Category Archives: Audio of Services

16-0608 By Faith, Moses

Songs: 137, 106, 10, 40, 87, 167, 398, 579, 1, 53, 534, 424, 200, 477, 222

Preliminary: download

Message: 58-0720M By Faith Moses
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[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

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16-0605 Jubilee Year

Songs: 244, 134, 106, 17, 31, 999, 923, 517, 1, 0

YF Quiz

Preliminary: download

Message: 54-1003E Jubilee Year
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[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

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16-0601 God’s Provided Way For This Day

Songs: 115, 169, 106, 24, 34, 589, 78, 733, 1, 196, 575
VGR article

Preliminary: download

Message: 64-0206E God’s Provided Way For This Day
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[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

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16-0529 Why We Are Not A Denomination

Greetings, my friends, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Many of us will be taking some time off this holiday weekend, so I thought it would be best to cancel services this Sunday and encourage you to relax, get some rest, and enjoy your families.

But even though we are not gathering together in person at our church building, I still want us to be together in the Word and listen to the same tape on Sunday (58-0927 “Why We Are Not A Denomination”). When in the history of the world have God’s people been able to hear the same sermon, on the same day, no matter where they are? We have a gift that no one has ever had, and all we have to do is press “Play!”

I’d also like you to remember the Communion service next Sunday. Let’s all do our best in the coming week to prepare for that very special ordinance that we do in remembrance of our Lord Jesus.

Get some rest over the next few days and enjoy your families. If the Lord tarries, I’ll see you on Wednesday at the Tabernacle.

God bless you,

Brother Joseph

Message: 58-0927 Why We Are Not A Denomination
download-audio, printable PDF, audio-stream
[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

16-0525 Making a Way

Songs: 52, 106, 556, 157, 218, 919, 1, 54, 10, 200, 369, 170, 922, 222

Preliminary: download

Message: 56-0304 Making A Way
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[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

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16-0522e Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It

Songs: 51, 106, 2, 107, 658, 61, 349, 257, 1, 114, 34, 222

Preliminary: download

Message: 59-0920 Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It
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[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

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16-0522m Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar

Songs: 151, 106, 52, 387, 176, 1, 733, 200, 127, 477, 34

Preliminary: download

Message: 59-0823 Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar
download-audio, printable PDF, audio-stream
[iframe src=””] Message text copied from The Table Software available from Voice of God Recordings.

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