Arhive categorii: Audio-Română

17-1001 Capodopera

Preliminary: download

Message: 64-0705 Capodopera

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Translations of the services are done live and are not to be used for audio duplication, transcription, or reproduced in any way. The interpreters have the best intentions to accurately relay what is said during each service, but there will be missing words and mistakes which are humanly unavoidable during live translations. The sermon translations are NOT intended as standalone translations, and may NOT be up to the normal standards of Voice Of God Recordings.

Our motive behind the translated audio stream is to give those who do not speak English the opportunity to worship with us in the services. The Branham Tabernacle is a missionary-minded church that has a great burden for the Bride of Christ in the mission fields around the world. We are thankful for the opportunity the Lord has given us to reach them through our prayers, love offerings, and now, a fellowship around the Word by the way of streaming. We trust these services will be a blessing to you and your family.

17-0924 Casa Viitoare A Mirelui Ceresc Şi Mireasa Pămîntească

Preliminary: download

Message: 64-0802 Casa Viitoare A Mirelui Ceresc Şi Mireasa Pămîntească download



Translations of the services are done live and are not to be used for audio duplication, transcription, or reproduced in any way. The interpreters have the best intentions to accurately relay what is said during each service, but there will be missing words and mistakes which are humanly unavoidable during live translations. The sermon translations are NOT intended as standalone translations, and may NOT be up to the normal standards of Voice Of God Recordings.

Our motive behind the translated audio stream is to give those who do not speak English the opportunity to worship with us in the services. The Branham Tabernacle is a missionary-minded church that has a great burden for the Bride of Christ in the mission fields around the world. We are thankful for the opportunity the Lord has given us to reach them through our prayers, love offerings, and now, a fellowship around the Word by the way of streaming. We trust these services will be a blessing to you and your family.

17-0903 Disperări

Preliminary: download

Message: 63-0901E Disperări


Translations of the services are done live and are not to be used for audio duplication, transcription, or reproduced in any way. The interpreters have the best intentions to accurately relay what is said during each service, but there will be missing words and mistakes which are humanly unavoidable during live translations. The sermon translations are NOT intended as standalone translations, and may NOT be up to the normal standards of Voice Of God Recordings.

Our motive behind the translated audio stream is to give those who do not speak English the opportunity to worship with us in the services. The Branham Tabernacle is a missionary-minded church that has a great burden for the Bride of Christ in the mission fields around the world. We are thankful for the opportunity the Lord has given us to reach them through our prayers, love offerings, and now, a fellowship around the Word by the way of streaming. We trust these services will be a blessing to you and your family.

17-0820 Însemnul

Preliminary: download

Message: 63-0901M Însemnul


Translations of the services are done live and are not to be used for audio duplication, transcription, or reproduced in any way. The interpreters have the best intentions to accurately relay what is said during each service, but there will be missing words and mistakes which are humanly unavoidable during live translations. The sermon translations are NOT intended as standalone translations, and may NOT be up to the normal standards of Voice Of God Recordings.

Our motive behind the translated audio stream is to give those who do not speak English the opportunity to worship with us in the services. The Branham Tabernacle is a missionary-minded church that has a great burden for the Bride of Christ in the mission fields around the world. We are thankful for the opportunity the Lord has given us to reach them through our prayers, love offerings, and now, a fellowship around the Word by the way of streaming. We trust these services will be a blessing to you and your family.

17-0806 Biserica şi starea ei

Preliminary: download

Message: ROM 56-0805 Biserica şi starea ei

Close: download

Translations of the services are done live and are not to be used for audio duplication, transcription, or reproduced in any way. The interpreters have the best intentions to accurately relay what is said during each service, but there will be missing words and mistakes which are humanly unavoidable during live translations. The sermon translations are NOT intended as standalone translations, and may NOT be up to the normal standards of Voice Of God Recordings.

Our motive behind the translated audio stream is to give those who do not speak English the opportunity to worship with us in the services. The Branham Tabernacle is a missionary-minded church that has a great burden for the Bride of Christ in the mission fields around the world. We are thankful for the opportunity the Lord has given us to reach them through our prayers, love offerings, and now, a fellowship around the Word by the way of streaming. We trust these services will be a blessing to you and your family.

17-0628 Auzind, Primind Și Acționînd

Preliminary: download

Message: 60-0607 Auzind, Primind Și Acționînd
We are sorry, this message is not translated into Romanian

Close: download

Traducerile serviciilor se fac în direct și nu trebuie utilizate pentru dublarea, transcrierea sau reprodusul audio în nici un fel.
Interpreții au cele mai bune intenții de a transmite cu precizie ceea ce se spune în timpul fiecărui serviciu, dar vor lipsi cuvinte și vor fi greșeli, care sunt inevitabile din punct de vedere uman în timpul traducerilor live. Traducerile de predică NU sunt intenționate ca traduceri de sine stătătoare, și NU pot fi în conformitate cu standardele normale ale Înregistrărilor de la Voice Of God.
Motivul nostru din spatele fluxului audio (audio stream) tradus este acela de a oferi celor care nu vorbesc engleza posibilitatea de a se închina cu noi în serviciile noastre. Tabernacolul Branham este o biserică misionară care are o mare povară pentru Mireasa lui Hristos în câmpurile misiunii din întreaga lume. Suntem mulțumitori pentru ocazia pe care Domnul ne-a dat-o să î-i ajungem prin rugăciunile noastre, ofertele de iubire și acum, o părtășie în jurul Cuvântului prin calea streaming-ului. Avem încredere că aceste servicii vor fi o binecuvântare pentru tine și pentru familia ta.