Lord Jesus Christ and the angels to the Seven Church Ages

I-Branham Tabernacle Audio

Le webhusayithi yabelana ngemvuselelo eyenzeka kwiBranham Tabernacle kwihlabathi liphela. Umnquba kaBranham eJeffersonville, eIndiana, eMelika. ngoku ngumfundisi uMzalwana uJoseph Branham eJeffersonville, Indiana, USA.
Ukuba umyalezo odlalayo unombhalo okanye iaudiyo eguqulelwe yi-Voice of God Recordings, ithunyelwe apha ngezantsi ngomhla. Ukuba kukho umguquleli ophilayo ofumanekayo kule nkonzo, inkonzo epheleleyo iyafumaneka ngolwimi lwakho.
Iphepha elichazayo ukuba awusenanto oyifunayo: Eli phepha liguqulelwe yi-software.

An Independent Church of the WORD,