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15-1007 Hearing, Receiving, And Acting

15-1007 Hearing, Receiving, And Acting

Message 60-0607

15-1004m An Absolute

15-1004m The Absolute
Message 63-1201m An Absolute

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« 1 † ` Doesn’t that just do something to you? It certainly does. Let us bow now in prayer.
2 Lord, as it’s been expressed to us in this lovely hymn, How Great Thou Art, and we think, this morning, what would we do if it wasn’t for You! And then when we think that You are so great, and then Your love constrained You to be so mindful of us, then my soul can scarcely take it in. It’s true. I pray that You’ll bless us today, now as we further go into the service, that You would break to us the Bread of Life, which is the revelation of Christ. For we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 3 † Brother Ungren is a constant comer to the tabernacle. And he lives in Memphis, Tennessee, he and his mother, his wife. And the whole family comes to the tabernacle. And very seldom I get to hear him, because it’s always so busy, but this morning I was determined to hear him sing this song. He sings another, one of my favorites, Down From His Glory. And them are my favorite songs. And I had the grand privilege of meeting his father, this morning, the first time I’ve ever had that privilege, a fine man. And–and Brother Ungren, his father, will–will never go as long as his son lives, Morris, ’cause they certainly look alike.
4 And his wife, Brother Morris Ungren’s mother, has just lived these last fifteen years by the grace of God. She certainly has been a great inspiration to me, to see that; going through the dark hours that she has, and yet holding onto God’s unchanging hand. It expresses to us the genuineness of Christianity, and the faith of those that believe it. So, I’m very happy for that this morning.

« 5 † We just had a wedding, downstairs. Two of my children got married, and my children from the tabernacle; our little Billy Simpson and the little Myers girl, they had been sweethearts for some time; Sharol, yes. They were… They also are relative here, or the little Sharol Myers is, to Brother Ungren and them. So, we are happy for them, I see they’ve taken their place, after getting married, go right back in the auditorium of the church, and sit down to listen to the service. Those children have always had a deep place in my heart, because they’re so respective to the Word. They–they just love the Word. I don’t think that, that I call them my children, I don’t think they’re any better than other children. But they just look to me, and I–I–I look to God for them.

« 6 † Little Billy wanted to get married, and then he was afraid he was going to have to go at the army. And there was two or three of them in that same condition. And those boys come over to me, and said, “Brother Branham, we–we don’t want to be shirkers or anything, but we would like for you to ask God.” And they give me the basis that they would like to stay away from the army, if they could; not because they didn’t want to defend the country, in anything they could do. But the thing was, that if they–if they went, they was going to get among the wrong type of people out there in those (I don’t know what you call it) PX’s, or ever what you call it, and then they get out there where those half-nude women carrying on. That’s no place for a Christian boy, and so God granted their request.
7 And now little Billy comes this morning, to be married to this fine little Sharol, so we’re happy for them. And we wish them the very best in God’s Kingdom, for them.

« 8 † And now this has been a grand time for us. We got a nice Sunday School class here this morning, a packed out church, so we are very happy. And many times, ministers, it–it encourages us to see the people come and hear you. Cause, you see, you don’t like to speak to empty pews, because they’re… We’d speak just the same if there’s one person here. But yet it feels good when you think, “If this one misses it, the other one will get it, you see.” And it makes it different, makes it glorious.

« 9 † And now, just in the interviews just now, this is, if we can run into them just fast.
10 I met Brother Boutliere when I come out, and I hadn’t seen him since I been here. I said, “Where you been?”
He said, “Getting turkey dinner ready for them.”
And so I was telling him I had lost some. He said, “You?”
I said, “You haven’t changed a bit.”
He said, “Neither have you.”
11 I said, “That’s really diplomacy.” I said, “But, you know, I have. I’ve went from a hundred and seventy, to a hundred and forty-five, so I sure have changed.” My suits all, too, little too big for me. And someone just got me one the other day, so I could wear it down here; one that didn’t hang off on the shoulders, and the waistline lap over.
12 But I’m–I’m trying to do my very best for Jesus Christ while I have a chance to do it. And your fine attendance!

« 13 † I was telling in the room just now, I seen the great Holy Spirit remove a cancer from a woman’s body, right in there. She’s a–she’s a woman from Texas. And a lady sit there, that I never seen a person more nervous, a minister’s wife, just a few moments ago. And the Lord showed me a vision of her sitting there, and I seen her. She called at New York, and she wanted to slip up here. She had just one five-minutes, then seen her husband suffering with an ulcer, and what caused the ulcer was his interest in his wife. Almighty God, quieten that woman sitting there. She is sitting, looking at me now. So, and also I want to tell you, brother, your ulcer is finished. See? Yeah, you’re going to be well now and return into the work of the Lord.
14 Now, when you see something that the Lord does, you–you just can’t fill up on it. You just want to keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.

« 15 † And, now, last night we had a great prayer service, and that’s good, that’s fine. Laying hands upon the sick, that’s a good thing. That’s all it takes, sometime. And then there is some that there is something back there, that they–they can’t catch, and you’ve got to get that person and find out what that is. See, there is something that’s hindering them, something laying in the way. And one little shadow will vibrate it away.
16 Now, the little lady in there a few moments ago, she was so nervous, so upset. Poor little fellow, she couldn’t even get her breath. She was just… [Brother Branham inhales and exhales, gasping for breath–Ed.] and just–just carrying on, see.

« 17 † Now, the thing you have to do. Here is just a little inside, see. It’s catching her spirit. See? And then you are projecting to her your very thought. See? And you change your thinking. See? Then when it does that, then you can center her on Christ, and from there she can go on. But you’ve got to change her way of thinking, see. She can’t change it herself. She just run in a whirl, and you’ve got to pick that up. Now there is a little something that give you some… Don’t try to study it; don’t do it. Just believe it and go on.

« 18 † How could that little baby, laying yonder in that mothers arms, had been dead since nine o’clock that morning, and just way in the night that night, where was that little spirit? You have to go find that spirit and bring it back. And then when you see it on coming back, then you can rise in the Name of the Lord and call it. See, then it’ll happen. But till you do that, you’re just wasting your breath, see.
19 It’s nothing–nothing so mysterious. It’s finding God, to getting yourself out of the way and letting the Holy Spirit use you to whatever He wants to do. That’s it. The main thing, of any gift, is getting your own ideas away, and let Christ. Then whatever It said, if you want to know whether it’s Christ or not… Just a sensation, leave it alone. But if it’s just an emotion, leave that alone. But if it’s written in the Word, then it’s God. Always judge everything, that any spirit tells you, by the Word. The Word, don’t never get away from that Word; if you do, you’re lost.

« 20 † Now, ‘fore we stay till noontime, just talking like that, let’s just turn over in the Bible and read some Scriptures here. And then we’re going to… I love God’s Word. I know we all do. Now didn’t have…
21 I was going to preach, this morning, or talk, teach the Sunday school, on the hidden mysteries of God since the foundation of the world, being revealed in Jesus Christ. And I didn’t get a chance to run it all out. I forgot about the wedding coming, so I–I maybe get that the next time coming by.

« 22 † Now I’m going to read some out of three places in the Bible. The first, I want to read from Philippians 1. The 1st chapter of Philippians, beginning with the 19th verse, and reading also through the 22nd.
For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
According to my earnest expectations and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be manifested in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I… choose I wot not.

« 23 † Now over in the Book of Romans. And we want to begin at the 8th chapter of Romans, and the 35th verse, to build on what I want to take for a text.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulations, or distress,… persecutions,… famine, or nakedness,… peril,… sword?
As it is written, For my sake we are killed all… day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angel, nor principality, nor power, nor things present, nor things to come, neither…
Nor height,… depth, or any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

« 24 † In Acts 2, and the 30th verse.
Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had swore with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
25 Now this is much Scripture, kind of going around from one place to another, in the Bible. But we know that, if this much Scripture has been read, we’re going to find something in There that’s going to–to help us. Now may God help us now, as I would like to take this subject, this morning, as the word of absolute: An Absolute.

« 26 † Now we, when I was looking this text up, I went to the dictionary. I thought, “What? Somebody keeps saying, ‘That’s absolute, the truth. Absolute, this is it.'” I thought, “What is that word? What does it mean, absolute?” And I went to the dictionary to find out what it meant.
27 Webster says it is “perfect in itself, unlimited in its power, primarily an ultimate.” See, “unlimited in its power, perfect in itself, and it really is an ultimate,” the word absolute.
28 And I’d like to say this, and trust that you’ll catch these words, ’cause I’m not a trained clergyman in the how to, and the psychological way to bring a fascinating something that would hold the people. The only thing I do, is try to do the best that I can, on account of the friends that Christ has give me, and I–I–I want them to see what my thought is about Christ.

« 29 † Now, every great achievement is tied to an absolute. You cannot run life without having an absolute. You can’t make an achievement without it being an absolute, for it is the final tie post. It’s the–it’s the hitch rack at the end of the journey. It’s a place where you are tied to something.
30 In the day that we’re living in now, and everything is so breaking up, so fragile and carried away, I think that this Message would be a very appropriate thing, especially to Christians when they are going through their deep waters now. The Christian church is passing through the deepest water it’s had for the last two thousand years. Because, we are coming to a spot to where there is something presented to Christianity, something they have to make a decision on, and I think that the Christian church ought to have something that they know that they are tied to, instead of just floating about like a leaf upon the water, the wind. As the Bible said, “Carried about by every wind of doctrine.” The winds come and blow the little leaf this way, and then another wind comes, the north wind, the south wind, the east wind, the west wind. You’ll never get anywhere, you’re not stabled. The Christian life should be a stabled life. It should be something that’s–that’s a principle that–that you are tied to, that is more than life itself.

« 31 † And you must have something that you’re tied to. Some people are tied to their business. Some are tied to their families. Some are tied to a creed. Some are tied to the army post. We have different things that we are tied to. But I think, as a Christian, we ought to be tied where we know is right, see. Because, you might be tied to your family, and your–your wife could leave you. You might be tied to the army, and you might get killed. And you might be tied to any different things, and it’s got an end. But there has got to be a final tie post. There has got to be somewhere that–that man has got to tie for his Eternal destination. Because, if you’re going to trust it in your work, when your work is finished, it’s done. When your family is taken, it’s over.

« 32 † But there is only one thing that I think is the final tie post. And I believe that Paul had a tie post in his life here. And I’d like to–to side in, if we’d call it that way, and speak on that tie post. He said, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Now, Christ was Paul’s Absolute. It was his tie post. It was his. It was the end of all arguments. It was Christ, was his tie post.

« 33 † Paul didn’t always have that tie post. He used to be tied to the group of the Pharisees. And he had to be trained and educated, so that they would accept him and let him tie himself to their post. But one day he was on the road down to Damascus, and he met Jesus, face to face. And from there he cut loose from his Pharisee-ic tie post; and re-tied himself again, that Jesus Who he knowed was crucified, died, and rose again. Paul knew it because he met the Person. That changed him right there. He was never the same from then on. He never just met a book. He never just met a–a creed. He met the Person, Jesus Christ. “Who are You, Lord?”
He said, “I am Jesus.”
34 Let’s think of that conversion, for a few moments. I believe Paul was a sincere man. Being that this is Sunday school, we want to teach it like a Sunday school. Paul, I believe, was a deep, sincere man, and there was–there was nothing about him that was any different from anyone else.

« 35 † All those prophets were man just like we are. The Bible said so. Saint James 5, “Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are,” he had his up’s and down’s, his in’s and out’s, “and he prayed earnestly it might not rain.”
36 And Paul was the same kind of a man like we are. He had his flustrations, his doubt. And he was an honest man. He was going to one of the finest sect of religions that there was in the world. And he was becoming a teacher of that sect; taught under a great teacher, Gamaliel, which was one of the most greatest teachers they had of the day. His parents seen to it, seen that there was something in Paul’s life, and worked hard to send him away to school, that he might be taught in all the laws of God. And, with a deep sincerity, he believed every word of it.

« 37 † And he had heard of this kind of a lower class of people, and how there had been a prophet, so-called, by His group, that had raised up in Galilee, that was supposed to perform miracles and heal the sick. But his–his sect that he belonged to would not accept this Man of being a prophet, this Jesus of Nazareth, because He had not identified Himself with them. So Paul couldn’t go it, because his own sect of–of people didn’t believe in It. And they had warned him against such.
38 And Paul, being honest, thought, “If this thing is not of God, and my church says it’s not of God, then there is only one thing to do, is get rid of it.” Said, “Get it out of the way, because it’s a… it would be a hindrance, it would be a growth, a malignancy,” against his sect of believing. So he purposed in his heart that he would go out and cut this “malignancy,” as he called it, or his church called it, away from his fine Pharisee-ic group.

« 39 † One day, with letters in his pocket, from the high priest, to arrest all those people that were in that condition, because that would have been the charge that Paul was set to. He was on his road down to a city called Damascus. They had them quietened down, around in Jerusalem. So he had–he had stoned Stephen, and Paul had him stoned, give witness and held the coat. Now he’d go down here and do the same thing, and get rid of this great hindrance.
40 But about, it must have been about noontime, around eleven, twelve o’clock, he was stricken down. And when he did, he looked up and there was a Light standing before him. And a Voice coming out of this Light, saying, “Saul, Saul,” a question, “why are you persecuting Me?” Now Paul knew, or Saul, rather, knew that his people had been following that same Light since they come up out of Egypt. And if…
41 Did you ever see the Lamsa translation of the Bible, the old… The–the old Hebrew sign of–of God is a triangle Light; more or less, something like that, that the three attributes of God, in one Godhead. And this triangled Light, the three in One, being one God, was a–a sign to the Hebrew, of God, Light.

« 42 † And then when Moses met Him in the bush, then He said, “I AM,” which remains the same, three; yesterday, today, and forever, still the same God. And Moses met Him in the burning bush. He was a Light. And when He led the children of Israel out of the wilderness, He was the Angel of the covenant, that Moses by faith saw, and forsook Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt. By faith, Moses saw that that was Christ, the Anointing. And the Anointing was upon no certain man, but It was in a form of a Pillar of Fire. See?
43 And then that same Anointing came down at His baptism, and went into Christ and dwelt in Him. John knew it was Him. He said, “Upon Whom thou shall see the Spirit that led them out of Egypt into the wilderness, and out of the wilderness into the promised land, upon Whom thou shall see this triangle form of God coming down and remaining on, He is the One that’ll baptize with the Holy Ghost and Fire.”

« 44 † Now Paul hadn’t been privileged of seeing this yet. But just to make it true, to you, the Jews were so forbidden to bow before an idol, or anything like that! Now when he saw this great Light, he knew that that was the Lord. Lord means “ownership, control of.” He–he would have not called just anything “Lord,” that staunched Hebrew, when he knew that That was Spirit. But notice, he knowed that that same Pillar of Fire had been the One that had led his people. And then he comes back and said, “Lord, Who are You? Who are You? I want to know Who You are? You met Moses in the name of ‘I AM.'” But I’ll stop there with their thought, just a minute.

« 45 † Jesus, when He was on earth, anointed with That that they saw, notice, He said, “I come from God,” the Spirit, the Light, the Pillar of Fire, “and I return to God.” And He was made flesh in order to die for our sins. Then after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, after He ascended up; on the forty days, He ascended up; and on the fiftieth day, He returned back in a form of a Pillar of Fire, among the people, and separated Himself, like tongues of fire, and set upon each of them. And then they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and begin to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
46 See, God separating Himself; God first in a great Pillar of Fire; God manifested in a human body; now God separating Himself among His people. The Pillar of Fire breaking up, and setting upon each of them, like forked licks of blazes, cloven tongues set upon them, forks of fire, cloven tongues like fire set upon each of them. And they were all filled with That, and begin to speak with tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

« 47 † Now, you see, we are not a divided people, we’ve got to be in unity, because each one of us holding a part of God. And we must come together, and then the Pillar of Fire is manifested in the wholeness, in the fulness of It; when His Church sets together in Heavenly places, then the fulness of the power of God is in His Church. Each one of us holding spiritual gifts and spiritual offices, coming together, brings that Pillar of Fire back again.
48 And Paul recognized that being of the Lord, and he said, “Lord, Who are You, if I’m persecuting You?”
49 He said, “I am Jesus, and it’s hard for you to kick against the pricks.”
50 And Paul was commanded to rise and go down in the street called, “Straight.” And there was a prophet there who came up, by the name Ananias, and saw a vision, and baptized him. And he was went down into Arabia, for three years, to study the Scriptures, to see about what this Pillar of Fire was that appeared to him.

« 51 † Now we find that Paul, the rest of his life, had that for a tie post. He had met God, face to face, and was commissioned by God. What a tie post! What an Absolute! That was the end of all arguments. That was the end of everything for Paul. All strife, everything was gone. I don’t care what the Pharisees said, the Sadducees said, or anybody else; he met God vindicated by the Word, that settled it! That was the rest of his life. Because he had seen God manifested, and had been proven to him that It was God, by the Word, and by the shape and form that He was in, and by an audible Voice that spoke to him exactly what it was. Now, that was a great thing. No wonder he could say, before the–the Agrippa, “I was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision.” He was tied to it. There was something real, something that he knowed, something that nobody could take away from him.

« 52 † Now, today, if we’re trusting only in a education, or a–a mechanical way of–of education to explain the Bible, then we’ve only got it from a–a mental conception. But no man has the right behind this pulpit, to preach the Gospel, unless he has come face to face with It.
53 Like Moses, on the backside of the desert, no matter how well he was educated, whatever had taken place; his fears and flustrations left because he stood on a sacred ground with God, that nobody could take it away from him.

« 54 † And every man or woman that has an experience with God, has met this same Pillar of Fire upon the sacred grounds of your heart. “There is no theologian, no devil, no nothing,” Paul said, “nothing present, nothing future, death, sickness, sorrow, can separate us from that love of God, that’s in Christ Jesus.” It’s a tie post. You know something happened. No matter how much science raise up and says this, that, or the other, you are tied. You and God become one. He is in you, and you are in Him. “At that day you’ll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me.” You are tied to Him.

« 55 † And Paul had a–a Christ-centered life. It was a different life than he once had. He once had an educational conception; but now he has got a Christ-centered life, an absolute. No matter how much Agrippa could say, “You, you’ve gone crazy, Paul. You lost your mind. You, you studied too much.”
He said, “I am not mad.”
56 And then he got onto Agrippa, to such a way till he said, “Thou almost persuadest me to be a Christian?”
57 He said, “I wish you were, only besides… as I am, but these bonds.”
58 It makes you do things, when you get a Christ-centered life like Paul had, ordinarily you wouldn’t do. Now look. Ordinarily, that man trained in all of the–the Scriptures and things, ordinarily he would have followed that line he was trained in. But when he become… and made Christ his Absolute, his Ultimate, then there was a different life. He did different. He done things crazy, to what he once was trained to do. And it’ll do the same thing.

« 59 † If the church would get away from that Council of Churches, and come back and make God’s Word their ultimate, make God’s Word their tie post, that would do it. But they’re tying to a man-made achievement. And it’s bound to fall. Well, the Bible said they would do it. But there is going to be a Bride that’s been elected since the foundation of the world, that’s going to be tied to that tie post.

« 60 † I can see Eternity break, come down into time, since Eden. And, when It did, there come a line of Blood, all the way up unto Calvary; and from Calvary, tied with this line, and goes on to the tie post, Jesus. And someday when He comes to claim His Own, everyone that’s tied to that ultimate will be raised up into Eternity. Why? They have been in Eternity all the time. They were predestinated in Eternity. They are part of God. They were in His thinking at the beginning. And when that big rope is pulled, of the line of Blood, that Token I was speaking of, when it comes up from the earth, everyone that was included in that Blood will be dropped right up into Eternity again. But the only way it’ll be, will be tied to that Absolute, Jesus Christ. It’s absolute! Not an achievement of man; but God raised Him up from the dead, and He is an absolute. And we know He’s alive, because here He is with us in the Power of His resurrection, doing the same thing He did when He was here on earth.

« 61 † I’m tied to that Ultimate. That’s the end of all strife. I’m tied to it. That’s my life. I was a sinner when Christ saved me. I met Something. And since That came into me, it’s been–it’s been different. And I’m tied to it, everything that I am is tied right there. And then God separating His life, and let me live in Him, and Him in me, then we’re tied. I…
62 It don’t make any difference what others want to believe. To the individual, you are tied to That. [Brother Branham pats his Bible–Ed.] That’s your ultimate. That’s the… that’s the last word. And then if He is the Word, then This must be the last word. This must settle it. Whatever That says, That’s that scarlet thread. That is Christ. And anything contrary to That, I know nothing about it. That’s what we want to know, is what this Word says; for I am tied to Christ, and Christ is the Word. You get it now? [Congregation says, “Amen.”]
63 And the portion of His Word that’s lotted for this day, His Holy Spirit is here to manifest that portion of Word.

« 64 † Just like it was back there at His birth. Isaiah 9:6. All down through the Scriptures. Everything was spoke of Him, it was fulfilled. Over in the Book of Luke, we say it’s… we see it that. And He was the end, He was the–He was the end of the prophecy, too, of Him. He fulfilled that, the history, the songs, everything in the Old Testament, that spoke of Him, it was fulfilled right there. That become the ultimate. That become the tie post of the Word of God for that age.
65 And the real borned-again people of this age, that’s filled with the Holy Ghost, is the tie post of this Scripture that’s got to be fulfilled in these last days. They are the ultimate. It’s God’s ultimate, because it’s His Word; and the Word is Christ, the tie post. There is no way to get away from it. Something that holds you.

« 66 † As I said, it makes you do things that you ordinarily wouldn’t do. It made Paul do things he ordinarily wouldn’t do. It made Moses do things ordinarily he wouldn’t do. It makes every man and woman do things they wouldn’t do ordinarily. It’s something that you are–are centered to. It’s something, It’s your stabilizer. It’s like the…
67 It’s the anchor to the ship. The ship is tied to the anchor, in the time of a storm. And if Christ is your Absolute, you are tied to Him. In time of trouble, the ship, if you let it rock, it’ll break against the–the–the–the rocks. But what they do, they drop the anchor. The anchor drags until it snags into the rock foundation. And the ship is tied to the anchor. It’s the absolute for the ship.

« 68 † And a born-again Christian is tied to Christ, and the Bible is the anchor. It’s the thing we’re tied to. Let the organizations, let the different thing, let the science, let the educators say anything they want. As long as that Word says it and promise it, we are tied to That. There is something won’t let us move from it. That’s right. A real borned Christian, they stay with that Word. If It says a certain thing to do, and a way to do it, that’s the way we must do it. No matter what anybody else says, That’s what God said. We are tied to That, a Christ-centered life.
Christ, again, it’s like the North Star.

« 69 † You know, the world turns around. And the stars, really, the one you see as the evening star, is also the morning star. The world just turns around to it. But it shifts away from those stars, all but the north star. Now you can’t set your compass upon the evening star and get anywhere, ’cause the next morning, what? You’re in the evening star in the west, and the next morning you’re in the east. See, you can’t do it. But you can set it on the north star, amen, and hold her dead center. You’ll come out.

« 70 † And that’s what a Christ-centered life is. When you’re lost, He is your North Star. Then, if He is the North Star, the Holy Spirit is your compass, and the compass will only point to the North Star. It won’t point to a creed or a denomination. It won’t point to a sensation, or whatever it is. It’ll hold steady to the North Star. He is your North Star. When you’re lost, you might shift with denominations, and things like that. But the compass, the Holy Spirit, will point you right straight to the Word, which is Christ, and holds you steady. Tie to That.

« 71 † What if there was no north star, how would a man ever find his way on a foggy sea? What if there was no Holy Spirit to direct you to the Word of God, to manifest It and prove it, what would we do in this hour? The Holy Spirit points only to the Word. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word.” Not part of the Word; but every Word, all of It. Every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, that’s what a man lives by. He’s your Absolute in your life, He also is your North Star.
72 You know, we have to have something, another, to settle the end of strife.

« 73 † You know, there was a time that when table manners rested upon what a woman said. I believe her name was Emily Post. I may be wrong on that. I think that’s right, Emily Post. I don’t care if Emily Post said, “Pick up your knife and eat the–the beans with it,” that was manners. Why? She was the absolute of table manners. That’s right. If she said, “Eat them with your hands,” you eat them with your hands. Why? This nation made her the absolute, to table manners. Yes, sir.
74 There was a time when Germany had a–an absolute, and that was Hitler. It was an absolute. I don’t care what anybody else said, when Hitler said, “do it,” you do it. You’d better. He’s the last word. Hitler was.
75 There was a time when Rome had an absolute, and that was Mussolini, the dictator. A man drove up one minute early for him, he shot him in his car and jerked him out, said, “I never said a minute early, I said be here on time.” An absolute! Whatever he said, they had to do it. It had to turn. He said he would make the whole world turn by his word. It turns by the Word of God!

« 76 † There was a time when Egypt had an absolute. It was Pharaoh. I went down to Egypt one time, just to see those places. And you have to dig down twenty feet to find the thrones that they set on, the emperor of Rome; when I was in Rome and down in Egypt.
77 See, it all turned back to historical dust, because it was the wrong kind of absolute. That’s right. It’s wrong. It failed. It was man-made absolutes. And every man-made absolute and every man-made achievement must go to dust. They must go to dust. It’s the wrong kind, so it fails.

« 78 † Just think of our nation. When we get in trouble, if somebody does something, and they try it here in maybe in a–a small court of the city, some police court, then it goes on, on, and finally it comes to the Supreme Court. Now, the Supreme Court is the nation’s absolute. That settles it. Now, in Canada, our friends from Canada can go, from Canada, to the Queen. But in the United States, it’s the Supreme Court. That’s the absolute. Sometimes we don’t like their decisions, but we have to listen to it anyhow. Yes, sir. We don’t agree with it, we don’t like the decision sometime, but it’s the absolute of this nation. The nation is tied to it. It’s the end of all arguments. When that Supreme Court says, “You’re guilty,” you are guilty. We have to have it; we don’t, we don’t have a nation. What if we didn’t have anything like that? Certainly. There is an absolute to everything.

« 79 † There is an absolute in a ball game. That’s the umpire. Right. And if he says, “It’s a strike,” that’s what it is. Don’t care what you say, what I think, way I saw it, the way you saw it. It’s what he said. It’s an absolute. If he says, “Strike,” you have to agree with it, ’cause that’s the way it’s going to be wrote up, “strike.” What if there was no umpire, now who would be right? One said, “it was a strike,” the another one said, “it was not no strike; it was a ball, it was a…” Why, you’d have chaos. You wouldn’t know what to do.

« 80 † There’s got to be somewhere that somebody’s word is final. Amen. I feel real good right now. Glory! Hallelujah! There’s got to be something that’s final. I’m so glad of that. Oh, now, there’s somebody who can say, “It’s sin,” or, “It’s not sin.” I’m so glad of that. I’m glad for an absolute. No arguing, no need of arguing. The umpire said, “strike,” that’s what it is; mark it up in your mind, “it’s a strike,” and go on. When God says anything, that’s the way it is! No need of arguing about it. That’s what it is. He said so. That’s the Christian’s absolute, that is if he is a Christian. God said, “Do it this way,” that’s the way it’s got to be done. No arguing, “Well,” say, “it wasn’t.” Nothing about it. God said so, that settles it! That’s the absolute to the real believer. Yeah.

« 81 † What if there wasn’t something like that, where would we be? Would the Methodist be right, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or what would be right? See, we’d have, that’s the reason that you–you’d have chaos. And that’s the reason. They’ve turned loose of that absolute, that’s the reason they’re straying with these other stars.
82 But there is an absolute. There has to be an absolute. There must be an absolute. And there is an absolute. That’s the Word. And what others say, it doesn’t matter. Yes, sir.
83 Now, if we didn’t have an umpire in a ball game, everybody would be pulling one another’s hair, and fussing and fighting. See? That’s the reason we need an absolute in Christianity, stop this pulling hair, and fussing and fighting. See? The Word said it, and that settles it. Don’t take to it or take away from it. Just leave it the way it is.

« 84 † You know, there is an absolute to the traffic, that’s the stop light, the traffic signal. What if some morning it don’t work? Oh, my! Did you ever get in one of them? I have. No doubt, any driver has. What if that stop light isn’t working? Then everybody is fussing. They drive up there, and one say, “I was here first,” the other one say, “Let me tell you something, I got to get to work!” Oh, my! Them women swinging pocketbooks, and men fighting with fists, and you talk about a chaos! There has to be an absolute, something says “this is right,” and that’s it. When that light said, “stop,” it means stop. When it says, “go,” it means go. If it isn’t, you’re in trouble.

« 85 † That’s the way it is in Christian life. There is a stopping place, and there is a going place. God’s Word is that absolute. That’s Christ. Yes, sir. If you…
86 If the traffic signals are not on, then we got a traffic jam. And I think that’s what we’ve got up there in the religious pentagon today; a traffic jam, of make-believers, unbelievers, and everything jammed together. You just got a traffic jam. Why? They don’t have no absolute. One say, “Well, we’re… We’re the absolute.” The other one say, “We’re the absolute.”
87 God is the Absolute. He said, “Let every absolute, otherwise than Mine, be a lie. Mine is the Truth!” So, there is the absolute to Christianity. That’s the end of all arguments. The Bible said so, that makes It right. Yes, sir. There must be an absolute in everything.

« 88 † Some just like the churches today, most the churches has their own absolute. Each one has his own, something like the days of the judges, every man done the way he thought was right. But that ain’t right. See, that’s when God’s Word and prophets wasn’t in existence. The Word is the absolute. They had their own absolute. Each one says they are the Truth and the way, “We are the Truth and the way.”
89 But Jesus said He was the Truth and the Way, “the Truth, Way, and Light.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Well, then, He is the Word, so there is the absolute. And the denominational absolutes, nothing to it; it’s wrong, let it go.

« 90 † Now, man does right in his own sight, but God has got a way for him to do it. See, when God and His Word and His prophets were missing, every man done just as he wanted to do.
91 And that’s what’s been in this day, each one says, “I–I belong to this.” Are you a Christian? “I’m Presbyterian.” Are you a Christian? I ask you. One girl said, “I give you to understand, I burn a candle every night.” Another man said, in the prayer line, I asked him if he was a Christian, said, “I’m an American. How dare you!” Like that’s got anything to do with It? See, they’re tied to a nation. The other one is tied to an organization, dogmas.
92 But a Christian means “Christ-like.” And only way you can be Christ-like is for Christ the Word to be in you. That’s the ultimate. Yeah. I seen this before I was converted, and I’m glad God got a hold of me before the church did. So I knew when I…

« 93 † A fine Baptist minister, Brother Naylor, he’s in Glory today, he come down, he talked to me. And, oh, there’s many people that talked to me when I–I was trying to find God. The Seventh-day Adventist preacher wanted me to join up with them, and so forth. But I seen that if I was going to be a Christian, I–I couldn’t say, “Now I am a Seventh-day Adventist.” Now, that’s all right. “I’m a Baptist.” It’s all right, see, but I had to have something a little more sure than that. I–I couldn’t trust, because each one was wavering.
94 I thought, “There is somebody somewhere, you have to have something that’s true, somewhere.”

« 95 † So I needed an absolute, so I took one, God’s Word. So I read in the Word that He is the Word, Saint John 1. “And upon this absolute, I’ll build My Church.” That’s right, so I took Him at His Word. Revelation 22:19 said, “Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It.” That’s the absolute. That’s the end of all strife. This is the absolute. “Whoever takes anything from It, or adds anything to It,” God said, “I’ll just take his part out of the Book of Life,” so That had to be the absolute. And Jesus said that, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word.” Then I knowed this “every Word” had to be. Said, “Precept upon precept, and line upon line.” That’s the way It has to come, just as It’s written.
96 Then He said, “If ye abide in Me,” He is the Word, “My Words abiding in you, you can ask what you will.” I knowed then if Christianity was the Word of God. And He was the Word; and by accepting the Word, the Word lived through Him, then I know, “If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will.” And if you are in the Word and part of the Word, you’ll only ask what the Word tells you to ask. Know the day you’re living, then, and ask accordingly.
97 So therefore, back to the subject, makes… Talking now this personally, but I’m tied. I am tied to Jesus Christ, to Him, by His Word. He is my absolute.
98 I found that all these denominations and things had their absolute. Each one, each one, they have their own absolute.

« 99 † The Catholic, when that pope says something, that’s it. That’s the absolute of the Catholic church. I don’t care what the priest says, what the bishop says, what the cardinal says; when the pope says it, that’s it. That’s the absolute. It’s correctly.
100 In the Methodist church and many of the Protestant denominations, what the bishop says, that’s the absolute. That’s all. What the creed says, that’s the absolute.
101 In the Pentecostals, it’s what the general overseer says, whether you can have this person for a revival, or not. That’s the absolute. You disagree his words, you’re kicked out of the organization. See, the Word ain’t considered at all. See? You get these absolutes, each one having his own absolute.

« 102 † But, you know, I don’t say this sacrilegiously. I say it for truth. I feel like that way Paul did, when He said, in Acts 20:24, “None of these things move me.” “I am determined to know nothing among you; but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” I’m not bothered about these absolutes, whether it’s the pope, bishop, or a general overseer, or a counselor, or a system, or whatever it is, none of these things move me. I don’t care if they say, “Well, we–we won’t co-…” That don’t make a bit of difference. I’m determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ, His Word made manifest among us. I’m tied to That. That’s my anchor. I’ve anchored in That.
103 “Since I…” Paul said, “Since I met Him, on the road, I’ve turned around. I’ve… He straightened me out.”
104 My, how He straightened me out! What a straightening He had to do on me. But since He straightened me out, I got tied to It. I seen the Word was Truth, everything contrary to It was wrong.

« 105 † You know what? He had a purpose in saving me. He had a purpose in saving you. And I am determined, by His will, to do His will. The reason He done it, I don’t know why He done it.
106 “Not add to It or take from It!” As I said, Revelation 22:19 said don’t do it. If He’s our Absolute, it cannot be otherwise. There is no way for it to be otherwise. He’s got to be the Absolute, the last Word.
107 You know, there were millions in sin when I got saved. He had a purpose in saving me. I’m the oddball amongst the brethren, many time; believes in predestination, seed of the serpent, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, and all these other things that seems to be… and the visions, and the power of Christ returned back, and condemning organizations and things. I’m the oddball, but He had a reason to save me, a purpose for doing it. He saved me when there was millions of others in sin, but He saved me for some reason. There were educated man, there were smart man, there were theologians, there were bishops and doctors, and so forth, in the field, when He saved me, but He saved me for some reason.

« 108 † And I see the Word is the absolute, and I’m tied to It, and determined I’ll know nothing else but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. He had a reason for it, and I’m determined to hold that reason. No matter what anybody else says, I don’t disfellowship them or discredit them, but I know what I’m tied to. He wanted me like this. He had me like this. I was made like that for a purpose. I had to be made up of all these qualities, and so forth, and all these no-accounts, so He could dig it out of me; put Something in there, that was His Word. And I’m determined I’ll know nothing else but Christ.

« 109 † Christ’s death was an absolute. It was an absolute. It was the end of all fear to them that was scared of death. His death is an absolute, then.
110 People fear death. Even Job feared death. But when he saw the vision! He knew everything was gone; his family, his–his children. Even his wife had turned against him, because his–his stench of his–of his boils; he sat out of his house, on an ash heap, scraping his–his boils. And his wife even said, “Why don’t you curse God, and die the death?”
He said, “Thou speakest like a foolish woman.” See?
111 Then when Elihu talked to him. Some of these days, I want to break that name down for you, Elihu, and show you it was Christ.
112 When he had this condition, and everything was gone against him, then he saw the vision of the Just One. He wanted to find a Man Who could stand in the breach for him; put His hands on a sinful man and a Holy God, and stand in the way. And God let him see It, four thousand years away. It was his absolute. He raised up and shook hisself. Hallelujah!
113 When a man is scared of dying, raise up and shake yourself, look into the Word and see what the vision of God is.

« 114 † He seen that vision, he said, “I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He’ll stand upon this earth. And I am tying myself to it! Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; Whom I shall see for myself. I’m tied to it,” he said. He saw it. It was a promise of God.
115 He looked through the laws of nature. As I was telling you about the continuity of the law of nature, the continuity of the Word, the continuity of God’s action, everything is continuity. He had asked, in Job 14. He said, “There is hope in a tree, if it dies; the flower, if it dies; and so forth. But,” said, “man layeth down, and giveth up the ghost, he wasteth away. His sons come to honor him, he perceive it not. Oh,” then he said, “if Thou will hide me in the grave, hide me away and keep me in the secret place, till Thy wrath be passed!” He was scared of death.
116 But when he foresaw, being a prophet, saw the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he screamed out, “My Redeemer liveth!” Watch, he called Him, “Redeemer.” Watch. “I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He shall stand upon the earth; though after my skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I shall see God.” God and the Redeemer was the same thing, God and man made one. “I shall see God; Whom I shall see for myself, my eyes will behold, and not another.” Amen.
117 Not nobody else but that Redeemer, God, that’s Who my eyes behold. He’s an Absolute. He’s the Absolute. He takes all fears out of death. He takes all fears.

« 118 † In Hebrews, the 2nd chapter, the 14th and 15th verse, watch. He took the form of man, to die like one, for all. He took the form of man. This Redeemer come down and was made man, so He could die, the one Man, for all man. Oh, how did He do it? What did God become a man for? To pay the penalty of man.
119 But, on Easter morning, He came forth with the keys of death, hell, and the grave. Amen. God, Who could die on the cross, and the graves couldn’t hold Him; nothing, hell couldn’t hold Him. Nothing could hold Him. He arose. He had the keys. He arose, a Conqueror, because He conquered both death, hell, grave. When He was on earth, He conquered sickness. He conquered everything. He conquered superstitions. He conquered everything there was to be conquered. And come out with death, hell, and the grave, the keys jingling at His side; and ascended on High, and gave gifts to man, and come back on the Day of Pentecost and handed them over to Peter, to the Church. Amen. He is our Absolute. All fears of death… Because He lives, we live also.

« 120 † Romans 8:1, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” We find out, I believe that’s Romans 5, we find out. And–and He is our justification. God raised Him up on the third day, to justify our faith, that we believe it. And He raised Him up, to justify our faith. What did He do then? He sent Him back, the Justifier, because our faith believes it. The Holy Spirit, Christ, come into it, for our justification, because we have raised from death unto Life. And now we are sons and daughters of God, sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, justified us by His resurrection.
121 That give us justification, to know, with the–with the earnest of our salvation within us now, the very Life of Christ pulsating in us. And how then could we deny the Word? Which, He is the Word that gives us the… this assurance. The Holy Spirit is there. What is It? It’s still that North Star, the Christ is that North Star. And the Holy Spirit is that justification that points the believer right straight to the North Star. Right.

« 122 † The Holy Ghost will always point to the Word. If It points to a creed or denomination, it is not the Holy Ghost. He couldn’t do that, point away from His Word, when He died to confirm that Word and make that Word a positive. Amen. He died so He could come, Himself, into that Word. He is the quickening Life that makes that Word live again. That was His purpose of dying, that He could still project Himself through His Church, and make every Word, through every age, act just exactly the way It’s supposed to act.

« 123 † He is the Dynamics of the mechanics. The mechanics of the Church, what is it? Apostles, prophets, teachers, so forth. And He is the Dynamics that works that. And it’s worked by a certain dynamic which is called like… He, He is the Fire that fires off the gas. He is the Fire that’s in the combustion chamber, that when the–the gas, the–the Word, is poured over that combustion chamber, He is the One that sets her afire. He is the One that confirms it. He is the power of the resurrection. He is God. He, He is the Fire, that’s what He is.

« 124 † “Without controversy,” said First Timothy 3:16, “great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, received up into glory.” He was God, come to take the sinners’ place. Yes, sir. And when He, God, raised Him up the–on the third day, was for our justification. Therefore, exalted at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is an Intercessor, to make intercessions upon our… for our weaknesses, as we confess it to Him, and die out to ourself; placing His Word back in us, the promise. And our faith makes that Word live, because Christ is in us, the quickener to the Word.

« 125 † How I wish the church could see that, all arguments and strife would be over! That would be the Supreme Court. That’s the North Star. Hallelujah. That’s the end of all strife. That’s the end of all questions. That’s the end of everything. “God said so,” that’s the Absolute. Tie yourself to It. Paul said, “There is nothing present, nothing future, death, sickness, nakedness, peril, nothing can separate us from That.” We’ve tied to an absolute. Said, “For me to live is–is Christ, and to die is gain.” Nothing else holds but That there. That’s the absolute.

« 126 † He is our Absolute because we have the assurance of the resurrection, because He is raised in us. How do we know? He lives. He does exactly here what He did when He was here on earth. He’s the same Pillar of Fire, we got the picture of there. He’s the same one in the Church. He’s here today, and in this body He performs and acts exactly like He did then.
127 If the life of a watermelon vine is put in a pumpkin, it’ll never bear another pumpkin; it can’t, ’cause it’ll be a watermelon, for the life in it is watermelon. “And if My… Ye abide in Me and My words in you, you ask what you will!” You’ll have watermelons. Amen. The Absolute, I know it’s Truth. I’ve tied my soul into that, and I know it’s the Truth. God’s Word, He’s our Absolute.

« 128 † Second Thessalonians, the 2nd chapter, we read that. “We’ll be caught up with our loved ones, to meet Him in the air.” Oh, how my heart pulsates to every Word in His Book, “amen.” God said, “We’ll be caught up in the air, to meet our loved ones.” “Amen,” said the Word down in my heart, for the Word is in there.
129 “I’ve hid Thy Word in my heart, Lord, that I sin not against You. I bind them upon my fingers, upon my bedpost. Thou art always before me. I shall not be moved.”
130 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I’ll fear no evil, for You are my Absolute. I’ll go down through there, and You’ll pull me out. I go into the deep waters of my ship, You’ll… You’re my Anchor. Amen. You’re behind the veil there. You’re the One Who will steer me through the storm. You’re the One will be There, my Anchor in Glory, when I come down to the shadows of the valley, the shadows of death.” When I come down to the Jordan, when I have to cross over, He is my Absolute. I’m tied to the resurrected One on the other side, He will pull me through the dangerous waters. “I’ll fear no evil, for Thou art with me.” Amen. Let the storms rage, life, death, whatever there is; nothing will separate. I’m tied to that Post.
131 That Post holds. It holds within the veil. It anchored. It anchored against God yonder. It anchored against my heart. The Holy Spirit is what stirs me to that promise. “I AM,” not “I will be, I was, I someday will be.” “I am the Resurrection and Life,” saith God. “He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.”

« 132 † Let death do whatever it wants to, it’ll never bother me. Because, I am persuaded, I am persuaded that even in sickness that might take me, or in a bullet from a gun, someday might take me. I don’t know what it’ll be. What difference does it make to me? “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Oh, my! Because, I’m determined I know Him sitting yonder across the river of death, where He’ll pull me into His Presence someday. Justified by His righteousness, that I have accepted of His death upon the cross, God made flesh among us; still flesh in us, still Spirit in our flesh. Amen.
133 He’s my Absolute. He’s my All. Anything outside of that, nothing in my arms I bring. I know nothing else besides Christ, and Him crucified; don’t want to hear nothing else but Christ, and Him crucified. My heart says “amen” to every one of His promise. That’s why I know His Holy Spirit is a Compass, It guides me to the Word.

« 134 † Never has one of them visions ever said anything to me but what was right in the Word. Oh, that’s where I got my assurance, brother. That night when He told me about that, I’ve watched those visions. And I’ll call your attention, has that vision ever said anything that was contrary to the Word? Never a time has it ever been wrong. Why? It’s God. That’s my tie post.
135 And I know, one morning, in a vision, I seen my loved ones across the river yonder. It’s there. I’m bound for that promised Land. I got to meet there someday. Yes, indeed.
136 He is my Absolute. He is my Sun. He is my Life. He’s my Tie Post, my North Star. He’s all that I could ever think to be, He is that to me. He’s my Life.

« 137 † Denominations, to me… Not hurting your feelings; I don’t want to do that. But the Word is like a two-edged sword, It can’t push without cutting, see, especially when It’s cutting in darkness. Notice, denominations are like other stars, they shift with the turning of the world. That’s right. Every way the world goes, they let their women cut their hair, wear shorts, and everything else, it just shifts with Hollywood and everything else. But, oh, brother, That still remains the Truth, that unmovable Word of the living God is still the Truth! It’s my Absolute. What It says is the Truth. Let the denomination shift anywhere they want to. They want to discredit the Name of Jesus Christ, with a title, that’s up to them. But, to me, “There is not another Name under Heaven given among men, whereby you must be saved.” To me, that’s the foundation Word, there is where the cornerstone is. I don’t want to shift with no denomination.

« 138 † I’ve got my Compass here within me, the Holy Spirit, points me right straight to the Absolute. “For both heavens and earth will pass away, but My Words shall never pass away.” And I’ve hid It in my heart, and the Holy Ghost pointed me right to It. I’m determined to know nothing else. That’s my Absolute. Just let it be like that. That’s the way I want it. Oh, my! Now, brother, sister, make your Absolute in Him. Yes, sir.

« 139 † In the time of trouble I had here not long ago, lost wife, children, everything. Somebody said to me, said, “Did you keep your religion?”
140 I said, “No, It kept me.” See? See, I had an Absolute, to know that someday I’ll see them again. Amen. I couldn’t have made it if I wouldn’t have had that Absolute. It made the difference in me, where I was tied, because I knowed that I’d see them again.
141 Now, by grace, I am tied to Him That said, “I AM,” not “I was.” “I AM,” ever, ever-present, omni-, omniscient, omni-, omnipotent, infinite, that He is not “I was.” “I AM,” He is still the resurrection. He is still the North Star. He is still everything, to me.

« 142 † Moses had an absolute. When he met that burning bush, that was an absolute to him. When Joshua, when Joshua…
143 Oh, you know, sometime when you take an absolute, an absolute will lead you to a paradox. That’s right. Yes. A paradox is something that’s real, but can’t be explained. It’s a paradox.
144 When Joshua standing there, and seen he had need! God had commissioned him to go over there and take that land, whip out all them people, and–and put Israel in the land. And one day, the armies got routed, and out in the country. And the–and the first thing you know, he knowed he had them whipped, as long as he got them busted up. So, when he did, the sun was going down. And Joshua was tied to an Absolute, the Word of God, the Creator. He was tied to a job he had to do. Amen.

« 145 † Sometime it ain’t pleasant to have to do it; you have to hurt feelings, cut and chop. But it’s an absolute.
146 He had need. He said, “Sun, you stand still, yonder! Moon, you hang right there!” And, for twenty-four hours, she stood still. Oh, talk about a paradox! But he was tied to an absolute, with a commission. Yes, indeed, God had commissioned him.
John was sure he would see the Dove when It come upon Him.
147 When I seen that Pillar of Fire, like Paul on the road down to Damascus, I knowed that was God’s Absolute, there was coming a revival was going to sweep the lands. I knowed It would forerun the second Coming of Jesus Christ, and I believe it yet today. It’s my Absolute, though it was a paradox. Sure, it was a paradox, for a Pillar of Fire to hang up there in the sky. And papers and everything taking the picture of It.

« 148 † It was a paradox, the other day, on March the 15th, or May the 15th, I believe… no, March the 15th, this last year. When, three or four months beforehand, Sirs, What Time Is It?, said we’d go out there, “And seven Angels would meet, and come back and the–the Book of the Seven Seals would be opened.” And standing right there with Brother Sothmann, that just said “amen” there, standing there by him, why, I told them, “There would be a noise that would shake the country.” And I said, “It’ll be there. It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” It’s on tapes, tapes, tapes, from Phoenix all the way around. “It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.”

« 149 † One day, standing there, picking the cockleburs off, or a little bullheaders off of my legs, like it was; there that seven Angels broke through from the sky and shook the place, till, rocks, weighing fifty or sixty pounds, rolled down the hillside. There stood seven Angels standing there, commissioned me go back and to bring these Messages, and said, “One by one” they would “meet and tell what happened.” And it did exactly that way. And when they ascended up on High, like that, went thirty miles high in the air; and, on the same day, they took the picture of It, science did, and went around the world. It’s a paradox, but it was an Absolute. It tied me tighter into Jesus Christ, winding my life into Him. I know it seemed strange. It’s always.
150 It was a paradox for Paul, to meet Jesus on the road to Damascus. It’s a paradox when God changes a black, sinner’s heart and washes it white in His Own Blood. It’s a paradox. Certainly. Do you believe in paradox? And that paradox, if it’s according to the Word of God, it can be your absolute. Paul’s conversion was a paradox, and become his absolute.

« 151 † Remember here, sometime ago, I was sitting with an old druggist, and we were talking in a little place. He said, “Brother Branham, I want to ask you something.” And he was a Baptist, himself. He said, “Do you believe in a paradox?”
I said, “Sure. Certainly do.”
152 Said, “I wouldn’t tell this to nobody else but you,” said, “but I–I know you believe this.”
153 He said, “During the time of the depression,” said, “they had to have an order, from the county, to get medicine for the sick.” And said, “One day, I was sitting back here in the drugstore.” Said, “My son was waiting on the customers.” And said, “I seen a–a woman come in.” Said, “She was… You could see she was going to be mother right away.” And said, “The little thing could hardly stand up. And her husband poorly dressed, both of them. And she leaned against the side of the counter. And he went over and asked my son, he said, ‘I’ve got a prescription here from the doctor.’ He said, ‘Would you fill it for me and let me take my wife on home?’ He said, ‘I tried to let her stand in that line. Just look down the street there,’ he said, ‘it’ll be four or five hours.’ And said, ‘She is not able to stand now, you can see.'”

« 154 † And the young fellow said, “Sir, I–I can’t do that.” He said, “I’ll have to have that order first,” said, “’cause I–I can’t do that. It’s just against the rules.” And said…
155 His daddy said he was sitting back there listening, see what the boy said. And he said, “Just a minute, son. What is that?”
156 And said he walked up there. And the old man, a real Christian, a real sainted old man, he said, “What is it, my good brother?”
157 And he said, “Sir,” he said, “I’m… my wife, she is just ready to–to–to deliver.” He said, “I–I am… I got the order from the doctor here; some medicine, she must have it right now.” And said, “I–I took her down to stand in the room there.” And said, “I–I… Look at this line,” said, “I doubt whether I’d get in, this afternoon.” Said, “I just wonder if–if you could fill this for me?” Said, “I’ll–I’ll stand down there; I’ll–I’ll get the money for you, the order that the county pays for it.”
158 “Why,” he said, “certainly, sir, I’ll get it for you.” And just layed the order down, went back. He said his boy went on back and started waiting on somebody else.
159 Said, “The little lady watched out, two or three times. She just standing there, and perspiration on her face, knew she was very sick. And the brother standing there with his arms around her, you know, saying, ‘Just hold up, honey, now just a little longer.’ Said, ‘The good druggist is going to get us some medicine.'”

« 160 † He said, “I fixed up the medicine as quick as I could, and filled my prescription.” And said, “When I started to hand it in her hand,” he said, “Brother Branham, I looked and I was putting it in a nail-scarred hand.” He said, “I seen the thorns on His brow.” He said, “I shut my eyes, and I looked back.” He said, “I realized right then, insomuch as I had done unto ‘the least of these My little ones,’ it was done unto Him.”
161 Said, “Do you believe that?”
I said, “With all my heart, doctor, I believe every word of it.”
162 What is it? He said, “Since then, Christ has been more to me. Because, doing that for that woman,” said, “it was a paradox. There is no doubt but what ordinary people wouldn’t believe that, but,” said, “I thought, just tell it to you, because I know you’ve had them experiences.”
I said, “Yes, sir. That’s right,” I said.

« 163 † I remember, when, Saint Martin, reading of him. When he was just a–a boy, he was called of God. His people were pagans. And his father was–was kind of, oh, I don’t know, I think a military man, and–and it’s right for their boys to follow them. He said… one day going through the city there. I forget where it was now. And I think he was a Frenchman. And he said he was going through the gap; there was an old man laying there, freezing to death, very cold weather. And people passed by, wouldn’t give him nothing. And said he stood. And people was absolutely professing to be believers, and would go through, let the old man lay there. And he was begging for something to wrap him in, said he was freezing to death.

« 164 † And Saint Martin goes over there, before his conversion, now, took his own coat, being a soldier, and cut it half in two and wrapped the old bum up in it like that, put the other around him. People laughed at him, said, “A funny looking soldier, with a half a coat on.” See, it makes you do things strange. There was something in him, that he believed that there was a God.
165 That night, after he had retired and slept a little while, woke up. Somebody woke him up, and he looked. Standing there by his bed, and there stood Jesus wrapped in that other piece of coat. That was the beginning of Saint Martin.
166 What was it? He had an absolute, that God’s Word is true. “What you do to these My little ones, you do it unto Me.” Brother, I’m tied to that Absolute. And I know that each one of you…

« 167 † Instead of having an altar call, this morning, I think I’d like to have a consecration call. Let’s consecrate ourselves to this Absolute. Do you believe the Word is God’s absolute? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Do you believe He’s the same today that He ever was? [“Amen.”]
168 There is ministers in here, wouldn’t you like to consecrate your lives, just, just take an Absolute? What do we want today? What do we want with a fellowship card or a credential? We want Jesus Christ. We’re not tied to a fellowship card. We are tied to the Word of God, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Do you believe that? [Ministers say, “Amen.”–Ed.]
169 Let’s just raise to our feet now and consecrate our lives over. I want mine, also. I’m tying myself, afresh. I’m checking my tie, knot’s tied. I’m checking my absolute. “Lord, if there is anything in me, besides Thy Word, take it out. I know nothing else but You. I want to know nothing else but You.” Now, each one, in your own way.

« 170 † I’ve been talking to you through the week. I’ve told you the Truth. God has confirmed the Truth. He’s made it over and over, and over again. You know what the Absolute is. Now to you and I, together, all you women, all you men, boys, girls, whatever you are, let’s; all you choir, all–all you people up here, everywhere, together; down in the basement, up in the balcony, around the walls, back in the wing; wherever we are, let’s take Jesus, our Absolute, for we’ve got to come to the valleys of the shadow of death. I know nothing else but Him. He is my Absolute, because He’s raised in my life and I know He’s real.

« 171 † Let’s just raise up our hands now and pray. Let’s make our consecration service.
172 Lord Jesus, Your Word is from old, It’s the beginning and the end. I now, with this congregation, consecrate myself, anew, over this pulpit today. I ask for this church, the Life Tabernacle, for a consecration. Settle all the differences, let it all be gone, bygones be bygone. Ministers of the Gospel, who is worried… and thought something would take place. O God, we tie ourself, this morning, to Jesus Christ the Word; and determine to know nothing else but Christ, and Him crucified. O North Star, O Holy Spirit, O Compass of God, come now into every heart. And we consecrate ourselves to You, through Jesus Christ’s Name. Glory to God! Amen.
All right, brother. `

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

15-1004e Once More Lord

15-1004e Once More Lord
Message 63-1201e Once More Lord

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« 1 † ` Let us bow our heads now. With our heads bowed and our hearts bowed before God, the closing of this great convention, jubilee that we’ve had here, and around the Word of the Lord, I wonder, tonight, if our hearts isn’t just bursting for something from God. If it is, let’s just raise up our hands to Him, and say, just say, “This is my request, Lord. You know.”
2 Our Heavenly Father, look down now upon our hands. Them hands up, means that we surrender our all to You. You know what we have need of, Father, and we pray that You will supply our needs. Sometimes our wants are more than our needs. But, Father, You supply our needs, because we can ask that with faith. You promised You would do it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask it. Amen. Amen.
Now you be seated.

« 3 † To Brother Moore, and Sister Moore, Brother Brown and his, Brother Lyle, Brother Boutliere, and all of these fine people here of the church, the trustees, deacons, whatever they may be, I certainly am thankful for this opportunity and the fine time that I’ve had being here. These great founders that come in here years ago, with pieces of paper in the bottom of their shoe, and has give an unselfish dedicated effort to bring forth this worship place here, and these people. I think Shreveport is greatly indebted to man like Jack Moore and these people like this here. An untiring and unselfish effort, they have tried to establish a place where the Light of God and the Life of God, can go to the people who are wayfaring men and women, who will drop in and enjoy the services. May it long stand, to the coming of the Lord Jesus, until He’s finished with it.

« 4 † And I have greatly enjoyed the congregations, your fine respond to the–to the ministry, to the Messages. And the great things that God has done for us, it’s just unlimited. And we’ll never know what it’s meant until we cross the other side, because seed has been planted that will come to life in the days ahead of us. And many has been healed, probably at this moment knows nothing about it, after a while you find out it’s gone. And we find that so much, it isn’t just what you see happen; you never know what’s going to happen, what will happen, as a results of it. And I trust that there–there will not be any feeble people that will leave this meeting, but what they have the sufficient faith to know that the work is done, and will be well.
5 For those who raised their hands to Christ, for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and many things, and the–the works of grace that you desired God to work on with you, I just trust that every one of you would be filled with the Holy Ghost, every one. Don’t forget my Message, on, The Token. You must stay with that. Remember, display the Token.

« 6 † Now we have to leave immediately for Arizona, and Yuma, and Phoenix. And then we’ll be back through the South here. I just don’t know the itinerary, just what it is. But we’ll be here, I think, it’s in lower Louisiana again, along about February, somewhere here in Louisiana, and Dallas. And on into, over in Georgia, down in that over in there, and then to Florida. And then we’re supposed to go to Europe from there, until June. And then we come back here, through July and to the middle of August. And then go back, way down under the earth, at South America… not South America, South Africa. And on the second day of September, this coming 1964, the Lord willing, we begin in–in Durban, South Africa, where we saw thirty thousand people come to the Lord, at one time. Brother Julius Stadsklev sitting here, was at the meeting at that time. I think that is right.

« 7 † And I guess Brother Julius had been introduced, the man who wrote the book of A Prophet Visits South Africa. I’ve… Sister Stadsklev, no doubt, is here somewhere. I–I can’t place her just… yeah, yes, now I do, and the–the children. I remember, a few years ago, Minneapolis, they were little bitty fellows; now I have to look up to them, they’re a great big boy and girl.
8 Sister Stadsklev here, not long ago, that really had my heart whirling around, a little mother, she lost her baby. And the Lord was… seen fit to take it away. And she had called me, and she wanted… They was going to fly me over to Germany. And the doctor was so kind to wait, let the baby lay there. The little fellow died suddenly, a sweet little, plumpy girl. And Sister Stadsklev had lost her mother, and she was pretty well broke up. This baby certainly had got the best of her. And she got on the phone, long distance from Germany, and wanted to fly over. And I said, “Sister Stadsklev…”

« 9 † She confessed her faith, that she believed that the Lord Jesus had sent me for the work in the last days, and just a loyal testimony that no one could give, and she meant it with all of her heart. She had seen the Lord God do such things as that, raise up the dead after they were dead. But, you see, you really, as much as I… How, what a glory that would have been to God, in Germany and everything! If I could have done it, myself, I would have done it. But, the first thing, we mustn’t go until we know what we’re going for.
10 So I went out and prayed. And I think she stayed on the phone part of the time, through the night. And the next day I come in, there was nothing. Again Meda said, my wife, said, “Sister Stadsklev called twice. Any word from the Lord yet?”
I said, “Not a thing.” And I said…
11 Well, I went out, pray again. I was in the woods that night. Then, of course, the little baby had to be taken care of. And then just as I was coming in, the Lord Jesus, a vision struck, standing in front of me. And I heard His voice say, “Don’t rebuke that. That’s the hand of the Lord.” So I knew then that God, for some reason, had taken her baby to Glory, and it was certainly against the will of the Lord for me to say anything contrary to it.
12 And then I thought, “Well, that will be a big let down. But the one thing I did, I minded the Lord. I did what He told me.”

« 13 † Here not long ago, I got a letter from a minister over there, and he had made a statements by some more ministers. He said, “The one…” And he was, I think, he might have been a German Lutheran. I’m not sure. But he said, “There is one thing that I can admire about Brother Branham. When all the excitement was going on, he stayed steady till he got a clear-cut decision from God, then he knowed what he was doing.”
14 And that’s the only way you can do those things, is first hear from the Lord, when He tells. If He told me, tonight, that to go up there and raise out of that cemetery, President Kennedy, I would invite the whole world to come, watch it done, for I’d have THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? Now, but how can I say, “THUS SAITH THE LORD,” until the Lord has said thus? See? See?

« 15 † Many times, people gets all excited and go under impressions and things like that, and what the best of their mental can think. That ain’t always true. Wait till He tells you, and you know it, then you’ve got exactly. You don’t have to guess about it. He’s done told you, it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. Then He has told you, then you can go say what He said. Until then, you can go and do everything you can, do what you can yourself, but you can’t be sure until God has said so. Then you’re positive.

« 16 † On the tape of What Time Is It, Sirs? Many of you has got the tape, see. I could speak for the Chapters and anywhere else, and say, “It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. I’ll meet seven Angels. And it’ll be known, the countries over, see. And something is fixing to happen, for He told me.” There it was, see, just the three months afterwards. See? And all these other things, when you… When the Lord has spoke it, it’s got to happen.
17 That’s the reason that I know that His Word is perfect. No matter what people think about It, It’s the Word of God. [Brother Branham pats his Bible–Ed.] That’s right, that’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. See, that’s, and we know that that’s true.

« 18 † Jesus is coming. When? I don’t know. What form, how He’ll come? I have an idea, but I–I don’t know. It’s wrote in Here, He said, “I, if I be taken up,” He would draw all man to Him, and He would come again. I know He is coming. Oh, that’s positive. And it doesn’t matter to me when it is. See? If it’s tonight, or if it’s next year, or if it’s a thousand years from now, just so He comes! I got Eternal Life. I ain’t going to be any older, I’m just going to be there when He comes. That’s all. That’s, see, it doesn’t matter to me when, how, which a way He does it, just so I’m there!
19 And He promised me that I would be there, and He has already give me Eternal Life, ’cause He said, “He that can receive My Words and believe on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life; and shall not come to the judgment, but has passed from death to Life.” That’s good enough for me. Right there, that’s my absolute. That’s my absolute. He promised it. There is no way for it to ever fail. It just cannot fail, no more than God can fail. And it’s impossible for God to fail. That’s one thing that God cannot do, fail. He can’t fail. Aren’t you happy for that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Oh, my!

« 20 † When I begin to see the years counting up, and–and begin to see two or three services a day, is beginning to make me get just a little bit tired, where it used to didn’t bother me. But then I think, “Well, what difference does it make?”
21 I want to ask you something. We’re just home folks, so I want to. What if you’re eighty years old tonight, or you’re fifteen years old tonight? If you’re eighty years old, and you live till this time tomorrow night, you’ll outlive many, many young sixteen-year-old children. Did you ever think of that? You sure will. You’re here for a purpose, to serve God. So what difference, the age it is to you? Just serve God.

« 22 † If God come to me and said, “I want you to go to earth,” and–and I was up there and He said, “go to earth, I’m going to give you a hundred years space of the knowledge, but I want you to lot your–your years. What years you want to take, the first twenty-five, the second twenty-five, the third twenty-five, or the last twenty-five?”
23 What would I say? Well, if I’m going to put my time here to be, oh, a football player or an athlete, or something, I better take the first twenty-five. If I’m going to be here to be a carpenter, or some person like that, well, I better take the second twenty-five. But if I want to take to serve the Lord, I’ll take the last twenty-five, from seventy-five to a hundred, because, I’ve had the accumulation of that much knowledge, I know more about it. See? As long as I can stand on my two feet and walk around, what difference does it make how old I am? I’m here to serve the Lord, and that’s it. Amen. That’s good enough for me. He promised it.

« 24 † Now I want to thank each and every one of you, for your kindness. And trusting that, the Lord willing, that–that again we’ll meet somewhere in this earth; if not no more here, we will on the other side. And the Lord bless. And I want to pray over these handkerchiefs. As soon as we get into the Message, we don’t know just exactly what will happen. We tried to put a couple nights in the… three, about three nights; of the five or six, five nights, I believe, the Lord gave us a calling among the people, of calling the people out, where the Lord would heal them. And then we had one night, last night, we brought every person that wanted to be prayed, right through the prayer line and prayed for them. And I have hoped that I haven’t failed anywhere to try to do everything that I know how to do, for us to be in better spiritual condition, and physical condition, tonight, than we were when we come in here about four or five nights ago. If I fail, God forgive me, and you forgive me.

« 25 † Now for the closing Message, and I’m going to try to make it just quick as possible, because I–I preach long. And I have told my congregation, and so forth, that, beginning the first of the year, I’m going to try to. I’ve tried it for the last thirty-five years, since I’ve been in the ministry, to cut down from this two hours, and so forth, down to thirty minutes. But, I’m so slow, I can’t say what I want to say, in thirty minutes, is the only thing. I’m a Southerner, you know, and so I–I just have to. I can’t think of it too fast. I just got to wait and see. I got to wait on Him, for my words. So, but I–I… just as long as I can wait on Him, and you will just be patient with me.

« 26 † Now let’s read some Scripture, so we know that this won’t pass away. And after we have our little get-together of friendship and talking, before we approach this real sacred part of the service, bringing the Bread of Life, let’s just pray again.
27 Lord Jesus, now we are grateful to You. We’re all turning to You, to thank You for this great days and nights of service, fellowship around the Word, and with the people. We are grateful, Lord. Our spirits has been lifted up, and we’re so thankful that we’ve been able to sit in Heavenly places with You. And now, Father, on this great and last night of the–the love feast, may You stand in the midst of us, again tonight, and cry, “He that’s thirsty, come unto Me.” Grant it, Lord. We know You will, because You do it. That’s Your way of doing things, and You never change it. And I pray, God, that You’ll break the Bread of Life, to us. May we be able to receive that Word into our heart, that’ll open a fountain of blessings to all of us. Bless the reading of the Word, and help me as I try to break the Bread of Life, to the congregation, for whatever the need is. In Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.

« 28 † Let’s turn to the–the Book of the Judges, the Judges of Israel. And I want to turn to the 16th chapter of Judges, to read a portion of the–of the Word. Judges, the 16th chapter, and I want to read the 27th and the 28 verses.
Now the house was full of men and women; and all the lords of the Philistine–Philistines were there; and there were upon the roof about three thousand men and women, beheld–beheld while Samson made sport.
And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O Lord, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.

« 29 † What a pitiful sight! And this little subject, I’m going to take a text out of it, calling: Just Once More, Lord. Just once more!
30 Must have been a hot day. They had had a great celebration. And it makes me feel bad, every time I think of it, because the nature of that religious celebration. You know, a celebration is all right, but it’s according to the nature of the celebration. And this was one celebration that I certainly hate to refer to. It was in the land of the Philistines. And they were celebrating, it just makes me feel bad to say it, “victory over God’s servants.” God’s disobedient servant had brought a reproach upon the Name of the Lord, and went down in defeat, and these Philistines were celebrating the–the great time of victory, that their “fish god had gotten victory over Jehovah’s servant.”
31 If that isn’t a text to end up a meeting on! But I felt led, as I was looking through some five or six hundred texts that I had there. My eyes dropped upon this text here, and I thought, “I believe I’ll just talk about that a little while tonight.” And maybe that’s what the Holy Spirit would want us to know something about in here. The… about…

« 32 † Hot day, I believe, and the sacrifices was burning in the fire around this great fish god, and there were three thousand Philistines looking down at the pair as they entered the great stadium. It must have been like a mushroom, the way they fixed it. Like, I’d say, something on the order of a–of a mushroom or a toadstool, turned up like this, with two great pilasters, or–or pillars, holding up the stadium, as it sit like more on this shape, maybe, so that the people in this great stadium could look down to the entertainment that was going on down on the main floor.

« 33 † And highly-polished warlords attended that meeting, and their fine jeweled ladies was at the meeting. And they all stopped suddenly, to lean forward, the main event was just about to take place. We have sometimes, what we call, the preliminaries, they… and then the introduction, the prelude to the–the main event. And they had had much entertainment, as they did sometimes, sacrificing and killing, and so forth. But now the–the main event was just about to take place, and all this bunch of fine celebrity, of all the… of the regions in the Philistines’ land. They raised up, because they were a–a privileged. They were sitting up, in this big, we’d call it, like a mushroom. And perhaps the poor, and so forth, were down here on the–on the floor. But they sit up where they could get a good look, and see all the entertainment. It was a–it was a celebrity box. Three thousand of them! The air was stinking with drinks, drunken revelry all day, drinking and slobbering, and carrying on, the way a drunken brawl can be like that. And they all stood up, because the main event–event was about to take place, and they leaned over. They wanted to get a good look. They couldn’t afford to miss this, for this was the main event.

« 34 † What did they see? A little boy leading a blind man out to the middle of the floor, in the celebration of the fish god, Dagon. The lad led this stumbling, blind bulk of flesh, blind, unto the post, and stood him by the side of the post, to make sport.
35 So this is Samson, a man that was an–an outstanding servant of God, now he stands there, humiliated, blind, weakened, a disgrace. It’s a picture of a–of a demoralized, sunken generation. It’s a picture of–of a–of a nation that has lost its hold with God. It’s a picture of a church that’s lost its hold on God’s Word, ’cause that’s what Samson represented here. Humiliated, broken, he was in a terrible condition as he sat there, or stood there, rather. So could you imagine him standing, this great man that, one time, what he could do; and here he is standing here in that condition, humiliated, as I said, broken, a symbol that I want to declare tonight. This symbol represents the very hour that we’re now living, the condition of the church now; broken, out of the Word of the Lord; humiliated, out of its place. And the question is coming, today, the handwriting is on the wall and who can read it? They know nothing about it.

« 36 † Let’s take and search the minds of those Philistines. This man’s very name, Samson, at one time, caused the whole nation to tremble, just mention Samson, ’cause God was with him. And the nations trembled because of his very name.
37 That’s the same way it used to be, the Name of Jesus Christ, but now It’s used as a curse word, jokes. There don’t seem to be anymore reverence to It. When, that Name is above every name that was ever named on mortal tongues. It’s a Name that even It’s so high exalted above every name that’s in Heaven, every name upon the earth, and all the family in Heaven and earth is Named It. And yet man take It in curse words, church members use It in jokes, and many religious leaders blaspheme It with their creeds. That’s the reason that we’re humiliated, in the face of communism, Romanism, and Protestantism, and the things that’s rising in the earth today. And that’s the reason that we’re humiliated. We ought to know these answers. God has got it in His Book, for this day, but we have went to something else, forget about It.

« 38 † Many of these Philistines, as they stood there, of them great warriors, no doubt… Somebody announced, that, “The next event is Samson.” Many of those warriors, with their fine jeweled and polished-up women, looked over the banister and remembered seeing Samson stand in a different way, one time when the Spirit of the Lord was upon him; standing with a jawbone of a mule, in his hands, with a thousand Philistines laying around him. And they had run to a rock somewhere, to take refuge.
39 When a man picked up the jawbone of a mule that had been laying on the desert, anyone knows that one hit on a rock or anything, with that bone, would shatter it to pieces. And those helmets, some of them was an inch, to an inch and a half, thick, of brass. And this man was not a soldier, and he wasn’t a trained man for–for the spear. And Philistines with a coat of mail, mail that is laced over, lap over like a jalousie window, with the metal that keeps spears and things from hitting them; and also with helmets, and with shields, and with spears. And they surrounded this man, Samson, and thought, “The great cream of the army would be able to take this man.”

« 40 † And he had nothing in his hand. And he found an old dry jawbone of the mule, and he begin to hit, right and left, until he beat down a thousand Philistines. Why? The Bible said, “The Spirit of the Lord was upon him.”
41 Here he stood, different now. He had give away his secret. And they plainly could remember him.
42 There might have been another group up there, could remember one night when Delilah had bewitched him into the–the city of–of Gaza. And they had closed their big gates, probably weighing a ton or more, a piece, great big brass gates to the city, that had iron bars that went back into the rocks and fastened, with such hinges till we wouldn’t have such like it today. And they said, “The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.” And many of the soldiers standing around the gate, and was speechless, when he could break the cords and walk down. And they scattered like a bunch of roaches at nighttime, when the light is turned on. The Spirit of the Lord upon him, reached over and jerked one gate out, and jerked the other one out, and put it on his shoulder and walked up the hill, and sat down. They could remember that. “What a warrior,” many of them could remember that, of seeing him in great victory, “but look at him now!”

« 43 † That’s the picture of the church. I can read in the Bible, of the church when it was first filled with the Holy Ghost, great signs and wonders accompanied their meetings. We can remember a few years ago, forty or fifty years ago, when the church was filled with that same Power. But look at it today, she stands stripped. Something has stripped her, the same thing that stripped Samson, all caused by listening to a woman that took him in. And what stripped the church, is listening to that organized woman situation, that old Jezebel. The very thing that Samson had been raised up to defeat, had defeated him. And the Pentecostal church, tonight, stands in those same tracks. The very thing she was raised up to defeat, denominationalism, she has grouped herself back into it again, and her power is gone. Right. The Power of the Lord left her.
44 We ought to knowed that every time, through history, that a church ever organized, God left it right then. It fell and never did rise again. And Pentecost was something that come out of the denomination, but, what it was, we adopted man-made leadership instead of the Holy Ghost.

« 45 † And that’s exactly what Samson done. Think of it, what must have went through that man’s mind while he stood there. He must have thought of all the great victories God had give him, the great things that God had done with him and for him; and how that, while he was with God, the power of His Spirit, and the joy and the peace that he had while he was with God, and of God and His people. How Samson had failed Him! Now, the very nation that Samson was raised up to destroy, had him bound.
46 And the very thing that God raised Pentecost to do, has them bound, stripped of fellowship, stripped of power; fussing, stewing, lukewarm members. Fine things, great, everything, but they’d be better off if they–if they had the old Salvation Army drum, or the little old guitar, down on the corner somewhere again. I’d rather have it like that, than to have our cathedrals that we’re getting, costing millions of dollars.

« 47 † But there he stood. He had failed. Now he was a prisoner of the very nation that God raised him up to destroy.
48 They had him doing tricks, to entertain them. And that’s all it is today, some kind of a little gimmick to try to entertain them.
49 Let a woman lure him from the promised Word of God! That’s the same thing the church did, has let a woman, Jezebel, “the mother of harlots,” represented in Revelation 17, lure them right back into the vomit that they come out of. As the Bible says, “As a hog go, returns to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit.”
50 And as long as that hog remains a hog, he’ll, his nature is a hog, he’ll go right back to the wallow. And, you, the only way you’ll keep him out of the mud hole is to change his nature.

« 51 † That’s the only way you’re going to ever get any difference in the church today, it’s got to have a change of nature. And instead of some ecclesiastical system leading the preachers around, it’ll take the Holy Ghost, through the Word, to lead them back to that God-fearing spirit again. That’s right. If the dog vomit and it made him sick at his stomach, the first time, won’t it make him sick again? And if God called us out of such a mess, because… well, won’t it do the same thing again? Then we go right back into it, the same thing. It should never be done.

« 52 † This Jezebel system, now blind spiritually, I’m saying, to the Word of God, joining themselves right into the Council of Churches. Everything, our great evangelical teaching, we have to forfeit that, to be an organization. Cause, all organizations that isn’t in this Council of Churches, I got the paper on it, that even if your church is not in this Council of Churches, in time of trouble, they can use your church to store ammunition or anything they want to. And if any man is caught having a prayer for anybody, outside of affiliating with this Council of Churches, can be shot, as a federal offense. That’s right. I got the papers on it, from Washington. You, they’re going to force you into it. That’s why I’ve been against this organizational system. That’s it. I had to keep it quiet about it being the mark of the beast, but it’s late enough now till you can know it’s the truth. Uh-huh. See? It is. It’s exactly that.

« 53 † Now what has it done? It’s brought the church, stripped of its power, nothing but name, it pictures it exactly in Revelation 3, the Laodicea Church Age, rejected Christ, and on the outside. Exactly. Why? It did just exactly like its mother did, went back to the denominational. Pentecost, born out of denominational, born out of that; and as soon as they got a bunch of kids come in from some school, and they had to have seminaries and things, instead of upper rooms. And now, many of the big churches, a man has to pass a psychiatrist’s test before he is permitted to be an overseas missionary. The first Church didn’t have to test, a psychiatrist’s test, but they had to go through the test of the Blood of Jesus Christ, what made the difference.

« 54 † Notice, Samson give away his secret to Delilah. She finally loved him and patted him, and told him he was a nice man, how she loved him, until she found where the secret was, then she bobbed off the secret.
55 And that’s exactly the way old mother Jezebel has done the Protestant church, has cropped in. And now they’re compromising on a few little doctrines they said they have, so they can have unity over the world. And the first place the church got her locks bobbed off was at Nicaea, and she is going to bob them again since she’s been here. That’s her secret, is the Word. “If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, you can ask what you will, it’ll be done for you.” See, that’s where they lose their secret. Now look at them, defeated just like Samson was. Ministers, instead of being born…

« 56 † As David duPlessis said one time, “God don’t have pentecostal grandchildren.”
57 But that’s the way you say, “My mother was pentecostal. She had an experience. She did this. My father did so-and-so.” That ain’t got nothing to do with you. You’ve got to have the same thing.
58 Now we got seminaries that hatch out our ministers, and we’re building bigger ones all the time. And–and we got students of psychology. And that’s alright if you want to teach psychology, but I don’t care about psychology. I just want to know Jesus Christ, that’s all I–I… all I want to know, is Him. Now we find that we’ve got it. It certainly has to bring to pass the prophecy of Second Timothy 3, where they’d be, “lukewarm,” you know, “heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than of God, and trucebreakers, incontinent, and–and fierce, and despisers of those that are good.”

« 59 † What has it done to us? It’s almost made our Pentecostal women a Hollywood showmanship. That’s right. It used to be wrong to go to the movies, the bioscope. But now, you know, the Devil just beat them to that, he put it right in the house. See? That’s right. It used to be wrong to do it. It used to be wrong for our sisters to cut their hair or wear short dresses. But now it isn’t, not in the Pentecostal way of thinking, in their organization. But it’s still wrong, by God’s Word! But, you see, they got their–their–their–their power bobbed off. Uh-huh. See? And then they say, “Well, our church believes…” I don’t care what your church believes. It’s what God said! That’s the reason she stands, today, without the answer.

« 60 † That’s exactly the way Samson stood. Samson was the same thing. He must have thought of his errors, as he stood there. I don’t believe a man could stand there and think sensibly, but what could think, knowing, here he is now, he just become a–a–a stumbling block. What a condition, great big man standing there! All the man that ever was in him, as far as what I call muscles, every one of them was there. He still had his muscles. He still had his big muscles, his biceps he had. He had great big fists. He still probably was just as big as he ever was. Frankly, the Pentecostal church is a lot bigger than it ever was, but where was God? That’s it. Yes. As he stood there, remembering his errors, he remembered what caused it first. What caused it, first, was not exactly his natural eyes put out, but it was his spiritual sight put out, that he let Delilah woo him into it.

« 61 † And that’s what’s hindered the church today, is, the spiritual insight of the Word of God has been swapped for a bunch of creeds. That’s the eye the Devil has. First thing he can do, is put your eyes out, tell you, “It’s a bunch of holy-rollers,” tell you, “It’s this, that, or the other, or some devil’s move, or it’s mental telepathy, or something on that order.” If he can punch your eyes out, you’re in darkness.
62 And notice Samson’s first plea in his prayer, “Lord, that I might avenge my two eyes!” He knew there is where his trouble come. Notice, his locks had growed out, but he was blind. He would have to stagger, all the rest of his days. He was blind.
63 We may have as big a machinery as we ever had, and as many members; but what good does it do, if you’re blind to the very thing that’s going on in front of you, and you can’t see it? What’s happening right here, day by day, along with the people, the Holy Spirit revealing Himself, and people don’t see it. That’s blind, spiritual blind!

« 64 † They stood and watched Jesus perform miracles, and so forth, and declare Himself to be the Messiah, and they couldn’t see it. He said, “They got eyes, but they can’t see.” They were blind.
65 And Samson was blind. But here is what Samson recognized, that the church has never come to yet, he knew there was a possibility of coming back again.
66 If the church could only know that, a possibility, but the people of today don’t seem to catch the vision yet. They don’t seem to catch it, that there is a possibility. It doesn’t come through. You can shout a little more, pat your hands a little more, or dance a little more, that isn’t it. No. It’s back to the Word; there is a possibility of coming back and getting the Word on the inside again. You by-passed It there. Notice, they sit tight. Oh, sure, clap their hands? Yes, sir. But, you see, that’s all sails, without any anchor.

« 67 † I’ve seen the heathens clap their hands, do a dance, speak in tongues, and do all those things, and interpret it, but they were African heathens. Sure. I seen them lay a pencil down, and that witch doctor stood there and made that pencil stand up, and run up-and-down on a place up there, and come back and played, like, “shave and a hair cut, two bits,” and drawed out an unknown tongue and wrote it out, and one of them stood there, interpreting it. Oh, my!
68 You can’t rely on that. Many of them speak in tongues and they deny the very principles of Jesus Christ. I’ve took my Bible, layed It right out to a man; him standing there, speaking in tongues. And I say, “Brother, This is exactly.”
69 “I don’t even want to see It. Glory to God! I know what Jesus said, I don’t care about the rest of It. Hallelujah! Glory to God,” like that. Why, a man that would turn his back upon Truth and actually put on a shindig like that, to keep from seeing the Truth, that’s hypocrisy, and the heights of it, just because he would have to give up his fellowship card if he accepted what was Truth. That’s worse than Samson. Notice, but they didn’t catch It. They sit tight.

« 70 † Now, oh, sure, we have great get-togethers, “meetings,” we call it, worldlied revivals, and so forth, all full of tinsel, sure, great big things, and great advertisement, “The man with the message of the hour, and So-and-so and So-and-so.” We have all of that, but where is God? That, that’s the thing we’re looking for, where is God? A great big piece of scholarly showmanship, somebody with enough education that wouldn’t… use the word half the people couldn’t understand what he was saying, and yet he’s got an honorary degree, and a degree, and a degree, and a degree, that he can lectionary and put the words together, and stand so perfectly straight, and say “amen” just exactly right, and turn like a military man, walk off the platform. But where is God?
71 Samson had stood in that place one time, himself, and knowed the power of God, but now he had been shaven of those privileges. He was just as big as he ever was, but God wasn’t there.

« 72 † We got a lot of that today. It’s too bad that we have it, but we have it. Now we notice. But it don’t bring back the Spirit of God. Now, the thing of it is, the people are not willing to pay the price to get back to That. I believe that God just remains the same as He ever was. But, the thing of it is, the people has got so wound up into the world, and the world in them, till they just got just enough religion to make them miserable. Not enough to really turn loose to God and give your whole heart into Him, but enough, “Yeah, I go to church. Certainly, I enjoy good singing and clapping hands. Yeah, I love that, see.”

« 73 † But when it comes right down to putting what you say you believe into practice, and willing to confess the wrong, they don’t do it. It just isn’t there. They don’t have it. Well, that’s real conviction. That’s what we need. We’ve long left that, a long time ago, and swapped it. Prayer, and–and confession, and conviction, we swapped it for emotion, a shaking, or a jerking, or a jumping up-and-down. That’s the reason there is no holding tight, ’cause there is nothing there to hold them, until you come upon the basis of God’s Word, of godly sorrow, ready to repent and make anything right, and do what’s right, ready to live right. I don’t care what the people say, or anything else, you live for yours, for Jesus Christ and what He said. Then you take a church like that, coming back, there is a possibility of it coming. But they’re not willing to do it.

« 74 † Samson prayed right, “Lord, let me die with these Philistines.” Oh, my! See what it’s going to cost him? What if God answers his prayer? “Let me die.” Oh! I like that.
75 Was it Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death”? That’s right.
76 All right, that’s it, liberty or death! It’s back to God, or–or death. What are we going to do? What are we mimicking? What are we try to play, Christianity? If the Holy Ghost is still the Holy Ghost that fell at Pentecost, It still does the same things It did then. The same Power, the same Spirit, It’ll work the same way. We don’t need a council of churches. We need the Bible back in action. That’s exactly.

« 77 † Now we find out that Samson prayed right, “Lord, let me die with the enemy,” die to the enemy that had got him in that way. If there is anything that people ought to pray for, tonight! And we see the thing that’s done this, is getting away from the Bible, to a creed. Then, die with the thing, get out of it! Die to it. Samson was willing to pay the price to get the Power of God back again. There is a price to be paid for It, but, today, the people don’t seem to do it.
78 Oh, we hear revival, sure. Yes, we have a denominational revival, get more members in, and things like that. But look at the morals, it’s constantly decaying. Look how further and further away from God they’re getting all the time, getting away from the Word. And now when they go in and come into the Council of Churches, why, they’ve accepted the biggest killer that the church word has got. The Word that God left to them, they bypass all of That. You can’t teach that Bible; you’ve got to teach their creed. There it is.

« 79 † Samson knew one thing, and I wonder if the church realizes today. He knew that his backslidden condition couldn’t meet the challenge of the hour. And I know, today, that the backslidden condition of the church can’t meet the challenge of this hour. And it’s going to be worse. The Bible said, “As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so will they; men of reprobate mind, concerning the Faith.” They can almost impersonate It exactly.
80 Moses went down with his command from God, with a stick in his hand. And God said, “Do this sign before them. And if they won’t listen to that, then do this sign before them. And if they won’t listen to that, then I’ll be with you, I’ll take care of the rest of it.”
81 Well, Moses went down with his first sign. And, as soon as he performed his first sign, there was impersonators everywhere, doing the same thing. But Moses never fussed about it. He just stood still, for he knew that it was God that sent him. We’re going to have that repeat again in the last days, remember. See?

« 82 † And our backslidden state now will not meet the challenge of the hour, yet all the big frame is here. There is more Pentecostals in the world today than there ever was, that we know of, more Pentecostal believers. That’s right.
83 You know, The Sunday Visitor, the Catholic paper, Sunday paper called The Sunday Visitor, I believe about two years ago, made some kind of a statement like this. He said, “The fastest growing church in the world is the Pentecostals.” Said, “Last year, the Catholic church recorded a million conversions, to Catholicism.” But said the… That’s all Catholicism. But said, “The Pentecostal church alone, in itself, recorded one million, five hundred thousand.”
84 Now the frame is there, but we don’t have the power we had when we were a handful. All of Samson’s big bulk stood there, but where was the Power of the Lord? Yes, the denominational system don’t vindicate the Word of the Lord. That’s right. Now notice.

« 85 † I was talking to a priest that lives out the lane from me, the Sacred Heart church.
86 About a month ago, since this new issue has come on, the Lutheran preacher had the priest of the Catholic church, Sacred Heart church, up to preach in his pulpit for him. And the–the Catholic priest had the Lutheran minister down to say mass for him. “Swapping pulpit,” big piece in the paper. Yeah. Sure. Oh, my, if anybody could see that and not… If you can’t understand that, well, you’re–you’re–you’re certainly Scripturally blind. See? Yes.

« 87 † I talked to this priest. And he said to me, he said, “I want to talk to you, Mister Branham.”
I said, “All right.”
88 And he said, “Did you baptize this Frazier girl, by the name of Mary Elisabeth Frazier?”
I said, “Yes, sir, I did.”
He said, “The bishop wants your signed statement about it.”
I said, “I understand that–that she turned Catholic.”
89 And he said, “Yes,” said, “she come back to the mother church.”
90 And I said, “Yes, sir,” I said, “her mother was telling me about it.”
Said, “Yes, her mother didn’t take it too well.”
91 I said, “Yeah, her mother told me she ‘would rather walk with her to the grave.'” And I said, “Frankly, that’s what she was doing.”
92 And so he said, he said, “I want you to sign this statement.” Said, “Did you baptize her? How did you baptize her?”
I said, “In Christian baptism.”
93 And he said, “I mean how, sir? Did you sprinkle her, pour, or immerse her?”
I said, “Christian baptism is immersing.”

« 94 † “Uh-huh,” said, “all right.” Said, “Now, you, you immersed her then in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?”
95 I said, “Yes, sir, that’s Jesus Christ, that’s the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That’s the way I–I baptized her.”
96 And he said, “You baptized her in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?”
97 I said, “Yes, sir. I never called them words, now. I baptized her in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, which is ‘Jesus Christ.'”
98 He said, “Yes, sir, I see,” and he put it down like that. He said, “You know, that’s the way the early Catholic church baptized them.”
I said, “Oh, is that right?”
And he said, “Yeah, that’s the way.”
I said, “What happened? ‘They did run well.'”
99 And he said, “Well,” he said, “you see,” said–said, “you believe a Bible. God is in His church.”
100 I said, “God is in His Word, sir, His Word.” I said, “Did you say Peter was the first pope.”
He said, “He was.”
101 “Well,” I said, “then if the Catholic church has to say all of its masses in–in Latin, and so forth, where it won’t change; then what did the first pope said, in Acts 2:38, where he said, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.'” He said, if you’ll… I said, “On this confession, and so forth,” I said.
102 He said, “Well, didn’t Jesus tell His disciples, ‘whosoever’s sins you remit, to them they’re remitted; whosoever’s sins you retain, to them they’re retained’?”
I said, “He did.”
103 “Then what’s wrong with that? Your very Bible tells you that.”

« 104 † I said, “Then if you’ll remit sins the way that they remitted them, I’ll go with you. Cause, Peter was asked, the one that had the keys, ‘What must we do to be saved?’ He said, ‘Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.’ Now you do it like that, and I’ll go with you.” Amen. That’s the Word. That’s God’s way of doing it. They weakened on it. That’s…
He said, “Well, well, I never come to argue with you.”
105 I said, “Who was arguing?” See? I said, “I never. I’m not arguing. I… you just asked me a question, and I answered it the best that I knowed how.”
106 I said, “I’m going to ask you one.” I said, “You said that the… that God was with the church. And now I’m going to give you the benefit of telling you, the first Christians, if you want to call them Catholic, all right; Peter, James, John, Mark, Luke, and all them, they, yes.” I said, “Then in following the order of the Bible that these apostles wrote, now you mean today that your dioceses now is so much greater than it was then, you know more wisdom? And you know how to take care of the…?”
“Yes, sir. That’s exactly right.”
107 I said, “Then why was it, that when they followed the commandments of Jesus Christ, they raised the dead, they cast out devils, they done all kinds of signs and wonders, and you don’t do it today? Now what’s wrong?”
108 If the church was better in the Lutheran age, or the Wesleyan age, or any other age, then it was back there, why didn’t they do the works of them then? See? See? Certainly. Back to the Word!

« 109 † Samson stood there, stripped of his power. But, you know, there was something (I want to hurry) the Philistines didn’t notice, while Samson was standing there thinking all this over.
110 I wish I could take the Pentecostal world and back them up in a corner somewhere, let them think like that for a while, just think these reasonable things. Where are we now with a great big bulk of organization? Every one against the other one. The Oneness against the Twoness, the Twoness against the Threeness, and so forth, all, just that’s the way it is. That shouldn’t be that way. Shouldn’t be that way. We should come back, and come together and settle it upon the basis of THUS SAITH THE LORD.
111 What’s the matter with the prophets in the church? The Word of the Lord is supposed to come to the prophets. And if a prophet that claims to be a prophet, and will deny this Truth in the Bible, according to the Word, he is not a prophet. Now, we’re supposed to have these gifts to set us in order, keep us in order. But there, somehow or another, we got away from it all. And they stand, backed in a corner.

« 112 † And here stood Samson, standing in the corner, thinking of all that had been. And these Philistines standing up there, with their arms around these women, looking down, belching and drunk, and celebrating the victory over Jehovah’s servant. Oh, my, don’t that just send something through you, to think of that, the victory over Jehovah’s plan! Yes, standing there with a fish god. Dagon was the fish god. And they was burning sacrifice. Human lives were taken, a little child had to die for the sacrifice, run a sword through it, its heart, for the sacrifice. And there they were, having this big celebration over the victory over Jehovah.
113 And the church tonight, like a bunch of Philistines, is gloating over the idea that a Council of Churches, after a while, will shut out every church that don’t belong to it. Samson, don’t never bob your hair! Stay right with that Word. I don’t care what happens, you stay right there with that Word. Don’t get mixed up in that.

« 114 † Samson begin to think, “Wonder if there is a possibility?” Now he said, “I know my hair has growed out, but I’m blind. There could be a possibility of another revival. There is a possibility.”
115 He said to the little boy, “Put my hands upon the post. Is these the posts that the whole building is fastened on?”
“And you say all the kings and celebrities up on top?”
116 “I’m tired. You’ve had to do, made me do so many tricks and things! Will you just put my hands upon the post?”
117 And he put his hands upon the post, and stood in between them, maybe like in this order. And he stood there with his hands against the posts. The Philistines, celebrating and having such a big time, they forgot to watch him. Oh, my!
118 But he begin to think, “God is still God. I know He is. I’ve tried Him. I’ve put Him to the test. I know He still remains God. It’s me that’s wrong. I’m the one that sinned.” They didn’t notice the tears running out of them blinded sockets, dripping down off of his chin. They didn’t notice his lips moving. “Lord, I’ve done wrong. Let me die with the Philistines.”

« 119 † He wanted God’s Word manifested before that Jezebel, more than he wanted his own life. Oh, if that desire could come to the church again! Yeah. He wasn’t praying for a new order, new denomination, but that the Word of God might be made known again; the promise that he once had, might come back to him again. He was aware of what would happen if his prayer was answered, but he was ready and in dead earnest. Oh, if the church could only get like that! Then he cried out!
120 Slowly he was praying, “It’s possible, Lord. It is possible. I stand here, all my big frame is still together. I’m here, my hair has growed out. But I couldn’t see how to whip them no more, because my eyes is blind. I couldn’t see where I was going. But it’s possible that–that You would let it happen again, Lord, to show Your power.”
He screamed out, “Once more, Lord, just once more!”
121 Oh, if the church could only cry that, “Once more, Lord, let us see Your power!”
122 “Once more!” And as he cried and asked God, I can see them muscles begin to swell. Every fiber in his body begin to twist. The Holy Ghost was coming upon him then. He stretched forth his hands again, with the power of the Holy Ghost upon him, down went the building. The Bible said, “He killed more that day than he did all the rest of his days.” He fulfilled the commission God give him, then. “Once more!”
123 It’s always been that way when the power of God comes, the big structures of isms fall. Samson’s greatest victory over his enemy was at his end time.

« 124 † Now let me say this, just in closing. Pentecost, can we stand at the post of these big organizations, can we stand at the post of Hollywood and all these other things that separate us from the love of God that’s in Christ, and can we stand there and repent, and cry aloud again, “Lord, once more make us pentecost! Once more, Lord, once more make us pentecost! Once more show Your power into us, Lord! Just once more”?
125 Listen, destroy your enemy before your enemy destroys you. He’ll do it. Bring back the old-fashion meetings and the thing. And, oh, leave Delilah alone, leave the world alone, that thing that woos you off into little things that you shouldn’t. And little things, troubles come up in the church, and you won’t stand correction because you don’t have to; you can drop off to another church, and things like that. In the early days, when a man didn’t cope up with the Word of God, they packed him out, dead.
126 “Bring us back to pentecost!” Not Hollywood showmanship, but a wholehearted turn to God is what we need. “Once more, O Lord, once more!”

« 127 † If I could see that happen, if my old weakening eyes could look again and see that church forget its differences! If I could see that denominational system break down, and throw it right into the lap of the Council, and say, “We want nothing to do with it! We’ll not forfeit our birthrights!” If I could see the Trinity and Oneness, and all of them, get together and saying, “Brethren, let’s go back to where we left Him off at. Let’s go back to where we started fussing at one another at, right back upon the subject of water baptism, and come right back and take the Bible way for it,” and then cry, “Once more, Lord, once more!” And get all of this showmanship… and a lot of these fellows up on the platform and they knows no more about God than a rabbit does about snowshoes, and these women with dresses so tight till their skin is on the outside, walking up-and-down the platform, clapping their hands and jumping around like that, like a bunch of show or something another.

« 128 † “God, bring us back to the Holy Ghost and power, and the manifestation of the Word! Once more, Lord, once more!” Do you believe it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] “Lord God, once more, once more let me see the Presence of Jesus Christ walking through the church, let me see His power and His promise made manifest before us. Once more, Lord, once more! God, be merciful, help us!”
129 You see what these other things gets us? It kills the very… it drives away the nature of Christ, out of the congregation, out of the–out of the church, out away from the people. We should be so woven together that there would be nothing separate us from this Word and our love for one another.

« 130 † Jesus Christ is here. He is our Father. He is our Mother. He is my Healer. He is my King. He is my God. He is my Life. He is my joy. He is my peace. All that there is, He is, for me. He is my all-in-all. He is here now.
131 He wants to bring the church back to that place. Wonder if we could cry, “Once more, Lord,” and let the–the tears of repentance drop from our blinded sockets? I’m not exactly talking to this church. This is taped, you see, here, this will go around the world. Let our–let our people come back to that again, let it come back to a place where we could call back a–a meeting like we used to have.

« 132 † Just even take ten or fifteen years, back, look how it’s declined since then, look how it’s went down, down, down. It’s got so it’s almost a shame, a fellow feels embarrassed, almost, to talk about Divine healing, there been so much reproach brought upon it; talk about the Holy Ghost, when so much reproach has been brought upon It. That’s right. It’s not God’s fault. It’s a Samson that has left off of the principles of God’s Word, and has substituted something else, and let the organization shave him down, woo him into it.
133 I say to you, my brother, sister, if I never see you no more this side of the–of the great Judgment Bar of God, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” His Word, to me, is Life. He is here now. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] I know He is here.

« 134 † And the only thing you have to do, to know He is here, is get yourself out of the way. See? As long as you’re in the way, then God cannot do nothing for you. When you think your thoughts, then God’s thoughts don’t have a chance. But if you’ll quit thinking your thoughts, and think His thoughts! “My thoughts is not your thoughts,” He said. “If there be any praise, if there be any virtue, think on these things.” Not what some church is going to say about it, but what God said about it!
135 Like this little lady laying here, shaking in this cot. That woman is going to lay like that all of her life, unless she can get her–her faith set right straight on Jesus Christ. And no matter what comes or goes, it be revealed to her, then there is nothing going to stop the healing. That’s right. But when you get your… Depends on what you’re thinking about.

« 136 † If you’ll just believe and have faith, God can do anything for you. And the greatest thing He can do for you, tonight, is sweep your soul right back into the Presence of His Being. Right back there to where every person in here…
137 Just think, what if the Holy Ghost had everybody in here completely in His control? Think of what would take place tonight, think what would take place in Shreveport by this time tomorrow night! They would have headlines everywhere, “A bunch of people went crazy. They were healing the sick and raising the dead. They’re doing all kinds of things down in Shreveport, Louisiana, United States, U.S.A.” They’d have it on television, of what they was doing, if the Holy Ghost could take completely control.

« 138 † Why don’t He? He wants to. He is willing to. He is waiting. “Well,” you say, “I’ve asked Him so many things, I just hate to ask Him too much.” Ask abundance, that your joys might be full!
139 Could you imagine a little fish, a half inch long, out in the middle of the Pacific, saying, “I better drink of this water sparingly, I might run out, someday”? Could you think of a little mouse about that big, in the great garners of Egypt, think, “I’ll allowance myself to one grain a day, ’cause I might run out before the next harvest comes in”? Oh, my! Now divide that by a hundred billion, and that’s how easy you can exhaust God’s mercies and grace and power to you, if you’ll just believe it, you can just leave yourself… Well, I’m sorry I… that’s, you can’t exhaust Him.

« 140 † He is the inexhaustible fountain of Eternal Life, here tonight to make manifested any Divine promise of His Bible, to anybody that’ll believe It. Amen. Yes, sir. The only thing you do is drink. Come to the fountain and drink. Drink until you’re satisfied. You can’t exhaust Him. No, sir. He is absolutely the inexhaustible, and you can just drink and drink and drink. You can drink your healing in. You can drink your salvation in. Just come and drink. “Let him that’s thirsty come and drink.” Amen. I–I–I–I know He is here, and I know He’ll do the exceedingly, abundantly if we’ll just let Him do it.

« 141 † I just seen something happen. And I–I don’t want to start one of them kind of services, you see, of visions, because I–I’m talking about something else. See, I’m talking about you coming, not for physical healing, but coming to–to… As soon as they go to doing that, now that’s just… See, as soon as I went to relax myself then, to get away, the first thing you know, people caught, you know, you feel that coming in.
142 Here, I can tell you. That man sitting in back there, with his nephew’s boy with that bad hip. If he’ll believe, God will heal him and make him well. Do you believe that He would heal him and make him well? [The brother says, “Amen.”–Ed.] If you do, well then God will do it. See? Exactly right. Amen.

« 143 † Here is a man sitting right here, looking right at me. He is praying for his family. He is really not from here. He is from South Carolina. Mr. Dixson. But if he’ll just believe with all of his heart, God will grant that blessing to him. Do you believe it, sir? I’m a total stranger to him. I never seen him, in my life. Amen. I never seen him, in my life.
144 But you see what I mean? What is it? “How does that work, Brother Branham?” When Brother Branham can get out of the way! Yes, sir. When I can get out of the way, then Jesus Christ comes in.
145 Just by the way, right over from him, is another man caught Fire, and he is from South Carolina, too. That’s right. I see It hanging right over him. That’s exactly right. He is praying for a brother that’s an alcoholic. That’s exactly right. Listen. You’re Brother Holmes. Do you believe that God… Is that your name? God makes… God will grant it to you.
Do you see what I mean? “Once more, Lord, once more!”

« 146 † Let’s stand up on our feet, everybody. Cry, Pentecostal, raise up your hands, “Once more, Lord! Once more, Lord, once more!” Hallelujah! I don’t know what to do, but It’s here. Let’s cry, with one accord, “Once more, Lord!” Cry it out, “Once more, Lord! Once more, Lord! Once more, Lord, send Your Power, send Your blessings. Send the Holy Ghost upon us, like a rushing mighty wind, and fill every soul that’s in here, anew.” Glory to God! Believe it with all your heart. “Once more, Lord, once more!” Hallelujah!

« 147 † Drunk on the Spirit! If the Holy Ghost can just pour into you till you’re so drunk you forget what your name is, till you forget all your doubts; get you so drunk on the Spirit till you forget your doubts, amen, then you can get somewhere with God. Then the cry, “once more,” goes up from the sincerity, and then another one. Hallelujah! Filled with the Holy Ghost, these drunk on the Spirit; God’s righteousness and holiness, and power, get you so drunk till you forget who you are. You’re nothing, to begin with. Remember, God wants to come into you. “Once more, Lord, once more! Once more, Lord, once more!”

« 148 † Oh, Pentecostal, Pentecostal, run for your life! There is just a little time left. It’s later than you think. If I never say another word from this pulpit, remember, run for your life! It’s later than you think. I feel the Holy Spirit on me, saying, “Say it again.” Run for your life! It’s later than you think.
149 Once more, Lord, once more fill Life Tabernacle with Eternal Life, every member in here. And let the Glory of the Lord fall upon this congregation, Lord Jesus. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I believe God. Once more, Lord, once more let man forget who they are. Let man forget his unbelief, that we could cry, “Once more, Lord, once more!”
Do you love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 150 † O God, Heavenly Father, give us a revival in our souls, Lord. We see the–the–the lamps are smoking, the Fire on the altar is going out. O Lord God, look down upon a sin-cursed nation, but, Lord, don’t forget Your people. People here has strived for years, Lord, to build this little economy for You. Life Tabernacle was built, Lord, for a–a soul-saving station, for a revival. O God, once more pour Your Holy Power into it. Surge every member, take out every differences. Send down a rain of God’s Holy Fire and lighten our souls, Lord, with the Presence of Jesus Christ. May the people not be so stooped in unbelief, that they can see that You’re here with us; and You are the Word, and a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart, as the Bible has been so proven to us, over and over again. Lord God, let us wake to our senses, of the Spirit of God being in our midst. Grant it, Father. I commit it to You, with myself. Amen.

« 151 † Brother, sister, I don’t know, in my Bible, of any other thing God promised to do before the Rapture of the Church. I don’t. You’re thinking of a mark of the beast, coming; I’ve told you, it’s, they done got it. See? The next thing left is for the Rapture of the Church. It could come at any time, and not disrupt any Scripture in the Bible, as far as I know it. God knows that’s true. Yes, sir. The time is at hand. It’s later than we think.
152 Let’s just close our eyes, and sing, I Love Him. Maybe, if we’ll worship and praise Him, maybe He’ll do something. I’ve prayed all this week, to see a breaking forth in this tabernacle. I prayed before I come here. I got people praying for this. Oh, there–there is prayer going up for this. I’m trying to believe with all my heart. Let’s wake up, right quick. Let’s just worship Him and praise Him, as we sing it now with our eyes closed and our hands to God.
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary’s tree.

« 153 † Now while we sing the next verse, shake hands with somebody by you, your Christian brother, say, “God bless you,” now while we sing it.
I love Him, I… (If you love one another, you can’t keep from loving God.)
Because He first…
… salvation
On Calva-…
154 Now let’s say, “Hallelujah!” [Brother Branham and congregation say it together–Ed.] Hallelujah! Say it again, “Hallelujah!” Again, “Hallelujah!” Praise our God!
I love Him, I love Him because…
Brother Don, you ready?

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

15-0927E Believest Thou This?

Message: 60-0402 Believest Thou This?

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« E-1 † And before we pray, I would like to say this, that last evening, I believe it was, I said to a lady, “If you’ll just do as we’re instructed to do, that it would–the baby with a water head, it would shrink. And the baby’s head shrunk, last night, one-half a inch by measure of a string. So the lady brought it here now.
Now, the reason I did that, sister, is for a purpose. See? If you can see something tangible happen, that’ll make your faith increase to keep believing it. Sometimes I do that just to, maybe, like ask the person to get up and make a step or two, move your hand, wiggle your finger, just something that they can do different, just to let them see that it’s all all right. They just get nervous and think it isn’t going to happen, but it’s happening all the time. See?? It has to.

« E-2 † How many wants to be remembered in prayer, now? Would you just raise your hands and say, “Lord, grant it”? Let us bow our heads.
Lord, as we hear this grand old hymn of the church, wrote by my precious friend, Paul Rader, “Only Believe,” we are thinking now of a boy, was brought by his fathers to the disciples, no more than ten days after Jesus had given them power to cast out devils and heal the sick, and here they was completely defeated on an epileptic case. And they seen our Lord coming. And the father ran and said, “Lord, have mercy on us. My son is variously vexed with the devil. I brought him to Your disciples and they could not cure him.”
And Jesus said, “I can, if ye believe. Only believe.” O God, You haven’t changed a bit since then: You’re just the same loving, sweet, and compassionate God. As You were then, so are You today. And Lord, like that father, we all cry, “Lord, help Thou our unbelief.” It’s so simple; we just stumble over it Father.

« E-3 † We want to offer You thanks and praise for touching that little baby last night, to see that that skull, that’s been swollen, that is, that the bone has pushed out, it went down an half an inch last night. We’re grateful for that, Father. When we know that our doctors has nothing in the research for it, there’s nothing that they can do for it; but Thou art still God, the Master of all situations. We thank Thee Father. We thank Thee for this mother’s loyalty, and sweetness, and obedience to bring back the string and paste it on this piece of paper, here, to show to the public her testimony for the glory of God. May her little one live and be a normal child, for Your glory.
Look at all those hands that went up, Father. Each of them had a need. Mine up, too, Father, I have need. And here’s many here, in the form of letter or in this box, that’s needy, people who are really needy. Let it come to pass, Lord, that each will receive their request this night. May they take this mother’s testimony and just as an example to show that when You say anything, it’s finished. It’s… You–all we have to do is to receive it and act upon it. It’s a finished work.
Grant, Lord, that each one of these letters and these handkerchiefs, the people that they’re laid upon, may they be healed. Every one that raised their hands, Father, they may receive their hearts desire… We ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen. You may be seated.

« E-4 † I just wanted to show you the string here, that the lady… There you are. That… The little baby’s head did shrink as the Lord promised us through the Holy Spirit last night. Isn’t He wonderful? So, gives us so much courage to have faith and believe.
Now, when Jesus said to that tree (in Mark 11:23) “No man eateth from thee from henceforth,” He might not have yelled out. Why, frankly, He was so easy about it, till His disciples just… I think one of them heard him. And it… When that epileptic, when it come up before the Lord Jesus, the boy had the hardest fit he ever had; perhaps, fell on the ground like he was dead, but he realized that he met Someone Who had faith far above those apostles.

« E-5 † Now, I’d like for someone that didn’t believe in Divine healing to watch this. Jesus had given them power to cast the spirits out, and they had failed. Not the power had failed, but they had failed. Jesus told them… “Why could we not cast him out.” He said, “because of your unbelief.”
The church still has a power. God’s never taken His power from the church, but the church don’t have faith enough to act upon it. That’s all. It’s just that simple. We try to make it so complicated sometimes, but the more simple you make the Gospel, the more reality you’ll have, when you just get real simple with it: God said so; that settles it; and that’s all. And just believe it, go ahead.

« E-6 † When Jesus said, “No man eateth from thee,” why, the leaves were just as pretty and bright as they ever was. The bark looked the same, but way down beneath the ground in those roots, the life begin to dwindle away.
So is it upon a cancer, upon any kind of disease that–that you might want to think. When you can accept God’s Word, way down deep in the roots, the cancer may be there; your hand may be just as stiff. That don’t have anything to do with Divine healing. It’s “If Thou canst believe.” See? Way down somewhere, it’s already gone to work.

« E-7 † Jesus said, “If you say to this mountain, be moved, and don’t doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said. Isn’t that lovely? Who’d that come from? The Son of God, Whose Words… Heavens and earth will pass away, but now–but His Word’s won’t.
Now, the only way that you can do that, you’ve got to have the right objective and the right motive. Now, if I went out here and said, “I’ll show you I can move this mountain, ‘Be moved, mountain.'” It would never move. Certainly not. No matter what I had. It’s got to be… First you’ve got to find the will of God.
That’s the reason, usually in the prayer lines, I–I get the very hardest, is because it’s something that’s went through lines and so forth, and that’s where you get it back. But see, if you’ve got unconfessed sin… Did you ever notice on a case, before I ask the evil spirit to leave, I watch that case real sure to be certain that there’s nothing in that life that would hinder anything (See?), because remember, on these gifts, you could get in trouble with them.

« E-8 † God–you remember one time–gave a prophet–made a prophet out of a man, Moses, and told him to go down and speak to the rock. And the prophet was all excited, and went out, and smote the rock, speaking of the weakness of Christ, that He’d have to die the second time or be smitten the second time. He had power to bring it, but it wasn’t the will of God.
I never could believe that it was God’s will for El–Elijah to go around, ’cause them children was teasing him about being baldheaded, I don’t think he should have did that. But he was a prophet, and was angered, and he put a curse on those children and two she bears killed forty-two little innocent children. See? But I don’t believe he should’ve done that. And it just–just… we…
God, I believe today, before He puts His church in power, He tries His church to see what it will do.
We–next time, maybe, if the Lord willing when I come back, we have time to dwell on something like that, on something that’s fixing to happen, and then we’ll know more about it then.

« E-9 † But if you’ll just speak the word, say, “Lord, I believe it,” don’t doubt, mean it in your heart…
Now, say for instance, I was in the valley, and I don’t… I’m preaching to a millions of people, but just across the mountain there is a group of people of one hundred, and they’re dying without knowing Christ. Well, I’ve got a million here to preach to, but yet, something in my heart’s telling me, “Get across to those people. Get to them. They’re perishing.” I don’t want to go myself, but yet there’s something in me. See, that’s God then, moving. See what the objective is, see what the motive is of going, not for self… Now, if I say, “Well…” If–if my objective is right to get over there, but then I get up there and here’s a big mountain. I say, “You know, if I get over that mountain and save all those hundred people, someday they’ll have a statue there: Brother Branham, the great missionary. Now, my motive’s not right. The mountain won’t fall. No, sir.

« E-10 † But when my motive and objective is right, and God in my heart is leading me, and I can’t get over the mountain, around the mountain, under the mountain, I’d say, “Mountain, move.” Maybe it… When I say that, and no more than I say it with that kind of a right spirit, led of the Holy Spirit, in the will of God, there might not be but one little spoonful of that mountain drop down, but it’s on its road. The next day there may be a two pounds fall. The next day a quarter of a ton. And maybe in a month, five ton drops in. What of it? May not even see it yet, but she’s moving, on its road. I’ll stay right there and watch the thing be done, because God said so and that just settles it.
Can you think that about your mother there tonight? All right, if you’ll think it, she’ll get well. All right. That’s if you just believe it: just speak the word and stay with it. See? Just believe it; hang onto it. It’s Eternal Life.

« E-11 † Now, tomorrow afternoon… I told Billy, tonight, just to omit the prayer cards, and I wanted to speak. I’m confessing in truth, I’ve been going since January, overseas, and back, in Phoenix–right home, and back, and all completely… That discernment… Till I am so weak I hardly know where I’m standing at times. It’s just about got me whipped out.
And then, I have to leave, and they–you–you brethren invited me to stay over for some more days. How I appreciate that. I certainly think that this is a wonderful bunch of ministers here. Wish we could’ve had a little more time for fellowship. If the Lord willing, I’ll be back sometime. Nothing else, just go from one church to the other and wind around through the city and visit you all. I’d be glad to do that: anything that I could do to help the Kingdom of God, that is, if you’d want me to do it. And to come back sometime and join up with us and have a nice good meeting somewhere.
And remember, brethren, I’ll be praying for you. That’s one thing sure. And I want you all to pray for me, all of you.

« E-12 † And now I–I’m–tomorrow morning is the church services in all these different fine churches around the city.
Now, some of the groups from Jeffersonville is here. Some of my friends, one of my trustees of the church, is here, Brother Fred Sothmann. I’ve never been able to see him in the meeting. And brother… Oh, many other of my friends from up there at Jeffersonville, my…?… secretary there and–and all is here, somewhere in the meeting. I haven’t seen them yet.
And brethren, there’s some fine churches here in this city. And all the rest of you visitors, find one of them and go to these churches tomorrow. They’ll do you good, I’m sure. They’re brethren who believe in this kind of a ministry. That’s the reason they’re here setting on the platform and down in the places here, because they believe in it. And I appreciate those men.

« E-13 † Lord, bless this Full Gospel Businessmen’s chapter here who–who sponsored this meeting. There’s–I believe that was right–that sponsored the meeting. I–I go a lot of their sponsors, because in there… We oughtn’t to be this way, but many times, brethren lets little bitty differences, like a man believe a little something, another little something… It kindly makes a little friction and old sores from way back. It ought to be healed up by this time, but it–it… And if you–if I get the Full Gospel Businessmen, then that kindly helps bind it up, and we get together, and we have real fellowship together, just real good times. And we appreciate that. God bless that chapter. I believe the Lord raised it up for a purpose.

« E-14 † Now–and then I had the grand privilege of seeing Bro–Brother Oral Roberts’ place the other day. And my, such a mammoth place, such a beautiful thing. It’s–it’s a memorial to Pentecost.
Then I went over to Brother Tommy Osborn’s, another wonderful place, wonderful man of God, who… Brother Tommy and I are just close, and Brother Oral, too, just real close brothers, and we love one another, and trying our best to work everything that we can for the good of the people in the Kingdom of God.
So I certainly appreciate those men being here in this city among the rest of these fine men you’ve got. You sheep have got wonderful shepherds. I–I’ll say it like that. May the Lord continue to be with you all is my prayer. And now tomorrow afternoon, I… What time’s the service start, brethren? Two-thirty. Let’s say one–one or one-thirty you ought to be here so they won’t interrupt with the rest of the services.

« E-15 † Now, if the boys hasn’t already told you, tonight they have some books, pictures and so forth, and tapes, and records, and–of the meetings, and they sell them. But we will not let them sell them on the Sabbath, tomorrow. No books nor nothing to be sold tomorrow. So we won’t–we never permitted that. Although many said, “You’re awful wrong…”
And old Daddy Bosworth used to tell me, “Oh, Brother Branham, you’re wrong there,” but that’s the way I feel (See?), and I–I feel. If you want one, they give you one, but if you… But we can’t sell on–on the Sabbath. No. That’s all. If I believe that, I got to live it, just… I got to live with myself. You see? And I–I got to live with my convictions and so… Or you can send home, and–up to the house, up the place and get it.

« E-16 † Now tonight, oh, let’s just all just forget that, oh, that there’s any work to be done, or anything else, or the toils of the day. Let’s just lay aside everything, and look into the Word for a few minutes, and see what God would speak to us through His Word. And may I pray that God will just give us an extremely great blessing tonight.
Gene, could you kidnap her for me? Could you kidnap that little girl for me? Isn’t she a pretty little thing? Would you like to go home with me and play with my little Sarah, about this high? Oh, you would? I–I’d like for you to. She’s just about your size, and she’s daddy’s little girl. Uh-huh. And I bet you–you love your daddy too, don’t you? Mommy? Oh, sure you do. The prettiest little girl, I’m setting here, looking at. Little eyes look like two burnt holes in a blanket and–and little brown hair.

« E-17 † I just love little children. I got two little girls at home. One of them is Rebekah and the other one is Sarah.
Here sometime ago, I was away. They’re both daddy’s little girls, you know, and I love them. And as soon as they get in I got to give them a piggy-back, and–only Becky’s getting too big for it; she’s big as I am. She’d break my back now; she’s–but she’s still daddy’s little girl, anyhow. And now, about another year, we want to get her in Bible school somewhere and away from the public school.
And then–they was waiting up for daddy, you know, to come home. I’d been out in the meeting. (And tomorrow night they’ll be waiting until midnight for me to try to get in.) And so, I got in real early in the morning, around three or four o’clock. And mother come to the door and let me in, and I was so tired and weary, I… Here on the platform, I–when the–anointed it feels fine, but when that once leaves you, that’s where you get in trouble. How many ever knew that? Why, sure it is.

« E-18 † Look. Elijah went up on the mountain and called fire out of heaven, called rain out of heaven, and then when the Spirit left him, he wandered in the wilderness forty days and God found him, pulled back in a cave somewhere.
Jonah, he went down and stayed live in a belly of a whale for three days and nights, was spit out upon the bank and went around preaching. The whole city repented and come to God. And when the anointing left him, he went up on top of the hill and asked God to take his life. See?
I stand by the side of William Cowper’s grave, not long ago, that wrote that famous hymn that we use at our communion service,
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood,
Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins,
Where sinners plunged beneath the flood…
Did you ever hear what he–happened to him? After the inspiration left him from that, he tried to find the river to commit suicide.

« E-19 † I live right across from the old Kentucky Home. And Stephen Foster gave America its most famous folk songs. And when he’d write, get inspiration up, that inspiration write a song, then when he come out of it, he’d go get on a drunk. Finally, called a servant and took a razor and committed suicide.
People don’t know what those people that live in the spiritual realm go through. Now here, you feel like you could move a mountain, but just let the anointing drop from you, and start through that door… If somebody ain’t there to catch you… See? And then, maybe for a few hours you hardly wonder where you’re at. And then night after night, that takes the best of you.

« E-20 † And little… Want to tell you about little Sarah and Rebekah. So the next morning, I couldn’t sleep, and I’d got up, was setting in a chair, and after a while Becky, being the oldest, she was–had longer legs than Sarah, and so Becky come running–woke up, jumped out of bed, not waking her little sister up, and here she come through the house, running as hard as she could. She was saying, “Daddy, daddy…” And I stuck out one of my legs, and she jumped across there, pretty well balanced (kinda like the–the modern church, you know, it’s been in the game for a long time, you know, for several hundred years.) She could balance herself right well, and she put her arms around me and said, “Oh, my daddy, my daddy…”
And little Sarah had, in the commotion, woke up. Well, I don’t know whether your children does it not; mine does: The younger one gets the hand-me-downs. And so Sarah had on Becky’s pajamas, feet about that much too long, you know. And here she come, little bitty short fellow, falling, stumbling. And she got there a little late. So Becky turned around and said, “Sarah, my sister, I want to tell you something.” She said, “I was here first. And I have the monopoly. So I’ve got all of daddy and there’s none left for you.”
That’s the way some people tries to think about religion, isn’t it? That’s right.

« E-21 † And poor little Sarah, she dropped her little lip, and her little black eyes looked up at me, and she started to cry. And Becky had her cheek against mine, hugging me. I love her. And Sarah started to walk away ’cause Becky had all of daddy. I scooted the other knee out like this and motioned to her like that. Oh, she perked up right quick and run, jumped up on my knee so… She hadn’t been around very long and her legs wouldn’t even reach the floor. She was kinda little tottery (perhaps, like I am, just a little tottery, you know), and she didn’t–couldn’t reach the floor. She wasn’t a big denomination, you know, and so she couldn’t get down on the solid floor. She hadn’t been around long enough.
And so, she was kindly tottering, and I throwed both arms around her like this and hugged her up close to me, and she sparkled those little black eyes, and looked back to Rebekah. She said, “Rebekah, my sister,” she sai–she said, “it may be true that you’ve got all of daddy, but I want you to know one thing, Daddy’s got all of me.”
That’s–just so He’s got all of me. I might not have the education to put the big things over, but just long as I know He’s got all of me, and my tottering, just let Him have both arms around, it’ll just make me feel fine.

« E-22 † Well, let’s offer another little word of prayer to Him before we open up the Word.
Now, Heavenly Father, we realize that we’re just like children also. And–and You love to be with us, and worship with us. And as we worship You, and You love us, and hold us in Your arms, and send down Your Holy Spirit, and make us to know that You’re living and You’re our Father, we thank You so much. Now, let the Holy Spirit come to us tonight. Love each heart, Lord. Give us a fresh blessing. Pour out the dew drops of mercy upon us, Father. Do not look at our sins. They’re too many. Lord, just forgive them. Omit them, Father, and just take us into Thy arms, and–and heal our sickness, and–and cleanse our souls, and set our spirits free, Lord, that we can worship and praise Thee, be like little children running around the house, just know that Daddy’s watching over us. Grant it, Lord.
Now, no man is able to–to interpret the Word. We realize that. John saw the Book in the right-hand of Him that set upon the throne, and there was no man in heaven, or in earth, or beneath the earth that was worthy to take the Book to open it, or to loose the seals. And there come a Lamb up, that had been slain since the foundation of the world. And He was worthy. And He took the Book, and loosed the seals, and opened the Book. O Lamb, come tonight. Open the Book to us, Father, as we wait upon Thee, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name, the Lamb of God. Amen.

« E-23 † I have chosen tonight, a little Scripture verse here of three words. But first I want to read a verse or two out of Saint John, the 11th chapter beginning with the 23rd verse.
Jesus said unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
Martha said unto him, I know… he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and… life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
She said unto Him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, that should come into the world.
And for a text I wish to use these three words: Believest Thou This?

« E-24 † I read a story sometime ago. I think it was a fiction story. And most all ministers, I guess, have read Dr. Ingraham’s book of–of “The Prince of the House of David.” It’s a great book. It’s–I think it’s absolutely out of print. I’d like to have it in print, so I could put it among the people.
And in there, I was reading a little article on this Lazarus, and upon Jesus, and Mary, and Martha, that’s the sisters of Lazarus. And I was reading in there that where Jesus lived, I believe, with Martha and Mary. They were both lovely Hebrew girls. And Lazarus was learning or training to be a scribe at the temple, making letters of the law for the priests.
And Jesus had great fellowship, especially with Lazarus. When we read in the book that where He did come to their home, and Martha was a little dilatory about listening to His words, but she had to get the dinner ready and set the table, but Mary set at His feet. And Jesus said that Mary has chosen the better thing.

« E-25 † And then, we were told that Lazarus was the one that brought Jesus to John, in the story of Dr. Ingraham’s books… And a… on the Prince of the House of David. However, that might not have been true, I do not know, but just for the background of it, but He was supposed to have been living with them.
Now we’ve been learning this coming–this last week, rather–that Jesus said in Saint John 5:19, “I… The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise. The Father worketh and the Son worketh hitherto.” See? What He sees the Father doing…
So to make this really the right story, the Father, God, must have spoke to His Son, Jesus, and said, “Your friend, Lazarus, is going to die, but it’s going to be for the good, so You leave the home. Go away, ’cause it’ll ask of You to pray for him or make him well, and–and I don’t want You to do that.” If you’ll watch the story as we go along, you’ll see it heaps up to that very truth of that. So, Jesus, just without any warning or anything, walked away from the house and went somewhere else, didn’t return that night. And He went to some other city. And as soon as Jesus left the home, then trouble set in.

« E-26 † And when Jesus leaves your home, trouble is on its road. Just remember, when He leaves your home, trouble is on the way. When you get social societies and everything operating in your church so perfectly, like some great big sixteen cylinder Rickenbacker, and you leave Jesus out of it, when Jesus goes from your church, trouble’s on the road. Yes, sir, when Jesus leaves a denomination, that they lay Him aside and say, “Well, now we just don’t believe that these things could be just exactly right,” and you adopt something else, trouble’s on its road. Just remember that.
Reminds me of a story of the Lord Jesus, that’s found in the book of Luke. You know when He was just a boy of about twelve years old, His people taken Him, as the custom was each year, up to the feast of Pentecost. And while they were in the city of Jerusalem at the feast and having a good time, we find in the Bible, that they went three days without Him. And that they thought maybe, just took it for granted, that Jesus must have been among some of their kinfolks. Now, we cannot do that. When they come to go through their kinfolks to find out, He wasn’t there.

« E-27 † And we can’t take it for granted, just because we’re Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecost, and our backgrounds and our forefathers were great believers, we just take it, well, for granted, Jesus is with us. We can’t do that. We’ve got to be in contact with Him every day and every minute. Oh, I love that.
I want what God is now. What my parents had, what my forefathers had, is wonderful. But what they had is good. I think we’re farther up the road.
Let’s see what He is today. I don’t want to look back and see what Mr. Moody did, because we’re farther up the road than Mr. Moody. The trouble with our churches we look back and say, “Well, let’s see what Mr. John Wesley said, what some of the others said.” That’s the reason science is so farther in their field than religion is in its.

« E-28 † Here three hundred years ago, a french scientist proved that if you’d go the terrific speed of thirty-five miles an hour, gravitation would take you off the earth. You think science would refer back to that today? They’re going nineteen hundred miles an hour and still going on. They’re pressing forward, looking forward. But we want to look back and see what Moody said; Sankey said; Finney said; Knox, Calvin; some of those. What they said was all right. That was for their age, but we’re going on.
My grandfather rode a ox cart. I’m driving a Ford V8. My son will fly a jet plane. That’s we’re moving on. That’s what religion ought to be. The coming of the Lord is at hand. The church ought to be moving on into the powers. Science can only climb so far and then it has to drop off, but we got untapped sources, that’s never been touched, of the power, unlimited, of God, that we ought to be moving into. We’re living a million miles under our privilege tonight, of privileges of Christians to be enjoying. I feel ashamed of myself when I look out here and see the institutions, and the sickness, and the troubles that’s going on right now. Our church ought to be walking the street, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, doing signs and wonders, making the whole world realize that Jesus Christ lives. That’s what we need to be done, a doing.

« E-29 † Why, you say, “Mr. Moody never…” Mr. Moody wasn’t living in this day. That’s right. We’re living on the coming of the Lord. And we’ve just took it for granted that He was with our kinfolks. But the other day when a challenger challenged Mr. Graham, we found out that He wasn’t among our kinfolks.
Where do they find Him? Where did–where did they find Jesus? Right where they left Him. Where did they leave Him? At the feast of Pentecost. Where do we leave Jesus, where did the church? At the feast of Pentecost. When we get away from that old time Pentecostal power and the feast of Pentecost, we walk away from Jesus. That’s exactly right, friend. We are living under our privileges. Yes, sir.
They left Him at the feast of Pentecost, and there’s the only place that Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Pentecostals will ever find Him, is go back where you left Him at. Where is the joy of the Lord? Where is the power of the Lord? The church asks today, “What–what happened to the God of history?” He’s waiting for His people to call Him on the scene. But the…

« E-30 † We can’t do it through denominations. We can’t do it under psychology. We can’t do it under arithmetic, or we can’t do it with education. We separate ourselves, divide ourselves. We are not divided. We are one person indeed in Christ Jesus. We are all one in Christ, and our denominations will never do it. As good as they are, they won’t do it. Our education’s the greatest hindrance the Gospel ever had, is education.
What we need is not education. We need the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost back in the church to demonstrate the power. Jesus never said, “Go into all the world and–and teach.” He never said, “Go into all the world and do…” He said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” And the Gospel is to demonstrate the power of the Holy Ghost, the resurrection. We’re still a million miles short than where we should be. Let us move forward. Let’s go back where we left Him at the feast of Pentecost.

« E-31 † Jesus said, in John, I believe, the 15th chapter, He said, “I am the Vine; ye are the branches.” Well now, if that Vine put forth the first branch, and out of that branch wrote a book of Acts, the second branch will make another book of Acts. The third branch will make another book of Acts. And every branch that comes out of that Vine will be the same as the first branch was.
Now, you can graft, we know that. I’ve seen a citrus tree with about eight different kinds of fruit on it. I’ve seen a orange tree putting grapefruits, and lemons, and everything else on it, but they were drafted in.
That’s what’s the matter today. We’ve drafted in our ideas, drafted in our denominations, but if that tree ever puts forth another fruit vine, itself, it’ll be like the original ones that went into it. Hallelujah. Oh, church will blend together, but we need the power of the original. We need the Holy Ghost, the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That’s what He told us to do.

« E-32 † “I am the Vine, ye are the branches.” If a grape vine puts forth a shoot, and it comes out with pretty blue grapes, the next vine it brings out will have pretty blue grapes on it. If the first Vine come out, and they fell under the impact of the Holy Spirit, and they did great miracles, and signs, and sealed their testimony to a world… Even many of them with their own testimony they–with their blood they sealed their testimony. They went through all kinds of perils and everything to bring the Gospel. They suffered; they were beaten; they were punished. “Must we be carried home to heaven on a flowery bed of ease, while others fought to win the prize, and sailed through bloody seas?” What do we expect to do? “I must fight if I must reign. Increase my courage, Lord.” Certainly. We need a…
We don’t need a new denomination. We don’t need a new church building. What we need today is an old-time backwoods, sky blue, sin killing Pentecostal revival, that was borned at Pentecost and is back into the church again, the power of the Holy Ghost again, to bring Jesus on the scene.

« E-33 † The God of history always rises on the scene in a crucial moment. We need it. That’s what’s the matter with the church today. We’re getting too far back. We’re falling into the fashions of the world. And gradually, year by year, it begins to die a little and wither away.
It’s pruning time pretty soon. God will cut it back as sure as I’m standing in this pulpit. God will cut her back to make her bear fruit. He will cut the works of the world out of it one of these days. Such a disgrace, the way the church has carried on under the name of religion.
And we find out, when Jesus left, death set in. When Jesus leaves our church, the power of the Holy Spirit leaves our church, it begins to dwindle and–and die. And after while there’s nothing no more to it. Now, when Jesus left, death set in. Oh, what a sad time it was.

« E-34 † And notice, they wondered around, and they sent for Jesus, but He didn’t come. They sent for Him again, and He didn’t come, but He knowed what He was going to do. He knows tonight, what He’s going to do. It’s not lost with Him: He knows exactly what He’s fixing to do. He’s going to raise a people up, just as certain as I’m standing in this pulpit. He will raise the people for His Name’s sake out of the Gentile generation. He will do it.
It’s the Jews’ time’s right at hand now, and of–the Gentiles are ending out, because they just went on out. They’re rejecting Christ; they’re rejecting their signs; they’re rejecting everything that’s called godly, and brand it as some kind of telepathy or devil power and do… They’re blaspheming the Holy Ghost and sealing themselves away from God. And God will take that minority, after while, and raise it up into a powerful church, and then turn the Spirit to the Jews, and take the Gentile church home. Exactly right. She’s in the making now. Oh, how, we’re at the end time, nearly.

« E-35 † Jesus, He knew. And after while He said, “Our friend, Lazarus, sleepeth. Why, the disciples thought He was taking a little rest. He said, “Well, if he’s a sleeping, he’s a doing very well.”
Well, He said in His–their words, so that they would understand, said, “He’s dead, and for your sake I’m glad I wasn’t there (See?)–for your sake, I’m glad I wasn’t there.” Because they’d been asking Him to–to heal, to heal him, but He knowed He couldn’t do it, because the vision was yet–after those four days He knowed that was the time the Father told Him. How beautiful; He said at the grave, “Father, I thank Thee that I was already heard, but I just say it for these that stands by.” See? He already knowed what He was going to do. He said, “I’ll go wake him.”

« E-36 † Now, I can imagine that little home was really broken up. The breadwinner gone, sadness… Oh, it’s wonderful when you got a sad home or a sad heart, and then Jesus appears all at once, isn’t it? I can imagine seeing Martha, a beautiful little woman with a black veil over her face, and little Mary and them holding one another, saying, “What will we do? Papa and mama’s gone, and our precious brother… Now, we have left the church, and we’re excommunicated from them, and come out to follow Jesus of Nazareth. And He’s pulled away and left us, somewhere.”
I can hear a critic come by and say, “Hey, where’s that Divine healer, that prophet of Galilee? Where’s He at now? See, when it really comes the time for Him to do something, He’s gone.” There it is. See, God just loves to do that, just to let people–just let people show what they are, that–just trying them to see what they really are. He gives them a blessing. He appears, shows Himself, introduces Himself to the people, just to see what kind of a reaction they’ll take, just to see what they’ll do about it.

« E-37 † Now, we find then, after a–a few days, four days, poor Lazarus was dead. They buried him. Second day, third day, fourth day… Now, anyone knows corruption sets in after three days: the nose falls in on the face, first. And then corruption sets in; the skin worms begins to eat the body. They laid him in the ground, put a big rock over the top of the cave where they had him. And every once in a while, the young girls would go out and kneel down at the grave and cry.
And after while, the news got around, “Jesus has come. We seen Him moving into the city.” Oh, that little Martha, that had been so, seemingly, so dilatory about it, she proved then what she was made out of. Here she comes. She’s coming on her road then, run out seek Him. I can hear some of them along the road say, “Well, I guess you’re satisfied now, that your religion was false.” She just ignored them and went on, passed right on by all the critics. She went down till she seen Him, maybe setting down at the street corner.

« E-38 † Now, it seemingly, she must–she might have had a right to upbraid Him and–and speak evil to Him. Why, she didn’t run up and say, “Looky here, looky here, You. You’re supposed to be a prophet, a Man of God. Why didn’t You come when we called You? Why, we’re the laughing stock of the town now. We come out of our church to follow You.” Seemed like she had a right. But you know, just like I preached on, “The Lamb and Dove,” if we’re a lamb, a lamb forfeits every right he’s got. It’s exactly right. He ain’t got nothing but wool, so he has to forfeit that. And you forfeit every right that you’ve got to serve God. That’s exactly right.
I was getting after the women about the way they was wearing these little old clothes, you know, and they said, “Well, we’re–we’re Americans. We can do what we want to.”
I said, “That’s exactly right, but if you’re a lamb, you’ll forfeit your rights.” Smoking cigarettes and carrying on like that, that’s the worst thing a woman ever done. That’s exactly right.

« E-39 † A lady said to me, not long ago, talking… she said, “But, Brother Branham, they don’t make no other kind of clothes.”
I said, “But they still make sewing machines and sell goods. There’s no excuse for it at all.” That’s exactly right.
Remember, someday, you may be pure here to your husband, but you’ll answer for adultery for it, just as certainly: “Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

« E-40 † What’s the matter with the Pentecostal women today, is what I’m a wondering. How you have got away from the old hewing line. How your mothers used to wear long hair, and today the Pentecost women paint up like a bunch of Mardi Gras, and cut their hair, and wear little old short clothes like that, just like the rest of the wo… Get out and mow the yard in the afternoon, when men’s coming by, do you realize, woman, that you’re going to have to answer for committing adultery with them men? You present yourself to them for that purpose. It’s a evil spirit on the church and the people, and they don’t know it. Blind and don’t know it. It’s the truth.
Maybe you might say I haven’t got a right to say that as evangelist. Well, I–I have to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit; that’s all I can say. You… If I meet you at judgment, then I won’t have to have your blood on my hands. Get away from every bit of the ground that looks like Satan. Stay away from it. Get from it. I don’t care how many television stars… You’re not here, a television star; you’re a daughter of God.

« E-41 † Preached in a pastor’s church the other morning, about an old slave–time they was selling slaves long ago. And they used to come by and buy them on the auction. And the people were there weeping, crying, because their homeland; they’d never go back no more. And they had to whip them. And they’d buy them just like you’d buy an automobile, just for anything, the prices, and selling them human beings.
And one day, a buyer come by, a broker, into a big founda–a big plantation, rather. And he said, “How many slaves you got for sale?”
Said, “Well, I got some to swap.” They’d try to get them big. Take them mothers, fathers… If the woman he had married was a little weakly woman, take these big healthy men and breed them to–like horses and animals. Never was right. God made man. Man made slaves. Not right to begin with, never. God don’t intend any man to be a slave. No, sir. And no… Watch what taken place.
Then in the midst of all that, this fellow said, “Well, I’d like to buy some of them…” He noticed one young fellow there. They didn’t have to whip him. His chin was up, head up, just like a real gentleman, walking around. And that broker said, “I’d like to buy him.”
He said, “But he’s not for sale.”
He said, “Well, why?” Said, “Is he the boss?”
He said, “Nah, he’s a slave.”
“Well,” said, “Why? Do you feed him better than you do the rest of them?”
He said, “No. He eats out there in the galley with the rest of them. He’s a slave.”
Said, “What makes him so much different than the rest of them?”
And the boss said, “I wondered that myself for a long time, but one day I found out. Over in the homeland, his father is the king of the tribe. And though he’s an alien away from home, he still knows he’s a king’s son and he conducts himself like one.” If the… If an African native could realize that his father is a king, and over here an alien in a strange land can still know that across the sea he’s a king’s son, how ought women and man conduct themselves when you’re sons and daughters of God? Act like it. Certainly. Conduct yourselves; clean up yourselves and act like sons and daughters of God. No wonder, what a condition.

« E-42 † Here we are. Oh, little Martha, come running out. She looked like she had a–a way to have said something against Him. “Why didn’t You come to my brother? Look what we’ve done for You, and You let us down.” Well, if she’d have said that, the story never would’ve finished the way it did. No, sir. It’s the way you approach a Divine gift of God. If God sends a gift, you’ve got to approach it right. If you’re ever expect to get anything from it, you’ve got to approach it right. And Martha knew that. She’d probably read about the Shunammite woman and her baby. And she… If that Shunammite woman knew that God was in Elijah, how much more was He is Jesus? Sure.
So, she went up with the right approach. She run up and fell down at His feet (I like that.), fell down at His feet and said, “Lord…” That’s His right title. That’s what He was. He was her Lord. “Lord, if Thou would’ve been here, my brother would not have died.”
Oh, my. Oh, I could just imagine seeing His great heart as He looked at that beautiful woman, the tears running down her cheeks. Said, “Lord, if You’d have been here, my brother would not have died.” Watch what she said. “But even now, Lord (though he’s dead, though the skin worms is crawling through his body), even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will give it to You.”

« E-43 † Oh, that’s the secret. You might say, “I’ve seined through every hospital. The doctor says I’m going to die, but even now, Lord… I’m all crippled up with arthritis; I can’t move, but even now, Lord…”
That little baby had a water head that big around last night. There’s nothing you can do. It’d spread on out and burst its little head and die, “But even now, Lord…” He’s still the same God. He’s still the same Lord. “Even now, Lord…” And He’s setting at the right hand of God Almighty, making intercessions upon the things that we claim that He’s done for us.
Now, I really feel religious. Sure do. You’re going to call me a holy roller anyhow, so you might as well get started, and get it over with.

« E-44 † So, yes, sir, “Even now, Lord, whatever you ask God, God will do it.”
“Ask the Father anything in My Name, I’ll do it,” Jesus said.
“Even now, Lord, whatever you ask, God will give it to You.” Oh, that must have turned in His great heart.
He said, “Thy brother shall live again.”
She said, “Yea, Lord. He will live. He was a good boy. He will come forth in the general resurrection at the last day.” Them Jews believed in the general resurrection. “He will come forth in the resurrection of the last days.”
Look at Him. He pulled His little self together. He said, “I am the Resurrection and Life.” Oh, my. There never was a man could say that before. There never will be one afterwards, can say it. He’s the only One that can say it. “I am the Resurrection and Life,” saith the Lord. “He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
She said, “Yea, Lord.” Oh, she knowed something was fixing to happen. Has to be.

« E-45 † When faith from an honest heart meets God, them cogs just comes together like that. Something has to take place. I challenge this audience tonight, in the Name of Jesus Christ, let your faith connect with God like that, in a few minutes we’ll have another Pentecost. They’ll be such a revival break in this town, there wouldn’t be enough cops in the country to keep them down. That’s right. There’ll be a real revival. “Even now, Lord…”
“Well, Lord, we’ve done caught off on this; we’ve did this and did that.” I don’t care what you’ve done, “Even now, Lord…” He’s waiting for you to call on Him. “Believest thou this?” Sure. Yes, sir. Even now, whatever you ask Him…
“Where have you laid Him?” Now, He goes down to the grave. He was man enough to cry; He was God enough to raise the dead.

« E-46 † Here some time ago, a woman that belongs to a certain group of people. (I never make it a habit to make it about denominations), But this woman… They do not believe that Jesus was Divine. They said He was just a prophet. Now, He was… If He was just a prophet, we’re all in sin. He was either God, nothing less than God, or the biggest deceiver the world ever had. That’s right. He was more than a man. She said, “He wasn’t Divine.”
There’s so much of that in this social gospel today; trying to make Jesus Christ a prophet. Why, He was a God of the prophets. Sure He was.
She said, “I’ll prove it to you by your Bible, He was just a man.”
I said, “You do it.”
And she said, “When He went to the grave of Lazarus, the Bible said, ‘He wept.’ He had to be mortal or He couldn’t weep.”
I said, “Lady, is that your Scripture?” I don’t mean to be sacrilegious here to say this, but I’ll tell you what I told her.
She said, “That’s it.”
I said, “That statement is weaker than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death.” I said, “Well, you–you haven’t got one thing to stand on.”
She said, “Why, He wept. That showed He was mortal.”
I said, “He was both mortal and immortal. He was God in flesh.”
She said, “Oh, nonsense.”
I said, “He went to the grave weeping. That’s true enough, but when He straightened His little self up… (The Bible said, ‘There wasn’t much to look upon Him, no beauty we should desire Him… ‘) but when throwed them little shoulders back and said, “Lazarus, come forth,” and a man that’d been dead four days and rotten in the grave, he came forth. That was more than a man. Show me the man can do it? What was it? Corruption knew its Master. Life knew its Creator. Something had to happen. He spoke and a man that was dead and in the grave for four days, raised again, and stood on his feet, and lived. Hallelujah. That was God in His Son. Yes, sir. That was God making Himself known to Him Son. That was God speaking, not a man.

« E-47 † He was a man when He looked around on that tree that day for something to eat. That was a man. But when He took five biscuits and two fish and fed five thousand, that was more than a man. That was God feeding them in there. He was more than a prophet, more than a man, He was a God-man. Sure.
He laid on the back of that little boat that night, and the seas roaring and bouncing like a bottle stopper out there in that mighty sea, when ten thousand devils of the sea swore they’d drown Him that night. He was a man, weak and tired from praying for the sick, laying back there; and the wind didn’t even disturb Him. He was a man when He was asleep, but when He woke up, put His foot upon the brail of the boat, looked up, and said, “Peace, be still,” and the winds and the waves obeyed Him, that was more than a man. That was God in man, making Himself known. That’s right.
He was a man at the cross when He cried for mercy. When He cried and said, “I thirst,” that was a man. When He died, He was a man, but on Easter morning when He broke the seals of death, hell, and the grave, and rose again, He was more than a man: He was God made manifest. No wonder the poet said:
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
Someday He’s coming–Oh, glorious day!

« E-48 † He said, “Because I live, you live also. Believest thou this?” He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Believest thou this? I believe the Holy Ghost is right here now. Believest thou this? I believe He will fill us with His Presence. Believest thou this? I believe the Holy Ghost wants to pour His Presence out, heal all the sick, make all the people that hasn’t got the Holy Ghost be filled. Believest thou this? Do you believe with all your heart? Let’s stand to our feet and give Him praise. I believe He will fall right now upon us.
O Lord God, Creator of the heavens and earth, Author of Eternal LIfe, Giver of every good gift, we “Believest thou this, Lord.” We believe that that’s You here in the meeting. We believe that that’s You, blessing our souls. We believe that’s You pouring out Your Spirit upon us. We believe that You’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. We believe You’re alive forevermore and our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. All heavens and earth will pass away, but we’ll live forever, because You live forever. Lord, You promised it to us. We believe it with all of our heart. Everything that’s in us, we believe it, Lord. I love Him, I love Him.

« E-49 † Do you believe Him? I believe that’s the Holy Ghost. There’s something falling on us. Believest thou this? I believe He ought to heal every person right now. Believest thou this? Raise your hands to Him. Stand up to your feet. Believest thou this? The Holy Spirit is here. This is that! Peter said, “This is that.” This is It, the Holy Ghost.
O Lord, Creator of heavens and earth, send Thy power, and Thy blessings, and Thy goodness upon this people, and bless their hearts, and let them see that the Son of man is alive forevermore. Grant it, O Lord. We present them to Thee, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

« E-50 † Anybody doesn’t have the Holy Ghost, raise up your hands and praise God. I believe He will fall on you. Somebody put your hands on them. This is the hour. Why do we wait any longer? This is the time. This is the time for Pentecost, coming back to God. Get right with God, Pentecost! Get your heart stirred by the power of the living God. Let His Spirit move into you, saturating your souls. He’s here night after night, here to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, through the great and mighty powerfulness He proves Hisself to be evermore the same. Hallelujah.
Praise Him. Raise your hands. Forget where you’re at; just know that you’re around Him, and His goodness, and His glory, and His power, and His mercy endures forever. Amen. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Hallelujah. Oh, praise His Holy Name.

« E-51 † Oh, how wonderful, how mighty is He. How many’d like to consecrate your lives to God right now, afresh? Raise up your hand. How many like to consecrate your lives to God? That’s it. Raise up your hands. Let’s see Pentecost. Let’s see the people of God. I’ll raise my hand. “Lord, here am I. Send me.” Take an Angel then with the coals of the altar and send Your power upon us, Lord. God, grant it in fullness of Thy Spirit, Father. Hear our prayer, O Lord. Hear our prayer, as believing children who stands. Praise be to His Name.
Oh, like waves of glory falling, oh, the dew drops of mercy. Oh, praise be to God. May our souls wait. Believest thou this? Believest thou this? This is the Holy Spirit that comes. This is that unseen force that drives us into the Kingdom of God, the blessings of Pentecost. Come back home. You’re expected back home. You’re precious people. God wants you to consecrate yourself. Women, clean up yourselves. Men, clean up yourselves. Let’s get started back to God and serve God with a real clean heart.

« E-52 † Praise God, the Holy Spirit’s out in the meeting. Just do what you feel led to do. Just let the Holy Ghost move on you. There’s nothing I can say. I just don’t know what to say now. The Holy Spirit’s just all over the building. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Praise be forever. Oh, Hallelujah, hallelujah. Praise be to the Lord. Praise the Lord. How wonderful, how glorious… How beautiful, how wonderful the praise of the saints of God upon your faces, upon the Presence of the Holy Spirit here moving and showing us His glory out of these great multitude and one accord, praising His Name.
Turn right around and shake hands with somebody, say, “Praise the Lord, brother. Praise the Lord, sister.” Let’s get right in and let God stirs us up. Praise the Lord. That’s right. All you Methodists, and Baptists, and Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and Seventh Day Adventists, and whatever you are, shake hands with one another in the Presence of the Lord God. That’s it. Oh, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh, I’m so glad I’m one…?… Oh, tearing down the walls, throwing out the dross. Pray. Freedom in the Lord, praising His holy Name… Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Oh, how…?… Praise God.

« E-53 † Oh, I just love to see that: people shaking one another’s hands and lighting up their faces. The power of God saying, “That’s it. That’s it, we’re children of God. We’re all one great big church, one great big person in Christ Jesus in the bride, the glorious One.” The coming of the Lord’s drawing nigh. It’s people getting together and loving themselves… with love and the power of His Presence. Oh, this is like heaven. Oh, this is good. Amen. Oh, how glorious, how wonderful, just worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in power… Such a time…?… Start…
There’s just no… I told the brethren, “Brethren, there’s no place to stop. There’s no place here that… We never begin, so we don’t stop. Just–just wonderful… How many feels real good, just the Presence of the Lord. Oh, my, wonderful, Presence of the Lord here.

« E-54 † Now, the Presence of the Lord is here to heal the sick, make the people well. Just believe Him. Do you believe Him? If we can believe Him, all things are possible. You believe that? Do you believe that that’s the Presence of the Lord?
Now, while you… Give me just a moment, just a moment now, and listen just for a moment. Let me prove to you it’s the Holy Spirit here. Let me show you that the Holy Spirit, the very One that does the talking, the One that does the thing, knows that. How many’s here now, that come in here sick. Let’s see your hands. The ones that had a sickness… There’s people…
There’s a man standing there. Do you believe, mister? There’s no prayer cards out, but do you believe that God can heal you? Do you believe he can tell me your trouble? It’s in your side. You’re up for an operation. That’s right. Your name is Mr. Cartwright. That’s right. Is that right? Wave your hand. All right. Go home and be well, you won’t need it. You believe it?

« E-55 † That man holding that baby in his arms, you believe me to be God’s servant? You believe this to be the Holy Ghost? I do not know you, is that right? Never seen you in my life; we’re strangers. Do you believe the Holy Ghost can tell me what’s the matter with that baby. Got a rash. That’s right. Isn’t that right? Certainly. You’re not from here. No. You got a stomach trouble, you suffering with yourself. That’s right, isn’t it? You’re from Kansas City. All right. Return back, Jesus Christ makes you well. Hallelujah. You believe. Do you believe it with all your heart?
Here’s the Angel of the Lord, hovered over this little–little bitty woman, kindly elderly, setting right here, suffering with a hernia. You believe God will heal you of that hernia, sister? You, with the little red flower on your hat, raise up your hand. All right. Go home and be well. Amen. Oh, it’s God; it’s Christ the Son of God. He’s raised from the dead. He’s here.
Now, put your hands upon one another and just offer a good season of prayer, every one of you, while I ask… Somebody come here. Come here, brother. While you got your hands on one another to show that God heals too, I have the brother here to offer prayer too. Go ahead. Praise be to the Lord God.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

15-0927M The Lambs’s Book of Life

Message: 56-0603 The Lambs’s Book of Life

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« E-1 † Morning, friends. It was kind of surprising for me to be here today. I wasn’t expecting to be here. I was going to be down in Kentucky, and a very dear friend of mine took terribly sick, our Brother Lyle…?… [–Ed.] dying condition in the hospital. Mrs. Ferguson that used to come here, her son dying also in the hospital… And so, I didn’t go and just stayed for them.
And Mr. Matheny, of the Pentecostal church in New Albany, on Silver Street, just a past a… It’s between… It’s on Oak and Silver, I think. And he… I was supposed to speak for him tonight, and I told him… Canceled it out last Wednesday, told him I’d wait till I come back from Indianapolis. And then just as I run into the hospital yesterday to see Brother Lyle, why, the… I met him. And he said, “Well, I see you didn’t go.”
And I said, “No.”
He said, “Come on, speak anyhow.”
So I guess, the Lord willing, I’ll be down there tonight to speak for Brother Matheny. And he… I told him that when we went down there, I was going to have a healing service for him. And I usually like to fast about three days before the healing service. So I told him I’d speak, and if anyone there, we’d pray for them anyhow, just a–a regular prayer line.

« E-2 † Now, we got one more week. A week from next Monday now, the services begin at Cadle Tabernacle, in Indianapolis. And we trust that the Lord will bless us up there in a exceeding great meeting. As a child with Christmas anticipations, I’m waiting for that service. I… You…
Just something about serving the Lord. We get so tired sometimes till it look like we can’t go any farther. And then when you rest up just a day or two, there’s something strikes you, and–and you just got to go again. It’s… So today we are here for one purpose; that is, to serve the Lord.
And just before we have prayer and the reading of the Word, I want to apologize publicly to Brother Neville. Yesterday, I stayed home from down in Kentucky yesterday a purposely to preach for him on the broadcast.

« E-3 † Next Saturday, if God willing, and Brother Neville willing, I want to speak on the morning broadcast next Saturday for Brother Neville. And so, he was so gracious to forgive me, easy, as he said… I guess I took advantage of him. And he’s one of those guys that can… I can pass the compliment back. And expecting somebody…

« E-4 † And what got me upset was early that morning when they called me to Brother Lyle, and them, in New Albany. And I… It was just about ten minutes to nine o’clock, and I said, “Oh, I was supposed to be on that broadcast in ten minutes.” And here, me in Jeffersonville, him down there waiting for me. So I…
Brother Wood called him yesterday, and I thought I’d let Brother Wood apologize for me, first, you know. So he just pentalized it to make me speak this morning, and come on down. So here we was. And so he… We’re…
We trust that–that God will–will be in our services. I have nothing premeditated, don’t even know where to begin in the Scriptures, just picked up my Bible a few moments ago, and run down.
I had to get my Collins’ Bible, ’cause it’s got a little bigger print. And I… I’m past forty, you know. So when you get forty years old, anything close to you, you don’t see it like you used to, you know, and… How many knows that to be true…?… Yes, sir.

« E-5 † Here not long ago I thought, “Say, there’s something wrong with me. I can’t wear a green glass or a brown glass.” Never could: make me sick at my stomach. So I said, “There’s something wrong.” I called up Dr. Adair, and I said, “Doc, what color… Could you examine my eyes, and tell me what color glasses I have to have?”
He said, “Me, I might tell you what.” Said, “I tell you; I’ll just send you to–over to Louisville to some specialist there on that.”
“Well,” I said, “I don’t want no eye examination.” I said, “Now, I got good eyes. I can’t stand to see a hair laying there on the floor.”
He said, “But better give you and examination anyhow, and he will tell you what color you have to have.”
So I went over there. And come to find out, he was a Christian brother, wanted to go back to Africa with me and do some operations. Said, “Now, them natives are very odd. See? So they won’t let no knife come along. But they love you. And I want to give six months of free service to taking cataracts and things like that, to the natives.” And he said, “When you go over,” said, “I’d like to give six months of my life to the Lord’s service.”
I said, “Doc, do you believe in Divine healing?”
He said, “Every word of it.” And he give me a testimony about one time when he was a throat and eye specialist… He said they called him. A little baby had swallowed one of those whistles, and got it caught in his throat. Said, “I went there, and the baby was just going away.”
They run it to the hospital. And there’s nothing you could do. Said, “I didn’t know what to do.” So he said, “I just like stepped out in the room, and I said, “Dear Heavenly Father, help me to know, somehow, what to do for that poor baby that’s dying, and I can’t get nothing around to jerk it. And I don’t know what to do.” And said, “The baby went [Brother Branham coughs–Ed.], and the whistle flew out on the floor. He said, “How could I keep from believing?” Prayer changes things. That’s right.

« E-6 † So he told me… We set there and talked a little while. And he had that little dark room, and he had the little thing come on there, and I seen a little red light. He said, “Can you read that? I see it said 20/20.”
I said, “Yes, sir.” I could read it, either way, 20/20. Then he put fifteen-fifteen; I’d read it. And ten-ten, I could read it.
He said, “Well, there’s not too much wrong with your eyes.” then he put a little telescope out here with a… Said, “Read that for me.”
And I noticed it. I could read it fine. He kept getting closer, closer. I begin to slow up on my reading. When he got about like this, I quit.
He said, “I’ll tell you before I ask you. You’re past forty.”
I said, “Yep. That’s right. I said, “I’m forty-five.”
And he said–he said, “Well, when a man passes forty,” said, “I don’t see how you got by with it this long.” Just like your hair gets gray, your skin gets wrinkled, hairs come in your ears, and so forth.” Mr. Egan can tell you that as a barber. “And when you pass forty years old,” said, “your eyeballs gets flat, and it won’t dilate.” Said, “I’ll tell you how to do it.” Said, “Now, you squint your eyes real close together and read that.” Well, Brother, I could read it if it was that close to me, squinting my eyes. I put my hands like that, and make a little telescope like, you could read it. It isn’t nothing wrong with your eyes, it’s just the nature. Forty years old people has to wear reading glass.
And so he wanted to make me some. And well, He did. But I—I never did like the things. You see? And I–I always never think about them. And I read sometime, and…

« E-7 † But I just got me a Collins’ Bible, which is a little bit bigger print. And I thought, “Well, I just can’t get used to wearing them.” You see? And you don’t… You don’t look… If I’d look off out like that, you can’t see nothing. But you look down close, then it brings it up to you.
He said, “Now, you start reading like this, and the first thing you know, you keep pushing your hand back. After while, your arm’s not long enough to reach out to it. So that’s–that’s the way it is. And so… Now the–the Lord bless.
Now, I want to ask you something this morning before we start into the Sunday school lesson. What–what is value? I been thinking on it. If I had enough throat this morning, I’d preach on that subject. But my throat’s bad, and I’ve got this meeting coming up here in New Albany tonight. And then also I got… The–the campaigns are starting. I just want to teach awhile this morning from some Scripture.

« E-8 † But what is value? My mother, I don’t guess she’s here. I don’t see her anywhere. Is she? Yes. Mom, you’re getting little. So I asked her yesterday. I asked her the subject, ’cause I been studying on it. You ever get a thing on your mind, just start studying? Brother Ledford, you’ve done that a many time. You just start studying.
What is value? And I begin to think. I said, “You know, if I had a hundred million dollars laying here in a pile, and I had a little button here, if I press this button, I lose my hundred million dollars, but I get to talk with my old dad that’s gone on, as one hour a mortal being again, what would I do? No hesitation, I’d press the button. I’d give a hundred million dollars this morning, to sit my dad down in this chair while I teach this lesson.
But what’s money worth? How much more is a soul than money? See?
Mama, you remember when I had that little old T-model Ford, the little old ’26 model? How I’d polish that thing. I was just a kid about sixteen, seventeen years old. And I was a sinner then. And sometimes… I was working with Mr. Ginther back there. And I’d…

« E-9 † Well, after Sunday afternoon, Sunday morning, I’d go down and sharpen all the bits, and things for the air compressor, and clean it up. Sunday afternoon, I’d polish that little old Ford till it looked like the paint would almost come off of it.
What if I tried this morning to find one piece of that Ford? What if I tried to find one of those bits off that air compressor? The same time I could been winning souls, I was polishing my Ford. I wonder where value is?
I worked on Sunday mornings up there, as much as they’d let me. I appreciated it, ’cause I was in debt. And I… But where–where did it get me? What did it win?
Brother Ledford, what if somebody come to you and I, and Brother Neville, this morning, all of us here, the three of us, rather, and say, “Ministers, I’m going to give each of you a million dollars,” somebody was wor–worth, that could do it…
And I’d say, “Now, Brother Ledford, Brother Neville, I’ll tell you what let us do. Let us go out and find all the poor people that we can. Let’s make every little home happy by giving the kiddies some clothes, and paying off the mortgage, or buying this little place.” We’d never miss it. A million dollars apiece. why, the interest off of it, would take care of it as much as we could do with that, put in some good investment, or something. And then what would we do?
That would be fine. That… Not let nobody know nothing about it. Our hearts would feel satisfied. But now, in a hundred years from today… Brethren, it would take a miracle of God, if we’re still living a hundred years from today. You know that. Now, we’d be in eternity. What good would the million dollars do, or all the feeding of the poor, and things that we’ve done? See? It wouldn’t amount to very much. If I had a billion this morning, what good would it do us after we’re gone?

« E-10 † But let me tell you something. We haven’t got that money. You’re poor men. All of us are. That’s right. We live by the alms of the people, being ministers. But, brother, in Africa one little black boy about this high, or a prostitute off the street yonder in Louisville, one soul saved, in eternity when that star is a shining yonder, our name will wrapped into it. There’s your value. It isn’t how much you got, how much you desire; it’s how much you can do towards saving souls for Christ Jesus. Our money will fade.

« E-11 † Now, you polish that little old Ford, and this morning, setting up there in the garage is a Cadillac that they give me. But one of these days that Cadillac will be like the Ford is; it’ll be no more. But God will still be the same.

« E-12 † But if I get a soul saved for Christ, brother, as long as there’s an eternity, the glory of God will rest on that soul. So what is value anyhow? What good does it do when the struggles is in your throat, and the doctor sees the pulse coming up your sleeve. What good’s all the money and all the popularity? People to pat you on the back, or you become a great person, what good does that do you? Not a bit. It vanishes and stays here on the earth.
But one soul saved, you’ll see your name wrapped into it as long as the morning star shall glitter in…?… So let’s save souls, brethren.
Each one. You housewives, you don’t have to be a preacher. You do something for the glory of God. Remember, eternal things is what lasts forever, and that’s getting souls saved. Let that be the first thing of all your work, and all your ideas, and all your motives.

« E-13 † Yesterday, standing by, holding a mother’s hand, my arm around her, and her chin quivering, and her boy laying there dying… She said, “Billy, I–I’ve longed and longed for you to come back to the Tabernacle.”
I said, “Sister, Ferguson, I–I’d like to do that.” She said… I said, “Well, look, sister, Oh, I could get maybe fifty souls saved here in the Tabernacle. That’d be a good crop for a year. I can get a hundred thousand of them saved in some other land.” See? When I walk into glory, I don’t want to… God had saved me. He done saved me. That’s settled. But the thing of it is, when I get there, I want to look around and see the stars shining. Amen. I want to see something that make something.
If I–if I would’ve died and I was a great man, a president like Lincoln or something like that, they’d build a big memorial, but one day it wouldn’t be. But one soul saved in glory, your name will be wrapped in that as long as there’s an eternity rolling on.

« E-14 † Well, let us pray now. Our heavenly Father, we so humbly come to Thee this morning. God, I’m glad that I woke up about twenty-five years ago to the fact that–that happiness does not consist of the things of this world. It consists of the eternal things, what makes us happy in our soul. And how thankful I am this morning, and grateful to You, for Your salvation and Your grace that’s permitted me, Lord, to see around a million souls kneel at the altar.
O God, some glorious day when I cross over, I hope to see them all shining there as stars. My brethren here, my sisters, this morning, each one feels the same way. There were a part in that, Lord, by their prayers, and supplications, and holding onto God, praying, talking to others, and speaking highly of the things of God. And we trust today, God, if there be any in here that’s not just where they should be, or not yet accepted Christ as they should have, may this be the day that their one, immortal, eternal decision will be made to serve You. Grant it, Father.
May every Christian in here, may their heart burn within them to go out somewhere in the hedges and highways and to bring in lost souls, no matter how humble it is. They might bring in one soul that would bring in a million behind it. We don’t know what we’re doing. Till sometimes these little mothers wonder, Lord. But they never know what they’re speaking of when they’re talking to a young person, or some old person, or something about their soul. Grant, Lord.

« E-15 † Now, get into the Word, Lord. You are in the Word. And give us faith to make the Word live and act today in our lives and our beings. For we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

« E-16 † I’m not sure whether it was Dwight Moody. I believe it was, the shoe cobbler of Boston. One day, a little woman in the early Methodist days, she wanted to do something for the Lord. So she was washing. And she saved her money to get a dollar and a half, I believe, to have an old preacher to come preach for her. And she had to rent a livery stable for a quarter, or something for that night, cleaned out the stable, and put the–a little wash bench down for an altar.
And just to show you how simple it is to you housewives now… You say, “Oh, Brother Branham, if I could preach.” You don’t have to. You just. Your testimony, your influence, your life… And she got some tracts and went out in the corner, advertising the meeting, and passing them out. Every time somebody’d get a hold of it, they’d throw it down. “Holy-roller, fanatic,” walk on. See?

« E-17 † A little old boy come by with ragged trousers, his daddy’s suspenders up over his shoulders, hair hanging down his face, said, “Lady, what you giving away?”
Said, “A tract, son.” She handed it to him like that.
He looked at it, said, “I can’t read.”
Said, “Well, it says there’ll be a meeting tonight up here.”
Oh, said, “It will? You mind if I come?”
Said, “You want? You must come, honey, if you can.”
“All right. I’ll do that.”
That night after all of her efforts and weak. The old faithful minister come, got into the pulpit, and prayed, sung a song, him and the lady. She set out in his audience. After while, staggered in the door, was that little ragged-looking kid with the hair hanging down in his face. You know who that was? Dwight Moody. That night he knelt at the altar: sent a million souls to God.
See, you don’t know what you’re doing. Speak a little word for Jesus, testify, sing, or pray. And like bread upon the water, it will return to you someday. That’s right. All right. Just remember; don’t fail. Don’t fail. Win some souls. Whatever, you do, win souls.

« E-18 † I–I’m glad to see our people here this morning, none of them poverty as I know of, all wearing good clothes, and you’re clean, intelligent-looking people. I’m so thankful to God to know that you’re that way.
I come here, friends, one time during the depression when I preached in overalls, and you walked the miles and–in here, and across the country, and not enough to eat. And I know. That’s right. I remember it. God’s blessed us, and we’re grateful to Him. See? But this morning (See?), how you look different this morning. I’m thankful for that. But never let that stop you; remember where it come from: from Above. And win a soul there, that’ll last forever.
And maybe, the biggest part of you probably has a little bank account somewhere. I’m glad for that. And may God just richly bless that. But don’t let that stand in your way of winning a soul. That’s right. Keep souls first.

« E-19 † Now, I was thinking about maybe… I asked Brother Neville, or… You have no certain Sunday school lesson, so we just teach from anywhere, and somewhere in the Bible. And I thought about teaching this morning, as I was coming down, ‘fore I come into the room, about on the book of Revelations. Then I remembered that a radio program is running a–a series on the book of Revelations. Charles Fuller, I think is running a book. And Brother Fuller is a typologist himself, and I was afraid we’d kind of get together on that, and you’ve already heard some of it.

« E-20 † So then I thought we’d go over to the Book of Hebrews as a good… How many like the Book of Hebrews? Oh, it’s great. [–Ed.]… of that… Let’s go over to about the 10th chapter. I think that’s a beautiful chapter. I don’t know whether I’ve ever taught on it, probably have here, part of it. Usually get two or three verses, and then that settles it, and we get started off in the Bible.
You know, sometime when I come in on a vacation, I’m just so hungry to get one more time where I can settle down at the Tabernacle or somewhere here, and just have a series of study, like we used to take the Bible, just like on a certain book, and just go, just comb it back and forth through the Scriptures like this. It places and establishes our faith. That’s what these lessons are for, is to establish our faith.
Now, in the 10th chapter of Hebrews… I don’t know why, just setting in there, I just turned to it. And we want to read from here for a little lesson and teach it. As we get down here, find out we’ve been into it before, then I’ll… We’ll turn over to something else, or maybe the Lord will lead us to something else.

« E-21 † Now, don’t forget the services tonight at the Tabernacle here. Brother will be speaking to us tonight. And if you got any friends around New Albany down there, Brother Matheny’s, we’ll be speak there a little while tonight. And then, Wednesday night, and Brother Junior Jackson…
I heard him “Amen” awhile ago, but I’ve never been able to find him. And he’s in the building. And his is Thursday night, and–and I believe he has Sunday night. Where you at, Junior? I can’t place you. Oh, no wonder, you’re setting behind that big fellow back there. You’re… What? Is your service on Fri–Sunday night too, is it, Junior? [Brother Jackson says, “That’s right.”–Ed.] Thursday and Sunday. [“Right.”] All right. And his services is tonight. And he’s out on State street in New Albany, State and um… [“Monroe”] Monroe.
Brother Ginther, you can see it’s been a long time since I read meters or fixed any services. I forgot all the streets. But there’s… I still love the same Lord Jesus that was with us then, when–helped me in those days. I was telling a brother awhile ago. I used to go down there when I would be reading meters, and knock on the door to read the meter, and pull out my Bible and read awhile ‘fore the lady got the door, something like that.

« E-22 † And find a little old empty building. ‘Course you can’t find them now, where someone that moved out. Go in there, and go back in the shed and kneel down and pray. That was the making. That was the thing that established it there, looking to Him.
Now, the Book of Hebrews is the–the dividing between law and grace. How many knows that we live by grace and not by law? I believe the writer, no one knows exactly, but it’s so much like Paul, till I like to call it Paul’s writing. And he was speaking to the Hebrews. Now, the Gospel had already gone to the Gentiles, because the Jews had turned it down, and they had went to the Gentiles with the Gospel. And now, Paul was writing back to the Hebrews, for many of them wanted to come back under the law, keep the law and still believe in Christ.

« E-23 † And you know, that still exists today? There’s people today who tries to keep the law of the Old Testament, and still be Christian, when one is very contrary to the other. If you do one part of the law, you have to do it all. “You’re indebtor says the Bible to do all the law, so if you do part of it. And then if you keep the law, as the sacrifice, and Sabbath, and obligations, and eatings, and washings, and so forth, under the law. But we’re not under the law now, we’re under grace. And Paul is trying to show where the law was a shadow. Now, in the beginning here we see that.
For the law, having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never, with those sacrifices which they offered year by year, continually, make the comer unto perfect.
Oh, my, wouldn’t that make a sermon right there? See, see? Now, the law was a shadow of things to come.

« E-24 † Let’s get over here just a minute. Turn with me back to, I believe, it’s the 12th chapter of Revelations. Let’s get over in that just a moment and see if we can’t get just a little bit of something good right here to start with, thinking of shadow. Now, let’s–let’s read again now, you with your Bible.
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman… (What does woman represent in the Bible? Church.)… a woman clothed with the sun,… (That was her garment she had on. See?)… and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown and twelve stars:
And she being with child cried, in travail in birth and pain to be delivered.
Notice, a woman appeared in the sky to the–the vision of John the revelator, and the–she was clothed with the sun. And the moon was under her feet, and she had twelve stars in her crown. Now, what does that symbol? Visions are symbols.

« E-25 † Now, the woman is the church, and the church was… The moon was under her feet. In other words, it was still shining. But she was above it, because she’d already become in a condition that she was bearing a child. She was travailing in birth. And the moon was passing away, and the sun was shining.
Now, the moon is… What makes the moon light, is the sun shining on it. It’s just a shadow of the sun. And therefore, the moon had lived its day out, and the sun was rising. The woman wasn’t clothed with the moon; she was clothed with the sun. It was a Gospel church coming into existence. The old orthodox church…

« E-26 † Now, you say, “Well, was that the orthodox?” Yes. Jesus first came to the Jew and not the Gentile. See? He–He commissioned His disciples not to go to any Gentile. He said he came to His own, and His own received Him not. Watch. He said as He commissioned them in the 10th chapter of Saint Matthew; He said, “Go not in the way of the Gentiles, but go rather, to the lost sheep of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ See? Don’t go in the ways of the city of Samaria, or any of the rest the way, but go first to the lost sheep of Israel.”
That’s the reason the glorious sunlight was shining around the woman, and she, being in pain, travailing to give birth to this child…
And she brought forth a Man Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron…
And the dragon stood by the woman, which is Rome, to devour the Child as soon as it was born. And Rome did persecute the Child. They sent forth and killed all the children from two years old up, or two year old down, rather, that they might kill Christ, and catch Him in there, Herod made this issue. But the woman’s child was caught up to God, from the resurrection was caught up to God and sets on the right hand of God.
Now, that would just cut loose all the man Child doctrine, wouldn’t it? See?

« E-27 † But now, the law (Hebrews 10 again) having a shadow of things to come, and not the very image, but the shadow…
Now, the other night I was discussing with a very fine person on the doctrine of the Millennium. I said, “I believe in the Millennium, because there’s too many shadows of the Old Testament that speaks that there will be a Millennium. There’s got to be: too many shadows.”
They said, “Will the church go through the tribulation?”
I said, “No. The church can’t go through the tribulation. It’s got to go before the tribulation: too many shadows.” Look, that Noah in the beginning… Noah, all the Old testament, all the law and how it was a shadow of good things to come. Now, before the tribulation period struck first…

« E-28 † Enoch… the… but–a Noah–Noah was a type that was carried over like the sleeping virgin. But Enoch was translated just before the tribulation struck. And Enoch was took up, and was found not, because God took him: the type of the going forth of the church. And Noah watched him. When he seen Enoch go, he knew it was time to enter the ark, for to be carried through the tribulation.
The Bible said there was ten virgins went out to meet the bridegroom, and five were wise; five were foolish. And they were all virgins, every one of them. But five was wise. And they had oil in their lamp. And they went out to meet the bridegroom. And the bridegroom came. And the ones that had oil, went in.
See, the translation, going with the Bridegroom. But those who were left behind, they come and wanted in too just like those who come and knocked on the door of the ark. “Noah, let us in.” But God closed the door.
No, friend of mine, one of these days God’s going to give you your final call, then the door’s going to be closed between mercy, and judgment. Don’t be left out. Get in now while you can. Don’t pay no attention to what the world says. Get into Christ, for those that are in Christ will God bring with Him. See?

« E-29 † Then this wise virgin went away in the translation. And these others who came and knocked on the door, what happened? What taken place? The Bible said they were cast into outer darkness, where there were weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
Israel, when the tribulation period hit Egypt, there wasn’t one thing ever struck Egypt–the Israelites, because they were in God’s provided place: Goshen, no tribulations at all. See? The rest of them was in the tribulation, but not this one. Now, all those things being shadows, they’ve got to type something.
And then as we see the forecoming of the Lord, we see how people walked in those days, and see how people got heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. That’s the way it is today. Men are walking after their own ungodly lusts. It’s become to the thing. Excuse this expression, my sisters, but it’s come to real moral decency is a thing, almost, of the past, among our people.

« E-30 † Yesterday in Saint Edward’s hospital I heard a doctor tearing a girl to pieces back there. He got up the steps where I could shake his hand. Everybody in the hospital was listening and looking. It was the girl back there, some of you little ungodly clothes on, little britches like. You know what the Bible says about that? He says it’s an abomination in the sight of God for a woman to wear trousers like a man. Right. And there she was.
Well, the doctor said… A little crippled fellow. I know him, but I can’t think of his name. He said, “Do you mean to tell me that the sister let you get in this hospital like that?” Said, “Why, you’re a disgrace to the hospital. Get out of here.”
I said, “Boy, I want to shake your hand.” Certainly.
Said, “How did you ever get by the front? Ain’t you ashamed of yourself to come in here dressed like that?”
I thought, “Oh, brother, that’s right.” I admire a man with enough courage to call right, right, and wrong, wrong, regardless of who he is… See?

« E-31 † But the thing of decency. Oh, may I… You’ll forgive me won’t you? I want to stop here just a minute. Now, I want, maybe straighten this up just a little, my dear beloved friend. Don’t think that Brother Branham’s trying to be rude. I’m not. I’m only trying to tell truth. And what I know that yonder in glory someday, if I’d see your life smutted out, and then I know that I was the cause of it, knowing truth and wouldn’t tell it… No, I lay it off of my shoulders unto yours. You make your decision.
Our women that dress like that has an evil spirit. See? There’s only one thing in the Scripture ever did that. That was the devil stripped the people. Look, now, I don’t mean to say you’re immoral. I don’t mean that, my dear sister. But you’re in the trend of the day in such way until you just simply, you think it’s nice because the others do it. And you don’t realize that that’s the devil a doing that. Sure it is. You’re not popular; you’re crazy. Excuse the expression. Well, that’s right. I mean you’re…?… the thing away from God.

« E-32 † Oh, God’s Holy Spirit, not always striving with man, not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance… And God, give us the courage in the day that when preachers… Here’s where it started from, is because your pastor at the platform puts up with it. That’s right. You ought to be excommunicated.
If I had a church and women did that in the church, immediately would they go off from the church books. Yes, sir, right there, they need straightened up. That’s right, correctly. God hold them responsible.

« E-33 † But today I went out to Saint Joseph. I’m constantly on these hospital calls, these emergencies. Went out there to see a little baby dying, cancer, or kidneys condition, taken out one kidney, only two or three days old. And how that the poor little fellow…
And there I noticed in the Catholic hospital, so nice and generous. I go to a Protestant hospital, there was a dying lady. And I walked over to put my hands on, the chaplain started, said… And I let him know that I was the same denomination he belonged to. He said, “Ah ah, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t do that. Don’t put your hand on her.”
I said, “The Bible said…”
“Aw, get out.” Said, “That stuffs no good. That… We don’t want you put your hands on a sick person in here.”
See how it is? And that’s the reason the Catholic church is swallowing them up by the thousands (That’s right.), because the Protestant hasn’t went deep enough in God to have an experience to know what real, old-time, heartfelt salvation, the power of God is. There’s your mediocre class.
There’s a your filled class, waiting for the coming of the Lord. Amen. There you are.

« E-34 † Notice, the law having a shadow… All these things that we see now are shadows, was shadows; and now they’re becoming positive.
Just like a tree coming up, and then it becomes a branch, then it goes off into seed to produce the same kind of seed that went into the ground. All these things come out of Genesis. And today…

« E-35 † Now, but these worshippers who came under the shadow, could never be made perfect. Let’s dwell on that word there. Never… Were offered year after year, continually, make the comer unto perfect. I want you let… Haven’t you heard many times the people say, “Oh, there’s none perfect.” That’s right. You can’t be perfect in the sight of your fellow man. But you’ve got to be perfect or you’ll never go to heaven. That’s right.
The Bible said, Jesus speaking in the beatitudes, Matthew, said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Then you’ve got to be just as perfect as God is, or you’re lost. Now, how you going to do it? See? Now, one little mistake and you’re lost. One little flap of the eye and you’re gone; ’cause nothing can enter in to those places but perfect.

« E-36 † God put Satan up there one time as an angel, which he was, the son of the morning. And he took the good things of God and perverted them into evil. God’s sure that nothing will enter there that’ll ever do it again. See?
Now, you’ve got to be perfect. Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Now, how you going to be when you’re continually sinning, when you’re continually doing what’s wrong?
Now, this will kinda put a little kink in the legalist. But notice, it isn’t what you do; it’s what God has done. It’s not what you do; it’s what He done. See? You can’t be perfect. You can’t be in yourself. But in Christ, you are perfected. You’re not trusting in your own good works, or your own church you belong to, but you’re trusting in the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. There you are. That’s what makes you perfect. There’s what anchors your faith.

« E-37 † Then on Divine healing, the same way. I’m not trusting the way I feel. If I did, I’d be in the bed this morning. But I’m trusting on His finished work. He said it; He promised it; I believe it. See? That’s it. “Be ye therefore perfect.”
Now, oh, may we get just a little bit to one side, something wrote up in my heart. Let me ask you something. We’re living in the day of judgment now, not the great judgment, but the calling out of the Church. You believe it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] We’re living in the days of the segregation. There’s a…?… a color segregation, trying to rise in the country. That’s nonsense.
But there is a real segregation time: right from wrong. God separates His people, calls them out. Do you know that very word “church” means “segregated, called out, separated”? Amen. “Come out from among them,” says the Bible. “Be not partakers of their sin and of their uncleanliness. And I will receive you unto Myself, and you’ll be sons and daughters unto Me. And I’ll be God unto you. Come out.” It’s a separating time. And so much the more as you see this day approaching…

« E-38 † The church that once tried to walk, they denominated themselves, and now they becoming one great big conglomeration of living like the world. See? Just as the Bible said they did in the Old Testament, so did they. Many of them, God called them out, showed them miracles and wonders. And the whole generation perished in the wilderness, after they had seen miracles, after God had performed miracles on them, after they had seen the glory of God. But in their heart they were unbelievers, murmur to God, complainers. God just said, “Separate yourself, Moses.” And He started a new generation to take them over into the promised land.

« E-39 † Notice, how many in here this morning are Christians? Would you raise your hands? Just raise your hands up, “I’m a Christian.” God be praised that you are a Christian. How did you become Christians? Because you said, “I–I want to become a Christian,” because that you sought God with tears? Because God, by grace, called you. That’s right. Not because you sought Him, because He sought you.
Now, if you notice, on the Baptist side, or the Presbyterian, the Arminian belief, they all go to seed. They say, “Well if God called me, hallelujah, then I’m all right. I’ll do what I want to.” That shows you haven’t got it and wasn’t called. That’s right. If God calls you, you’ll love Him so divinely; the things of the world will be dead to you. Right.
The young fellow setting back there, taking recordings now, he asked me coming in, which is one of my brethren, Mr. Mercier. And he takes recordings of the Messages and the meetings, and his partner, Leo, and–and Gene back there… Leo said to me, coming in this morning, he said; “Brother Branham, which was first: faith produces love, or love produces faith?”

« E-40 † I said, “Love produces faith, not faith, love.” You have to love first, before you can have faith. So if you say you got faith, and don’t Divinely love God, you’re faith’s in vain. See? You’ve got to love God. Therefore, you could join all the churches in the country, do anything you wanted to, make all the confessions you want to, but if there is a genuine, real Holy Spirit, borned again love in your heart for God, your faith’s in vain. No matter how much you confess that you believe God, that has nothing to do with it. It’s got to be borned in the human heart. Then you got Eternal Life, can never be separated from God.
Now, if we had time, seeing there’s not many of you with Bibles, but over in the Book of the Revelations… Listen now. Put on your thinking cap and open up your heart. I want to say something here now. I want you to listen close, while the Holy Spirit is near.

« E-41 † The Bible said in the Revelation, that the antichrist would come in the last day, and that he would be so rude. And over in Saint Matthew also, 24th chapter, Jesus speaking, said when the antichrist would come, that he’d–he’d be so close, like the real work of God, till he would deceive the very elect, if possible. Watch. Deceive the very elect… The elect, where does it come from? From the word “elected.” He would deceive the very elected, if it was possible. See? But it isn’t. Praise God for that. It is impossible.
Like over Hebrews the 6th chapter, he said, “For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have been partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the heavenly gifts and the power of the world to come, if they would turn and renew themselves unto repentance…” It’s impossible, can’t be done. That’s right.

« E-42 † It can be impersonated; it can be pretended. People can act like they’re so-and-so, and they can be swayed with every little thing. But a man that’s ever borned of the Spirit of God, his–his course is set towards the North Star. Hallelujah. And all hell will never shake him. That’s right. I don’t say he won’t make mistakes; I won’t say he won’t slip and fall. That’s right. But as soon as he can get his feet again, his eyes is set on the Star yonder, and he moves on. Sure.
Elected. Now, the Bible says… And I know that’s the Word of the living God. The Bible said this. Listen now. See?
“And the beast, and the false prophet (p-r-o-p-h-e-t, singular,) and the beast of power, the trinity of hell, just like the trinity of God… Now watch. And he caused all, both small, great (That’s rich or poor.), bond or free, male or female, man or a woman, child, or whoever who it was. He caused all, both small and great, to receive a mark in their forehead, and are sealed into the kingdom of darkness.
Now, there’s two seals a going on today. And you don’t know just what time… Oh, brother, let this go way down deep. You don’t know what time, that you that’s on the borderline today is going to make your final decision. That’s right. You can’t totter too long. “My Spirit will not always strive with man.” So you may toddle along for a while, but, “My Spirit will not always strive with men being on the borderline.”

« E-43 † Notice, the mark of the beast is the mark of an apostasy, the devil, the works of the devil. Jesus said, “By their church membership, by their theology, by their seminary experience? By their fruit you shall know them.”
Now, so the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, patience, meekness. That’s the fruit of the Spirit. And the fruit, that’s the mark of the Holy Spirit, showing that Divine love has anchored in the heart and the things of the world is dead.
Now, the mark of the devil is impersonation: works, not grace. The works shadow things to come. Hypocrisy, going to church, pretending to be a Christian, living like the world, having affairs with the world, going out and acting like the world. And so very close till both sides will be looking exactly, deceive the very elect.
Here’s a church member, goes to church regular, a very fine person, goes to church, good person, morally good; but yet, right down in the depths of their innermost being there’s never experience of Jesus abiding.
Look at Esau and Jacob. Why, Esau was twice as good a guy as Jacob; sure he was. But Jacob had one thing. He had recompense to the reward. He seen that birthright and counted it the greatest thing on earth.

« E-44 † And today we come out of count going to church, hearing Doctor so-and-so, or Brother so-and-so speak, doing things like that, or joining a fine church, with a nice group going on, nice revival. We call that doing something good. That isn’t it.
God looks on the heart. And the heart of Jacob, he didn’t care what anything come and go, there was one solid purpose for him, that’s to get that birthright.
There’s a real believer today. Let the world call you whatever they want to; let them say you’re a fanatic if they want to. They called Jesus Beelzebub. “How much more will they call you,” He said. “Blessed are ye when men shall persecute you, say all manner of evil against you, falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, ’cause great is your reward in heaven. For so persecuted they the prophets before you.” You see it?
Now, what is the Seal of God then? Ephesians 4:30 said, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit.” The what? Ephesians 4:30, you that’s marking it. “Grieve not the Holy Spirit.”

« E-45 † Now, I know some of them says it’s this or that, or the other, but when… No matter. The Bible said, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine be true.” Some says keeping days is the mark, and some says doing this is a mark, and some says being witness of this is a mark. But the Bible said, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption.” How long? Until the day of your redemption.
How can it be done? Could God make a mistake. Could He give a man the Holy Ghost, and Him be an infinite knows from the beginning to the end, would give a man the Holy Ghost and promise him Eternal Life, and then turn around and take it away from him? That would make Him finite like me and you, subject to mistakes. But thanks be to God, our heavenly Father makes no mistakes. Certainly, He can’t make a mistake. From the beginning He was infinite, and He will be at the end. He can’t make mistakes. He’s perfect.

« E-46 † Notice, now I’m going back into the–into the Hebrews again. “Now be ye therefore perfect…” Now, I’m going to skip over now, and go into the Revelation.
“And he caused all both great, old, young, male and female, bond and free, to receive a mark in their forehead and in their hand. And he deceived all except those whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” He deceived all, the whole earth: the religious cults, he received the pretended Christian; he deceived the church member; he deceived the moral man; he deceived the good man; he deceived the so-called preacher; he deceived the so-called Christian. He deceived all with his great propaganda, saying, “We’re all one big church, and we ought to all unite together, and have the things of the world and the church and state uniting, what are… We’ll settle all wars forever.”
Thousands of mothers, millions of them, would say, “That’s the thing we want.” Watch where it comes from, sister. Watch where the backgrounds of it is. “And he deceived all whose names were not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

« E-47 † Now, are you ready? Here it is. It’s a double barrel, and a heavy load. Listen at it. Now, he deceived all whose names were not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life from the time they joined the church? from the time in the revival? Their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life when they come into the church? No. “Names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life from the foundation of the world.” Amen. That does it. You get it?
That’s been looked over for hundreds of years amongst teachers. But look, the Christian’s name was not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life when He came to the altar. The Bible said his name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life all the way from the foundation of the world. “No man can come to Me except My Father draws Him. And all that comes, I’ll give him Everlasting Life, and will raise him up at the last day.”

« E-48 † What we scared about? Listen to me, my weary brother, the Bible said that Jesus was the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. Notice. Oh, my, how this burns your heart, how this gives you the hope. Way back before the foundation of the world, when Satan perverted to evil. God being infinite, looked down through the stream of time and saw the end: foreknowledge.
If He don’t know all things, you have a limited God. You’ve made Him finite like you and I. But God is unlimited. God’s power, God’s knowledge, everything, He’s the omnipotent. Way back before the foundation of the world, when Satan done the evil, ’cause Satan had in his mind what he was going to do, then God seen how He could counteract it. Amen.
The Bible said, “In the beginning was the Word (Saint John 1), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In the beginning, when time begin… It was eternity, before that. This is in time we’re talking about. Eternity is like a panoramic. It never… It never ends. It’s a circle, continually, forever, and forever, and forever. It’s an endless wheel that never stops or never has an end to it.

« E-49 † But Satan put a break in there, and come down here, and would’ve spoiled the whole thing, but God seen where there’d be a space of time. And being the great infinite One from the beginning to beginning, He looked down.
And He was in the beginning the Word. Now, a word is a thought expressed. God begin to think. As He begin to see every human being that ever come on earth, and every bird, and every flea, and every fly… Hallelujah. That makes Him the almighty, eternal, ever present God. That’s the One we serve this morning.
Way back in the beginning when He seen that there was some people who was going to desire to be saved, some people who was going to want to be saved, some people who would be loyal in their heart: they wanted to be saved. Then He’s got to make a preparation for their salvation (That’s right.), or they will never be saved.

« E-50 † And He knows that anything imperfect cannot come into heaven, so He has to make a way of perfection for that. Amen. You see it? Then back there He said, “I, Myself, will come down into the world and take on human flesh. And I’ll pay the penalty that’s required here, and I’ll take the place. And I’ll make them perfect because I’ll bring them in Me. And I am perfect.” Then when Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as those that are–that God is perfect…”
Then here was this mangled body, that was beaten and bruised for sin, and every sin that the world ever had, or ever would have, was laid upon Him. And He is the body that the Jehovah raised up on the last days there, on the third day after His death. And if we are in that body, we’re just as perfect as the body is. Amen. There you are.
How do you get in that body? How do you get in it? The Bible said in Romans 8:1, “There’s therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but the Spirit.” They don’t care what the world says or what anybody else says, or even what their family says. They walk in the Spirit of God in perfect Divine love. You see it?
How do you get into it? By joining church, by shaking hands, by water baptism? No, sir.

« E-51 † The 12th chapter of I Corinthians said, “By one Spirit we’re all baptized into one body and become members of that body.” And then it’s not what I’ve done, what I am, who I was, or nothing about it; it’s what God has done for me in Christ. And we are perfected with our Sacrifice.
He makes no mistakes. He wouldn’t bring you in, if you wasn’t worthy. He knows your heart. That’s right. He knows what you are. He knows your motives. He knows what you are. There’s traps all along the road. Sure. The devil will cause you to stumble, and you say, “I didn’t mean to do that. God, You know it.” You’re still perfect, because there’s a perfect Blood offered for you every day, and a bleeding Sacrifice hanging before the throne of Almighty God. That’s right.
Now, how did you get in there? God, by foreknowledge… Now, God said that Jesus… Now, put on your caps. Get open your heart. Look. The Bible said Jesus was the Lamb slain from the, where? Foundation of the world He was slain. Why? God, the Father, when He looked down and seen how…
Jesus never come just to die a haphazard death. He never come, say, “Well, maybe somebody’d have pity when they see the way I die and everything.” No, it wasn’t. God don’t run His business like that. God runs His business perfect. That’s right. He knowed exactly what was going to take place. That’s where He could foresay. He knows exactly what He… He’s not willing that any should perish. He’s not willing. But if He’s infinite, He knows who will and who won’t. Therefore, you can rest assure. If you have received God and been filled with the Holy Ghost, you’re anchored to your eternal destination. Correctly. See, He foreknows.

« E-52 † Now, watch. The Bible said that Jesus, the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world was ever laid. Oh, I–I know I act funny up here. But I–I–I feel glorious. Look. What? Jesus was slain before the world even had the first speck of dirt laid. Jesus was already slayed. Why? Because God… Here it is. Get it.
God, by foreknowledge, when He was the Word in the beginning, He perceived the thought. Now, it’s just a thought. Then when He spoke it and said, “It shall be,” Jesus was slain, the very minute God spoke the Word. Then what? Four thousand years later, He come and paid the price that God had already done back here by His Word. He had to come. All devils in hell couldn’t keep Him from coming. God had already spoke it.

« E-53 † Now, believer, have you got your joy shoes on? Listen to this. If you are a Christian, if you are truly a–God’s child, the Bible said… That’s not no preacher; that’s the Bible. It said your names was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Oh, my, the same time that Christ, that God sent Christ to be slain, He wrote your name with His. Hallelujah. There you are. Your name was written in the…
He said, “And he deceived all, great, small, so many were church members, pretended Christians. He deceived all whose names were not written, not in the Church book, but in the Lamb’s Book of Life. When? Before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life by His spoken Word, and sent Christ, the Sacrifice, to buy, to redeem that same group that He had wrote their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world. [–Ed.]

« E-54 † Now, those who He has called, He has justified. He called them before the foundation of the world. Those who He called, He had justified. And those who He had justified, He hath already glorified. The same God, that before the foundation of the world called your name and wrote it on the Lamb’s Book of Life in the–from the foundation of the world, has already made a place in glory for you. And when this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting for us in the way He’s fashioned. There you are. That’s the Gospel.
What are we worried about? What are we going along looking like this? “Well, I just wonder.” Lift up your heads. The Bible said, “Lift up the feeble knee. And let the hands raise up that once hung down.” Let him that’s weak, say “I’m strong.” Amen. For the Gospel is delivered, this good news.

« E-55 † And this morning the Holy Spirit, through the Word’s bringing you the good news, that from before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. All the devils out of hell can’t erase it out of there. God wrote it and spoke it. It’s just as sure to happen as God wrote it in there before the foundation of the world. Amen. How glorious our heavenly Father is in His infinite love and His mercy to do that for us.
“Then be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.” How can you be? When it’s not my perfection, it’s not your perfection; it’s His perfection of His Word, that He chose you. You never chose Him. And He brought you into Christ. And you are secure with Jesus Christ, and just as perfect as Christ was before God. For you’re not standing with your own; you’re standing in Him with one thing, “I believe God.” Amen.
Oh, I love Him. Oh, my. On the other side of Eden… Amen, What a wonderful time it’ll be someday, when you look back down and say, “Why did I fear? Look at the joy I missed.”

« E-56 † Young man, young woman this morning, or you old man or woman, who’s never been a Christian, God’s continually knocked at your heart.
Oh, yes. You might come in at the end of the road, but you’ll have no joy. There’ll be no stars around you to shine. I don’t want to stand like that. I want to hear Him say, “It was well done, My good and faithful servant.” I want to show Him my appreciation.
My poor little old gray-headed wife, how I would love to do something for her that I know she likes, because I love her, and I know she loves me. And if I do that for my wife in the human love, what do I have to do to know that God, by grace, before the foundation of the world seen me a poor little sinner, staggering, and was going to hell, and couldn’t help it, and He foreordained me, and put my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world.

« E-57 † Oh, I love Him. There’s no way at all to ever tell Him. Amen. No wonder the Bible said, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered in the hearts of men.” Oh, my. How glorious God is. Don’t you want to trust Him, if you’re weary and tossed about?
Shame on you, Christians, that call yourselves Christians, and go around so weary. “Well, I don’t know. If I go to church, the…” Oh, you’re a poor excuse.
Let me tell you. Lift up your head. Straighten up your chest. Oh, my. Oh, use faith. Faith is the boss. That’s right. Faith has hairs on its chest. Brother, I mean it’s got big muscles. When it speaks, all the worries drop from one side the other.
The devil said, “Now, you just can’t make it. You can’t do this. You’re ashamed to testify.” Faith raise up, and say, “Shut up. I got the floor.” Amen, amen. Sure. Faith takes the initiative.
That’s what we need today for every pilgrim in the land. Straighten up your head. The Bible said, “When I was…” David said, “When I was afraid, I walked with–I trusted Him. When I was afraid, then I trusted Him. Whenever I come to the–even the fear of death, the shadows…”
When Paul came down, he said, “Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?” Brother…
Lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime;
With partings leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time.
Someday setting yonder on the celestial hills of glory, where the sun will never go down in that city, where the saints are all over there shouting, those old heroes of the faith, looking back down those places yonder, and seeing a path made of glory, I want to set with them, and see that I put my head up in the air, and trusted God, and walked on in the time of storm. Oh, my. Let us pray.

« E-58 † Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee this morning for Jesus. We thank Thee for the perfection of the Gospel, for the perfecting and the eternal sovereignty of God’s eternal spoken Word. And according to His Word, He called us and chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, and wrote our names before the foundation of the world. When God speaks a word, it’s got to happen. It’s just got to happen.
And You spoke our names when You spoke His Name. You chose us with Him before the world began. So there’s nothing we can say we could do, Lord.

« E-59 † It’s–it’s not in mankind. There’s nothing we can boast on or brag on. The only thing we say is, “God thank You for Your grace.” Thank you for Your mercy, Lord. Seeing that we were aliens, but now Thou has perfected us with that perfect Sacrifice that we stand in (O God), stand in Him today as we move on.
Thanking You, Father for these things, we ask, if there be one in here today, Lord, that is not in that condition, may they this moment make their one, and eternal, and final decision before You make Your last and final call at their heart. We pray that You’ll grant it through Christ’s Name.
And while we have our heads down, I wonder if there’s such a person here this morning who is really in the sleeping virgin. You’ve never woke up to the realization that you’ve got to save souls, you’ve got to do something, and you want God to remember you as a soul saviour, you want to be one who will go out and try to get souls saved. Would you raise your hand, say, “God, remember me”? God bless you. That’s good. All right.

« E-60 † Is there such a person here this morning who has never at one time accepted Christ as Saviour, but this morning wants to make that final and eternal decision, as you see the sun setting out yonder, and you know it’s just a few days more, and we won’t be here any longer… You know that. But you want to–you want to come into the Kingdom of God, and you want God to receive you; and you believe that He does it, and you’ll raise up your hands to that effect this morning, that you believe that Christ now takes you as His child. God bless you. God bless you.

« E-61 † Someone else? You’ll take Him as your personal Saviour this day. You raise your hand and say, “From this day, henceforth, I now will serve God with all my heart. I believe, and I want to be remembered. All my life something’s knocked at my heart, knocked at my heart, and I’ve turned it down. And I’m afraid I might turn it down the wrong time now. And so this morning, God, by grace, I move out and raise my hand, saying, ‘Be merciful to me, a sinner.'” Would there be another?
God bless you. And bless you, little girl. I see your hand too, honey. All right. Someone else? Would you raise your hand, saying, “Remember me”?

« E-62 † Is there a backslider would say, “Oh, Brother Branham, I’m a Christian, but I’m a poor excuse for one. I’m constantly backsliding and doing what’s wrong. And I–I love God. God took me by grace; I know I’m His child. But I’ve never been active. I’ve never done the work of the Lord. I just somehow drift along, and in and out, and in and out. But something just keeps holding in my heart. I’m ashamed of my testimony. I’d be ashamed to meet God this morning, and not won soul or nothing. I–I–I–I want God to bring me back, and hug me to His bleeding side, and give me my whipping, what I deserve, and let me be a real Christian from this day, henceforth. I’ll raise my hand to God. That’s what I want You to do, God.”
God bless you, lady. God bless you, you, you, you. That’s… Now, God sees your heart. And a lot of you raised your hands, I know you. I know your up-and-down life. (While you’re–the rest the Christians are praying.) I know you up-and-down condition. I know your backslidings. God knows them how much better, if I knew them.
I see you try to come to the altar, try to make a start, go back, try to make a start and go back.
A man just dropped dead a few days ago, that used to teach Sunday school here. I’m afraid some of his people’s here; I’d call the name. Many of you know who I’m speaking about. That man would come to church; he’d go back; he’d come to church; he’d go back. He wanted to do right.

« E-63 † He had an experience with God. He was a good man at heart, but he got to fumbling with the world too much. He died a young man. He left the world. Now, I wonder what his reward will be. See? Don’t do that. Don’t do that, friend. Stay in the harness.
That man could come back to the earth today, and stand here yonder in the city anywhere, the very spot he died on, he’d scream and run towards the Tabernacle as hard as he could come. “Boy, I’m ready to be soul-saved this next week.” When he begin to… He’s across the line now.
But remember, as long as there is an eternity, as deep as there is a sky, there’ll never have another chance to save a soul, never have another chance to live for God. He’s made his final decision.

« E-64 † What about yours this morning? Let’s make it right for God, while we have out head bowed. Give us a little chord, “On the other side of Jordan.”
On the other… (Now, keep praying.) of Jordan,
In the sweet fields of Eden, (Slowly now, all of us),
Where the Tree of Life is blooming,
There is rest for you.
Jesus breaks every fetter,
Jesus breaks every fetter,
Jesus… (What’s holding you back?) every fetter.
When and He sets you free!
I will ever, ever praise Him,
I will ever, ever praise Him,
I will ever, ever praise Him,
For He sets me free!
Now, all of us together, slowly.
On the other side of Jordan… (Just across the river yonder.)
In the sweet fields of Eden.
Where the Tree of Life is blooming,
There is rest for you.
Why, Jesus breaks every…
The indifferent fetters, the religious fetters, the denominational fetters, the sinful fetters, the unbelief fetters…
Jesus… (His presence is near.) every fetter. (Just make your decision.)
When He sets you free!
I will ever, ever praise Him.
God bless you, sister. So glad you come…?…
… praise Him.

« E-65 † Someone else let the fetters be broke from around you? Don’t you want to be free today? What are you just pretending for? Why, you’re only miserable to yourself if you’re not free. The Holy Spirit… All the chunks out of the way, the Spirit of God moving down through your heart… God bless you, sister.
On the other side…
Maybe some little old thing’s holding you. Don’t you want to be saved. I hope our names are wrapped together. God bless you, brother.
Hope our names are wrapped together yonder in glory as stars of God shining forever. Look over and say, “There stands Brother Branham.”
I’ll say, “Over yeah, brother. Remember down at the tabernacle that morning?”
… is blooming.
There is rest for you!
I will ever, ever praise Him…
Don’t you want to do it?
… will ever, ever praise Him,

« E-66 † Backslider, don’t you want to move up to the altar now? Yes. That little old something standing in your way, Jesus breaks that fetter. Come on.
… when He sets you free.
Down at the cross where my Saviour died,
Down there for cleansing from sin I cried;
Oh, there to my heart was the Blood applied;
Glory to His Name!
Oh, glory to His precious Name!
Oh, glo…
Sinner friend, here at the altar, backslider, tell Him about it now. What was it?
There to my heart was the…
You’re kneeling there alone, with God now looking at you. Not even a sparrow could fall without Him knowing it.
Oh, come to this fountain so rich, sweet, mellow.
If you’ve never received the Holy Spirit, come, He’s here.
… at the Saviour’s feet;
Oh, plunge in today and be made complete;
Oh, glory to His Name!

« E-67 † While with your heads bowed… Did you ever notice people who receive Christ? Watch what kind of a place they were in, how they got it. You see them act the same way. Certainly. If it’s…?… and worked up, and emotional, the child will be raised up like that. That’s the way it’ll go.
If it’s cold, formal, and in indifferent, that’s usually the way they are. They receive that type of spirit, because that’s what’s there working then.
Take me to the cross. Take me to a place where there’s a Spirit moving that mellowed my heart. “Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels, though I give all my goods to feed the poor, my body to be burned as a sacrifice, have knowledge to know all mysteries, and all these things, it will all fail. But when that which is perfect has come, which is love, it endureth forever.” Love worketh faith.

« E-68 † Won’t you come now while this lovely, humble, sweet feeling of the Holy Spirit moving here at the altar now. Just kneel down, say, “God, be merciful to me. I want You to give me now in my heart, this Spirit that’s in the church. I now kneel, and I ask, and by faith I believe that You’ll grant it to me.” You’ll walk away from here, one of the most humble, sweetest spirits. It’ll all be over then.
I am so wondrously saved from sin;
Jesus so sweetly abides within;
Oh, there at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His Name!
While we’re singing this, I wonder if there’s any Christians who would like to reconsecrate their lives with these here at the altar, who’s come for the Holy Spirit and for salvation? Would you like to kneel up here with us, pray with us for a few minutes?

« E-69 † Anything that you have need of, no matter what it is. If it’s sickness, you have need of healing; if it’s a trouble, and you have need of relief; if you’re wearied and bothered, need–need of peace, come now, won’t you?
Oh, come to this fountain so rich and sweet;
Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour’s feet;
So glad to see so many coming this morning.
… in today and be made complete;
Glory to…
You see, it’s a work of the Holy Spirit. He does this.
Not emotional, solid, deep, not fanatically, it’s not formal. It’s love that draws, constrains us.
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Oh, glory to His…

« E-70 † Wonderful, everyone just bowing now. Don’t you love this? I don’t know how you feel, but I just feel like in my heart, you just feel teardrops on the inside of you, coming down. God’s Holy Spirit just moving, He’s doing the work. Brother, give me a church like that, that’s really broke up, go down to Potter’s house and be remolded.
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There’s a precious fountain,
Free to all…
Let the audience help sing that now while the penitent ones are the altar asking.
Flows from Calv’ry’s fountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Oh, be my glory ever;
And my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

« E-71 † O God, our Father, we come to Thee today, humbly, broken up, the Holy Spirit coming into the Word. Christians are so great, and so grateful to Thee that they have accepted You and been borned again. Thou has ordained this from the foundation of the world. You have declared it. You said, “I have many things to tell you, that I cannot tell you now, but when He the Holy Spirit has come, He will reveal these things to you, and will teach you, and guide you.”
We’re so thankful this morning for the Holy Spirit that reveals the Word of God. You said, “And He will bring these things to my–to your memory, which I have said unto you, and He will show you things to come.” We’re so glad that He is with us today. And through the teaching of the Word, and the working of the Holy Spirit has caused Christians to be awakened, caused sinners to come to Thee, backsliders to reconsecrate themselves. Father, they’re on the altar.

« E-72 † Cause the sick and the weary who’s been afflicted to come and bow their head to accept healing for their body, knowing that Thy spoken Word is Truth. Everything else will fail, but Thy Word can never fail. Truth… “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
And we come to accept this morning what You have provided for us in Your vicarious suffering, and the atonement at Your death that You made for us. And we freely, Lord Jesus, receive it. We believe the Word of God; we believe that You promised, “He that will come to Me, I will in no wise cast out.” O God, what a promise.
No matter what it’s for, Thou has said, “When you pray, believe that you receive what you ask for; you shall receive it.” Now Father, if we truly believe it, it’s settled. We believe it. It is done. Then we act upon our confession that You have did it for us.

« E-73 † Not that we are worthy; we are unworthy. But through Your unmerited grace that we have through Thee, we believe that the work is finished.
And as these penitent ones, and ones who are coming this morning, consecrating themselves, and to those who are coming for the benefits of the suffering… As David said, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, Who forgiveth all of mine iniquity, my backsliding, and Who healeth all of our diseases…”
That’s the benefits of the believer, and we receive it through faith this morning by coming upon the Word of God, which was spoken before the foundation of the world. If it was impossible for it not happen, so is it impossible for us not to get what we ask for if we ask for it with faith, believing. And that lays within our hearts, Lord, to receive what we have asked for.
Jesus, keep us near the cross. When the enemy comes in like a flood, Lord, raise up a standard against him.

« E-74 † Bless this little waiting congregation. God, may Your Holy Spirit take these ones who’ve consecrated their life, these men and women who knelt at the altar, those sinners who come and bowed their heads, and take them into Thy Kingdom.
Lord, I realize it’s their own personal faith. The minute they believed You, that’s the minute You received them, for You said, “No man could come unless My Father draws him. And all that comes, I’ll give him Everlasting Life, and will raise him up at the last day.” That’s Your Word, Lord. We believe it.
And it’s done; the work is finished. And we thank You for it. We thank You for the healing of every body, for every weary soul, for everything that’s here. Those who that had feeble hands hanging down, those who’s been fearful, those who’s wondered… David said, “When I was–feared, got scared, then I trusted in You and walked on.”
God, let us stick up our heads this morning, not cowards, but Christians who believe in Jesus Christ. May we walk on with our testimony shining. May, through the healing of our bodies, through the testimony of our salvation, may we win others to Thee. Grant it, Father, as all on the altar we’ve laid. Grant it for Your glory, as we believe You, and wait on You, Lord, here’s where… Just bathing in Your beauty, just bathing in Your promise, feeling that glorious Holy Spirit wooing us to Thee…

« E-75 † How we love You, how we praise You, how I worship You, Lord. Myself, here behind this sacred desk with my hands up to Thee, I worship Thee, my God. I worship Thee. You’re my Healer, my Saviour, my King, my Provider, my Father, my Brother. My all-and-all rests in Thee. You are my Strength. I publicly… You… David said, “I will praise Thee in the congregation of the saints.” And I give Thee praise before the sanctified ones this morning. I praise Thee for healing me. I praise You for my life. I praise You for my health. I praise you for the goodness You’ve showed to me. I praise You for my friends. I praise You for everything, Lord. You’re wonderful, joy unspeakable and full of glory. How I praise Thee.

« E-76 † How I can recommend Thee to the weary. How I can recommend Thee to the sinner as a Saviour. How I can recommend Thee to the sick as a Healer. How I can recommend Thee to the wanderer as a King. Oh, how I love Thee this morning. How I can recommend–recommend You, Lord, to those who are downtrodden, to be–to be the joyful, joy in the camp. How we thank Thee. Oh, You’re a Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm, the Alpha, Omega, Beginning and the End; the Rose of Sharon; the Lily of the Valley; the Morning Star. Oh, how we love You, how we adore You, and praise You, the matchless eternal One. We give Thee praise. Oh, we’ll praise Thee, and give Thee praise through all ages.
Receive us, Lord, as we offer these blessings, the fruits of our lips. You said, “We are a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifice, the fruits of our lips giving praise to His name.” How we praise Him. How we adore Him forever and ever. Oh, receive the very adorations of our heart, express our lips, Lord, that from the depths of a pure heart, we praise Thee, knowing that it’s not what we could do. It’s not our life; it’s His life. It’s not our salvation; it’s His salvation. It’s not our heaven; it’s His heaven. Oh. we’re not our own works; we are His works. Not our grace, it’s His grace. Not our glory, but His glory. Not our power, but His power. Oh, how we love You. Not our church, but His Church. How we praise Thee, Lord. That’s our hearts, Lord. That’s our heart. Receive us.

« E-77 † O God, send the little Branham Tabernacle an outpouring of the Spirit. Will You, Lord? Oh, we’re needy here on the corner. God, send down the showers of blessing, pour out the rain of God, the former and latter.
Baptize our pastor anew, Lord. Set him afire with the Gospel. We love him today, Lord. He’s Your servant. We pray that You’ll anoint his heart. Anoint the hearts of the other preachers in the building this morning and every member. May we go out of here, Lord…
And don’t forget Your poor unworthy servant, myself, Lord, that You’ll anoint me afresh with the Holy Ghost. Grant it, Lord. Give us these blessings. We humbly waiting at the altar, knowing that we receive it, bathing ourselves in Your Holy Spirit. And not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of God unto salvation. How we thank Thee for it.

« E-78 † Some glorious day we hope to see You, Lord, lay our hands upon the feet of the One that stands with us today, Who we cannot see, but we know that He’s here. How we pray Thee.
… down out in that city
The sun, it will never go down;
The flowers are bloom forever,
And the sun, it will never go down.
I feel like traveling on, I do,
I feel like traveling on;
The flowers are bloom forever,
And the sun, it will never go down.
How many feels that way, raise up your hand?
I feel like shouting sometimes, I do,
I feel like shouting, I do;
The flowers are blooming forever,
And the sun, it will never go down.
I feel like traveling on, I do,
I feel like traveling on;
The flowers…

« E-79 † [Brother Branham leaves the pulpit and speaks with those at the altar–Ed.]… I bless you…?… Thou art the One at the head of the boat, Lord…?… We ask for His blessing in Christ’s Name. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, as we pass down the altar, laying hands on those maybe, who are waiting for farther blessings, may the Holy Spirit, that didn’t touch just in the right way… But we pray, heavenly Father, that You’ll grant the blessings rest…?… Oh, eternal God, have mercy on our sister.
Dear heavenly Father, as this dear woman here, walked up here by faith… Many days has she been here. These gray hairs and wrinkled hands does something to me. But what a lot of long hard work they had to pass through here. No doubt but what these hands have thumbed down the pages of the Bible, lifted up to Thee, no doubt but through this heart this morning as she hobbled into the church with her crutches under her arm… But now, by faith she laying it down, and walk away. Heal her, Lord. She’s comes for the blessing from God. I pray, God, here, that You’ll bless her, and may she never have to have them for the rest of her days. Give her strength in her body. Let her win souls for You, Lord, to the Kingdom of God, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.
God bless you, sister. Go, and you won’t have to use that old crutches, I don’t believe any more. You’re all right now. I believe you’re going home without them. Amen. When you go out of the building, you stick it on your shoulder, and walk on out; it will all be over.

« E-80 † Father God, we pray that You’ll bless this woman who stands here today. Make her completely whole. Grant it, Father. We lay hands upon her and believe it in Jesus’ Name.
Father God, lay hands upon Sister Slaughter, ask for her healing… [–Ed.]
Dear God, we lay hands upon our… [–Ed.]

« E-81 † Don’t know how you feel. I will sing the verse; you sing the chorus with me.
The first one to die for this Holy Ghost plan,
Was John the Baptist, he died like a man;
Then came the Lord Jesus, they crucified Him,
He preached that the Spirit would save men from sin.
Keeps dripping with blood, yes, it’s dripping with blood,
This Holy Ghost Gos– (I love it!), it’s dripping with blood,
The blood of disci… (Let the world say what they want to.)… who died for the Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel keeps dripping with blood.
Then they stoned Stephen, he preached against sin,
He made them so angry, they dashed his head in;
But he died in the Spirit, he gave up the ghost,
And went to join the others, that life-giving host.
Kept dripping with blood…
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood,
The blood of disciples who died for… Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood.
There’s Peter and Paul, and John the divine,
They gave up their lives so this Gospel could shine;
They mingled their blood with the prophets of old,
So the true Word of God could honest be told.
Keeps dripping with blood, yes, dripping with blood,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood,
The blood of disciples who died for the Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel, it’s dripping with blood.
Souls under the altar, crying, “How long?”
For the Lord to punish those who’ve done wrong; (Listen!)
But there’s going to be more who will give their life’s blood,
For this Holy Ghost Gospel and its crimson flood.
Oh, it keeps dripping with blood, yes, it’s dripping with blood,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood,
The blood of disciples who died for the Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping…

« E-82 † How many’s glad this morning that you’ve received the Holy Spirit? Raise up your hand. Isn’t it wonderful? [Congregation says, “Amen.”] Sure.
It’s dripping with… (Shake hands with your friend standing next to you.)… dripping with blood. (Say, “Praise the Lord, brother, for all of His goodness”)
… Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood,
Oh, the blood of disciples who died for the truth,
This… (God bless you, brother. God bless you…?…)
It’s dripping with blood.
Oh, it’s dripping with blood, (That’s it, raise up your hands.)… dripping with blood,
This Holy Ghost Gospel…?…
… disciples who died for the Truth,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood.
It’s dripping with blood (Hallelujah.)… dripping with blood,
This Holy Ghost Gospel is dripping with blood,
[Brother Branham leaves pulpit microphone–Ed.]

« E-83 † … It’s dripping with blood. (Everybody, sing it.)
The blood of disciples…
God bless you, sister. [Sister gives Brother Branham a testimony–Ed.] Yeah. Wonderful. So happy to hear that. God bless you. A lady was just prayed for, and she’s been walking now for three years, glorifying God.
Now, let’s sing this good old song. How many like this? “Faith in the Father, faith in the Son, faith in the Holy Ghost, three in the one.” All right, sister, Gertie.
Faith… the Son.
Faith in the Holy Ghost, three in the one;
Oh, demons will tremble and sinners awake,
Faith in Jehovah will anything shake.

« E-84 † How many loves a good happy crowd like this? Why, God bless you, sister. Let’s all sing now, everybody to the top of our voice.
God bless you, sister. Thank you, sister. God bless you. Amen. God bless you, sister. [Some people come to platform to greet Brother Branham–Ed.] Amen. Amen. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, my dear sister. God bless you, sister. [–Ed.]… your hands to sing it now.
God be with you till we meet…
God bless you, Sister Slaughter, so glad to see you up here.
[Sister gives a testimony, then rejoices–Ed.] All right, God bless…?…
All knows who this that’s the shouting. It’s Sister Kelly. You know that she was to… They–the devil tried to kill her out here an automobile accident, and had her out there at the hospital all cut up, and said she’d never walk and everything. But God’s grace. She was one who… Sound like a salvation army up here this morning. Let’s praise the Lord with her, everybody. How many of you all is glad to see your sister. Yeah, come down here and shake hands with her right here at the altar. You all do, everybody. Glad to see you.
Well, praise the Lord.
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
Brother Neville.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet. (Till we meet!)
Till we meet, till we meet,
God bless every…?… God bless you.
Let’s stop and bow our heads just a minute, will you, while Brother dismisses us? Bow your heads just a minute in prayer.
Brother Neville, if you will.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, Sold by VGR

15-0923 God Who is Rich in Mercy

15-0923 God Who is Rich in Mercy
Message: 65-0119
After Baptism
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« 1 † ` You may be seated. [–Ed.] I was… or packed away, coming in and seeing Brother Moore and all of them here on the platform, the friends that I have known for so many years. It’s certainly a privilege to see them here tonight. I feel kind of small to stand here and speak with such theologians behind me, and maybe they will correct me when I’m wrong. I hope so.
2 We are very happy tonight to have a certain person here, Sister Rose. We was coming down… I was with Brother Shores and his assistant, today, for a little lunch. And on the road down, Brother Williams said that Sister Rose was very sick. And we went in to see her just a moment, knelt down. And she had a high fever, and really sick. Just a few words of prayer, and the Lord spoke to us, and said, “She is going to be healed.” Said, “She’ll be there tomorrow night,” they say. And here she is tonight, sitting right here. That’s right.

« 3 † Sister Rose, stand up just a minute, so that they… We are thankful to the Lord. She was bedfast. She said, “The–the devil just beat me out of everything. I come over here and had a breakdown with this,” some kind of a throat disease, and so forth. But the Lord has brought her through, so to that we’re happy. Thanking the dear Lord!
4 Now we’ve been having wonderful times. And tomorrow night, now, we go over to the–the Ramada. And don’t forget now, it won’t be here tomorrow night, it’ll be at the Ramada. And the convention begins the next night. Have to put up with me one more night, you know.

« 5 † So last night I–I went so far off of scale, I kind of made a little promise to myself that, the first of the year, that I just going to cut them Messages down from three or four, five hours, to maybe along about thirty or forty minutes. And as I told you last night, my wife commented me Sunday, said, “You did real well.” So–so then, of course, I had to come along last night and ruin it, see. But I was fifty-five minutes, instead of thirty, last night.
6 Coming down, tonight, Billy said, “What are you going to speak on?”
7 I said, “Well, I got a few little notes wrote out here, and some Scriptures. I don’t know, some of them, four or five different Messages.” I said, “I feel when I get down there, and see what’s going on.”
8 Said, “You promised to pray for all them sick people.”
I said, “Yes, sir. How many cards you got?”
Said, “Two hundred.”
I said, “I better start on them, tonight.”
9 And he said, “Now remember, you only get fifteen minutes to speak.” Said, “You took the rest of it up last night.” [Brother Branham and the congregation laugh–Ed.] We’ll have to hurry up, won’t I?

« 10 † Well, we made a promise to you, that we would pray for those people who had prayer cards, and we are–we are obligated to a promise, of course. We can’t bring them all through these lines, and neither could I be able to call them individually, out in the audience. Even though the Holy Spirit would give it to me, I–I just can’t stand to do it. It’s just too much on me. And, but we’re all acquainted with those things. We know that God is still God. It isn’t that that heals. It’s that that only builds faith, to let us know that–that we’re in His Presence.
11 And we’re going, tonight, to pray for all those sick people, every one of them that’s got those prayer cards, to be prayed for. And then tomorrow night, over at the Ramada, we’ll try to give out some more and start praying for them over there, ’cause I still have tomorrow night. And I think I have one night of the convention, maybe a breakfast also. It depends on how things come out.

« 12 † There is some, one of the speakers that never showed up; hasn’t as yet, I don’t think. Brother Humburg, or is that… [A brother says, “Amburgy.”Ed.] Amburgy, Amburgy, Kash Amburgy. So I–I get it all wrong, that’s that German name. I–I guess that’s German. So I may have to kind of pinch-hit, as we call it, excuse the expression, for him.
13 So we been having a wonderful time in the Lord, though. To all of you, if there be some strangers here tonight, we’re sure glad to have you in, and trust that the Lord will bless you. I pray that there won’t be any sick people in the building when we leave tonight, that our Lord will come down in His great power and will heal all that is sick and afflicted.

« 14 † Here sometime ago, I used to take the individuals in on special interviews, some of the hard cases that we couldn’t get through. Then it built up so fast, till it got to be, the Lord kept blessing it, till we got three or four hundred waiting, and so then people get their feelings hurt because they would wait. Maybe, on that much time, you would have to wait maybe a year or two, so to get in to it, see, just in between the meetings, to take them on the interviews. And we’d just sit and wait on the Lord until He told us just exactly the case.
15 There is no doubt there is people sitting here tonight that’s been on them special interviews. Is there? Let’s see you raise your hands. On the special interviews. Yes, there sits, so, and know that’s right. We just wait to see what the Lord would say, what that case… And then I had to stop that here some time ago. I told Billy that we couldn’t have any more private interviews.

« 16 † See, I–I–I just passed twenty-five, recently, second time, and way up towards the third time. And so as you get a little older, why, you don’t, you… somehow you can’t keep up like you used to. Your steps shorten. And–and, course, Brother Moore don’t know anything about that yet. He… I think we are somewhere around the same age.
17 But a lot of water has went down the river since you and I, and Brother Brown come here the first time, with Brother Outlaw and Brother Garcia, and Brother Fuller. I wonder if them men would be in here tonight? Brother Garcia, Brother Fuller, Brother Outlaw, are they here? Raise up your hands if you are. Yes, there is Brother Fuller, I believe, if I’m not mistaken. Brother Outlaw over here. Brother Garcia, I–I believe though that he left Phoenix. I think that’s right. He–he left Phoenix, and he is over in California. Well, it was certainly grand days, and I still believe the same Message I had then, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.” I guess that’s been about… Well, Becky was a baby. That’s about nineteen years.
18 And now she is a big, old, fat, ugly girl sitting out there somewhere, nineteen years old. Where are you, Becky? Boy, she will get me for that. I remember packing her in on my arm. I’d sure have a job doing that tonight.

« 19 † Remember over at Brother Garcia’s church one night, she was a little bitty fellow. And I said, “We have an international meeting tonight.” I said, “I’m speaking to the Spanish.” And I said, “My wife here is a German.” I said, “I’m an Irishman.” And I said, “And my little girl is an Indian,” and that was Becky.
20 So when I went out the back door, there was a little Mexican girl out there, said, “Brother Branham!”
Said, “Yes, honey, what do you want?”
Said, “Don’t you think your baby is a bit pale, to be an Indian?” She is a blond, you know.
And I said, “Just an Indian in action.”
21 Well, we’re thankful, that, to be here again tonight. Now before we approach the Word, let’s approach Him, for He is the Word. When the Word is made manifest, that’s Him in you.

« 22 † As we had last night on The Seed Of Discrepancy, did you appreciate that, the Lord blessing? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] I–I certainly appreciated bringing the Message to you. And we see what the seeds are.
23 Now is there a special request tonight, just something special? Maybe some of you all that’s going to be in this prayer line, say, “God, be merciful. When I come to be prayed for, let my faith rise up to meet the conditions.” And–and maybe somebody has got a loved one, sick, and something. Would you just raise your hand so God would just look down and say… Now if that… You don’t know how that makes me feel to look there. Just look at the need in here! Minister brothers, just look at that. See? Now, if it makes me feel that way, what does it do to our Father? Certainly.
Now let us pray.

« 24 † Dear Jesus, we are approaching now the great Throne of mercy, through this all-sufficient Name. “For there is no other Name given among men whereby we must be saved, but only this Name of the Lord Jesus.” And we’re coming in His Name. And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You will receive us, tonight, as Your believing children. And forgive our unbelief, Lord. Help it tonight, that it may be that we will completely believe every Word of God tonight, for all the things that we have need of.
25 You know what’s beneath these hands that’s been raised up; there is sickness, some of them may be domestic troubles, some of them financial troubles, some of them are weary, maybe some backslid, some sinner. Whatever the need is, Thou art more than a match for any enemy. So we pray, Lord, that–that tonight, that we will recognize that our enemies, every one, has been defeated, even to death itself. And that we are more than conquerors in Him Who–Who loved us and gave Himself for us, has washed us in His Blood.

« 26 † We pray, Lord, that all unbelief, all doubt, all flustration, all that’s unlike God, will flee from us tonight, that the Holy Ghost might have the right of way in our hearts. May He speak to us in a mysterious ways. May He speak to us in His Power. May He resurrect those that are–are spiritually dead, bring back health to those who are sick and afflicted, lift up the feeble knees, the wearied hands that’s hanging down. And may there be a time of rejoicing.
27 May it break forth tonight, Lord, to leave this place to the Ramada Inn, and start one of the greatest conventions that’s ever been held in this city. Lord, while we’re assembled together and pray! You said, “If the people that are called by My Name, shall assemble themselves together and pray, then I’ll hear from Heaven.” God, we pray that this will be so, tonight.
28 Now, Father, as we read the Word, no one can interpret It but You, You are Your Own interpreter, and we pray that You will interpret to us the things that we read tonight. For we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 29 † Now if many of you like to just mark down Scriptures that a minister reads. And I would like for you to, tonight, if you would, to turn to Ephesians.
30 And I was speaking last Sunday on the Ephesians, how that the Book of Joshua was the Ephesians of the Old Testament, and how it was a Book of redemption.
31 And redemption has two different parts: “come out of” and “entering into.” First, you have to come out. Some people wants to bring the world in with them; but you got to come out of the world, to enter into Christ. You have to come out of unbelief, to enter into faith. There cannot be one thing in your way. To really have genuine faith, you must absolutely leave everything that’s contrary to the Word of God, behind, to enter into faith.
32 And that was the Book of the Ephesians of the Old Testament, Joshua. Where, Moses represented the law, could not save no one; but grace could, and here Joshua is the same word like Jesus, “Jehovah-saviour.”
33 And now then, we find out that we have come to another Ephesians, another Ephesus now. Where, that, in our intellectual denominations and so forth, and all of our educational programs has come to its–its Jordan, then we must have an–an Ephesians again. We must have an exodus, to “come out” and to “go into,” for the Rapture.

« 34 † Now we’re going to read tonight from the 2nd chapter of Ephesians. I was just saying that so you could get to the–the spot, or turn to the chapter.
You, and you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sin:
Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedient:
Among whom also we all had our conversations in times past in the lusts of the flesh, fulfilling the desire of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Even when we were dead in sin, has He quickened us together with Him, or, quickened us together with Christ, (by grace are ye saved;)
35 I want to take from there a few, or part of the verse, “but God,” The God Who Is Rich In Mercy.

« 36 † I want you to notice here of the prophet, apostle, rather, Paul, who–who, how he made mention of this, how, “You has He quickened, who were once dead. You hath He quickened, who were once dead, dead in sin and trespasses; walking after the things of the world, the desire of the flesh, and fulfilling the desire of the mind. Has…”
37 What caused this change, you see? And what caused it, “from one time being dead,” to quicken? Quicken means “made alive.” There was a change, from death unto Life. There is no other, there is no other thing that could happen to any person, so great, as to change him from death to Life. A man, if he was dying, physically, and could be healed physically, that would be a great thing, but nothing so great as when he is spiritually dead and God has quickened him to Life.

« 38 † “You once, in times past, dead.” You were dead. Even many here tonight, one time, can look back and know that you were dead. But now why aren’t you dead tonight, as you were then? You deserve to be that way, because you was a sinner, “but God Who is rich in mercy.” That’s the–that’s the thing, “God Who was rich.” All these things that we were, “but God”! That made the change right there, “God Who is rich in mercy”!
39 Oh, I’m so glad for that, that He being rich in mercy. If He was just rich in money, if He was just rich in materials, which He is, but yet the greatest thing is being rich in mercy. Oh, what a great word that is, how that we were once dead.

« 40 † And we was speaking the other night on how the seed must die. And everything around that germ of life must not only die, but rot. If it doesn’t rot, it cannot live. And rot is, “completely done away with; it’s finished.” And until we get to the place that our own ideas and our own thinking is completely gone and it’s rotted away from us, then the germ of life can begin to live.
41 Now–now we might, I might inject just a little bit of doctrine here, that I don’t… If you don’t believe it, all right. That’s just okay. I do believe it. I believe that–that a man, when he is born in this world, that when you’re a little baby, born into the world, you could not have been here without being the foreknowledge of God, because He is infinite and He knows all things. And when that little baby is born into the world, there is something in that baby. If he is ever going to have Life, there is a little something in there, in that child then, that he comes to, sooner or later. That little seed is in him. Now if you’ll take… The Scriptures plainly declare that.

« 42 † Now if you’ve got Eternal Life tonight, if we have Eternal Life, then we always were, because there is only one form of Eternal Life. We always were. And the reason we were, because we are a part of God. And God is the only thing that’s Eternal.
43 And like as Melchisedec received tithes from Abraham, and it was lotted to his great-grandson, Levi, who was yet in the loins of Abraham; paid tithes, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. I want to speak on that over at the other place, one morning. Who Is This Melchisedec? Now notice that. Way back, God knew this boy coming down. He knowed all things.
44 Now we are a part of God. You always was. You don’t remember it, because you were only an attribute in God. You were only in His thinking. Your very name, if it ever was on the Book of Life, it was put there before the foundation of the world. He knew what you were.

« 45 † I’m only saying this, not to mix up doctrine, but to straighten it out, that we might get away from this fear and scare. You don’t know who you are. You are not going to be, but now you are the sons of God. See, you always were the sons of God. See?
46 For when God had you in His thinking at the beginning, you have to be, some part of you, your Life that’s in you now, had to be with God before there. Well, when He, before He even become material here on earth, before there was anything, but God, you were one of His attributes. He knowed what your name would be. He knowed the color of hair you would have. He knowed all about you. The only thing happened is when you, being a sinner…

« 47 † Many of you can–can fellowship with me on this thought. When you was a little boy, or a little girl, you would walk around and there would be certain things that would just, where it wouldn’t bother the other kids, it seemed like there was something in you that cried out. There was God somewhere, yet you were a sinner. You remember that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Certainly. Now what was that? That was that little form of Life in you then.
48 And then after a while, you heard the Gospel. Maybe you went to church, you picked out this and that, and went from denomination to denomination. But one day, you being part of God, you had to be part of the Word. And when you heard the Word, you know where you come from, you knowed what was the Truth. You were always, the seed was in you always. The Word seen the Word that was in you, that was before the foundation of the world, saw the Word and you come to It.

« 49 † Like my little eagle story, of how the little eagle was hatched out under a hen. And the little fellow walked with the chickens, he, the hen clucked, and he didn’t understand her clucking. And–and the little chickens, their diet they had in the barnyard, he–he didn’t understand that, how that they did that. But there was something in him, seemed to be different from what that chicken was, because at the beginning he was a eagle. That’s right. One day his mama come hunting him, and, when he heard that scream of the eagle, it was different from the cluck of the hen.
50 And that’s the way it is with every born-again believer. You can hear all the theology you want to, and all the man-made discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. “You who were once dead in sin (that life) has He quickened.” There has to be a Life there to quicken to, first. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. “Ye who were once dead in sin and trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened.”

« 51 † Look at Paul, when Paul was a great theologian. But when he come face to face with that Word, Jesus, it quickened. He come to Life right quick, because he was ordained to be that. The… He was part of the Word; and when the Word saw the Word, it was his nature. All the clucking of the hens, in the orthodox churches, didn’t have no effect upon him; he had saw the Word. It was part of him. He was an eagle. He wasn’t a chicken; he was just in the barnyard with them. But he was a eagle, to begin with.

« 52 † I heard a similar little story, I hope it don’t sound sacrilegious, about a little duck being born under a hen, one time. He couldn’t understand. A funny-looking little fellow, odd guy, and he couldn’t understand the dust and everything. They were playing in the barnyard. But one day the old hen led the little brood out behind the barn, and he got a smell of water. Well, he took out towards that water as hard as he could go. Why? He had never been on a pond before. He had never been in the water. But he was a duck, to begin with. Only thing he had to do was come to himself.
53 That’s the same thing the believer is. There is something in him, that, when he meets God face to face, he comes to himself. That seed is in him, and it’s quickened. My, that’s right, and he flies away from the things of the world. They become dead to him. My, I remember, we all had our life, in the past, in those things of the world. But once we got a hold of that real Thing, something that quickened us, a little seed that come to Life, then all the things of the world rotted right there. We had no more desire of it.

« 54 † “He that’s born of God, doth not commit sin. The worshiper once purged has no more conscience of sin, no more desire to sin.” The sin question is over. You become a part of God, in Christ. Christ died to redeem you.
55 Now just think of all that we would have been if it hadn’t been for God. But God, in His rich mercy, how He has redeemed us tonight! Where would we have been tonight if it hadn’t been for God’s rich mercy upon us?
56 Once the world was so sinful, that man had caused corruption to come upon the earth until it even grieved God that He ever made man. The whole head was a putrefied sore, the whole body, and God even grieved that He ever made a man. So He said, “I will destroy man who I have created.” He will destroy them because he has nothing but just a bunch of corruption.
57 And the whole human race would have been wiped out at that time, but God, rich in mercy, would not let the innocent perish with the guilty. And He went away and made a provided way for the ones that wanted to come in, that wanted to do what was right. He, made a way of mercy for those who desired mercy, and He prepared an ark. In other words, He put some wings on His eagles, that they could fly above the judgment, and not drown with the chickens. But He–He made a way of an escape, in the days of Noah. This caused Him to do that, to provide it, because He was rich in mercy.

« 58 † But after He has provided a way for people and then they refuse it, now, the reason they refuse it is because there is nothing in there to receive it. There is nothing to receive it. My mother used to say, “You cannot get blood from a turnip, because there is no blood in a turnip.” So if there is no form of Life in there to receive It, then It cannot be received.
59 That’s the reason the Pharisees could look right in the face of Jesus, and call Him, “Beelzebub,” because there was nothing in them to receive Him. “But all the Father has given Me,” He said, “will come to Me.” There–there is some way it’s going to be presented.

« 60 † You can talk to people sometime on the streets, talk to them about the Lord, they laugh right in your face. Well, we’re supposed to do it, anyhow. But listen, “There is no man can come to Me except My Father draws him first.” God has to do the drawing. There has to be a Life. “And all that He has given Me, will come to Me.”
61 He made a provision for those who wants to be redeemed. He made a provision for those who wants to be healed. And then because that He did this, makes Him rich in mercy, as He has always been rich in mercy. It must be, if you refuse This, there is nothing left but the Judgment, because sin must be judged.
62 Pharaoh, when he went into the–the sea, as an impersonator, seeing that he could go in like Moses did. Moses with his army, and Pharaoh with his army, both of them should have perished in the sea, looked like. But God, rich in mercy, made a way of escape for the Hebrew children, (why?) because they were following in the line of duty, they were following in the Word.
63 Now that’s the only way to obtain mercy, is to follow the instructions that God has give us to follow in. That’s the only way He can show mercy, is when we follow what He said do.

« 64 † As the little debate not long ago, with a minister that said that I was teaching an apostolic Doctrine in this day. I believe I spoke of it a night or two ago, or sometime, about how he said, “You’re trying to inject, into this age, an apostolic Doctrine.” He said, “The apostolic age ceased, with the apostles.”
And I asked him, “Well, do you believe the Word?”
He said, “Yes.”
65 I said, “Revelation 22:18 says, that, ‘Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It,’ not just two words; one Word, take one Word out.”
Said, “I believe that.”
66 I said, “Then I can tell you where the apostolic age was given, the apostolic Blessings was given to the Church; now you tell me where God taken it out of the Church, by the Word. You can’t do it; it’s not there.” I said, “Now remember, that Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, he was the–the introducer of the apostolic age. And he told them all to, ‘Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that’s far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.'”

« 67 † Now if you want to listen to the clucking of some denominational hen, and live back out there in the things of the world, then it goes to show that there is something wrong. Because, That is the Word. “Whosoever will, may come.” And if you’ve got a will, you should come. But if you haven’t no will, then you’re in a sad condition. But if you’ve got a will to come, come follow God’s formula!
68 And He never fails to fulfill what He promised. I once was young, and now I’m old, I’ve never seen Him fail in His Word. Because, He can do anything but fail. He cannot fail. God cannot. It’s impossible for God to fail, and remain God. He has to, to do that.

« 69 † Now Pharaoh’s army tried to impersonate, because they wasn’t called and they had not that Life. Into the… The promise wasn’t given to Pharaoh. The promise wasn’t give him for a promised land.
70 And an impersonator, trying to follow a real believer who is called to such, only makes a mockery out of it. That’s what’s the matter with our religious system today, is too many people trying to impersonate the Holy Spirit, too many people trying to impersonate the baptism, too many people trying to impersonate the apostolic age. It’s for believers, and that alone. God has made a way, rich in mercy, that His children would not perish. He has made a way for them.
71 Now, Pharaoh trying to pursue on, he drowned in the very waters that saved Moses and his group. Now, Moses did not drown, because God is rich in mercy to them who are following His provided way. Amen.
72 Can you see what I mean? That, tonight, people who don’t believe in Divine healing, people who do not believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, how can they receive anything? God is rich in mercy to those who will follow after Him; not after a creed, but after God.

« 73 † God is the Word, and It was made flesh and dwelt among us, now, that He might bring forth the other attributes of God. The body, Jesus, was the body of God, an attribute. Moses seen Him pass, the back part of Him; no man had seen His face. But now we seen Him, we have beheld Him, see Him as the Sacrifice. Now, see, He was an attribute of God, being displayed, the Word. That’s what He was.
74 And when any believer comes to God, he becomes God’s attribute of His Word, he is used to manifest the Word that’s promised for that day. See? That’s right. God, rich in mercy, has never left us without a testimony. He is rich in mercy.

« 75 † We find now that God was so merciful to Moses out there in that dead sea, out in the Red Sea out there, rather. Then when He said here, in Exodus 19:4, He said, “I carried you away on eagles’ wings, brought you to Myself. Carried them on eagles’ wings, and brought you to Myself!” There was other men in the middle of that sea out there, also, trying to impersonate. But what? “He carried them on eagles’ wings.”
76 Now God always likens His prophets to eagles. And what was it? Moses was His messenger. And they were following Moses, and that was the eagles’ wings that they were carried on, because he was packing God’s message. And the people followed that. They were following God as they followed Moses with His message of deliverance. And the Bible said that, “He, they perished not with them who believed not.” Cause, God was rich in mercy to them, because they were following His commandments. God wants us to follow His commandments.

« 77 † We could say the same about Korah and about Dathan and their gang of unbelieving people, as they tried to impersonate. They tried to inflict something into God’s program. They didn’t like a one-man program. They didn’t like that. They had to have something to do. Korah said, “Why, there is more holy men than you, Moses. You act like you’re the only beach on the… or the only pebble on the beach, rather.” And said, “I–I… you oughtn’t to do that. And there is more men here.”
78 And Moses knowed that he was to carry those children over into the promised land, because the promise was given to him. And he must pack them to the promised land.

« 79 † And, today, the Holy Spirit is here to vindicate God’s Word, and that’s the eagle wing that we’re supposed to ride on; not some man-made theology. But we are to ride upon the wings of the eagle, to the promised Land.
80 And here they was going to get a bunch of chickens out there, Korah thought, you know, to come around, impersonate this, the eagle. And when they did, God said, “Separate yourself from them,” and He swallowed up the world. He would have swallowed up the whole thing, the whole creation, but God was rich in mercy to those who are trying to follow His Word. Always, God rich in mercy. Many of them come over on the side with Moses, and God opened up the earth and swallowed up the unbeliever. He, the–the unbeliever, will always perish.

« 81 † Those who did not believe, though they come out and walked for a while, but, they, Jesus said, “They are, every one, dead.” Dead is “annihilation.” They are dead. Just think of them. They come out, seen the miracles of God, seen the great hand of God, enjoyed the manna; and got out there and listened to a man named Balaam, that perverted the way of God, by his teaching contrary to the Word, “We are all brethren, so let’s just all get together.”
82 That’s another Balaam system rising up, today, “Let’s all get together.” It will not work. Let’s walk with the Eagle, Jehovah Eagle. You are eaglets.
83 There’s only three saved out of the entire group; Moses, Caleb, and Joshua. The rest of them perished in the wilderness; Jesus said so, in Saint John the 6th chapter. God, in mercy, would not let them perish, because, with the rest of the unbelievers. They all died right there in the wilderness, and they are dead. God saved Moses and the eagle believers, because that they had respect to His Word.

« 84 † And today, friend, the only way that we can ever have favor with God; God is rich in mercy, today, but we’ve got to respect what He said about it. You just can’t take what somebody else said. You’ve got to take what God said. He said, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine true.”
85 Today we are told that, “All you have to do,” in many places, “is join church, have a creed, or something like that; or say a prayer, or put your name on a book, or be sprinkled or baptized a certain way, or something like that. That’s all you have to do.” But that’s wrong.
86 To be an eagle of God, you’ve got to follow the Word, day by day. You’ve got to continue, feed upon the Word.

« 87 † Now we find them, after this time, murmuring again, weakened in faith, after God had showed mercy to them. And we find them murmuring with God, and, when they did, they were dying with snake bites. Well, they deserved it. They certainly did. Anybody that would mistake God’s Word and do these things that they did, they deserved to die. Every one of them desire, deserved to die in the wilderness.
88 But when they were so sick that even doctor Moses and none of them could do anything about it, and they were dying by the thousands; but God, rich in mercy, He made a way of escape for those who would believe Him. He made an antidote for it, by setting up a brass serpent. God in His rich… God made a way of escape so His believing children could be healed.
89 God is interested in everything that’s wrong, everything that you anticipate in. Every walk of life, God is interested in you. You are His child, and He is rich in mercy. He wants to do for you.

« 90 † The people sinned later, by taking this same thing that God had made an atonement for them, by the brass serpent, which represented sin already judged, and they idolized that gift. And that sinned again. “God will not share His glory with nobody.” Therefore, we can’t have no two, three, four gods. There is only one God. He’ll not share His glory with anything else. He is God, alone, see; so as the heathens have many gods. We have the one God, and He will not share His glory with another, neither will He let anything be an idol in front of Him. Even though He had made an atonement for the people, and it was God’s Word, it was right; but when they become to idolizing that, then they got in trouble.

« 91 † Now that’s just the same thing, I think, that’s happened to our church ages. God sent us the message of Martin Luther with his message, John Wesley, the pentecostal message, but what did we do with it? The very same thing that they did with that brass serpent, we idolized it, “I belong to this, and I belong to that.” You see, you belong to something without the sincerity that’s connected with genuine godly worship of the Word.
92 What happened? The Bible, we are told in the Bible, that, “The prophet took that idol and destroyed it.” Hallelujah!
93 What we need on the scene today is a prophet that will destroy the idol of denominations, that thinks they’re going into Heaven upon belonging to some creed or a denomination; needs to be destroyed and burnt up, throwed away. God is full of mercy. He is rich in mercy. In the day that when we would have all been in that chaos of darkness out there, but God, rich in mercy, has sent us the real genuine Holy Ghost, with His Own interpretation to It, right here in the building every night. God, rich in His mercy, how wonderful we find Him to be! Yes, sir.
94 Now all they thought they could do was to just go to this snake, or this little thing that God had made out there, had Moses to make and hang on a pole, and they could be healed without any sincerity. They just stood and looked at it. And they got to idolizing it, and God sent a prophet along and destroyed it.

« 95 † Now, all that refused to look at that serpent in the wilderness, they perished. Now God makes a way, but if you refuse to look at it, if you will sit across the street, if you will hold onto some creed and refuse to look straight into the Word and see whether It’s right or not; all that refused to look, they perished. And God is a never-changing God. And all who refused to look, perished. So is it today, the same thing.
96 Then the people sinned later, and as they’ve always did, and made the idol out of–out of it, making it a–a–a… get, trying to get healing without sincerity, and they “belonged to something,” and the way we do today. And now we see then, the difference of it, was, that God…
97 It was a good atonement and a good sign for that time. That time, it was all right. But it was just to be for that time, for that journey. That’s all it will work for, that journey.

« 98 † And the message that Martin Luther brought, of justification, was all right for Luther’s age. That’s as far as it went.
99 Sanctification was fine in Wesley’s age. That’s as far as it went.
100 Then we come into the pentecostal age. And the restoration of the gifts is a very fine thing, it was fine in the age, but we are going beyond that now. We are beyond that, just as sure as there is a world. We’ve got to become beyond this thing, because we have done the same thing with it that they did before, make an idol out of it. “I belong to this order of it, I belong to that order of it.”
101 God will send somebody that will smash the thing and tear it to pieces, and confirm His Word, the full Word. Notice. Praise be to God! Now we see that that’s true. God, rich in His mercy!

« 102 † Then when the prophet destroyed this, it left them without any sign of healing, of an atonement, because their idol was destroyed. But God, rich in mercy, made them another one. And what did He do, that? He troubled water at the pool at the temple, and many come and was healed, by stepping into this water. Jesus came down to this same pool, and saw a man that had been laying there for a number of years, waiting for the troubling of the water. See God, rich in mercy! Although they idolized that thing, although the prophet had to tear it up, God made another way for them, ’cause He’s rich in mercy. He wants them to be healed, and He made a way for their healing.
103 Now, then that went on, the world become more sinful and more sinful, all the time. And finally the world got so sinful that God could have destroyed it, He said in Malachi 4, “unless I come and to smite the earth with a curse.” He could have done it; just the question.

« 104 † But then God, rich in mercy, He sent forth a Saviour, Jesus Christ. He sent forth Jesus to be both Saviour and healer. For He said, “As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up,” for the same purpose. He, the atonement, that’s what we have claim upon, nothing but the atonement. What Jesus purchased by His Blood, that’s what we have claims upon. And the Bible said, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquity, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed.” That’s what we can claim, because that’s what the atonement, that we stand for, ordered for us. God, rich in mercy!
105 This was to be an Eternal atonement, because He came Himself. God came Himself, in the form of sinful flesh, to make a–a–a–an Eternal atonement; and suffered in the flesh, and made the atonement; and returned back in the form of the Holy Ghost, to confirm that atonement. Where no brass serpent or no trouble’s water could do it, it all pointed to that perfect Atonement. God, rich in His mercy, has did this.

« 106 † Now, today, being it’s the day that we are living in, we have come through these church ages and explained everything away from That. Our theologians of the day has far lost that side of It. They explain It all away, to some other day, some other age, some other something, way back, from long ago. And Divine healing was just about played out, hardly found anybody who would believe it. They made fun of it. Not no more than about twenty years ago, they were making fun of it. The Pentecostals had practically got away from it. They started in the early days, but they got away from it.
107 Look how they did. Now they got denominational wild, running out to make them each a creed, and so forth. Except, instead of accepting Light, as Light come in; they organized and made themselves creeds, each one coming around, making himself a doctrine and staying in that doctrine. And then they got so much took away till the Holy Spirit couldn’t get into the church. They just become another idol like a brass serpent, it become a–an idolatry. Every fellow said, “I am belong to this, and I belong to that.” It was an idolatry. What a mess we were in, at the end time.
108 But God, rich in His mercy, has sent back the Holy Spirit upon us, and vindicating His Word tonight as He promised He would do. God promised He would do these things. Look what He did!

« 109 † Look what He did, how now we can see how He promised each age a certain thing to happen. And we find out that it happened just exactly like it, that He said that He would do, because He is rich in His mercy, to always have mercy to fulfill every Word that He has promised. He has to do it, and always, in order to stay God. Always He does this, His Word always comes to pass in Its season. His seed that He has sowed into the earth. What did He do? He put it here in the Word, and that’s a seed. And every time the age comes along, that seed ripens up, and then a reformation comes forth. And He promised it, and it does that.
110 Now we did not deserve these things. We did not deserve these blessings of God, because we had went out after the things of the world, went in the error of Cain. Cain, building a nice altar and a nice church, and putting flowers upon it, and thought that’s exactly what it was, “It was a bunch of apples or pears, or pomegranates, or whatever it was,” that his father and mother had eat in the garden of Eden, that run them out. And so he offered that back to God, and God rejected it.

« 111 † “But Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.”
112 And, today, the Bible said in Jude, that, “They have run in the way of Cain; perished in the gainsaying of Korah.” See, “run in the way of Cain,” building altars, building churches, denominations, making it flowery, big, more members than the rest of them; taking in things, anything that come along and that jumped up-and-down, or shook hands, or was baptized a certain way, or spoke in tongues, or run through the floor, they put their name on the book. That’s right. And then turn on the real Truth that be preached, and deny It. How can it be so? Notice what a mess we were in! Notice.
113 And the Bible said, “And they went in the way of Balaam, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.” Perished in the gainsaying! What was the gainsaying of Korah? “Why, you think you’re the only holy man? Why, God’s… All of us are holy. The whole church is all right. Every… All of us get together, that’s what we ought to do.” That’s where they perish, in that. And we truly deserved it. We deserved to be that.
114 But God, rich in mercy, has pulled us out of that chaos and let us see it before the thing hits here. Rich in His mercy, and sent us back a revival of Divine healing, and the coming again of the Power of God. According to history, no revival ever lasted over three years. This revival carried for fifteen years, it’s been a burning fires, around and around the world. Why, because we deserved it? God, rich in His mercy, not because we desired it or because we deserved it, rather. Just think of what it’s done!

« 115 † I think of one of your sisters right here in Phoenix, that many of you know, Mrs. Hattie Waldrop, she had cancer of the heart. And she was in the prayer line up here when Brother Moore and I were here the first time, about fifteen, eighteen years ago. And she was dying, with cancer of the heart, and she should have been dead a long time ago. But God, rich in mercy, sent His Power upon her. And He saved her life, and she is living today. God rich in mercy!
116 Congressman Upshaw, a great man. I think he was the president, or something, of the–of the Baptist, Southern Baptist Convention, at one time, or vice-president or something. He had done all. He was a good man. He did all that he knowed how to do. He had went to every doctor. Nobody could do nothing for him. He was bound down. Ministers had prayed for him. He had had a gallon of oil poured on his head, anointing, of different ministers everywhere.

« 117 † One night, Los Angeles, California, walking up to the pulpit, look at a bunch of wheel chairs about twice, three times, to what’s sitting there, all up-and-down the aisles, back and forth. And then there laid over there a cot with a little colored girl in it, little Negro girl, and her–her mother was sitting by her. And my brother had bringing the prayer line up.
118 And I was looking, knowing not what was going on. And I seen a doctor, with tortoise-shell glasses, operating on a little negro girl, for a throat condition, and she paralyzed. And I looked around, I thought, “Where is the child at?” I couldn’t see her.
119 After a while, way down there, no hope, lovely little girl about seven or eight years old, to be paralyzed the rest of her life. And there was her mother down there on her knees, praying. Then I said, “This doctor operated on your little girl,” and described.
She said, “That’s right, sir.”
120 Then she tried to get the baby to the platform. They told her not to do it. They tried to quieten her down. About time they got her quiet, I thought, “Well, we’ll get a chance to pray for her.” In a few minutes… Maybe people right here was there that night.
121 And I was looking out over the audience, I seen that little girl going down, looked like through a–a little narrow road, with a doll in her arms, rocking that doll. No matter how much the doctor said that she was going to be paralyzed the rest of her life; God, rich in mercy, sent down the Holy Spirit, by a vision, and that little girl got up out of there, and she and her mother took hold of hands and walked down through that aisle, praising God.

« 122 † Way back there sat an old man, Congressman Upshaw, many of you knows his testimony. He had been a good man, tried all of his life, sixty-six years an invalid in a wheel chair, pushed in bed; crutches under his arms, that he walked with, never no more to walk normal. And there he sat there, looking on that. And all of a sudden, I looked out and saw a vision. Here he come, walking down across the top of that audience, bowing his head, could walk as good as anybody. I didn’t know who the man was.
123 I said, “There is a great man sitting back there. He fell off of a wagon when he was a little boy, onto a hay frame, and hurt his back. They bored holes in the floor, to keep the vibration, when the people walked, from striking on his back.” I said, “He becomes a great man, and he keeps growing greater. He is sitting in a great circle at the White House.”
124 And then this man come and told me, said, “That’s Congressman Upshaw. Did you ever hear him?”
I said, “Never heard of him.”
125 And so he run a little extension mike back there and they was talking, back and forth.

« 126 † Then I started to look around, and I seen the old Congressman coming, walking towards me, in a vision, just as perfect and normal as he could be. God, rich in mercy, pulled him from that wheel chair, and he walked without crutches till the day he died. God rich in mercy! When doctors had failed, when science had failed, when everything else had failed, God was rich in mercy to Congressman Upshaw.
127 I think of myself. As a little old boy, I remember as… People call me today, “a woman-hater.” The reason it was, is because I seen so much immorality out of women when I was a kid. I hated them. And I don’t do that now, because I know there is some good ones. But I remember how it was so bad, so immoral. And I thought, “My, I–I’ll never be around where people is at. I have no education, so I won’t get any.”

« 128 † And a little old kid sitting there, not even a shirt on, with my coat pinned up like this, with a safety pin, and it real hot. And the teacher said, “William, aren’t you hot with that coat on?”
129 I said, “No, ma’am, I’m a little bit chilly.” And she made me go over to the stove and put some wood in the stove, and I liked to have burnt up. And I–I didn’t have no shirt that whole season through.
130 And I thought, “If I could ever get the money, sometime that I could get a little, get me a thirty-thirty rifle,” I’d come out West here and live out here and hunt, for the rest of my life. I didn’t want nothing to do with people. Just stay away, because they didn’t like me, and–and I’d just stay away from them.
131 And then every time I’d go downtown, to talk to anybody, see some fellows on the street, I knew. I’d say, “Hello there, John, Jim! How are you?”
“Oh, hello.”
132 See, they didn’t want to talk to me, didn’t want nothing to do with me, because of my daddy and them that made whiskey. And I–I didn’t do that. It wasn’t nothing I done. And I would have been that type.

« 133 † But now I said to my wife, not long ago, “My wall is plastered with the best guns that can be bought.” Oh, and I think of them old dirty clothes. Tonight I got two or three good suits. And no friends? I have to hide out in the wilderness, to keep away from people. What’s the matter, is it because of my personality, is it because of my education? No. God, rich in mercy, saw me in that condition and He saved me.
134 I remember being led by the arms, as a blind man. I could not see. Everything in front of me was a blur; I would be blind the rest of my life. But God, rich in mercy, restored back my sight. I’m fifty-five years old, and still got good sight. God, rich in mercy, is the only thing that I can say.

« 135 † Once the church had no provided way of healing. They had one, but they turned it down. But God, rich in mercy, has sent them a gift of Divine healing. That is the Holy Spirit among us, confirming the Word with signs following. God rich in mercy!
136 I have two or three pages here of these notes, but I ain’t going to try to strike them, because I’m–I’m conscious that it’s almost time to start that prayer line. But God rich in His mercy!
137 Many of you here tonight, the doctors turned you down. There is people sitting in them wheel chairs, they’ll probably never come out of there. They are there to stay. Some of them, paralyzed in different ways, they (would never) couldn’t come out, there is no way for them to come out. But God, rich in His mercy, has provided an atonement. Don’t turn it down. Receive it. There is men out there with heart trouble, there is people with cancers, that the doctors can do nothing with. You are hopeless, helpless, in this world.

« 138 † But God, rich in His mercy, has sent down the Holy Ghost, and is right here now to confirm the Word, to prove that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because we deserve it? Because God is rich in His mercy! Amen. Now that’s the One, that’s the Person, It’s that Lord Jesus. He is not dead, but He has risen from the dead, and He is alive forevermore.
139 He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, still just as rich in His mercy as He was to the woman that had a blood issue. And she started through the crowd. There was no hopes for her, the doctors had done all they could do. She had a blood issue. She was dying. And she touched the Master’s garment. God, rich in mercy, turned around and told her of her condition. And she was healed of this blood issue.
140 A little, foul prostitute went up to a well one day, to get some water. No hope. She had been excommunicated from the virgins, from around the people, her life was no good. And she thought, “What’s the use of trying? I’m turned out, there is nothing left for me.” But she looked, standing over on the side, or sitting by the side of the well, and there was a Man sitting there Who told her all things that she has ever done, God rich in His mercy.
141 That same God, tonight, is just as rich in His mercy, and just the same as He was in them days. God rich. [–Ed.]

« 142 † I think we have two hundred prayer cards out here, or what we’ve called out in two hundred. We’re going to call them and let the people line up. We’re going to pray for them.
143 But before we do it, that there be some newcomers here, to get away from all superstitions. This is not a superstition. It is the manifestation of a promise of God. It depends on what you’re looking at. No virtue in any man. There is no power in no man. But we as believers have authority; not power, but authority.
144 Someone asked me, not long ago, said, “Brother Branham, you believe you got power to do this?”
145 I said, “I ain’t got no power, at all, but I’ve got authority.” Every believer has it. If you refuse it, you’ll stay where you’re at. But if you’ll accept it, it’ll do the exceeding abundance, because God is rich in His mercy.

« 146 † Take a little policeman standing out here on the street, his clothes hanging half off of him, he is so skinny. The cap has got his ears pulled down. And he walk out there where cars are coming down that street, at fifty miles an hour, three hundred horse power motors in it. He hasn’t got the power to stop a bicycle. That’s right. But just let him blow that whistle and hold up that hand, and watch the brakes squeak. He hasn’t got power, but he has got authority. The whole city is behind him.
147 And when a man or a woman, I don’t care what condition you’re in, you’ve got the authority of God, by a promise, because He is rich and promised to do the exceedingly abundantly. “If you say to this mountain, ‘be moved,’ and don’t doubt in your heart, but believe that what you’ve said will come to pass, you can have what you’ve said.” You got no power, but you got authority.
148 Remember when He told me back there, said, “You’ll be able to reveal the secrets of the hearts.” For He… You remember that, many of you Phoenix people? He promised it. What He promises, He does.

« 149 † Now there is some of you here that hasn’t got prayer cards, and no doubt. How many is sick and don’t have prayer cards, raise up your hands? Sure. All right. If you want to know, not authority… not power, but the authority of the Word, “The things that I do, shall you also.”
150 Jesus promised, in Luke 17:30, that just before His Coming, there would be like the time of Moses… or Noah, “When they were eating and drinking, and given in marriage; and knew not till the day that Noah entered into the ark.” He said there would be that time. Then He said also, “As it was in the days of Lot,” and said, “this will take place in that day when the Son of man shall be revealed, when the Son of man is revealed in the last days.”

« 151 † Now look what He, how the Son of man revealed Himself in the person of this Angel, which was the Son of man. Absolutely. Abraham called Him, “Elohim.” He was the Son of man, revealed Himself just before the Gentile world was burned. How did He do it? To the believer. To the make-believer, He sent two preachers down to preach to them. But to the real believer, He stood with His back to the tent, and He said, “Abraham.” He was Abram the day… a few days before, that. But now he is Abraham. “Where is thy wife, Sarah?”
152 Said, “She is in the tent, behind You.”
153 Said, “I’m going to keep My promise to you. I’m going to visit you.”
154 Oh, Abraham was a hundred years old, and Sarah was ninety; but God, rich in mercy, kept His promise. It brought the baby, ’cause God is merciful, and He full of mercy. He is rich in mercy. He keeps His promise.

« 155 † Notice, with His back turned to the tent, Sarah laughed and said, “How could these things be? I’m old. How can I have pleasure with my husband, as a young married woman? Why, he is a hundred years old. Our family relationship has ceased, many, many years ago. How could this be?” And she laughed about it.
156 And the Angel with… the Son of man with His back turned to the–to the tent, said, “Why did Sarah laugh, say, ‘How can these things be?'”
157 What was it? Jesus said, in Saint Luke 17:30, that, “In the days like it was in the days of Lot,” same situation, before the Gentile world is burned up, He said, “the Son of man will reveal Himself in that day.” He made the promise, that Malachi 4 promised us it would say. A Message would come forth that would restore the people back to the original pentecostal Message, and with the same blessings they had on the day of… What is it? It’s a two-winged eagle, both New and Old Testament, flopping its promises together, of God, to fulfill what the promises of the Bible said it would do. Amen.

« 158 † God, rich in mercy, would not let His people go out in this denominational, “rich in goods and things of the world,” Laodicean Church Age, but He would make a way of escape. Believe it, people. God bless you. Amen. God rich in mercy! The mercies of God, that’s the only thing that I desire. Not His righteousness, not His law; but His mercy is what I call for. God be merciful to me. We all have that feeling.
159 I was watching. There is a little woman sitting out here on the end of the seat. Do you have a prayer card out there, lady? You don’t. Let me show you God is rich in mercy. You’ve been real nervous here lately, haven’t you? Real bad, and your eyes has gotten worse. Isn’t that right? That’s right. Now they’re going to change. God, rich in His mercy, by asking you if you would believe this. Now you have no prayer card, you have nothing; but you don’t need it. See, it’s grace that’s bestowed to you.

« 160 † There sits a little bitty fellow sitting right there in front, with kind of a… sitting right out here. He is suffering with a growth on his body. It’s just recently come on there, recently. Isn’t that right, sir? That’s right. You don’t know what it is. You’re scared of it. That’s right. It was caused from a bruise, wasn’t it? Have you a prayer card? You don’t have no prayer card. You don’t need one. God rich in His mercy!
161 Oh, brother, sister, believe God! Don’t doubt Him. Believe Him! That’s right.
162 Here sits a man, gray suit, glasses on. Look at here, sir. Do you believe? God is rich in His mercy. You’re sitting there with a hernia. Do you believe that God can heal that hernia and make you well? Sitting right here on the end of the seat, looking at me. If you believe that God can heal that hernia, God will do that to you if you’ll accept it. Do you believe it? Will you accept it? All right. You can have it if you’ll just believe it, have mercy. Yes, sir.

« 163 † Here is a lady sitting out here, she is suffering with poor circulation in her body. But if she will believe, God will heal her, if she believes it. I believe she is going to miss it, as sure as anything. Have mercy, is my prayer. I could faintly see the woman’s… Mrs. Riley, do you believe that God can heal that poor circulation? If you will, receive it! Amen. Just believe. God is good, isn’t He, Stella? Yeah. That’s right. I never seen the woman in my life. But, God, in His mercy!
164 Here sits another woman, sitting right back behind there, right in the back, looking right at me. She, also, she has got poor circulation, too. She was thinking about it just then. I never seen the woman in my life. Being that this other woman had the same thing, look at me. Do you believe me to be God’s prophet, or His servant? You also have heart trouble. If that’s right, raise up your hand. You don’t have it now. God, rich in His mercy, is showing forth that He is alive here in the building tonight. God rich in His mercy! Amen.

« 165 † Could there be, how many sinners and backsliders would stand to your feet, and say, “God, rich in His mercy, be merciful to me”? Stand to your feet. I’ll pray for you, if you believe that He want… you want mercy now. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, you. Backslider, raise to your feet. God rich in His mercy! Are you–you…
166 Surely you’ve not gotten so numb, in this condition, that you can’t see that that’s the very promise of the hour. Surely you ain’t got so wrapped up in denomination, and other things, that you can’t see that this is the promise of the hour, God rich in mercy.
167 Ever who you was, that stood up, I’m going to pray just in a minute. I want you to make your way to some good full Gospel church and–and be–and be baptized in Christian baptism, God give you the Holy Ghost.

« 168 † Is there another will stand to your feet, and say, “Me, I want to be remembered. God, in Your mercy, remember me. I haven’t lived like I should. Maybe…”? God bless you, lady. And God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. That’s right. “God, rich in His mercy, have mercy on me.” God bless you, sister. Is there…
169 How many more is in here, say, “I’ll stand. I want God to know that I want mercy. I haven’t lived right. I have lived this way and that way. I’ve been up and down, but I want His mercy.” God bless you, brother. Someone else, say, “God rich in His mercy!” God bless you, sister. God bless you, sister. That’s right. God rich in His mercy! God bless you, too. God bless you back there. God sees you. Just stand to your feet.
170 Say, “Does it do any good, Brother Branham?” Sure. Stand up and see how much different it is.
171 If you are really sincere in your heart, God is rich in mercy. “He is not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance.” God rich in His mercy! O God, have mercy on us.

« 172 † Now how many in here now, that’s holding those prayer cards? What were they? A’s and B’s, wasn’t it? A’s and B’s. All the people that’s got prayer card A’s, stand over on this side, and prayer card B will stand up behind them.
173 I wonder if there is some ministers here that would like to anticipate in helping me. If they are, would like to come up, I would be glad to have your–your assistance here, for we will be glad to pray, and pray–pray with you.
174 This, the Bible said, “These signs shall follow them that believe.” Yes, sir. “In My Name they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues.” Have we done it? By the grace of God; not us, but God rich in mercy to keep His Word. God!
175 Now, the wheel chairs, if you want to put them right down here in the front; we’ll pray for them right here, won’t have to pull them up through that, all that aisle there. Let, all right, let them come right up here. We’ll certainly pray for it, every one of us. God rich in His mercy!

« 176 † Would you stand to the right-hand side now, for a few minutes? Did Brother Brown come with you? [A brother says, “Coming tomorrow.”–Ed.] Coming tomorrow. I–I–I was in hopes he would be here. Where, where is Brother Outlaw, where is Brother Fuller? Some of them people that was up here with me when I first come, let’s come back. You remember these old-fashion prayer lines, when we used to stand there till you would have to hold me on one side, and somebody on the other, I’d get so weak?
177 How many has been in them meetings way back in the beginning? Look at here. You remember back there, I told you that the Lord Jesus told me that, if I’d be sincere, that these things would take place. Is that right? We never had such as that in that day. But it happened, because God is rich in His mercy, and loyal to His promise. Amen! Trying to quit, and I can’t. Amen! Praise God! Hallelujah! “Oh, I’m so glad I’m one of them!” Amen. Oh, my!
There are people almost everywhere,
Whose hearts are all on flame
With the Fire that fell on Pentecost,
That cleansed and made them clean;
Oh, it’s burning now within my heart,
Oh, glory to His Name!
I’m so glad that I can say I’m one of them.

« 178 † Oh, me, a wretched, miserable, poor blinded wretch, as I was; and now by His mercy, His rich mercy, I can see the Kingdom of God in sight. Amen. How beautiful is His Commandments!
179 Stand right over, my brother, on your crutch. If you can’t get up, all right, stand right here, we’ll come right down and pray for you.
180 And now let the A’s and B’s, of prayer cards, get lined up over on the other side there, and we’re going to pray for them.
181 Minister brothers, you are certainly, if you believe in laying hands on the sick, you come right here and stand with me on this platform. We are going to pray for the sick.

« 182 † Now to you people that’s standing in that line, if you can believe the Presence of God is here, that the Holy Spirit is in our midst now, doing just exactly what He said He would do. If I had power to heal you, I would certainly do it. If I had any way of healing you, I would certainly do it. I do not have it. I… God has give a little gift.
183 I’m not much of a preacher. I don’t have education enough to be qualified as a preacher, what is called a preacher in these days, when the–when the experiences must be a theological experience, and it must have certain doctor’s degree, and so forth. I can’t qualify for that. But God, seeing my heart, and know that I want to do something for Him, I want to appreciate it.

« 184 † A man said to me the other day, said, “I think you’re just a fine man, Mr. Branham, but I believe you’re sincerely wrong. You’re all out of the will. Do you know you’ll be condemned at the end?”
185 And I said, “Look, I want to tell you something. I’m going to say that you–that you would be right, just to say for the argument’s sake. If I am wrong, which I–I don’t believe I am; but if I was wrong, and I knowed right now that I was going to live to be a hundred years old, and He was going to condemn me at the end of the road, and tell me, ‘You don’t deserve to come into My Heaven, William Branham. Get out into outer darkness.’ You know what? I would serve Him every day of my life until I went, anyhow. For I have received so much of His unmerited blessings, that He is more than life to me. He is everything that I…”

« 186 † All that I am, all that I ever could hope to be, I have derived from His grace and mercy. I was wretched, miserable, poor, blind; but by grace He has healed me, and I am strong and healthy, by the grace of God. I have good eyesight. I have eat, drink, have whatever I have need of. He never promised to supply my wants; my needs.
187 And if I am cast away at that day, and I knowed… I cannot see where I would be. But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It’s, I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that’s a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See, I want to do His will. I ask Him for something sometime, He shakes His head “no,” I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said “yes.” Because, we always ought to ask, “Thy will be done.” His noes is just as… if that’s His will, that’s just… It’s a whole lot better than His yeses, if it’s His will to do it. That’s when you really love Him. Amen.

« 188 † I get to talking about Him, I just can’t stop. Oh, He is so real, so real to me! Friends, He’s–He’s all that I am, all that I ever could be, all that I ever expect to be, is grounded in Christ Jesus, His Word.
189 I’m thankful tonight for the witness of the Holy Spirit, for the Message. I know it might, some might disagree with It, but as I have told you, I am duty bound to a Message. A sign went forth, and God does not send a sign just to show that He is God. A Message, a Voice always follows the sign. Anyone knows that.
190 Jesus come with signs and wonders. He was a great Man when He was doing signs and wonders, but when He begin to sit down and to begin to bring the Message, “I and My Father are One,” oh, my, that was wrong to them. See? But the Voice had to follow the sign.

« 191 † Moses was given two signs, and each sign had a voice. That’s right. I preached on it here sometime ago, somewhere, on, The Voice Of The Sign. It must have a–a Voice of the sign. It’s a changing. Always it’s that way. If it isn’t, then it didn’t come from God.
192 If a man comes out with an odd peculiar ministry, that’s found in the Bible to be the Truth, and that man stays right in that same old denominational doctrine, forget it. Nothing to it! God don’t do a thing like that. That thing, that’s rotten manna that’s got termites in it, or wiggletails, or whatever you want to call it, from forty, fifty years ago, still trying to eat that old manna that fell way back years ago. And the children of Israel, on their journey, new manna fell every night. That’s right, you couldn’t keep it over.
193 We don’t live over some other age gone by. We’re eating new Manna, fresh Manna out of Heaven, in our journey as we go on.
Let’s bow our heads now.

« 194 † Lord God, You are so real, Your Presence. I think of grace, Lord. We–we have just seen You do so many things! We’ve heard You speak with tongues, see You interpret it, through Your people. O God, to see You heal the sick, open up the eyes of the blind, make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the dumb to talk, what a great and mighty God You are!
195 And then to see that You promised this in the last days. Though we have many carnal impersonations, yet it only declares that there is a real God, somewhere, that really is true. And I pray, Heavenly Father, tonight, that we will become so God-conscious that we see that You’re here.
196 And these people in the line, when they go through this line, Lord… for we’re doing this because, that we made a promise to them. And You said, “These signs shall follow them that believe.”
197 Here is minister brothers standing here, men that You have chosen, before the foundation of the world, to be what they are tonight. You knew, before there was a world, that we would stand here tonight, because You are infinite.

« 198 † So we pray, Heavenly Father, tonight, that as these sick people, crippled, blind, lame, cancer-ridden, whatever it might be, that passes through this line, may they realize that the very God that knows the secret of the heart will heal them, if they will just only accept it, only look and understand.
199 The man that looked upon the brass serpent just as a priest… piece of brass, he never would be healed, because he didn’t have understanding of what it was.
200 And today, Lord, the same. If they look upon a gift, to think of it might be able to help them, they don’t have understanding. It’s only a vindication of the Presence of God that’s here to heal. Grant it, Father. May it be done, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 201 † I want the little pianist, if she will, man or woman, whoever it might be, to go over there and play this song, “The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus,” if she will, wherever the pianist is. Now that’s…
202 I remember one of my first healing service, Fort Wayne, Indiana. A little Amish girl sitting, playing that piano, “The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus.” A little baby was brought to me on the platform, it was crippled. And while I was praying for that baby, it jumped out of my arms and run down across the platform. The mother fainted. The grandmother threw up her handkerchief, begin to cry.
203 And this little Amish girl now, not knowing nothing about anything about Pentecostals, because she belonged to the Amish church; but she was playing. Her long hair fell down; she raised in the Spirit and begin to sing in unknown tongues, and the… and with the harmony of that song. And them piano keys moved up-and-down, playing, “The great Physician now is near, the sympathizing Jesus.” Amen! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

« 204 † Now let us pray now as… Now let’s everybody out there pray. You people coming through the line, when we lay hands upon you, remember, Jesus said, “If you would believe it, you would be well.” You believe it? Now let’s all sing now.
The great Physician now is near,
The sympathizing Jesus,
He speaks… (Let’s just close our eyes now as we sing)… hearts to cheer,
Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.
Sweetest note in seraph song,
Sweetest name on mortal tongue,
Sweetest… (Father God, move upon the people now)… sung,
O Jesus, blessed Jesus.
205 “The great…” Now as you walk through now, He is here. Take my word, or you believe it yourself, He is here. Everybody in prayer out there now for the people.

« 206 † [Brother Branham and ministers pray for the sick while Brother Borders leads the congregation in singing.–Ed.]
O Lord, I believe; O Lord, I believe;
All things are possible, O Lord, I believe.
207 All that believe, raise your hand like this, say, “I believe.” [Congregation says, “I believe.”–Ed.]
208 Here sits a man sitting here. The reason I was extent; talking, he is dying with cancer. He is on this crutch. There is no way in the world for the man to live, outside of God. He has got cancer all through the bowels, and he is going to die if it isn’t for the mercy of God. And I wish I could just… [–Ed.]… word of encouragement to this man.
209 You, you know the doctors can do nothing for you now. You’re beyond that, see. And you’re… You only got one chance, and that is in Christ, see. And, brother, you… I’ll die one day, too. You’ll have to go, if Jesus tarries. I’ve got to meet you over there, stand there at the Judgment Bar. And this night…

« 210 † You know, like in television, television has picked up that every time we even move our finger, anything, it’s on record. Every word we say, is on record. Now, see, television has proven that. Now, television doesn’t manufacture a picture, it only channels that wave into the television. See, it doesn’t make it. There was television when Adam walked on earth, there was television when–when Moses come through the Red Sea, there was television when Elijah was on Mount Carmel, see, but they just now discovered it. See? And now everywhere I…
211 Every move we make, and every sound, it’s playing a record that will meet us at the Judgment. Every move we make has got to meet us there. I’ve got to answer for the words that I say to you, as a minister. I’ve got to do it, because God will hold me responsible to it.

« 212 † Now if I could, I’d make you well; ’cause you just got a little time, if not for God. Now, I’ve come down and prayed over you, all I knowed how to do. Brother, anything in the world, I could do for a man sitting there in that condition, I would do it.
213 And let me ask you, see. You–you–you are already healed, because Jesus said you was. See, “By His stripes we were healed.” Now if you could, from the bottom of your heart, accept that, you’ll not die now, but you’ll live.
214 Now, see, now we know that television is coming through this room. We know that. We don’t see it. We can’t see it, our eyes are not made, our senses can’t pick it up. It takes a manufactured tube, or whatever it is, crystal, to pick that up.
215 So is God present. We don’t see Him, but we know He is here. Jesus Christ is the same. Look, He just declared Himself, how He makes Hisself. Now, as far as healing, if He was standing right here now, He could do no more for you, see, not another thing. If the Son of God was standing right here, which He is, He is here, but He couldn’t do no more for you, because He has already identified Himself here. See? And He is here right now, just the same, to heal you and make you well.

« 216 † And that little lady there told me, said, “You asked the blessing, and prophesied or something,” over her, that she would have a baby, sitting in that wheel chair. And she did, she had her baby.
217 And now the little lady sitting here. Now she had a goiter operation, and it paralyzed her. Well, we just see so much of them things happen. Now, little, sister, I know you’re a genuine Christian. Why God has let you sit there, I don’t know. I believe, maybe, it’s because that you have… Faith, you–you’re trying to have faith, to get out of there, see; but now look, let’s just not try to have it, let’s just have it now, see, we just–we just going to be there. That’s all there is to it, it’s going to start right now, and we’re going to get well. And you people out there in those chairs, what, or–or whatever you are, just remember that Christ is present.

« 218 † Now you say, “Is there somebody, do you see my picture is coming through.” Oh, yes.
219 Even the Words of Jesus Christ, that He spoke when He was here on earth, is passing right through this room. It never dies. How many knows that’s scientifically the truth? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Well, what is it? Then the Spirit picks up that Word that’s been written, and makes It manifest. Oh, glory!
220 He is here. He is right here now, the Lord. We just… We have seen so much, He’s done so much, till we just kind of, you know, just kind of stumble over it. If we would realize, not just some mythical something, some theological term; but the evidence that He promised He would show Himself in this day, here He is declaring it right here before us right now. What a wonderful thing! Isn’t that wonderful? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.]

« 221 † Now you believe. Will you believe it? Believe you’re not going to die. You’re going to live, and you are going to honor God. You’re going to honor God. Have you ever been baptized? You’re a Christian, are you? And you’re a Christian. Well, you want to live for the honor of God. Then go live, my brother. In the Name of Jesus Christ, live!
222 And, sister, you want to walk for the glory of God, and take care of your baby; then walk, sister, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
223 You, every one of you, do the same, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Don’t forget this Westward Ho Motel here tonight, the Presence of God identified here. He is no respecter of person. He only wants you to believe. Do you believe Him now? [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] Amen. God bless you.
224 Let us bow our heads now. I don’t know who they’ve chose, to–to dismiss. Brother Mushegian here, come right here, brother. He is going to dismiss in prayer. God bless you. `

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR

15-0920e A Deceived Church By The World

Message 59-0628M A Deceived Church By The World

Songs: 152, 106, 534, 6, 913, 4, 331,
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« 1 † Jesus Christ, His Son, and has given us all things freely in Christ… We are grateful to Thee, Lord, for the privileges that we are granted by this great supreme Sacrifice that Jesus gave for us at Calvary, that it reconciled us back into fellowship and to favor with Thee, that we might have this consolation of knowing that it’s written, “If ye abide in Me, and My Words in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.” Now, we’re grateful for this, and pray that You’ll give us faith to believe it with all that’s in us.

« 2 † Now, let us lay aside, Lord, every toil of the day, every care of this life, all the way from the janitor to the pastor, that there would be nothing in our minds now, but be waiting, listening reverently for the Holy Spirit to speak to us, that we might accomplish something good, to know more of Thee, by our gathering together. For, Lord, truly that’s why we come on this hot day. Speak to us through Thy living Word, and let the living Word dwell in us and abide in us, that we might be shaped and formed, not to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our spirit into the form of the Son of God.
Oh, our hearts tremble when we think, and the joy floods our souls to know that we can be called sons and daughters of God. And we stand on the very brim of His second coming, and all nations and kingdoms quivering under our feet, all things of the world is vanishing, but knowing that someday He shall come and shall take us to a Kingdom where there shall never be an end, or, it’ll never be moved. And to think that we are now the–the subjects of that Kingdom O God, circumcise our heart and ears today by–by the Holy Spirit, through the washing of the water of the Word. For we ask it in His Name and for His glory. Amen.

« 3 † I wish to approach the subject this morning. For I was going to speak on something a little different if there was to be a healing service, but we announced that the prayer cards to be give out at eight, till eight-thirty or nine o’clock. And I just… Billy come up to the house a few minutes ago and he said there was hardly anyone here, so he didn’t give out prayer cards. So we’ll… I thought of taking this text for a correction of the church. And I want to speak on the subject of “A Deceived Church By The World.” I wish to read some now out of the Book of Judges the 16th chapter, beginning with the 10th verse.
And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: now tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy mightest be bound.
And he said unto her, If thou bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.
Delilah therefore took new ropes and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And there was liers in wait abiding in the chamber. And he brake them from off his arms like as threads.
And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me and told me lies: tell me where thy mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest… seven locks of my head with a web.
And she fastened it to the pins, and said unto him, The Philistines be on thee, Samson. And he awakened out of his sleep, and went away with the pins of the beams, and with the web.
And she said unto him, How canst thou say, I love thee, when in thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked me these three times, and hast… told me wherein thy great strength lies; and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth.
And it came to pass, when she had pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death;
And he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There has not come a razor upon my head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother’s womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like another man.
And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called… the lords of the Philistines, saying, Come up this once, for he has showed me all his heart. And the lords of the Philistine came up unto her, and sought money in, or brought money into her hand.
And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and he caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and… begin to afflict him, and his strength went from him.
And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.
And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD had departed from him.

« 4 † Now, I wish to read, for a text for this subject, found over in the Book of Revelations the 2nd chapter, beginning with the 21st and the 23rd verses.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornications; and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.

« 5 † Samson, great deal like the church, started off right. He started off in the right direction. He started off and was called a mighty man of valor. But he started out serving the Lord in keeping His Words and doing His commandments. And that was somewhat like the church. It started off on, as we would say, as a world expression, started on the right foot, started to keep the commandments of the Lord. And as long as Samson followed the Lord, the Lord used Samson.

« 6 † For God can keep anyone and use anyone that will follow after Him, for it’s God’s business. But when we turn to aside away from the things of God, then God cannot use us any longer. When we’ll walk steadfastly after the commandments of God, when we’ll stay in the pages of the Bible and worship by the written Word, worship Him in the Spirit and in the Truth of the Word, then God can use any individual. But when they take a notion to turn aside after something else, then God cannot use that person any longer.

« 7 † So Samson makes a–a very outstanding representation of the church of today. When the church started, God could use the church, for the church walked diligently after the commandments of the Lord, kept all of His judgments and His statutes, and done all of His commandments. And God was with the church. But it seems to be that there is such a weakening place amongst the church.

« 8 † Remember, we are not on a picnic, but we’re in a battlefield. Many people just think that when they become a Christian that that’s all they need to do, that that settles it forever, as they are a Christian and everything’s going to come easy. Don’t never get that in your head. For I become a Christian to fight, fight the good fight of faith. I become a Christian to get in the battle lines. We are Christian soldiers, and we got to be trained, and brought up, and know all the techniques of the enemy, to know how to fortify, to know how to–to fight the fight. And we can only do that as the Holy Spirit will reveal it to us. We cannot take what some other nation tells us when we go to war, some of their ideas. But we got to take our own ideas, the way the Holy Spirit would direct us, and what ideas He would give us, because He is the Commandering Chief of the army of the Christians.

« 9 † Samson did good; he was a great man until he begin to–begin to kinda (we would call it) scallywag around, until he begin to get off of his own territory. And the church did run well and was all right until they begin to get off of their territory. Samson begin to flirt, and he was not flirting with Israelitish girls; he begin to flirt with a Philistine girls.
And that’s somewhat similar to what the church did. It never begin to make love with its own; it got off after unbelievers and begin to flirt with unbelievers. That’s where we made our great, and one of the greatest mistakes is when the church begin to do things that wasn’t right. It begin to keep, like Samson, bad company.

« 11 † Samson, as long as he was in the company of the Lord’s people, he did all right. But when he got to flirting with bad company, then he got in trouble.
And that’s the way it is with the church. When the church followed reverently and daily after the leading of the Holy Spirit, God blessed them, and miracles and signs and wonders followed the church. But when it begin to keep bad company with the world… One of the worst things it done, and the first things it done, it begin to organize, breaking up fellowship amongst other believers, because they found out that nations were organized. But this great Gospel is not dedicated to one nation or one peoples. It’s dedicated to “whosoever will, let him come,” all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people. God never did intend for us to draw a boundary line.

« 13 † But man wanted to be like, they compare, or to copy after, go like the–the world does, say the things that they do, make a success the way they were a success. We cannot never be a success doing anything the world does. We can only be a success as we follow after God’s statutes and His way of doing things. We can never be by patterning after the world. If the cigarette company has met their greatest success by television, and the beer and the whiskey crowd has made their great success through the contribution of television, that’s no sign that the church shall make its success by television. The success of the church lies within the preaching of the Gospel, of the power of God, and the demonstration of the Spirit. We cannot say because that television done such-and-such for the cigarette company and the–and the other companies… We do not have any Scripture to tare–try to compare with them people. And as long as we do, we may draw great numbers of people, but that’s not what God ordained us to do. We think because that we’re all colors, flying high, great organizations, causing great colorful things to take place, that it’s a success. We are dying daily on our feet, spiritually speaking. If we stood ten-million strong this morning, and the Holy Spirit wasn’t with us, we’d do well to stand ten strong with the Holy Spirit with us. We cannot compare with the world.

« 14 † And one of the first things was the church begin to organize themselves. The first organization was the Catholic church, and then come the Lutheran church. When they organized in the Catholic church to make it an organization, one day there was a cry, “The Philistines is on thee, Samson,” and Samson broke the cords of the bounds of the Catholic church, and Martin Luther came forth with the organization.

« 15 † Then they bound the church with another cord as Delilah did. And they begin… Instead of having God-called men, men who were called by the Holy Spirit, maybe didn’t know their abc’s, but they knowed Christ. Then the church got stylish, and fashioned after the political speakers. And they had to give their preachers doctor’s degree, everybody had to be a Doctor of Divinity. That was another cord to bind the church. Men go off and study, each seminary tries to produce a better scholar so that their churches can brag, “Our pastor is a Doctor of Divinity.” And what did they do, one try to have more knowledge than the other one. Well, that doesn’t mean anything in the sight of God.

« 16 † And there’s no need for any man to try to take his worldly knowledge and ever please God with it. It’s an abomination in the sight of God. You’ll never please God with the worldly ambitions and knowledge, because it’s enmity to God, says the Scripture. He cannot do it.
And each one tries to have all the knowledge. They know just what to do and the words to say, and it becomes just a political speech in the stead of a powerly demonstrated, Holy Spirit message that sinks to the heart of men and discovers the sin. They’re trained for political talks, and we don’t need that. Paul said, “The Word come to us, not only… or, the Gospel in Word only, but through the power and the manifestation of the Holy Ghost.” That brought the Gospel, demonstrating the powers of the Holy Ghost. But all these men go off to seminaries and they learn great education, how they must stand before the people, how they must present themselves, how they must dress, and how they must act; they should never use the wrong grammar. Now, that’s all right for a political speech, but we’re not after the enchanting words of men. Paul said, “The Gospel that I preach didn’t come like that, but it come through the renewing of the–the Holy Ghost and the power of demonstrations.” Doesn’t come by a right formed speech, that your wisdom would be, or your trust would be in the wisdom of man. But it come through the demonstrations of the power of the risen Christ. That’s the Gospel, “To know Him in the power of His resurrection.”

« 18 † Each one tries to think he’s a little smarter than the other man, each denomination. The Methodists will say, “We got the smartest men.” The Baptist will say, and the Church of Christ, and so forth, they all, “We, we’re the smartest. We… Our–our people, we don’t let just the ordinary men go out and preach the Gospel.” But they handpick them. (O God, have mercy.) Handpick them; if they’re indocumated with their certain doctrine, then they put them in the church. God can’t touch him in no way. I want somebody to preach to me that’s been hand-picked by the Holy Ghost, God has raised up, not picked by men or denominations.
All knowledge… They say, “Oh, we know all about it,” and some of them doesn’t know the first alphabet of the Holy Spirit. They deny It.

« 20 † It reminds me of a little book I read one day in California, about ten years ago. I picked it up in an old book store. I forget who was the author, just a little ten cent book, but it had some good sense to it, though it seemed jokingly and cunningly. But I found something in there that sounded like God to me. And one of the little stories started out like this.
One morning in a great chicken pen, there was a certain little rooster that thought he’d had all the knowledge that there was to be known. So he flies up on a box and beat his little bill against the box four or five times, flew back his little head, and crowed like you never heard a rooster crow. And the others, he attracted their attention, and he said, “Ladies and gentlemen of this chicken pen, I would like to speak to you all this morning on some great educational program we have just designed.” Said, “I have required a lot of knowledge in my studying,” as he pulled his little glasses over his bill. And he said, “I have decided that we chickens can better ourselves by more knowledge. Therefore, I can tell you that where, if we will dig and work in a certain pen or hole, we’ll find a certain vitamin that’ll make us crow better, prettier feathers. And, oh, I can tell you how we can embetter ourselves in many different ways.”

« 21 † And the little pullets with their little red combs, they just cackled and said, “Isn’t he a darling?” And they certainly admired him. “Oh, he is such a brilliant rooster.” Reminds me of some of these here seminary preachers: “Such a brilliant man. There’s no need of us hanging around with the rest the chickens; we all ought to go with him.”
Well, before the little fellow got his speech finished, there was another little chicken that didn’t have such bright feathers, come running in from the rest of the chicken yard, and said, “Boys, just a minute. I just heard the latest bulletin on the radio. Chickens went up four cents on the pound; we’re all going to the slaughter tomorrow. What good’s your knowledge going to do?”
Brother, all the knowledge that we can accumulate, what good does it do? We’re six-foot of dirt. We’re all dying by inches and by minutes. Our knowledge means nothing. We want to know Him. But they do that.

« 24 † As I was remarking sometime ago about a certain little canary, and he thought he knowed all the knowledge that–that need to be knowed, and he knowed so much that he could tell all the rest the canaries about the human beings. So he flies up on his cage and he begins to speak about the human being, how he knowed all about them. And all of a sudden, a professor from Purdue walked up and begin to speak some high-polished words to him, and the little fellow batted his eyes and turned his head. Now, he had eyes; he could see the professor. He had ears; he could hear him. But of course he didn’t know what he was talking about. Why? He’s got a canary brain. He’s just a bird brain. That’s all he’s got. He hasn’t got a human brain, so he can’t think like human beings.
And neither can a human being think like God. You’re human, and all the worldly knowledge is no more than a canary brain. All that you do, you just hurt yourself with it. You’ve got to have the mind of Christ.

« 26 † The reason people go and join organizations, and substitute a handshake in the stead of the new birth, they’re trying to bypass the new birth. They don’t want the new birth. And they–they know we teach it in the Bible, so they want to substitute something for it. And the Pentecostal people are just as bad, trying to substitute something. They want it in class. It must be just so classy, “We’ll shake hands and join the church, and be sprinkled or baptized,” or something. They are afraid of the new birth. I sometimes believe the Branham Tabernacle’s getting afraid of it.

« 27 † Now, we all know that a birth, I don’t care where it is, or where, whereabouts, it’s a mess. If a baby’s born on a shuck pile, on a hard floor, or in a pink-decorated hospital room, it’s a mess, anyhow. A birth of a calf, birth of anything else is a mess.
And the new birth is nothing less than a mess. But people so starchy, “We’ll go over where they shake hands. We’ll go over where they don’t bawl and cry, and beat on the altar, and cry out.” You want to be too human. What we need is birth, dying out, to bring forth Life.

« 29 † A seed, an old potato, a seed potato, you take that potato and put it in the ground. Until you can have new potatoes, that old potato has to rot. A corn cannot produce new life until it’s rotten.
And a man or woman can never have new birth until their intellectuals and their own self is rotten, dead, die out at the altar, and scream, get all messed up to a place the starch gets out of your collar, and you’re borned again by the Spirit of God. I don’t care if you squall, speak in tongues, jump up-and-down, flop like a chicken with its head off, you’re bringing forth new Lifes. But we substituted something for it; we want the classical way. Sure.

« 31 † The other day, Friday, wife and I was going to the store. I don’t mean to harp on this. But as we went down the street, I just kept turning my head one way for the other: naked women. I promised God when I was a blind man, if He’d heal my eyes I’d look at the thing was right. I keep a little cross hanging in my car. When I see such as that, I look at the cross and say, “O God, that’s my Refuge,” as I looked at the cross.
I seen those women. Meda said, “We haven’t seen one woman today that’s got on a skirt.” And she said, “Bill, look at that woman there with those little straps around the top of her body,” and said, “you mean to tell me that woman don’t know that’s wrong?” Said, “If she doesn’t know it’s wrong, then she’s out of her right mind.”
I said, “Just a minute, honey. She is an American; she does as the Americans do.”

« 34 † I said, “I was in Finland not long ago, sweetheart.” And I questioned there to a man that set me down, Doctor Manninen. And we were going to the–the health baths, what’s called the sauna, and they take you in and pour hot water on, or water on hot rocks, and it just sweats you. Then they make you jump in ice water, and then back out. Then you take you into a room, and there’s nurses in there, women who scrub the men (and them naked), send them back into the pool. I wouldn’t go in. And I said, “Doctor Manninen, that’s wrong.”
He said, “All right then, Reverend Branham, that’s wrong. Then how about your American doctors that’ll strip a woman naked and lay her on the table, examine every sex organ she’s got? How about your nurses in the hospitals?”
I said, “Excuse me, Brother Manninen–Manninen, you’re right.”

« 37 † What is it? It’s customs. When I was in Paris I could hardly believe it, that the urinals for both men and women was the same one. I couldn’t understand it, that the rest rooms was on the side of the street for both male and female. I couldn’t believe that when women went to the beach to go swimming, a boy and his sweetheart, they had no dressing rooms; they just took all their clothes to the last garment, then turn their backs and put on a little strap and went swimming, but it’s so. They pay no attention to it. It’s a custom of France.

« 38 † In Africa women and men, young and old, no clothes at all, walking through the prairies. Never knowed what a rest room was, or things, or never went out of each other’s sight. But they don’t know the difference. They don’t know the different. But it’s customs of nations.
But I said, “Honey, we are different, we’re from another nation. We are pilgrims and strangers here; that’s what makes these things look so wrong. For the Bible said, ‘They that profess such, claim they show that they are pilgrims and strangers, they are seeking a city to come.'”

« 40 † A man or a woman in Italy, in France, in Africa, in any other nation, that’s ever borned again of the Holy Ghost, don’t do those things. They won’t wear those clothes. They won’t act like that, because they’re of another nation whose Ruler and Maker is God. We’re from heaven. The spirit that’s within you motivates your life. If you are a American, you’ll do as the Americans do. If you are French, you’ll do as the French do, and criticize the other one. But if you are of God, you’ll do the way they do in heaven, because your Spirit comes from above and It controls you.

« 41 † A little something you might look at. In the Scripture those who sought this new city acted different. They professed that they were pilgrims and strangers. But on the side of Cain, they become fugitives and renegades. But Christians were pilgrims and strangers. A fugitive has no home; a renegade is a horrible person. But a pilgrim is something real, and from a real land in another nation, trying to find his way home, professing by his living that he has something that he’s from another country. There is the reason.

« 42 † But yet those people who do so, those people who wear those things… Let me tell you. In South Africa, when I saw thirty thousand raw heathens, naked, blanket natives, sixteen, eighteen, twenty year old girls, boys with not one stitch of clothes standing there with mud in their faces, and painted up, bones through their nose, and blocks of wood hanging from their ears, and cross human bones or some bones in their hair, animals’ teeth hanging over them, naked as they come into the world, and didn’t know it. But when they received Christ, and fell on their face and received the Holy Ghost, they got up and folded their arms to hold shame to their bosom, as they walked away and found clothes to put on. Why? They become pilgrims and strangers to this world. Hallelujah. They were away from it. Yes, sir.

« 43 † Oh, yes, these people call themselves Christians. They belong to churches. They go away and say, “We are Methodists. We’re Baptists. We’re Pentecostals. We’re Seventh-day Adventists. We’re this, that, and the other.” That doesn’t have one thing to do with it. Your spirit, the life that’s in you, motivates and tells what you are. Jesus said, “By their fruit you shall know them.”

« 44 † The church has become like Israel first. They seen all the heathen nations having a king; God was their king. And they seen the heathen nations having king, so they wanted to act like the heathen nations, and they bought themself a king. And as they did it, they got in trouble. Gradually it begin to come in. Gradually the world begin to slip into them. Finally ended up in Ahab. One king coming just a little closer to it, a little closer to it, and finally squeezed the life out of them. And there they went. And when their real King come, they didn’t know Him.

« 45 † That’s the same thing the church has done. It’s adopted… Here you are. It’s adopted politics, educations. It’s adopted organizations, societies, big churches, high cafluting preachers. And when the real King comes, they don’t know Him, and they’re crucifying the very Holy Ghost that’s their King. They don’t know Him, but they laugh at Him and make fun of Him. As they–Jews did their Messiah, the church is doing their Messiah the same way. They don’t know it. They haven’t got the spiritual insight, because they’re so indocumated with their eyes and what they see, great buildings, trying to compare with the world. We’re never exalt–exhorted to compare with the world. We’re exhorted to humble ourselves.

« 46 † And one is the majority in God. And today in the healing evangelists out on the fields, there’s such a competiting–competitors. One says, “Well, bless God, I have so many thousand. I got a bigger meeting than you have.” What difference does that make? If we have one or one million, what difference does it make? Are we true to God? Are we true to His Word? Do we stand under test of the Holy Spirit? Is it true? That’s the main thing.

« 47 † But we compromise upon the Bible. A lot of our Pentecostal people, upon the fundamental doctrines of this Bible, compromise. There’s… I don’t want to hurt feelings. I’m in my own church, and I feel that I shoul–I could do just what in my church, because I’m preaching the Gospel. But there’s tens of thousands of Pentecostal preachers knowed that there’s no such a thing in the Bible as the baptism in the name of “Father, Son, Holy Ghost.” I challenge the archbishop, or anybody, to show me where anybody was ever baptized in the name of “Father, Son, Holy Ghost.” But they compromise, because the organizations has did so. There’s not one person in the New Testament, and for three hundred years afterwards, by history, but what was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. What is it? Organization. That’s did it. Compromising…

« 48 † And today they’ve took all the street workers off the streets. They’ve took the tambourine out of the church. They’ve taken all the glory out of the church, and got seminary preaching, little old rooster-comb preaching, all polished in society, and their women wearing shorts and dresses that they’re skinned into, and men smoking cigarettes, and gambling and telling dirty jokes. It’s a disgrace in the sight of God. I know that’s rough, but it’s time somebody said something. Compromising, giving in, acting like the world…
I don’t care if I have to stand alone, with nobody but God alone, I’ll preach the truth of God’s Bible and stand for it. If I die, I’ll still stand for the truth. Certainly. We want truth. I’ll measure up not according to the church, but according to the Word of God I want to measure up.

« 50 † But Delilah, did you notice, she knowed that Samson had a power. And she didn’t know where that power laid. She couldn’t tell what that power was, but there was some great power that Samson possessed, and she wanted to find it. And, as Delilah, she kept wooing Samson after her beauty. Oh, she dressed herself real sexy. And she walked before him and she tee-heed like some of the little teen-agers of the day, and–and so forth, and when you act like something another, a striptease, trying to woo Samson to her.

« 51 † That’s the same thing the world’s done to the church. “Now, where is your great power?”
“Well, if we’ll organize, that’ll break the power.” The Catholic church done it.
“But the Philistines is on thee, Samson.” And a Luther come out.
Then they organized again. “If you’ll bind me with another cord, it’ll hold me.” So they did.
“And the Philistines on thee, Samson.” What happened? Wesley came out and broke the cords.
“Now, you’ve deceived me all along. Don’t you know I love you, Samson? All right, tell me the truth in your heart.”
“All right, you bind me with another cord.”
“All right, now we’ll do that.” What is that? That’s the denominational cord.
“You let me be free, that I ain’t got no denomination. Then I tell you, you’ll have me broke.” So out come the Pentecostals. Where’s your power? “Philistines be upon thee.” And he broke the cords again.

« 59 † But now what happened? It’s got the Pentecostals, the big Doctors of Divinity for their pastors, some great man. They’ve got just as much school and ritual as the Methodists or Baptists, or any of the rest of them’s got. Go into a church and you can’t hear an “amen,” just as cold as a bunch of Eskimos right off the North Pole: cold, indifferent. “And now the Philistines is on thee, Samson.”
The Philistines is on thee, America. Where is that oneness of spirit? Where is the oneness of Pentecost? The Assemblies of God, and the United, and the Church of God, and this, that, the other, each one with a different ism, this one with that, and this one with that. We’re so broke up till you can go into a city to hold a revival, if one church sponsors it, the rest of them won’t even attend. The Communists is upon thee, America.

« 61 † Where is our power? Where’s our glory? What is it? Because we went after a wisdom of men instead of the power of God. Why, they got… Our preachers and things is so stiff and starchy, till they’ve organized us till we’re so starchy and stiff-necked, till people, you never hear a shout in the church any more. You never hear anybody cry. The mourner’s bench is put in the basement. There’s no more glory in the church. All we do is set back just as stiff as we can be. We’re not free. We’re bound. The devil, with his modernistic demons, has bound the church of the living God. That’s right. There’s no more power in the church. There’s no more freedom. The people are so starchy and stiff. Why, the God can come into the midst of Pentecostal people, and show that He’s God, and prove His signs of His resurrection; it don’t even shake them. Glory. Why, it’s a disgrace. I walk across the country, God working, performing signs, and people set, and, “Well, I guess that’s all right. Oh, I know it can be done.” It doesn’t move them. Why? They’re bound with Delilah, the world. They’re in fetters.

« 62 † Now, they’ve even got them into, bound them into a confederation. “The Philistines are on thee, Samson.” What you going to do about it?
“Oh, we’ve got great denominations.” Sure. “We have greater membership than we ever had.” But where’s the Spirit? Where’s the Holy Ghost?
That’s what the devil has done. It’s wooed into the church. It kept wooing the church, “Come to me; I’ll give you a great big tabernacle over here if you’ll just do this. If you’ll get rid of that fanatic preacher you got, and get a man, a Doctor of Divinity that’s got some sense, we’ll build a nice big classical church and we’ll be like the rest of them.” Shame on you. Rather have a man that didn’t know split coffee from beans, but was filled with the Holy Ghost, that was uncompromised, by the power of God.

« 65 † But it’s got, oh, so starchy, till some poor saint can break through in the meeting, and speak in tongues, or shout a little bit, or do something, and the rest of them will all gander around and look. “What was that? Well, wonder why? That must be a fanatic dropped in somewhere.” You know that’s the truth. Some poor saint step in, get happy enough to raise their hands, and cry, and praise the Lord, somebody who will holler “amen” to the preaching of the Gospel, and the rest of them turn around and see what he said. That’s Pentecostals. What’s the matter? You’re patterning after the Methodists, after the Baptists; they patterned after the Catholic; Catholic patterned after hell. And all together, they’re all after hell. Right.

« 66 † Delilah has wooed you into big churches, fine, educated ministers, take the better class. “Well, you know, So-and-so down here is a millionaire, if we could just get him to come into our congregation, oh, my.” If he isn’t born again, then he doesn’t deserve to be there. I don’t care if he’s got a million dollars. If he owns forty Cadillacs, whatever he’s got, he’s got to be borned again, come right down to a new birth, and be regenerated by the Holy Ghost, and come out of there in a new birth, snotting (Excuse me.), a-crying and screaming, and carrying on like the rest of them do, and live a life afterwards to prove he’s got it. Amen. That’s what you need.
“Samson, the Philistines is upon thee.” The Communists is upon thee. The world’s upon thee. The devil’s upon thee.

« 68 † They go back and they see the Spirit of God perform miracles and do things of His resurrection, what Jesus promised; they say, “You know, I think Brother Branham’s got a lot of mental telepathy. My pastor said it was of the devil.”
You poor, hypocritical, deluded infidel, all polished up, you wolf in sheep’s clothes, Jesus said, “If you’d have knowed Me, you’d have knowed My day.” But you’ve got a bunch of Saul’s that try to make you like the rest of the world.
We want a bunch of men of God who don’t compromise on the Word, but preach the truth and stand on the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
But what has the world done? It shaved all your power off. You were born Nazarite, Pentecost, but the world certainly shaved your power. Now, it’s just as starchy as the rest of them.

« 72 † What are we going to do? What’s going to happen? There’s one glorious thing that I can think of to end this text. While Samson was bound… We can’t have a revival. Listen at our loyal brother, Billy Graham, “Revival in our day.” Listen at Oral Roberts scream, “Revival in our day.” Listen at the rest of them, “Revival in our day.” How can we have a revival when we’re bound? We’ve bound the Holy Spirit with our organizations and traditions, and we can’t have a Holy Ghost revival. Amen. I know that’s scorching hot with the weather, but it’s the truth. How can we have a Holy Ghost revival when you’re so bound and starchy? “Form of godliness,” the Bible said they’d have. “Form of godliness, but would deny the power thereof.” The power of what? The power of the organization? The power of the world? The power of the church? The power of the Holy Ghost. That’s the secret place in the church. And when the church adopts educated preachers, and big buildings, and finery, in the stead of the old fashion Holy Ghost, they’d better be in the mission again. Amen. True. How you going to have a revival of the Holy Ghost, and people quench It and bound It and afraid of It? There’s where the trouble lies.

« 74 † “The Philistines is on thee.” But the one blessed hope we have, while Samson was in jail…
What’s the first thing they done when they caught him? They bound him first. They took his power away; they found his secret. They found your secret. The world found your secret. Now, you women all bob your hair; it goes like the world. You men all go and act like the world. It’s all right, tell jokes and dirty jokes, and go out and smoke a few cigarettes, and run out with the neighbors’ wives, and everything else like that, a little sociable drink to hold your job. I’d rather lay on my belly and eat soda crackers and drink branch water, and stay clean and pure before God, than to compromise for any kind of a job. That’s right. True. Stay true to God.

« 76 † “Samson, the Philistines is on thee.” Branham Tabernacle, worldlyism is creeping in among you. What about it? Have you exposed your secret? Have you exposed that secret that God give you when you were wallowing there in the sawdust a few years ago? Have you let it creep out by social, formal worship? What’s happened to you? God can come down and perform a miracle, and go right down through the audience, and tell people the secrets of their hearts, and everything, and heal the sick and afflicted, and do signs and wonders, and preach His Word as hard as they can by the Holy Ghost, and people say, “Well, I guess that’s all right. We enjoy listening to it once in a while, if we’re not too tired.” That’s Branham Tabernacle. The Philistines is on thee.

« 77 † When, used to be when the preaching of the Word, and the old saints with the tears in their eyes, would rise to their feet and walk, sobbing, maybe not saying a word, just walking around, two or three times, and set down, so filled with the Holy Ghost… The Word fed them. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Philistines is on thee, Branham Tabernacle. Philistines is on you, Pentecostal.
‘Course the Philistines got you, rest of you, long time ago when you organized yourself so tight, nothing could come in ‘less you was a Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, or something. You wouldn’t have nothing to do with the rest of them.

« 79 † So revival in our day? How can we have it when the regular revival Giver is bound by the world? God won’t come in where the world is; you can just depend on that. You associate with the world, then it’s–it’s all of it. When you let the world creep in, you go to acting like the world, then you are finished. But when you’ll cut loose every fetter from the world and come to God, God will use you until you go to flirting again.
Here’s the only hope that I have this morning to wind up my message, is this, “While Samson was bound, a new shock of hair growed out.”

« 81 † God, send us another church just before the end time, that the power of the Holy Ghost can come into her in the demonstrations of the Spirit, and Mark 16 can follow the church, Acts 2:4, Acts 2:38, all of it will be following right along with the church. Signs and wonders accompanied the apostles. Great signs of His resurrection accompany them. While we’re in prison, surely God’s growing a crop somewhere, for the last great kill. May it be you, my Christian friend here this morning; may it be your strength has begin to grow. I pray that this message this morning, and out into the land to where this will go, I trust that this message will help bring the vitamin to your system that’ll grow a spiritual power back into your life again. Let us bow our heads and pray.

« 82 † O Lord God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Author of Everlasting Life, and the Giver of every good and spiritual gift, take these words this morning and place them into the heart, and water them, Lord. May the people pray over these things, seeing that the world has wooed the church and has finally found its power, found its secret place, found where its secret lies, and has shaved it off, has taken the peoples that once shouted the victory, once had the victory, and has shaved them off to staying home on Wednesday night to watch a television program; taken the joy out of their hearts, and give them more love for the world than they have for God; has give them more world, for worldly, more desire for worldly entertainment than to have the preaching of the Gospel. If there’s not a great band and a lot of carrying on, and whooping and carrying on, then they don’t want the old Gospel any more, that brings tears of joy to the soul, that brings Divine healing back, that restores the apostolic gifts to the church, that brings in the risen Christ, the Messiah of this day.

« 83 † But as Israel was bound by–by their kings, that they could not follow their real King, and their real King, when He came, they didn’t recognize Him, so is it today, O Lord, the King of glory has appeared in the form of the Holy Ghost, and, Lord, they don’t know it. They don’t recognize it. They’re so organized so tight, that they do not understand it, because it’s not in their organization. Lord, this is a work of the devil that’s done this to the people.
May the Samson of God, may the true in heart, those who are longing and crying, and pleading and holding on, may they stay with it, Lord, until this new crop grows out, until there comes forth again a joy in Zion, and there comes forth a group that can recognize and understand, that can see the Messiah and the hidden powers that’s hid from the world, that they will not understand now. Grant, Lord, that they’ll see this. For we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

« 85 † [–Ed.]
… power just now,
O Lord, send the power just now
And baptize every one.
They were in the upper chamber,
They were all with one accord,
When the Holy Ghost descended
That was promised by our Lord.
O Lord, send Your power just now,
O Lord, send Your power just now;
O Lord, send the power just now
And baptize every one.
How I love Him. Just send His power. They were in the upper chamber, all with one accord. All the world had drained out of them. They were emptied up, and the Holy Ghost came.
Today they say, “Come, join the church, put your name on the book, or bow down and say, ‘I confess Christ as the Son of God,’ get up.” The devil does the same thing. Certainly. The devil was baptized when Judas was baptized. The devil went out and preached the Gospel when Judas went out and preached the Gospel. But the devil didn’t get the Holy Ghost. That’s it. There’s where the hidden power’s at, that resurrection, that know positive, beyond a shadow of doubt. Amen.

« 87 † He’s here. That same Holy Ghost, that One was on the Messiah, is still on His Church. He never leaves. “I’ll be with you always, even in you to the end of the world. I’ll be there. The works that I do shall you also. More than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father.”
But the world compromises it, “Oh, those are days past.” Just what the devil wants you to do. They want you to glamorize. God wants you baptized. God wants you… You say, “Oh, I don’t believe all that there carrying-on.” Go ahead and live, go ahead and live in your sin, live in your sin. But until you rot, till you rot to your own ideas, till you rot to your own fashion, and be regenerated again and borned again, and that new Life will be altogether different from the one that went down.

« 89 † A grain of corn goes down yellow; it comes up green: goes down hard, cased in, it comes up flexible and blowing with the wind. Oh, glory. Hallelujah. When the winds begin to blow, the grain can’t do nothing but move itself, shift, but the little–the little blade flex and rejoices, grows then, strengthens itself. It can never become a blade until the corn is dead and rotten: not only dead, but rotten. Can’t come back no more, but life comes out of it.
As I said awhile ago, a birth is a horrible thing, filthy, dirty, the filthiest of filth, but that’s where life lays. When you reckon yourself filthy, reckon your Methodist, Baptist and Pentecostal creeds filthy, die out at the altar, then new Life comes in. The Holy Spirit makes you in above that; you see God.

« 91 † We shall see Him some glorious day. Someday beyond the reach of mortal ken, we’ll see Him. You believe that? Someday beyond the reach of mortal ken, there waits for me a glad tomorrow.
I was standing up here on the corner last night, and thought I seen little Rabbi Lawson. When he used to be down here, and reach around with his old cane and pull me with his neck, around my neck with his cane, up here to the pulpit, and sing that song, “There waits for me a…” [–Ed.]…?…

« 93 † Something happened. It taken the world out. I begin to see things different. I’ve worried so much about the way these American people are doing, constantly year by year, seeing women and men how they degrading themselves and getting out into sin, till I almost had a breakdown two or three times, worrying over it. Yesterday I said to God, “I’ll not worry no more. Your Word said it would be so, but I’ll stand in the breach and call against it, with all that’s in me.”

« 94 † Other day, standing up at Green’s Mill, my cave, way back into the wilderness, been praying all day. And about three o’clock the sun was setting, and I was standing up there looking across, come out of the cave, up on a big rock. And I was standing there, looking towards the east, praising the Lord. And I could see the sun moving down in behind the trees up on top of the mountain, as I looked across the canyon over into the others, and a lot of foliage on, just as still as it could be. And I said, “Lord, one day You hid Moses in the cleft of the rock, and You passed by him because he was weary. But You passed by, he said it looked like the back of a man.” I said, “Hide me in the cleft, Lord.” About that time, over to one side of me, there come a little Wind moving down through the bushes. It moved right along, come right down by the side of me, a little Wind moving down, went down through the woods. I stood there.
Someday, God only knows just where or when,
The wheels of mortal life will all stand still,
Then I shall go to dwell on Zion’s hill.
Someday beyond the reach of mortal ken,
Someday, God only knows just where or when,
(What’s going to happen? She’s going to close, all these little wheels turning.)
The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still,
Then we shall go to dwell on Zion’s hill.
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.
If you get there before I do,
Coming for to carry me home;
Tell Brother Bosworth, and all my friends too,
Just coming for to carry me home,
Now, swing low… (She’ll zip down someday to pick me up.)… char… (Every tree will be afire: the Angels of God and the fiery chariots.)… for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.

« 95 † One of these days, one of these days in the low parts of my death hours, I look for Him to coming. That’s right.
I looked over Jordan and what did I see
Coming for to carry me home; (like old Elijah looking over Jordan)
A band of bright Angels coming after me,
They were coming for to carry me home.
Swing low, (Get down low.) sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.

« 96 † The Lord Jesus, the blessed Driver of this chariot, the Pilot of the old ship of Zion, the boat of Life, moving down through the building, speaking, His Presence is here. The very Holy Spirit that raised Him from the grave is here.
Being that they give out no prayer cards, is there anybody here who come from out of town, that I don’t know, that’s here to be prayed for? Raise up your hands, that I don’t know. Raise your hands up; I don’t know.
You, you there, I believe the little fellow with the mustache back there, somebody raised their hand back in that way. Yeah, you, did you raise your hand? All right. Back there, you, sir. All right. You all strangers to me? Is that Lord Jesus, the same Shepherd of the flock here? You believe His promises is true? He anoints His church, and “The works that I do, shall you also. Even greater than this shall you do, for I go unto My Father. More than this.” You believe that?

« 98 † Did you raise your hand that you didn’t know me? You believe God can tell me what’s in your heart, can speak to me just like He did the woman touched His garment? You believe He’s a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? If God will reveal to me your conditions, will you believe me to be His prophet, believe that His Presence is here and that’s why He permits it? You’re praying for your wife. She’s got a broken hip, dislocated hip. That’s right. If it’s right, raise up. All right, go find her well. Amen.
What about you back there, the little fellow that raised up, that had the mustache? You believe with all your heart? Do you believe God could tell me your troubles? You believe your son will get all right? You do? Got a boy; he’s got cerebral palsy. That’s right. You’re not… It’s from Kentucky. If that’s right, raise up your hand. I don’t know you, do I? If I do… Raise your hands like this, we don’t know one another. That’s right. Trusting to God, do you believe? As you believe, find your boy the way you believe. Just put you on your heart…?…

« 100 † Who was it here raised up their hands, that I didn’t–didn’t… Was it you? All right, mister, do you believe me to be God’s prophet? You do, with all your heart? You don’t have to get up, just stand right there. All right, sir, what’s your trouble, you’ve got sugar diabetes. And it’s bothering your foot. You’re from Ohio. Your name’s Mr. Miller. Go back home and get well. All right, believe with all your heart. All right.
You believe with…? If you can believe…
The lady setting here, did you raise your hand? Big lady, glasses on, you believe with all your heart? You believe, lady? You believe me to be God’s servant? You do? All right, if God can tell me what’s your trouble, will you believe? Heart trouble. All right, raise up your hand if that’s right. All right.

« 102 † The lady here next to you, raised up. Heart; but it’s really your eyes. I know her. All right, if thou canst believe…
Back there, the next man back there’s got heart trouble too and a skin disease. Do you believe that God will make you well? You do, sir?
There’s a man back there somewhere, raised up his hands that didn’t… Mr. Schubert. All right, sir. All right, do you believe? It’s for your eyes also, isn’t it? You’re praying for your mother setting out there also. If that’s right, raise up your hand. We’re strangers. Is that right? Shake your hand, shake your hand to one another. All right, that’s right. If you can believe, you can receive.

« 105 † The risen Jesus Christ is in the building. He’s the same One. What does it do to you? Have you let the world sap all the strength out of you? Glory. I want new birth. I want new Life. I don’t care what plane It comes on, if I have to be a holy-roller, anything. I don’t care what plane It comes on; I want the real Holy Ghost like is on me now. I want to keep It. I’d rather have It than all the things of the world. Amen. Do you believe? Do you believe He’s here?
Lay your hands on one another then. Tell me one more thing He could do: nothing. Have faith now. Believe it’s over.

« 107 † Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Eternal Life, and Giver of all good gifts, Thy Spirit is here so anointing, Lord, looks like the building’s a-breathing, moving back and forth. Why can’t the people understand it, Lord? Have they–have they associated with the world so much, and got so cold and formal and starchy, till they can’t know You any more? Lord God, may this power strike everyone, and every sick person be healed, every sinner saved, and God get glory. Through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I ask it. Amen.

« 108 † Do you believe it? Raise up your hands. Do you accept your healing? God bless you. Now, go and find it just the way you believe, it’ll be that way. I see visions breaking over others. That’s right. I got to come back tonight.
If you don’t believe now, you ain’t going to never believe. That’s right. Jesus did it one time, and they said, “Thou art… We know when Messiah cometh, He’ll tell us this.” She said, “I know the Messiah will do that. But Who are You?”
He said, “I’m He.”
Then she run into the city and said, “Come, see a Man Who knowed what I was and what I’ve done. Isn’t this the Messiah?”
He said, “These things will form again in the last days. The Church will be preaching the truth; it’ll be standing on the Word. It’ll be you doing all the commandments of God. It’ll not associate with the world. And through there I’ll move and do the same things.”

« 112 † But He said, “They’ll be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, having a form of godliness,” very religious, going to churches. “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away.”
You people, wherever you was in the church, that He called out just now, the vision’s gone from me. If–if that was truth, what I said, and me being not knowing that to you, raise up your hands, ever who it was. All over the church, every–everywhere. All right. See? Don’t know them, never seen them; but the Holy Spirit’s here and He knows them. Can’t you see it’s not me?

« 114 † Listen. If He’ll entrust me with that, He’ll trust me with the truth of the Word, because the truth can only come by the Word. Repent, everyone, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, them that’s far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” You believe it? There’s to be a baptismal service just in a moment.
Let’s bow our heads. I’ll ask the pastor to pray while they make ready for the baptism. I think there’s a baptismal service coming…?… All right, sir.

–Rev. William Marrion Branham
–copied from The Table Software, available from VGR