers, “Jesus”–Ed.]… for he shall save his people from their sins.
… this was all done, that would–might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel,… by interpretation, God with us.
So who was John and Mary that lived happy ever after? Who was the One Who said, “Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost”? Who was the Father, the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost? [Someone says, “Jesus”–Ed.] Certainly, it was. Sure, no contradiction to that, not a bit. It just straightens the Scripture out. He was the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. God was Emmanuel dwelling with us, tabernacling in a body called Jesus.

« 145 † Now, the oneness teaching of the oneness church, I certainly disagree with them, thinking that Jesus is one like your finger’s one. He had to have a Father. If He didn’t, how could He be His own father? And if His Father was a man like the Trinitarian says, then He was borned a illegitimate birth with two fathers. So you see, you’re both wrong by arguing. See?
But the truth of it is, that both Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is one Personality. [–Ed.]… God dwelling in a tabernacle of flesh to take sin from the world… That’s exactly right, “God with us.” Now, therefore, when Matthew 28:19…
Now, you search the Scriptures, and when you can find where one person in the Bible (Now, think of it; now, don’t let this pass over you.), where one person in the Bible was ever baptized in the “name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost,” come back to me and tell me that I’m a hypocrite, and I’ll put a sign on my back and walk through the city. It’s not in the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. But every person in the Bible was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.

« 148 † You say, “Wait a minute, preacher. What about John? He didn’t baptize in any name at all.”
All right, we find out what happened. Let’s turn over to–to the–the Acts the 19th chapter. That’s where we find John’s disciples. Every person was all baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, on up now till we find this group over here. Acts the 19th chapter, and let’s begin the reading now, and we find John’s disciples.
And it came to pass,… while Apollos… (which was a lawyer, converted).. was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts of… Ephesus: he finds certain disciples (They were followers of Jesus.)

« 150 † If you just noticed the previous chapter before there, they were having such a great time till they were shouting and rejoicing. How many knows that true? And Aquila and Priscilla was attending the meeting. And Paul and Silas was beaten, and striped, and put into jail. Is that right? And they come over here and found Aquila and Priscilla. And they were having a revival up there by a Baptist preacher by the name of Apollos, who was proving by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. Now, Paul finds him.
Paul having passed through the upper coasts of… Ephesus:… finds certain disciples,
He said unto them, Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?…

« 151 † Now, you dear Baptist friend, if that don’t knock the–the props out from under your theology, when you said you received the Holy Ghost when you believed.
But Paul wanted to asked these Baptists, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?” Now, watch what they said.
And they said unto him, We know… whether there be any Holy Ghost.
And he said unto them, Unto what… (Now, if you want to get the Greek Lexicon here, it’ll show you, “Unto how was you baptized?”)… Unto what… was you baptized?
And they said unto him, Under John… (back here. “John baptized us.”)
Now, I want to ask: If you had that baptism, would you be satisfied with it? The same man that walked Jesus out in the river and baptized Jesus Christ, that same man had baptized these people. That’s a pretty good baptism: not sprinkling, not pouring, but immersing in the old muddy Jordan at the same place Jesus was baptized. Think of that.

« 154 † Paul said, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?”
They… he… They said, “We know… whether there be any Holy Ghost.”
He said, “How was you baptized?”
They said, “We been baptized.”
“How was you baptized?”
“Unto John.”
Now, watch what Paul said. Watch here.
And he said unto them,… were you bap… Unto John…
And they… And then said Paul, John verily baptized… the bap… unto repentance, saying unto the people,… they should believe on him that’s come after him, that is, on Jesus Christ.

« 156 † See, John only baptized unto repentance, but the water baptism in Jesus’ Name is for the remission of sins. The atonement wasn’t made then; sins could not be remitted. Now… It was just a answer of a conscience, like under the law. Luke 16:16 said, “The law and prophets were until John; since then the Kingdom’s been preached.” Now, watch, and watch.
And Paul said un… (now watch)… Have you received…
The 5th–5th verse…
And when they heard this, they were baptized… (again)… in the name of… Jesus Christ.
That right? Then these people, the people in Acts 2 were baptized in Jesus’ Name. The Jews was baptized in Jesus’ Name, The Gentiles was baptized in Jesus’ Name. And every person in the entire Bible was baptized in Jesus’ Name.

« 159 † Now, find one place that anybody else was ever baptized any other way, and I’ll go right back here and show you where the Catholic church admits it, and say that you bow to it. And said, “There might be some Protestants saved because they have a few of the Catholic doctrines, such as the baptism in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Said, “The holy Catholic church has a right to change that solemnity from the Name of Jesus to the ‘Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,'” and the Protestant church admits it. This one don’t. I stay with the Bible. I believe the Bible.
You say, “Brother Branham, do you commission people to be baptized over?” Absolutely. Paul did here.

« 161 † Now, watch, let’s get the Galatians 1:8, and find out what Paul said.
… though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you… let him be accursed.
There you are, “If we or an angel…” And Paul, the same man, commissioned the people to be baptized over again that had a lot better baptism than what you have had, my brother; ’cause John the Baptist was Jesus’ own cousin, second cousin; baptized his own Cousin in the river of Jordan, and turned right around and baptized John’s disciples. And Jesus said, “That won’t work,” or Paul said it, and commissioned them to be baptized over again in the Name of Jesus Christ before they could receive the Holy Ghost; after they’d been shouting and praising God and having a big time, having a great–great revival, and proving by the Bible, with their theology, that Jesus was the Christ. How many knows that’s the Scripture, the 18th chapter? Certainly it is. There you are. So there’s no question to it.

« 163 † Now, let me give you a little keynote. Now, he never went out of the order, but in Luke–Matthew the 16th chapter, Jesus, when they come down off the mount, He says, “Who do men say I the Son of man am?”
“Some say You’re Elijah; some say You’re of the prophets, and some say You’re this, that.”
He said, “But Who do you say?”
Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Watch. “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona (the son of Jonas); flesh and blood never revealed this to you.” Amen.
See, it has to come spiritual revelation. Flesh and blood never told Abel that he was wrong–or Cain, that he was wrong, never told Abel that Cain was wrong. But it was a revelation that Abel had. It was blood. We’re coming into that question in a few minutes. It was blood, not fruit, that took us from the garden of Eden. It was blood. And Abel by spiritual revelation was revealed of God that it was blood. And he, “By faith” Hebrews 11:1 says, “he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.” Which God accepted his sacrifice. There you are. See? He offered it by faith, by revelation.

« 169 † Now, watch, “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you (plumb over to the Lord Jesus), but My Father which is in heaven has revealed this to you. And upon this rock (the revelation of Jesus Christ)… Upon this rock I’ll build My church, and the gates of hell can’t prevail against it.” That’s what He said. Spiritual rev… “And I say that you’re Peter, and I’ll give to you the keys of the Kingdom. And whatever… Because you’ve got a spiritual open channel between here and heaven… Flesh and blood: you never took a seminary; you never took a schooling; you never took a–a–a course of theology. But you depended on God, and God revealed it to you; and it’s absolutely the clear Scriptures that tied together. I say you’re Peter. (That’s right.) And I’ll give to you the keys; and what you bind on earth, I’ll bind it in heaven; what you loose on earth, I’ll loose it in heaven.”

« 170 † And Peter was the spokesman on the day of Pentecost, when they was all scared to speak. He spoke up and said, “Ye men of Judaea and you that dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known unto you and hearken to my words. These are not drunk as you suppose, seeing it’s the third hour of the day, but this is that which was spoken of the prophet Joel. ‘It’ll come to pass in the last days,’ saith God, ‘I’ll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Upon my handsmaid, the maid servants, will I pour out of My Spirit. And I’ll show signs in the heavens above and in the earth below, and pillars of smoke and vapor. It shall come to pass before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'” There you are. Oh, my.
“Let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David,” he said, “he’s both dead and buried, and his sepulchre’s with us unto this day. Therefore, being a prophet, he saw–foresaw Him at His right hand. ‘And I’ll not be moved. Moreover My flesh will rest in hope, because He’ll not leave My soul in hell, neither suffer Thy holy One to see corruption.'”
“And David is both dead,” he said, “and buried, and his sepulchre’s with us this day. But being a prophet, he foresaw the coming of the just One, Whom God has made both Lord and Christ.” Oh, my. There’s your Scriptures. There’s the thing. That’s it.

« 173 † Now, we find out here then, that the correct way, and the real way, and only way that was ever ordained… And Peter had the keys, and on the day when he preached, they said… Now, watch, here’s the first church. You Catholics listen to this. You Campbellites listen to this; You Baptists and Methodists, listen to this. You Pentecostals listen to this. Church of God, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, listen to this.
Peter had the keys and he had the authority, or Jesus lied. And it’s impossible for Him to lie: “two immutable things, it’s impossible for God to lie.” He had the keys. Jesus give him the keys. When He rose on the–on the third day like that, He had the keys of death and hell, but not the keys to the Kingdom. Peter had them. That’s exactly right.

« 175 † And now watch, Peter, you got the keys hanging on your side, and you’re preaching. The question comes, the first converts of the new church, the early Christian Church… Now, Catholic, now Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, are you on new church doctrine? Find out if you are.
… Men and brethren, what can we do?…
… Peter stood up and said… Repent,… every one of You… (Look out, boy; the way you place those keys here, Christ will place it in heaven.)… Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ… (That’s how you get into this.)… for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The keys went “click” here, and it went “click” there. That’s the reason John’s disciples had to come and be rebaptized again in the Name of Jesus Christ before they could go into heaven, get the Holy Ghost. He kept His Word. So it don’t confuse you now, does it? See? Certainly, Matthew 28:19 was titles, not Names.

« 177 † All right, how much more time we got? Can we have fifteen more minutes to answer a couple of more questions real quick? Can we? All right, we’ll hurry right quick. I got two down here at the bottom, I wanted to get quickly, joined right in with this, if I could. Then I can get the rest of them Sunday morning.
57. Was Cain an offspring of the serpent? (This is a good one.) If so, why did Eve not conceive until after Adam knew her?

« 178 † The same… The next question’s the same…?…
58. Was it a–a literal tree from which Eve ate the fruit? She saw that it was good for food.
All right, brother, sister, ever who it was, let’s go back into Genesis and find out something here. Let’s go to Genesis 3:8, if you will. All right, and listen real close now.

« 179 † Now, I’ll bring the story up. It was all pure and holy; there was no sin or no defilement. Now, I’ll get the–your–this first question first. The tree in the life–the middle of the garden, in the midst of the tree… The tree was the woman. Now, I’ll prove that to you by the Scriptures if you’d just be patiently a few minutes.
We’ll get first whether she was–whether she conceived before she knew Adam or not, or ‘fore… Listen.
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden, and in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
And the LORD… called unto Adam, and said… Where art thou?
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked;… (Now, he didn’t know that the day before; something had happened; something revealed to him that he was naked.)… and I hid myself.
And he said, Who told thee that thou were naked? Has thou eaten of the tree,…
Eating of the tree make him realize he was naked? As I’ve often said (This is no joke; I don’t mean it for a joke.), “But if eating apples caused women to realize they’re naked, we better pass the apples again.” See? It wasn’t naked… It wasn’t a tree, a apple they eat; it was sexually.

« 181 † Watch.
… has thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
And the man said, The woman who thou givest me, to be with me, she gave me… the tree, and I did eat.
And the LORD… said unto the woman, What is this that thou has done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me,… (Huh?)… The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. (Long time before she had conceived, see, by Adam.)
Adam knew her, and she conceived and brought forth–and brought forth Abel.

« 183 † But I want to ask you, just from a literal standpoint. Now, to prove to you that she was the tree: every woman is a fruit tree. How many know that? Aren’t you the fruit of your mother? Certainly, you are. And in the midst of the fruit, or in the midst of the tree, the fruit that she did not touch…
If you’ll notice, wasn’t Jesus the Tree of Life? Didn’t He promise over in St. Matthew–or St. John the 6th chapter, “I’m the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven”?

« 185 † If a man eats of the woman… And look, through the birth of–by the woman, we all die; ’cause we’re subject to death (Is that right?) through a birth of the woman. Through the birth of the man, we all live forever. The woman is a tree of death; the man is a tree of life; for the woman doesn’t even bear life in her. That’s exactly right. The–the life germ comes out of the man (see?) correctly, goes into the woman. And the woman’s nothing but a incubator; and the baby’s not connected, only the navel cord. Not one speck of the mother’s blood’s in the baby; borned in her blood, but not one speck in the baby. Go find… Read the doctor book, or ask your doctor, you’ll see. It’s not there, no, sir, not one speck of it at all. She’s just the egg; that’s all. And the life comes from the man.
That is a beautiful type to show that through the woman, through natural birth, we all have to die, because we’re dead to begin with; and only through the Man Christ Jesus can we live. And there’s the two trees in the garden of Eden. Can’t you see it?

« 187 † And watch. And in that day there was a Cherubim set a guard this tree, that if they ever tasted that Life Tree, they would all live forever. How many knows that? They’d all live forever. And the first time they could taste it… The Angel said, “We’ll guard It.” And they put Cherubims there with their flaming swords towards the east to guard It. They took It back to the east, and guarded that Tree with flaming swords so they could not get in to get It (this Tree).
And when Jesus come, He said, “I am the Bread of Life, that a man eats this Bread will never die.” There’s your Tree. There’s your woman; there’s your sex that brings death. Just as sure as there’s a sexual desire, there’s death left by it. And as sure as there’s a spiritual birth, there’s Eternal Life left by it. Death come through the birth of a woman, and Life come through the birth of a Man. Amen. There you are.

« 190 † Now, let’s take back to Cain. Could you tell me where that spirit and that meanness come from? If Cain… Look, if Cain was the son of Adam, which was a son of God, where did that evil come from? The first thing when he was born, he hated; he was a murderer; he was jealous. And now, take the nature of his daddy, the very start in the beginning, Lucifer, and he was… In the beginning he was jealous of Michael, what started the whole trouble. How many knows that? And Cain was the nature of his father, which he was jealous of his brother and slew him. That pure… That nature could not come out of that pure seed. It come, had to come out of this perverted stream. And notice, Cain, as soon as he was borned…
And then Abel was born after him, then she conceived by Adam, and he knew–knew her and she brought forth the son Abel. And Abel was a type of Christ; and when–when Abel was killed, Seth took his place: death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in type.

« 192 † But now, Cain worshipped, all of his carnal works, just like the carnal church today, they go to church; they worship. Cain worshipped; he wasn’t an infidel; he wasn’t a communist. Cain was a believer; he went to God; he built an altar. He done every religious thing that Abel done, but he didn’t have the spiritual revelation of the will of God. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. There you are. Do you see it? He didn’t have the spiritual revelation, and that’s what’s the matter with the church today. And Jesus said He’d build His church on that spiritual revelation. You get it? Oh, my, your eyes come open now. See? The spiritual revelation…
Cain come; he built an altar; he worshipped; he brought sacrifice; he knelt down; he praised God; he worshipped God; he done everything religious that Abel done. And God flatly refused him, because he didn’t have the spiritual revelation.

« 194 † Follow that same line of Cain right down through to the ark, from the ark right up into Israel, from Israel right on into Jesus, and from Jesus right on till this day, and see if that carnal, fundamental church, stiff and starch, scholarly… I mean men who have the Scriptures, who knows all the doctrine and the theologies; they can explain it, boy, just like [Brother Branham snaps his finger–Ed.] that, but without spiritual revelation. That’s right. That’s the doctrine of Cain.
The Bible said, “Woe unto them, ’cause they went the doctrine of Cain, and run in the errors of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.” The same Book, Jude, he–it said, “They was predestinated to this condemnation.” Certainly, they are. See?

« 195 † What was Balaam? He was a bishop. He was over all the church. He got up there just as fundamental as he could be. He offered… Look there at him standing up there in the celebrity, standing up there in their great celebrity. And they wasn’t infidels; they were believers.
That–that tribe of Moab come out of Lot’s daughter, Lot who lived… Lot’s daughter who lived with their father, and conceived and brought a child, and that child was–sprang the tribe of Moab. And they were a great denomination, great, flowery people; and they had princes and kings and celebrity. They had bishops and cardinals and everything.
And here come a bunch of holy-rollers up, the other group, Israel, a little old bunch that was undenominations, interdenominationals. And they done everything there was on the map to be done bad too. But what it was, they had the spiritual revelation, and God was with them in a Pillar of Fire.
Oh, I–I know they had carnal things, and the people said, “Such a bunch of backwash as that, nothing to do but kick them out.” But they had the spiritual revelation, and they had a smitten Rock; they had a brass serpent; they had a Pillar of Fire going with them. Hallelujah. I know you–you think I’m excited, but I’m not. I just feel good.
Notice. When I think, “That same God, today, lives with us.” It’s still the spiritual revelation of the Word. Certainly, it is. It’s eternally right. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Yes, sir.

« 200 † There stood him up there with that fundamental, them bunch of Baptists and Presbyterians stood up on the hill, and got their bishop out there. And they were just as religious, in the same kind of religion; they worshipped the same God. They said, “Look down there at that bunch of trash. Why, they don’t even have a denomination. They’re nothing but a bunch of quacking, squealing, holy-rollers.”
Is that right? Exactly, they was. If you don’t believe they were holy-rollers, take back in Genesis and find out when they crossed… When a miracle was performed, and Miriam grabbed a tambourine and went down the bank, beating it, dancing in the Spirit, and Moses sung in the Spirit. If that ain’t a bunch of what we call free holy-rollers, I don’t know what is: singing and jumping and praising. And all the time the nations hated them, but God was with them. They had the spiritual revelation, was following that Pillar of Fire.

« 202 † And Moab said, “Now, looky here. We’ll call all the cardinals, and all the bishops, and all the presbyters, and get them out here. We’ll do something about it, ’cause we’re a religious nation. We’ll not let that propaganda get mixed up in our fine denomination.”
And so they got them out there. And they built twelve altars; that’s just exactly what Israel had: twelve altars. They put twelve sacrifices on it, bullocks; just exactly what Israel had, what God required. They put twelve sheep on it, representing the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, twelve sheep in both places.
All the celebrity, the bishops and all stood around. They lit the sacrifice. They prayed; they raised their hands to Jehovah and said, “Jehovah, hear us.” What was they trying to do? And their old Balaam went forth like that, and the Spirit come down upon him, sure, but he was a carnal.
The Spirit can fall upon a hypocrite; the Bible said. You’ve heard me teach that now. “The rain falls on the just and unjust.” But it has to compare with the Word; there’s where you get it.

« 206 † Then when he did, and the… When the Spirit though on him told the truth… He tried to curse Israel, and he blessed Israel.
Now, if God just respects a fine church, and a fine bishop, and a wonderful pastor, a scholarly bunch of people, He was duty-bound to accept that sacrifice, ’cause he was just as fundamentally right as Israel was right; but he didn’t have the spiritual revelation of the Word and the will of God. There you are; that’s the difference today.

« 208 † Look at Jesus. They said, “Away with that guy. We know he’s a Samaritan. He’s crazy. Why you teach us? Well, you was borned in adultery. You wasn’t nothing but a illegitimate child to come with. Who’s your daddy? Say God’s your father, you blasphemer. Why, you mean to tell us? We’ve been preachers; we been bishops; through our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers was preachers and bishops. We were borned and raised in the church. We’ve been through the highest of seminaries. We know every word to the letter. And you try to teach us? Where’d you ever go to school at? Where’d you get this learning?”
He said, “You’re of the–your father the devil,” said Jesus.

« 210 † They had no signs and wonders among them. They had no Divine healings and things among them. They had no blessings among them. But Jesus was absolutely a spiritual revelation of the Scriptures.
They said, “Why, it’s written so-and-so.”
And Jesus said, “Yes, it’s also written.” But God vindicated His men by his signs.
Peter said the same on Acts 2; he said, “You men of Israel. Jesus of Nazareth, a Man approved of God among you by signs and wonders which God did by Him in the midst, and which you all yourselves know. (There you are.) Him being delivered of the… by the fore–or by the big Sanhedrin Council up there. But by the foreknowledge of God, God foreordaining Him to die this death. You’ve delivered Him up; with cruel, wicked hands you’ve crucified the Prince of Life, Who God raised up. And we’re witnesses of it.” Whew, what a preacher. Didn’t… He couldn’t even sign his own name, but he knowed God.
They said they took heed to him that he’d been with Jesus. Certainly, it’s a spiritual revelation. Oh, my. Now, there you are.

« 215 † Cain was just in that line. That carnal church is in the same line today. The spiritual church still has the Pillar of Fire, still has the signs, wonders, still has the same Christ; which it vindicates all the way from the dying lamb in–in the garden of Eden, until the second coming of the Lamb: absolutely, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And that line of Cain, religious and polished and scholarly, right down the same, just the same, every day just the same. Criticizers and persecutors, as Cain was of Abel, so are they today, and have been, and always will be: carnal, unbelievers. That’s right.

« 217 † Now, Genesis 3:8, and also I put 20 here; I was looking awhile ago.
And Adam called… And Adam called his wife… Eve; because she was the mother of all living. (See, that was after this beguiling had already took place.)
Cain was… Now, wait. You say, “How could a snake, a serpent?”
But brother, watch here, the Bible don’t say he was a serpent; the Bible said, “He was the most subtle of all the beasts of the field.” He wasn’t a reptile; he was a beast. He was a… And there…
And let–now, let me just give you this as a little token between us, if you will. That’s where science is all mixed up. The closest thing they can find to a man is a chimpanzee. How many knows that? But there’s something between there. They can’t make the chimpanzee bones meet with the man’s bones, yet it’s the closest thing. They can bring him up from a polliwog. They can bring him up from a tadpole. They can bring him on up to the animal and every animal. They can bring him to a bear. You take a bear and pull the skin off it; it’s just like a little woman, just the same thing. Take her back and everything, stand them there, and pull–pull the woman like–stand the woman like that. It’s just the same as a–as a–as a bear. The foot runs out the same, and the hand runs out like this, just like a human being. But a chimpanzee comes closer than that. It’s almost, but they can’t find it.

« 221 † Here’s a little secret, if you want to know it. You know where it’s at? It’s hid from them. They can dig all the bones they want to. They can dig… The sculptors can dig, and the science, and the–and the chronologist can measure the scales of time with the atomic measures, but they’ll never catch it. For that was the serpent that was more like a man than anything else there was on earth, and God cursed him and put him on his belly; and he’s turned plumb back to a snake with no resemblance of a man. Now, just scratch your head, them scientists, and let them take that for a while.
But the Bible…?… declares that, “He was the most subtle of all the beasts of the field.” That’s right. He was that joint that stands between man and monkey, and God cursed him and put him plumb back on his belly because of the–of the thing that he had did. He beguiled this woman, and she brought forth her first son which was Cain after the nature of the serpent, on inspiration; the devil had got in the serpent, that did that.

« 223 † And then she conceived and brought forth; she conceived again after she was beguiled. Now, watch, she beguiled… She was almost… Why, she done wrong. But she, literally, was legitimate when she conceived by her husband, for that might’ve been many, many times afterwards, many months and many days afterwards; you can’t tell that; we don’t know, but she did bring forth of Adam.
And someone even got the question, say, “Well, the son… He said she was… When as Cain was born, said she got a son of the Lord.” Absolutely, certainly, it had to be. It was the law of nature. That’s just exactly the way you are today. When you’re born, God just doesn’t come down and make you. You’re an offspring of your father and mother. And you’ll be a… There’ll be a… Your children will be offsprings of you. It’s a reproduction all the time, right on down, like seed trees and things like that; but back to the original. I hope that explains it.

« 225 † How much time we got? Haven’t got any more. Listen to this good one for next, the beginning Sunday: “By one Spirit we’re all baptized into one body.” We’d like to know that. Christ at the time… I think I get up some Scriptures, good Scriptures on that.
[Brother Branham answers this in Part II, paragraph 361, as question 60–Ed.]

« 226 † Here’s a good one, just like… Would you suffer me just one more minute or two, to answer this? It can answer itself.
59. When–when you say the wicked shall not burn eternally… (Well now, I got Jehovah Witness on the run, haven’t I?)… When you say the wicked will not burn eternally, do you mean in hell or in the lake of fire? I know it says in Revelations (That’s the 20th chapter.) that hell will be cast into the lake of fire. If they do not burn eternally, then what becomes of them?
Just as I have just got through saying, brother or sister, whoever it was; they become extinct; there’s no more to them. They had a beginning, and there’s a end; they’re just nothing no more. How will… How long they will burn, that’s just hard telling. But look, there…

« 228 † If you can just get this in your mind (See?); it’s very simple. There is but one type of Eternal Life, and that comes through God Himself. And God alone is Eternal Life. If you’ll just get here in the Lexicon, look up the Greek word “Zoe.” “Zoe” is “Eternal Life.” Eternal Life is God. And Jesus said, “I give unto them Eternal Life.” And if you’ll look here at the Lexicon, it said, “Zoe.” That’s the only Eternal Life there is. No place in the Bible where It ever says there’ll be a eternal hell; it said they’ll burn “forever and ever.”
Now, get the word “forever and ever.” And look at the aeon–aeon… Did You notice here in the Bible… How many’s ever heard it said, “And aeons and ae…”? How many knows that “aeon” is “a space of time”? Why, sure, anybody knows that; “aeon” is “a space of time.”
“And they shall burn for aeons,” that’s spaces of time: cast into the lake of fire and shall burn for aeons. “Aeons” means the “spaces of time.” They may burn for a hundred million years in punishment, but finally, they have to come to an end, to be extinct, altogether. See, because everything that is not perfect is a perverted off of the perfect; and it had a beginning, so it must have an end.
But we who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ has Zoe, “God’s Own Life” in us, and have Eternal Life, not have life forever and ever; the sinner has life forever and ever, but we have Eternal Life.

« 232 † Brother Cox, not long ago, was setting on my runway before we put the–after we had the rocks there, and he picked up a little, old fossil, and he said, “Brother Branham, how old is that?”
“Oh,” I said, “chronologically, you might say it’s ten thousand years old. Some kind of a little, old sea monster that lived at one time, a little sea animal, might’ve lived way back in the ages gone by.”
He said, “Just think how short human life is to that life.”
I said, “Oh, but, brother, that thing has an end, but the Life that we have in Christ has no end. That may have lived two or three forevers, but it’ll never have Eternal Life, ’cause Eternal Life comes from God alone.”

« 236 † Eternal, “He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life and shall never come to the judgment but’s passed from death unto Life.” There you are. You get Eternal Life by being a believer. An unbeliever has life forever. An eternal… A believer has Eternal Life, and cannot perish because It’s eternal.
But a believer, he will go… An unbeliever will go through the world; he’ll have miseries, woes, what he calls having a big time, “Whoopee,” having a big time: women, wine, and big time. He thinks he’s going on. He’ll die; he’ll go into a lake of fire and brimstone which burns, where burning is going on forever and forever, and maybe for a hundred million years his soul may be tormented in a lake of fire and brimstone.

« 238 † I… You say, “Will it be just like regular brimstone?” I believe it’ll be a million times worse than that. I believe you couldn’t be–describe it by fire, by a literal fire. The only reason it’s put by fire: that fire is the most consuming thing that we had. It absolutely consumes and destroys everything: fire does. Well, then, it’ll be in there, but you’ll have a soul that’ll have to be punished through some kind…
Now, you have to watch the word “fire,” because the Holy Ghost is used, “Holy Ghost and fire”; ’cause Holy Ghost fire burns sin out (See?), and makes clean.
But this fire, it comes from hell; it said a “lake of fire.” And ever what it is, it’s a punishment with torment. The rich man lifted up his eyes, being in hell, and said, “Send Lazarus with a little water on his fingers to put on my lips, for this flames are tormenting me.” Don’t think there isn’t a burning hell, and a literal hell; there is. If there’s a literal devil, there’s a literal hell.
But, you see, everything that’s perverted has a end to it, because it finally must come back to that purity and holiness of God. And God is eternal; and if we have Eternal Life, God is in us, and we can no more die than God can die. There you are.

« 242 † Now, the text really explains Itself (See?), and makes it right. Now, let’s see, I had a… I don’t know whether… Yes.
What will–what will become of them?
They become extinct; there’s no more to them. The soul goes; the spirit goes; the life goes; the body goes; the thoughts goes; the memory goes. And there will be no more thoughts of even evil, or it ever–ever happened in glory. That’s right. It’ll all be… Could you imagine, that here would be people over here in this part…
Don’t the Bible say, “Even the thoughts of the wicked shall perish”? The very thoughts of it’ll perish.

« 246 † Here will be a man over here; here’s God the great holy One here, and knowing that right out yonder’s a pit with souls burning in it? Why, that couldn’t be heaven. The very thoughts, the very memory, everything that’s perverted, every evil thought, everything will perish, and everything that’s evil in it. And we’ll be nothing but purity, with Zoe, the Life of God; to eternity, and for ages roll on, on, on, and on, and on; It’ll never end, be eternal.

« 247 † “They went into everlasting punishment, but the righteous went into Eternal Life.” You get it? Everlasting punishment, Eternal Life, what a difference.
Now, see, it doesn’t… Now, I know, to you, my dear little young’ns, I–I don’t mean to try to present myself as a know-it-all. If I’d do that…
Now, I’ve got three or four more good questions. I’ll pick them up Sunday morning, the Lord willing.
Now, look. See, these rise questions. I’m an old preacher. I–I–I–I’ve twenty-six years in the ministry. And I–I am very grateful for this, that I can say this, my… I have never tried to try to present anything in my life without first it being revealed. And I’m so thankful that the Angel of the Lord… Which I had no education, no ability. And this Angel come down, and has been my help sent from God. And He has never told me one thing but what absolutely dovetailed from Genesis to Revelations with that, insomuch till…

« 251 † I wrote down right quick when He said, “And you–and you shall take a gift of Divine healing.” And I put it down just the way He said it.
And in about three years later, the manager called my–my attention to it, said, “Brother Branham, did you notice that? That’s so perfect till He even told you ‘a gift.'”
See, never said, “the gift.” And every–every one in the Bible… Every gift is “the gift” but Divine healing, and it’s “a gift.” It’s “gifts of healing.” You can have all kinds of gifts of healing, different ways. But every other is “the gift”: “the” gift of prophecy; they gift of this. But Divine healing is in the plural: gifts. And I never noticed that, that the Holy Spirit is so perfect. Oh, blessed be the Lord.
Do you understand that the same Holy Ghost that wrote that Bible by hundreds of men, hundreds of years apart, and not one of them divvied one from the other; every one of them was complete; and one never even heard of the other one.
And Paul went down, and was down in Arabia, and never even visit Jerusalem for fourteen years, but was down in Jerusalem and down–went from–never went to Jerusalem, but down in Arabia, and started preaching, never even seen Peter and the rest of them for fourteen years. And when they come together, they were preaching the very same thing: water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and Divine healing, and the power of God.

« 255 † Oh.
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them.
One of them, I’m one of them,
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them; (Hallelujah.)
One of them, I’m one of them,
Just so glad that I can say I’m one of them.
There are people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all on flame,
With this fire that fell at Pentecost,
That cleansed and made them clean;
Oh, it’s burning now within my heart,
Oh, glory to His name!
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them.
They were gathered in the upper room,
All praying in His name,
They were baptized with the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came;
Now, what He did for them that day
He’ll do for you the same,
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them.
I’m one of them, I’m one of them,
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them; (Hallelujah.)
One of them, one of them,
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them.

« 256 † Listen, I got a little message for you.
Come, my brother, seek this blessing
That will cleanse your heart from sin,
That will start the joy-bells ringing
And will keep your soul on flame;
Oh, it’s burning now within my heart,
Oh, glory to His name,
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them.
Aren’t you glad you’re one of them? What is it? It’s the Spirit that reveals. It’s a revelation of God. “Upon this rock…” I don’t care if a archbishop…

« 258 † The Catholic priest set not long ago in my house. And he said, “Mr. Branham, I come to ask you a question.”
I said, “All right, sir.”
Said, “I have a letter here from the bishop to you.”
I said, “All right, sir.”
He said, “The statements that you make, will you hold your hand and solemnly swear you’ll tell the truth?”
I said, “I will not.” I said, “The Bible said, ‘Swear not at all, by heavens or by earth for it’s His footstool. Let your yeas be yea…?…” If the bishop wants to hear what I got to say, he’ll take my word for it. If he don’t, I don’t swear.”
It was the little priest up here at the Sacred Heart church; he said, “Did you baptize Pauline Frazier on a certain-certain date?”
I said, “I did, sir, down in the Ohio River.”
Said, “How did you baptize her?”
I said, “I baptized her by immersing her beneath the water in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

« 265 † He put it down. Said, “You know, the Catholic church used to baptize like that.”
I said, “When?”
He said, “In the early age.”
I said, “What early age?”
He said, “Well, at the beginning.”
I said, “What beginning?”
He said, “In the Bible.”
I said, “Do you mean the earl–in–in the disciples?”
He said, “Sure.”
I said, “Do you call the Catholics the… You say the disciples were Catholic.”
And he said, “Sure, they were.”
I said, “I thought the Catholic church didn’t change?”
He said, “It doesn’t.”
I said, “Then why did Peter say, ‘Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ’? And you said that was… He was a pope?”
“Then why do you baptize in the name of ‘Father, Son and Holy Ghost’? And he immersed, and you sprinkle. Now, what’s happened?”
He said, “But, you see,” said, “the Catholic church has power to do anything they want to do.” (Huh.)
I said, “And you called the disciples Catholics?”
He said, “Yeah.”
I said, “Sir, I’ve got Josephus; I’ve got the Foxe’s Book of Martyrs; I’ve got Pember’s ‘Early Ages’; I’ve got the Hislop’s ‘Two Babylons,’ the most ancient histories that there is in the world; show me in there where the Catholic church was ever ordained or ever come into an organization–six hundred years after the death of the last apostle.”
“Oh,” he said, “we believe what the church says.”
I said, “I believe what the Bible says.” See?

« 273 † “Why,” he said, “God’s in His church.”
I said, “God’s in His Word.” I said, “If…” He said… I said, “The Bible doesn’t say God’s in His church, but the God–the Bible said God’s in His Word. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and dwelled among us.'” That’s right. I said, “God’s in His Word.”
He went on out and told that. He said, “Well, we couldn’t argue,” said, “because you believe in the Bible; I believe in the church.”
I said, “I believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and there’s not one contradiction in It. And It’s God’s Word, His eternal plans for the whole ages to come. He said, ‘Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away.’ That’s right. I believe the Word.”

« 276 † He went out to Mrs. Frazier. He said, “Mrs. Frazier, will you sign a paper here consenting that your girl can be a member of the Catholic church?”
She said, “I’d rather walk with her to the grave.”
Said, “Shame on you.” Said, “You ought to be thankful that that girl’s coming out of that nonsense into the Catholic church.”
Said, “What if it was your girl coming to my church, what would you say about it?”
“Oh,” he said, “that’s different.”
Said, “No, it’s not.” He knowed he’d been somewhere when he left that little woman out there. He knowed he’d been somewhere. She said, “Now, the same door’s open that you come in at.”

« 282 † See, that’s the way. Don’t be run over; you don’t have to be run over. If God’s for you, who can be against you? That’s right. The trouble of it is today, you got a wishbone instead of a backbone. Stand for God and right.
The same Holy Ghost that come down on those apostles and back in the ages, is still in His church today, those who God has revealed Himself to. “Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy.” It’s God by His election brings the people and opens their eyes. You could never see it; you’re blind and never could see unless God opens your understanding. The Bible said you’re blind and you can’t see. There’s no need of you trying. All the education, scholarships you could get, you just constantly get blinder.
Now, you Church of Christ here, you speak where the Bible speaks, and silent where it’s silent, what about some of this? You’re mighty silent on that. That’s right.
See, it takes spiritual revealed truth. Then God comes down and reveals Himself and vindicates it to be the truth. Amen. You love Him? So do I. Amen.

« 286 † All right, all you Methodists want to shake hands with the Baptists now? You Presbyterians?
“Now,” you say, “Brother Branham, do you disfellowship Baptists and Presbyterians that don’t bap…”
No, sir, I don’t. I consider them my brothers. Absolutely. I don’t care if you was not baptized at all, if you was baptized in the name of “the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and the Morning Star,” that wouldn’t have… That’d be just as good as “Father, Son, Holy Ghost,” just three titles. He was the Rose of Sharon (Was He?), the Lily of the Valley, the Morning Star, all those; sure, He was. There’s just one thing another, but here’s what it is: the correct Scripture way is in the Name of Jesus Christ, if you want Scriptural way; that’s exactly. That’s the correct way.

« 289 † Now, if you’re baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, feel like that that’s all right, amen. If it’s a good answer to God towards a clear conscience to God, amen. Go right ahead. See?
But as far as I am concerned, as far as my part, if you would ask me, say, “Brother Branham, should I be baptized over?” I’d say, “Yes,” for my part.
The little woman come here the other day, said, “The Lord called me to be a preacher.” I didn’t believe that, not no more than I believe that–that she could jump over the moon. And she…
I said, “Well, that’s very good, sister.” I said, “Are you married?”
“Got two children?”
I said, “What is… Is your husband saved?”
I said, “What are you going to do with him?”
“Going to leave him home.”
I said, “That’s the best bait the devil ever had. You’re a pretty woman to begin with, and you slipping off out here in the field, you’ll be a regular bait and a target for the devil. And your husband, home, a young man, and you leave him with these two children; he’ll start running around with another woman, and these kids will have another daddy one of these days.” I said, “The first place, if God called a woman, He contradicted His Word.” I said, “Now, if you want to… That’s all right.” I said, “Now, discernment, you say the Lord give you discernment. Do you want to go out on the platform and try it?”
She said, “Yes.” And you see what happened.
You see, it’s enthused. It’s got to come to the Word. If it’s not in the Word, then it’s not right. I don’t care what your emotions are; it’s not right. Amen. That sounds good. Amen.

« 296 † All right.
We’ll walk in the light, such a beautiful light,
Come where the dew drops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us by day and by night,
Jesus, the light of the world.
All ye saints of light proclaim,
Jesus, the light of the world;
Then the bells of heaven will ring,
Jesus, the light of the world.
We’ll walk in the light, such a beautiful light,
Come where the dew drops…
Shine all around us by day and by night,
Jesus, the light of…
Now, I want everyone to turn right around and shake hands, four ways, with everybody now, as we sing this again.
We’ll walk in the light, beautiful light, (Amen)
Come where the dew drops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us by day and by night,
Jesus, the light of…
Do you love the Methodists? say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen”–Ed.] The Baptist? The Presbyterian? The Catholic? The… Oh, you love them all, say, “Amen.” [Congregation says, “Amen”–Ed.]
We’ll walk in the light, beauti… (Shaking hands, as we go)
Oh, come where the dew drops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us by day and by night,
Jesus, the light of…

« 299 † Before we sing our dismissing song… Now, it’s possible that I’ll be here again Sunday. Now, after that I won’t be back no more till after Christmas (See?), ’cause I’m going to Michigan, from Michigan to Colorado, from Colorado over to Idaho, from Idaho over into California, and will be back. And it’s possible (I want you to pray for me.) I’ll be in Waterloo, Iowa, beginning on January the twenty-fourth until February the second (See?), at a big arena there. I just got the call awhile ago, and I got from now till Sunday to pray. See, at Waterloo, Iowa, which is close now…

« 300 † But now, remember, listen to the brother’s broadcast at nine o’clock Saturday morning. We’ll call him and let him know. And that’ll be over WLRP, the Neville quartet at nine o’clock Saturday morning. We’re… If I–if I don’t get to take them, Brother Neville will finish the questions. Will you, Brother Neville, for Sunday morning? [Brother Neville laughs and says, “Big order”–Ed.] Well, look, if–if you get in trouble, I’ll run with you…?… He’ll look. All right, all right.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe;
It will joy and comfort give you,
Oh, take it everywhere you go.
Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven;
Precious name, (precious Name) O how sweet! (how sweet)
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Now, if you want to know a Baptist that believes in shouting; that’s the kind of shouting I believe in. That old mother just setting there, and the Spirit come upon her. She started screaming; she couldn’t hold it; she walked back and hugged her daughter. That’s the way I like to see it. Amen. That’s real good, old fashion, heartfelt feelings. Oh, my, an old–an old, seasoned, ripened saint, ready to go home to glory, just waiting the summons (You see?), just having a wonderful time. All right, Brother Neville now, whatever he wants to do.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

16-0131E Hebrews Chapter 7 #2

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« 238 † ` Bless you! I think, first, we got a little baby here, Doc told me just a few minutes ago, my brother, a brother in flesh, that wanted… was for dedication. And now if those mothers has got their little tots that they want to dedicate to the Lord, we’ll be glad to have them right now. They come, bring their little ones up.
239 Now, and many people, they, what they call, baptize them. The Methodist church does, and I believe the Nazarene. I’m not sure. No. I think that’s what they separated on, was infant baptism, the Nazarene and the Free Methodist. But, however, some of them, they do one thing and another. But, and some of them pour a little water on them. Some sprinkle them. And, but we always try to stay just as close to the Bible as we know how. Now, there’s no Scripture in the Bible for a baby to be sprinkled, neither is there Scripture in the Bible for any person to be sprinkled. It’s not a Scriptural thing. It’s an order of the Catholic church.

« 240 † But they–but they do, brought… They did bring little babies to Jesus. And–and we’re to represent Him. We want to do the same thing that He did. He placed His hands upon them and–and blessed them, and said, “Suffer the little children to come to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” And that’s what we continue to do here at the tabernacle, as we try to carry on the real Bible, consecrated way, the best that we know how.

« 241 † So now, if that mother, or any mothers has got their little babies to be dedicated, while Sister Gertie plays Bring Them In, why, you bring them up to the altar. Brother and I will come down and dedicate the little ones to the Lord. All right.
Brother Neville. [Brother Branham and Brother Neville dedicate the babies.–Ed.]
242 Thank you, Sister Gertie. That’s very fine. How many loves little children? If you don’t, there is something wrong with you, there is something wrong.

« 243 † Now, tonight, now to go into the rest of the services. We… the reason I got down again tonight. Usually on these days when we have healing services, I only get about one a day, because it gives me such a shaking. You never know it. And here at home is twice as bad as anywhere else.

« 244 † And I was apologizing for making such a blunder as I did with it this morning. But the first thing upset me, was when Billy come to tell me that he couldn’t find enough people to give out prayer cards to. He only could give out about twelve or fourteen. And he had a… Nobody wanted prayer cards. I guess everything was all right. So then, by that, I never thought… And then when I started to call those prayer cards, I thought I’d get all ten or twelve, or ever what there was in here. Called them up. I got to a certain number, something, and it wouldn’t call. And I called. It wouldn’t answer. And I never thought of it till Mrs. Woods called me up. She said, “Brother Branham, Billy takes them cards and shuffles them up together, and just gives them out. He might have had that number three,” (wasn’t it?) “number three in his pocket.”

« 245 † Sure, he usually gives out the whole fifty. When he brings them before the people, he just shuffles them up. So everybody… It’s not say, “Give me number one.” Or, we might not start at number one. We might start at fifty, you don’t know, and come backwards. We might start at eight and go on over. Might start at twenty and go over. We don’t know. But he just shuffles them up and gives them out to the people as they want them. And not thinking this morning, I might have called four or five more, and they wouldn’t have been in there, ’cause it might have been way up in twenties or thirties somewhere, you see. And, then, but the Lord worked it out, but it just doesn’t have the–the real pressure to it, like it does away from home. I may never try it–try it again.
246 But, here not long ago, I asked the Lord if He’d give us a good meeting, that I promised that I–I wouldn’t ask Him that no more, because it’s been such a hard thing. And it’s contrary to the Scripture. See? And if you… That’s what makes it hard on me. Because, knowing that, it gives me a–a defeat, to begin with. See? I’m defeated, to start with.

« 247 † However, someone called somebody this afternoon. Mrs. Woods was called by somebody. And said, that, “Somebody in the church was called this morning, about a man that was very, very sick, that came to Christ this afternoon, afterwards.” That the–the man that was very sick came to Christ.
248 And another thing, Mrs. Woods told me that I spoke to her sister, an older sister, that I really was in her home the other day and eat dinner with her, or supper with her, down in Kentucky. And Almighty God knows that I didn’t recognize that woman. See? That’s right. Just… Visions are sovereign. We never know how they’re going to go or what’s going to happen. It’s up to God, and what–what takes place. But I did know, in waiting for them, waiting for there.

« 249 † And the other day when this little girl was in here, that was supposed to have had discernment, which I, not… See, if God would give that to all the world, it would be fine; but if it was, it was contrary to what He told me across the street here, you see, a few years ago. And we wanted to be sure that was right, and let the church, being it was here, see it. And so I did call that Mrs. Snyder. Sister Snyder. She is here somewhere. She’s just a teeny bit hard hearing. And the little lady spoke it low, and said, “You have rheumatism,” or arthritis, something like that.
250 Which, I knew it was a broken hip. And so… And then the Holy Spirit brought that in this morning. See?

« 251 † Now, what it is, it’s a Divine gift, and it works in its sovereignty. But what makes it so hard here in the city, honest, I–I get tangled up, all the time, in praying for the sick here. Or–or… I’ll go, tell the people this. I’ll go, say, “Now the Lord has made you well. Jesus healed you when He died for you, nineteen hundred years ago. Right there you were healed. Now, as far as God is concerned, as far as Christ is concerned, you was healed, nineteen hundred years ago. Your disease was gone. It takes your faith to do it.”
252 And then that person can go around and not get well. Then the person come around, say, “Brother Branham told me I was well.” See? I’m telling you what God said.

« 253 † Now, when it’s spoke directly to a person, directly, “It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD,” on a certain thing that’s going to take place. That’ll prove to you right there that your healing is already secured. Your faith has sealed it. See? The promise is yours. It ain’t my word. It’s God’s Word, that you’re already healed. See? But you just… Somehow another, I–I just can’t get it to soak in, to folks here in Jeffersonville. I–I just can’t get it to happen. I know. I’ll try to explain that just as well as I can, and it just–it just won’t happen. That’s all. I say…

« 254 † Here, not long ago, I went to a home, to a man, and the man was dying. And they called me, “Come, pray for him. The doctor said he wouldn’t live till morning.”
255 I went in. And the young man said to me, “Mr. Branham, I don’t want to die.” Why, certainly the young fellow didn’t. He had a family of two children there.
256 Well, I got down. I said, “Now, look, who is your doctor?” He told me. I said, “Now, the doctor might have said you was, you was going to die, but God hasn’t said yet you was going to die.” I said, “Now, according to the Bible, you’re already healed, because Jesus died for your healing.”
257 He said, “Do you believe I’ll get well?”
258 I said, “I absolutely believe it.”
259 Well, if I went to pray for a man, and didn’t use that kind of faith, to believe for him; if I go, “Oh, no, no, if the doctor said you’re going to die, you was going to die. That settles it now.” Now, wouldn’t that be some person to come pray for the sick? I wouldn’t want that person in my house, to pray for me. I want somebody that, even if he didn’t see it, or not, he’d take faith and stand on the promise for me. That’s right. And I said… he…
260 We went and had prayer. I said, “Now be of a good courage.”
261 He said, “Do you mean that I’ll get well?”
262 I said, “Why, sure. God’s Word said you’ll get well. See, ‘If thou canst believe, all things are possible.'”
263 He said, “All right, I’ll believe It.” And went out and said to his wife, that.
264 “The man is dying, isn’t he?”
265 “Yes, he is.” And so the next day, the man died, or a couple days after that.
266 Then this woman goes out and starts drinking and carrying on. And one of the deacons, I believe it was, of this church, went to the woman and asked her if she would return and come back to church. She said, “I wouldn’t believe nobody. Preacher Branham come in here and prayed for my husband, said he was going to live, and he died in two or three days later.” Said, “I wouldn’t believe.” Now she is dying. All right.

« 267 † But, however, you see, it just goes to show that people don’t pay attention to what you’re saying. See? Certainly. If I prayed for a person, and I–I tell them people they’re going to live. I believe they’re going to live. But, no matter, if my word was absolutely THUS SAITH THE LORD, and you would disbelieve It, you’d die, anyhow. Certainly. Here is THUS SAITH THE LORD, and many of them receive It and die. Many of them go to hell, when, THUS SAITH THE LORD, “You don’t have to.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Sure. See? It’s what… It’s all based on your faith.

« 268 † Brother Collins, I don’t think he is in tonight. But listening at him this morning, he gave the most gallant talk on that. See? See? He did. He said, “Now, the same faith you have up here, you’re going to have to have out there. Because, it’s your individual faith, not in your denomination, but in Christ. You’ve got to have that faith.” That’s just exactly right. Absolutely.
269 And Divine healing is based upon your faith. But according to God’s Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD, that every person was healed when Jesus died at Calvary, “He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed.” That right? We were. The Bible said, “You were healed.” So don’t find fault with me, I’m just a preacher of the Word. You go tell God that He told something wrong, and God will tell you where your weakness is then. See? So, it’s your faith. Jesus said, “If thou canst believe. If thou canst believe.”

« 270 † Now, when you hear the Holy Spirit has confirmed your faith and solid it down, and said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, ‘Tomorrow at this certain time, you’ll have a certain thing. Certain thing will take place. It’ll be over here a certain way, and you’ll meet a certain thing here. That’ll be a sign to you.'” Now, you watch that. That’s a finished work, right here now.
271 But when it’s come to saying Divine healing, I have to put Divine healing on the same basis, of that manner, as salvation. Each one of you, no matter what you’ve done, you’ve been saved since Jesus died, ’cause He died to take away the sins of the world. But it’ll never do you any good till you personally accept it and experience it. But as far as your sins, they’re already forgiven. That’s right. He… “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.” See? There you are. Now remember that.

« 272 † Now, I know that in teaching, in the Scriptures, we’re a mixed congregation. And many times, in this Book of Hebrews, which is a rather deep Book… I’m going to have to leave it for a while now. I’m going to try tonight to finish up the last part of that 7th chapter.
273 And now there’s many questions in your mind, no doubt. Many of you have questions, and I’d have, too. Now, the next time, the Lord willing, when I come in…
274 I’m going to Michigan now. And then, from Michigan, I’m going to Colorado. And from Colorado, to the West Coast. Now–now, when we get in, the Lord willing… Now, I don’t know. If I don’t be in Chicago, Sunday, I may be back here for the coming Sunday night.

« 275 † Now we’re holding our pastor out of the pulpit here for about six weeks, all through these–these–these, this book here. See? Now we… I don’t like to do that. Brother Neville is a lovely, sweet, kind brother. And I’m sure that this church loves Brother Neville.

« 276 † By the way, while I’m speaking; somebody, in around this country somewhere, is guilty of writing some cards, to move Brother Neville out of this pulpit. You’re going to have to settle that with me. Uh-huh. That’s right. Uh-huh. Yes, indeed. Now, I want you… Said the dea-… something about the deacon board. The deacon board has not one thing to do with that pastor. No, sir. The congregation, in full, has all the authority. It isn’t… A deacon board is just the policemen here in this church, just to keep order and so forth. But when it comes to rules, the whole church has to say so. This church is built upon the sovereignty of the local church. Therefore, I have nothing to say in moving this pastor, or putting one in. I own the property; it’s given to the church. You all are the church. You people are the one who control. You’re the church, yourself. And the Church, the holy Church of God is the sovereignty, of the Holy Spirit in that Church. And the only thing I do is own the property, give it over to this church, as give it over for a church, and it’s tax free. And the church elects their own pastors. I have nothing to do with it. And the only way this pastor could ever leave, would be the pastor decide himself to go, or the majority of the votes of the church would have to say, “Change the pastor.” That’s the only way. No deacon board can do it. The deacon board only keeps order and things in the church.
277 The trustees, they have nothing to do with it, only repair the church. And they can’t do it until there’s a… The whole trustee board meets and says, “We’ll build this, or we’ll do that.” Then they have to ask the treasurer if they got the money to do it. Yes, sir.

« 278 † But if there’s any complaint against any member, if a member has a complaint against one another, or something wrong, you’re supposed to go to that brother, yourself; and talk to him, you and he alone. Then if they won’t receive it, then the next thing takes place, you take one of the deacons or somebody, and go with you to that brother. Then if he won’t receive you, then you come tell it to the church. Then if the church… Then if he won’t receive the church, then the Bible said, “Let them be as a heathen and a publican.” That’s right.
279 And any persons that knows a guilty person, and you don’t go to them and talk, then you’re the part of the church of God is going to answer for that sin. That’s right.

« 280 † And if any persons then has a–a complaint against a deacon, or against the deacon or somebody in the church, it takes three people. Three people would come and say, witness, the mouth of two or three witnesses. Come tell the pastor that there’s a grievance against a deacon. Then if there’s a grievance against a deacon, the deacon isn’t a–a just man, a–a perfect man. He must hold the office of a deacon, blameless, and then found blameless. And if that congregation finds out that that deacon is not holding that office, he gets three with him and takes it to the pastor. That deacon is asked to stay home over the night. And then the pastor from… comes and brings the congregation together, gives the grievance. And if the congregation votes for the deacon to continue on, the deacon continues on. If he con-… votes for the deacon to be dismissed, they elect a new deacon that very night. See?

« 281 † Therefore, no one person has nothing to do in this. It’s the majority of the people. Yes, sir. If twenty votes for him, and twenty-one votes against him, he goes; or, vice versa. See? That is, it’s the sovereignty of the local church and, then, each one of the members has a say-so in the church. Anything goes on, wrong, then they can come right around, and the only thing they have to do is to be before God that they are absolutely see that nothing hinders the moving of the church.

« 282 † But the full and complete authority of the church is the pastor. Read that in the Bible, see if that’s not Bible order. That’s exactly right. There is no one above the elder. I have nothing to do with what Brother Neville does here. That’s up to you and Brother Neville. If Brother Neville wanted to preach Jehovah Witness doctrine, that’s up to him and you. See? If he wanted to preach anything he wanted to, that’s between you and him. That’s all. If the congregation votes for him in there, to preach that, that’s all right. That’s up to him.

« 283 † The only thing that I do, just is owning the property. And if something another comes by, that it’s like moving the pastor, and they want to take a vote on that, you couldn’t ask a deacon to do that. You’d come ask me. I’d come down, say, “If you want to move the pastor, tell me why. Has he done anything?”
284 “Yes. We caught him, drunk. Or, we caught him doing this, or doing something wasn’t right.”
285 “Have you got three witness of it?”
286 “Yes. We have.”
287 Them witness must first be tried. “Don’t receive an accusation against an elder ‘less it be by two or three witness, and let them first be proved; against an elder.” Then you have to swear to it, that you saw it; and prove it, that you saw it.
288 And then, if you did, then that sin is rebuked openly, that, “It’s wrong.” Then say, “Congregation, do you want to change your pastor?”

« 289 † And if the congregation votes, “Forgive him, and let him go on yet,” that’s the way it has to stand. See? That, isn’t that fair enough the way to run a church? That’s what the Bible said. We have no bishops and overseers, and boards and so forth, moves this one in and got a lot of authority. There’s nobody got authority here but the Holy Ghost. That’s right. He does the moving. And we take Him as the majority of the people, the way the people go.
290 And then if one side wants to do this, and the other side wants to do that, and the side wins. The losing side, what do they do about it? Join right in with the rest of them, say, “We were wrong, then. We’ll go right on, ’cause the Holy Ghost has made that choice.” See? That’s exactly right.

« 291 † Like Democrats and Republicans, as long as we stand as a democracy, as Americans. If the Democrats is in, the Republicans should push right on with them; Republicans in, the Democrat push on. See? That’s just exactly what makes us a nation. Whenever we break that, we break our democracy. That’s right. Democrats say, “I ain’t going to do nothing; Republicans was in.” Then we fall. I’m a Kentuckian: together we stand, and divided we fall.

« 292 † Now, if there’s anything wrong in the church that you ever know of, some individual or some person or anything, you are duty bound and will answer before God if you don’t clear that thing out; you, the church. Now, remember, it’s not on my shoulders. It’s on yours. And anything wrong in the church, God will make you answer for it. That’s right. That’s the way He runs his church. That’s the way it is in the Bible. That’s the order of the Bible. That’s the sovereignty of the local church. The pastor is the head. That’s right. Amen.

« 293 † Now, coming to this blessed, old Message here. You, now I want you to know that. This is tape recorded, remember, this Message. And the tape recordings of the church, the orders and rules of the church, it’s on tape recording. That’s according to the Bible. We don’t run it; there’s nobody in head. No. All, we’re all the same. But, we got a leader, that is the pastor, as long as he’s led by the Holy Ghost. True. All right.

« 294 † Now, in here, there’s going to be a lot of questions. So the next time that they give out… And Brother Neville puts on the radio that I’m to be here, you write out your question, so you and I can fuss it together. Will you? All right.

« 295 † I know I’ve taught on the perseverance of the saints. I’ve taught on the supreme Deity of Jesus. I’ve taught on the security of the believer, and foreordination, predestination, and many of those things. Which, I know, in my congregation is many legalists, which is perfectly all right. Absolutely. But, now, the things, I’m a legalist, too, and I’m a Calvanist. I just believe the Bible. That’s all.

« 296 † Now, if some of those, questions. And I’ve taught on evidences, sensations, and so forth, and all those things you might have disagreed with. So one of these nights, maybe… Let’s make it…
Are you in a big hurry to get back up in here? [Brother Neville says, “No.”–Ed.]
Let’s make it Wednesday night, this coming Wednesday night, then I–I think I–I can have that then. Bring your question in Wednesday night, lay it up here on the platform, and the question about the Bible, all right, of what I been teaching on now. And Wednesday night. And then by the following Sunday, then, I think I–I’ve got to be in Chicago, anyhow. And I’m going from there into Michigan. The Lord willing, I’ll be here Wednesday night, to try to answer the question the best that I can. And now the Lord be merciful.
Now let’s bow our head, just a moment.

« 297 † Now, blessed Lord, this is Your great economy. It’s your church. It’s You, Lord, that’s moving, and we want to move as the Spirit of God moves us. And we pray now that You’ll bless us. And as we rehearse this Message, and get down into these deep things, we pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal them to us just as we have need. For we ask it in His Name. Amen.
298 Now, oh, I… This Book of the Hebrews, I value as one of the great Books.

« 299 † A little later on, it may be that I–I’ve got… going overseas, which that, if God permits, I will be doing pretty soon. I’ve got to go to Africa according to a vision. I think I’ll never prosper much in my meetings until I go to Africa and fulfill that vision. Now, then, that’ll probably be sometime this coming spring.
300 But between that time, I like take one more book out of the Book of Hebrews, that is, the 11th chapter of Hebrews. And stay about a week in that 11th chapter, and take each one of those characteristics or characters, and bring out their characteristic. See? “By faith, Noah,” then take the life of Noah. “By faith, Abraham,” then take the life of Abraham. “By faith, Abel,” then take the life of Abel. See? And bring that down. Would you like that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Oh, that would be, we take in the whole Bible then. And then we’ll try that, maybe, either in, say, a week or ten days of meetings, just one meeting right after the other, in a revival like, sometime around through Christmas holidays, or something like that, the Lord willing.

« 301 † Now, in the 7th chapter of the Book of Hebrews, we met this great Character. Who can tell me what His name was? [Congregation says, “Melchisedec.”–Ed.] Melchisedec. Now, who was this Melchisedec? He was the priest of the Most High God. He was the King of Salem, which was the King of Jerusalem. He didn’t have any father, or He did not have any mother. He had no time He was ever born, or He will never have a time that He will die. Now, we find out that that has to be Eternal.

« 302 † We found out that the word forever means “a space of time.” Do you still remember that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] A space of time, it’s forever and forever. And forever is witnessed, many times, in the Bible as “a–a space of time.”
303 But, Eternity, and there’s only one type of Eternal Life, we found. Is that right? God has that Eternal Life, alone. Is that right? Only one type of Eternal Life. There is no such a word as “Eternal punishment.” Cause, if you’re to be punished for Eternity, you’ve got to have Eternal Life. To be punished Eternally, you’d have to have Eternal. And if you got Eternal Life, you can’t be punished, see, if you got Eternal. “He that heareth my Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life.” Is that right? Eternal Life, because you believe. Well, if you’ve got Eternal Life, you can’t be punished, because you got Eternal Life. So, then, if you’re going to suffer in hell forever and forever, you got to have Eternal Life.

« 304 † But, now, I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished, forever and forever. That’s not Eternity, now. That’s maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For, everything that had a beginning, has an end. It’s those things which has not a beginning, it has no end.
305 You remember that lesson now? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted, see, a perversion off of the main. And, finally, it winds back up to an Eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for Eternity. Everything that begin, ends.

« 306 † And this Melchisedec was not Jesus, for He was God. And what made Jesus and God different, that, Jesus was the tabernacle that God dwelt in. See? Now, Melchisedec. Jesus had both father and mother. And this Man never had father or mother. Jesus had a beginning of life and He had an end of life. This Man had no father, no mother, no beginning of days or ending of life. But, It was the selfsame Person, it was. Melchisedec and Jesus was One; but Jesus was the earthly body, born and fashioned after sin. God’s own body, His own son, born and fashioned after sin, to take the sting out of death, to pay the ransom, and to receive sons and daughters unto Himself. You get it? That’s the reason that He had–He had a beginning, He had an ending.

« 307 † But this perfect body, in commemoration, as–as the earnest of our resurrection, God would not suffer that holy body to see corruption, because He created it Himself. And brought it forth, and resurrected it, and set it at His right hand.
308 And, today, the Holy Spirit that raised that body up is here in the Church. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! And showing forth the same miracles and power. And someday this Holy Spirit, that’s in the Church, will scream and will lift up, and will receive itself into this body form that’s setting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions for we sinners. And by There we are perfectly kept from sin. Not that we don’t sin; but kept from sin, in the Presence of God. Cause, there’s a Bloody sacrifice standing between me and God, between you and God. That’s the reason He said, “A man that’s born of God, does not commit sin, he can’t sin.” For, if you’re born again, the very Holy Spirit that lived in that Body lives in you. And It can’t sin; the sacrifice is laying before Him. Then if you willfully do it, shows that it’s impossible for you to be into that Body. Amen. That’s the Gospel. There It is.

« 309 † Therefore, you see, It doesn’t contradict any of the Scriptures. It binds the Scriptures together. See? “It would be impossible for those once enlightened.” There is where we’ll get my questions. For, just get them, that’s how we want.
310 Now notice. “It’s impossible for those who once enlightened, to fall away to renew themselves again to repentance, to see that they crucify the Son of God afresh, and make Him… and bring Him to an open shame.” They couldn’t do it.
311 Then you go on over to Hebrews 10, where It says there, “For if we sin willfully after we received the knowledge of the Truth.” And what is sin? Unbelief.

« 312 † If you deliberately see the Holy Spirit do the things that It did right here this morning, and see that Christ is risen from the dead, and He’s living in His Church and among His people, and you willfully turn It down, it’s impossible for you to ever come to God, ’cause you’ve blasphemed the Holy Ghost.
313 Jesus said the same things, when He was doing those miracles.
314 They said, “Why, He is Beelzebub. He’s a fortune-teller. He’s a devil.”
315 Jesus turned around, and said, “I’ll forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost comes and does it, to speak a word against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come. Because you’ve called the Spirit of God that was in Him, ‘An unclean spirit.'”

« 316 † Then, if we sin willfully, if we sin, disbelieve willfully. Not after we receive the Truth, been born again; we couldn’t sin then. A sinner cannot commit the unpar-… A Christian cannot commit the unpardonable sin. He can’t do it. It’s the ungodly that does that. It’s the make-believer, not the believer.
317 Those Jewish rabbis, oh, they thought they were starch, and they had D.D.’s and Ph.D.’s. They thought they had it all sewed up, in a bag, but they was the worst of sinners. Oh, they might… You couldn’t put a hand on them, on their life. They were clean, moral, and just, that way. But they were disbelievers.

« 318 † And you take the word sin and find out what it means. The word sin means “unbelief.” There’s only two factions, that is, a believer or an unbeliever. That’s, a justified person or a sinner. That’s all. If you’re an unbeliever, you’re a sinner; no matter how good you are, how much you go to church, or even if you’re a preacher. You’re still an unbeliever.
319 Those Pharisees were preachers, and they were unbelievers, and in hell today for it. Just as religious as they could be, and pious, but they didn’t believe Him. And they called Him “a devil,” and disputed His Word. And some of them said, “If thou be, now come down off the cross. Perform a miracle. Let us see you do it.” One smote Him on the head, with a stick, and said, “Prophesy and tell us who hit you, you a prophet, and we’ll believe you.” See, unbelievers! They make-believe that they were believers, but they were unbelievers, unregenerated, separated, though they were holy and pious.

« 320 † Yet, that’s the same thing stands today. Men and women can go to church and have the long face, and–and pious as they can be, and never lie, steal, and try to live their religion as best they can. But, unless they are a believer, they’re lost. So there’s no scratch of legalists in the Bible. Calvinism is… Grace is what God did for you, and works is what you do for God. It’s absolutely separated.
321 If you quit lying, quit smoking, quit stealing, quit committing adultery, quit all, done everything, kept the commandments, and went to church, baptized every Sunday, took the communion, washed the feets of the saints, done everything, healed the sick, and done all these other things, unless you’re born of the Spirit of God, elected, you’re lost. “Not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God that sheweth mercy.”

« 322 † Esau tried his best to become a Christian, and couldn’t do it. The Bible said he wept bitterly, seeking a place to repent, and couldn’t find it. Before he was even born, God condemned him, ’cause He knowed he was a rotten shyster in his heart. God by foreknowledge knew it. He said, “I love Jacob, and I hate Esau.” And Esau looked like the gentleman. He stayed home, taking care of his old blind daddy, fed the cattle, and everything, was a good boy.
323 And Jacob was mama’s boy, little old sissified story-teller. That’s what he was. You have to admit it. The Bible admits, brings it. Run around, doing everything. And–and, mama, hanging around with mama. But, yet, Jacob, with all of his ups-and-down, and his sissified ways, he still had respect to that birthright. That’s the keynote.
324 Esau was twice the gentleman of Jacob. If we had to judge him today, to be a member of our church, you’d take Esau, a thousand to one, if you didn’t know him. But God took Jacob.

« 325 † What would you do with Saint Paul, if he wanted to be a minister? A little, old hook-nosed Jew, and a mouth setting sideways, going along just fussing, and how he’s going to tear out the Church. He’s going to do everything. You’d thought he committed the unpardonable sin. But God said, “He’s my servant.”
326 God takes men and makes them different, not men taking God and becoming different. God takes man and makes him different. It’s not what you do, what you will, what you think. It’s what God does. There you are. And that’s the story.

« 327 † Now, this great Melchisedec, what a story on Him here! We want to read a little bit, this type. We had to run through it so fast. We’re going to start back here on a certain part of the Scripture, and we’re going to start about the 15th verse.
And it is yet… more evident: that there… for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there arises another priest.
328 Now, Melchisedec was a priest. Was he? Here is what He was. We find out that God, in the beginning, was a great fountain of Spirit. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] He had no birthplace. He had no dying place. He had no beginning of days. He had no ending of years. He was just as Eternal as Eternity is Eternal. He never was born. He never did die.

« 329 † And in there, we find out that, He had seven varieties of Spirit. Is that right? The Bible said, in the Revelation, that, “The seven Spirits before the Throne of God.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] The seven, manifold, seven Spirit. We find out, there is seven colors. There is seven church ages there. Oh, it just runs. Seven is complete, and God was complete. And seven Spirits, and those Spirits were perfect. The first was the color of red; perfect love, redemption. And how, if we had time, to give those colors and show that each one of those colors represents God’s purity. Amen. Those colors, there is seven natural colors. Those colors represents the purity of God. And the… Those colors represents the motives of God, the attitude of God. Those seven colors, they represented seven church ages, seven stars, seven angels. All through the Scripture, seven ministers, seven messengers, seven messages, all in the sevens. Seven days. Six days, and the seventh is the sabbath; perfect, complete. Oh, it’s beautiful, if we just had the time to dig into it and to bring it out, those colors!

« 330 † Take the color red. We take the first color, is red. What is red? Red is one sign of danger. Red is a sign of redemption. And you look at red through red, what color is it? White. That’s correct. So when the red Blood was shed, to cover red sin; God, looking through red Blood, look at red sin, it becomes white. The believer can’t sin. Certainly not. The Seed of God, the blessings of God, remains on him. God can’t see nothing but the Blood of His own Son. No matter what it is in His Church, what it is, God don’t see it, because Jesus is making intercessions, constantly, the High Priest. No way for him to sin, when such a Sacrifice is laying there for him, like that. Certainly not.
331 And now if you say, “Well, that gives me a good chance…” Then that shows you’re not right.

« 332 † You’ll appreciate That. You’ll love It, if you’re a real Christian, to a place that sin would haunt you till you couldn’t do it. “For the Seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin.” The Bible said, “Once purged by the Blood of Jesus, has no more desire of sin.” If you have a desire, your heart is not right with God.
333 Now, you will do wrong, but you don’t do it willfully. See? You’re–you’re trapped, and anything you’re trapped into, or do something that you don’t mean to do it, it’s not sin yet, you’ll repent the minute you see that you’re wrong. You’ll turn quickly and say, “I didn’t mean… didn’t see that.” You’ll say that, all through life. A man don’t want to be, that’s the reason that we are so stupid and so in dark, down here on earth, that there’s a Blood atonement for us, all the time, to keep us covered. Cause, the first mistake we met…

« 334 † Now, there’s your legalist idea. “Oh, you know what? That woman was sanctified. But, bless God, she done wrong. I know she is backslid.” That’s wrong. She’s not backslid. She made a mistake. If she did it willfully, then she wasn’t right, to begin with.
335 If she didn’t mean to do it, and she walks before the holy Church of God and confesses it, and say, “I’m wrong, and you forgive me,” you are duty bound to do it. You don’t do it in your heart, then you ought to went to the altar yourself. True. There is the real holiness in the church. There is genuine holiness, the holiness not of you, but of Christ.

« 336 † I have no holiness to present to Him. But I’m trusting in His, oh, His grace, and I have it in my heart. I’ve unmerited it, nothing I could do to deserve it, but by grace He called me and invited me to come. And I looked to Him, and He took the desire away from me. I make thousands of mistakes in each month, in each year. Sure. I do. But when I see I’m wrong, I say, “God, I didn’t mean to do it, You know my heart. I didn’t mean to do that. I was trapped into that. I didn’t mean to do it. You forgive me, Lord.”
337 If I done wrong to my brother, I say, “Brother, forgive me. I didn’t mean to do that.” Certainly, God knows my heart.
338 Oh, there you are. There is the Blood sacrifice. There is the power of the Gospel, that holy Church moving on. Not because something you done; it’s something you had nothing to do with. There is the Atonement.

« 339 † Now, this Melchisedec, when He came forth.
340 I want to tell you another thing. Did you ever take a–a three-cornered piece of glass? You take a piece of glass that’s three-cornered, and lay it so the sun can hit it, it’ll produce seven perfect colors. A three-cornered piece of glass will produce a rainbow. That’s exactly right. Now, if we had time, we’d go in on that. Three brings perfection: Father, Son, Holy Ghost; justification, sanctification, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There you are. The perfection come by the three. God, above man; God, in the Man called Jesus; God, in the Church. Then, the perfection.

« 341 † The man sinned, as long as God was up here in a Pillar of Fire, God. Man sinned, rather, before God, as long as God was in a Pillar of Fire, because he was still an unclean creature, animal blood laid before Him.
342 Then the Lamb of God came, second definite step of God; same God, another office. And then this God in… was in Christ, was the same God that was in the Pillar of Fire. And the same God was made flesh and dwelt among us. And then man made fun of Him, it was still countable for it. There was no Blood shed yet. That’s right. Jesus said, “I’ll forgive you.”
343 But then that same One that was flesh, became in the Pillar of Fire again. “I come from God. I go to God.” Here we find Paul meeting Him, on the road down to Damascus, that same Pillar of Fire. We find Peter meeting Him in the jail, that same Pillar of Fire. Certainly. And we see Him today, among us, the same Pillar of Fire.

« 344 † But the perfection has come to the place, that the middle person… Now, if there happens to be a Jew here, or somebody that understands the Old Testament. Prove it, let me show you. I haven’t got the Old Testament with me, right now. This is–is the New Testament. But in the offering of the shewbread that was laying on the kosher plate, in the Jewish sacrifice at the cleansing of the tabernacles; ask any Jew; on those three pieces of bread, the middle piece was broken. That was Christ. The middle piece was broken; Christ, the in between. Showed that there had to be a breaking, somewhere, for redemption. And that piece was considered redemption, on the kosher bread.

« 345 † And here He is. And tonight, when we take the communion, we break the kosher bread, for it’s the body of Christ. And He was broken at Calvary, to be a propitiation for our sins, that through His righteousness we might become His righteousness. Because, He became our sin, that we might become His righteousness. Brother, that’s purely grace. Absolutely. There’s no way, any other way you could justify.

« 346 † Now, this Melchisedec, this great Person that was met on the road. He paid, Abraham paid tithes to Him. How great a Man He must have been! Now notice, quickly.
Who is made, not after the law of… carnal commandments,…
347 Now see that legalist law? The law said, “Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal.”
348 Jesus turned right back around, said, “It is said of them of old times, ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ but I say who is ever angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed already. It is said of them, old times, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery,’ but I say unto you, whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already within his heart with her.” There you are. That ought to teach women how to dress, how to do what’s right. You dress wrong, and cause the men to look at you in the wrong way, you’re guilty of committing adultery, just the same as you went through the act. Jesus said so.

« 349 † And you people with these saw-blade tempers, that’s always spouting off in the mouth at somebody, can’t put up, and things like that. Be careful. You’re guilty if you speak a word (against your brother) that’s not right, not just, go around and tear down it. You don’t have to stick a knife in a man’s back to kill him. You can break his character and kill him, kill his influence. Speak against your pastor here, say something bad about him, you just might as well as shot him. Told something that wasn’t right about him, well, it’ll kill his influence with the people and things like that, and you’re guilty of it. What Jesus said.

« 350 † Now, listen here, what–what Paul was trying to get to here. I love this old Bible. It straightens you out. Look, oh, just looky here. Now, as we read the four-…” It is… for it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Ju-…” Wait, I believe I have another verse here I was going to read. No, down here at the 16th.
Who is made, not after the law of… carnal commandments,…
351 That’s legal, you see. “Oh, brother, I–I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t. I know, but I…” That’s not it. It’s love that does it.

« 352 † How we went through it! I said, “If I said to my… about my wife, ‘Oh, well, I–I–I’d like to have two wives. I’d like to run around with this one, do this one there. But, if I do, my wife will divorce me… And my kids will be in… My ministry would be lost.'” You dirty, rotten hypocrite. That’s right. You don’t love her right, in the first place. That’s exactly right.
353 If you loved her, there’ll be no law about it. You’d love her, anyhow, and you stick with her. That’s exactly right. And you women will do the same thing to your husband. That’s right.
354 Sometimes women become the place, or…
355 Man see some little Jezebel all painted up, you know, and–and he’ll go around, fall for her; maybe a good wife. And then you call yourself a Christian. Shame on you. You need another dose of the altar. That’s right.
356 And some of you–and some of you women look around at some little old guy with his hair slicked down, enough Vaseline on it to open his mouth. And then you…

« 357 † Some little old girl, here not long ago. This ain’t a joke, ’cause I don’t mean to tell it as a joke. But the people knows that this is no place to joke. But a little old girl here, she… There was fine boys here, Christian boys. Long time ago, when I was pastoring here, we used to have just young men’s classes. And I’d speak to the young women on Sunday afternoon, about sex and things. Then the next Sunday afternoon, speak to the young men, and try to get those things curbed out.

« 358 † Some little old girl started going with some little old shrimp, downtown here, smoked cigarettes and had a flask in his pocket. And he drove a little roadster car around town. I couldn’t see what she seen in that boy. He wouldn’t come to church. He’d sit out there. Put her in the church out here, and then he’d set out there on the outside, in his car, and wait, wouldn’t come in church. I said to her one day. She lived in New Albany. I said, “I want to ask you something, girlie. What in the world do you see in that boy?” I said, “The first place, he hates the very religion that you–you have. He despises your Christ. He would never make you a husband. He would make you miserable, all your life.” And I said, “Well, there’s fine little Christian boys here that you could go with. And there your daddy and mother despises the thoughts of you going out, but you go anyhow, and you think, ‘I’m sweet sixteen.'”

« 359 † She started wearing makeup and running out, and first thing, she was in roadhouses. She’s gone on to Eternity now. But, then, she stood here. And you know what excuse that girl give me back there, that she loved that boy? She said, “He’s got such cute little feet, and he smells so good.” Could you imagine that? Perfuming himself up, that’s a sissy, not a man.
360 “Look,” I said, “sister, I’d rather go with a Christian boy that had feet like gravel cars and smelled like a polecat, if he was absolutely a Christian.” That’s right. True. Yeah.
361 It’s excuse, “Such cute little feet, and smells so good.” The little roadhouse runner, finally ruined the life of the girl. It’s a shame, disgraceful.

« 362 † Marriage is honorable, but it should be entered prayerfully and reverently. And genuine love for that woman will bind you together forever. “What you bind on the earth, I’ll bind in Heaven.” When you walk down the street yonder, she may get old and gray and wrinkled, but that same love you had for her when she was a young, beautiful woman, you’ll still have it.
363 You may get stoop-shouldered, bald-headed, and wrinkled-faced and everything else, but she’ll love you just like you did when you stand with wide shoulders and curly hair, if it’s really God. For you’re looking to the time when you’ve crossed the river yonder, when you’ll spring back, again to young men and women, to live together forever. That’s God’s Eternal promise. He said He would do it. He, not only that… We’ll get to it in a minute. He swore He would do it.

« 364 † Listen to this, as we go on.
Who is made,… after the law of… carnal commandments, but after the power of… endless life.
365 Now we’re going to read fastly, so we can get it.
For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
As long as there’ll be needed a priest, He will be a priest.
For there is evident a disannulling of the commandments going before… the weakness of the unprofitability thereof.
For the law made nothing perfect,…

« 366 † You can’t, no matter what you do. You quit drinking, quit smoking, quit telling lies, go to church and try to do this and try to do that, you’re still carnal. That’s just law. The law makes nothing perfect. But what makes perfect? Christ. Glory! I might quit lying, quit stealing, quit committing adultery, quit chewing, quit all the things, and I’m still carnal. God don’t receive it, because I have nothing to offer Him in propitiation.
367 But the minute that I lay my hands upon the blessed head of the Lord Jesus, and say, “Lord, I’m no good. Will You take me as Your servant?” and God kisses away my sin, I stand perfect in the sight of God. That’s right. Why? I’m not standing on my own merit. I’m standing on His. And He has perfected us, through His suffering and His Blood.

« 368 † I see it’s time to close. But I want to finish reading this if I can, quickly.
… going before for the weakness is unprofitability thereof.
For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; (What’s the better hope? Christ.) by the which we draw nigh unto God.
369 Why? Through all of our goodness, and all of our goodness, and all of our goodness, we’re still carnal. But once in the presence of God, recognizing that we could never stand there, only through the merits of Jesus Christ, then we draw nigh unto God, through the merits of His Son. “Lord, I come to You, with an innocent heart. In the Name of Thy Son Jesus, please receive me.” Oh, brother, you’re coming by a living way then.
370 Not, “Lord, You know I quit drinking. You know I treat my wife right. You know I do this. I do that.” You have nothing to offer.

« 371 † “For the law of carnal commandments could do nothing, but bringing in of another hope did. That hope which is Christ, we have as the anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure.” Watch.
And insomuch as not without an oath he…
Pronoun, if you’ll notice in here, is in italic letters.
… he was made priest:
Not only a priest, but He was made priest by oath. Not…
372 Now watch. Let’s get the rest the priesthood.
(For those priests, the Leviticals, just, righteous, honest men, those priests were made without an oath;…)
373 God just said, “After the order of–after the order of Aaron, that he’s made these priests.” They come down through generations, and go to school and learn to be preachers and so forth. They come down. So God made them priests like that. They made themselves priests, by their education, by their inheritance, and so forth. “But this Man was made a priest by an oath that God took.” Listen closely now.
(… were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, amen, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)
By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.
Now, quickly.
And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by the reason of death:
Thousands times thousands times thousands, of priests, ’cause they had nothing but just death and death and infirmities, and death and death and death.

« 374 † But watch Him.
But this man, (what man?) Jesus, because he continually continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Where are…
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the utmost; no matter how far, how stooped, how far away, he is able to save to the utmost; that come unto God by him,…
Not was on your righteousness; but on your confession. See?
… that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercessions for them.
He’s right there, constantly, making intercessions.
From such a high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and made a high priest in heaven;

« 375 † There it is. Now, if I try to represent my own case, I’ll lose it. If I try to represent, say, “Well, my daddy was a good man. My daddy was a preacher. Well, I’ve lived in church.” I still lost it. But this Man is a perfect One, Christ. He sets there and offers His Blood constantly for my sins. There you are.
Who need not daily, as those… priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.
376 Now watch the last verse.
For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity;…
377 That’s what the law, the carnal law, does. Now, I wish I could just had about two hours right here. That’s how the law still makes men preachers. That’s right.
378 Why, they say, “Well, this man has got a seminary experience.” I wouldn’t trade my little old Heavenly experience for all the seminaries in the world.
379 “Why, we’ve educated this man. He’s–he’s hand-picked. He’s a self-made man.” I don’t like that kind. I like a God-made man. See? See?

« 380 † But the law still makes priests. The law still makes preachers. The–the Baptist church, they hand out preachers; hands full of them, got a machine that turns them out. The Methodists has got them. The Baptists has got them. The Presbyterians, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, Pentecostals, they turn them out as fast they can, like a big regime, big machine. Stand up there like a…
381 I always said, “I–I certainly felt sorry for an incubator chicken.” You know, a little of chicken that’s hatched under an incubator, he’s not hatched out right. No. The hen is supposed to hatch the chicken. But an incubator chicken, when he gets out, he just “chirp, chirp, chirp,” and ain’t got no mammy to go to. See? He don’t know what a mammy is. That’s right. He’s chirping for one, but he hasn’t got any.
382 But the little chicken that’s hatched under the hen, the natural way, he chirps and mammy answers. That’s right.
383 And sometimes I think about this here seminary experience of come out under this big incubators in Louisville and all over the world, hatching out preachers by the thousands. Pentecostal incubators, and Presbyterian incubators, and–and Baptist incubators, they all hatch out their–their–their little chicks. They, “chirp, chirp, chirp,” and talk about the incubator they was hatched out in.

« 384 † But I like to have a Father, a Mother. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Wasn’t very many born with me, but what was there is my brothers. Amen. We got a Mother that answers when you… a Mother who is in Heaven, who Mothers us all. “As a hen hovers her brood, and coos to them, and–and woos over her… broods over her chickens, so will I brood over you. Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have took you like a hen does her brood! How oft would I have made you Mine, but you would not. You had your own seminaries, hatched out your priests. They taught you against Me. Now you’re left at your own. Your destruction lays ahead of you.”
385 I say this. Oh, people! Oh, people, how oft the Holy Spirit would have hovered you, as a hen does her brood! But you want your own way. You’re going to have your own way about It.
386 One of these nights I’d like to preach on, “Your own way.” You know, Cain wanted his own way. Man wants his own way, today. “But there is a way that seemeth right, but the end is death.”

« 387 † Now watch. “In that He saith, ‘A new–a new covenant… ‘” I believe, now that… No. I was on the wrong place.
388 28th verse.
For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmities; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is continued for evermore.
389 God be blessed forever, of a Son that continueth forever after the order of Melchisedec. And He never had a beginning. He never has an end. And the law could not produce nothing like that, because it was carnal. The church cannot produce nothing like that, the denominations, because they are carnal. The–the seminaries can never produce anything like that. They tried to educate the world to It. They tried to organize it to It. They’ve tried every way in the world, to make every thing that they could, and leaving off the main thing: “You got to be born in It.” God makes you what you are, certainly, not because you quit doing this.

« 390 † Now, the Nazarenes, you have to not wear a ring, you can’t wear a watch, and you have to have certain-certain things, your arms have to be this long, the sleeves, your skirts has to be that long, and the–and the men can’t belong to lodge. And they won’t baptize you if you don’t. All right. Here comes the Catholic in, and they have theirs. And here comes the Methodists in, they have theirs. Every one of them has a yardstick to measure up to. You don’t make it, all right, that’s all. See?

« 391 † And then, but the real thing is, is this, “Nothing in my arms I bring! Simply to Thy cross I cling. O God, naked, wounded, need sucker. Oh, I most humbly come, Christ, confessing that I am nothing and there’s nothing within me. Receive me, O God.” Then God receives you.
392 Now, you might not even know your ABC’s. You might not know coffee from split peas. You might know, not know gee from haw, right from left hand. It don’t make any difference what you don’t know. There’s one thing you must know, that, Jesus Christ took your place as a sinner. And you take your place, to stand in His righteousness, confessing every day that you’re wrong, and love Him with all your heart, and your whole motives be set towards Him, you’ll make Heaven. That’s all there is to it, for the Life that was in Christ has to be in you, or you’re lost.

« 393 † Just before closing, do you remember the unconditional covenant that God made with Abraham? What did He do that evening when God said, “Let me see…” When Abraham said, “Let me see how You’re going to do it.” 16th chapter, I think it is, of Genesis. “Let me see how You’re going to do it.”
394 Said, “Come here, Abraham.” And He took Abraham off, said, “Go get me a–a ram, and go get me a–a–a goat, and go get me a heifer. And I want you to take them up here and make a sacrifice.”
395 And Abraham went and got the sheep, and the–and the goat, and the–the–the lamb… or the heifer. And he killed them. They was all clean sacrifices. And split them halfway in two, and laid them out. Then he went and got two turtledoves, and pitched them in. Then Abraham watched the birds off of them, waiting for God to come. “Now, Lord, there’s the sacrifice, how You going to do this? I don’t know how You’re going to save man against his own will. I don’t know how You’re going to do this. How can You do it, Lord?”
396 The Lord said, “Now watch, Abraham. You’re a prophet. You’re spiritual, and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.”
397 “All right, Lord, I want to see.” Now I’m just dramatizing.
398 “So, Abraham, you come up here now, and set down here and watch them birds off.” So he shooed all the birds away, until the sun started going down.
399 And the first thing you know, God came down. When He came down, Abraham begin to get sleepy. God said, “Abraham, I’m going to put you to sleep.”

« 400 † Now listen, legalist friend. See, God took Abraham completely out of the picture, nothing at all he had to do into it. And that’s the way He got you. You said, “Oh, I sought God.” You didn’t.
401 God sought you, “No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first.” See?
402 It’s God seeking you, not you seeking God. You never did do it. Your nature is wrong. You’re a pig. You don’t know any different. You just live in a pig pen. That all you know. You love it. Drink beer, slopping around, run with the next man’s wife, and doing everything you can do is evil, just seems good. “Oh, brother, we’re having a big time!” You think it’s good.
403 But God knocks at your heart. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit–Ed.] That’s what changes. Not you knocking at God; God knocks at you. Adam never knocked at God’s heart. God knocked at Adam’s heart. And you’re a son of Adam. That’s right. Before Adam could be a son of God, again, God had to knock at his heart. Before you can become a son of God, God has got to knock at your heart.

« 404 † Then, Abraham went to sleep. And when he went to sleep, what was the first thing he saw? A real horrible, spooky, dread, darkness. That’s death, that comes upon the whole human race. Then he looked a little farther than that, and he saw a smoking furnace. Before you can have smoke, you have to have fire. That’s the reason I believe in hell as a burning place. All right.
405 He showed, every one of us is subject to death, and every one of us should go to hell, because we’re sinners.
406 Now, but, beyond that, he saw a little, white Light.

« 407 † And this little, white Light, what is the Light? What was that white Light? That Pillar of Fire that went before the children of Israel. The Pillar of Fire that met Paul on the road down to Damascus. The Pillar of Fire that took Peter out of prison. The Pillar of Fire that’s here tonight.
408 That Eternal, everlasting God, He Himself walked between these split sacrifices, (oh, my), back and forth on each one. “This is how I’m going to do it, Abraham. Watch Me, what I’m going to do. I’m making a covenant here. And I’ll take an oath, that, according to the Seed, I’ll raise up an Intercessor. I’ll make a covenant with death. And I’ll condemn death, in the flesh, because I Myself will come take it. Abraham,” said, “through your Seed, Abraham, will come. You’ll be the father of the world, through your Seed. And not only you, do I make this promise with you, but your Seed after you.” He knew every one would be. “Not them; but what I do. I’m going to do it, Abraham. I trusted Adam, and he broke his. And every one breaks theirs. But I’ll make this with Myself, and swear by Myself, ‘I’ll keep It.'” Amen. Amen. Amen.

« 409 † What do we do, we make a covenant? I say, “Brother Neville…” Now watch this, just a minute. I say, “Brother Neville, tell you what I’ll do. If you will preach until… tomorrow night, and the next night, on till Wednesday. I’ll preach, from Wednesday, on till Sunday.” [–Ed.] “You make that agreement?”
410 “Yes, sir.”
411 Here’s the way we do it. “Shake, boy.” [Brother Branham and Brother Neville shake hands–Ed.] That’s it. That’s a covenant in America. That’s how we make a covenant.
412 Now, how they make a covenant in Japan? We make, say, “You do so-and-so, and I’ll do so-and-so. We take a little pinch of salt, ’cause salt is a savour. And we take salt, and I throw it on Brother Neville, and Brother Neville takes salt–salt and throw it onto me. That’s a binding covenant.

« 413 † How did David Livingstone make a covenant with the African negro, to go into his land? He went and got the chief, that he could pass through up there, to preach the Gospel and to do their work. And they took a glass of wine. Here’s the covenant with the negro in Africa. They had a glass of wine. And the negro chief plucked his own veins, and bled them out in this glass of wine. And David Livingstone plucked his own veins, and bled it out in the glass of wine. They stirred it up. Livingstone drank half of it, and the negro chief drank half of it. Then they give a present, one to another, the negro chief. David Livingstone said, “What do you require of me.”
414 He said, “That white coat you got on.” So Livingstone took his coat off and give it to the negro chief. He said, “What do you require?”
415 He said, “That sacred spear you got in your hand.” Cause, he knowed he could go in with that, so he took that spear. And they were brothers, because they had made a covenant.
416 And as he went forth, and the tribes would run out to kill him, he raised up that sacred spear. And when he did, they looked and they said, “Oh, oh, we can’t touch that man.” Why? “He’s a covenant brother, though he’s white, we never seen him before.” They never knew they were black till they seen him. They never seen such before. “But he’s a covenant brother. He’s got the chief’s spear in his hand.”

« 417 † What a beautiful picture, today, of drinking the covenant of the Blood of the Lord Jesus, with the power of the Holy Ghost upon us! We go forward in the Name of Jesus, and these signs shall follow them that belong. It’s the sacred Spear of the Chief. See how it is, the covenant?

« 418 † How did they do it in the oriental time? They made an oath, one to another. They killed a beast, split it open, and stood right in between. The–the two men stood between it, the split beast. And they drawed up a covenant. “If I fail to keep this, if I fail to do this, why, this and so-and-so, let my body be like this dead beast. Let my body be like this dead beast.” And when they do that, they take this covenant and stand between this; make an oath, take an oath that they’ll do it. And they tear the paper, together, apart, and hand it to one man, the other one the next. At a certain time they’ll meet. And let them die the death, if they fail to keep that oath; and be like those dead beasts. All right.

« 419 † You notice the three beasts? The perfect; the lamb, goat… and the three perfect sacrifice. What was the lamb… What was the turtledove? And what was the two turtledoves meant? The two turtledoves was sacrificed for both salvation and healing, in the–in the… that went into it. See? The Atonement was made, different, but healing continued the same, and so did salvation continue the same. The two turtledoves, not divided, meant they’re represented, both. Salvation… “By His stripes we were healed. He was wounded for our transgressions. With His stripes we were healed.” They were laid on the side, not separated. But the covenant, the part of the beast was (three of them) cut apart. You see? Then when they did that, they tore and made their covenant.

« 420 † Watch what God was telling Abraham. “At Calvary, at Calvary, according to your Seed. Out of you came Isaac. Out of Isaac come so-and-so, Jacob. Out of Jacob come Joseph. Out of Joseph, on down, on down, on down, successors, till, finally, through that righteous Seed!” His…
421 He just got through, here, saying that our Lord sprung out of a nation that knowed not Moses, never even spoke of it. Come out of a priesthood. “Our Lord sprung out of the tribe of Judah.” Not out of Levi, for they were carnal legalists. But our Lord come out of Judah. Glory! There you are. Where the promise was made!

« 422 † Listen close now, as we close. And at Calvary, God came down and took the body of His own Son, in which He had lived, and He ripped it apart at Calvary. His bleeding, wounded, cut, and the spear run in there and ripped Him apart, and His Blood gushed out. And He said, “Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit.” He bowed His head. And the earth shook, and the lightnings flashed, and the thunders roared. God was writing His everlasting covenant.
423 And He took His dead body from the grave, on the first day of the week, and brought it up into Heaven, and sat it there as the High Priest, as a memorial; setting there, perfect, forever. And He sent the Spirit that He tore out of that body, right back down on the Church. And that Church will have to have the same Spirit that was in that body, or it won’t dovetail with It in the resurrection. Those two pieces must come perfectly together. And if this Church isn’t perfectly, just exactly the same Spirit that was in Christ, you’ll never go in the Rapture.

« 424 † There’s the everlasting covenant, brother. Seek it out, yourself, what’s in your own heart. Love the Lord. Really be sure you’re saved. Don’t take a chance on it. You’re gambling. Oh, you, we American people, love to gamble, but don’t you gamble on That. You be sure that you’re right. Not because you joined church, but because that you’re truly born again, Christ has come to you, in the Person of the Holy Ghost.

« 425 † Now, just complimentary, too, just as I’m closing. How happy we should be, to see the same Spirit that was in Jesus Christ, right among us, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth! How happy we should be!
Let us pray now, as we bow our heads.
426 Lord, it’s been a great day. Though, I feel like that I always do, I fail. I can’t represent It right, Lord. I pray that You’ll forgive me of my stupid ways. Oh, I confess my sins before You, and ask for mercy, knowing that there’s a great High Priest standing yonder at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, who wasn’t made after Aaron, after laws and legals and things. But He was set There because of the grace of God that looked forward, before the foundation of the world, and seen me down here in the world, and died for my sins, to bring me back to the Kingdom of God. I thank Thee, Father, for this.
427 Cause, this Spirit that now reigns in your people is Eternal as God is Eternal. “I give unto them Eternal Life, ever Life, everlasting Life, and they shall never perish.” And at the Judgment, they’ll never be there. They done passed by the judgments and gone on into Glory, “And if this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting yonder for us to come to.” Thank You for that, Lord.
428 I pray now, if there be one here, tonight, who has never yet drank the real Blood of the covenant, that doesn’t know what It mean, doesn’t know what it means to be born again, to have a real fellowship with Christ in their heart, or her heart, may they receive Him just now, as we wait and give this opportunity. And at that Day, we pray that we have represented the Gospel in the right Light. We pray, in Christ’s Name.

« 429 † While we have our heads bowed, would there be a person would raise your hands to Christ, and say, “Christ of God, be merciful to me. Let me, as Your unworthy servant, now receive the Holy Spirit into my heart. And give me the assurance and love that I really need”? If you haven’t got It, would you just raise your hands to Him, saying, “Lord, this is a sign that I desire It”? Would you put your hand up? God bless you back there, lady. God bless you here, sir. Bless you here, sir. God be with you. That’s fine. This man on the end here, God bless you, my brother. And someone else, just before now we close, just waiting for a few moments. God bless you back there, son. Someone else?

« 430 † “I now desire. I desire, Lord God. You know my heart. You know what’s in my mind. You, ‘The Spirit of God is quicker and sharper than a two-edged sword, even piercing to the asunder of the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts of the heart.'” Think of That. He knows your very thoughts, your intentions.
431 Would you raise your hand, say, “Be merciful to me, God, right now. I–I want You to know that I know that I’m wrong, and I realize it, but I want to be right.” All right, while we just keep our heads down, praying now, think just a moment. We don’t want to hurry about that.
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the Blood,
From Thy wounded side…
Be for sin the dou-…
Double cure! He swore by it, two immutable things.
Save from wrath and make me pure.
While I draw…

« 432 † O Lord, grant just now that we’ll all recognize that these breaths that we’re drawing are fleeting. We don’t know how many more we have ahead of us. That’s all by Your great counsel. It’s determined by You. Oh, be merciful to us. And to those who raised their hands, Lord, there no need to mention them. You know every one of them. But I just offer this prayer of intercession for them. I pray that You’ll take away the condemnation from their heart, and let them come boldly, just now, unto the Throne; walk boldly right up to the Throne of God, claim their God-given privilege. You caused them to raise their hands. They couldn’t do it by themselves. I pray, God, that You’ll grant this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
… myself in Thee;
Now, just worship Him now.
Let the water and… (Oh, my!)
From Thy wounded side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
Save from wrath and make me pure.

« 433 † How many feels real good now? Raise up your hand, say, “Praise the Lord!” [Congregation says, “Praise the Lord!”–Ed.] Oh, He’s wonderful! Oh!
There’s Room At The Fountain. Do you know it, Sister Gertie? Let’s. How many loves that song? Now we’re going to have a baptismal service, just in a moment. [Brother Branham speaks to Brother Neville–Ed.] You’re going to baptize them? All right.
Room, yes, there is room,
There’s room at the Fountain for thee;
Room, room….
434 All right. Those candidates for baptism, the men will go to this room, the women to this one, all right, those who are to be baptized in the blessed Name of our Lord.
… good to thee,
There’s room at the Fountain for thee;
God has been so good to me,
There’s room at the Fountain for thee.
435 Everybody now.
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There’s room at the Fountain for thee;
Oh, room, room, yes, there is room,
There’s room at the Fountain for thee.
436 Oh, I love that old song. Don’t you?
There’s room at the Fountain for thee;
Oh, room, room, there’s plenty of room,
There’s room at the Fountain.

« 437 † Now, while the elder has gone in, to make ready for baptism, I would like to explain to the audience. And I’ll ask some of the deacons, if they can hear me in the room, when they’re ready, come and–and tell me, and so we can move the microphones. We want all of you to see this. Be about ten minutes longer, and the church will be dismissed.

« 438 † Now I want to read some of the sacred Scriptures for you. I want to read them out of the Book of Acts. And I want to begin at the 12th verse of the 2nd chapter of Acts.
439 Now, I want you to notice in the 16th chapter of Saint Luke, or of Saint Matthew, I believe it is, that Jesus was coming off the mount. They… Said unto His disciples, “Who does man say I the Son of man am?”
440 “And some of them said, why, You’re ‘Elias.’ And some say that You’re–You’re ‘the prophet.’ And some say that You’re this or the other.”
441 He said, “But who do you say that I am?”
442 And Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” That right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]
443 Jesus said, “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this. You never learned in a seminary. You never learned It by man.” Said, “But my Father which is in Heaven has revealed this to you. And I say that thou are Peter. Upon this rock I’ll build My Church. The gates of hell shall not prevail against It. And I give unto you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] “And whatever you loose on earth, I’ll loose it in Heaven. What you bind on earth, I’ll bind it in Heaven.” Did He mean It? He wouldn’t have said It. Now, as time rolled–rolled on, now, Peter had the keys to the Kingdom.

« 444 † Now, you Catholic people, you might think this, that you say, “The Catholic church is built upon Peter.” All right, we’ll find out. “They had the keys. The Catholic church still has the keys.”
445 Let’s find out what Peter did about the keys, see, then we’ll find out. The Bible said, unto Peter and to the rest the apostles, “Go ye into all the world. Whosoever’s sins you remit, to them they’re remitted. Whosoever’s sins you retain, to them they’re retained.” That, I might say it so that… Someone might not understand what I mean. Jesus said to the apostles, “Whoever’s sins you forgive, I’ll forgive them too. And whoever’s sins that you do not forgive, and hold it against them, I’ll hold it against them too.” That’s what Jesus said.
446 Watch the Catholic church push towards that.

« 447 † But let’s find out how they did it. Then if we find out how they did it, then we should do it the same way. Now let’s find out.
448 It’s the Day of Pentecost. The Church is being inaugurated. They were all in an upper room. Men came out of there, speaking in different lauguages. Why? Every language under Heaven was represented there. English was there, too. Every language under Heaven had to be there, what language was spoke in that day. Goes ahead here and gives many of the languages, and how the Cretes and strangers, and proselytes of Rome, and–and–and Arabians, and all speak and magni-… Now, they wasn’t speaking in unknown tongues. They were speaking in known languages, to people. Not unknown tongues, but languages that each one understood. The sinner, the unbeliever, could hear what he was saying. “How do we hear in our own language wherein that–that we was born?”

« 449 † Now watch. Now the question comes. Now, “Others mocked.” The 12th verse, all right.
And they were all amazed, and… in doubt, saying one to another, what meaneth this?
Others mocked and said, These… are full of new wine.

« 450 † They were making fun of them. Because, how was they doing? They were staggering like drunk men, like drunk men. Talking, not knowing what they were saying, but were preaching to the congregation in languages they didn’t know, but the congregation knowed. See? All right.
Others… said, They’re full of new wine, look how they’re acting.
Others mocked, saying, These… are full of…
“But Peter…” Watch out, boy! You got the keys.
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them,…
Now, remember, this is the first inauguration of the Church.
… Ye men of Judaea, and… you that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:
For these are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it’s but the third hour of the day.
The saloons wasn’t even open then. See?
But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel;
… it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I’ll pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: upon your sons and… daughters, and they shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
And on my servants and… my handsmaid will I pour out in those days of my Spirit;… they shall prophesy:
And I will show wonders in the heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath;…
Now, it’s Peter preaching now, the one with the keys.
… blood,… fire,… vapours of smoke:
The sun shall be turned into darkness,… the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord shall come:
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and sign, which he did… in the midst of you,… ye yourselves… know:
Talk about a rebuke? He had the keys, you know. Be…
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge of God,…
There you are. How could He ever be delivered? Because God predestinated it to be that way. See? Foreknowledge of God!

« 451 † [A brother says, for water baptism, “Ready.”–Ed.] Just in a moment. Tell them, just hold just a minute, till I get through with the Scripture.
… ye have taken, by the wicked hands, have crucified and slain:
Who God has raised up, and loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible… he should be holden of it.
For David spake concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always… on my right hand, and I shall not be moved:
Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was made glad; moreover… my flesh shall rest in hope:
Because thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption.
Thou has made me known… my–my ways, my ways of life; thou shall make me full of joy and with my countenance.
Men and brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David,… he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us… this day.
Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God has swore with an oath…
I just got through preaching it.
… that according–according to the fruits of his loins, he would… according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
Just what I got through preaching. Peter preaching the same thing.
And seeing this before, the prophet saw it before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption.
This Jesus has God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses.
Therefore being exalted, and at the right hand… being at the right hand, exalted in heaven, having received of the Father… promise of the Holy Ghost, he… shed forth this, which you do see and hear.
For David is not ascended into heaven, (the prophet): but he said himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,
Until I make thy foes a footstool.
Therefore (listen to this) let all the house of Israel know surely, that God has made this same Jesus, who you… crucified, both Lord and Christ.
That ought to settle it. Oughtn’t it?
Now when they heard this, them sinners, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter… Men… and Peter and… the rest… the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

« 452 † All right. Here you are. What’s he got? The key, the key to the Kingdom. Where is the Kingdom? It’s within you. That right? The Holy Ghost is the Kingdom of God. We know it. We’re born into the Kingdom, as subjects and delegates. Look. He’s got the keys to his side. “What you going to do with it?” This is the first time the door was ever opened.
453 Now, the question is asked the preacher, for the first time, the one with the key. I believe if he said, “Stand on your head,” that’d been official.
454 “Whatever you bind on earth, I’ll bind in Heaven.” All right. “Whatever you say, I’m going to say the same thing. You got the key.” All right. He crams the key into the door.
… What do you do? Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Now when they heard this, they’re pricked in their heart, and said… Men and brethren,…
… Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that’s far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
That settled it forever. No persons ever, in any time, could ever, ever contradict That.

« 455 † The Catholic church come along, instead of being immersed, they sprinkle. Instead of being using the Name of Jesus, they’ve took, “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Never was taught in the Bible.
456 Every person, from that time on, was baptized by immersing in the Name of Jesus Christ. And some had been immersed by John the Baptist, that baptized Jesus, and Paul told them they could not receive the Holy Ghost like that. They had to come back and be rebaptized, again, in the Name of Jesus, before they could get the Holy Ghost. How many knows that’s the Scripture? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Acts, the 19th chapter. There you are. Cause, the Kingdom of Heaven was sealed to any other way, by an oath by Jesus Christ, that that would be official in Heaven.
… Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins,… you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Cause, the promise is unto you, and to your children,… to them that’s far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Amen. Let us pray.

« 457 † Father, God, tonight, nineteen hundred and something years has passed, yet the honesty and the integrity of human hearts still cry for God, like children crying for the milk of their mother’s breast. We love You, Lord. We can’t live without You. As David said, “My soul thirsts after Thee, like the hart for the water brook.” He must have It, or die.
458 And, Father, we’ve combed through the Scriptures, back and forth. Not to be different, but we see these seminaries, these theological students today, who preach according to the commandments of men, and not the commandments of God. Therefore, Lord, we do not despise those men, but we despise those things that they teach. Therefore, Lord, we ask that they become our brother. We ask that You forgive them of their error. And we pray that they will come to the Scripture, read It, not the way some seminary teaches It, but according to the way that God has written It.
459 We pray, God, now, that these candidates are coming tonight for water baptism. As our gallant pastor walks into this pulpit from here, to preach the Gospel, this same Gospel; and then to the baptismal pool, to bury. Grant, Lord, that each one of these will receive the Holy Ghost, ’cause You gave the promise, “You shall receive the Holy Ghost.” May the Spirit of God be waiting at the top of the water, to receive the candidate tonight, for we commit them unto Your hands, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen. `
–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

16-0131M Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever

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« E-1 † …cling to it, of our brother. I hope his father and mother, that we had been staying with this last week, was here to hear this marvelous message from our Brother Collins. He’s being around here for so long, and we have thought, maybe, that we would just put him to work. So, that’s a, sometimes, a good thing, and so we are very happy for the message.

« E-2 † Now, there was some of the folks come in the back room; they didn’t have the room, just for, at the front. And I told, Sunday, that there were, many times, people come, and, in the meetings, who are from out of the city, and they wonder, sometimes, about the meetings: how they’re carried on here, that’s different from what it is out in the–the other part of the countries, where we go, for the services. But this is home. And in my…
It’s not that the people here doesn’t love me, that’s wrong, they do love me. And I have many thousands of friends throughout the country here. But, they… Coming in home….

« E-3 † Jesus, one time, went to His Own home. And when He did, they said, “Who is this fellow? Is this not the carpenter’s son?” Said, “We know his mother, and we know his–his–his sisters, and they’re–they’re all here with us.” Said, “Why, we know who this is.” And said, “How comes that he has this wisdom, and so forth?” They… And He marveled at them. “Because of their unbelief, He couldn’t do many mighty works.”
Then He turned and said that a servant, like that, in his own country, among his own people, it wouldn’t work. And it just doesn’t. Yeah.
But once in a while, we try a meeting of this type, to go down to have a line of the discernment. And brother, here this morning, only taken the place of speaking before me, as the manager would do, to speak for the meetings. But then, Billy, it was thought, to be in Indianapolis today; and Brother Wood, a friend of mine, was going to give out the prayer cards for us today, so that we could legitimately keep them, the people, lined up, ’cause we expect to be a hundred and fifty, or two hundred. Billy didn’t go when he heard we was in the–the… going to pray for the sick, so he come down to give out prayer cards, and he… wasn’t anybody to be prayed for, just about few people here in the wheelchairs, and so forth, and said, he, about ten, twelve cards, something like that, was all he could give out.
And how that is, I don’t know. You see, we just seem like, can’t make it go when we’re here in the tabernacle. However, the Lord has done some wonderful things for us here, and given us great blessings, and we’re, to Him, we’re thankful.

« E-4 † And now, just to continue the meeting, we’re going to try to pray for the sick just in a few moments.
And of this great, fresh anointing that’s just in the building from our brother’s sermon, I like that remark about when he said they taken the car to a garage, and they couldn’t repair it. See? There would be, well, you, no need of having a car, so, if you can’t get repairs for it. They wanted to sell a new one to him. Well the–the new one’s all right, but as long as this one’s still good, why, we just keep this one.
So, that is the way this is. As long as God can still use this body, it’s good for repairs. Now the only way that car could be fixed, would be, send it back to the company that made it. That’s the only way that the car could be fixed. If they haven’t got repairs there, the company that made it has got repairs.
And we’re very grateful that the (not the company), but the Lord, that made this body, still has the repairs for it, because He just takes a little more dust out of the earth, and He just adds it to it, and that’s–that’s it.

« E-5 † Now, for a reading of the Word, before we start the prayer line; I want to read just a chapter, or, a portion of chapter of God’s Word, here, found in the 10th chapter of Saint John. I want you to listen real close, now, and kind of refresh yourself, just for a moment, while we’re reading.
And then be real sincere; and we’re going to start, and pray for the sick, to see what our Heavenly Father will do for us. And it won’t take us long, now.
Now remember, the principle of it, as Brother Collins had just said: he placed it not in a man, not in a gift, but in the Giver, God, He’s the One. And only by faith, whether you’re there, here or anywhere, it’s your own personal faith in a finished work (See?), it has to be that.
Now, in Saint John the 10th chapter, and beginning at the 30th verse, I want to read. Listen close to the reading, and then apply that reading to right now, this very hour; then we’ll be straight on the Word all the time.
I and my Father are one.
Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of these works do you stone me?
The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scriptures cannot be broken;
Say ye of him, who the Father hath sanctified, and sent unto the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
But if I do, though you believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

« E-6 † I like to comment on just a verse or two. The people of that day could not comprehend how Him, being a Man, could be God: how that an ordinary Man, without, not even a forceful preacher (the Bible said, “His–His Voice was not heard in the streets”); and–and, “There was no beauty that we should desire of Him”; He could not present Himself, maybe, as a minister, as the educated and smart could; and just being an ordinary man; uneducated, we have no record that He ever attended one day of school, when, being uneducated to the world; but yet, how these things could be: and He said He was God, and He was God. And they didn’t understand the Scriptures. If you notice as we read now, He said, “I and my Father are one”; not two, they are one. The Jews took up stones, and was going to kill Him, because that He had made Hisself God; a Man, being God.
And I never noticed this until just a while ago, reading it: Jesus answered them, “Many good works have I shewed you from my Father, not that I did, but I just shewed them to you from my Father.”
God gave me the privilege of showing you this work. I didn’t create it myself, but God has told me, and gave me this to show you, that you might believe. God gives His works through His servants to show His works. Now, that’s just as real today as it was then, for, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of these works do you stone me?

« E-7 † “For healing the sick? For preaching the Gospel? For making the blind to receive their sight? Or perceiving their thoughts in the audience? When the woman touched My garment and I could not tell who it was, and looked around, and the Father let Me know what her trouble was, and she was healed: do you stone Me for that? Do you stone Me for the visions that I saw, when I looked over the audience, and perceived their thoughts? Which one of those works do you stone Me for?” Now listen!
And they answered him and said, “For not these good works, but because thou blasphemeth.” Now, that’s the reason we s-… “Being a man, you make yourself God.” Now, watch!
The principle is God in the people. How could God, being supernatural, being this man? They had never heard of that before. But Jesus was opening a gate, a door to the race of Adam; Him being the Son of God.

« E-8 † Listen, Jesus, 24th verse, 34th verse, Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, I…?” Now here, Hisself, being the Son of God, yet said, “I said.” See the personal pronoun in it? “I said, Ye are gods. Ye yourself are gods. Is it written in your law, that I said, Ye are gods? If He…” Back to God again. They couldn’t understand: one time it was God speaking, next time it was Jesus speaking, and He was a dual personality, as to say.
The disciples once said, after, in, I believe, Saint John the 17th chapter, Jesus explaining to them, they said, “Lo, now speakest thou plainly. Now, we know that You come from God, and no man don’t have to teach You. You come from God, God does Your teaching, You don’t need any education or seminary theologies, God teaches You, and no man tells You what to do: by this we believe that Thou comest from God.”
He said, “Do you now believe? After all this time, do you now believe?”
Ye are gods.

« E-9 † Now, 35th verse:
If he called them (the prophets) gods, unto whom the Word of the Lor-… of God came,
Who do the Word of the Lor-… come to? The prophets. And God called the prophets, “gods” because they had the Word of God. If a man has the Word of God, it’s not the man, it’s the Word that the people’s listening to; it isn’t the man, it’s the Word. And if the prophets, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Elisha, if they had THUS SAITH THE LORD, God said, “As long as that Word was going from them, they were gods.” God said Himself, He was the One done the announcing, because it wasn’t a man, He’d took the man out, and put Hisself in there, to speak.
If you call them gods… (Now listen.) If you call them gods, unto–unto whom the word of God came, and the scriptures cannot be broken;
Oh, how I’m… Who has more of authority to say that, than Him? “The Scriptures cannot be broken.” If Jesus said, “The works that I do, you shall do also,” that cannot be broken. “Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more; yet ye’ll see me: for I’ll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world,” that Scripture cannot be broken. If the Bible said that, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever,” it cannot be broken. Then He has to be the same in principle, the same in power, the same in vision, the same in might, it cannot be broken. Jesus said so.
Say ye of him, who the Father has sanctified,

« E-10 † Now the prophets could not be sanctified (potentially) by the offering of a bull, or an ox, or something, or a sheep, or a heifer. They were potentially under that blood (as the brother, most gallantly, has presented) that they could be sanctified, potentially, under the… looking forward to the atonement being made perfect. For under the blood of bulls, when the bull died, or the heifer died, or the sheep died, the life in that blood could not come back on the prophet because it was a animal’s life; and a animal’s life would bring the prophet to an animal.
But when the Blood of the Lord Jesus was offered, the Life of Christ, which was God, comes on the believer. He said, “Then how can you, if you… if God said, Himself, that, ‘you are gods,’ who the Word of God came to, how can you say I blaspheme (when He, Who the Father has sanctified, and sent here) when I say that I am the Son of God? How can you do it?”
Now, here He gives the sealing question:
If I do not the works of God, then don’t believe me.

« E-11 † That settles it; that takes all the questions out; that makes it forever right: “If I do not the works of Him that sent me, the Father, then don’t believe Me. You have a right not to believe Me.” And when the Jews questioned Him, when He saw a vision, and went down (in Saint John 5) in, to the pool of Bethesda, and looked all through, to three or four thousand people, till He found a man laying on a pallet. And He said, Jesus said, “I knew that he had been there and he was in this condition.” Father had showed Him. And He went down and seen him and healed him; picked up his bed on Sunday, and put it on his back, and went walking on.
The Jews questioned Him. Jes-… They said, “Now,” (otherwise) “why don’t you go heal the rest of them? Make them all?”
He said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what the Father shows Him to do.” There you are.

« E-12 † It doesn’t lay in the individual: it lays in God. It didn’t lay in Christ, Jesus: it laid in God, the Father, which was in the Son. It doesn’t lay within you today: it lays within God that’s in you, the faith that you have in God. It doesn’t lay within me today: it lays within God.
So if God has raised from the dead (And for twenty-six years I’ve tried, across the world, to proclaim that Jesus Christ lives. He is not dead, He’s just as real today as He was in the days He walked in Galilee. But the unbelieving world has condemned it because they’re carnal and can’t understand the spiritual things because He said they wouldn’t: “A little while, and the world sees Me no more; yet ye shall see Me: for I’ll be with you.”), all that God was, He poured into Christ; and all that Christ was, He poured into the church.
“Aren’t you…?”
“I’ll be with you.” And if He is in here and with us, then it’s God, and not us; the faith that you have in Him is God; the works that He would do here would be Him, and not us.
So, you let your faith be today; and you believe Him with all your heart.

« E-13 † Now, if I be found a true witness, if I–if I have represented it in its right light: If I have ever come and said, “God gave me power to heal the sick,” I would be a liar. God never done it, and He never give it to no man. He never even give it to His Son. He said, “I only do what the Father shows Me. It’s not Me that doeth these works: it’s My Father that dwelleth in Me. He worketh, and I worketh hitherto.” God showed Him what to do.
But He said, “I’ve showed you these things of My Father, that you might believe. Now it’s up to you. If thou canst believe, all things are possible.”
And on these Words let us soberly, now, for these next five, ten minutes…

« E-14 † It doesn’t take long, it only takes Truth: “Go thy way.” That settled it. It takes Truth. Long, drawed out prayer lines that we’ve had: we never found our Lord doing those things. He went into a city and He healed one man, maybe, and passed through the city: “I must preach the Gospel somewhere else.”
We are commissioned to go pray for the sick, anoint them in oil, pray over them: “prayer of faith shall save the sick.” We as ministers and pastors and evangelists, we anoint them in oil and pray over them, that’s the commission. Each of your pastors, if he’s called of God, has the same right, if he just has faith in it.
But now in, all through life, down through the ages, God has set men aside for certain works, not because they’re any more than anyone else, and they’re not any more worthy.
There’s none of us worthy. We were all in the same shape. There’s not no good among us. We’re none of us good. There’s none of us holy. We have to solemnly trust on Him that God called “Holy.” And it’s not on our merits, it’s on His merits that we come trusting. If I trusted in yours, I’d be lost; if you trusted in mine, you’d be lost. But if we trust in Him, we have the assurance of Eternal Life.
So then, it isn’t whether this or this takes place, it’s whether your faith believes God’s Word.

« E-15 † Now, in the meeting this morning, we’ll call some of the sick people. They give out a few cards. We’ll call them to the platform; and I trust to God that it’ll be somebody I don’t know. This is home, where people: it’s hard for them to understand. And I trust that it’ll be someone who I do not know.
And then, if the Holy Spirit, by His great omnipresence, will be able to speak to that individual, and will do, not a guess, but it’ll have to be witness, and real. I seen so much human psychology till it, oh, it makes, just feel terrible. It must be real. Then if it is, and we go out still disbelieving, we are sinners. For the Bible said, “He that believeth not is condemned already.”
So upon the basis of this, let us approach Him reverently. I’m positive that many of the tabernacle people here, who’s seen these visions for years, before the outside world ever knowed of it.

« E-16 † Standing the other day, when I was down in Kentucky, just across a few hollers to where the Angel of the Lord came down, and said, “You’re going to live near a city called New Albany.” And for about forty-five years I’ve lived here. A little boy, my mom and pop, they never was out of Cumberland County, Kentucky, but God knew it then. And if He knew it then, He knows all things, and He has not need to be taught. And then, when God comes in our midst, it’s not us, but it’s Him.
So, no matter how unreasonable it may seem: “Oh, I can’t do this. I’ll never be well.” That’s the Devil.
But when something happens, you know it’s different, that’s God in you, trying to work His purpose and good will through you. Let’s pray.

« E-17 † Lord, Who made the heavens and the earth, and created all things to Thy glory, it’s just a moment now, until the showdown’s got to come. Is the Scriptures right? Jesus said, “They cannot be broken,” and we know that They cannot be broken.
Now, Eternal and Blessed One, help Your servants this day. Take the message that our brother brought us, sink it into the hearts of the people. As he said, that Paul and Silas (in these stocks, beaten, bleeding), they wasn’t weary, their conditions had nothing to do with it; they served the God who was omnipresent. And because they begin to rejoice, You sent an earthquake, and shook the shackles away from them. The people at Pentecost, though had to be hid in an upper room, but they wasn’t weary, they were continually blessing and praising God, for they had the promise of the Holy Spirit which had been given by the Father. We pray, now, that You’ll let these people here, start rejoicing.
And maybe some here, who has never seen the working powers, the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit: grant, Eternal One, just once more, in this city of Jeffersonville, that they might now condition their faith to receive.
May You work so that there’ll be a day come, that when we’ll have to stand in His Presence, may we be standing blameless. We confess our unbelief, we ask you to forgive us.
And today, may the lame walk, and the blind see, and the deaf hear, and the dumb speak, and–and the sickness, the heart troubles fade away, and the stomach trouble, and so forth (like our brother spoke of, as Thou has done so wonderfully throughout the world), for we ask it in the Name of Him, Who taught us these things would be done in His Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

« E-18 † Now real slowly, Only Believe, if you will.
“A lady…” This little note, a few moments ago, said, “A lady, here from Louisville, to be prayed for.” All right. Just be… You come late for a card, lady. Just sit down, be quiet, or wherever you have to be.
Look, it doesn’t matter–it doesn’t matter whether you’re up here, or whether you’re down there. It’s your faith in God. I was saved in a coal shed, garage (where my car was setting in the side), on an old grass sack, and wet to my hips from there, praying. It doesn’t matter where you’re standing, sitting, laying, wherever you’re at.
He saves and heals by your… Not on the merits of your–of your goodness, but on the merits of your faith. I’ve seen Christians walk across the platform, and go back to their seat, sick. I’ve seen prostitutes come to the platform, be saved and healed. Uh-hum. See? Certainly. Wicked women, and sinful men walk on the platform crippled, unbeliever, walk there, and the Holy Spirit will unroll that life to him, and he’d say, “God, be merciful to me, that’s right. I…” Right there, watch his hand unfold. And a godly, saintly man would come across the platform in a wheelchair, or crippled on crutches, and walk right down, sit down, the same way. Sure. God doesn’t heal according to your merits of your salvation, but the merits of your faith: “If thou canst believe, all things are possible.”

« E-19 † Now, the prayer cards. Where’s Billy? I guess he… Well, all right, we’ll… Has anybody got… Where’d he start from? Have… Got prayer card one? I think there’s only about ten, twelve cards. Look in your–your prayer cards and look around and see.
[–Ed.] …they’re on a–a mission to have prayer for a person which is a man. And that man is seriously, I think, the hospital or–or going to the hospital. And the man is her uncle. It’s an uncle. And I hear you call him, “Uncle Bill,” I believe it is. That’s right. And it’s a severe case of sugar diabetes. And the man is dying with sugar diabetes. Is that right? If it is, raise up your hand, so these… Now, to heal the man, I can’t; to pray for him, I can and I will. Now, let us pray.
Our blessed Lord, I pray that You will send Your blessings to this woman and to that which she stands for. And may whatever she’s asked for this person that–that’s seriously ill, Thou knowest all about it, I pray that You will heal them. And the handkerchief she holds, as she, wiping the tears from her eyes, I ask that that handkerchief be taken to the man, and may he recover. I ask it in Christ’s Name, and for His glory. Amen.
Now, God bless you, sister. Return, and take the handkerchief, and put it on the person. Don’t doubt at all. Believe what you’ve asked for, you receive. Just a moment, lady. Aren’t you from New Albany? And the man is in New Albany, also. That’s right. I just seen New Albany, and I seen that hospital move up there. And that–that’s right. All right. But I don’t know the lady.

« E-20 † All right, that’s prayer card number one, I believe, wasn’t it? Prayer card number two, who has that? If they can, stand to their feet. I’d like for them to come. If… Why, there’s a lady there, got it? All right. Would you come up here, lady? And stand right here in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Oh, if this little tabernacle, this morning, could only bring your conscious. All right. That’s all right, then.
Now, here stands a lady. I guess I don’t know her. She’s a woman of this… maybe older than I. God knows all about the woman. I do not know. God in Heaven knows that. I have no way of knowing. She’s just a woman that’s standing here. And I may have seen her, she may have seen me, may have been in the meetings, but I don’t know the woman. God knows that I don’t. I can’t recognize her face. That’s true. But God does know her. Now, if the great Holy Spirit (Let her be the judge.), if the great Holy Spirit will reveal something. Now, if she was standing there, I say, “Well, you’re wearing glasses.” Certainly.

« E-21 † As the little lady said the other day, about the lady standing here with discernment, she said the lady (it’s Sister Snyder), said she had arthritis, which I knew that was wrong. Uh-huh. So… And just because she had a stick in her hand, that doesn’t make it. Say she, but, got bad eyes. Course, she was wearing glasses, but she wouldn’t necessarily have bad eyes; her age would make her have glasses.
When you pass forty years old, you’re going to read… unless some exception, you’re going to have to have reading glasses. According, that’s what, human beings run that way. Then after you’re about sixty-five or seventy, that’s, your eyesight may return back again. Well, that’s just the nature, like getting gray headed, and so forth, like that.
But now, if this dear woman standing here, healthy looking woman, she may be standing for somebody else. I don’t know. But if the Holy Spirit will reveal to that woman what she’s here for… God knows, with my hands up, I, as far as I know, never seen her. If God will reveal what the woman’s here for, you will accept it, will you lady? You will accept it? Will the audience believe it? All right. Now, may the Lord… See? Don’t be afraid to put God to the show. I don’t say that He will. He may not do it. I don’t…[–Ed.]

« E-22 † He can do it. He can do it, and He’s never failed me yet. So I’ll just ask and see. Now, the lady isn’t looking at me. She’s watching the picture of Christ over there. She isn’t–she isn’t looking at me. She don’t have to look at me, neither do you. I won’t even look at the lady, if that’s necessary. I’ll look to Calvary, to One Who stood there, and said, “These things that I do shall you do also.”
I see the woman appearing before me as she’s moving, coming somewhere. Oh, she’s–she’s–she’s standing for herself, and she’s very sick. The woman’s got a death shadow over her. She’s got cancer. And the woman, also, has a real, extreme, nervous condition. She does have bad eyes. Oh, she’s got a complications, and many things wrong with her. That’s true. Is that right? Raise your hand if it is. See?
Now, more I’d look to that woman, more would be said. See? Now, just being that, the line won’t be long, but let’s just wait just a minute now; let’s see if Father would say something else. I think He just descri-… Now, that what I was saying, I didn’t… I–I don’t know what I said, right now. See? It’s–it’s another dime-… It’s Something else talking. “It’s not you that speaketh, but it’s your Father that dwelleth in you, He speaketh.” You understand? Now, that there might be a little skeptic somewhere, let’s just uncover to this woman, just a minute. Let’s look up here to Calvary and see if our Heavenly Father will, by His mercy.
God, I pray that You’ll grant it, for Your glory.

« E-23 † The woman is not from this city. She’s coming from the west this way, but she’s not far away. She’s from a small city, got one main street to it. I believe it’s Georgetown, Indiana. They call her Mamie, or something like that. Her last name is Woodworth; Mamie Woodworth. Is that right? Uh-hum, uh-hum. Now, return back and get well; it’s all light around you now, you’re not going to die, you’re going to be well, your faith does it. Uh-hum. Hum.
Now–now, if you’ll believe with all your heart, and don’t doubt, it’ll take place with you. All right. Prayer card number three. (Was that J’s?) J number three, let them stand. Come forward. Do you see what I mean? It’s the Holy Spirit. Was that it? Was hers J three? No. All right, sir. J number three.
Now, while they’re coming, I want to say something. If you can believe. Do you? All you people here that know me, you know there’s nothing in me could do that. Is there? About myself, I couldn’t do that, I have no way. But you here, from the tabernacle, who know me: For the past twenty-six years, I’ve preached here at this tabernacle in this city. I’m forty-eight years old, saw visions before even I… the first thing I can remember was a vision. And to my knowledge, not one time has it ever failed, of the tens of thousands. It’s perfect.
All right, number three. Maybe the… You got number three, sir? No, sir, that’s eighty-one…?… All right, number three. Wait till… maybe they just stepped out, or be in the restroom, or something. Just a minute; let’s wait just a minute.

« E-24 † While that we’re waiting, waiting for number three to come, why not some of you look this way? Let’s–let’s pray. We don’t want to miss nobody. You without prayer cards.
Here, there was, had been that girl, the other day, I was talking about, Mrs. Snyder. Where, is she here this morning? I thought I seen her. Here she is, right here. The little lady said you had arthritis the other day, when we brought that girl here. You might have arthritis but I know you had broken bones that did it. That’s really what it was. The little lady was only using psychology, and you seen it was, and told the woman she was praying about somebody else, and it was just altogether mixed up. Sister Snyder, do you believe me to be God’s servant? As well as I know you, but I really don’t know what’s wrong with you, no more than you had a broken bone. That’s right. Do you believe it with all your heart? You do. Sister Snyder, you wasn’t there for arthritis. You were there for a growth on your hip. Now, if that’s right, raise up your hand. That’s it. Amen. See? I challenge your faith. Now, you know I knowed not… I don’t see the woman removing her clothes, only through vision.

« E-25 † I see a man setting right across from me here, Mr. Palmer. You up here, business, to have a meeting? I believe that… Aren’t you Mr. Palmer, Brother Palmer, from down to Macon, Georgia? Uh-huh. I didn’t know you were here, but I just happened to see you setting there. You believe? You’re here to be prayed for, too. Uh-huh. If God will tell me, Brother Palmer (You know I don’t know; you just, probably just got in a while ago, or whenever you did this morning, I don’t know.), if God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me to be God’s prophet? Yeah, I know you do, anyhow. All right. That nervousness that’s been bothering you so long (that’s what you want prayed for), it’s left you. You can go on your road. Just have faith. What about some of you people, you believe? Have faith.

« E-26 † Little sister, that married this man here, your name was Miss Kuhn. I can’t think of your last name. I see a Light hanging above you. You, trouble with your ears. It’s in your ears, isn’t it, sister? You know I don’t know that. Here, that you might know that I be the servant of the Lord: your husband, setting next to you there, is suffering with trouble with his back. That’s right. Isn’t that right, brother? All right. You can believe. If thou canst believe.
What about sister, setting here, looking at me? Trouble with your throat, don’t you, sister? Your hands up, like this. Uh-huh. You believe that God will heal you of the throat trouble? If that’s right, raise up your hand. The lady right back here, with the little white-looking hat on, seems like, now, course it’s a vision now. I can’t see, but the woman’s there. Yeah, that’s her. All right, believe with all your heart, receive your healing. Those things right? Raise up your hands back there, you, that was just called, ever who it was, back there. If it’s right, raise up your hands, your troubles. Raise up your hand, the people I just called, just talked to just now, ever who it is. Yeah, there you are. See? Uh-huh. All right.

« E-27 † The man setting right back there, just behind sister, here, second row back, on the end, there. You’re suffering with throat trouble, too. Aren’t you, sir? That’s right. I never seen you in my life. We’re strangers to each other, but that’s the truth. If that’s right, raise up your hand. All right. Go and be well. You believe? Don’t be dead, now, spiritually dead. Recognize: this is not me.
You just come to, and you look at the audience, and you feel that dampness around the audience, then you wonder what’s the matter with them. That’s what hurts. You should be alert and awake. If I could see Him go to someone, may God grant, someone that I don’t know.
Somebody that don’t know me, raise your hands, that’s sick. Raise your hand. Somebody that don’t know me, and I don’t know you. You know I don’t know you. I… You probably know me, but I don’t know you. Raise your hands way up high. Let’s see. That I don’t know. All right. Put your hands down. Just getting a general conception; see if it goes.

« E-28 † Jesus of Nazareth, yet, being home, honor Your Word.
It’s over a young man setting with his hand up, like this, and he’s got a wristwatch on. He has a beard on his face. I don’t know you, young man, but God knows you. You’re not from this city; you come from Chicago, here. You got a baby there, has got a hernia you want healed. If that’s right, raise up your hand. Now, lay it on the baby. You believe? Have faith. Don’t doubt.

« E-29 † I see the woodlands of Kentucky; just where I come from. It’s setting right back in here, about the third person in. It’s a woman. And she’s suffering with something wrong in her back; she’s got back trouble. I see she has come with somebody else, and that’s her mother. And her mother has got back trouble, and also, she’s got dropsy. Her mother sets down the row from her. They both come from Kentucky. If you believe, sisters, you can go back to Kentucky, well, if you believe. Raise your hands up back there. There you are. I never seen you in my life, never knowed nothing of you. But I see… If that’s right, raise up your hands, that I don’t know you, and never seen you. Raise your hands. That’s right. I see those rolling hills of Kentucky though. I just left them. Amen.

« E-30 † Oh! Could you doubt? Have faith in God. What about this side now? Where’s number three? Well–well, never mind, yeah, we don’t need them.
What do you think, sir? Setting here, a man, looking at me. You believe? All right. I never seen you. You’re a stranger to me. I don’t know you. You’re not from this city; you come from the north, coming south; you come from Lafayette. That’s exactly right. And you’re here for me to pray for you, for something wrong with you, like a blood, something, blood pressure. That’s right. This is your wife setting here. She has arthritis. Not only that, but she has muscular dystrophy, too. That’s right. That’s right, isn’t it, lady? Hum. If thou canst believe, you can go home, walking; you can go home, well. I can’t heal, but a Divine gift operates and is perfect.

« E-31 † Right over the top of Charles Cox’s head, here, is a woman. She’s got on glasses. She’s looking at me. I see something, oh, it’s a bladder trouble. That’s right, lady. You’re a Kentuckian, too. And I don’t know you, but that’s the truth. Amen. If you believe, you can be healed. You believe it? You accept it? All right.
What about–what about you all? Do you believe? Are you–are you conscious that the Lord Jesus is here? Do you believe it with all your heart? Well, every one of you can be healed right now. Where’s number three at? Did they come in yet? Here, I tell you what, lay your hands on one another, put your hands on one another for a congregational prayer, before we stop.
I’m not a healer. God take me to record, I made it clear. There’s people here that I don’t know, God knows it. But there’s no one here, could hide their life right now; not because I’m here, but because Jesus is here, the great Alpha and the Omega. Oh, you people of Jeffersonville, this is your visitation. The hour is coming when you will cry for this and won’t have it. Not only that, but you peoples of the world. Because the Spirit of God will someday be taken from the earth, and you’ll moan and cry, then. Let it be known to you: that the God of Heaven has made Hisself manifest in the form of Jesus Christ, and has went into Glory, and come back into His church, and set in His church. He said, “You are the branches, I’m the vine. You can’t bear no fruit ‘less I give you the Life to bear it with; and you will bear the kind of fruit that I purge you to.” And it happens to be, this discernment happens to be the part that He purges me to. And it’s not me, it’s the Life of God that comes out of the branch, Christ, by a Divine promise.
You believe. The Bible said, “Two or three witnesses, every Word shall be established.” There’s been two dozen, I guess, in here this morning, or more. How much more do you need? If you’re a sinner, repent; you’re in the Presence of God. If you’re sick, believe for your healing, and you shall receive it. I say that under the authority of God’s Word, that every one of you has been healed, and you was healed nineteen hundred years ago. And you’re healed right now, if you’ll believe it and accept it. Let us pray now.

« E-32 † Now, the only thing I can do, is to cast away that doubt from your heart. I don’t know that I can do that; I’ll try, by prayer. And if the doubt leaves you, and you feel that there’s something near you: the angels of God are in this building.
You say, “Is that so, preacher?”
Yeah, absolutely. The Bible said they are: “The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear.” But there’s a dark shadow between you and that Angel that wants to help you, bringing the Message of Christ. That’s unbelief. Now, if you can get that unbelief, that dark shadow, then you’ll see, plainly. Then you’ll raise, and rejoice, and go home shouting, praising God, and get well. Don’t let that shadow stand between you.
Oh, while you have your head… This, the man setting right here, with prostate trouble, setting right straight back to my left, here. Bless you, brother. That’s over. That’s right.
And that lady setting here, about that baby, there, that’s–that’s just born a few days ago, that’s very sick. Forget about it. The baby’s going to live, THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Be reverent. Oh, my. Visions are coming all over the building, everywhere; the sovereign grace of God. I’m not saying that to be emotionally. I don’t say that. If I did that, I’d be a hypocrite. I’m telling you the Truth, and God is vindicating it’s the Truth. If thou canst believe.

« E-33 † What do you think, in the wheelchair here, lady? You believe that God will heal you?
The man that raised up here, a while ago, do you believe that God will heal you and make you well? If thou canst believe.
Young man, you believe God will heal you? This is the hour.
If I could heal you, I’d walk right down there and do it. But I can’t do it, and there’s not a man on earth can do it. It only lays in God, and your faith in God. God has already made the appropriation, paid the bill, and hand you a receipt, if you want to accept it. The receipt is your faith to believe on the Lord Jesus. Why would the lame, blind, halt, cripples be healed daily around the world (Every day, thousands are healed.), and would let you set there, let you be sick? No, sir, that’s not God. He wants you to, but it’s your faith that keeps it back. Now, I’m going to ask God to move every speck of that darkness from around you. Let us pray.

« E-34 † Father God, it is most solemnly that we come to Thee. You have declared Yourself. You’re not guilty of Your promise anymore. You made it true, for the Bible said that, “God cannot lie, the immutable things, God cannot lie.” And God swore that He would do it, if we could only believe it. Then we see, Jesus said, this morning, in the reading, that: “The…” (it’s impossible) “the Scriptures cannot be broken.”
And when You were here on earth, You done these very same things, and they called You “a fortuneteller, a Beelzebub, the prince of the fortunetellers, a devil.”
And You said, “That’s blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; it’ll never be forgiven, when the Holy Ghost comes, to do it.”
And Father, we thank Thee that we’re living in the day, to see, and to watch the Word of God unfold to each one of us. Well, there’s not a shadow left for doubt, to see how He does these great things: making the sick to get well; showing that it doesn’t lay in man, but it lays in God and the individual, as God doesn’t deal with churches or with denominations, He deals with individuals. We’re not saved by belonging to a group, we’re saved by our own personal faith; and we’re healed the same way.
And I pray, Father God, that just this moment, as there might be more in here that is sick and needy; and here, a lady in a wheelchair, two of them, and a young boy, I pray that You’ll heal them. I pray that there won’t be one shadow of doubt left. Why You didn’t speak to them in vision: why they know that they’re crippled, they’re in wheelchair. But the miracle is, is those who don’t look even sick, and then tell them. Sure, anyone would know that a cripple, was something wrong; but those who look healthy and well, that’s the ones. Oh, blessed Eternal God, may the doubt leave the building at this time. And may the faith that raised Christ out of the grave, upon the Holy Scriptures, may it sweep through every heart in here, and clean out every shadow of doubt, and bring to life the great Lord Jesus, and a faith that will not say, “No.” Grant it! But, will they say, “Yes,” and accept Christ as their healer, and be made well.

« E-35 † I challenge the Devil, not in my own ability: but in the commission of the Christ of God (Who suffered, and died, and, yes, rose again, and stood on the shores of Galilee, and said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. These signs shall follow them that believe.”); and upon His most vicarious suffering, bleeding, dying and paying the penalty for my sins (And was cast into hell because he was a sinner, taking our sins; but being just in the Spirit, God raised Him up on the third day.); and upon the merits of His suffering and death; and the atoning of the Blood of His Own precious Body: I challenge the Devil (that great black shadow of doubt, that would cause the people to be weary and discouraged) that he’ll leave those people alone, while they’re setting here under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Since the days of the Lord Jesus, He has never visit like He does now. And we, poor, little people, setting here in an old, blocked-up tabernacle with falling-in roof; yet, He come down to honor His Word, and to make those things right that He promised that He would do. Oh, the house of the Lord: may it be a great fountain where the righteous can run in there, and be safe. Grant it, Lord.
May the Devil leave every one of them, may every shadow of doubt depart, and may the Christ of God get glory, to heal every sick person in Divine Presence.

« E-36 † And with our heads bowed now, and our hearts bowed with it, even if you are not sick, there are others, here, that are sick. What if it was your papa, or mama? What if it was your brother, sister, your wife, or child? It would be a very sacred thing. What if that little baby you hold, what if it was that dear old dad of yours, your mama, your wife? It’d really be something then, so you keep your head bowed, and your heart bowed, before God.
And I want each one of you now, to just catch a–a vision of the Lord Jesus standing near you. Now, there’s not one more thing left, in the Bible, that He promised He’d do. The next thing is His coming. This is the last sign that was given, just like death was, in Egypt. This is His last sign. Nations are against nations, horseless carriages through the streets, and everything, the brother against brother, and the church denominating, confederation of churches, everything that the Bible promised has happened but this. This is the last sign of His coming. He’s soon to appear. That’s His Own Presence already here, the Holy Spirit, moving in Its fulness, Its power, showing the very same things that He did.
Now the only thing: this Spirit, that’s right here in this building this morning, will call someday, and the corporal body will come from the skies. Like this same Spirit called, and that corporal Body raised from the grave, and He’ll call, and it’ll come from the skies. We’re at the end time, now. Believe with all your heart, now.

« E-37 † And if there be a sinner here, who has never accepted Christ, and wants to re-… be remembered today, and wants your hand to be represented in His, will you raise your hand to Him now, in this, saying, “Pray for me”? God bless you. God bless you, you, you. Someone else? You in the back, you back here, that young man, you brother, here, you want to be remembered?
“God be merciful to me while You’re present, and I know You are, I want You to see my hand, that I’m wrong, and I want You to forgive me of my sins and trespasses. I want You to do it, Lord, and here’s my hand.”
Another before we close? Now, God bless you, lady. Another? God bless you back there, sir. God sees your hand, I’m sure. He Who sees even–even a sparrow, nowhere in the world can fall, without… God sees you here, brother. God sees you there, my brother, the colored brother, there. God bless you, sonny. All right. God sees your hand. He knows every little thing. He knows the moves. He knows your heart. He can do it right now.
Just raise your hand, say, “God,” (when you get ready to die, you say) “I remember that time when I was real close to Him, that morning, there in that tabernacle. Maybe a week ago, a year ago, a hour ago, whenever it was, I put up my hand, Lord, I was real sincere. I wanted You to remember me when–when I come from this life to meet You. I’m in Your Presence.” God bless you. Wonderful.

« E-38 † Now, I want you to believe now, while we pray.
Father God, You see their hands reaching up. They know that there’s something going on. They’re–they’re spiritual enough to understand that, that something is taking place. And here, that great Pillar of Fire, that they got the picture of, hanging here on the wall, that same One that we got the story of, here in the Bible, is still living among men, He’s still working with men. It was not Moses; Jesus said it wasn’t Moses that done those things, He said, “It’s my Father.” Neither was it Jesus, it was God. Neither is it the church today, it’s God; but He’s doing the same things.
I pray, God, that You forgive them of every sin and trespass. May their hands, as it went up just now, someday, in their dying hour, reach forward, and take a hold of Yours, and You’ll lift them from this life to a better, from mortal to immortality. Save their souls, Lord, just now, while this many hands, fifteen or twenty put up. I pray that You’ll save every one of them for Your glory. Grant it, Lord. For the glory of God, we ask in Christ’s Name.
And now, Lord, to those who are waiting on their healing, may this be the greatest hour of their time, just now. May the great Holy Spirit move forward now.
Just shut in with God as we are. Every person, can you believe? Can you accept it just now, your healing? You who can believe it, with your heads bowed, your hearts bowed, your eyes closed, say, “Lord Jesus, I now believe that I accept my healing. You’re here and You died for me and I now accept my healing from You.” Could you raise your hand? Say, “I now believe I can do it.” God bless you. That’s wonderful. Good.
Peace! peace!
Just keep your head down, worship Him now. I want to see the people come up around here now, and…
Coming down from the Father above;
Sweep over… forever, I pray,
In the fathomless billows….

« E-39 † Slowly hum it.
I’m watching a scene take place. Little lady there, crying, right over to my right, wiping your eyes; that gall bladder trouble, that’s what you had wasn’t it? It just left you, just now. Are you happy? Say, “Amen.” Uh-hum. I don’t know you. I’ve never seen you, but He knows you. I just seen it go. Your food’s been souring, and everything else in your stomach, and cramping, hurting. Don’t worry now, your faith did it. You were weeping. You were sincere. You were praying, too. Wasn’t you? God will take it away. He did. How would I know what you was praying about? I heard it at the throne. You were praying. It’s over now.
Oh! Peace!

« E-40 † Just keep praying. You don’t know what the Holy Spirit might do. Just keep your eyes closed.
That little woman was just as reverent as she could be. I don’t know the woman. I just seen her setting there with them little boys. First, I thought it was Brother Charlie’s little boys. I thought it might be his wife, and I knowed she was a blond. And I looked over again, and I seen that vision: I seen the woman in there, kind of gagging like, vomiting. And I looked, and I seen her holding her side, spitting her food up in her mouth. And I heard something say, I heard her say, “O Lord, take from me, this, now.” Not, I heard her literally; I heard her spiritually. See. I seen her there, when she was praying. She prayed before she left this morning, for that. That’s right. She’s the judge, you ask her. She was setting there, then, praying for it, God healed her. See, she was reverent. She was doing just what she was asked to do.
What’d the angel say? “If you get the people to believe you.”
You say, “Aw, I don’t have to do it.”
Well, that’s, you don’t have to, that’s true. See? But if you get the people to believe you. If they believe you, they’ll do just exactly what you ask them to do. Certainly. Just as reverent as it would be the Holy Spirit, Himself, speaking. That’s what was happening. She was healed.
Now, every one bowing your head, and being in prayer now. Softly:
Peace! peace! wonderful peace,
“Now the healing of God coming right into me. My faith is now moving away the shadow. What the brother prayed for, a few minutes ago, is becoming my personal property. I’m moving right in now; I’m going right in now to my healing. I feel different right now, I can just feel God coming into me.” That’s it. “From this hour, henceforth, I’ll never say a word, but, ‘I’m healed.'”
…billows of love.
O God.
Brother takes, to continue the prayer.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

16-0127 Hebrews Chapter 7 #1

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« 1 † ` … night, and to hear Joyce sing. Did you know that that’s a miracle in itself? That little girl, how can she think of all that? And each night she has us a new one. How she can think of all that, that’s really a little mastermind. The Lord bless that child.

« 2 † Now, tomorrow, at two-thirty, at the funeral home in Charlestown, Indiana. Our dear, departed sister, Sister Colvin, we give her the last respects to her, at the–at the funeral home and at the grave, tomorrow afternoon. One who once lived as you are tonight, and is passed beyond the veil where you will sometime. And all who wish to attend service, why, is welcome to come. It’ll certainly be a great help to the Colvin family, to know that the tabernacle here, where they have all went to church for so long, and so forth, will. We’d be glad to have you come up. And I think the… our dear Brother McKinney, the one that preached my brother’s funeral, many years ago, has the main part of the funeral, and I been asked to come and help him in the–in the funeral services.

« 3 † Now, I was just a little late, tonight. I got so many irons in the fire, I don’t know which way to go. There’s so many calls, and these wrecks and accidents, and people calling, coming. Till, I just left Louisville, a few moments ago, to get back here quickly, and leaving several calls that’s real strenuous and must be made, I guess, yet, tonight. And now pray for us as we go along.

« 4 † And this morning I–I never did get to my–my text, to the 7th chapter of the Book of–of–of Hebrews. And while we’re turning to it, tonight, I want to make the announcement about Brother Graham Snelling’s meeting, up at the tent up here, at the end of Brigham Avenue. If the Lord willing, I want to be back Wednesday night. And there we’ll set a certain night that we’re going to go up as a delegation, this week sometime, to visit Brother Graham in the meeting. And he’s a… says, “Having a nice crowd.” And–and he’ll appreciate us coming, for this help. Brother Graham Snelling, any of you is attending the meeting, or wish to, it’s just at the end of Brigham Avenue up here. Anyone can tell you where it’s at. Right at the end of the playgrounds, the tent is setting. He appreciates your cooperation. Because, we as a tabernacle have pledged our cooperation with him, a hundred percent, so we’re trying to help.

« 5 † Now, then soon we’re coming down to the place of, the Lord willing, to the 11th chapter of Hebrews, in a few nights, if God willing, and there I think we’re going to have a great time also.
6 Oh, the Lord blessed us this morning in a marvelous way, how He did pour out His Spirit upon us! And now, tonight, we’re expecting Him to do it again; and then Wednesday night, and on. And–and the nights that I miss, Brother Neville will be here to pick it right up, if I’m out.

« 7 † I never know what I’m going to do, you might be here this hour, and another hour be called to California. See, you don’t know just where the Lord will send. That’s the reason it’s hard for me to make itineraries and say we’ll–we’ll do so-and-so. I can start to do a certain thing, the Lord will send me somewhere else. See? So we don’t know just what He will do. “But if the Lord is willing,” we said. I think we’re commissioned, or commanded that, in the Bible, “If the Lord is willing, we’ll do so-and-so things.” So if we don’t happen to make appointments that we… or fulfill appointments, we feel that maybe the Lord wasn’t willing for it to happen.

« 8 † The other day, we were detained, Brother Roberson and Brother Woods and myself. And we wonder, “Why?” I was setting there, looking at a map, coming right down, and we drove fifty miles right straight back north again on a road. And I been traveling on the highway since I was about fourteen years old. And I wonder how I ever done it. We were standing there, all three of us. We’ve all traveled the highways. Looking right at a map, keeping on 130, coming through Illinois, and made a little slight turn, not noticing that the sun was behind us instead of front of us. We was going north instead of south. And first thing you know, crossed the road, I said, “This ain’t the right road.” Looked down there, and come to find out, we were fifty miles out of the way. Gone right straight back…?…
9 Then when we come back, we–we were talking. I said, “You know why? We… The Lord might have bypassed us this way, to keep from having a horrible accident down here somewhere, that might have done something otherwise. We know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. That’s all we have to keep on mind.”

« 10 † Now, tonight, we’re starting now for a little teaching lesson. And if I’m… I don’t think we’ll get down, maybe we will tonight, to… This is the great chapter of teaching on tithings, to the church. And it’s a great subject, which we could stay on it for weeks and weeks, on that one thing, how Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, and whether it’s essential.

« 11 † Is this fan hurting anybody back there? Would you rather have it off? If it’s hurting anybody, blowing in their face, any of the fans. If it is, just raise your hands. And, or just send one of the ushers, send someone up to the brother here, he’ll snap it off for you. And I kind of keep it off of myself; I get hot and I get to sweating, then, the first thing you know, I–I’m hoarse. So, it’s on you, so it won’t bother me in any way. We want you to be comfortable now.
We’re not going to try to take too much of your time, but just going to look straight into the Word. And before we do it, let’s speak to the author just a moment.

« 12 † Now, Heavenly Father, we do not know what’s in store. But only thing that we do know, and are persuaded, that good things lay before us. For it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men, what God has for them in store, that love Him.”
13 And we pray that You’ll open the windows of Heaven tonight, in Your storehouse, and give us Thy Word, that will be something that’s suitable, something to increase our faith as Christians, and make us more–more settled on the Gospel, than what we were when we come in. Grant it, Father. May the Holy Spirit take the Word of God and deliver It to each heart as we have need. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Thy beloved Son. Amen.

« 14 † Now, this morning, in leaving the last verse for the 6th chapter, so we can go right into the 7th.
Whither the forerunner for us has entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec.
15 Now we’re going to read the first three verses, or the first two verses, or the first three verses, rather, of the 7th chapter, so we can get started right off.
For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, (there is your tithings); first being by interpretation King of righteousness,… after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent,… neither beginning… having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
16 What a wonderful statement! Now we’re going to have to go back in the Old Testament, to dig these great kernels out. And, oh, how I love them!

« 17 † You know, out in Arizona, we used to prospect. And we’d get into a suitable looking piece of ground, Mr. Mc Anally and myself. And we would see a place where it looked like, in the little ditches, where a little drain, what they call “washes.” And I’d… He’d get me down and make me rub the sand and “whew,” blow it. Then rub and “whew,” blow it. And I wondered why he did that. Come to find out, you see, when you’re blowing sand, it light. And all, even to lead, is lighter than gold. Gold is heavier than lead. So when you’re blowing, all the rest of the metals and sand and dirt will blow away, but gold will remain on the ground. Therefore, if you got some washings from up in here, it shows there’s a streak of gold somewhere up in there. This rain has washed these little pieces out. So then we get the picks and so forth, and dig the hill up, almost, trying to find this gold. Bore holes in the ground, dig them out. Set dynamite, blow it down. Keep on blowing shafts, going down till we found, to find the main vein. Now, that’s what we call “prospecting.”

« 18 † And tonight we’re trying to take the Word of God, and use It by the power of the Holy Spirit, to blow all the indifference and doubts away from us, all those little light fluffy things that just doesn’t have any foundation, doesn’t have any weight in our life, we want to blow it all away so we can find this glorious Vein. That Vein is Christ.
19 And now may God help us as we read and study in His Word. The last, previous three chapters, almost, we’ve been speaking of hearing, just now and then, Melchisedec.

« 20 † Now, I think Paul gives the right interpretation.
For this Melchisedec, king of Salem,…
“King of Salem.” And any Bible scholar knows that Salem was formerly… Jerusalem was formerly called “Salem.” And He was the King of Jerusalem. Watch Him.
… priest of the most high God, (that’s an intercessor), who met Abraham…
I want to get His genealogy, this great Man, so that you’ll know who He is, first, and then you… we’ll go on with the story.
… returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom… Abraham gave a tenth part… first… by interpretation King of righteousness,…
Now watch, “Righteousness.” Now, we have self-righteousness, we have make-belief righteousness, we have perverted righteousness, all kinds. But there’s one real righteousness, and that righteousness comes from God. And this Man was the King of righteousness. Who could He be?
21 Now, He was the King of righteousness, the King of Jerusalem, the King of righteousness, the King of peace. Jesus was called, “The Prince of peace.” And a prince is the son of a king. So, this Man was King of peace, then He would have to be the Father of the Prince of peace. Get it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 22 † Now let’s see, get His genealogy a little further, to see where we’re going.
Without father,…
Now, Jesus had a Father. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Sure.
… he was without mother,…
Jesus had a mother. But this Fellow had neither father nor mother.
… without descent,…
He never had anyone that He come off of, any descent. He always was. “Without descent.”
… having neither beginning of days,…
He never had any time He ever started.
… nor the end of life;…
It could been nothing else but God. That’s all It could be.

« 23 † Now, now if you’ll notice as we read the next verse. See? “First, being by interpretation, King of righteousness.” That’s not where I want to do. The–the 3rd verse, “Nor end of life.”
… but made like unto the Son of God;…
Now, He was not the Son of God, for, if He was the Son, He had a beginning. And this Man had no beginning. If He was the Son, he had to have both father and mother. “And this Man had neither father nor mother. But He was made like unto the Son of God.”
… abideth a priest continually.
24 Now, Dr. Scofield tries to say, that, “It was a priesthood, called, ‘The Melchisedec priesthood.'”
But I just want to take you on that just for a few minutes. If it was a priesthood, then it had to have a beginning, and it had to have an end. But, “This had no beginning or had any end.” And he did not say he met a priesthood. He met a Man, and called his name “Melchisedec.” He was a Person, not a denomination, not a–a–a priesthood or a fatherhood. He was absolutely a Man by the name of Melchisedec, who was the King of Jerusalem. Not a priesthood, but a King without a father. Priesthoods don’t have father. “And this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life.” Now, the Son of God…
25 Who this was, this was Jehovah. This was Almighty God Himself. It could be no other.

« 26 † Now notice, “He abideth forever.” He has a testimony here, that, “He liveth. He never dies.” He never did. He never was nothing else but alive. “He abideth forever.”
27 Now, Jesus was made, likened unto Him. Now, the reason that there’s a difference between God and Jesus: Jesus had a beginning; God had no beginning. Melchisedec had no beginning, and Jesus had a beginning. But Jesus was made, likened unto Him. “A priest, abideth forever.”

« 28 † Now, when Melchisedec was on earth, he was nothing in the world but the–the Jehovah God made manifest by creation, He was here like a theophany. Abraham met Him once, in his tent. And as we said this morning, “Abraham recognized Him. And He told Abraham what He was going to do, because He was not going to leave the heir of the world blind to the things that He was going to do.”
29 May I stop here for a minute, to say, God still has the same opinion about His Church. You’re not children of darkness. You’re children of Light. And the… we who… “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” And would the God, Who acted to–to Abraham, who was to inherit the earth… And He said, “I will not keep these things back from the man that’s going to inherit the earth.” How much more will He reveal His secrets to His Church that’s going to inherit the earth!

« 30 † Daniel said, “In that day they run to and fro, knowledge shall increase.” And he said, “The wise shall know their God, in that day, and shall do great exploits in that day. But the wicked will not know the God of Heaven.” They know Him in a form and in a ritual, like our first lesson said, but they don’t know Him by the way of perfection.

« 31 † And God can only work through perfection, because He’s Perfect. Blessed be His Name. It has to be a perfect channel that God works through, ’cause He can do nothing else but work through perfection. He can’t stain Himself in any way. And then that’s why Jesus came to take away our sins, that we might be perfected, that God could work through His Church. There is where the secret lays.
There is where the world is blind. There is where they want to say, that, “You’ve lost your mind.” There is where they want to say, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Because, “The things of the Lord is foolish to the wisdom of this world. But the things of the world is carnal to the believer.” So, you’re a different person, you’re living in a different sphere. You’re not no more of this world. You’ve passed from this life into a new Life.
32 Therefore, God reveals, not to the world, not to the psychologist, not to the educated ministers, but to the humble in heart. His people who is meek, He will reveal the secrets of the great things of God, to them. You see it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 33 † Now, now, Abraham was to inherit the world. Through the… Abraham’s Seed was all nations to be blessed. So God came down and talked to him, in the form of a Man.
Now, God has always been on the earth. God has never left the earth. If He’d ever leave the earth, I don’t know what would become of it. But God has always been here in some form. Oh, praise His Name!
34 He was with the children in the wilderness, coming out of Egypt, in the form of a Light. He spoke to Abraham in the form of a Man. He spoke to Moses in the form of a Man. He spoke to the Church in the form of a Man, His Son, Christ Jesus.
And He is speaking through His Church today, through the anointed Church of the living God, through vessels of clay. “Ye are the branches. I am the Vine.” God is still speaking, and the world sees Jesus as you present Him. That’s how the world is… “You are written epistles, read of all men.” Your life tells what you are.

« 35 † Now, this Abraham on his road, returning back. We’re going to go back and read about Him, just a few moments, in the Book of Genesis. In the 14th chapter of Genesis, I believe it is. Oh, how beautiful the story is here! Now, we all know of Abraham, how that God called him out of the land of Chaldea and the city of Ur, and told him to separate himself from his associates.
God calls men or women, He calls a separation.
36 Now, that’s what’s the trouble with the churches today, they don’t want to separate themselves from the old carnal belie-… unbelievers. That’s why we can’t go any further. We just get in that one carnal flow, and we–we say, “Oh, Jim is a good guy, if he does drink. If he… And I go with him to the poolroom, but I don’t play pool. I–I–I go with her over to the party. They tell dirty jokes, and so forth, but I don’t tell any.”
37 “Come out from among them.” That’s right. “Separate yourself. Touch not their unclean things, and I will receive you,” saith the Lord. “Be not yoked up with unbelievers, unequally yoked together.” Don’t you do it. Separate yourself.

« 38 † And God called Abraham to separate himself from all of his kindreds, and to walk with Him. Brother, sometimes it means leaving a church. It meant that to Paul. He had to leave his church. Meant that to many. Sometimes it means to leave home. Sometimes it means to leave father and mother, and forsake all. I don’t mean to say it does every time, but sometimes it does. It means that you’ve got to take everything between you and God, and walk with Him alone. Oh, that blessed, sweet communion, that fellowship that you have when you separate your thing, selves, from the things of the world and the carnal believers who is making fun of you, and walk alone with Christ!

« 39 † How many times that I’ve thanked God! He said, “I’ll give you fathers and mothers in this present world. I’ll give you friends and associates. And I’ll never leave you, neither will I forsake you. Though the whole world turns its back on you, I’ll go with you, to the end of the way.”
40 What a blessed privilege, that man has that challenge to follow the Lord Jesus, to separate himself from all his carnal associates, to follow the Lord. And if any person seems not to behave themself rightly, and to present themselves as Christians, but love the carnal things, it’s best for you to hunt another partner right away. That’s right. And if no one will walk with you, there is One who promised to walk with you. That’s, the blessed Lord Jesus, He will walk with you.

« 41 † God told Abraham to, “Separate yourself.” And just as human as Abraham was, he took his daddy along, he took his brother’s son along, his nephew; all hanging on him. And God never did bless him until he did what God told him to do.
42 I don’t say that you’re not a Christian. That, I don’t unchristianize anyone. But I’ll say this, that if God told you something to do, He’ll never bless you until you do it. I’m in the pulpit tonight with one of those things holding over me. My meetings hasn’t been what they should been, for the past two years. It’s because I’ve failed the Lord. He told me to, “Go to Africa, and then to India.” Here it is, written right here, in the back of this Book, right now.
43 The manager called me, said, “Let them Afrikaans go. India is ready.”
44 The Holy Spirit met me, said, “You’ll go to Africa like I told you to.”
45 And another year passed. And the managers… I forgot about It. He said, “We’re going to India. Tickets is already here.”
46 I started off, forgot It till I got to Lisbon. One night, that, I thought I was dying. The next morning I started, go over to the bathroom, to take a bath. Oh, I was so sick, I could hardly stand up. There, that Light hanging there in the bathroom, said, “I thought I told you to, ‘Go to Africa, first.'”

« 47 † My meetings has been slowly failing since that time. Though I went to India, with nearly a half a million standing there, but that wasn’t doing what God said do. I feel that my meetings will never be a success until I go right straight back and make that thing right. No matter what I do, it’s Africa, first, ’cause you’ve got to do it. There lays God’s Eternal Word, laying there. I knew better than that. But I’ve got to go back. And I feel that this coming year is the time I’ll crawl out of the shell, by the help of the Lord.
48 This glorious, old Gospel who has been growing easy, like an oak tree, but I believe she’s about ready to spread forth her branches now. I believe It, this great Message and great thing. I believe that the Lord will let us shake the world again for the glory of God.

« 49 † You’ve got to do what God told you to do. And Abraham went right on, took his folks with him. He loved them. That’s the human part. But after while, by and by, his father died and he buried him. Then he had his nephew, then quarrels and arguments come up. And, finally, Lot took his choice and went down into Sodom. And you notice Abraham, he didn’t fuss with Lot. He said, “We are brethren. We must not argue. But you lift up your head and you go any way you want to go. If you go east, I’ll go west. You go north, I’ll go south.” That’s the Christian attitude, be willing to give the other man the best of the deal. Always present it to him, let him take his choice.
50 For why? What made Abraham do it? He knew that he was promised by God that he would inherit the whole thing, anyhow. Amen. So, then, a tent or a cottage, why should we care? The whole thing belongs to us. “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” It all belongs to us. God said so. So give the man the best of the choice, if he wants to. Maybe that’s all he’ll ever get. But it all belongs to you, the heirs of salvation by promise. It’s all yours.

« 51 † So, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in the land, she sat up there on the hillside with her husband like she should have done. She plain, well, might have wore plain calico dresses, or ever what you want to call it. While, Mrs. Lot dressed up like a millionaire. And her husband was the mayor of the city. He was a judge that set in the gate. She had everything; attended all the sewing circles and card parties that there was went on in Sodom and Gomorrah. But Sarah was more pleased to live with her husband on meager fare, and know that she was in the will of God, than to enjoy the riches of… or the pleasure of riches for a season. That’s right. That’s when God visit.

« 52 † And one day, you, just as sure as you take the wrong road, it’s going to catch up with you someday. You might think you’ll get all right. You might think you’re getting by, but you’re not. May seem like it’s all covered over, but it isn’t covered over. God knows everything. He knows whether you really mean your confession or not. He knows whether you really mean that you believe Him and are saved, and accepted Him, and you are dead to the things of the world, and you’re alive in Christ. He knows that.

« 53 † Now, we notice Abraham, I want you to notice this real spirit. Oh, the whole blessed thing here is grace. I want you to read with me now from the 14th chapter of… Exodus, just a moment.
54 Now, the first thing taken place when they got down there, Lot got in trouble. Why? He was out of the will of God. And if you get in trouble when you’re in the will of God, God will help you out. But if you’re in trouble, out of the will of God, there’s only one thing to do, get back in the will of God again.

« 55 † Now, the kings all drew themselves together, and they figured that the plains down there was well watered, and they’d just go down and take this little old Sodom, Gomorrah, take it over. And they did. And when they went down and took it over, they took Lot with them.
56 Now I want you to notice the Spirit of Christ here in Abraham. Now notice the 14th verse.
And when Abraham heard that his brother… (Get it?)… his brother was taken captive, he armed his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan.
57 Oh, what a blessed thought of grace! Abraham, when his brother, though fallen from grace, though was in this backslidden condition; when he heard that the world had caught him up, and had captured him and took him away, to slaughter him, Abraham acted by the Spirit of Christ. He came and armed all of his men that was born in his house, and took after them, and pursued them all the way to Dan. And Dan is the uttermost parts of Palestine, “Dan to Beer-sheba,” from one end to the other. And it’s a type of Christ, when He saw that the world had took… was fallen, that He pursued the enemy to the end, to receive back the fallen race of Adam.

« 58 † I want you to notice the next verse, how sweet here the Spirit speaks through him. All right, the 15th verse now.
And he brought back all (all) the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people.
59 When Abraham took after the enemy that had took his brother, he pursued him all the way across the nation, to Dan, and brought back everything that he lost in the fall.

« 60 † What a beautiful picture of Christ, who heard from Heaven that we were lost and came and pursued the enemy, all the way to hell, and captured the lost souls and brought us back and restored us to everything that we had before the fall! We, backsliders, we that was born to be sons of God, that’s perverted into the sons of the Devil, and made, went after the things of the world, and done wrong, and run greedily like Lot did, selling out our birthrights and going after the things of the world. Christ came down. Though fallen; God, knowing in the beginning who would be saved and who would not, therefore come down and pursued the enemy through life, through death, through paradise, into hell. And all the way from Glory to hell, and took over the–the powers of hell, and the keys away from the Devil, and rose again, and restored to mankind, that he can be sons and daughters of God again.
61 See the Spirit in Abraham there, the Spirit of Christ coming with him?

« 62 † Now I want you to notice a little further, as we read.
And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he returned from the slaughter of this king Chedortaomer, and… the kings… were with him, in the valley of Shaveh, which is the king’s dale.
63 They went out. King of Sodom was brought back. His brother was brought back. The children was brought back. And here went out the kings to meet him. And, also, here is where I want to get to, the message now. Watch here.
And–and Melchizedek, king of Salem (King of Jerusalem, King of peace) brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:
64 Melchisedec, the King of Salem, also represented Himself among the other kings. And notice, the battle was over, the Spirit of God in Abraham, of Christ, that had brought back his fallen brother, then restored him back to his rightful condition, to all that he had lost. He had brought it back. And when he did, He brought out bread and wine, the communion. Can’t you see who that Melchisedec was? It was God. Brought out the communion, after the battle.

« 65 † Now let us turn again, to Matthew 26:26, right quick, and see what Jesus said here about that. In the Book of Matthew, the 26th chapter and also the 26th verse, we want to read just a little bit here. All right, Matthew 26:26.
Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Golgotha, Golgotha… or Gethsemane, I mean, and said unto his disciples, Sit ye here, while I go yonder to pray.
66 I believe I’ve got the wrong Scripture. Matthew, the twenty-… 26th verse of the 26th chapter. If somebody has it, read it for me, if you–if you can find it. Just a minute. This is a beautiful type here. I don’t want you to miss it. Here we are. That’s got it, sister.
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it,…
What was it? The battle was over.
… brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, Take, and eat; this is my body.

« 67 † See that Melchisedec? Hundreds of years before, when He met Abraham, after the battle was over, He gave bread and wine. And here Jesus gives the disciples, after His hard battle was over, He gave them bread and wine. Watch. Watch the future Coming.
And he took the cup, and–and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for… sins and remission of sins.
But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.

« 68 † We are in the battle now. We’re after our fallen brother, that God, before the foundation of the world, saw and predestinated unto Eternal Life. And the things of the world has got him caught up in a whirlwind. He’s out into societies and classes, him and his wife, walking up-and-down the streets, smoking and drinking and carousing, trying to find peace. And the Spirit of Christ in us, as it would be in Abraham, we’re gone after him. With all the armors of God, the Angels of God encamped about, we’re gone to bring back our fallen brother.

« 69 † And when the battle is finally ended, we will meet Melchisedec again, bless God, who blessed Abraham there, and gave him the blessing, and give him bread and wine, the communion. And when the battle is over, we’ll meet Him. We who are the heirs of the promise of Abraham, joint-heirs with Christ in the Kingdom, shall meet Him at the end of the road, and take bread and wine, again, when the battle is over.
70 Who is this Melchisedec? “The One that had no father, had no mother, had no beginning of days or the ending of life.” He will be There to give the communion again. You get it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 71 † When we pull up, on certain nights, when we come together and take communion from the hands of the ministers, representing that we believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that–that veil, His body that He was inveiled in, God. We take it, as a representative, “We are dead to the things of the world, and been born anew of the Spirit.” And we walk with the Body of Christ, all the believers together.
72 When the great battle is finished, and we come up again with Christ, we’ll take the communion with Him in the Kingdom of God, anew; and eat the flesh, and drink the blood of the grape again, in the Kingdom of God. Oh! There is Melchisedec. That’s who He was.

« 73 † Now let’s read just a little further about Him here, and the 18th verse.
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:… (You get it?)… and he was the priest of the most high God.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the most high God, possessor of heavens and earth:
And he blessed him,… And he blessed…
And blessed be the most high God, which has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.
He paid tithes to Melchisedec. Abraham give Him a tenth of the spoils.

« 74 † Now I want you to notice here as Paul goes on, giving a background for the coming lesson now.
And the king of Sodom said unto Abraham, Give me the persons, and take thou the goods to thyself.
Now, the king of Sodom said, “Now, you just give me back my subjects, and you take the goods to yourself.”
And Abraham said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand unto the LORD, the most high God,…
El Elyon, “the possessor of heavens and earth,” there.
… most high God, the possessor of heavens and earth,
That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatch,…
He didn’t have a great campaign to take up money. He only wanted his fallen brother.
… and that I will not take any thing of thine, lest thou shall say, I have made Abraham rich:
Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men which went with me,…

« 75 † Now, I want you to notice, Abraham said, “I’ll not take from a thread to a shoelatch.” He didn’t fight the war, to make a lot of money. And real true battles are not made with selfish motives. Wars are not fought for money. Wars are fought for–for motives, for principles. Men fight war for principles. And when Abraham went out to get Lot, he didn’t go out because he knowed he could whip the kings and take all their possession, he went out for the principle of “saving his brother.”
76 And any minister that’s sent out under the inspiration of the King of Heaven, will not go for money; neither will he go to make big churches, neither will he go to inspire denominations. He’ll only go for one principle, and that is, “To bring back his fallen brother.” Whether he gets a dime in the offering or whether he doesn’t, it won’t make a bit of difference to him.
77 As I say, “Real wars are fought and waged for principles and not for money.” And men and women who join church and come into church, to be popular, because the Joneses belong there, or they change their church from a little church to a big church, you’re doing it for a selfish motive and the right principle is not behind it. You should be willing to stand at the battle front.

« 78 † In this tabernacle here, when things go wrong, and you men and you women will run and go over somewhere else, or lay out till the little fuss or the stew is over, there is something wrong with your experience. Right.
79 We have a custom here. We have a–we have a order here. This church is based upon the principles of the Bible. If there is somebody in here not doing right, and you think they’re not, you go to him and talk to him. If you can’t reconcile him, then take some brother with you, one or two more. If he won’t be reconciled then, then tell it to the church. And the church will dismiss him, have no more fellowship with him. And Jesus said, “Whatever you loose on earth, I’ll loose in Heaven.”
80 That’s the reason you have so much troubles, because you don’t follow the Bible principles. If somebody in the church is causing a disturbance, or something going wrong, it’s not your duty to go talk about that man or that woman. It’s your duty to go to that man or woman, and tell him his error. And if he won’t hear you, take some other one with you. He won’t hear that, then the church looses him. Jesus said, “What you loose on earth, I’ll loose in Heaven. What you bind on earth, I’ll bind in Heaven.” That’s the power of the church.

« 81 † Here not long ago, a good preacher friend of mine, he had a boy, and that boy had been going to church, his own church. He got to a place where he started running around with a little of girl who smoked and drank and carried on. Preacher said, “Of course, that’s his business.” A very bosom friend of mine, and a nice boy. But he got all infatuated with some young woman; and she had been married, had some children, her husband was living. He was afraid they was going to have… that boy would marry her. So, the brother was all tore up. And he said to me, “Brother Branham, I want you to go to this certain-certain boy of mine. I want you to talk to him.”

« 82 † I said, “Brother…” I almost called his name. “You have a better way. Don’t send me. If the boy is not living up, and the church has saw him doing wrong, then it’s the thing for the church to do this business. That’s left with the church. And the church goes over and tells him.”
83 So he took a brother, and went over and told him. And he got back at the brother, let him know he was attending to his own business, for him to do the same. He took another brother, two more, two deacons went over and told the boy. He wouldn’t listen to it. They told it to the church. And he never come for several nights, to be reconciled to the church after his sin was told before the church. Then, the church loosed him.
84 And about a month from then he was stricken down with pneumonia, and the doctor said, “There’s not a chance in the world for him to live.” Then he crawled back. God knows how to do it.
85 We try to do it in ourselves, “Oh, you ought to kick so-and-so out of church. You ought to do this, that, or the other.” Have you done your part as a church towards it? There you are. That’s the way to make them crawl back, turn them over to the Devil one time.

« 86 † What’d Paul say about this man down there was living with his stepmother? They couldn’t get him reconciled. Said, “Turn him over to the Devil.” Watch what happens. And in the next letter Paul wrote, this man had got straightened out. Sure. God has a way of doing these things, if we’ll just follow His rules.
87 If something goes wrong in the church, if it’s amongst the congregation, each one of you brothers. If on the deacon board, one of you deacons don’t behave, the other deacons come and have a meeting, try to reconcile the brother, tell him what he’s doing; or one of you members, whatever you are. Then it’s to be brought before him. If he won’t do it, then come tell the pastor. Then, he’s loosed from the church, and then let him be as a heathen and a publican. Then watch the Lord go to work on him. See, that’s when he comes back to himself. That’s when he goes to crawling in. But we try to do it ourself, you know, try to do the… everything the way we should do it, now, we never make a success.

« 88 † Now, this Melchisedec, the King of Salem, Prince, Priest of the Most High, met Abraham and blessed him. And gave Him his tithings, Abraham did. And He was the King of Salem. And He brought out bread and wine, the communion, and gave it to Abraham after the battle, after the men had been won over.

« 89 † Now, “All wars,” as I say, “are fought for principles.” Now, if you have a little war in church, it must be the right principle. You must be fighting for the right thing. And each member of the church is supposed to do that. Now, this teaching is for the church. That’s what we’re here for. That’s what I’m standing here for. That’s what God’s Word is for, is for the church.
90 Don’t never let nothing hinder this church. If it does, you’re guilty, each one of you. And you, in your different churches, if something is going wrong in your church, you’re guilty, because you’re the overseer of that church. It ain’t up to the pastor. It ain’t up to the deacon board. It’s up to you, you individual, to go to that brother and see if you can have him reconciled. If not, then take two or three with you, then come back. He won’t hear that; tell it to the church. Then he’s dismissed from the Kingdom of God, God said, “If you dismiss him there, I’ll dismiss him Here, if you’ve went through this order.” Then He’ll turn the Devil loose to him for the construction… destruction of his flesh. And then he’ll come back. That’s right. That’s the way to make him come back. If he’s a child of God, he will come back. If he isn’t, why–why, he’ll go on, and then the Devil will send him on to his Eternal place.

« 91 † Now, the motives of it. If you just get it in for somebody, then that’s different. But, if the man is guilty! And Lot had went down and had backslid, though he was a Hebrew. He had went down and was backslid. He was in grace, but he had fallen from it. And when he went out… And Lot–Lot was saved. Don’t never think that Lot wasn’t saved. He was. Because, all the time when he was in the wrong place, the Bible said, that, “The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily.” Now, his flesh was doing one thing. And what was his end? He brought more disgrace. His wife turned to a pillar of salt. He had children by his daughters. So, you can see what a disgrace it brought, because he had fallen from grace and never restored himself back again. And God had to take him out of the earth.
92 But, still, he was a fallen brother, and Abraham done all that he could do to bring him back again. And the Spirit was in Abraham, is the Spirit of Christ that’s in the church today. No matter what the brother has done, you’ll do all you can to bring him back into the fellowship of Christ again. No matter what he’s done, you’ll try hard.

« 93 † Now, we want to notice here now again, as we go on with this lesson of this Melchisedec, this great Priest of Salem, and the possessor of Heavens and earth. Now, being first:
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor ending of life; but was made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
Now watch. He wasn’t the Son of God. He was the God of the Son. He wasn’t the Son of God, Melchisedec wasn’t, but He was the Father of the Son of God.

« 94 † Now, this body that He had, He had created. It had not been brought through a woman. So with that created body, He could not… Some body He had made, Hisself, to reveal Himself.
“No man can see God at any time. God is a spirit.” Mortal eyes doesn’t see those things, ‘less it’s in a form like the Pillar of Fire, or whatever it was, or in the form of some being that they seen by vision. But the… God has to reveal Himself through some way. And God revealed Himself to Abraham, in the form of a man. He revealed Himself to Moses, in a form of a man. He revealed Himself to the children of Israel, in a form of a Pillar of Fire. He revealed Himself unto John the Baptist, in the form of a dove. You see, He revealed Himself in those forms.
When He was revealing Himself in the form of a Man, as the King of Salem; of Jerusalem; not of the earthly Jerusalem, but the Heavenly Jerusalem. He revealed Himself in that form. He was made “like unto” the Son of God.

« 95 † Now, the Son of God had to come through a woman, to be created here; by the womb of a woman, because through that same thing come death.
96 And He could not come through creation like God did at the beginning. When God made man at the beginning, woman had nothing to do with it. God just said, “Let there be,” and a man came from the dust. He called him, without any woman to have anything to do with it. But, the woman, it then was in the man.
97 And God took the woman out of Adam’s side. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] And then woman went and brought man through sex. So the only way that God could do… He couldn’t come in that theophany. He couldn’t come as Melchisedec. He had to come as a man, and he had to come through the woman. “Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent’s head, and his head will bruise Your heel.” Get it? [“Amen.”] God had to come through a woman; and He did, when He dwelt in His body of His Son, Christ Jesus. “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. And He offered His Own Blood as a sacrifice. And gave His life, that through the channel of death, He might save you unto Eternal Life.

« 98 † So God came then, and He was made “like unto” the Son of God. See? He was a Man made like the Son of God. Now, He couldn’t be the Son of God, because this Man is Eternal.
99 The Son of God had a beginning, He had an end. He had a–a time of His birth, He had a time of His death. He had both beginning and end. He had both father and mother.
100 This Man had neither father nor mother, beginning or end of time. But He was made, this Man, Melchisedec, was made like the Son of God.

« 101 † Now, the Son of God, when He was come in the world, in a form of a woman, through a woman, in man’s form; and was killed, raised up again on the third day, rose for our justification, now He abides forever. And as long as that body abides, we abide too. And because He raised up from the dirt, we’ll be raised up in His likeness. There’s the Gospel story. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Not Angels, not supernatural beings, not a bunch of feathers to flock around, but men and women, amen, stand in His likeness. Yes, sir.

« 102 † As I’ve often told this, I say it again here at this time. It seems suitable. I was combing, about this five or six hairs that I have left. And my wife said, “Billy, you’re getting bald-headed.”
103 I said, “But I haven’t lost one of them.”
104 She said, “Where they at?”
105 I said, “Tell me where they was before I got them, I’ll tell you where they are waiting for me.” That’s right.
106 I used to be as a–a fighter, pugilist. I was strong and big. And I felt, if you’d set this church on my back, I’d walk down the street with it. I’ll tell you, when I get up every morning now, I realize there’s forty something years has passed. See? I’m not what I used to be. I’m failing, every day. As I look at my hands and think, “Looky here. Well, I’m getting an old man.” I look at my shoulders. I see I’ve gained a lot of weight. I used to wear a twenty-eight on a belt. I wear a thirty now. See, I’m getting old, fat, dwindling away.

« 107 † What is it? I eat the same thing I used to eat. I live cleaner and better than I used to live, the same thing. But God has appointed a time for me, and I must receive it. But the blessed thought is, that, at that day, He will raise me up again. And everything that I was when I was twenty-five years old, I’ll be again forever. Amen. There you are. What does old age bother me? I’ll beat the Devil out of that for years and years, knowing this, that I believe Him. This little span is just a little, short thing, anyhow. If we only stayed three score and ten, seventy years old, our promised time, what–what’s that but misery and sorrow? What is it? Would you swap this pesthouse for that glorious thing yonder?

« 108 † Why, blessed be the Name of the Lord! Something on the inside of me met that Melchisedec one day, and He spoke peace to me and He give me Eternal Life. And this life means nothing but a tabernacle to preach the Gospel through. I say this with all sincerity, with these two Bibles laying open before me. If my God was through with me preaching the Gospel, and I could do no more for Him, my children was old enough to take care of themselves, and He wants to take me right now, “Amen,” that settles it. Yes, sir.

« 109 † What difference does it make if I’m eighty or if I’m twenty? I’m only here for one thing: to serve the Lord. That’s all. If I can still preach the Gospel like I do now, when I’m eighty, what difference does it make whether I’m forty or eighty? There’s a many man eighty years old tonight. And there’s a lot of children will die, when an eighty-year old man will outlive a many one of them. What difference does it make? It’s your motives, your principles, and we’re here to serve the Lord Jesus. That’s all.
110 Knowing this, that, “This life is a vapor that a man speaks about; that once was, and then is not.” But if we have Eternal Life, God has promised He will raise us up again. And we’ll take the communion with Him when the days are over, and when He say, “Enter into the joys of the Lord, that’s been prepared for you since the foundation of the world.”

« 111 † Then what difference does it make here, whether we have anything or whether we don’t? Whether we’re young or whether we’re old, what difference does it make? The main thing, are you ready to meet Him? Do you love Him? Can you serve Him? Have you sold out to the things of the world? Have you met Melchisedec since the battle was over?
112 Bless God! About twenty-one years old, I was, and one day I had a battle with this, that, and the other. I couldn’t make out whether I wanted to be a fighter, or whether I wanted to be a trapper, or hunter, what I want to be. But I met Melchisedec, and He give me communion, and since then it was settled forever. Hallelujah! I’ve went on His side. I’ve been rejoicing on the road. And when it comes to the end of the road, and death stares me in the face; the way I feel now, I’ll never dread it. I’ll walk, want to walk into the face of it, knowing this, that I know Him who has made the promise, that’s right, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. When He calls from among the dead, I’ll come out from among them. That’s right, knowing Him in the power of His resurrection. What difference does it make, whether I’m old or whether I’m young? Whether I’m little or whether I’m big? Whether I’m full or whether I’m hungry? Whether I got a place to lay down or whether I haven’t?
113 “The birds has the nests, and the fox has den, but the Son of man has not a place to lay His head,” but He was the King of Glory.

« 114 † We are kings and priests tonight. What difference does it make whether we have or whether we haven’t? As long as we got God, we are more than conquerors. We are more than conquerors. We set in the Presence of God, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, taking Spiritual communion from the hands of Him that testified, “I was He that was dead, and alive again, and I’m alive forevermore.” Setting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. O blessed be His holy Name. What difference does it make?
A tent or a cottage, why should I care?
They’re building a palace for me over There!
Of rubies and diamonds, and silver and gold,
His coffers are full, He has riches untold.

« 115 † I met Him one day when I come from the battle. I laid my trophies down. I ain’t fought a battle since then; He fights them for me. I just rest upon His promise, knowing this, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. That’s all that matters. What else does matter?
116 What can we do? “Why taking thought can add one cubit to your stature? What do you care whether your hair is curly, or whether you got any or not? What difference does it make? If you’re old, if you’re gray, if you’re stoop-shouldered, if you’re not, what difference does it make? Amen. This is just for a spell, a little space, but That’s forever and forever. And as aeons of time roll on, as the ages roll on, you’ll never change, and go through His ceaseless Eternal ages. What difference does it make?
117 I’m so glad I met Him. I’m so glad He give me communion, one day, that same Melchisedec that met Abraham coming from the slaughter of the kings. Certainly. “The God of Heaven,” the El Elyon; the great “I AM,” not the I was; the I AM, present tense. “And He blessed him.”

« 118 † Listen here just a little further, so we can get the lesson a little closer together. Now the 4th verse.
Now consider how great this man was,…
I just think that, too. “Consider how great this Man was.” He is beyond the Son of God. The Son of God had father and mother; He didn’t. The Son of God had a beginning of time and an ending of time; He didn’t. Who was that? That was the Father of the Son. That’s Who it was.
… consider how great this man was, unto… even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of all the spoils.
119 Now listen closely.
And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have… commandment to take tithings of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of the loins of Abraham:

« 120 † Now watch this if you want to see something.
But he whose descent is not continued for… from them receiveth tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promise.
121 Abraham had the promise, and this Man blessed Abraham who had the promise. Who was this? The sons of Levi paid tithes to their brethren or… Their brethren paid tithes to them. They had a commandment of the Lord to take a tenth of what their brothers made, for their living, because they were the priesthood. Now, that lets out the Melchisedec priesthood, as you talk about, right there. That’s right. But this Man… Even the one who had the promise, the greatest man on earth, Abraham, met this Man and paid tithes to Him. [–Ed.] He had to be greater.

« 122 † Listen.
And without any contradiction the less is blessed of the better.
Certainly. Watch Who He is.
And here men that die receive tithes;…
That’s the priesthood of the order of priests and preachers, and so forth. Men that receive tithe, die. See?
… but here he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth.
123 What would a Man take tithings for, if He had any… If He never was born, and never will die, and was from beginning to end, and–and never had no father or mother or descent, and owned the whole Heavens and earth and all in it, why would He take tithe? Why would He ask Abraham to pay tithes? You see what a strict thing it is to pay tithes? Tithing is right. Every Christian is duty bound to pay tithe. That’s right. Never has been changed.

« 124 † Now:
And as I may so say, Levi also, who received tithe, payed tithes in Abraham.
125 Now, oh, here is something.
For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.
126 What, Levi? Abraham was Levi’s great-great-grandpa. And the Bible said here, that, “Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham.” Four generations before he ever come to earth, he was paying tithes to Melchisedec. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
127 Then, you that can’t believe in predestination before ordination; and here, four generations before Levi would ever come out of the loins of Abraham, was paying tithes to Melchisedec. Wish we had time to run this through the Scripture.

« 128 † If you’d take it over to like in Jeremiah 1:4, God said, “I knew you before you was even formed in your mother’s womb. And I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Then what can you say that you did? What can I say that I did? It’s God that showeth mercy. God knew us before the foundation of the world.
129 He not willing that any should perish. Certainly not. But if He’s God, He knowed who would be saved and who wouldn’t be saved, or He didn’t know anything. If He didn’t know… If he didn’t know who would make the Rapture, before the world was ever formed, then He’s not God. If He’s infinite, He’d… He knowed every flea, every fly, every louse, every chigger, that would ever be on the earth, before the earth was ever formed. That’s right. He knew all things. Before the foundation of the world, He knew us. The Bible said, that, “He knew us and predestinated us.”

« 130 † Let’s settle this just once. Let’s go back to Ephesians, the 1st chapter. The 5th chap-… The 1st chapter of Ephesians, just a moment. I want to read here just a minute, so that you can really understand that it’s not just something that I’m trying to tell you. It’s something God is trying to tell you. See? Now listen to this, real close, 1st chapter of Ephesians.
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,…
The same man that’s wrote the Hebrew letter, is writing this letter.
… to the saints…
This is not to the unbelievers, but to the saints, the sancti-… sainted ones.
… which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places…
“According as He…” Now, listen close now, the 4th verse.
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,…
Who is the “us” there? The Church.
… he chose us in him (Christ) before the foundation, the earth, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to his own good pleasure of his will,

« 131 † Who did it? God did it. God knowed from the beginning who would be saved and who wouldn’t be saved. Certainly. He was not willing for any to perish. But He didn’t send Jesus here just to see if you’d–you’d act like, “Well, poor Jesus, I feel sorrow for Him. Maybe I’d better get saved and approve it.” No, sir.
132 God knowed in the beginning who would and who would not. So, therefore, He knew that some would, so He sent Jesus to make a propitiation for those that He foreknew. “For those who He foreknew, He has called. And those who He has called, He has justified. And those who He has justified, He hath (past tense) glorified.” There you are.

« 133 † So it’s not you that keeps yourself, it’s the grace of God that keeps you. You didn’t save yourself, or nothing you done to deserve being saved. It’s God’s grace that saved you. God’s grace called you. God’s foreknowledge knew you. He knew that you’d be in this church this night, before the foundation of the world was ever laid, if He’s infinite. If He isn’t, He isn’t God. If He did know all things, He was God. If He didn’t know all things, He wasn’t God. If He’s Almighty God, He can do all things. If He cannot do all things, He’s not Almighty God. There you are.

« 134 † So how can you say it’s something you could do? It’s nothing you can do. It’s God’s love and grace to you, that you’re even here. Nothing you could do, God called you by His grace; you listened, heard, accepted.
135 “Well,” you say, “Brother Branham, that makes it awful loose.” Certainly does. You’re free. “Well, that fellow can do anything he wants to.” Absolutely. I always do what I want to do. But if you’re a Christian, you don’t want to do wrong.

« 136 † There’s a little old girl setting back there tonight, my wife. I love her with all that’s in me. And if I knowed that I could run around with another woman and get by with it, and go tell her, and say, “Meda, I did wrong,” do you think I’d do it? If I love her right, I won’t do it. That’s right.
137 Now, what if I’d say, “Oh, I can’t do it. Cause, I’ll tell you why. She’d divorce me, and I got… Oh, I’m a preacher. See what that’d do? They’ll take me out of the pulpit, if she’d divorce me. ‘A divorced man, oh!’ I got three children; I couldn’t think of that. But, boy, I…”? Well, if that’s the way it is, you’re still legal. It’s not legal basis that I married her upon. It’s not legal basis that makes me live true to her. It’s because I love her. I don’t have to do anything. I do it willfully because it’s a love affair. And if you love your wife, you’ll do the same thing.

« 138 † And if you love your wife like that, with phileo love, what ought you to do to Christ with agapao love, which is a million times stronger, if you really love God? If I knowed tonight I could go out and get on a drunk, if I knowed tonight I could run around and be immoral, if I knowed, tonight; if that was even in my heart to do so, and I went and done it, knowing He would forgive me, I wouldn’t do it. I think too much of Him. I love Him. Sure. Certainly.

« 139 † That’s the reason I wouldn’t sell my experience to any denomination, (no, sir), no Assemblies of God, no church of God, no Pilgrim Holiness, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic. I wouldn’t take anything that could be offered, for this experience. Because, it never come by man. It come by God. No, sir. I wouldn’t sell my birthrights for any Elvis Presley’s rock-and-roll, or for his fleet of Catholics, or his Cadillacs, or his million dollars, and so forth, he gets each month. No, sir. I love Him. And if I… Long as I love Him like that, I’ll stay true to Him. And if God has called me and elected me, He has placed something in me, and I love Him.

« 140 † I remember Mr. Isler. You all know him, most all of you. He’s come right here, state senator of Indiana; come here, play his guitar. When my baby had died, my wife had died, and all of them laying up here on the graveyard. And I was going up the road, with my hands behind me, crying. He jumped out of his little, old truck, and come put his arm around me, said, “Billy, I want to ask you a question.” Said, “I’ve heard you preach till you almost fall in the pulpit. Heard you on the street corners and everything, crying out for Christ.” Said, “Now He took your daddy. He took your brother. Snatched them both, and they died in your arms. There he die. Your wife died, holding your hands. And your baby died, and you calling on Him to help you. And He turned His back on you. What do you think about Him.”
141 I said, “I love Him with all that’s within me. If He sends me to hell, I’ll still love Him.” He’s just. I don’t say that; twenty-six years has proved it. That’s right.

« 142 † If you love Him! Not a duty, that, “I can’t do this, and I can’t do that.” You love Him too much to do it, because He has chosen you. You never chose Him. He chose you.
143 You said, “I sought the Lord, and sought the Lord.”
“No man seeks God.” It’s God, seeking man. You might be seeking a favor of Him, but God has to change your nature before you can even seek after Him. Because, you’re a sinner, you’re a pig. That’s right.

« 144 † And some of you people going to church and just living by your membership, go out here and do everything in the world, and then still go back and say, “Yeah, I belong to the church.” Well that’s a long ways from belonging to God. Certainly. I don’t… But, you see, people doing that, you can tell. Oh, they’re good church members. That’s true. You can still be a church member and do those things, but you can’t be a Christian and doing them.
145 As I’ve said, this morning, “The old crow, if there ever was a hypocrite, it’s the crow.” That’s right. Him and the dove set on the same ark, set in the same roost. And the old crow was satisfied when he was turned loose, and got out of that Church, that he could go out there and set on one old dead carcass and “caw, caw,” and eat off of this one, eat off the horse, and eat off the cow, and whatever it was, he was satisfied. But when Noah turned the dove loose, she could find no rest for the soles of her feet. She had just as much right to set on a dead animal as the crow did, but it was two different natures. One of them, she was a dove, to begin with. He was a crow, to begin with.

« 146 † But, if you notice, the old crow can set over here on a dead carcass and eat, half the day. The dove will set in a wheat field and eat, half the day. And the crow can fly right out there and eat dove food, as much as he wants to. He could eat just as much wheat as the crow can… or as the dove can. But he, the crow, can eat the dove food, but the dove can’t eat crow food. That’s right.
147 So, old hypocrite can come to church, and rejoice and shout and praise the Lord, and go on like that, and go right back out and enjoy the things of the world. But a born-again Christian cannot do it, because the love of God constrains him to such a place he can’t do it.
148 So if you’re just a Christian by joining the church, and quitting doing this and that, and the same desire is in you, you need another dip. That’s exactly right.

« 149 † And you women who can dress with them little… of shorts, and right out here on the street, and then call yourself a “believer.” You’re a believer, but you’re a poor example of one, maybe. If you really had Christ in your heart, you wouldn’t have to think about such things as that. I don’t care what the rest of the women does, and the rest the girls do, you’d be different, because you love Christ too much.
150 I talked to a woman the other day, in a house, and she throwed her hands up like this, said, “Rev. Branham, I’m almost naked, here in my house. I’m walking around.”
151 I thought, “Shame on you.” In your own house, I don’t care where you are. That’s right. Dress and act like a woman, like a lady ought to. Shame on you. But you keep… And the Bible said, “If you love those things, the things of the world, the love of Christ is not even in you.” And if you love the Lord, just all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, you’ll keep them little old dirty, nasty things off of you. That’s right.

« 152 † And you deacon, and you others here, that run out on the street here, and gawking your neck and looking at every one of them women. Shame on you; and calling yourself “sons of God.” I know that’s scorching, but you rather be scorched than then burnt forever there. So if you do those things… Now, you can’t help it if a woman walks down the street, half dressed. You, if you’re looking, you’re bound to see her, but you can turn your head. The Bible said, “Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in your heart.”

« 153 † Let me tell you something, sister dear, you’re going to answer. I don’t care, you might be as pure as a lily. You may never actually committed a sin of that type, immoral sin, in your life. But if you dress like that, you’re going to answer at the judgment for committing adultery with every man that looked at you. The Bible said. And walk down the street, who is guilty, the man? No, sir. You are. You presented yourself that way.
154 The woman has got a great place. It’s a sacred, nice, wonderful place. But she must keep herself that way, to hold her office as she should, as a mother, as a woman and of womanhood. When the womanhood is broke, the backbone of any nation is broke. And that’s the reason, today, our nation is ruined, is because of the immorals of our women. That’s exactly right. Sure. It’s the rottenness among us, what’s breaking it.

« 155 † What you need is to meet this Melchisedec one time. Amen. Let Him–let Him bless you and give you the wine, the bread, Eternal Life. Then you’ll see things different. Then you’ll… It’ll be different. You won’t want the boys to be making a–a coyote whistle at you, the wolf whistle, or whatever you want to call it. Certainly not. You’ll be different.
156 And you mean to tell me that you dress like that, and get out there, for any other purpose? You say, “Why, it’s cooler.” You’re story-telling. It is not cooler. Science proves that it’s not cooler. It’s a… It’s the lust that’s come upon you, sister. You don’t realize it. I’m not trying to hurt you, but I’m trying to warn you. A many a moral woman, just as clean as she can be, a nice little lady, walk out with them things, on the street, unconscious of knowing what she’s doing, because some backslidden preacher is afraid your husband won’t pay his tithes in the church anymore. If he’d ever met Melchisedec, he wouldn’t think those things. He would preach the Gospel. If it scorched the hide off their back, he’d preach It, anyhow. That’s exactly right.

« 157 † You do it, and you do it because that a spirit of lust is up. And you men that’ll let your wives do those kind of things, I’ve got little hopes of you as a man. That’s right. That’s right. Now, there’s no compliments on that, because… or no apology. Because, that’s true. Any man that’ll let his wife get out on the street and act like that, brother, you ought to be wearing her clothes. That’s right. You, why, my!

« 158 † I don’t say my wife won’t do it. But I have to be changed and perverted, to what I am now, if I ever live with her while she’s doing it. And that’s exactly right.
My girls, they may do it when they get to be women. I don’t say they won’t. I don’t know. That’s up to the mercy of God. I hope they don’t. If they do, they’ll walk over the prayers of a righteous father. They’ll walk over the life of somebody who tried to live right, if they ever do it. That’s right. But I want to live right, teach right, be right, and could instruct them right. If they do that, they’ll beat their way to hell, over the top of my preaching, and over the top of my Christ, and over the top of my warnings, that’s right, if they ever do it. Certainly. That’s right.

« 159 † Shame on you. If you ever meet Christ, face to face, and He blesses you, and puts that kiss of approval on your heart, all devils in hell will never make you put them on again. That’s right. You’ve changed from death unto Life, and your affections are set on things above and not on the things of the earth. Amen. I better leave that subject. It’s ticklish. All right. But it’s the Truth.

« 160 † All right, as we go on now just a little further, then we’re closing.
… verily they that are of the sons of Levi,… receive tithe of the office of the priesthood, and have a commandment to take tithe of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they came out of the loins of Abraham:
But he whose descent is not counted from them that received tithes of Abraham, and blessed of him that had the promise.
And with all contradictions the less is blessed of the better.
And here men that die receive tithes; but here he receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth. And I…
And as I may… say, Levi also,… received tithe, received tithe, payed tithes in Abraham.
For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him.

« 161 † Your–your attitude towards Christ will make a great impression on what your children will be. Your life that you live before your family will make an impression on what your children will be. Cause, the Bible said, that, “He would visit the iniquity of the parents upon the children to the third and fourth generations.”
162 Now, just a few moments, before closing.
And therefore if perfection (there’s your perfection again) were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need that there come… another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

« 163 † The law, the legalist, see, “Oh, you have to do this. If you don’t do this, you’re not a Christian. If you don’t keep the sabbath! If you don’t… If you eat meat! If you do these things!” All these legal ideas. “And you’ve got to go to church. If you don’t, you pay a penalty for it. You have to do a novena.” That stuff is nonsense. You’re saved by the grace of God, by the foreknowledge of God, by His predestination. God called Abraham by predestination, by foreknowledge. He called. He hated Esau, and loved Jacob, before either one was born. That’s right. It’s–it’s God’s foreknowledge that knows these things.

« 164 † You say then, “What’s the use of preaching the Gospel?”
165 Now I’ll say to you, this. Paul answered that, or Jesus did, rather. Here is Jesus. He said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that went to this, a–a pond or a lake, and throwed in the net. He pulled in. Out of there, he had turtles. He had terrapins. He had serpents. He had lizards. He had frogs. He had spiders. He had scavengers. He had–he had fish.” Now, the man just seining.
166 That’s like the Gospel. Here it is now, I’m preaching the Gospel. I just throw the net out. I pull it, I say, “All that will, whosoever, let him come.” Here come some up, the altar. They all hang around the altar. They pray. They cry. I don’t know one from the other. It’s not my business. I wasn’t sent to judge.
167 But, there is some in there that’s frogs. There is some that’s lizards. There is some that’s snakes. It’s, some, is turtles. And there’s some that’s fish. It’s not my business to judge. I say, “Father, here is what I pulled out.”

« 168 † But, the frog was a frog, to begin with.
169 The spider, the old spider will set there and look around, little while, roll them big eyes, look around, say, “You know what? I just about got as much of This as I can stand.” Plop, plop, plop, plop, out they go.
170 Old lady serpent will raise her head up, and say, “Well, you know what? If they’re going to preach like that, against wearing shorts and things, that takes me. So I’ll get away from that bunch of holy-rollers. That’s all it must been.” You was a snake to start with. That’s exactly right. Yeah.
171 And here sets old mister toad frog, with that great big cigar in his mouth, like a dehorned Texas steer, will stand there and look around, say, “Well, it never did condemn me to smoke. I’ll just get out of this thing, right now.” Well, you old frog, you was that, to begin with. That’s exactly right. That’s exactly right.
172 Your nature proves what you are. Your life shows, reflects what you are, and in the beginning. It’s not hard for me to see that. It’s not hard for you to see it.

« 173 † If I went out to Roy Slaughter’s the farmer setting here, and I saw the pigs out on manure pile, eating manure, I wouldn’t think nothing bad about that. He’s a pig. But if I saw a lamb up on that manure pile, I’d wonder. Uh-huh. See? Don’t worry, you won’t see him there. He just couldn’t stand it. That’s right.
174 And a man that’s born of the Spirit of God hates the things of the world. That’s right, “For if you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in you.”

« 175 † If I run around with women every day, and come in, tell my wife I loved her, she’d know I was a liar. My actions would speak louder than my words. Certainly. I prove to her that I didn’t love her, because I wasn’t true to her.
176 She told me she loved me, and every time I’d be gone, she’d take off with somebody else, it would prove that she didn’t love me. Right. Her actions prove it. I don’t care how much she’d try to tell me, “Bill, I love you, and there’s no one else in the world but you,” I’d know she was a liar.

« 177 † And when you try to say, “Lord, I love You,” and doing the things of the world, God knows you’re a liar, to begin with. So why? What’s the use to accept an old half-way experience, and something another like that, when the great skies of Heaven are full of the real thing? Why do you want to be a miserable, professed, half-way, half-baked, so-called Christian? When, you can be a real born-again child of God, with the joy-bells of Heaven ringing in your heart, rejoicing, and praising God, and living a life of victory through Jesus Christ.
178 Not trying to do it yourself, because you’ll fail, to begin with. But take Him, It’s His Word, and rest upon what He said was the Truth. And believe Him, and love Him, and He’ll make everything work right in right for you. That’s it. That’s the idea.

« 179 † The Lord bless you. Don’t want to scold you, but, brother, it’s best to get a little scolding. You’re my young’ns. See? And any papa that loves his kids will certainly correct them, or he’s not the right kind of a papa. Is that right? That’s right. And this papa only has one rule, and that’s the rule of the home. And God only has one rule, and that’s His Word.
180 If we believe His Word, then we’ll live by His Word. It’s our duty, if we’ve ever met God. Not because you say, “Well, I go to church, and I’ve got to do this.” You’re miserable. Don’t do that. Why do you want to be a miserable, decrepit, ungodly crow for, when you could be a dove? Certainly. You just have to have your nature changed. And you change your nature, become a son and daughter of God, be at peace with God.

« 181 † Jesus! “Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His Own Blood, suffered without the gates,” Hebrews 13:12 and 13. Romans 5:1, “Therefore being justified by faith,” not by shaking hands, not by water baptism, not by laying on of hands, not with shouting, not with speaking in tongues, not with any sensation. “But being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” We’ve passed from death unto Life, and become new creatures, because we have believed on the only begotten Son of God, and accepted Him as our personal Saviour. And His Blood acts, tonight, as a propitiation for our sin, to stand in our place.

« 182 † In the Old Testament, there’s only one place to have fellowship, that’s under the blood. Every believer had to come under the blood. When the red heifer was killed, she was made for a sin-offering. She must be red. And 19th chapter of Exodus, if any of you would like to read it. And she must be taken, hoof, all, burnt together. And then that was made a water of separation. It was set without the gates. It had to be handled with clean hand. The blood of this heifer went before… to the congregation, and stroked seven times up over the door. And now, every defiled person walking up, must first recognize and see that blood, and realize that there’s only fellowship beneath that blood. That’s the only place the worshipper could actually worship officially, was under the blood.

« 183 † Then, the first thing he had to do, before he could come under the blood, there had to be this water of separation sprinkled upon him, and the uncleansed was made clean.
184 And they took the water of separation and sprinkled it upon the wayfaring man, and separated him from his sin. And then he walked under these seven stripes of blood, and had fellowship with the rest the believers in the Presence of God.
185 There’s only one way to do it. Not shaking hands, not joining church, not by baptisms, not by emotions; but walk up to the waters of separation, lay your hands, by faith, upon the head of Jesus, and say, “I’m a sinner, and You died in my place. And Something in me tells me that You’ll forgive me of my sins, and I accept You as my personal Saviour now.” Walk beneath the Blood, yonder, have fellowship with the children of God. That’s it. Eat the bread, drink the wine, and have the fellowship with the church.

« 186 † Oh, isn’t He wonderful? Isn’t He good? Now, this may seem strange to you, friend. But what–what do I stand here and say these things for? Would I say them to try to make myself different from somebody else? If I do, then I need to repent. I’m saying It because God said It, because It’s God’s Word. And listen. There’s coming a time, and now is, that when people are going from the east to the west, trying to find the Word of God, and can’t find It.
187 When you go into a meeting, the first thing you do, you go in there and have a bunch of tongues and interpretations, and somebody raise up and keep quoting the Scripture; and that’s carnal. Absolutely. God said for us “not to use vain repetitions,” what about Him? If He’s wrote It once, you believe It. He don’t have to say It again. Tongues and interpretations is right, but it’s to be a direct message to the church and to somebody, not just carnal and things like that. And then you get ahead in all these other things.

« 188 † Here the other day, two men walked into… and a man and a wife, and another man and a wife, just young married, walked into a place, to go to Africa as missionary. Somebody stood up and give a prophecy, and gave tongues and interpretations, that, “They had each other’s wife.” That, “It should not be that way. They married the wrong person.” And those two people separated and remarried, over again. One man took the other one’s wife, the other one, in a leading Pentecostal denomination, and went to Africa as missionaries.
189 Brother, when you take your oath, you’re duty bound to that oath till death sets you free. Exactly right. Certainly. When you take your oath, it’s binding.

« 190 † All those, nonsense! And it’s got to a place till when you go to the churches, it’s either so cold and formal and dry, till the spiritual thermometer will go fifty below zero. The people set just like a wart on a pickle, just as sour and indifferent and puckered up. And if you hear somebody, way back there in the corner, might grunt out a little “amen,” once in a while, like it hurts them, all of them will stretch their neck like geese, to look around, see what took place. You know that’s the truth. I’m not saying that for a joke. This is no place to joke. That’s the Truth. Right. I’m saying it because it’s the Gospel Truth.

« 191 † And the other side, you get a bunch of nonsense of a bunch of fleshly emotions carrying on, and the true Word of God finally has got to a place to where you can seldom hear It: the old middle-of-the-road, the Gospel, the Light to my path, hallelujah, the Blood of the Lamb, the love of God that separates us from the things of the world.

« 192 † “Have you spoke in tongues, brother? You haven’t got It. Did you shout till the cold feeling went up your back? Did you see balls of fire?” Oh, nonsense! No such a thing.
193 Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as your personal Saviour? And the Spirit of God bears record with your spirit, that you’re sons and daughters of God. And your life bears fruit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness. Then you’re a Christian. If it doesn’t, I don’t care what you do.
Paul said, “I could give my body to be burned as a sacrifice. I knowed all the mysteries of God. I can move mountains with my faith. I can speak in tongues like men and Angels. I’m nothing.” How about that? First Corinthians 13; find out if That’s right or not.

« 194 † Now find out if–if Corinthians, Second Corinthians 13, I believe it is. Or, well, it’s either First or Second Corinthians. First Corinthians there, First Corinthians 13, is right. “Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels, both the kind that can be interpreted and that cannot be interpreted, I am nothing.” So what’s the use of fooling with it, then?
195 “Though I understand all the mysteries of God.” Why do you go to seminaries and try to learn so much about? You better get right with God, first. Certainly. “Though I, ‘Oh, blessed hallelujah!'”
196 You got so you can’t even have a congregation unless you have a healing campaign or some kind of miracles going on. “A weak and adulterous generation seeketh after such.” What do you want with that?
197 Paul said he could do all kinds of things, even move mountains, and still he’s nothing. “Where there’s tongues, it shall cease. Where there’s knowledge, it shall vanish. Where there’s prophecies, it shall fail. But when that which is perfect is come, it shall endure forever,” and love is perfection. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.” That, “Whosoever shivers, whosoever shakes, whosoever speaks, whoso”? “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life.” Believe that, children.

« 198 † They try to make it so complicated, these things and them things. When, it boils right down to one thing: your personal faith in God. That’s it. That tells it. “For by faith,” not by feeling. “By faith,” not by emotion. “By faith,” not by sensation. “But by faith are you saved; and that by…” Because you sought the Lord? Because you was a good person? Because, “God, by grace, foreknew you and ordained you to Eternal Life.”
199 Jesus said, “No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that comes to me, I’ll give him Eternal Life. No man can pluck them from My hand. They’re Mine. They’re forever saved. I got them. No man can pluck them out of My Father’s hand, and He is the One that give them to Me. They’re love gifts of Mine.”
200 “And all He foreknew, He called.” He don’t call anybody ‘less He foreknew him. “All He called, He justified; all He justified, He glorified.” So, you see, we just at perfect rest.

« 201 † Now, I know there’s a lot of legalists here, ninety-nine percent of you. But, look, if you’ll just take This and realize that I’m not trying to say you something.
202 Then you say, “Well, Brother Branham, I’ve always thought I had to do this and I had to do that.” There’s such a–such a difference in it, brother, what you have to do and what you want to do. You are saved, not because you had one thing to do with it. You’re saved because that God saved you before the foundation of the world.

« 203 † Listen. Listen here. The Bible said, in the Revelation. I’m going to take you from at first to the last now. The Bible said, in Revelation, that, when the beast came, he deceived all upon the earth. The beast did. “He deceived all upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life…” Since the revival began? Does that sound right? Well, since the preacher preached that mighty sermon? Since that man was healed? “… since the foundation of the world.”
204 Where was Jesus slain at, at Calvary? No, sir. Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. “Behold the Lamb of God, that was slain before the foundation of the world.” God, in the beginning, when He saw the sin, He saw what would happen, He spoke the Word. And Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. And every person was saved, was saved, according to the Bible, when the Lamb was slain in the mind of God, before the foundation of the world. You were included in salvation then. So what are you going to do about It?

« 205 † It’s God. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! “It’s God that worketh; not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God showeth mercy.”
If Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world, it taken four thousand years before it actually happened. But when God spoke it back here, every Word of God is steadfast. It’s immutable. It’s impartible. It cannot fail. And when God slayed the Son before the foundation of the world, He was just as much slain then as He was at Calvary. It’s a finished product, when God says so. And remember, when the Lamb was slain, your salvation was included in the sacrifice, because the Bible said that your name was “Written on the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world.”
What about that? Then what are we going to do? It’s God that showeth mercy. It’s God that called you. It’s God that chose you in Christ before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, “You never–you never chose me. I chose you. And I knew you, before the foundation of the world.” There you are.
206 So, see, that takes the scare out of you. “Oh, I wonder if I could keep holding on? I’ll make it, bless God, if I’ll just keep holding on.” It’s not whether I hold on, or not. It’s whether He held on, or not. It’s what–what He done, not what I done. It’s what He did.
Is it under the redemption law? This is a little thing I want to say before closing.

« 207 † What if an old mare gave birth to a little mule? And that little mule had both ears broke down. He was cross-eyed, and knock-kneed, bow-legged. His tail stuck right straight up in the air. What a horrible-looking animal! Why, anybody… If that little mule could think, say, “Now, wait a minute. When they come out from the house this morning, I’m telling you, I’ll sure get knocked in the head. Because, they never feed me. Look what a horrible-looking thing I am. I haven’t even got a chance.”
208 Well, that’s right. You haven’t got a chance. “Well, I was born in this world, but looky here what a horrible-looking thing I am. So I–I–I… I’ll never have a chance. I won’t make it. I can’t make it.” See?

« 209 † But what if his mammy is really instructed in the law? She’ll say, “Son, that’s right. You’re all out of shape, and you’re not even fit to eat the food off the earth. That’s right. You’re not fit. But, son, somehow another, you’re my first. And, you know, you’re born under a birthright. And the priest will never see you. But, for your name, there’s got to be an innocent lamb without a blemish, has got to die in your place, so you can live.”
210 Well, that little mule could just kick up his heels and have a big time. Doesn’t make any difference what he is, because he’ll never be seen by the judge, the priest. It’s the lamb that the priest looks at. Not the mule; the lamb!

« 211 † And it’s Christ that God looks at, not you. It’s Christ. So if there’s no fault in Him, how can there be fault? How can He find fault, when you are dead and your life is hid in Christ through God, sealed by the Holy Ghost? “They that are born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin.” How can he sin when a perfect sacrifice is laying in his place? God never looks at me, He looks at Christ, because we’re in Christ.
212 Now, if I love Christ, I’ll live with Him. He would never brought me in ‘less He know. If God saved me today, knowing He was going to lose me six weeks from today, He is defeating His Own purpose. Right. He don’t even know the future then, if He saved me, knowing. What’s He want to save me for, knowing He’s going to lose me? God doesn’t do things, then take it back in two weeks, to keep His promise. When He saves you, it’s for time and Eternity.

« 213 † Now, you can be worked up, and say, “Oh, yes, bless God! Hallelujah! I spoke in tongues. I shouted. I got her. Hallelujah!” That don’t mean you got It. But, brother, when something come down here, and you anchor with Christ, then the fruits of the Spirit follow you. We bear record, our spirit with His Spirit, that we’re sons and daughters of God. Please have That, friends.

« 214 † I’ll keep you here all night, talking about that. I love It. I love you. I come back to this little tabernacle, time after time, if God shall spare my life. I want to see you rooted and grounded in that holy Faith. I don’t want to see you tossed about, by every little wind of doctrine come by, and shake you, and carry on, and have a little blood in their hands, or a little frost on their face, or something another, and seeing some kind of–of–of lights before them, and some kind of a–a selfish thing, as the Bible said, “Puffed up in his heart, and seen nothing.” That’s right. I want you to be solid on the Word. If it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD, stay with It, live with It. That’s the Urim Thummim of this day. God wants you to live by That. If it’s not in the Word, then forget about it. Live for God, live for Christ.

« 215 † And if your heart begins to stray around, you know there is something that’s happened, go back to the altar and say, “Christ, renew my… the joy of my salvation. Give unto me that love that I once had. It’s leaking out, Lord. There is something I’ve done. Make me holy again, stand. O Lord, nothing I could do. I can’t quit this and quit that. I’m looking to You to take it out of me, Lord, and I love you.”
216 And walk away from that altar, a new person in Christ Jesus. Then you won’t have to depend on your church, depend on your priest, depend on your pastor. You’re depending on the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. “By grace are you saved.”
Let us pray.

« 217 † Lord, such strong teachings! It’s time this little church could take meat, and no more the milk of the Word. We been too much in the milk now, giving the baby his bottle. But we got to have strong meats, for the day is getting close. Great perilous times are at hand, and more trouble laying in the road. And we know that there’ll never be better times. We know that we’re at the end. Times will continue to get worse and worse until Jesus comes, according to the Scriptures.
218 We cannot promise them nothing in this life. But in the life to come, we can promise them Eternal Life through Thy Word, if they’ll believe on the Son of God and accept Him as their propitiation, as the One who stood in their place, as the One who took their sins. Grant it now.
219 May unbelievers become believers. May church professors, here tonight, who has professed religion and just living in the church, may they receive an experience with God; that such love comes into their heart, that they weep for their sins, die out to themselves, and are born anew by the Holy Spirit, and being meek and kind, loving, and full of joy and blessings. Living such a life, till they’re so salty that they make the people that’s around them, thirst to be like them. Grant it, Lord, for we ask it in His Name.
And with our heads bowed.

« 220 † I wonder, tonight, if there would be one here, say, “Brother Branham, if I was weighed in the balance of God at that time, I would never, never, never be able to meet that qualification you’re speaking of tonight. I want you to remember me in prayer, that I will change my ways, and God will come in and take this nonsense out of me and make me a real Christian”? Would you raise your hand for prayer, if–if you would? God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, in the back. God bless you. God bless you, sir. God bless you, big brother. God bless you, sister.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of host.
Heaven and earth are full of Thee,
Heaven and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord Most High.

« 221 † “Holy.” As you’re thinking now, praying, as you feel convinced that you been wrong, and you want to be right, would you just raise your hand, saying, “God, make me what I ought to be”? God bless you, little lady. “God, make me what I ought to be.” God bless you, brother, sister, you, you, you over here.
222 Day is dying. I know it’s hard, friends, but it’s better to know Truth now. Now quietly pray.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God…
He is holy, alone.
… full of Thee,
Heaven and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord Most High.

« 223 † Heavenly Father, as the sun sets in the evening, the robins gather in the trees with their loved ones. The birds all go to their nests. The doves fly up on the wires, high, so the snakes won’t bother them through the night. They set there and coo to each other till they go to sleep. The sun finally sets.
224 Someday we’re coming down to that hour. The sunset is going to happen. I don’t know when, Lord. But there’s people here tonight who is convinced that they’re been wrong, and they want to come to that place… Like Lincoln come to it as he was dying, said, “Turn my face towards the setting sun.” And he started, “Our Father Who art in Heaven.”
225 As Moody of old said, “Is this death? This is my coronation day.”

« 226 † O Eternal One, receive them just now; by faith, as they set there in their seats. You knocked at their heart, at the seat. That’s their altar. This is the time for You to receive them, just now. You said, “He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.”
227 And someday when sun is setting, wife or husband is standing by the bed, the doctors walked away. O Holy, Holy, that beautiful, sweet hush, just before the sun sets. When we could raise up and say:
Sunset and Evening Star,
And one clear call for me;
And may there be no moaning at the bar
When I put out to sea.

« 228 † O God, grant it to them this hour; while they wait, waiting for the blessing of God to come upon them. Take all of the temper, all of the world, away from them, and create in them a new heart. You said, “I’ll take the old heart away, and put in a heart of flesh. And I’ll put My Spirit in that heart, and they shall walk in My statutes and keep My commandments.” Because, it’s an ordinance of love, and not of duty. It’s of love. And love constrains us to do it. It’s a duty of love, to constrain us. It’s our duty to follow love. And I pray, God, that You’ll give it to every heart that raised their hand tonight.
229 And those who did not raise their hand, may they now, by grace, raise their hands to accept You, and to be filled with Your Spirit in this meek, sweet, quiet, humble way; be full of grace, go out of here as a changed person. How the birds will sing different, how everybody will be different, after this hour, O Lord Most High.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of earth,
Heaven and earth are full of Thee,
Heaven and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord Most High.

« 230 † You now with your heads bowed, you who raised your hands to be remembered in prayer, do you feel like that God has spoke to you in such a way now, not by emotion, but just something way down in you. You feel like that God has give you Eternal Life? You feel like you’re going out of the church tonight as a different person? Would you raise your hands back tonight? God bless you, son. God bless you, brother. God bless you, sister. God bless you. That’s right. “I’ll go from this church, tonight, a new person.” Newborn babes in the Kingdom of God.

« 231 † What happened? I know it’s an order of coming to the altar. That’s a Methodist altar… a Methodist order, I mean. It was established in the Methodist church, in the days of John Wesley. It never was in the Bible days. “As many as believed was added to the Church.” You can believe wherever you are, out in the field, out on a street, anywhere. Anywhere, it doesn’t make any difference, just so as you accept Christ as your personal Saviour. It’s an act of the Holy Ghost that comes into your heart. When you believe Him, accept Him, you passed from death unto Life, and you become new creatures in Christ Jesus.
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,
Now stand to your feet.
… my humble cry;
While on others Thou are calling,
Do not pass me.

« 232 † Now I want the young man and the lady, which I perceive to be his wife, that raised up your hand, I want you to raise your hand again back there; son, with the red coat on, and the lady, that they accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. The young man setting here in a wheel chair, accepted Christ as his Saviour, felt that God had saved him. And others back in there that raised your hands, raise them again so the people can look around, have fellowship with you.
233 Shake their hand, somebody around, standing near them. Say, “God bless you. Welcome into the kingdom of God, my brother, my sister.” Fellowship, that’s what we want. God bless… Shake hands with this young man here in the chair. The Lord be with him. That’s right. We welcome you into the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

« 234 † If you have never been baptized as yet, and would desire to be baptized, make your way up and tell the pastor about it. The pool here has even got water in it, tonight, if you want to be baptized. Everything is ready. (Did you have a baptism, anyhow?…?…) But the pool is ready, if anybody want to be baptized. The Bible said, “Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you and your children, them that’s far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

« 235 † You love Him? Raise your hands. [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Oh, isn’t He wonderful? How you enjoy this Book of Hebrews? You love It? [“Amen.”] Yeah. Wonderful. Now, It’s correction. Oh, It’s stern and It’s straight, but we love that. That’s the way we want to have It. Wouldn’t have It no other way.
236 Now, do you believe Paul has got an authority to preach It like that? Paul said, “If an Angel come and preached any other gospel, let him be accursed.” That right? So we love Him with all of our heart.

« 237 † Now I’m going to ask the pastor to come here just a moment, our most precious brother, Brother Neville, and he’ll have a word to tell you. And now, if the Lord willing, we’ll see you Wednesday night, and make arrangements about going to Brother Graham Snelling’s for a congregational night. And then for the preaching here to continue on, with the 7th and 8th chapter, this coming Wednesday night. Brother Neville. `

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
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« 505 † ` Good morning, friends. It’s a privilege to be here. And–and to fulfill this great introduction from our pastor would certainly take a real life, wouldn’t it? So we’re giving praise to the Lord for all of His great healing powers and His mercies that He has given to us down through the years.

« 505a † Now I have a few announcements to make. One, we, Brother Woods and Brother Roberson, and we want to thank you all for praying for us, for a safe trip. Had a wonderful time; just gone four and a half days, I believe, and back again safely. The Lord did bless us.

« 506 † Now, we’re announcing that the Brother Graham Snelling, his revival, is continuing on, up at the–the end of Brigham Avenue, at the… in the city here. And this coming Wednesday night… I want to go away tomorrow, after a funeral service for one I’ll announce in a few moments. We’ll let you know Wednesday night. We want to go in a delegation, all, up to visit Brother Graham before he closes his service up there. And we’ll try to get the entire church together, if we can, and go as a delegation to meet, to be with Brother Graham in one of his services.

« 507 † And, now, this afternoon at–at the undertaker’s establishment at Charlestown, is a–a Mrs. Colvin, that once come to the church here many years ago, seventy-four years old, left this life yesterday to go to be with the Lord Jesus. And her funeral is to be preached Monday, by Rev. Mr. McKinney, used to, formerly, the pastor of the Methodist church at–at Port Fulton for many years, which was a personal friend of theirs. And I’m to assist him, Monday, at, I believe it’s one-thirty, at the–at the chapel at Charlestown, Indiana. And all of you friends of the Colvin family would, I know, would appreciate now just a little courage or to… little handshake. For we all know what that is, we who’ve been down through those, in the valleys, ourselves, and know what it means to lose a friend. And so we… She’s laying in the–in the chapel now, at Charlestown, Indiana. If you go up this afternoon, why, it would be appreciated by the Colvin family, I’m sure. Many of their people comes here to the tabernacle yet. I’ve married, buried, baptized, pretty near, their family, through. And so Mr. Grayson, that used to be our neighbor right here, is the undertaker up there.

« 508 † And then this, tonight, the Lord willing, where we leave off this morning, we’ll try to pick up tonight, in this great study that we’re studying in now. And then I think that was the announcements, as far as–as I–I know of. And this coming Wednesday night, now, we’ll announce the night that we’re going up to be with Brother Graham.

« 509 † And we welcome all the strangers in our gates. And we’re happy to have you here this morning, and pray that God will exceedingly, abundantly, bless you today for this gathering.

« 510 † Brother Cox has just told me that the public-addressing outfit wasn’t working too well at the time. It’s perhaps, maybe according to the weather, lot of dampness in the speakers there. And they’re not too good, to begin with, so that may be the cause.

« 511 † As I see a sister setting here that I know, Sister Arganbright. I… This is not nice and–and etiquettes, to ask this, but have you heard from Brother Arganbright since he’s been over. I am very interested in hearing from him as soon as we can. He’s in Switzerland and Germany, in a meeting over there with Brother Tommy Hicks and Paul Cain. If you ever hear, Sister Ruth, you let me know right away, just quick as you can.

« 512 † Now, the little tabernacle has no membership, but we have fellowship. We have no creed but Christ, no law but love, no book but the Bible. That’s the only Book that we know of, and the only thing that we know, as we have. As the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins, we have fellowship one with the other, everybody.

« 513 † I was noticing, this morning, to some of you people might have heard the brother praying. That was a Catholic, so, or formerly a Catholic. And we have all different types of people come here. Just had the privilege, a few moments ago, to shake the hand of a Mennonite brother who is setting in here. And from the Mennonites, from the Methodists, from the Baptists, and the Catholic, or whosoever will, let them come. And we fellowship together around the blessings of God’s Word. Setting present is Jehovah Witness and different types of the people, saw different denominations.

« 514 † I used to love (well, I do yet) the West. I love horses and cattle. I was just raised on a farm, and I–I love it. And we used to have the round up, and I’d go with them. And we had a drift fence. I don’t know whether you Eastern people know what a drift fence is, or not. It’s when you put the cattle into the–the forest, they have a fence to keep them from drifting what they called, come back down to the ranches. They’d eat up the grass, where they’re raising the grass for the winter feed. And then up in the mountain, they also have drift fences, where they separate so many females and male, and so forth. It’s called a drift fence. But the main drift fence is where the ranger stands when the cattle are going through.

« 515 † And now I’ve sat there, a many day, in my saddle, and watched them as the cattle would go through. There was all different kinds of brands went in. There was some called the “Diamond.” And some of them called the “Bar X.” And some… Ours was the “Tripod,” something like a Boy Scout emblem. The next fellow, below it, was a “turkey track” on the horse. And they had all different kinds of brands, to–to know their cattle when they drove them out.
516 Now, the ranger wasn’t so interested in what brand they had, but here’s what, the ranger was interested to watch a tag in their ear. Everything that went in there, no matter what brand it was, had to be a thoroughbred Hereford. It could not go in there unless it was a Hereford. Had to be registered stock or it couldn’t get through.

« 517 † I think, on that day when the Lord comes, He’s not going to pay any attention to what brand we’re wearing, but if we’re all born-again Christians. That’s right. That’s the stock of Christ. The Blood test is going to prove us, we’re all Christians. And if we’re going to all be that way there, we might as well be that way here. Don’t you think so? That’s the way, we appreciate all fellowship from all different churches.

« 518 † Now we’re studying in this blessed Book of Hebrews. One brother has enjoyed it so much till he’s taken the tapes and he’s making a book of lectures on this.
519 Now we’re going to come, pretty soon, to the 11th chapter. We expect to spend the winter on that, on the 11th chapter. For each one of those characters, we wish to go back through the Book and tie the entire Scripture together. I was going to do it. I do in portion, on some of this, of these former chapters, to get the whole Book tied together. For, you see, Scripture must prove Scripture.
520 Therefore, if there’s any contradiction, that anyone would think that the Scriptures contradict each other, that’s an error. There is no Scripture contradicts a Scripture. The–the contradiction is where that maybe It contradicts our way of looking at It, but It doesn’t contradict Itself. I’ve been in the ministry, going on twenty-six years now, and I have never, one time, found one thing in the Bible that contradict anything else was written in the Bible. And I–I just know it isn’t there.

« 521 † And today we are studying in one of the most blessed chapters of the Hebrews, the 7th chapter. And there’s anyone doesn’t have a Bible, would like to follow us in the readings, we’d be glad to bring you a Bible if you’d just raise your hand. I’ll have some of the elders, someone, come here and get some. Someone are raising their hands back there. And thank you, brother. And if you want a Bible, just raise your hand, and they’ll bring it to you.

« 522 † Now, the only way that a church can be built, the only way that a man can have Faith, is not by his denomination, not by his affiliation. But his Faith rests not upon the theology of some man’s ideas, ’cause it’s, more or less, altogether man. But the only way Faith can find it’s solemn resting place, is upon the immovable and unchangeable Word of God. “Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word.” That’s how it takes. And–and when Faith is heard and accepted, it’s forever settled. Nothing no more can ever move it, no matter what comes or goes. Nothing can ever change that Faith. Think of that. You’re anchored, and you no more change, for time and Eternity. You’re anchored forever, “For God, by one sacrifice, has perfected forever those that are sanctified, or called.”

« 523 † And Faith has such a great place in the Christian, the believer’s life, that it can take its stand by the side of a muddy grave or over a casket, where a precious baby or a sweetheart has passed from this life to the beyond. And with a stern look of the eagle eye, can look to Him who said, “I am the resurrection and the Life.” And they forget the things that’s in the past. They press on to the mark of the high calling.
524 I’m so glad that God has provided such, and has made it a free gift to all. That’s what churches are to be. Churches doesn’t mean denominations or organizations; it means, “Groups of people, of believers, who is gathered together under the fellowship of the Word.”

« 525 † And in this marvelous teaching here of Saint Paul, in the backgrounds, in the former chapters, he has specifically been dealing with the supreme Deity of the Lord Jesus and who He was. Christ was God, made so that men could feel Him and touch Him, and–and fellowship with Him. Christ, the Lord Jesus, was the body that God dwelt in, “God was made flesh and dwelt among us.” First Timothy 3:16, “Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in flesh.”
526 The Great Jehovah came down and was made tangible, by living in the body of His Own Son, declaring and reconciling the world to Himself. God was nothing… Christ was nothing short of God, and–and God was nothing short of Christ. The two together made the Godhead bodily, made a little lower than Angels, so that He could suffer. Angels cannot suffer. Jesus was the tabernacle that God dwelt in.
527 The Bible said, in the 7th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, that, “Tabernacles, and burnt sacrifice and burnt-offerings Thou wouldst not, but a body has Thou prepared Me. Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in tabernacles made with hands, but a body has Thou prepared Me,” that in tabernacling or dwelling in a fellowship with man.

« 528 † God permits, as soon as we’re through with this chapter here, or through with this Book, we want to go back and pick up the Book of Ruth and show in there that how God became kinfolks to us, to reconcile the lost back to Himself by fellowshipping and becoming one of us. The Redeemer must be kinfolks, and the only way that God could become kinfolks to us, is to become one of us. So, He could not become an Angel and be kinfolks to man.

« 529 † Last evening when I was talking to the heart-broken son, my partner, of the mother that’s just passed away, said, “O Brother Bill, I guess she’s an Angel tonight.”
530 I said, “No, Earl. She’ll never be an Angel. She’s a woman, tonight, just as God made her, and will always be, never a Angel.” God made Angels. He never made men become Angels. He made Angels and men. So men will never be Angels, and Angels will never be men. God made them different.

« 531 † Now, and in Christ becoming flesh to redeem out of that great beyond where man had fell, and that immortality by sin had come down, God came down and taken on the form of a shape of a man, and became kinfolks to us, that He might bear our sins and our death.

« 532 † And in one of the illustrations we were giving, in the previous lessons; just a little background so the newcomer would understand. God, on His road up to Calvary. As the sting of death was upon Him, and was buzzing around Him, and finally it stung Him till He died. He died till the sun quit shining. He died until the moon and the stars would not give their light.
533 Or, how He had to do that, to anchor the stinger of death! If He had been an immortal person, if he had been in the theophany, or been in the spirit, death has no control of that. It had to become flesh, that He could take the stinger of death. But when a bee or an insect who stings, once stings deep, he’ll never sting again. He leaves his stinger in the flesh. And that’s what Christ be-… or God became. Christ dwelt in flesh, that He might anchor in His Own flesh the stinger of death. And when death pulled away from Him at the cross, it left its stinger, it could not sting a believer anymore. It can make a humming noise, it can make a buzz and a threat, but it cannot sting. It has no stinger.
534 The great Saint Paul, on his death march, screamed and said, “O death, where is your sting? And grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God who has done give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, for both death and grave has lost its power.”

« 535 † Now, then, last Sunday we taken, “Leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ,” in the 6th chapter, we read this, “let us go on to perfection.” And we found out that the people today in many churches, along with the Branham tabernacle and different ones, we lay too much on studying about the principles of Christ: He was the Son of Abraham, He was the son of–of so-and-so, and on back, the genealogies. But the Bible said, “Let us lay aside those things, and go on to perfection.”
536 First you must know the doctrine, and then you must know all these things; then let’s lay them aside, He said, of resurrection of the dead, laying on of hands, baptisms, and all those dead articles of God. Yet, they–they have no Life in them. But the church today just goes to those things, “Oh, we believe in the Deity of Christ.” Yes. Sure. “We believe in water baptism.” Yes. Sure. “Laying on of hands.”
537 Paul said, “We’ll do all this if God permits. But in the face of all of that, let’s lay it aside now, and go on to perfection.”

« 538 † Now, the church cannot be perfected through organizations. It gets further away from God, all the time, or farther away from each other. We draw barriers, we separate ourselves, seemingly not having the Faith. But then when we leave those principles of doctrine, if we move on to perfection, then those little things become of not much use.
539 We go into a relationship, and we find out that the only way that we can be perfected is to be in Christ. And we find out then, by the teachings of the Bible, that how we get into Christ; not by water baptism, not by laying on of hands, not by teaching. “But by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body and become perfected through His suffering.” Then, we look different. We think different. We act different. We live different. Not because it’s a duty or we belong to church, but because of “the love that God has shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost,” that makes us fellow citizens of the Kingdom of God, then there is no denomination or barriers in that. We’re all one great Body.

« 540 † Now we’re ready to enter in upon the morning lesson, in a few moments. One more thing I’d like to get to here, that is, that, Paul speaking in the Book, of the 7th… or the 6th chapter, we find out here that we’re made perfect in Christ. Then in the 13th verse of the 6th chapter, just a little background.
For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,
God swore by Himself, because He could not swear by anyone greater.
541 Now we want to go back. Let’s get at Galatians just a few moments. Turn back to the Book of Galatians, and get Galatians 3:16. And we’ll read here just a moment, of what He swore by.
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promise made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one,… to the seed, which is Christ.
542 Now if you’ll notice, reading that close now, as you read.
… to Abraham and his seed (singular) were the promises (plural) made.

« 543 † “Abraham and his Seed.” Now, the Seed of Abraham was one, which was Christ; in prefigure, Isaac.
But Abraham had many children. He had one before he had Isaac, which was showing the slipping up of the unbelief of Sarah who wanted Hannah to bring the child, thinking that she was too old, and God to bypass and make some other way from the way that He had promised to do it.
544 But God keeps His promise. No matter how unreasonable it may seem, God is obligated to His promise. And Sarah thought that maybe she could have Hannah… or Hagar, rather, her maid, to give birth to a baby through Abraham, and she would take it. And that became Ishmael, which was a thorn in the flesh, from then until now. Still a thorn in the flesh, for out of there come the Arabs, and they’ve always been that way.
545 Now, any time that you disbelieve the naked Word of God and adopt some other way, it’ll be a thorn in your flesh from there on. You take just what God said. If He said It, that’s just what He means. Oh, blessed be His Name! Just take His Word.
546 No matter what tries to bypass, say, “Well, It really doesn’t mean That.” It means just what It says, when God makes a promise.

« 547 † Now if we’ll notice closely.
… Abraham and his seed were the promises…
One was the Seed, singular, and the other was promises. There’s more than one promise, and more than one person that’s included in the Seed of Abraham. See? There’s one Seed, but many people of this Seed. See? They were not just Abraham alone, or to Isaac alone. But the… It was to all the Seed of Abraham. The promises was made to each and every individual seed of that Seed. You get it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]
548 “Therefore, we, being dead in Christ, according to the Scriptures, we take on Abraham’s Seed and are heirs according to the promise.” Not by joining church, or forming of the dead articles, or–or so forth. But by being born of the Spirit of Christ, we are Abraham’s Seed, and are joint-heirs with Him in the Kingdom.

« 549 † Then we go on, to read, then, just a little further now, “God making an oath.” Now the 17th verse of the 6th chapter.
Wherein God, willing more abundantly…
… God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it with an oath:
550 Oh, let’s just rest now a few minutes. “God more willing.” Not that He had to, but to make this a sure thing.
551 Now, we’ve already found that God became flesh, dwelt among us, how that He manifested Hisself towards the world. When He found the woman in adultery, said, “I don’t. I don’t condemn you. Go, sin no more.” When He found the sick, He acted just the way He would have to act, for He was God, and He–He healed the sick. He raised the dead. He forgave the sins. No matter how they was, and how many, and how backslidden, He forgive them, anyhow, if they were willing to come and ask.

« 552 † Now notice. If God acted any one time on a certain circumstance, and if that same circumstance arise again, He’s got to act the second time like He did the first time or He’s unjust. See? No matter how bad you are in sin, how stooped you may become, He’s got to act to you like He did that fallen woman or He acted wrong then. God’s behavior is His Person, and what He is in His behavior declares His Person.
553 And that’s the way you are, in your behavior of life, tells what you are. As we had and went through, a lesson or two ago, the Methodist people wanted to declare, “When you shout, you got It.” The Pentecostal says, “When you spoke with tongues, you’ve got It.” The Shaker said, “When you shake, you got It,” the Pennsylvania Shakers. And we find out that they’re all wrong. Your life declares It. Your person declares what you are. A man is known by his works, and whatever your life is.
554 You’ve heard the old story, “Your life speaks so loud, I can’t hear your words.” So whatever you are, you are. The life that you live shows what kind of a spirit is in you.

« 555 † And then you may impersonate the wrong thing… or impersonate the right thing, may I say. You may impersonate a Christian. But there will, by-and-by, come a time when the strain will be put on, then it’ll show what you are. A chain is its strongest at its weakest link.
556 When Christ the Son of God was put to the test, it showed what He was. Sure. When you’re put to the test, it’ll prove what you are. Your life always reflects what’s on the inside of you. By-and-by, be sure your sins don’t find you out. And that’s what we’re trying to say.

« 557 † Jesus said, in Saint John 5:24, “He that heareth,” not he that shaketh, he that speaketh. He that… “He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall never come to the judgment; but is passed from death unto Life.”
558 It’s your faith. And your faith, confessed by your lips, make manifest to the people that can hear, but your life is open before all. So, no matter how much you try to act this and do this, it’ll never work. It’s got to be in you. That’s the real kernel of the whole story. Your personal faith in the resurrected Christ, as your Saviour; that He’s at the right hand of God, acting in your place this morning, as you’re acting in His place down here as a witness. A witness is to act instead of somebody, stand for you as a witness. And as your life reflects here what your testimony is in Christ, it reflects there and it reflects here. And He is up there, as what He is for you, reflects both there and here. So you are… By your faith, are you saved, and that alone. So, sensations, emotions, feelings, anything, has no place at all in It. Now, not…

« 559 † Now, don’t think wrong, that I do not believe in these emotions. Certainly. But what we’re on now, trying to drill to this people of this day, is not emotions. The Devil has took those things and went wild with the people, letting them base their Eternal destination upon an emotion. Shouting, speaking with tongue, going to church every Sunday, acting like a Christian, that won’t have one bearing at that day. “Except a man is born again.” And your life reflects what you are on the inside, see, not your emotions.
560 You could have blood in your hands, you could speak with tongues, you could heal the sick, you could move mountains with your faith, and you are nothing yet. First Corinthians 13. See? It’s got to be something happened by a Birth which comes from God, and God brings the new Birth into you, and gives you a part of Himself. Then those things are. You are a new creation. “I give unto them Eternal.”

« 561 † We went through the word “Eternal.” Forever is “a space of time.” Eternity is forever, forever and forever, but there’s only one Eternity. And we find out that you receive Eternal Life, and the word in the Greek is Zoe, which means “God’s Life.” And you receive part of God’s Life, which makes you a spiritual son of God, and you’re just as everlasting as God is everlasting. You have no end, no place to stop, because you had no place to begin. Anything has a beginning has an end, and that without a beginning has no end.

« 562 † How we love that precious Word! How the Christian should be established in the Faith that was once delivered to the saints, and not be tossed about, place to place, and joining different churches. Any church you want to belong to is all right, as long as you’re a Christian. But first put the first thing, which is that Birth that makes you kinfolks to God, as God became kinfolks with you.
563 He become kinfolks, that he might raise you up. Before He could raise you up, He has to give you Eternal Life. Then God had to become kinfolks, to take death, to raise you up. Then you have to become kinfolks to Him, in order to go in the resurrection. You see what it is? It’s just a swap. God became you, that you might become God. See? God became a part of you, flesh, that you might by His grace become a part of Him, that’s all, to have Eternal Life.

« 564 † Just a beautiful picture, and, oh, we love it.
Now, God, willing more abundantly…
565 Didn’t have to, but He was willing to. I’m so glad of that, aren’t you, that our God is willing? Look. What if He–what if He wasn’t long-suffering? What is the fruit of the Spirit? Love, joy, faith, peace, long-suffering. That’s a part of God that’s in you. And can forbearance, forbearing one another’s burdens. Forgiving one another, as God for Christ’s sake forgive you. The Spirit of God in you makes you that way. And then when God was here on earth and became you, became sin, that Him taking your sin, bore it for you and paid your penalty for it. God is long-suffering, forbearing our burdens.

« 566 † And then He’s a good God. If you want to, certain things your way, you know, God is good enough to do that. He loves to–to make you happy. He wants to. He, He is love, and His great love constrains Him to even step down sometime, to let you have the things that you want.
567 Look at Thomas, after the resurrection. Thomas wouldn’t believe. Oh, he’s got many children today. But Thomas said, “No. No. I’ll have to have some evidence. I’ll have to put my hands in His side, and in His… my fingers over here in His hands, before I will believe It. I, I don’t care what you say.” See, he was all out of the Scripture order, right then. You’re supposed to believe It. So he said, “I have to have some sort of evidence, to prove It.”
568 And Jesus appeared, He’s good, “Come on, Thomas, if that’s what you want, well, here you are. You can have it.”
569 That’s the way we are. We say, “Lord, I got to speak with tongues. I–I got to shout. I got…”
570 “Oh, go ahead, I’ll let you have it.” He is good.
571 So he stuck his hands in His side, then he said, “Oh, it’s my Lord and my God.”
572 He said, “Now, Thomas, you believe since you seen. But how much greater is their reward who has no evidence and yet believes It!” There you are. That’s where we must get to. “How much greater is their reward who seen nothing but yet believe It.” It’s an act of faith, that we accept It.

« 573 † Now, I believe signs following the believers, but let’s put first things first. You can have the signs, without This. Paul said you could. He said, “I could speak with tongue like both men and Angels; I’m nothing. I can move mountains by my faith; I am nothing. I could understand the Bible, in such a way I could know all the mysteries of God; I’m nothing.” See, that’s gifts of the Holy Spirit, without the Holy Spirit.
574 The Holy Spirit is God. God is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, patience. That’s the Spirit of God. That’s what God raises up in the last days, through that Spirit.

« 575 † Now, “Not willing…”
… God, more willing abundantly to show unto the heirs of the promise…
… God, more willing… to show… the heirs…
Who is the heirs? “We, being dead in Christ, take on Abraham’s Seed, and are heirs.” Oh, does that soak in? We are heirs of the Kingdom of God, through a sworn promise. God didn’t have to swear. His Word is perfect. But He swore, too, by Himself, for there was no one greater.
576 As we read on, just a moment, listen.
… the promise of immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

« 577 † “Immutability,” the unchangeable. God cannot change. He has to remain the same. And if God healed one sick person, He can never change His attitude. God forgive one sinner, one prostitute, He can never change His attitude. The immutability, the unchanging of God’s Word. God said, in one place, “I’m the Lord who heals all thy diseases.” He has to stay with It, for He’s infinite. He knowed to the end from the beginning.
578 Now, I can say, “I’ll do this.” And the Bible said, we ought to say, “If the Lord is willing.” Because, I’m a mortal. I don’t know. Sometimes I have to take my word back, but God can’t take His back. He is God.
579 And He only requested one thing, “If thou canst believe.” Oh, my! “If you can believe, all things are possible.” “If thou canst believe,” that’s all. “You, if you can,” there’s the question. But not the question is on God’s Word, because, His immutability, He cannot change. How wonderful!

« 580 † Now listen, as we read on down.
That by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie,…
Impossible! An impossibility and immutability is practically the same word; can’t change, can’t move. It has to stay the same forever. Can’t be changed, the immutability and the impossibility.
And two, by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie,…
“We have two things?” Yes. First, His Word said He would do it. The second was His sworn oath on it, He would do it. Oh, my!
581 What type of people should we be? Why should we be tossed about and run about, and taking the things of the world and acting like this 1957 streamlined-model Christianity? We want to be the old-fashioned type that takes God at His Word, and calls those things which were not, as though they were. “If God said so, That settles it.”

« 582 † Abraham, who the promise was given, to him and his Seed, he called the things which were not, as though they were. For, It was God’s promise, knowing that God could not lie. He promised him that, and he believed It. And as the years passed by, and the promise seemed to get further away, to the natural eye, It become closer to Abraham.
583 Instead of being weak, and say, “‘Well, maybe there is no such a thing as Divine healing. Maybe I misspoke. Maybe there is no such a thing. Maybe I been wrong in all my conceptions.” Then, that shows one thing, that you haven’t been born again. “For it’s…”

« 584 † We got through last Sunday, just a little further back in the chapter. “For it is impossible for a man that’s once tasted the Heavenly gifts and things, to fall away, again to renew himself to repentance.” Absolutely, totally impossible!
For he that is born of God does not and cannot commit sin; for the seed of God remains in him: and he cannot sin,…
The Seed of God is the Word of God. “Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word, ‘The Sacrifice was made. It’s all over.'”
585 Now, if you do wrong, God will make you pay for it. But if you do, you’re wrong, you don’t do it willingly. 10th chapter, 47th verse, I believe, “For if we sin willfully after we received the knowledge of the Truth.” But after you’re once Born, you have the Truth; not the knowledge of It, but you have accepted the Truth and It’s become a reality. And you’re a child of God, for time and Eternity. God swore that He would do it.
586 Jesus said, “He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting Life, and I’ll raise him up in the last day. He’ll never come to the judgment. He’s passed from death unto Life.” Now with a oath like that, “God willing that we should receive It.”

« 587 † Now watch what he says here, Paul speaking to the–the church.
… is impossible for God to lie, we ought to have a strong consolation,…
Not, “Well, if the Baptists don’t treat me right, I’ll go to the Methodists.” See?
… we should have a strong consolation, who has fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
588 Now in the reading of the last.
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul,…
The hope, the sworn oath of God, we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that is within the veil;
589 Let’s speak just a moment on “the veil.” We didn’t get it too good last Sunday night.

« 590 † “In the veil.” The veil is the flesh. The veil is what keeps us from seeing God, face to face, in this church. The veil is what keeps us from seeing the Angels at their positions this morning, standing by the seats. The veil is what keeps us from seeing Him. We are hid behind the veil, and that veil is the flesh. We are sons and daughters of God, we’re in the Presence of God, “The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him.” We’re in the Presence of God, all the time. “I’ll never leave thee, neither will I ever forsake thee. I’ll be with thee always, even unto the end.” But the veil is the flesh, that’s what keeps us out of His Presence. But through the soul, the Spirit, by our faith we know that He’s watching us. He is standing by us. He’s here now.

« 591 † Down at Dothan, one morning, an old prophet was surrounded by an army and his servant went out and said, “O father, the whole country is surrounded by the aliens.”
592 And Elijah raised up, and said, “Why, son, there is more with us than there is with them.”
593 Well, he batted his eyes and looked around. He could see nothing.
594 He said, “God, I would that You’d open his eyes, take away the veil.” And when the veil dropped from over his eyes, around that old prophet was chariots of fire, the mountains was on Fire with Angels and chariots. There you are.
595 Oh, then Gehazi could say, “I–I understand now.” See, the veil dropped. There is where the hindrance.

« 596 † Here it is. Hold it tight. The veil is what keeps us from living the way we should. Veil is what keeps us from doing the things that we really want to do. And God became veiled in flesh, and the veil was tore in two. And God became God again, and He raised up the veil that He hid Hisself in. That’s the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Proving to us that, in this veil that we’re now hid in, by faith we believe It and accept It. And when this veil is tore in two, I’ll go in His Presence with this assurance, knowing that, “I know Him in the power of His resurrection.” At the Coming of the Lord Jesus, this veil will be raised up again, in a perfected way, till I’ll walk and talk with Him as my Saviour and my God, when He takes the throne of David. And we’ll live forever in this veil after it’s been perfected, but this veil has sin in it. It don’t matter how… Don’t never think of that glorified body in this earth. It’s got to die, same as your soul has to die, to be born again.

« 597 † In the perfection, not eating meats, and doing this, and perfecting the body, you’ll never have It. And you’ve got to quit this, and do this, and do this, and do this, that’s law. That’s legalists. We don’t believe in the legal forms of salvation. We believe It that by grace are we saved. And it’s not you. You have nothing to do with it. It’s God’s election that does it. “No man can come to Me except My Father draws him.” That’s right. And He… All Jesus come to do was to get these that the Father foreknew; and predestinated them before the foundation of the world. They become sons and daughters of God. Amen. “Not him that runneth, or him that willeth, but God that showeth mercy.” God that does it. You can’t brag, at all. There’s not a thing that you did. God, by grace, saved you; not you, yourself. If you do, you got something to brag about. But you haven’t nothing to brag. All praises goes to Him. It’s Him. Then He’s give you the sure hope, “Swore by an oath, the impossibility for His children to ever be lost.”

« 598 † Now, they get whippings for doing wrong. You reap what you sow. You get that. Don’t think now you just going out and sin, get by with it. If you do, and got that attitude, it shows you’ve never been born again. You get it? If you still got the desire in you, to do the wrong, then you’re still wrong. See? “For He has perfected, forever, those that is… And those beasts under the Old Testament, under legal days, offered yearly, continually, could never take away sin.” But when we put our hands upon His head, and confess our sins and are born again of the Spirit of God, we have no more desire of sin. Sin has passed from you. That’s for time and Eternity.

« 599 † You’ll make mistakes. You’ll fall. You’ll willfully do wrong. You’ll go out sometime and do things. That don’t mean that you’re lost. That means that you’re going to get correction.
600 My little boy, lots of times, my children, will do things. Your does, too. That you… They know that’s against your–your rules. And they know what to expect when they do it. They’re going to get a whipping for it, sometimes a good one. But it’s still your child. Certainly.
601 It’s impossible for that man to ever be gone again, that’s once been born of Eternal Life. God is not an Indian giver. “He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has everlasting Life; and shall never come to the judgment, but is passed from death unto Life. I’ll raise him up at the last days.” That’s God’s promise.

« 602 † Now if you go on, say, “Oh, well, then I can do just…” I always do what I want to do. But if you’re a Christian, you don’t want to do the thing that’s wrong, ’cause the very Life in you, the very foundation. If you want to do wrong, it shows the wrong thing is in here. “How can bitter and sweet water come from the same fountain?”
603 So you been all mixed up, on some kind of emotion or fabulous something, another sensation. Forget it. Go back to the altar and say, “God, take my old sinful life away, and put me in such a condition that my whole desire…”
“He that’s born of God does not commit sin.” That’s right. He has no desire to do so.

« 604 † Certainly, the Devil will trap him here and there, but not willfully. The Bible said so. The Devil will trap him, now and then. Sure, he will. He tried to throw a traps for our Lord Jesus. He did to Moses, and caught him. He did to Peter, and caught him. He did to many. But Peter even denied Him, but then he went and wept bitterly. There was something in him.

« 605 † When the dove was turned out of the ark… The crow went out, he cawed around. He was in the ark all right, but when he went out, his nature was different. He could eat all the old dead carcasses he wanted to, and be satisfied. Why? He was a crow, to begin with. He was a scavenger. He was no good. He was a hypocrite who set on the roost with the dove, just as big as the dove was. He could fly anywhere the dove could fly. But he could eat good food just like the dove eat. And then he could eat rotten food, what the dove couldn’t eat. For, the dove is a different mix-up. She’s a different make. She’s a dove. And the dove cannot digest rotten food, because it don’t have any gall.

« 606 † And a man that’s born of the Spirit of God becomes a dove of God, his nature, his change, his makeup. Yes, sir. You put the spirit of the–of the dove in the crow, he’d never set on a dead carcass. If he lit down by mistake, he’d certainly get away quick. He couldn’t stand it. And a man that’s born of the Spirit of God, don’t in-tolerate. He might light in a barroom sometime, but he’ll get out of there quick. A woman might entice him, get him to turned around, but he’ll turn his head again. He’ll get away from there quick. Why? He’s a dove. That’s right. You ain’t going to fool him, because that he knows. “My sheep know My Voice, and a stranger they will not follow.” He’s a dove, to begin with. There is what I’m speaking about, the actual something that anchors in there.

« 607 † Watch close now. “God swore.” Oh, it…
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both… stedfast, and which entereth into–into that which is the veil;
608 “The veil.” God came down, veiled in flesh. To do what? To show Himself. He had to hide, because we couldn’t see Him. And He hid behind the veil. And the veil was who? Jesus. “Not Me that doeth the works, My Father,” said Jesus. “My Father dwelleth in Me. I work. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto.” Here He is as the veiled One, walking in the flesh, God, Emmanuel, God with us. “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.” Here He is, walking around.

« 609 † Now, He came down and made a sanctification, or provision, or propitiation, that through His death offered, paid the price of sin, that He might come back and dwell in us. Then the faith that we have is a–is a veiled faith, or a veil person. Therefore we don’t look at the things that we see in this veil. The veil has educations, and it does things and speaks things. It’s a scientific thing. But the Spirit of the living God that dwells in here, calls those things which were not, as though they were, if God said so. There is your veiling. We’re in the veil.
610 Now, someday He’ll raise this veil up, not born of a woman by the sex desire of man and woman, but by the will of God He will speak and she’ll come to pass. [Brother Branham snapped his finger–Ed.] Then we’ll have a body like His own glorious body. We’ll be veiled, so we can talk to one another, shake one another’s hands.

« 611 † Now, when we go from here, there’s a tabernacle, a theophany, just an image of a man, that don’t eat, don’t drink, don’t sleep, awake forever. There is where we go to. But they’re waiting under the Altar, crying, “Lord, how long? How long?” to come back down. Because, they want to shake hands with one another. They want to set down and eat, and talk to one another. They’re human. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
612 When God made man in His own image at the beginning, He made him thus. He fellowshipped with one another, because we know one another. We like the things that God made us, because we were made thus. In His great Coming, those who are ready will be thus forever. Immortal, we’ll stand in His likeness. O blessed be that Name of Christ!

« 613 † And now we have the earnest of our salvation, as we accept Him as our personal Saviour, as our healer. All these other remunerations are the dividends that’s paid on the insurance policy. Amen. You know what an insurance policy is. You can draw dividends on it till the face value comes. Certainly. You can draw dividends. And we’re drawing dividends now. Only, the thing, as soon as we draw dividends, the remuneration is built up again.

« 614 † An insurance agent, one time, said to me, “Billy, I’d like to sell you some insurance.”
I said, “I have some.” My wife looked around at me.
615 Now, nothing against insurance. But some people are “insurance poor.” So, they turned around. He said…
616 My wife looked at me, strange, “You got insurance?”
617 I said, “Sure.” She didn’t know nothing about it.
618 He said, “Well, Billy, what kind of an insurance have you got?”
619 I said:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory Divine!
An heir of salvation, purchased of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood.
620 He said, “That’s very good, Billy,” he said, “but it won’t put you up here in the graveyard.”
621 I said, “But It’ll take me out. That’s the main thing.” I’m not worried about getting there; I’m worried about getting out.

« 622 † And since I have the assurance, by the sworn God of Eternity, that He will raise me up again in the likeness of His Son, in the last day, I’ll walk boldly and have a consolation and an anchor of the soul, that, while I’m in this veil there is some unseen Something got me anchored against the Rock of ages yonder. When the waters jump and blast, it doesn’t make any difference. If death, perils, or anything, separates us not from the love of God. My anchor holds within the veil. Let the floods rise. Let her dash. Let infidels come. The born-again believer has an anchor. You can’t see through this veil yet. But I know my anchor holds yonder against the Rock of the ages, Who is a sworn promise that He will raise me up at the last day.

« 623 † No wonder you can look death in the face, and say, “Where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” We’re in the Forerunner. Oh, my! (We ain’t going to get to the lesson.) We had a Forerunner for us.
624 A forerunner. Did you ever notice in the old western days. Many times I’ve went across the old trails. A forerunner, or scout? When the wagon train was perishing, for water, the scout run ahead. And he seen the tribes of Indians; he bypassed them. And he seen where there was a fountain of water. He rushed back to tell the boss of the wagon train, “Step up the horses, everybody take good courage, for just over the mountain there’s a big fountain of water.” He’s a forerunner.

« 625 † And here, the Forerunner. Man was once pinned down by the Devil, under rapid fire, but Somebody took the machine-gun nest. That was Jesus. The Forerunner has gone before us. And Satan standing there with a machine gun, pinning us down, always in bondage and scared of death. He was guarding that Fountain. Sure, he was. He was given the commission, because we had sinned and been drove away from It. But the Forerunner, Christ, come in and took the nest.
626 You’ve heard that old song, “Hold the fort, for I am coming”? Hold the fort, nothing; let’s take it. We don’t want to hold it any longer. Christ took the fort. Hallelujah! The door is open. “There is a Fountain open in the house of God, in the city of David, for to clean, for cleanliness of the unclean.” Our Forerunner has done entered in for us.

« 627 † The Forerunner, He tells us, “There’s a place just beyond, yonder, where you’ll never get old.” Where there’ll be no wrinkles, where you won’t have to use Max Factors to make you look nice to your husband. The Forerunner has went on. There’s never a place where you get old and weary and shaky. There’s a place where you’ll never get sick. Where the baby will never have a colic. Where you’ll never shed a false… or a tooth, to get a false one. Hallelujah! O blessed be His Name! He entered in, and immortal we’ll stand in His likeness, someday yonder. The stars and the sun they’ll outshine. Certainly. The Forerunner has gone before us.
… the forerunner is gone, has for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

« 628 † This great Forerunner has gone before us, making a way. He become from spirit, the great fountains of the rainbow of God, who had no beginning or no end. He was, forever, God.
This ray of Light went forth. It was a ray of love, that’s the main one, red. The next color follows, which was blue; blue, the trueness. Next, followed after that was other colors, through the seven perfect colors, which is the seven spirits of God, that went from that great Fountain or that great Diamond that Jesus spoke of. That great Diamond was chipped, to reflect these colors. God was made flesh and dwelt among us, that He might reflect His goodness and mercy among us, by gifts and signs and wonders.
That whole big rainbow had become in a theophany, of made in the image like man. Yet, He wasn’t a man; He didn’t have flesh, yet. He was a theophany.

« 629 † Moses said, “I’d like to see You.” God hid him in the rock.
630 And when He passed by, He turned His back. Moses said, “It looked like the back of a man.”
631 Then what come to pass? One day down there, when Abraham was setting in his tent. We’ll get to it, tonight. When Abraham was setting in his tent, God came up to him, in a body of flesh.
“Oh,” you say, “Brother Branham, he was…”
632 We’ll find Him out here meeting Abraham before that, in the order of Melchisedec, a body of flesh, which was God. Sure, it was. He was God in flesh.
633 You say, “Then, Brother Branham, why would He have to come back and be born?”

« 634 † He wasn’t born then. He was just created, a body that He dwelt in. Melchisedec was the King of Salem, which is the King of Jerusalem, which is the King of peace; which had neither father nor mother, beginning of days or ending of life.
Jesus had both father and mother, and a beginning of days and ending of life. But He was made “after the order” of Melchisedec, which had no beginning of days or ending of life.
635 Melchisedec was God Himself. Melchisedec was Jehovah God, the same One that met Abraham, years later, in front of his tent. Had His back turned to him; He said, “Why did Sarah laugh?” That’s right. He was the One who stood there, looking over towards Sodom. Abraham recognized Him, because inside of his veil was an anchor holding that promise. Not because he had some sensation, but God made him the promise. And when he come into contact with that great magnet, he knew It was in that flesh.

« 636 † Walked out with Abraham, out there a little piece. He told Abraham. Said, “Seeing that, I’ll keep these things from Abraham, to see that he’s the heir of the world? I just won’t do it.” So, “Abraham, I’ll tell you what I’m on My road to do,” we pick it up tonight, “down there in Sodom,” and what they all was going to do. And as soon as He had blessed Abraham, He went back into space again. A man that stood there and had dust on His clothes, a man. And not only that, but He eat the flesh of a calf that Abraham killed, and drinking the milk from the cow, and eat some hoe cakes (some corn bread), and had butter on it. That’s exactly right. And then turned back to a theophany again.

« 637 † What was it? Why didn’t He take it then? He had never been born like you and I. But He had to be born in the flesh, so He could hold that stinger. That was a created body. That was a body that He just pulled the calcium and potash out of the earth, and said, “Whew,” and stepped into it. That was the same thing Melchisedec was. He stepped into him, in a body that He could walk out before him under the veil, of a veil of His own creation; not a veil of the creation of a woman, through the womb of a woman, through a–a cell, never. But He created this and stepped out into it, and talked, in the order of Melchisedec.

« 638 † Who is this Melchisedec?
For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, (which is Jerusalem), prince of the most high God, certainly, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom also Abraham give a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, (that great love, love, that great Spirit in the beginning)… King of righteousness,… after that… King of Salem, which is, the King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, or ending of life;…
639 Who was it? He never was born, He never will die. Who is it? It was God, sure, it was, in the foreshadow of the Lord Jesus. Certainly was. But He had to come through a woman, in the order you come through a woman. And He had to come the way you come, in order to bring you back to Him. Hallelujah!
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a poor, blind wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now I’m found, by
His grace,
I was blind, but now I see.

« 640 † I understand what He had to do. God became me, that I by grace might become of Him. He taken my sins, that through His righteousness I might have Eternal Life. I could not choose myself. My nature was a sinner. I had nothing to do with it. I was “born of the world, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies.” Not even a chance, at all; nothing, not even a desire.
641 Tell a pig he is “wrong, eating slop,” will you? See how much he’ll listen to you. Tell a crow he is “wrong, eating on a dead carcass,” and see what he’ll tell you. If he could talk, “You tend to your own business.” Certainly.

« 642 † Oh, but the grace of God that changed this nature, and give me the opportunity to desire and to crave and to thirst, “Thy love, kindness, is better to me than life, O God. My heart will longs after Thee.”
643 David said, “As a hart panteth for the water brook, so my soul thirsts after Thee, O God.”
644 God gave man that thirst, to worship Him, to love, seek after Him. But man perverts it by the call of the Devil, and he goes and lusts after women and pleasures and things of the world, trying to satisfy that holy creation that God has put in, to love Him. He places it upon the things of the world. But, brother, when he’s once changed, and that fountain with wiggletails in it, all kinds of–of disorders of the cistern, has been cleansed out and sterilized, and the pure Water of God is put in there, sin can never touch it. Amen.
O how I love Him! How I adore Him!
My life, my sunshine, my all in all!
The great Creator became my Saviour,
All God’s fullness dwelleth in Him.
Down from His glory, the ever living story,
My God and Saviour came, and Jesus was His Name.
Born in a manger, to His own a stranger,
The God of sorrow, tears and agony.
O how I love Him! How I adore Him!
My breath, my sunshine, my all in all!

« 645 † O God! How could He do it? Man has tried to write it. One said:
If we with ink the ocean fill,
And every straw on earth a quill;
All the skies of parchment made,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above.
How that great God of Heaven became flesh and taken my sins!
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Or though the scroll contained the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

« 646 † And to make the heirs of this salvation a sure hope, He swore by Himself that He would raise up in the last days, give us Eternal Life. “And no man can pluck them from My hand.” Amen.
Let’s pray.
647 Are you guilty of spurning His love? Have you shunned His blessed Being, this great One who made you what you are? And now here you are, this morning, this far in life, and it’s giving you an opportunity. Do you want to continue to live? There’s only one way to live, that’s believe on the Lord Jesus. If you, from your heart, believe that He’s the Son of God and accept Him as your Saviour, and believe that God raised Him up for your justification, if you want to accept it on that basis, it’s yours now.

« 648 † Would you raise your hand? Some unpenitent soul, that would like to… -pent, repent this morning, say, “Remember me, brother, preacher, as we go to prayer. I too have failed. I’ve joined church, but I–I know I–I’ve never had that what you’re talking about. I’ve never been born of that Spirit, Brother Branham. I just–I just haven’t got It, that’s all. I want you to pray for me, that God will give It to me this morning.” God bless you, sir. Would there be another? Say, “God, make me what You want me to be. I want You to be… I want to be as You want me to be. I’ve spurned Your love.” God bless you, son.

« 649 † Just a moment now.
If we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the sky of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Or could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
How fathomless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
The saints and Angels song.

« 650 † Dear God, truly the poet that wrote those words were just like many others of Your believers, searching, trying to find words to express it. And is written in the Bible, “More, because the preacher was wise, he sought out and set in order many words.” Oh, how we would love to have the tongue and the vocabulary that we could explain to the people what it really is, but it could not be found on mortal lips. All Eternity, doubtless whether it’ll ever reveal it, how that the God of Heaven ever come to the earth to save poor, lost, wretched sinners.
651 I pray Thee, Father, that through these few unbroken words, or broken words this morning, as I should said, that someone has found peace and a satisfaction and a strong consolation, who has fled for refuge. And may their soul anchor to that promise which God swore to, that He’d raise them up at the last day. Several hands went up, in the building, right here in this tabernacle. God, give them that steadfast hope, right now. May they anchor against the Rock of ages. No matter how bad the sea may toss and their little barks may jump, they have an anchor, the promise of God. There they stay, “God said It. He can’t lie.”

« 652 † “He that heareth My Words,” which I’ve tried to preach this morning, “and believeth on Him that sent Me, Jehovah, hath everlasting Life; and shall not come to the judgment, but has passed from death to Life.”
653 O Eternal One, bless those today. And may every person in here that’s not under the Blood, their soul never been converted, may it happen just now, Lord. You work the mystery. It’s all Yours. It’s committed to You. I pray that You’ll give it to them, Eternal Life. May, someday, over on the other shore, as one by one we go down through the valley, may we meet over there where they’ll never say “good-bye” no more.
Someday we’ll come to the river at the closing of time,
When the last thoughts of sorrow has gone;
There’ll be somebody waiting that’ll show us the way,
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
There’ll be One, somebody waiting that’ll show me the way,
I won’t have to cross Jordan…

« 654 † All that’s got that hope, raise your hand up now as you raise your head.
I won’t have…
Now just worship Him. The message is over. Aren’t you happy? God swore He wouldn’t… God swore He would meet you there.
Jesus died all my sins to atone;
When the darkness I…
What do you say? The stinger is gone.
He will be waiting for me,
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
Times I’m forsaken, and weary…
Just worship Him now.
Seems that my friends have all gone;
Did you ever hit that place?
But there’s one thought that cheers me.
What was the promise?
Makes my heart glad,
I won’t have to cross Jordan…
655 Now, children of the promise, just worship Him for doing it.
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone,
Jesus died all my sins to atone;
What happens now?
When the darkness I see, He will be waiting for me,
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
“When I come to the river.” Every one of you is coming. There’s a big, dark shadow setting there before you. It’s a big door. You’re going in there, one of these days, maybe before the day is over, maybe before church closes this morning. You’re going in there. Every time that heart beats, you’re one step closer.
But when the darkness I see, He will be waiting there,
He said He would. He swore He would.
Then I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.

« 656 † O Blessed Lord, our hearts are full, this morning, to the running over.
657 To think of when the pulse is ceasing, and the nurse presses the pillow around your head. And your hands, you can’t move no more. Your hands has turned to ice. Your children, your mother, your loved ones are screaming and crying. That big door swings open, yonder. He’ll be waiting.
658 David said, “If I make my bed in hell, He will be there.” I won’t have to cross it alone. When the sprays of the river begin to flash into our face, God will take the lifeboat, guide us right across it. He promised He would. David the prophet said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I’ll fear no evil. Thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.”

« 659 † Lord, we are so happy today, that we was included the heir of the promise. Today we have within us Eternal Life, because we love the Lord Jesus and have believed Him, and accepted His Word and His teaching. And He give to us, as a seal of our faith, the Holy Spirit, the seal of the Holy Spirit. Our faith within us is anchored. And though many times we’re walking through dark shadows, many times we’re stumbling along the road, but our anchor still holds. There is something in it, way yonder, that seems to be guiding on, saying, “Move on. We’re going on.”
660 God, bless us. We need You. Keep us ever faithful and true until the time You come for us, we’ll praise Thee through the ceaseless ages. And that day when we stand on the earth… His blessed feet has never touched the earth yet. There He stands there, in the air; and the saints and redeemed from all ages, through every watch, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh, all stand there robed in His righteousness; we crown Him the King of king and the Lord of lords, and sing those redemption stories. Our poor hearts will quiver as we look upon Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. While we were unlovable and sinners, Christ died that we might be saved. We thank Thee for it, Father, in Christ’s Name. Amen.

« 661 † You love Him? Oh, how real He is. Don’t you just feel like you’d just like to just somehow put your arms around Him? Wouldn’t you just love to crawl up and touch His feet, you know?
662 You know, there used to be some people come to my services at Phoenix, Arizona, say, “I’d like to talk it over with Him. I’d like to say, ‘Lord, You loved me when my path got so dim.'” I’d just love to talk it over with Him before we cross over. I–I want to see Him. I–I–I just want to see Him. To think how I’ll feel, how my poor heart will quiver when I see Him standing there.

« 663 † I’ve often wondered, “I wish I could have heard that Voice say, ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden. I’ll give you rest.'”
664 I’ll probably never hear that literally like He spoke it then, but I want to hear Him say, “This is the last day. It was well done, my good and faithful servant, now enter into the joys of the Lord that’s been prepared for you.” Since how long?
665 “Since you got saved?” No brother.
666 “Since the foundation of the world, when I saw you and foreknew you, and ordained you to Eternal Life,” you were blessed then. “All that He has foreknew, He has called.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] “All He has called, He has justified. Those who He had justified, He has already glorified.” There you are. He foreknew us, called us, justified us, and we’re already glorified with Him, at the end of the world, going to our reward. Aren’t you happy? [“Amen.”] Sure. It would make you love Him. When you couldn’t help yourself, and here He come and done that for you.

« 667 † Blest Be The Tie That Binds, Sister Gertie. “Our hearts in Christian love,” while we have this little fellowship of worship here now, then we’re going to pray for the sick. God bless you. You who raised your hands to Christ this morning, find you a place to worship, serve Him.
668 Now, let’s just worship Him now, as a congregation, all you Methodists, church of God, Assemblies of God, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Catholic. All together now, let’s sing now.
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred mind
Is like to that Above.
Before our Father’s throne,
We pour our ardent prayer;
Our fears, our hope, our aims, are one,
Our comfort and our care.
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in…
How many Methodists, Baptists, and all?
And hope to meet again.

« 669 † Don’t that do you good? Let’s turn around and shake each other’s hand now, while we’ll sing it again.
Shake hands, somebody behind you, front of you, either side.
… throne,
We pour our ardent prayer;
Our comforts and our care.
Now when we asunder part,
We’ll love one another.
It gives…
Wish the service would go on? See? That’s how we think.
… inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart, in
And hope to meet again.
If no more here, at that great Day we’ll meet.

« 670 † Now, Father, receive our worship this morning. Take the Word and plant It into the believers’ hearts. May they not be just tossed about, and up today and down tomorrow, but may these Words find their resting place in every believer’s heart. To know this, that, “God has sworn by an oath, and there’s two immutable things. The immutability of God, that is, that it’s impossible for Him to lie, that the heirs of this salvation might have this strong hope, steadfast and sure, an anchor in the soul.” To know this, that, “God has promised us, by a sworn oath. One, that He cannot lie; the other, He swore an oath on top of that, that He will raise us up at the last day and give us Eternal Life.” Knowing, that, “After we have been called, that He said that He knew us before the foundation of the world, and predestinated us unto adoption of children through Jesus Christ. And He foreknew us. He called us. And when He called us, He justified us.” We cannot justify ourselves, so He justified us by the death of His own Son. “Those who He has justified, He has already glorified.” The Word is already spoke. And we’re just on our road, going along, rejoicing on our way to Glory.

« 671 † Give people faith, and may the little habits and things that’s hanging onto the people, may they shake loose from them, this morning, with this Word of God which is an anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure. May they shake away from their habits, their little tempers. And the things that’s been… As Paul said, in the further part of the message in a few days, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that does easily beset us, that we might run with patience the race that’s set before us; looking to the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ, Who was tempted in all manner like we are, yet without sinning.” He was permitted to be tempted, but He did not heed to temptation. And we are tempted to sin, but never to heed. Because the Life that is within us is the anchor of our Eternal destination, and we hold that sacred to our heart.

« 672 † Now, there’s many that Satan has afflicted with afflictions. We’re fixing to pray for them, Father. May they, as they pass by under the Word of God today… That precious Word that’s been preached, the Bible giving witness, the Angels of God standing near, and the great Holy Spirit, above all, is standing here to give witness to the Word. Now, Father, as they pass under the Word of promise, this morning, may they go from here to be well. To remove their braces, to leave the chairs and–and the cots that they’d lay on, and to just be made well. Grant it, Lord. May they return at the next service that they are permitted to come, or to their own churches, rejoicing, showing what great things Christ has did. This we minister for your glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 673 † I am to apologize for a promise that I made, that this morning we’d have the 7th chapter, but I didn’t get to it. And we have to allow a little time here for–for this, for the prayer line. And now, tonight, the Lord willing, we’ll take the 7th chapter, and find out who this Melchisedec was. How many would like to know? Oh, we’re just going right down to Him, find out just exactly who He is. And the Scripture tells who He is. See?
674 And Scofield said it was “a priesthood.” How could it be a priesthood, without beginning or ending? You see, it wasn’t a priesthood. It was a Man, Melchisedec (a name), a Person.
675 Like, not disregarding, but Christian Science says the Holy Ghost is “a thought.” And the Bible said, “He, the Holy Ghost.” And He is a personal pronoun. It’s a Person; not a thought. It’s a Person. Absolutely.
676 And Melchisedec is a Man, a Man who had no beginning of days or ending of years. He had neither father or mother, or descent. And we’ll find out who He is, the Lord willing, tonight, by the Word. Do you love It? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Oh! “Thy Word is a lamp unto my path and my feet.” Oh!

« 677 † Now, you say, “Brother Branham, I don’t understand It all.” Neither do I.
678 But, one time, I was preaching down in Kentucky. And to some of the newcomers, and Catholic and different ones, who may not understand how these deep, rich things of the Scripture. I had been preaching on Divine healing. A little barefooted girl brought… She wasn’t fifteen years old, had a little baby, and it had the palsy. I said, “What’s the matter, sister, with your baby?”
679 Said, “It’s got the jerks.” She didn’t know what to say, palsy. She didn’t know what to call it.
680 Little thing probably never had a pair of shoes on, in her life. Some man’s darling, long hair hanging down. I said, “Do you believe?”
681 And those little, steel-gray eyes looked at me. She said, “Yeah, sir. I sure believe.”
682 I took the little baby. And while I was praying for it, it quit jerking. Uh-huh. And it went out, went out.

« 683 † Next day, I was squirrel hunting, over in the side of a mountain. I heard some man setting there talking, old saw buzzing. And I slipped down. I been squirrel hunting. They was talking about me, setting there, chewing tobacco and spitting. The leaves flying, like that. And they were talking about, now, about the meeting the night before. One of them said, “I seen that baby. I went by there, this morning. It isn’t jerking, yet this morning.” See? Said, “That was real.” And he was spitting.
684 And they had rifles leaning against the tree, so I thought I’d better make myself known. You know, they had feuds down there, too. So, I walked up. I said, “Good morning, brethren.”
685 That great big fellow, seemed to be speaking, he had a chew of tobacco in his mouth, like that, way out on the side like that, and big, long neck. And he had a great big old hat on, pulled down over his face. He looked around and seen me. He reached up and got that hat, jerked it off, went… [Brother Branham swallows–Ed.] Swallowed that chewing tobacco, said, “Good morning, parson.” See? Yes, sir. Respect. And that’s right. How he ever lived over it, I don’t know, but he did.

« 686 † So, the next night, coming back, there was a man there who wanted to argue with me a little bit. He went to a church that didn’t believe in Divine healing. So, this was a Methodist church, White Hill, Kentucky. So he–he went to… He was standing outside. He had a lantern in his hand. And he said, “I want to say something, preacher. I just can’t accept That, ’cause I can’t see It.”
687 I said, “You can’t see It?”
688 He said, “No.” Said, “I’m a sick man, myself. But,” said, “I just can’t see It.”
I said, “Where do you live?”
He said, “Back over on Big Renox.”
I said, “Well, how you going to get home?”
He said, “Well, I’m going to walk home.”
I said, “Can you see your home?”
He said, “No, sir.”
I said, “Awful dark tonight, it’s cloudy.”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “How you going home?”
He said, “By this lantern.”
I said, “The lantern doesn’t show light all the way to the house.” I said, “How do you go?”
He said, “Oh, I walk by the lantern.”
689 I said, “That’s it. You’ve got the light of the lantern now, and every time you step this way, the light will keep showing on ahead of you. If you just keep walking, the light will keep going with you.”

« 690 † And you do that this morning, you want Christ, the great High Priest, the Intercessor for your sickness, or your diseases, or your soul. You might not understand It. We don’t. But we’re commanded to “Walk in the Light as He is in the Light.” You make one step in the Light. And when you got the Light with you, the Light will shine unto the perfect day. It’ll keep the path before you.
And we’ll walk up this grand old highway,
Telling everywhere I go,
I’d rather be an old-time Christian, Lord,
Than anything I know.
Ever hear that old song?
There’s nothing like an old-time Christian,
Christian love to show;
We’re walking in the grand old highway,
And telling everywhere we go,
I’d rather be an old-time Christian, Lord,
Than anything I know.

« 691 † I just love it. All right. Now we’re going to pray for the sick. We’re not… We don’t claim that we can heal the sick. If we did, we’d be telling something wrong. Every sick person in here is already healed. That’s what the Scripture said. “By His stripes we were healed.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]
692 Every sinner that’s in here, perhaps there’d be one, you’ve been saved since Jesus died. But don’t you never die here where your opportunity was placed before you, to go into His Presence then to try to accept It. It’s made for now. Right now you must accept It. If you go beyond the Blood, then you’re nothing but… You’re already judged, because you’re judged by the way that you treated the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. See? You, you judge yourself there.

« 693 † “So He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we were healed.” So, there’s nothing I would have, to heal you. There’s nothing the church would have, to heal you. The only thing we can pray for is this, that your faith will not fail, that you’ll come to the altar this morning to accept Christ as your Healer, as you did for your Saviour. And without any… God works miracles. He shows great sign. Blind, deaf, dumb, everything, are healed right here at the tabernacle. But whether it is or not, we accept It, anyhow. Many times those things are by visions.

« 694 † How many was here about three Sundays ago, or four, when the man come in here, both blind and paralyzed, or sitting in a chair with unbalanced nerve. And before I left home, I saw him in a vision, “That there’d be a man there, dark hair, turning gray. His wife is attractive-looking woman, about sixty years old. She’ll come and be crying,” and she’ll ask me. “And to come back and pray for her husband.” He set right there.
695 And I come down. I said to some of my brethren here, “Watch this.”
696 And when we went down to the altar, others had prayed. When I went to pray, I walked right away and come back over here. And his wife rose up and come just exactly the way the Lord had said it would be. People watching, to see if it would happen that way. It never failed. And so when he walked…

« 697 † Come to find out, that a man, Dr. Ackerman, down in Birdseye, Indiana, was the one who sent him up here; who is a Catholic, and his boy is a priest in the monastery there at Saint Meinrad. And Dr. Ackerman is a hunting partner of mine, and he sent the man up here. And the Lord showed me a black-headed man that would send him, but I didn’t know who it was.
698 I said, “Was that Dr. Ackerman?”
699 He said, “It was.” See? And then the man…
700 I said, “It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” Walked down. I said, “Sir, stand up.” Both blind and couldn’t… he… The–the balance nerve was gone. He couldn’t hold himself up like that. See? Been that way for years, been to Mayos and all around. And just prayed the prayer for him, and raised him up. There he went, walking down through.

« 701 † First he said, “I can’t see you.” Then he screamed, “Yes. I can.” His eyes come open there. He had been orthodox, his wife Presbyterian.
702 Some people think that “Presbyterian don’t shout, and Orthodox.” You ought to heard them. Sure. They were screaming and hugging each other. Come back and got his wheel chair, and walked on out and down the steps, just like any other man, could see and speak and–and so forth.
703 Had a letter from him, or called, other day. I believe, Brother Cox went to him. Said, “His eyes had a burning sensation.” Certainly. It’s the nerve, the optical nerves are growing and coming back to life, you know, and taking its place. The curse was taken off.

« 704 † If you’ll let nature have its way, if nothing hinders nature, then it’ll–it’ll have full sway. If you got a band around your arm, shutting off circulation, your hand will finally die. Now, because, naturally, it’ll be all right if you’ll just let it alone. But something has interrupted nature. Then, if you can’t see it, there’s no way for a doctor to catch it. Only two things he can work by: what he can see, what he can feel. That’s the only thing he can work by: what he sees and what he feel.
705 If he can’t see it, then has to be spiritual. Then there’s, only thing can, one thing can happen; we pray, Christ moves the curse, sends away the Devil, and that begins to get normal, well. Gets well, and that’s all there is to it. “In my name they shall cast out devils.” Is that right? It’s a promise to the church. It’s a promise of power. The what? It, it’s His Presence with us. Now, what makes us from being perfect this morning, to do those things just as He did it, is because we’re still in the veil. See? But we have some feeling there that tells us, “Oh, yes.” See?

« 706 † And when you accept your healing… No matter what the veil says, it’s what the Word said. See? That’s it. That’s it. And the–the–the Word always is predominant over anything. God’s Eternal Word!
707 Look at Sarah, her womb dead, ninety-years old, lived with her husband since she was about sixteen or seventeen, no children; Abraham, a hundred. God turned right around and give them the baby. See? Because, they believed. They called those things which were not, as though they were. Enter that way this morning, friend.

« 708 † And tonight, we expect… If you all are visiting with us, we’re happy to have you here this morning. And God be with you. And if you’re in the city for the evening, we’d be happy to have you this evening on the rest of this service, of Melchisedec. And then if you’re not, and you have a church of your own, you go to your own church. That’s–that’s your post of duty. If you belong to a church, you go there. This is just a little tabernacle where we gather in here and have fellowship one with another. Now, the Lord bless you.

« 709 † And Sister Gertie will play for us, The Great Physician Now Is Near. And is there any here to be prayed for? Raise your hand, those who wants to come in the prayer line, to put your faith to Christ. All right. If you’ll line up on this side of the church, if you will. And if they’ll pull the seat down just a little bit, brother, if you will, so that we can get a little room in there and can bring the folks through. Come over on this side.
710 And we’re going to pray now, while we sing. And I’m going to ask the elders here, of any denomination or church, regardless of what it is, if you believe in Divine healing, would you stand here with me on this platform, to pray for the sick? We’ll be glad to have you. Any denomination, or no denomination, or whatever you are, we’ll be glad to have you. Would you just come now, for prayer, come up and stand with me.
Brother Neville, if you’ll come with the oil. `

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR